The Corporate Ladder-Part Two

"Bret and Celia attend her bosses party"

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The instant the waiter leaves with their order, Xillia’s voice softens, and she asks, “OK, out with it, what’s bothering you?”

Celia continues spinning her fork without looking up. “I’m just tired, nothing to worry about.”

“Aren’t you sleeping well?”

Celia gives her head a sad shake. “My dreams kept waking me.” Celia took a sip. “Did you ever experience a dream where you didn’t know you were dreaming?”

A mischievous smile spreads before Xillia asks, “You know what they say about dreams?”

“I don’t even know who they are, but why don’t you tell me what they say.”

Xillia pauses before saying, “Your dreams portray either your greatest desire or your biggest fear.”

Celia gives a sarcastic chuckle. “Maybe they’re more accurate than I thought.”

“Well, are you telling me about your nightmare or not?”

Celia shrugs, “In a plush dimly lit room, I’m riding this guy wearing a mask cowgirl style on a huge leather sofa.”

“Now we’re talking. Who’s this cowboy you’re riding?”

“How should I know? He’s wearing a mask.” Celia’s eyes roll up in thought. “Everybody’s wearing masks.”

“Everybody?” Xillia asks, leaning closer.

“This is where things get strange. He’s rocking my world as I’m riding him with my knees pressing into the back of this brown leather sofa.” Now hanging on Celia’s every word, Xillia nods her approval. Finally, Celia’s head tilts. She stares at the ceiling in concentration, “Another guy is standing beside us, and I’m giving him head.”

Xillia says, “Definitely not a nightmare. What happened next?”

Celia diverts her eyes. “So then, just as things are getting good, some jerk sticks his dick in my ass, and I wake up.” Xillia spits her drink, bursting into a fit of laughter.

Celia stomps her foot. “It’s not funny. I spent the rest of the night unable to dream this scene again.”

When her laughter subsides, Xillia asks, “You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”

Celia gives a sad smile. “No, I’m way past second thoughts. I’m into forty or fiftieth thoughts now.”

Xillia pats Celia’s hand. “In that case, why don’t we just hit the high points of what’s bothering you.”

Celia silently gathers her thoughts. Then, finally, she says, “This emotional roller coaster is killing me. One moment stimulating images of every man at the party fucking me senseless has my panties soaked. Then the next moment, I’m visualizing Bret’s leaving me for being a whore, and I’m brought to the verge of tears.”

“Is Bret expressing misgivings?”

Celia shakes her head. “No, he’s a normal man.”

“Meaning what?”

“He can’t stop thinking about being turned loose on a group of beautiful women.”

“Then what’s the problem?”


Xillia shrugs, “In what way?”

“The dreaded two minds. One when he’s sporting a hard-on, and the other mindset after seeing me fucked senseless.”

Xillia giggles. “You forgot the most prominent aspect of a man’s thought process.”

“Which is?” Celia asks in an unenthusiastic tone.

A sly smile spreads, and Xillia says, “A boy’s favorite toy is the one other boys want to play with.”

“We aren’t talking about boys or toys.”

Xillia bursts out laughing. “The only difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys. And my dear, you are an expensive toy.”

“Yeah, but most men’s toys don’t crave other men playing with them.”

“Celia, having a high sex drive isn’t uncommon. The problem arises when we pretend we’re somebody else.”

Celia shook her head. “I don’t buy that. Most women enjoy sex. My only problem is Bret isn’t around as much as I need.”

Xillia smiles. “Most women don’t wake up masturbating every morning. Do you?” Celia lowered her head, avoiding Xillia’s stare. “Honey, you can either ignore your urges or face the fact you need sex more than some women.”

Celia faces her friend. “I’m a married woman with a husband to provide what I need.”

Xillia’s eyebrows form cathedrals, and she asks, “How’s that working for you?” Celia diverts her eyes.

“Baby girl, you crave sex. Anybody can fulfill those urges. But you also need love, and only Bret can fill those needs.” Celia doesn’t reply, and Xillia asks, “What’s bothering you about attending this party?”

Celia takes a deep breath and says, “Bret would discover who I am.”

Xillia asks, “Have you discussed your concerns with Bret?”

“He says he loves me, and the choice of attending is mine.”

“Then why not check out the party. If everything feels right, then go with the flow. If not, you can leave with no hard feelings.”

Celia closes her eyes. “Because I’m afraid I’ll lose control and turn into some sex-starved nymph.”

Xillia’s lips tighten as she fights for control. “Good point.,” she says before bursting out laughing.

Celia gave a good-natured swat, “This isn’t funny. Well, maybe a little, but I’m serious. This scares the hell out of me.”

“Honey, what scares you is the fear of the unknown. You aren’t attending a gathering of sex-starved maniacs. Everybody is well behaved, and nobody will go any further than what you’re comfortable with.”

“Others losing control isn’t what bothers me.”

Before Celia replies, the waiter sets their lunch before them, saying, “Ladies, will there be anything else?” Xillia smiles and shakes her head. Celia bows her head to conceal her blush.

Xillia’s hand rests over Celia’s. “I could talk with Bret if you think it would help?”

“Thanks, but this one is on me. I need to put my big-girl pants on and handle this on my own.”


Bret wheels into Mark’s driveway, parking behind the black Jaguar. He opens his door with a glance toward Celia. When she continues staring at her purse instead of getting out, he takes a double-take and asks, “Are you coming?”

Without reaching for the door handle, she says, “I guess I won’t need my purse.”

Bret hesitates, “No, but you need to decide if we’re attending this thing or not?”

Celia stares out her window. “I need something from you first?”

“Name it.”

Celia set her jaw. “I need your assurance on this.”

Bret rolls his eyes. “Celia, attending this party was your idea. We’ve discussed it, and I agreed. So, now what’s the problem?”

Celia studies her husband before diverting her eyes. “You need to understand, and if we attend this party, you will see a different side of me. When this happens, my good-girl image will be gone forever.”

Bret takes Celia’s hand. “On the day we met, the innocent young lady blushing in response to my hungry stare is what first attracted my attention. But the wild minx in my bed won my heart.” Celia squeezes his hand, and Bret says, “If you want to go, we will. But if instead, if you want to explore what this party offers, then let’s enjoy ourselves.”

Celia’s voice has a sharp edge when she says, “I don’t want you saying one thing now and changing your tone afterward. Because if we walk through that door, I intend to partake in every urge striking my fancy. And if you cause a scene, my response won’t be pretty.”

Bret nods. “You realize this is a two-way street?”

Celia doesn’t reply. Instead, she silently opens her door and stands. Bret says, “Honey?” She stoops, glancing inside the car. “Leave your purse.”

A moment after ringing the doorbell, the large double oak door opens. A smile slowly spreads, and Helen says, “I was worrying. Please, come in. Everybody is dying to meet you two.”

With Celia on one arm and Bret on the other, Helen glides through the house until reaching three women chatting at the entry to the den. “Lady’s, meet Celia and Bret. The couple I mentioned.”

Bret stares spellbound at the four statuesque women chatting with his wife. Each is individually stunning with the commonality of graceful sophistication. Yet, one of the three he holds in captivating allure. Her auburn hair is swept back in a feathery bun, leaving her face and slender neck on display. From her dainty ears hang gold spikes with a gold ball dangling. He’s sure she headlined in one of his favorite movies, but for the life of him, he can’t remember which.

And those lush lips, so natural, they’re glowing, soft, and subtle. This woman is a work of art, from her aristocratic nose to the eyebrows bordering her emerald eyes. Those eyes, he could stare into them for hours, just like she’s staring at him.

“Bret!” A hand touches his arm. He faces his wife, and she says, “You’re staring.”

“I’m who?”

Laughter erupts. Celia says, “Honey, you’re making Aurora self-conscious.”

Bret’s head tilts. But before he can speak, the woman of his fascination slides an arm around his neck, kissing him and saying, “Aurora Thomas, at your service.”

“Sorry, I guess I got carried away.”

Aurora hugs him. “Don’t be. I’m flattered.”

Turning to Celia, Aurora says, “I found an admirer. Mind if I show hubby around while you’re meeting the boys.”

Celia shrugs. “Sure, we’re here to enjoy ourselves.” She kisses Bret’s cheek. “Can you make it without me for a few minutes?” Her tone carried more implications than the content of her question.

Bret study’s her a moment before saying, “Fine with me, enjoy yourself.”

Celia’s arms snake around his neck, her tongue plunges into his mouth in a tongue curling kiss. Their lips part, and she says, “God, I love you.”

“And I love you, honey.”

Helen hooks arms with Celia, “Are you ready? Half a dozen guys are dying to meet you.” Celia takes a deep breath and nods.

Aurora leads Bret down the hallway as Helen, and the other ladies escort Celia into the den. She asks, “You two are so cute. Are you newlyweds?”

Bret shakes his head, “No, we’ve been married for three years and together for five.”

Aurora smiles, “So you two were high school sweethearts and married as babies.” Then, she giggles, “what were you thinking?”

Bret chuckles, “The only thing on all teenage boy’s minds.”

Aurora’s hand hides her giggle. “This ailment lasts far past the teenage years.”

Bret smiles, “So I been told.”

“And now you’re older and wiser?”

Bret nods, “Things become clearer with age and wisdom.”

“Enlighten me. What mysteries of the world have you deciphered?”

“The first step in enlightenment is self-evaluation.”

Aurora’s head tilts. “Interesting, tell me more.”

“A teenage version of me might believe an elegant woman like yourself would find an interest in him.” He faces her with a smile, “but as adults, we both know better, don’t we?”

Her carotid artery is pounding out a tune. Then, finally, a nervous chuckle, and she asks, “You had me going for a moment. Why would I possibly be with you if there was no attraction on my part?”

“Because you’re the designated decoy.”

“Now I’m baffled. What on earth are you rambling about?”

He gives a knowing smile. “Quite simple. I’m the threat accompanying the reason for us being here.”

A faint red hue rises over Aurora’s face. “It doesn’t take an Einstein to deduce a husband’s reaction is a concern. But your illusion of a sinister motive on my part is misguided.”

“Celia’s who you wanted attending this little gathering. I’m just excess baggage.”

“I’m still not following.”

“The prospect of a beautiful young woman joining your fuck fest garnered our invitation. But, unfortunately, her husband going berserk at seeing his wife fucked is a price too high.”

Aurora began stammering a response when Bret stopped her with a raised hand. “Don’t worry. Other than not caring to have my intelligence insulted, I’m good with this. Besides, Celia wants to be here as much as your husbands want her withering under them.”

“You realize they all want her and plan to have her before the party ends?”

Bret nods. “And you realize how captivating you are, don’t you?” Aurora nods with a smile. Bret’s fingertips swipe playfully at a wayward wisp of hair on her neck and he says, “I can think of only one thing to increase your monumental allure.”

Her head tilts, “Which is?”

“Your translucent emerald eyes staring up at me with my balls resting on your chin.”

She laughs. Bret extends his arm. “Shall we end this charade and join the party?”

Aurora slides an arm in his with a giggle. “You realize what we will discover in the other room?”

Without a hint of a smile, he shakes his head. “You aren’t paying attention.”

“I thought you said…” His expression forces her words to trail off.

“I did, but now gamesmanship demands I see the expression on your husband’s face as I’m fucking you through your fifth orgasm.”

“You sound sure of yourself. In our gatherings, Bill’s the cock of the walk.” Aurora grins, “Maybe the green-eyed monster will bite you instead.”

Bret takes her hand, bringing it to his lips. A gentlemanly kiss, and he places her palm over his throbbing erection. Her eyes grow wide as a smile spreads. “We have a new cock in the walk, and I recall something about five orgasms.”

Bret’s eyebrows form bushy cathedrals. “You are obviously unaccustomed to mediocrity. So I imagine five will only be considered a good starting point.”

Bret and Aurora find the den empty. They follow the laughter flowing from another room and find the others in the elegant dining room. Around the oversized table ladened with a venerable feast congregate the other revelers. Six men and an equal number of sexy ladies frolic in varying stages of undress. Amongst them, Xillia flutters about adding to the debauchery.

Unnoticed by the others, Bret ushers Aurora to where Celia giggles on Bill Thomas’s lap. Bill glances up from toying with Celia’s exposed breast with surprise. “I expected you two would be busy getting acquainted. What happened?”

Aurora shrugs, and Bret says, “Celia and I arrived at this party expecting to explore sensual pleasures together. So, as enticing the prospect of savoring Aurora in private, doing so would inhibit my ability to view my wife in the throes of passion.”

Bill’s smile grows. “I can relate to the thrill of voyeurism with spouses.” His hand motions to an empty chair to his left. “But first, we must dispense with the party favors.”

Bill’s gaze turns to the entrance, “George, a moment, please.”

Clad in long-tailed coat and cummerbund, a grizzled-haired man shuffles to Bill’s side. “Yes, my lord,” he asks in heavy English drawl.

“Would you fetch the party favors for our guest, please?”

“As you wish,” George says as he shuffles off in an agonizing slow gate. He returns moments later, lugging a shopping bag. He clears a spot on the table for the bag and asks, “Will there be anything else, sir?” Bill shakes his head, and George leaves.

One by one, Bill removes Tiffany’s gift boxes from the bag and calls a name. Soon the ladies are dawning new rings, bracelets, or earrings. Then producing an oblong blue gift box, he hands it to Celia. “Mark suggested what might strike your fancy. I hope he was right.”

Celia rips at the wrapping to reveal a stunning diamond choker. She stares in stun silence before raising her eyes to meet with his. “Bill, I can’t accept this. This is too much.”

Bill chuckles. “You can and will. This trinket is but a small gesture of our appreciation for joining us.”

Xillia’s silky voice interrupts their conversation as she reaches over Cilia’s shoulder to take the choker. “Absolutely stunning. Let’s see how it looks around your neck.”

Celia turns her back. Xillia fastens the latch, and Celia turns to face her again. A lingering moment studying the glitzy accessory, and Xillia bends, kissing her cheek, saying, “Even more beautiful on you.”

Xillia hesitates with her lips at Celia’s ear. “We are about to start the party. Go at your own pace. If you’re comfortable joining the group down here, fine. If not, Bill will gladly escort you upstairs for more privacy.”

The china on the table clatters as the table jars. Some gasp, a few moans, and every eye around the table are on Mark as he bends Bridget over the table. He hikes the hem of her dress over her shapely ass and plows into her. She grips the table as her head bows, surrendering to the pleasure Mark’s providing.

Celia squirms in her seat until shooting a pleading stare at Bret. Finally, he nods his consent, and Celia mouths, I love you. Then, she focuses on Bill, taking his face in her hands. Finally, Celia brings her lips to his in a tender kiss. She backs away, studying his features. A nip of his lower lip, and her tongue is sloshing in his mouth.

Agonizing moments pass as Bret stares. Then, Celia’s hand finally lowers to Bill’s crotch, her body tenses before slowly sliding down to her knees. With trembling fingers, she lowers his zipper and fishes his dick free. She nuzzles his head against her cheek before taking him deep into her mouth.

A hand on his shoulder draws Bret’s mind from his wife. Aurora stands naked at his side. Silently she bends to kiss him, then taking his hand, she pulls him to his feet. She unbuttons his shirt and says, “Off.” Followed by his shoes, socks, and pants. Then, dropping to her knees, Aurora’s eyes don’t leave his. Even moments later, with her lips on his pubic bone and his balls on her chin, she maintained eye contact.

Not until Celia’s on the table with her legs draped over Bill’s shoulders did Aurora rise from her knees. Her arms encircle Bret’s neck, Aurora’s body smashes into his, and she says, “I can’t compete with your voyeuristic fascination in your wife being fucked. So, I’m going to the den and becoming some guy’s wet dream. If you want that to be you, let’s go.”

He leans forward for a kiss. Their lips part, and he says, “Lead the way.”

Groans and sighs fill the den as Aurora and Bret find a spot on the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace. Bret slowly traces his fingertips over her waxen skin. He hesitates at her breast before dipping over her abdomen and lingering at her labia.

So prim and proper, Aurora becomes a trembling fallen angel as wanton desire courses through and through. Her juices flowing over his fingers draws a smile as first one, then two of Bret’s fingers slide inside.

A foot on his chest, and she gives a push, propelling him onto his back. Aurora straddles his waist, lowering herself on his erection. A moment of grinding into his pelvic bone leads to squills of delight as she bounces.

To a chorus of moans and giggles, the aroma of sex floats throughout the room. Everything other than the two of them fades from their minds as they morph from one position to another. Then back where they started, with Aurora on top grinding into him, their orgasms overtake them.

Sometime later, Bret’s aware of somebody flopping down beside him. He’s on his back with Aurora sprawled over him and his flaccid cock still embedded. He opens his eyes as a hand strokes his chest. Celia is squatting beside him, naked. A sense of urgency contorting her face, she asks, “Are we good with what just happened?”

Blinking to clear his vision, “What just happened?”

“Don’t be coy. You’re aware I fucked Bill. Are you upset?”

Bret runs his fingers over her thighs, brushing them over her labia. Then, as he sinks a finger inside her overflowing pussy, he says, “You definitely fucked somebody.”

Celia kisses him, “Please don’t be mad.”

“Did you enjoy what you engaged in?”

Her eyes close, “God yes. Or I mean it was alright.”

“Celia, mind answering a serious question with an honest answer?” Celia braces for the worst and nods. Bret asks, “My cock’s still buried in Aurora. Did you really think I’d be mad?”

Her head tilts as she stares at Aurora. Then she scoots down to peer between their legs before laughing. “To be honest, I was so concerned over your reaction to me being fucked. I overlooked Aurora.”

Aurora pulls free with a giggle. “Celia, I can see how doing without your husband’s fabulous cock would put you in the doldrums.”

The girls were laughing together when Glen approached with a broad smile. “Celia, I was wondering if you might be open to playing with me?”

Celia smiles, “Playing? Is this some kind of code for wanting to fuck me?”

He nods with a goofy smile. Finally, Celia faces Bret and asks, “Do you have a problem with this?”

“No problem, have fun.” Bret savors the rhythmic sway of his wife’s ass as Glenn leads her away.

Bret savors the stir in his loins, returning his focus to Aurora. Confused, his eyes meet with Aurora’s as she stands beside him. She bends down for a quick kiss, “Maybe we can hook up again a little later.”

“I look forward to it, have fun.”

With Celia and Glen making out and petting on the sofa like a couple of teenagers, Bret makes his way to the bar. Finding a beer in the refrigerator, he settles in on a barstool to recuperate. From behind him, “There you are. I was hoping for a chance to get acquainted. Do you have a minute?”

Bill’s standing beside him, naked. Bret couldn’t help glancing at the flaccid cock that just fucked his wife. “Sure, just kicking back after your wife tried to wear me out.”

Bill chuckled. “Tell me about it. Celia wouldn’t stop until we did it a second time.” But then he pats Bret’s back, exhaling a long, whistling breath. “you might not have noticed, but I’m not twenty-four anymore.”

They both share a good laugh, and Bill asks, “I understand you’re a pilot?”

“That’s the rumor. What can I do for you.”

“I’m sick of airline travel and thinking about getting an airplane. What can you tell me about a Gulfstream?”

“Good airplane. They have several models, so the question comes down to your area of operation.”

“We’re International. So I need something capable of making Europe and Asia.”

“The 550 has the legs you’re looking for. In addition, it gives the ability to nonstop either Japan or Europe from California.”

Bill nods. “Sounds like what I’m looking for. Having not talked to anybody yet, what’s one of those birds sell for.”

“I can’t see it costing you more than an arm and a leg.”

“How does a guy go about finding out if this thing works for him?”

“Gulfstream operates a few demonstrators. For a qualified prospective buyer like yourself, they’ll take you on a business trip to show the benefit of operating your own plane.”

“If I decide to buy one, do they have a fair size amount of planes to pick from?”

“It doesn’t work like that at this price range. You pick the model you want. From there, you design the interior and custom paint. Usually, your chief pilot will design the cockpit.”

The next half an hour is spent with Bret answering every question coming to Bill. Next, they covered Bret’s qualifications and experience. And finally, Bill asks, “This is more involved than I imagined. Would you consider taking a job with me?”

Bret shrugs, “Not as a gardener, if that’s what you had in mind.”

“How about chief pilot and director of flight operations.”

“I enjoy where I’m working now. So let me discuss this with Celia, and I’ll get back to you.”

Bill laughs, “I’m pulling the trigger on this next week, so no later than Monday.”

Bret nods. “What salary range were you thinking about?”

“I understand two hundred thousand about average. But nothing I’m associated with is average. So if you want the job, I’ll start you at two-fifty, full expense account, and final say on all operations.”

“Place a ten percent annual cost-of-living pop in there, and you have a deal.”

Bill extends his hand, “So you don’t need to discuss this with Celia.”

Bret takes his hand. “I better not. This will have her so giddy she’d want to fuck you again, and you might not survive another round with that minx. After all, I need you alive to sign those checks.”

Bill burst out laughing, “Bret, it’s a pleasure getting to know both you and Celia.”

“I feel the same. Thanks.”


 Eager to share the good news with Celia, Bret rushes to the den as Bill leaves the bar. But he finds her still on the sofa, now riding Glenn. After fighting off the urge to interrupt them, he takes a seat across from them and waits.

“Are you through already?”

He looks around to find Helen in all her naked glory. “No, just resting up for the next round. How about yourself?”

Helen flops beside him, glancing over to Celia. “I can see where you find such an attraction to watching your wife being fucked.” Bret nods, and Helen takes his cock in her hand. “Look how effortlessly Glen’s cock slides in her wet cunt.”

As they’re watching, Steve walks by Celia and Glenn. Hesitating, he stays in front of them for a moment, then moves on. A minute later, Steve is back with a tube of KY lubricant. He reaches around Celia, toying with her breasts and nibbling on her neck. When she doesn’t protest, Steve lubes his cock and starts playing with her ass. To Bret’s surprise, Celia gives a pleasurable moan when he slips a finger inside.

Helen giggles. “I take it her ass is your favorite hole.”

Bret shakes his head. “Just the opposite. She’s never allowed me near that tight little bum of hers.”

“Oh! If this is a sore subject, I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

“Don’t be. I’m just curious about the change of heart.”

Helen returns her gaze to Steve as he positions himself. Celia freezes the instant his head touches her backdoor. Then, with jerky thrusts, his cock eases inside. By the time both men are simultaneously fucking Celia Bret’s rock hard.

Helen kisses Bret’s cheek. “If you’re willing to take the time to prep me, I love anal if this is something you want to try.”

All too soon, Steve is holding himself all the way inside Celia’s ass and gasping out his orgasm. In the meantime, Bret’s pounding into Helen’s tight ass for all he’s worth. Her finger is a blur on her clit, and Helen’s screams of encouragement fill the room.

Their impromptu threesome over, Celia finally glances at Bret fucking Helen before excusing herself from Glenn and Steve. As Celia leaves the room, Bret watches as he slams into Helen to the rhythm of his wife’s swaying ass.

On her return Celia kneels beside her husband, staring at his cock pounding into Helen. Then, finally, she gives him a squeeze and whispers, “You’re planning on fucking my ass like that, aren’t you?”

Bret nods. “The instant I get you home, so prepare yourself.” Then he chuckles. “If I can get it up again.”

As they laugh, Helen says, “Celia, why don’t you join us? We have yet to get properly acquainted.” In an instant, Celia is sprawling in front of Helen, withering.

Shifting his focus between his dick sliding into Helen’s ass and his wife’s reaction to having another woman eating her pussy, Bret allows everything else to fade into the background. Which added to the surprise of looking up to see Mark watching them. But the surprises didn’t stop with Mark. Celia’s reaction to him standing over her was almost as baffling.

Celia’s hand traces up the back of Mark’s leg as his cock comes to life. Next, he kneels and caresses her breast as Celia’s fingers encircle his growing erection. Then, instead of bringing his cock to her lips, he straddles her, and Mark’s back conceals their eyes, locking in a shared understanding. Celia giggles as Mark begins sliding his cock between her breasts as she squeezes them together.

Time stopped for Bret as this opportune foursome unfolds. Helen’s hand is working on her clit, Celia is busy pleasing Mark, and all the while, Bret’s enjoying the show. But all good things end. This interlude ends with Celia finishing Mark off with her mouth and Bret erupting in Helen’s ass.

When breathing returns to normal for the four, Mark bends, kissing Celia. In doing so, he leaves Bret questioning ever being able to kiss a woman whose mouth moments before brought him off. But he experiences no such problem in kissing the lips of the woman whose lips just pleasured his wife before she leaves them.

When Mark and Helen leave Celia cuddling with her husband, she asks, “Did you enjoy that?”

“Are you referring to fucking Helen’s ass?” Celia nods, and Bret asks, “How about you? Did you enjoy having your ass fucked?”

Celia sits to face her husband. “I knew that would upset you.”

Bret’s head tilts. “I figured you did, but that doesn’t answer my question.”

“I warned you if we attended this party, you’d see a different side of me.” Bret nods. “Steve is much less intimidating than you, and he was inside me before I could protest.”

“You still didn’t answer my question.”

Celia’s tongue darts over her lips. “It was like caviar.”

Bret’s eyebrows bunch. “Excuse me?”

“Not an everyday staple. But now and then, I find it an enjoyable change of pace.”

Bret grows silent, and Celia asks, “Did anybody else do anything to me that upset you?”

Bret shrugs. “Not so much with somebody else doing anything. My concern’s with you.”

With bunched eyebrows, she asks, “In what way?”

“I imagine playing with the man you work for awkward.”

Celia caught her reply in the nick of time and said, “If I had thought about it beforehand, I probably would have declined to play with him.”

For the next few minutes, Celia remains lost in her thoughts. Then, when she pulls free, she hugs Bret. “I’ll catch up with you later, honey. But, first, I need to find Ben.”

“Who’s Ben?”

Celia giggles, “The only man here yet to fuck me.”

Bret clicks his tongue. “Did you forget about Carl?”

Celia kisses him. “Not in the least. He joined Bill and me for a threesome.”

Bret chuckles as his wife walks away. Wrong again, young lady. You only gave Mark head. You didn’t fuck him.

Bret’s on the sofa musing the benefits of a short nap when Bridgett flops beside him, asking, “What’s happening, handsome.”

Bret’s loins tingle as he studies her exotic beauty. Her olive complexion and the way her magma hair silhouettes her round face. But mainly how her dark round eyes can gaze into his soul.

“Just wishing the most exotic woman in the world would drop by to tempt me.”

“Oh my, I do fear if I linger, I’d surely be fucked.”

“Not to worry, I never fuck. Instead, I lift fair maidens to the height of sexual bliss.”

“Oh sir, you must tell, has anyone mentioned you being as full of shit as a Christmas turkey.” Bridgett giggles, kissing his cheek. “But there is something I’ve been dying to ask you.”

“Ask away.”

“Hey dude, want to fuck?”

As his finger weaves figure eights on her thigh with a feathery touch, he asks, “Do you think you can awaken the dead and handle the beast.”

She smiles as her fingers encircle his cock. “Awakening the dead is my specialty, and the beast lives in the cave your fingers are inching toward.”

Bridgett climbs on his lap, giving her ass a shake. She encircles his neck in her arms, bringing her lips to his and mashing her breast into his chest. Her tongue traces a path over his lips, and when he plunges his tongue into her mouth, she eagerly sucks.

This union is no sprint. Instead, with the edge blunted on their sexual urges, this becomes a leisurely stroll to sexual bliss. Erogenous zones for both expand to the entire body. Bridgett explores his youthful, taught body. While he caresses her every soft curve.

Twenty minutes in, the sofa becomes too cramped, and they move to the floor. One position morphs to another until Bret is positioned over Bridgett with his cock at her willing mouth. As he descends between her lips, his head is between her legs. Without a second thought, he licks her juicy morsel.

Forty minutes in, the fire burns out of control. Bret scoots between her widespread thighs. He points her legs to the ceiling and marvels at her taught thighs and firm ass before positioning himself at her entrance. He stares into her hooded eyes and smiles at her sharp gasps. His hips inch forward, sliding the head between the lips of her labia.

Bridgett’s lips form a snarl, “Don’t tease, give it to me.”

Bret pulls back until the head just touches her lips. “You’re an ass,” she cries, arching her hips using just her core muscles.

He laughs, and she hooks her knees over his shoulder, pulling her hips off the floor. He swings his hips back and his cock out of her reach. The instant her butt flops back on the floor, she pleads, “Come on, no more fooling around. I want you inside me.”

He smiles, “Right now?”


Bret slams his hips forward, driving eight and a half inches of hard dick inside. Bridgett screams, wrapping her legs around his neck and driving into him. Time after time, his thrusts are met with her enthusiastic squeals and screams. He uses her thighs as handles to leverage his thrusts.

Then, with surprising strength, Bridgett uses her legs around Bret’s neck for leverage to throw Bret on his back without dislodging his cock. He looks on in amazement as she bounces and grinds.

A full hour after the interlude began, the end comes into sight. Bridgett raises until only Bret’s head is inside. Then, using her total weight, she slams herself down with a wet slapping sound echoing through the room. Again, and then again, one last time before Bret grabs her hips, holding her firmly in place as he drives into her.

Bret’s legs shake. Bridgett’s whole body quivers. She holds her head back, a moaning whimper rising in her throat. Then, as every nerve explodes in an earth-shattering orgasm, she screams out her release.

The instant Bridgett’s body stops quivering, and she collapses over Bret. His arms fall limp to his side as their sweat-soaked bodies form a quivering huddle. Suddenly, the room erupts in applause and laughter. The two lovers raise weary heads to see every attendee gathered to view their spectacle.

As the spectators disperse to explore their fantasies, Celia kneels beside Bridgett and her husband a few moments later. “You two having fun?” she asks with a giggle.

Bridgett’s voice is muffled in Bret’s chest when she says, “Your husband ended my party. I’m glad I saved him for the last of the night.”

When Bret again stands on his wobbly legs, he kisses Bridgett, thanking her for a memorable experience. Then, arm in arm, he and Celia mingle. This time not in search of a willing partner but to thank everybody for allowing them into their inner sanctuary.


Exhausted, both Bret and Celia shuffle down the hallway to their bedroom. On their bed, Celia wistfully gazes at the ceiling. Bret kisses her shoulder, “Are you upset?”

She shakes her head without facing him. “No, I’m fine. Did you enjoy yourself?”

A familiar sense of calamity rises as Bret carefully chooses his words. “An evening having sex is pleasurable. How about you? Did you have fun?”

Celia giggles. “Interesting is how I would describe the evening. One thing for sure, I never envisioned an evening in which sex with six men was a possibility.” She draws in a deep breath. “Are you sure you’re not upset with me turning it loose?”

Bret shakes his head and asks, “What will your reply be if we’re invited to another party?”

A moment of silence leads to Celia saying, “One aspect of this bothers me.”

Bret rolls over to face her. “What’s bothering you?”


“What happened? Did he upset you tonight?”

Celia faces him, shaking her head emphatically. “No, Mark was a perfect gentleman.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

Celia shrugs. “Me, I’m the problem.”

Convinced he’s not sleeping soon, Bret sets up in bed. “OK, quit beating around the bush and tell me what’s on your mind.”

Celia joins Bret sitting in bed. “You above anybody else knows how horny I get when your away on long flights.”

Bret’s head tilts, “Yeah.”

“Well, not having sex with other people is easy until you start having sex with other people.”

“Somewhere in that jumbled sentence is a logic, but I’ll be damned if I know what it is.”

“What happens if we continue playing with Mark and Helen’s friends, and having sex with them becomes second nature. Then on one of your long flights, something happens, and I have sex with Mark.”

“By something happening, do you mean like you slip and fall on his dick?”

“You can be a real ass sometimes. But, no, I mean like your gone, and the three of us have a platonic dinner after work.”

“If you’re talking about getting arrested for fucking him in the restaurant, yeah, that would upset me.”

“I’m referring to us being on a social level now. So being invited to dinner when home alone isn’t that far-fetched. Neither is having one drink morphs to three and ending up in their bed between them. Stuff like that can happen to a lady whose asshole husband leaves her at home and horny.”

“Is this what you plan on happening?”

“No, to avoid something like this from happening is why I don’t think we should continue playing with them.”

Bret leans forward, kissing Celia. “Honey, I’m giving you a hard time. I’m sorry. If you ever get so hard up you can’t stand it, I can understand getting a little relief from somebody we both trust. As long as it doesn’t become a regular thing.”

“Are you sure? I want nothing coming between us.”

“I’m sure,” Bret says, drifting off in thought. “Honey, roll over.”


Bret gives his cock a stroke arching his eyebrows. “The image of Mark bending you over his desk had a different from the expected reaction.”

“You’re incorrigible,” Celia said, rolling onto her side.

After ten minutes of slowly sliding into Celia’s cum saturated cunt, Bret says, “Oh, I almost forgot, Monday I’m starting my new job as Bill’s chief pilot. So I should be home more often.”


To be continued

(All Rights Reserved)

Published 3 years ago

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