Welcome back to my sexual autobiography, answering questions posed on the Lush forums truthfully!
This poster, on “Ask the gals”, asks, “What was the most erotic or aroused you’ve been with another woman?”
When browsing the forums, I see quite a few women (and some men) who are openly bisexual and for whom same sex intimacy is a fairly common part of life. Well, that has not been the case for me at all. So when I met the woman in this story, the fact that my feelings for her were so unlike me, so surprising, made the experience all the more memorable.
Her name was Laura (in English, it rhymes with Law. In Spanish it’s pronounced like Loud. So Loura) and no woman before or since has had such an effect on me.
One day, I went, as was my habit, to the beach to read. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, a combination I often donned because, unlike a bikini, I had the option of baring my midriff but could choose to remain covered if I wanted.
I’ve never been a ‘let it all hang out’ girl. Sometimes I’d tie my top up in a knot and show the world my little navel, just to feel the sun on my belly, and sometimes I preferred to be demure. It all depended on my mood.
Anyway, so there I was, lying on my tummy and reading a book, which may have been Harry Potter, but I can’t be sure, as this was some fifteen years ago.
Now, being on a beach on a warm day, there was a lot of flesh around. Guys playing volleyball or lying next to bikini-clad girlfriends. If you grow up near the beach in Spain, you see a lot of chests and thighs, trust me. In fact, you see so many that they lose their power to compel. You become uninterested in the individual, as you do with trees in a forest.
So I wasn’t paying much attention to the people around me, even if some of them were hot. But then I looked up, and out of the water came a young woman, evidently of about my age but not someone I knew from the area.
She was taller than me (not unusual), and her brown hair was in a ponytail. She was wearing a blue bikini, and her body glistened as the sun hit the water cascading down her.
She smiled at me when our eyes met, and I smiled back. And, to my surprise, I found myself unable to look away. Laura had lovely legs and something of a spare tyre around the middle, which was endearing. But what really caught my attention was her smile, a big grin that drew me to her magnetically.
She came and sat next to me. We introduced ourselves and got chatting.
Once in a while you meet someone you click with straightaway. We jabbered on as if we’d known each other for years. And a strange feeling came over me…I’d seen her body and I wanted her to see mine. So, I tied up my t-shirt into a crop top. She complimented my figure at once, and asked how I kept the weight off. Flatterer!
I could see the twinkle in her eye as she looked me over though. There was no mistaking it. She was checking me out.
We moved to the beach bar then she invited me back to her aparthotel for a bite to eat. Laura, it transpired, was not local but in town for work.
So, we got through some wine and then Laura said she was going to shower. As casually as if she were suggesting a picnic, she said,
“Join me?”
I was nervous as I undressed. I was no virgin, but same sex intimacy had not really been a feature of my life. I had no way of knowing if we’d go beyond the shower, or even if she wanted to. It was too late to turn back, though, and when I was naked, I joined Laura in the shower.
My heart was racing, but she was acting like she showered with women she’d just met every day. She turned the water on, then she took the sponge and began to soap my back. That felt lovely. I hadn’t been touched for three or four months at the time, so the touch of another on my skin was highly alluring.
I braced myself against the wall and Laura sponged my shoulders, my back and my bottom.
“Turn around,” she said. I did. We made eye contact and she held it as she reached between my legs with the sponge. I was trembling as Laura soaped my vagina, looking into her eyes.
“Why are you nervous?” she asked.
I told her I hadn’t been so close to a girl before, and even as I was speaking she was gently washing my genitals. The touch and warmth of that sponge, and the presence of a naked human, was lighting fires down there.
And then, as if to test my willingness, she kissed me. Just a peck on the lips.
I kissed her back, firmer, with lips but no tongue.
“You have a boyfriend?” Laura asked.
“No, but I have had boyfriends. I mean, I’m not…”
“Gay?” She supplied and we both giggled. I took the sponge from her and lathered her back and shoulders.
“I’m not gay, no,” I said as I caressed her bottom through the sponge.
“You didn’t need to tell me that, MC1982, it’s obvious.”
She nodded.
“So you are…”
“I’m bisexual,” she told me.
I turned her around and sponged her breasts gently. Hesitantly, I cupped one of her breasts in my hand. She let me grope her, and I ran my hands across her chest and belly, giving her puppy fat a squeeze.
Again, our eyes looking straight at one another, I slipped the sponge between her legs, while she gave my nipple a playful tweak.
“That feels nice,” she murmured as I gently washed her intimate parts. It felt nice for me too, my knuckles gently brushing her inner thighs.
Then, for the first and only time in my life, I kissed a girl. Not a peck, a full blooded kiss with entwined tongues. We stepped closer together and held each other close. Her breasts pressed to my ribcage and her right leg between mine, we just held each other as if we were nymphs beneath a waterfall.
“MC, we could move this to the bedroom?”
Why did I say no?
I was kind of in shock at being naked with her. It had all happened so fast. Having been all about boys my whole life, to meeting Laura to shower and then to sex, it just felt too much for one day. The confusion was emotionally exhausting. Physically, I was both severely tempted and afraid I’d be a poor cunnilinguist. My nerve failed me. Laura looked a little hurt, but assured me she understood.
That night, alone in bed, I bitterly regretted that I hadn’t gone to bed with Laura. I said ‘no’ in haste and repented at leisure. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a second chance at a sexual encounter more. Even today, I wish I’d given it a try with her.
We spoke on the phone a few times and met once more, but our lives were too far apart both in distance and profession.
But I have never walked past that hotel again without thinking of Laura, the only female lover I ever had.