Richard’s cock felt like it was about to split her in two, but rather than pain, it was pure pleasure as he fucked her brutally from behind. He didn’t seem concerned about her enjoying it at all, but that only seemed to add to the animalistic nature of the act.
“Goddamn, that’s some good pussy,” Richard said as his cock reached the very depths of her. His cock was huge compared to James’ and even the slightest movement made her squirm.
She had been building toward a massive orgasm and it just kept building and building. She could feel her body betraying her, pushing back onto his cock wildly as she tried to will the orgasm to come. There was a sense of desperation for it, as if it was an oasis of pleasure and her thirst was limitless.
She looked up at James, who was watching her act like a dog in heat while the older man mounted her from behind. SMACK. Sophie felt the sting as Richard roughly slapped her ass.
“Fuck, you like that cock don’t you slut?” Richard asked her. It was so demeaning, but she could feel herself respond to it like it was some magic word to set her lust on fire.
“Yesssss,” Sophie admitted through gritted teeth.
“What am I going to do next time I come to your clinic?” Richard continued, egging Sophie on.
“You’re going to fuck meeeee,” Sophie moaned as her hands gripped the sofa as tightly as they could.
Finally, she could feel the orgasm starting to spread through her, the release she had been begging desperately.
Sophie’s eyes opened but it took a moment for her to orient herself. She was staring at her bedroom ceiling in the dark. James was snoring softly beside her. It had all been a dream, she realized as guilt filled her anew. After everything, she couldn’t believe that she was having fantasies about the man. It had been nearly a month since she had gone with him to the cocktail party and she hadn’t seen him since that night. He had made several appointments with her, and each time, she had found an excuse or left work early feeling sick to avoid seeing him.
Sophie and James had talked about that night so many times over the last few weeks and she knew they were okay, better than okay really. James was the most understanding and loving husband she could have asked for and he didn’t hold anything from that night against her. She had felt so guilty afterward, struggling to even look in the mirror. She had even thrown away the dress she had worn that night and had made James put the money up so she wouldn’t have to look at it. Even with that, the dreams didn’t stop, each as vivid as the night the older man had bent her over on the sofa in front of her husband. She couldn’t bring herself to tell James about the dreams.
There were still burning questions for her that she couldn’t answer and they all terrified her. She still struggled to understand James’ desires. Sophie had seen the expression on James’ face while she had been with Richard and it haunted her. It was the same hungry expression that Richard had worn when he watched her the first time they had met. She had seen it before in men’s eyes when their lust was about to boil over, but this was the first time she had seen it in her husband’s. He hadn’t just allowed Richard to be with her. He had wanted it for his own pleasure, his own lust. She had watched James even masturbate as he had watched her with the other man, something that seemed too perverse to be real. His lust had completely overtaken him in a way that Sophie had never dreamed of.
When they talked about what they would do if Richard offered them more money, James said what she wanted him to say. They didn’t need more money. It had been a mistake. They would turn it down, no matter how absurd the offer. But as he said those things, she could see a glimmer of that same hunger in her husband’s eyes that had consumed them last time and she knew what it meant.
Speaking of the other man, she had no idea what to expect from Richard the next time she saw him. She had already crossed professional boundaries to go out to the cocktail party with him, but what she had done afterward. It was unthinkable and she still didn’t know how it had progressed so quickly. The money had certainly opened the door, but then it was the pushing from James and then…. It was hard to admit, and maybe the part that scared her the most. She had enjoyed it. As perverse as it was, she had enjoyed it in a way that was hard to define.
Where James was loving and gentle, Richard was crass and rough with her. When she made love with her husband, she felt that connection and how deep it was between them. Richard’s lust had been almost animalistic in the way he took her. And the way he had talked to her… My God, nobody had ever spoken to her or about her like that in her life. Sophie shivered in bed as she thought about the things he had said that night. It had made her feel like a whore, but that night she couldn’t help how her body responded to the words.
“I’m going to fuck you every time I come to your office from now on, and you’re going to let me,” he had told her. But it wasn’t enough for him, “And you’re going to let me, isn’t that right?” She couldn’t believe that he had managed to get her to say yes. She had said yes, like she was some slut in heat, unable to control herself. Sophie blushed even in the dark of her bedroom, thinking about her answer, with her husband watching no less. She had been on the verge of an orgasm so powerful that her mind hadn’t been able to focus on anything but trying to reach that precipice.
She didn’t think she could face the man after that, but she couldn’t put off seeing him forever. Even more terrifying to her, she had no idea if Richard would expect something to actually happen. When she and James had talked through everything, she had been able to sense how uneasy he was about her being alone with Richard going forward. She could sense the conflict in her husband. On one hand, his lust was ready to ignite at the thought of her with Richard, but she could also see his own trepidation, his uncertainty about Sophie’s reaction.
Sophie had been adamant that she wasn’t attracted to Richard, which was true. It wasn’t that she was attracted to him. It was more that… no, it was too embarrassing to admit even to herself. She was a well-educated woman, a professional, a feminist, and a wife, for crying out loud. But she kept going back to that night. When she had started the lap dance, the moment that she had felt how… massive he was. It had stunned her to the point that she hadn’t been sure it was real, even while she ground herself against it. His cock had dwarfed James’ as it was at least a few inches longer, but it was the thickness that was really the difference. The sensation, the fullness of having it all inside her was what she couldn’t get out of her mind.
It had taken a lot of work to get James to accept that she could continue seeing Richard in clinic without him having to worry, but she felt like she was deceiving him every time she craved that feeling of fullness. She had always heard how much size mattered, but she had never believed it, or at least she hadn’t believed it would matter to her like this.
She looked over at her phone, thankful that she still had a few hours to sleep before she had to start her day. Richard had texted her a few times over the last month, something else she had downplayed to James out of guilt. It felt like if she acknowledged it, it would make it more real. His first text had come the morning after that night, early while James was still asleep. Sophie had read it while she sat on the back porch alone. She had deleted it without responding, but she wouldn’t forget what it said. “I can’t wait until next time.” Next time. God, Richard thought that he was going to have her again.
Sophie wouldn’t let that happen. Her marriage had survived the one night, but letting it go any further could be a disaster. She knew that she couldn’t cross those lines again, no matter what the man offered. James had agreed, though she still had her doubts if his willpower could hold out against his lust if he were put in that situation.
She got out of bed and made her way to the kitchen. The oversized T-shirt she was wearing like a nightgown did little to keep her warm as the cool air hit her skin. Sophie could feel goosebumps down her legs as she poured a glass of water. She was going to have to face him today. She couldn’t put it off any longer, she told herself. Sophie sipped the cold water as she wondered what it would be like to see him in person again. Her phone screen showed the texts that Richard had sent her, all unanswered.
He would no doubt look at her the way he did the first time he came to the clinic, but this time, he could picture her naked without using his imagination. He would know what she looked like when she orgasmed. The barriers had all come down and it would be hard to put them back up after everything that had happened. She imagined Richard making lewd comments to her when they were alone, putting his hands on her body when he thought he could get away with it. It all seemed inevitable when she was left alone with the man.
Sophie looked out the window into the backyard, lost in her thoughts. She only knew one thing going forward, and that was that she had to take back some semblance of control in this situation.
James rolled over in bed and felt around on the nightstand until he found his phone and silenced the alarm. He needed to get up and take a shower before work so he had set alarms earlier than normal to give himself plenty of time. He reached over toward his wife, Sophie, but her side of the bed was empty. Again. She typically was out of bed earlier than he was, but lately she didn’t seem to be sleeping well.
He climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen, finding Sophie sitting at the kitchen table with her coffee as she scrolled through social media on her phone. She was still in what she had slept in, one of his T-shirts that was a few sizes too large for her. Her golden blonde hair was in a ponytail and she had no makeup on, but somehow she was always gorgeous, even when she hadn’t made an effort.
“Hey, Sophie,” he said. “Everything okay?”
“Just a little antsy this morning,” she told him. James didn’t need to ask her why. They had already talked about it countless times over the last month since she had gone out with her patient, Richard. James felt responsible for pushing his wife that night, but she had also seemed more than willing as the night had gotten more and more out of control. Their money problems had disappeared literally overnight and they had a bigger rainy day fund than he had ever expected, but now they had to deal with the consequences.
Immediately afterward, Sophie had been ashamed in a way he had never seen her and she had been adamant that it was a one time mistake. She had felt so strongly about that that he had gone along with her decision without argument, though had more mixed feelings about it all. It was the most erotic and arousing thing he had ever experienced, but in the light of day it was difficult to reconcile that with the fact that his wife had broken their marriage vows and let another man absolutely dominate her. He had tried to bring up to Sophie the possibility that Richard would offer them money again, but Sophie had shut that down immediately.
“I’m not a whore. He can’t just pay for me whenever he wants,” Sophie had told him. James understood how she felt, but he also found himself fantasizing about her with Richard on an almost daily basis. Today was the day that would answer a lot of questions though. His wife had ignored the texts from the older man and had also managed to avoid seeing him in person so far. He had made two appointments over the last month but every time she had called out sick or found another excuse. Today though, they had both decided she had to face him.
James knew that she had a lot of anxiety about seeing Richard, but he found himself wishing he could be there to watch what happened. The last time his wife had seen him, he had been balls deep inside of her while he made her say that she would let him fuck her when he came to clinic again. That still bothered James even as the thought made his cock twitch. They had talked about that part specifically several times and Sophie had promised him that it was just sex talk, that she didn’t mean it. He believed her, but the fact that the man had been able to affect her enough to get her to say that was shocking in and of itself. He had watched how powerful her orgasms were and he knew they were more intense than any he had ever given her.
“I know, Soph. It’ll be okay,” he said, trying to reassure her as he put a hand on her head, running his fingers through her hair.
“I just have to be professional and set boundaries immediately, like we talked about,” she said. James knew her too well though and knew that her confidence was all for show right now.
“It’ll be fine, but if you need me, just call me, okay? I’m going to hop in the shower real quick though,” James told her and left her to finish her coffee. He grabbed a towel from the linen closet and turned on the water, letting it get hot before he stepped into the shower. The hot water ran over his head and down his body. He didn’t know what the day would hold, but it was going to be hard to wait around all day.
The door to the bathroom opened while he was working his shampoo into his hair and a few moments later, Sophie pushed the shower curtain aside and stepped in to join him. His wife didn’t join him in the shower very often but he always loved it when she did. She shuddered in the cold air as she tried to get around him to take his spot under the hot water.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Sophie joked as she slid around him. He never got used to how incredible her body was. Water ran down over her flawless skin and she pulled her wet hair back to keep it out of her eyes. She looked like a Greek goddess with her blonde hair and tanned skin. Trying to look at her like it was the first time he had laid eyes on her, he knew why Richard had been willing to pay so much to be with her. Sophie wasn’t the kind of woman you came across very often. She truly was the whole package.
He wondered what Richard would do today when he saw her. He imagined Richard putting his hands on his young wife, groping her while she tried to fight her own desire. He imagined the man bending her over in the middle of her clinic and taking her like he had done on the sofa in their living room.
“Wow, James,” Sophie laughed. Only then did he realize his cock was fully erect while he fantasized about his wife being taken by Richard again.
“Can you blame me when I’m this close to such a beautiful woman?” he asked and wrapped his arms around her slender body, pressing his cock up against her.
“Mmmmm, you need to control yourself,” she told him playfully.
“I don’t think that’s possible,” he said as he let his hands work their way up her body to her perfect breasts, gently massaging them.
“You’re being bad,” she said but her reaction told him she was enjoying his touch. Her eyes had closed as she focused on the sensation of his hands on her chest.
“We have time to be a little bad this morning,” he told her, imagining them doing it in the shower right there. He tried to push his cock down to get closer to her opening so she would get the hint.
“It’s too slippery in here,” she told him, but her delicate hand had found his shaft and wrapped around it. God, it felt so good as she started slowly stroking him. He imagined Richard in his position with Sophie, standing behind her with his large hands squeezing her breasts while she handled his thick shaft. He had read about wife sharing, cuckoldry, and hot wives so much over the last month and he couldn’t get enough of it. His mind was cloudy as the lust filled him. It was so taboo. It was so hot.
She kept stroking him and he knew it wasn’t going to take much today to get him to finish. His level of excitement was just too high. “Oh, shit,” James moaned into her ear as his fingers found her nipples.
“You okay?” Sophie asked as she sped up her stroking a little. One of James’ hands came up to her neck to hold her close to him while the other continued to work on her breasts.
“Don’t stop,” James croaked as the pleasure continued to ramp up.
“Geez, someone is sensitive this morning,” she said, surprised by how he was reacting. His mind was swimming as his fantasy continued, imagining her stroking Richard instead of him. He imagined how huge it would look in her delicate hands. He was so close now as Sophie continued to pump his shaft rapidly.
His cock pulsed. “Ohhh, Soph,” he moaned as his cum shot out onto the shower floor followed by a second jet. Her hand slowed and she giggled at his reaction.
“Mmmm, that was quick,” she said and turned to kiss him as she continued to grip his cock.
Finally, their lips broke apart. “It’s hard to last long when you look that good,” he said, but as he said it, he thought about how long Richard had lasted, forcing her to have two intense orgasms before he finally came.
“Well, I do try. And I hope your day is off to a good start,” she joked with him as she put a hand on his chest and kissed him again.
“Good? I’d say a little better than good,” he answered her while they stood in the warmth of the shower.
“That’s what I thought,” she winked at him as she turned back to the water and started to wash her hair. He stayed with her a couple of minutes longer before he stepped out to get ready for work.
He took a deep breath. Only a few more hours.
Sophie sat at her computer in her office, trying to finish notes while waiting for her next appointment, the one she had been dreading. Richard would be here any minute and the uncertainty was killing her. The man had always been inappropriate, but the things he had said to her that night had been downright demeaning. She had no idea how he would be today but she had steeled herself for the worst case scenario. It was now or never, though she had come close to leaving sick earlier and having them reschedule all of her afternoon appointments yet again.
She pushed back from her desk and went out into the gym to get a few things together for his session. It wasn’t long before his booming voice made her jump.
“Sophie, good to see you,” Richard said, having appeared at the door to the gym. He was dressed in a nice suit like he had been the first time she had met him. The imposing man walked toward her and she could see his eyes go up and down her body as he got closer. No doubt imagining how she looked under her scrubs.
“Hello, Richard,” Sophie said professionally without any more warmth than necessary. “Go ahead and change so we can get started.”
Richard smiled at her and then headed over to the restroom to change into his athletic clothes. Sophie took a deep breath, determined to get through the encounter without issue. A couple of minutes later, he came out and met her by one of the stations she had set up for him to work on. “How have you been?” Richard asked her casually.
“Good,” she said without offering any details before she launched into explaining what she wanted him to do. He complied and did several sets before he tried talking to her again.
“You get that car fixed, darling?” Richard asked her, seemingly determined to make some small talk at least. His eyes had checked her out occasionally as he always did, but nothing too egregious so far.
“Yeah, it’s fine now,” she said, again offering little for him to continue the conversation. She was hoping that her cold answers would help give him the hint without having to have an explicit conversation about how their relationship would be going forward.
“Look, about last time–“ He started, but Sophie cut him off.
“Richard, let’s just focus on your therapy,” she said in her most assertive voice, but that just triggered a laugh from the older man. He leaned in closer to her, lowering his voice.
“Sweetheart, once you’ve fucked somebody, you can’t just pretend you didn’t,” he told her.
“Richard, please, this is so inappropriate,” she pleaded with him. He seemed almost to be enjoying how uncomfortable she was at the moment.
“You and that husband of yours both seemed to enjoy the evening quite a bit,” he continued, teasing her.
Sophie stared at him, unable to deny it as they both knew the truth. Richard didn’t wait for an answer though and continued to talk.
“I have another event coming up that I need you at,” he told her. “It could pay a hell of a lot more than last time too. Well, I should probably say it’ll probably pay a lot more than the party did.” Richard gave her a knowing smile as he alluded to how much he had paid her for everything after the party.
Sophie blushed, but she was determined to put an end to this. “Richard, the answer is no. We don’t need the money.” Her voice was firm as she answered him, but he seemed only amused by her holding out against him.
“Should we ask James?” he asked her.
“We don’t need to. James agrees that it was a one time mistake,” she told him with emphasis on the last word.
“Oh, now that hurts a little,” he said without losing his amused smile. “I thought we had a great time.”
“Richard, I’m married. It was a mistake,” she stressed again.
“Well, why don’t we see what James really wants? He sure seemed to be okay with what you did last time,” he continued, “I’ll ask him and we’ll see what he says.”
“No, Richard,” she told him. “Let’s just focus on the session today or we’ll have to end early.”
“Just hear me out, then we can move on,” he told her, holding his ground. Sophie sighed, frustrated, but realized she would have to hear him out and then tell him no so he would understand that they weren’t interested.
“Fine, I’m listening,” she said as she held eye contact with him, trying to appear as stern as possible. Richard’s smile widened.
James had his students working on a worksheet that he had printed off for them. He was too distracted to actually teach, so he had found something for them to do. He just kept waiting for a text from Sophie to update him on how it went with Richard.
BUZZ. Finally, he thought. He immediately opened his phone and read what Sophie had sent him. “Went fine. I didn’t let him talk about anything other than his therapy.” It was a bit of a disappointment to James. He had wondered if seeing the man again would make her feel differently. James felt like an addict in recovery and if the possibility of seeing her with another man came up, he knew he would fall off the wagon entirely.
It was probably for the best after last time. Things had gone so much farther than he had ever expected. And escalated so much faster. One moment, he had been reluctantly letting Sophie go to the cocktail party because it seemed like such a small thing and they had needed the money. The next, he had been talking her into sleeping with Richard for money they didn’t really need.
He texted his wife back. “I’m surprised he wasn’t more pushy.”
BUZZ. “He tried a little, but I shut him down. I’m just glad that’s over with.” Her next message read. James looked at the message. Well, that answers the questions he had about how she would react to him. Apparently, it hadn’t affected her the way it had him.
He sat at his desk, imagining what could have been. He trusted Sophie completely that nothing more had happened, but part of him couldn’t help wishing that maybe something more had. It seemed crazy but what had he really wanted to happen? Had he wanted Richard to put his hands on his wife? To undress her? To have his way with her again?
The images of Sophie with Richard together ran through his mind and he imagined them in her clinic the way she had teased him before about giving Richard a show. He imagined her stripping out of her scrubs while the man watched her, her body sensually and slowly moving with the intention of arousing him.
He texted her back. “I’m glad too. I can’t wait for today to end though. It just keeps dragging on.” James sat back in his chair, continuing to fantasize about his wife. He knew there had to be something wrong with him for having these desires, no matter how common it seemed from everything he had read.
Sophie had lost herself in the situation last time as much as he had, even if she wouldn’t admit it. James had considered that over the last few weeks as he tried to understand how Sophie felt about everything that had happened. Was she so adamant about making sure that it didn’t happen again because she felt guilty that it happened or was she guilty that she had lost control when she was with Richard? Another thought from the back of his mind kept pushing its way forward into his thoughts as well, the possibility that Sophie losing control had awoken something in her that she was desperate to make sure stayed dormant.
He had never seen her react the way she had with Richard, the way she had fucked him with abandon that night. Sophie’s will had been completely dominated and she had said whatever Richard had wanted her to say.
James sighed, bringing himself back to reality. At least he would have that memory.
Sophie drove home on autopilot, thinking about Richard and what he had proposed to her. She felt bad lying to James, but what purpose did it serve to tell him about what Richard had said when she had already said no? Besides, she was worried enough about how James had reacted last time and felt it was better to just bury this and move on.
They didn’t need the money and they were ready to start a family now that they had a little nest egg. Besides, Richard’s idea was as ludicrous as it was unexpected. She had sort of expected him to offer outright to buy her like she was a common whore… or worse. That had actually made it even easier for her to say no. The surprise had brought her back to reality. His face when she said ‘no thank you’ and moved on without hesitation had been priceless. Sophie smiled to herself as she thought back on his stunned expression and the silence that followed. She had finally been able to leave him speechless. That had made her feel powerful, that she was in control of the situation again.
She had been afraid of the unknown, the uncertainty, but once they were face to face she had regained her composure. A long sigh released some of her tension, but she needed to get home and pour herself a glass of wine while she curled up on the couch with a good book. She needed to just put all of this behind her and focus on her marriage.
James and Sophie’s desire to start trying to have kids had become a lot more realistic now that they had some money saved up. That was at least a good thing that had come from all of the insanity, but it hadn’t come without some stress as well. Even though James had made him wear a condom, she had taken two pregnancy tests to be sure that there was no chance she could be pregnant before they started trying seriously. That was just one more reason on top of the many others that that couldn’t happen again, she thought.
Sophie’s mind drifted back to Richard’s proposal from earlier in the afternoon. It was so absurd that she had laughed out loud at it right to his face. She had honestly thought it had to be a joke for a few seconds before he assured her how serious he was. The names he had mentioned had mostly been familiar to her from the cocktail party, but there were two she didn’t think she had met that night. It was a whirlwind of meeting different people as Richard showed her off like a piece of arm candy to the other old men who were mostly there with their wives.
Hank she recalled, was a handsome, lean man with a heavy country accent. He had made his money in cattle, or maybe oil, or maybe both. She couldn’t remember. He was maybe around fifty and had a simple charm to him. She remembered that he had been without a date that night and had been very attentive to her while he talked with Richard.
She remembered Cliff as well. A boisterous, very heavyset man who had been at the party with his wife. That hadn’t kept Cliff from openly trying to flirt with Sophie right in front of her. Sophie had been happy to get out of that conversation.
The last name she had recognized was Clarence. She couldn’t remember what business exactly Richard had told her that he was in, but he had been very kind to her and made her feel at ease that night. Unlike the other men, he didn’t look at her with the hunger she had gotten so accustomed to seeing in men’s eyes. He was an older black man who reminded her of her grandfather.
Sophie shook her head at the absurdity of the idea. She couldn’t believe that Richard had thought that she and James would go for it. Well, at least it wasn’t something she had to worry about now.
James sat on the couch grading some papers while Sophie read a book next to him, her legs stretched out over his lap. He tried to limit after hours grading of papers, but you just couldn’t avoid it. Thankfully, Sophie was more than content to curl up on the couch with her book while he finished his work.
“What do you want to do this weekend?” James asked Sophie, causing her to look up at him with her emerald eyes.
“I always know it’s been a long week when you’re thinking about the weekend on a Tuesday,” she joked. “But I was thinking about maybe taking Lucy to the park and packing a picnic for us. Spend a little time outside in the fresh air while the weather is nice.”
“I wouldn’t complain about that,” he told her before pausing for a few moments. “You seem a lot less stressed now that you’ve gotten through today.”
“Well yeah, I’ve been dreading it for weeks but now at least I know I can handle it,” she said, closing her book after folding the corner of her page.
“I knew you would be able to. You’re capable of anything,” he told her with a sense of pride in his wife.
BUZZ. A text from an unknown number popped up on his phone. He looked at it, expecting spam or a political message that seemed to be constant nowadays, but when he read it, he froze.
“James, it’s Richard.” That was all it said.
BUZZ, a second message came through. “I have a business proposal for you and Sophie,” Richard’s message read.
Sophie’s voice brought his attention away from the message on his phone. “I’m just glad that I won’t have to think about Richard for another two weeks and then he’ll probably be about to graduate out of therapy entirely since he’s doing so well,” she continued.
James’ focus was now split as he reread what Richard had sent him. It was strange how cordial he was being, considering the things he had said when he was with Sophie. He thought for a moment and decided to keep it simple. “I don’t think so,” he texted back. The conversations he had had with Sophie had been very definitive and he figured it was best not even to entertain whatever Richard wanted. Just a few seconds later, James’ phone rang.
Richard was calling him. He couldn’t answer it in front of Sophie, though, so he moved her legs off of his lap and stood up to take the call in another room. Sophie watched him curiously as he got up and left the room. “Hello?” he said when he answered.
“Look, James, I’ve got a hell of an opportunity that you should listen to,” Richard’s booming voice said through the phone.
“What did Sophie say today?” James asked the other man.
“Who cares? I want you to hear me out,” Richard said, dismissing his wife’s opinion.
“If Sophie said no, I think that’s our answer,” James told him bluntly.
Richard sighed. “We’re talking about a lot of money, but I need Sophie to help me out.”
“What do you mean?” James asked, a little confused. He had thought that Richard was just offering to pay for Sophie to sleep with him, but this didn’t really sound like that.
“There you go, just listen for a minute. So I took Sophie to that cocktail party, right? Well, the idea was that there were a bunch of guys there that have more money than they know what to do with and they can’t help but stare at a nice pair of tits or a perky ass.” James didn’t miss that he was talking about Sophie and was still shocked that he would talk about her that way directly to her husband. Richard continued on without missing a beat, though, “Well, it worked beautifully. You should have seen those fuckers. They were falling over themselves trying to talk to that sexy wife of yours and more than happy to invest in a few of my projects while they tried to impress her.”
“What does this have to do with us now?” James interrupted.
“Give me a fucking minute, okay?” Richard told him roughly. “One of the guys there has more money than God, oil money, yeah? He invites me to this monthly poker game he has with a bunch of other high rollers. Buy in is $15,000, but half of them put in way more than that because it’s nothing to them.” That got James’ attention, but he still didn’t understand how exactly this would tie into him and Sophie.
“Now, I’m decent at poker, but these motherfuckers play all the time. I didn’t do so hot a few weeks ago. Decided I might not go back, but then I had an idea. I saw how they watched Sophie at that party and that dress didn’t even show much. I figure we get her to strut around in a tight dress, serving some drinks to the guys, right? Plenty of drinks and a sexy woman to distract them so I have an advantage. I’ll give you 30% of what I win. We’re talking about a ton of money on the table that’s ours for the taking. Plus, those fuckers will thank me for providing the entertainment.” Richard laughed at his last reference to Sophie, but James felt that familiar feeling stirring in him as he pictured Sophie strutting around.
James was stunned by the amount of money though and the fact that it wasn’t just money for him to fuck Sophie again. “I don’t know. Do you think that will really work?” James asked him. It seemed like a dubious advantage at best. “I mean, she’ll be distracting you, too,” James continued as he thought about it more.
“You haven’t met these guys. As soon as they see her, they’ll care more about her than they do their money,” Richard explained, “these guys won’t even miss the money when we take it from them.” James considered it. It seemed to be of little risk and high reward since it would only be Richard’s money in play. But he also didn’t know how good Richard was at poker. James, however, had played a lot of poker growing up with his brother and cousins and had also played a lot of poker online over the years. Though for tiny sums of money compared to this. He thought about the money and about Sophie trying to distract a table full of men. If it really gave them that much of an advantage, this was hard to pass up. But he needed to be there to see the reactions to Sophie. Maybe there was a way to see what he wanted and to make sure they had a better chance at success.
“Do you think that you could get me a spot at the table?” James asked him as the idea was forming in his head.
“Are you fucking serious?” Richard asked him, surprised.
“I’ve played a lot of poker. I’m pretty good,” he told him. “and two people at the table will also help our odds.”
Richard didn’t answer for a few moments, “Hmmmm, that’s not bad, James, not bad. You sure about this? Like I said, it’s $15,000 minimum just to get in the game.”
“Lucky for us, I recently came into a little extra cash,” James answered. He knew that Sophie wouldn’t like the idea of gambling the money they had gotten at her expense, but it could turn their nest egg into a fortune.
Richard liked that and let out a hearty laugh. “If you can get Sophie to agree, I can get you into the game. We’re going to hustle those motherfuckers and they’ll thank me afterward for bringing Sophie to the game.”
“I’ll talk to her. And Richard, we split our winnings fifty-fifty,” James told him.
“Look at you driving a hard bargain. Deal, but you better pay attention to the game and not your wife. And those guys can’t know that she’s your wife. Too much money at stake.”
“Okay, that makes sense. When is the game?” James asked. He had no idea how he would broach the subject with Sophie or convince her to do this, but he would have to figure it out.
“Next weekend. Saturday night. It’ll start at 8 pm. I’ll text you the address. Let me know when Sophie is on board and I’ll find her something to wear that’ll really keep these guys’ eyes on her,” Richard told him and then hung up.
James took the phone from his ear and walked back to the living room and took his spot by his wife. She looked up from her book. “Who was that?” she asked.
“Um, just Terry because she’s going to be out tomorrow and wanted to be sure I could check in on her substitute to make sure the kids were behaving,” he said with a little guilt at his lie. He couldn’t very well tell her it was Richard who had just called him to proposition using his wife’s looks again.
“Oh, okay. Well, hopefully, they’ll behave tomorrow,” Sophie said as her attention turned back to her book. James looked at his wife in her casual shorts and sweatshirt, his mind filled with fantastic scenarios of things to come.
James watched his wife, weighing Richard’s words from earlier in the week. She was truly gorgeous and he had to admit if anyone could distract a group of older men, it would be her. They had taken Lucy out to the park to let her run around off the leash while they enjoyed the picnic that Sophie had packed for them.
So far the weather had turned out perfect for them to enjoy their Saturday. He was sitting in the shade of the trees while Sophie ran back and forth, Lucy chasing her playfully. He watched his wife and he thought about how he could bring up the idea that Richard had broached with him. She had seen right through him a month ago when he had tried to talk to her about Richard’s final offer and he imagined that she would again this time if he tried to hide his real feelings.
But then again, how exactly do you tell your wife that you want her to dress up and distract a group of men because it turns you on? He shook his head to himself. His feelings had gone back and forth over the last few days as he wondered if it was a mistake to go down this road again or if he should just be honest with Sophie. He knew how it had escalated last time without any plans for more than just going to a cocktail party, but this time they would be prepared.
His young wife trotted back over to him with their dog trailing behind her. “The weather is perfect today,” she said as she approached. “It feels so good out.”
“I’m just glad you had such a great idea,” he told her as he stretched his arms up in the air and yawned.
“Awh, well you should know I am full of those,” she answered with a playful smile. She sat down beside him and he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
“I have a few good ideas for today of my own,” he told her with a suggestive tone.
“Is that right?” she asked back with a flirty tone.
“Yeah, I was thinking maybe that thing you usually only do on our anniversary or my birthday,” he said as his hand squeezed her upper thigh.
“I don’t think I’m going to have much luck getting pregnant doing that,” she laughed at him as she pushed him away.
“I think I can manage a few rounds if you’re up for it,” he joked with her.
“Oh my gosh, James,” she laughed. “Get your mind out of the gutter.” James liked Sophie’s playfulness and decided to lean into the sexual nature to try to find an opening to talk about Richard and the poker game.
“You’re so good at it though. It’s a shame to let your God-given talents go unused,” he told her with a joking wink.
“That seems awfully one sided. What are you going to do for me?”
“What do you want?” James asked her. She looked out into the distance, contemplating that question.
“You know, I’ll have to think of what’s equivalent to that,” she said thoughtfully. James decided to press his luck and try to bring up Richard.
“Well, I know how you respond to being spanked, maybe we could work that in,” James answered her, a smirk on his face.
“What?” Sophie asked him, confused. Shit, he thought.
“I just, uh meant that… you know, with Richard,” he managed to say awkwardly. He knew that he had made a misstep trying to bring it up, but he wasn’t sure there was any way to bring Richard up without that kind of reaction.
“Seriously James? I don’t want to talk about him,” she said, standing up to throw the ball for Lucy again.
“I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just trying to, I don’t know,” he told her, trying to ease out of the situation.
She sighed deeply. “I know, James, I get it. It’s okay. It’s just so embarrassing to think about… and makes me feel so guilty,” she explained. “Let’s just focus on us, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Of course,” he answered her, watching Lucy sprint after the ball that Sophie had just thrown. This was going to be even harder than he had realized it it were possible at all.