“Here, put these back on,” I directed, handing Rick his undies as we stepped out of the shower. We had just cleaned up from his flight from Europe … and from my having just fucked his ass. I put my briefs on too.
“What’s this about, Joe?” he asked, quizzically.
In an imitation of our neighbor Eric’s voice, I corrected, “It’s Eric, not Joe.” He immediately realized what I was up to as I cut most of the lights and led him out to the bed. “Oh Rick, it’s so hot in this tent, and I got so sweaty on our hike today with the kids, I’m going to have to sleep in my underwear to … make it through the night in here.”
Rick’s resulting smirk revealed his understanding that we were reenacting an evening from several years ago, a Troop campout when Rick and his fellow chaperone Eric had shared a tent on a very warm and humid evening. They had never discussed it with each other since, though Rick had shared his version of the tale with me and Eric had shared his with his wife Tori.
As we lay down, I breathlessly uttered, “I don’t think our underwear leaves much to the imagination, but I feel absolutely compelled to do this by the summer heat.”
In a completely straight (as it were) tone, Rick looked at my bulging undies and replied, “Oh, my imagination still has plenty to work with.”
As Rick told the story of that long-ago night, this nervous-glances stage is more or less where things had ended between him and Eric. Now I goaded Rick to act out what he wished they had done.
“I’d say mine has …” I raised my eyebrows. “… even more to work with.” With his bigger cock, Rick was fully tenting his underwear now, a testicle sagging partway through the gap, also exposing some pubes and part of his cockshaft. If Eric was even half like me, I don’t know how he had managed to resist.
“We don’t just have to use our imaginations tonight,” I purred, leaning in for a kiss, “if you don’t want.”
We made out for a couple of minutes, not touching each other quite yet.
“Yeah, I do wish we’d been able to do this that night,” mused Rick.
“But you didn’t, right? You guys didn’t actually kiss or touch, right?”
“Oh God, no. I could see his underwear bulging in the twilight – I mean, he was definitely fully erect in there. I could even see the outline of his cockhead. I was hard as a rock, too, which he must have been able to see. It made me even harder to think about him looking at my bulge. But no, nothing happened.”
“Funny, that’s not what he told Tori,” I countered. She had recently confided in me regarding Eric’s secret desire for Rick, including his version of the tent story as he’d told it to her. Ever the supportive wife, she had also helped me come up with a plan for Rick to seduce him.
“Huh? Well, whatever he told Tori was wishful thinking. I’m flattered as fuck, but honestly, there was nothing at all. That tent was big enough that we didn’t even touch elbows in the night. Believe me, if we had, that might have been enough to set me off.”
“He told her that you guys kissed for a long time, but didn’t touch each other. And then you stopped because kids were sleeping fifty yards away across the clearing, and it was just too dangerous.”
“Yeah, that part is exactly true, but not the kissing part. Which would be kind of a big part.”
“Speaking of big parts,” I murmured, my finger tracing the length of his big part through his underwear, “don’t you wish Eric had reached out and touched your penis like this?”
“Mmm, I love the way you say that word,” Rick replied, slowly repeating, “peeenniisss.” He kissed me for a moment while his hand reached inside my briefs.
“Mmm, penis,” I echoed, pulling down his skivvies and stroking his man-monster.
“Peeenniisss,” he uttered again, in what would become another running joke between us, mimicking a zombie voice as he shifted himself downward.
“Peeenniiss,” I moaned once again as I stroked him a few more times.
“Mmm, forget brains. Me want eat penis,” he declared, just before engulfing my manhood. Damn, that felt good. He might have been new at this, as was I – neither of us had ever had a cock in our mouth as of a month ago – but I guess there’s nothing like having your own penis to know how to pleasure one.
“Is this the first thing you would have done with Eric?” I asked Rick, abandoning the zombie voice. Like me, he is very oral, and loves to cram a sausage in his mouth.
“It’s the first thing I will do with him,” he said between bobs.
“Yes … yes, you will,” I stammered through the waves of oral pleasure, “because Tori and I have a plan that can’t fail. Eric’s almost as timid as you are…”
“Who you calling timid?” he challenged, pulling his mouth off me for a moment. “I was flashing my cock at you, ogling yours and cracking jokes about guys doing stuff together, for months.”
That was accurate. For quite some time, Rick had unnecessarily exposed his jumbo Johnson to me when we were taking turns showering or sharing a sauna after pickleball games or neighborhood runs. Since it’s not that unusual for there to be some casual nudity, and maybe even the occasional surreptitious glance, between best friends who exercise together regularly, it had taken me forever to notice how unusually much he was doing it.
“True, but you never actually made a move.”
“That’s because you never gave me even the slightest hint you were interested. Or even aware.”
“Fair enough. It was only once I figured it out that I…”
“… stepped out of the shower with this beautiful boner in full glory and practically shoved it in my hand,” he teased, resuming his oral ministrations.
“Damn right. Once I realized you wanted me, I realized how much I wanted you too,” pivoting myself around so I was staring his one-eyed monster in the … well, the eye, as it were.
The conversation stopped for a while as I pulled his uncut foreskin over the top of his long member and took it in my mouth. Sixty-nine with an amorous partner is and always has been my favorite thing. Regardless of whether it’s a slick cunt or a meaty dong mashing me in the mouth, I love the mutuality of giving oral pleasures to someone who’s doing the same back to me.
I started swirling my tongue around the outside of his skin-wrapper. Despite having just stepped out of the shower, I picked up the sweet taste of precum oozing out. No doubt talking about Eric had gotten his juices flowing.
Rick moaned around my cock in response, the vibration from which I found highly stimulating. I countered by gently squeezing his cock with my hand, gradually pulling his outer skin downward until my still-swirling tongue was orbiting the glans itself, then firmly stroking up and down his shaft while maintaining the tonguework.
“Mmf mmff … oh my God!” Rick stammered, writhing, temporarily unable to keep me in his mouth. Despite his squirming, I kept my tongue, lips and hands doing what they’d been doing.
Regaining his composure after a moment, he slurped me back in enthusiastically and tried to work my willie with equal ardor.
Having both cum earlier, neither of us was going to do it again prematurely. There shouldn’t have been any urgency to this round, but maybe because of our male competitiveness, neither of us dared be the first to slow down. We frantically milked each other’s cocks and pumped each other’s mouths for several minutes. Pistons pumping, cylinders slamming, mouths moving, lips licking, we finally both exploded in pure jizz-jetting joy.
Once we had collapsed breathlessly onto our backs in bliss and swallowed each other’s respective plasma packets, I brought up Eric again. “Tori and I have the perfect plan, which involves you and Emily”, referring to Rick’s lesbian wife, “going over to Tori and Eric’s house…”
“Joe, I don’t think I’m going to be comfortable doing this with women around. Even if they do approve.”
“Which they will,” I countered. Rick being basically gay, this objection of course made perfect sense. “But don’t worry, in our plan neither woman actually shows up. It’ll be just you two men, no one else in the house.”
“Okay, but… well, I guess I have to admit I’m a little more gun-shy, now that we’re talking about it after cumming. What if I don’t have the guts to go through with it?” After a beat, he added, “Again?”
“Oh, you will. This plan is guaranteed to make it easy. There is no way you two don’t end up going at it.” His spent cock nevertheless twitched at the words.
And then, having just filled his mouth, I filled his ear with all the details of the plan.