I had been wondering if my young wife, Cindy, had been cheating on me with my best friend when I was away on business. I had been very busy at work and away from home on business for two months. Sometimes she had switched off her mobile phone for a few hours at a time. There was a lack of enthusiasm from her on my return home.
I paid the bill for her mobile phone, which was registered in my name. I asked my service provider to put it on “trace,” so I could use my computer to track which base stations it was using at any time and to look at all the numbers in and out. When away on business in the UK, I could log in to check it.
Shortly after I arranged this, I was away on business for three days. I watched the mobile phone base station access and numbers called on her phone whenever I could log on. She was travelling between our house and my friend’s flat in terms of the base stations accessed, and I found his number being dialled regularly. It was all the evidence I needed.
I was so sad because I loved her and did as much as I could to keep her happy. I knew she liked nothing more than to be on her back and get screwed. Cindy was loving and kind, but her hot pants would get the better of her. But I had this excellent job, and we maintained a grand lifestyle, although neither of us was very materialistic.
What should I do? Cindy was highly sexed but also submissive. She would go over my knee demurely and take a hand spanking for fun. I thought I would confront her with the evidence and no matter what, if she lied or told the truth, after a warm-up, I would give her a hard caning. I knew it turned on some girls by receiving a sore bum, but I had never thought about doing that to Cindy. She would not resist, I knew, because it was not in her nature; she always backed down when faced with the truth and a determined approach.
On Friday evening, I came home. I had contacted Cindy at her work during the day and warned her to be at home when I got back. She sounded a little concerned, as I was vague as to the reason that I asked for this, but she agreed.
The traffic was lighter than usual, and I arrived home a little earlier than expected. I had stopped the previous afternoon at a sex shop and bought two canes, one a thin ‘junior’ cane and the other a thicker, stiffer, and heavier ‘dragon’ cane.
In the house, I took Cindy to the bedroom, sat her on the bed and put it to her. “Have you been cheating on me with Larry?”
She could not meet my eye, but she replied, “No, of course not.”
I got my laptop out and showed her the record of the base station access for her mobile and the numbers dialled.
She put her head in her hands, knowing I had caught her.
“Jim, what are you going to do with me?”
I got the canes out of a long cardboard tube in which I had been hiding them.
“Cindy, I’m going to give you a hard caning. But first, we are going to shower together. Then I’m going to sit you on the bidet and wash his muck out of your pussy. With your arse still wet, I’m going to give you a very severe thrashing, so hard that you won’t sit comfortably for a week, I hope.”
Cindy meekly hung her head.
“Jim, you’re so masterful. I’m sorry, I deserve it.” So typical of Cindy. I could not help but love her!
She undressed, and I followed suit. Within a couple of minutes, we were in the shower. I helped her to shower all over. In the end, I helped her to mostly dry off. Finally, Cindy sat on the bidet facing the taps.
She opened her legs wide, and I turned the water on. She held her pussy lips open, and I helped to wash her inside and out. Whilst this was going on, I told Cindy what I was going to do.
I said, “I will start with a hand spanking with you over my knee. After about thirty to forty spanks, with you still over my knee, I will change over to the bootlace whip, which is two leather bootlaces doubled over in my hand to give four ends.”
“I will give you another thirty to forty strokes with it. You are likely to feel this more than the hand spanking, and I will watch your reactions. If you cry, I may not stop.”
Cindy looked up at me from the bidet and I could see her half-heartedly try to smile.
She understood that this was a serious business.
I went on, “Finally, you will receive your thrashing. You will lie on two pillows on the bed with your bottom in the air. I’m going to start with the thin ‘junior’ cane. You will get six strokes with it. I will give them slowly and let you recover between strokes. If you want it, I will massage your bottom between strokes. At the finish, I will give you four strokes with the heavy ‘dragon’ cane.”
I turned on the bidet, knelt beside it, and adjusted the nozzle to point at Cindy’s pussy. Cindy parted her knees, and I held open her inner pussy lips. The water jet rinsed her pussy thoroughly, and I noted sighs of pleasure coming from Cindy as the water impinged on her clitoris.
Cindy turned off the bidet, got up, and dried her inner thighs, but left her bottom wet. I set up two pillows on the bed and put a bath towel over them. Cindy went over my knee as I sat on the bed. “OK,” I said, “Let’s start.” Cindy grinned weakly at me and relaxed. I gave her a hard hand spanking and Cindy gave little yelps of pain, which joined up into a jerky moan punctuated with louder yells as I pounded home a harder swat.
Her bottom was turning a shade of pink. After about twenty spanks, Cindy started crying, so I paused for a moment, lifted her off my knee and cuddled her for a few minutes. When she quieted and stopped crying, I put her back over my knee and carried on for about forty hand spanks given hard.
At the end of this, Cindy was crying again and rubbing at her bottom. She lay face-down on the bed as she recovered.
“Jim,” she said, “I’m sorry; I promise I will never do it again. Please, get on with my punishment.”
I produced the bootlaces from the bedside cabinet and arranged them in my hand. I positioned Cindy over the two pillows with her buttocks nicely elevated. They were in the perfect position for a good thrashing!
“Cindy, get ready. This will give you a fresh experience, with a sharper and more intense pain, but maybe not more painful than the hand spanking.”
I swung a medium-force stroke home, ‘crack,’ onto her buttocks. Cindy gave a little yell, and the sight of little red whip-line marks appeared with a darker shade than the hand-spanked pink of most of her bottom flesh.
“How was that, dear?” I asked.
Cindy looked round at me with a look of minor anguish on her pretty face. “It stung, but the pain does not go as deep as a hand spanking.”
“This will get you ready for your caning!”
I carried on whipping her with the bootlaces at a rate of about one stroke every ten seconds.
Cindy jerked convulsively and yelped a little at each stroke, but she took it better than the hand spanking. I whipped her all over her bottom for about twenty strokes, leaving it well covered with thin red welts that crisscrossed but which were superficial.
I paused and said, “Have a rest now before I finish this part of your punishment.”
Cindy looked straight ahead and said with an air of minor anguish, “It’s not too painful. I can handle this OK.”
After a pause of about three minutes, I carried on, quicker this time.
Cindy’s yelps increased in volume and she said, “No, slow down, it’s too much.”
So I slowed down again but increased the force. As the strokes cracked home with considerably more force, Cindy yelled and writhed about.
Soon, she was in tears again, and I did not stop until I had counted up to the total of forty again.
After this part of her punishment, Cindy was sobbing loudly with her head buried in her pillow as she rubbed at her buttocks, which had turned a much deeper red, and criss-cross bootlace welts covered their skin.
I helped Cindy off the bed and onto her feet, cuddling her in my arms and comforting her. In the bathroom, I put the plug in the bidet and half-filled it with water. She sat sideways on the bidet so that the punished part of her buttocks was in the cold water.
The cool water would take the heat away from her punishment and calm her down. Her sobs soon subsided. I got round in front of her, parted her knees and went to work orally on her pussy. Cindy buried her head between her breasts and had a powerful orgasm. I made her get up at the end of it and washed her pussy, which was soaking at the end of her whipping.
It was time for the most painful part of her punishment. I dried Cindy’s inner thighs but left her buttocks wet and I helped her into position over the pillows, finally getting out the thin ‘junior’ cane. I swished it in the air, noticing Cindy tense the muscles in her buttocks.
That was no good. It would only increase the pain.
“Cindy, relax or it will be much more painful for you.”
I rested the cane on her bottom, and she tensed up again. Finally, she relaxed.
“Get your breathing under control. Think of something nice and keep it in your mind,” I warned her. Cindy relaxed her buttock muscles. She understood she had to do this for her own sake. I lifted the cane to shoulder height, and ‘whistle,’ ‘crack,’ as a medium force stroke crashed into her bottom.
Cindy gave quite a loud yell and put her hands back to rub her bottom. I didn’t mind, as this was her first exposure to the cane. Cindy soon calmed down. A thicker red line appeared across the fat part of her bottom where the cane had landed. It would leave a mark, but not a heavy one.
I repeated the action ‘crack,’ letting the cane spring back to limit the total force of the stroke. Cindy gave a loud yelp and rubbed her bottom hard. In the future, I would not allow the rubbing, but I let it go, as this was her first experience with the dreaded cane. ‘Crack,’ a third stroke cracked into her bottom, this time a little lower down.
Cindy burst into tears. It was time to stop and massage the marks. The caning must have been an awful shock to her. I massaged the marks, and her sobs decreased.
“Jim,” she said between sobs, “It does hurt but I feel so sexy too. Please carry on to the finish. I will never be bad again.”
“Shall I give you the last three strokes quickly and then massage you again? If I do, you must not put your hand back to rub.”
“OK, but let me get ready for it.”
I carried on massaging her bottom until her sobs ceased and I could see she had relaxed.
I took careful am and ‘crack,’ ‘crack,’ ‘crack.’ Her bottom had received the six strokes of the junior cane. Cindy had gone stiff during the application of these final three strokes, but at the finish of it, she howled aloud and burst into floods of tears again.
I massaged her bottom and nibbled at her ear as she lay there sobbing her heart out. Her cries slowly decreased, and she looked at me with big tear-filled eyes.
“Jim, I can’t take four strokes with that heavy cane, please can I have just one hard one and it’s finished, please, darling?”
I looked at her. The tears and anguish were not play-acting. She was in genuine distress.
“You have been good and taken your punishment well. So I will give you just two hard strokes with the dragon cane. It will be two only and it is over.”
I picked up the dragon cane.
“Relax, remember, it is two only and if you take them well, I will forgive you.”
I decided the dragon strokes would be merciless and delivered with full force. There was no reason to change this view. Cindy had sinned and had to pay for it. I took careful aim and swung the first terrific stroke home.
The cane went ‘crack,’ and bit deep into the flesh of her buttocks. I kept the pressure on and held the cane down before jerking it back fast. Cindy gasped for breath and then let out a tremendous howl of pure pain and shock. She clenched and unclenched her gluteal muscles, rubbing frenziedly at the mark.
I gave her a minute to compose herself and gave her the final cane stroke of the session. Cindy was crying her eyes out and was trying to pull her bum off. She would behave from now on, I was certain.
I let her carry on like this before applying an ice cube to the enormous marks. Her sobs carried on for a while. When she gathered herself, I got down behind her on the bed and lifted her haunches in the air, and gave her oral relief to her pussy and clitoris.
Cindy soon had another tremendous orgasm and requested the ‘real thing’. Of course, I obliged immediately and in doggy fashion.
Cindy rewarded my efforts with one of her most energetic and vocal orgasms. If this is what a good thrashing can do to a girl, bring it on!
So finished Cindy’s first acquaintance with punishment caning.
When she recovered her composure, which didn’t take long, she lay on the bed with me, a towel under her tummy and pussy.
“Cindy, are you unhappy with me?”
“No, it’s not that. I just so much miss the sex with you. It almost hurts.”
“Please don’t take this the wrong way, but would a ‘fucking machine’ help?
She stared at me in amazement and asked, “What’s that?”
“Can you bear to sit on your thrashed bum while I show you examples on the internet?”
“I didn’t know they existed. Yes, I can sit on a pillow. Please, show me some.”
Cindy got organised with a pillow and towel on it and sat by my side as I found some website videos, with girls being a good seeing-to on a variety of machines. Her eyes opened wide in amazement.
“I like that one. There she is on her back, and I can see she’s not faking an orgasm when they homed in on her pussy and clitoris. Now she’s getting it doggy fashion! It won’t be as good as the real thing, but it may be enough to satisfy me!”
The website had the financial and ordering details. We could afford it. The deals I did on my travels earned me huge bonuses and Cindy works, too.
“Well, what do you think?”
“Are there any more?”
There are websites where some incredible machines, of which there are many in a studio, are used to fuck adult-oriented actresses. These machines are one-offs, probably, and would need a large room in which to install them. Their design, construction and installation must have cost an arm and a leg and would rely on sales of the videos to fund, and hopefully, allow them to thrive financially.
“So, how do you feel now? How sore is your bum?”
“Jim, the heavy cane was agonising, but I deserved it. Now, I still feel so horny despite our session.
“You are insatiable. Would you like to look at some spanking machines, too?”
“I didn’t know they existed!”
A well-known spanking website shows several videos of spanking machines in use. I found one video of a girl bent over a spanking bench with the machine giving her a caning and another video of the same girl being whipped with a single cord whip by the same versatile machine. The girl in the video was feeling it, for sure!
“Wow, look at that. Jim, the thin cane didn’t hurt so much and it made me very horny. The entire atmosphere around being punished shocked me a little, and I felt so guilty. If I was in a normal frame of mind, I could take it much better. Can we wait a few days until the marks go down and you give me another taste of the bootlaces and thin cane and see how I feel?”
“Yes, of course. Are you already feeling better, darling?”
Cindy burst into tears.
Between sobs, she said, “You gave me what I needed and I must get a grip on myself. I’m blessed beyond millions and I still misbehave. Whippings and canings must be a part of my life from now on. The spanking and fucking machines could keep me in line while you are away. They are not illegal, are they?”
“No, they are not, and darling, you can whip and cane me, too. It’s years since I was last caned.”
“Did you get it at school?”
“Yes, of course. We all did in those days.”
“Darling, if it’s what you want, certainly. You never mentioned it before. Please, play with me again. I’m so horny after those videos and our little talk, please! Let me go to the loo, freshen up and then…”
We had another session. I fingered her G spot and nibbled at her clitoris. This always turns me on, and I gave her a seeing-to in doggy fashion again.
“It’s wonderful when you rub against the cane welts. It’s painful but so horny. Please, let me show you my clit.”
“Jim, I’m so sorry. I deserved my caning, and it has done me good.”
Cindy rolled onto her back and pulled back the hood of her clitoris, which was still in motion. She had never done that before. Her punishment session must have opened new doors to her sexuality. I didn’t know a girl would react to sex so long after the action.
To date, she has behaved and woken up to the powerful stimuli, and once the pain has gone, to the pleasurable afterglow sensations of a hard caning!
It wasn’t late in the evening.
“Darling, why don’t I order the fucking machine that we looked at on the web and the spanking machine, too? Do we need to wait?”
“Darling, if we can afford them, let’s do it. I can contribute. My bonus came through and I’m cash-rich right now. Tell me how much the two machines will cost and we can share it.”
I will do my best not to be away for the two weeks after the order. Cindy would have a very sore bum during that time.
The vendors of these machines were based in the US and I called them on my VOIP phone. The time difference predicted that the western US where they were located would still be at work. I rang the fucking machine vendor.
They answered, and we had a discussion. During it, I talked about the spanking machine. They said that the spanking machine company was part of their group and that if I placed an order for the fucking machine and the spanking machine with accessories, including shipping charges, I would get a ten percent discount on the whole deal.
It took a while to check out exactly what we needed and when added up; it came to close to two and a half grand for the two items, plus extras, and the shipping cost. Air freight was horrendously expensive. It would have to be a ‘fast surface shipment,’ which would take two weeks.
They made an outrageous suggestion and made it sound almost like a request! If I could set up the machines and make a video of Cindy being fucked and caned, they would remit me another five percent discount on the deal!
I said no way would Cindy’s face appear. They went along with that, and all I needed to do was to get Cindy’s agreement.
I said, “Expect to hear from me,” thanked them and rang off.
I bookmarked the sites until I had discussed them with Cindy.
Cindy was asleep by the time I got back to bed.
The next morning, when Cindy woke up, I looked at her bum. The two welts caused by the dragon cane were enormous and had turned dark blue with purple ridges on each side. She had received a severe punishment!
“I’m sorry,” I said, “But I thought it was for the best.”
Cindy took my hand. “Don’t worry. It has straightened me out. But I wonder how it feels sitting on the loo?”
She got up and sat on the loo in the en-suite. Her face screwed up in pain.
“I deserve it. This will hurt for a few days. Don’t worry, love, I’ve been a bad girl. I won’t forget this in a hurry.”
Once we had showered, we went back to bed. Cindy has a pot of Aloe Vera cream and asked me to apply it to her cane marks gently. With Cindy lying on a towel, she winced if I pressed on a mark while applying the cream.
“Jim, don’t feel bad about it. My suffering has brought it home to me to grow up and stop thinking only of myself. I hope this will last, but if it doesn’t, please give me another thrashing with the dragon cane. I may need it to keep me in line.”
“Do you want to hear about the fucking and caning machine deal? They want five grand minus ten percent if I order both together because they are sister companies. But, if I can make videos of you being fucked and spanked by the machines, we get another five percent remitted back once I send them the videos. You don’t have to show your face. I made that clear and they accept it.”
Cindy put a hand to her mouth.
“Did you go along with any of that?”
“Not yet. I have ordered nothing. I have made no commitments because I wanted to talk to you first.”
Cindy started laughing. She is a sport!
“I don’t mind, as long as they can’t identify me. I could get some temporary tattoo stickers and we can put them on my lower back and thighs as a disguise. When I wash them off, I will look different. That’s all it will take! Jim, please order them. We can sell them on if we don’t like them, and I doubt if that will be the case. I wonder what it’s like to be fucked by a machine?”
Where could we sell a second-user spanking or fucking machine? It might not be on eBay. Worry about it if the time comes.
“Jim, I’m good for a grand. How does that sound?”
“Great. May I place the order?”
“Yeah, why not? Jim. Give me a morning glory, please. It makes me so horny thinking about all this.”
I had a diamond cutter erection, and I could see Cindy admired and wanted it.
Cindy got on the bed, head down, bum up. As usual, I fingered her G spot and nibbled at her clit. She came in a few seconds and I entered her soaking vagina, which was in spasm, which brought me to an enormous mutual orgasm. I had to hang onto her thighs, or she would have collapsed on the bed.
“I’m the sex machine,” she moaned. “We will have the trinity. A fucking machine, a spanking machine, and a sex machine. I will surely go to hell. It’s a good thing the vicar can’t hear me.”
We got dressed, and I made breakfast. Cindy was standing up, putting a brave face on it.
It was a lovely day.
“Going for a walk will ease the soreness. Do you need paracetamol?”
“Yes, it will help. Seriously, I’ve had my punishment, and I deserved it.”
“It’s not your fault. We have personal characteristics. But I’m sure what you went through will help you in the longer term.”
Cindy took two paracetamol.
“Darling, it hurts so much sitting on the loo. If I only need a pee, please can you support me so I don’t have to sit on my bum?”
“OK, I need another pee. Hold me up.”
So I did.
It was late morning by the time we went for a walk along the canal towpath, taking it easy. Cindy said the pain eased as she walked, and the paracetamol helped.
We were on our way back, and less than half a mile from the house at one of our favourite pubs, which was just opening. The upmarket outside garden bar had chairs with cushions.
“Can you handle sitting on one of those?” I said, looking over at them.
“Yes, I must make the effort.”
I went in and checked we could have the table and it was fine. We were regulars.
“How about a glass of wine? The volume will be less and I can’t go into the ladies here and support you!”
“The house isn’t far and I can hang on. It was a good idea to go for a walk. My bottom is less sore.”
Cindy laughed. She didn’t bear me any ill will.
She transferred the one grand to me at home, and I placed the order. I sent them a twenty-five percent deposit ahead of their invoice. The US still works on Saturdays, or the ‘adult industry’ does.
The invoice came back later with the ten percent discount applied and a promise of a further five percent remittance ‘on receipt of a video to a suitable standard and in an agreed format.’ I sent them the balance, and they replied with a shipping date.
Later that afternoon, Cindy reached out to me from the couch.
“I was naughty last night. Despite my guilt, I let you give me only two strokes with the dragon cane and not the four strokes you proposed. To show my respect for you in the way you reacted to my infidelity, I offer you my bottom for those two strokes, plus an extra. You have all the grounds you need to divorce me, but what you have done is give me a thoroughly deserved sore bum and the best orgasms I have ever had.”
“You have found ways and taken action to keep me happy in the future when I could have destroyed everything. Jim, please give me three more strokes with the dragon cane. I can and must take it.”
This gave me an enormous surprise. Cindy knew she had been a bad girl and had not only accepted her punishment, but had rationalised her behaviour, and was determined to make amends in the way she saw fit.
I would not give the three strokes she requested at full force. This was a matter of relieving the last of her guilt, and that was psychologically important for her. Little tears appeared in her eyes.
“Darling, you are so brave. Upstairs with you. Let’s get ready.”
We showered, and I got her over my knee. I hand spanked her, where possible, avoiding the two existing dragon cane marks.
“Cindy, please get on the bed, head down, bum up. You are such an obedient girl these days.”
Submissive Cindy complied.
I gave her three lighter strokes with the dragon cane, taking care with my aim not to cross them over. She yelled as each one cracked home, and then collapsed on the bed, rubbing at the marks, but she was not in tears.
“Jim, go down on me again, and stick it in me, please!”
We had another mind-blowing session. Cindy’s pussy was in muscular action before I started on her and her clitoris was dark red and pulsating like a tiny penis! When I entered her, I wondered if it was a pussy or a sausage machine! Later that evening, I applied Aloe Vera cream to her marks.
“That’s it. I have paid for my stupidity. Jim, you are such a good man. You must cane me whenever you feel like it, as long as you satisfy me afterward.”
I had never seen her look so contented, if rather sore,
Cindy offered me one of her expert hand jobs, and I accepted. She said she was too sore inside for any more action!
I was sitting on the bed when Cindy came back from the bathroom. She knelt on the floor by me and put her hands together in my lap.
“Jim darling, thank you for everything. Things have turned out so well, thanks to you. I will be a good girl forever. My pussy and bum belong to you only.”
A funny thing happened. The next Monday, Cindy came home and said. “I’ve got a story to tell you. The head of the logistics section is an older lady called Agnes. She’s been there for years and comes from Scotland.”
“In the car park this evening, she came up to me and said, “You did well today with such a sore bum!”
“I was stunned. How did she know? Agnes is the office ‘Auntie,’ and I’ve known her for a while. She is discrete, so I would fess up.”
“Agnes said, “I’ve got a daughter your age. You, I’m sure, have a pair of hot pants just like her. When she was sixteen, I caught her with her panties off in a petting session with a boyfriend, so I kicked him out and gave her a dozen hard strokes with my old tawse. She couldn’t sit afterwards. She got this a few times over the next four years with twenty-four strokes once, even when she was at university and living at home in the holidays. If she lived in my house, she had to accept my discipline.
“Today, I could see you taking care to sit down and you have that very sore bum look on your face.”
“I was shocked and I’m sure I blushed to the roots. Agnes laughed and said, “Don’t worry, it will do you good, and your secret is safe with me!”
“I don’t feel alone, because I’ve got another woman in Agnes to talk to and if you are away, maybe she will give me a dose of the tawse if I ask nicely! You are a wonderful help, but a lady friend is nice sometimes.”
“Do you think Agnes would give you anything else, and would you want that?”
“No, I’m not attracted to other women, but I wouldn’t mind trying the tawse. I’ve heard about it, and I can look for some information about it on the web. That’s in the future. Maybe the fucking and spanking machines will do it for me. Will it be fucking or caning first? It could be the caning!”
A few days went by and over a glass of wine, Cindy said, “I’m not sure if having a wicked conversation is grounds for a caning?”
“Tell me more, please.”
“It’s Agnes. We went for a coffee off-site at lunchtime. Things were quiet in the office. We were outside and alone on the cafe’s sun-shaded veranda. She talked about her late husband and how he would correct her naughty ways with the tawse. When he passed away with a heart attack, this stopped.”
“To cut to the point, she asked me if I would give her a dose of the tawse because she misses it so much. She admitted that about every six months, she goes to a ‘professional lady spanker’ who charges her for a half-hour session with a warm-up, and then an application of the tawse to her tenderised rump. No sexual services are involved. She doesn’t feel any connection with this lady, whereas she does with me. She would rather get the tawse from a lady she knows, and she says I’m the only person who ticks the boxes.”
“Darling, I’ve not committed to her and asked her to wait while I think about it.”
“Cindy, if you give her a dose of the tawse, have you taken anything from me? No, you haven’t. You are not asking me to share you with another man, and even if sexual services with Agnes become involved, it’s OK between two women, as long as she’s healthy.”
She took my hand and said, “You are wonderful, Jim. I am not attracted to her sexually. My pussy didn’t react as she was talking, but it reacts while I talk about it with you. Agnes never mentioned sex or relief.”
“Jim, I’m sure she is healthy. We all have to have a medical every year because of the type of business. Those blood samples are not just for cholesterol and diabetes. They say that’s the sort of thing they check for, but there are rumours it goes way beyond.”
“Yes. It’s likely enough. You don’t deserve a caning for talking to me about this. I’m pleased to hear that you have an interesting diversion! But if you are going to give a spanking, I need to teach you how to do it. You are an ideal student, because you have received spanking and caning, so you know what it’s about. The best spankers always come from the ranks of those who have received it.”
“During your ‘correction’ session last Friday, I mentioned at school I received the cane. Well, I’m the ideal person on which to practise. I’ve wondered if spanking or caning me will turn you on. What do you think?”
The change in her complexion to a delicate shade of pink told me everything!
“Jim, I’m on the verge of orgasm through talking about caning you. I’m not naturally dominant, but the thought of caning your bum is an enormous turn-on because I know what will happen afterwards. You are an excellent teacher, and have taught me through my bum and pussy!”
“It’s time for your instruction.”
I went upstairs, took a shower, and put the two canes on the bed. I knelt on the bed, head down and bottom up. Cindy had taken a quick shower and came naked into the bedroom. It was a real turn-on to watch her pick up a cane and line it up on my bottom.
“Please, let me try to cane you, relying on my experience.”
“OK. You took enough cane strokes to give you an idea of where they should land on the bottom. Please carry on.”
Tap-tap, ‘crack’ and the first of many cane strokes I would receive over the years from Cindy landed on my bum. Of course, it was nothing like hard enough.
“Darling, please do it much harder, like perhaps four or five times harder. Use plenty of wrist action. I don’t mind you practising on my bum, because I’m so used to it thanks to my time at school.”
It was so erotic to see her lovely curves; her trimmed bush and her cute breasts in motion as she caned me. Cindy steadily got the hang of it and the cane strokes increased in force. I was counting up, and we were approaching stroke twenty. Cindy paused.
“Are you OK Jim?”
“Yes, thank you, I’m fine. Please, do you think you can make it to thirty-six strokes before you ‘come’?”
“Jim, I’m close to orgasm, but let me give it my best shot, please.”
“Try to put the arousal feelings away by caning me as hard as you can and concentrating on giving it. Imagine I’m a worm and you are trying to cut me in half. If you can do that, it will be an excellent caning for me.”
I was already hurting, but I wanted her to see I could take it as well as give it. It was only the thin cane. The next day was a working day, and I didn’t want to have to go to the office with a bum flayed by the dragon cane. That could wait for a Friday night.
“Jim, you are a hard case. No wonder my bum was so sore.”
I thought Cindy was getting into a role play and welcomed the fact because it might divert her psyche from orgasm to the punishment of my bum. She made it to the full thirty-six strokes, but she could not have been counting, because she carried on. Cindy continued until stroke number forty when I said, “Stop, please. I’ve taken forty strokes, and it’s enough.”
My well-striped bum was stinging like mad. Cindy had done a good job. I stood up and gently touched the opening of her vagina. It was soaking, and I was leaking pre-cum.
She felt my bum with both hands and bit her lip.
“Your poor bum. It’s welted and ridged. You must be in agony!”
“No. It’s hot and stinging, but I’m closer to orgasm than fainting. Would you like it mish or doggy?”
“Mish, please. I can lie on my bum at last.”
Cindy lay on the bed. I got on top. She put her arms around me and hugged me and was crying gently.
“What’s up?”
“I never thought I could cane a man, but you have shown me the way. Because I love you, it’s such a sensation for me. Jim, screw the hell out of me, please.”
My erections were ever more like diamond cutters. Cindy was soaking with her pussy already twitching in a state of high arousal. What skin stimulation does for the recipient and carrying it out does for the donor!
Cindy moaned in pleasure and dug her nails into my back. I stayed hard inside her for as long as I was capable, which turned out to be a lot longer than I had thought possible. Her pussy throbbed and twitched for several minutes as she smothered me in kisses. We were finding genuine happiness.
Cindy saw Agnes the next day, and passing by her desk, she said, “Any time,” and smiled.
Agnes followed Cindy to the car park in the evening.
“Please, could you ‘do’ me on Friday evening, straight after work?”
“Let me check with Jim, but I think it will be OK.”
Cindy checked with me, and I assured her it was fine.
In the morning, Cindy passed by Agnes’ desk, nodded and smiled. There was no need to say anything.
It was that time of the month, so we had a break from sex and spanking for the rest of the week.
On Friday morning, I said, “Don’t rush back. Take your time and give her a sore bum. I’m sure it will do her good.”
That evening, at Agnes’ house after work, they both showered.
Cindy asked, “Do you want me to do it naked, in my underwear or fully clothed, please?”
Agnes said, “I was in normal clothes when I gave the tawse to Ella (her daughter). She would be naked or at least, bare bottom with the skin tight. Why don’t we carry on like that?
“That’s fine by me,” said Cindy. “Where do we do it, please, and do you want a warm-up?
“We can do it in the bedroom with me kneeling on the bed so the skin of my bottom is tight. I don’t want a warm-up, because I never gave a warm-up to Ella. It was always a punishment and designed to sting the hell out of her naughty bottom.”
Kneeling on the bed, her knees were about two feet apart to separate the cheeks of her bottom.
“Agnes said, “I am ready. Will you give me twelve strokes of the tawse and then we see if I need a few more?
“Yes, certainly.”
The tawse was about two feet long, with two tails. It bore signs of previous use, I could tell. The gap between the tails pinches the skin violently, and I’m sure this causes the peak of the painful impact.
“Don’t hold back, please. Give it to meet good and hard. I’m not made of glass and my bum needs a good thrashing.
“As you wish.”
It certainly wasn’t a turn-on to see her slightly sagging bum. I was worried about her ability to take a thrashing, but as she bent over with her head down, her skin tightened, and I could make out the faint marks of earlier applications of the tawse.
“Are you ready, please?
I took careful aim and cracked home the first stroke. Agnes barely reacted.
“Please, do it much harder.”
As requested, I cracked home what I thought was a much harder stroke.
“That’s better, but it needs to be harder still, please.”
I increased the force of the stroke by standing back two paces, then moving forward as I swung the tawse almost as hard as I could. My aiming might not be as good, if I swung the tawse very hard, and it might wrap around, which is agonising. This time, the tawse bit into the flesh of her bottom and Agnes yelped. The tawse was leaving broad red stripes across her bum. Twelve strokes would cover all of her bottom and would overlap in some places.
I wasn’t feeling arousal from this, but I hoped I was giving Agnes what she expected from me.
After giving her stroke number six, I paused and asked, “How am I doing, please?”
In a mildly anguished voice, Agnes replied, “You are doing fine. It hasn’t taken long for you to become proficient, but then if you have received a spanking, caning, or whatever, you will usually be good at delivering it. Please carry on.”
As I resumed applying the tawse to her bottom, Agnes said, “Please, can you leave a longer time between strokes to let me recover? It hurts, and it could get on top of me if you do it too fast.”
So I counted up to sixty between strokes, and Agnes seemed to have composed herself by the time I got there. The last stroke should be the hardest, so I put maximum effort into it, and Agnes let out a yell.
“After about three minutes, Agnes said, “That was an excellent effort. Please give me three more like the last stroke, which set my ass on fire. My male friend arrives in about two hours. I want him to see the fresh tawse marks on my bum. He refuses to do it, so I thought I would let him see what it looks like and experience the sexual stimulation it gives me. Maybe that will make him change his position that this is a perversion when it’s only stimulation.”
I did as requested and put as much force as I could muster into each stroke, but counted up to one hundred between them.
At their finish, Agnes collapsed on the bed. It looked as if she was trying to pull the skin off her bum, which radiated heat almost sufficient to make toast!
“Agnes, if your friend is coming, I must go.”
Painfully, she got up and put on a dressing gown.
“Would you like two strokes of the tawse so you know what it feels like, please?”
I could not wimp out, so I said, “Yes.
“Lift your skirt, drop your panties to your knees, stand by the bed and bend over it as tightly as you can, please.”
I did as I was told.
“Are you ready?
There was no warning tap you get with the cane and the tawse is quiet in the air, but the ‘crack’ when it lands sounds like the cane. There, the similarity ends. For the first stroke, there is immediate numbness, but the pain of a hard tawse stroke is, I believe, worse than that of the dragon cane. The weight of the tawse drives a shock deep into the flesh and it covers a much greater area than the cane. To think in days gone by, they used this on school children, is beyond belief. I had difficulty getting my breath, and a yell was not possible.
Agnes waited.
I nodded, and another agonising stroke crashed into my tortured bum. I could not tolerate another stroke of the tawse. Agnes gave twenty-four tawse strokes to her daughter. I must meet that girl one day.
I stood up, rubbing my bum as hard as I could. The pain was beyond agonising. How did Agnes take twelve strokes of it?
Agnes smiled tolerantly. “Hurts, doesn’t it? Ella never returned for another stroke of the tawse for at least six months after the last one. But don’t worry, the afterglow in about two hours will be wonderful, possibly the best you have experienced. It’s worth putting up with the pain for it. Don’t go without a coffee or something to relax you, please.”
“Thank you. I would like a coffee,”
We drank our coffee, with me just able to sit at the kitchen table, and Agnes standing there, wincing as she rubbed her bum.
“If he doesn’t get the idea, I will have to look elsewhere. I won’t waste any more time on him.
“I don’t blame you. The future belongs to the kinky. Agnes, I won’t talk. Any time you want a sore bum, let me know, please.
“Cindy, thank you so much. Will you look for a tawse?
“We’ve got a dragon cane and lighter canes. I will show Jim my tawse marks, and I am going to ask him to give me four strokes of the dragon cane tonight. I can compare the results.
“You can borrow mine for Jim to try, but not tonight, just in case!” Agnes giggled!
Agnes saw me to the door and gave me a peck on the cheek, which is as far as any intimacy went.
It was a painful journey home. I want an automatic if I am to drive after a caning session, etc. At home, I got Jim upstairs. “There’s something to show you. How about we take showers, because I can see a session ahead?”
I was lying on the bed displaying my bum when Jim came in.
“Good heavens! How many strokes caused that?”
“Two strokes of Agnes’ tawse. Jim, please give me four strokes with the dragon cane so I can compare the pain caused by it relative to the tawse, while it is fresh in my mind, and its marks are fresh on my arse.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, please. It’s for my information about the relative effects of the tawse and the dragon cane. I’m sure I already know the answer, but I want it confirmed.”
Cindy had done physics at uni and scraped through; I’m sure, because she did a lot of horizontal studying. But she had not forgotten that it’s best to check out observed but unverified findings with an experiment.
“It’s time.” I tapped her bum with the dragon cane.
“I’m ready.”
Tap-tap ‘crack.’ The stroke was about three-quarters of maximum force. This was not to punish her or to be an erotic event, but I carried it out to satisfy her curiosity. She yelped and wriggled about. A dark red line appeared on her rump, well clear of the tawse fiery bands.
I delivered the next three strokes in the same fashion. At their finish, Cindy rubbed her bum, looked at me, and said, “Dragon cane any time. If you bring a tawse, here, I’m off.”
We only had to wait two weeks for the spanking and fucking machines!