The Meaning Of Discipline – Part 3

"Lucy and Philip get caught in the act by Lucy’s Mother"

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In the last part, Philip is spanked and then caned by Lucy’s mother Mary. It had been made painfully clear to Philip that he had to submit to Mary’s discipline or stop seeing Lucy. The strange thing was, being caned by Mary, and watching Lucy being caned had been a huge turn-on for Philip. Dating Lucy was dangerous and very exciting.

After my first memorable encounter with Lucy’s mother, I couldn’t get her, Lucy, or the new experiences out of my mind. I was drawn to Lucy and her mother like a moth to a flame. Lucy became my steady girlfriend, and I became a frequent visitor to her home. It was exciting being around Mary, it was like playing with fire. You had to be cautious knowing that the slightest mistake might lead to a caning.

Mary had warned us to go no further than “upstairs outdoors”. I didn’t understand this rather dated British expression. Discrete investigation revealed what it meant, it was a little less than what the Americans call second base. “Upstairs” refers to touching your girlfriend anywhere above her waist, most significantly touching her breasts or nipples. “Outdoors” referred to touching her only through her clothes, even fingers going under her blouse, was considered “indoors”.

It was some weeks after my caning, Lucy and I were becoming complacent. Lucy’s mother worked part-time as a family doctor. She held a surgery most mornings and one or two evenings. So usually, Mary was at home in the afternoon when we arrived back from school. However, one afternoon Lucy and I returned to find her home empty. Lucy said that sometimes her mother was late returning home. Probably an emergency had occurred, her mother was dealing with it, and it could be hours before she returned.

Lucy was eager to exploit the opportunity. We went straight up to Lucy’s bedroom and immediately started kissing and cuddling on her bed. As we became more passionate, Lucy moved my hand down onto her breast. I was happy to oblige and started stroking Lucy’s breasts through her blouse. We were both becoming more and more excited. I started playing with Lucy’s nipples through her clothes. Trying to simulate her nipples through several layers of clothing was frustrating for us both.

I was somewhat disappointed when Lucy got up and went to the bathroom. After a minute or so, the cunning minx returned triumphantly waving her bra. Lucy had taken off her bra and had re-fastened the buttons of her blouse.

We quickly resumed, what was by a tenuous technicality, upstairs outdoors. Lucy’s lovely breasts were almost visible through her blouse and touching them through just the thin cotton felt amazing for both of us. It was now easy to stroke and feel her breasts, and stimulate her nipples. As you can imagine, with the increased stimulation our excitement developed rapidly. It wasn’t long before Lucy had unbuttoned a strategic button. My hand had eagerly slipped under the thin blouse, and I was directly touching her breasts and tweaking her nipples.

That is when it all went wrong. We were startled by a loud knock, knock on the open door. We looked up in horror to see Lucy’s mother, she was standing at the bedroom door with her hands on her hips. Mary raised her voice and said, “What on earth do you two think you are up to?”

We leapt off the bed like scolded cats. Mary ordered us to get downstairs immediately. We exchanged anxious glances and quickly exited the bedroom. As we made our way past Mary, we both got a smack on our bottoms.

Once we were in the kitchen, Lucy rather unnecessarily said, “Oh my god, we are in for it now.”

Mary arrived, glared at us, and then simply said “Strip down to your nickers, the both of you!”

As we undressed, Mary matched off into the utility room, muttering, “OK, let’s make the punishment fit the crime.”

We eagerly watched each other as we undressed. It was the first time we had seen each other almost naked. Lucy’s blouse came off revealing her gorgeous breasts for the first time. Then came her school skirt, revealing her white school panties. Her panties were somewhat moist and clung erotically to every contour. I enjoyed the view as Lucy bent down to remove socks. It might have been worth a caning just to watch Lucy performing this strip tease.

Lucy watched me as I stripped down, her skin was flushed, and I could see her nipples enlarging in front of my eyes. Lucy stood with her legs pressed together, I now understand that was a sign of how aroused she was. Inevitably, my penis quickly became erect causing my pants to tent out as my penis tried to escape.

Lucy’s mother returned from the utility room putting something in her cardigan pocket. She took a seat and told us to put our hands on our heads. We both complied as quickly as possible. I watched with fascination as Lucy’s gorgeous breasts rose up and then gently oscillated. Lucy was then instructed to stand in front of her mother, and she quickly complied.

Mary looked at Lucy’s panties clinging to every curve. Lucy’s mother slowly pulled down her panties, it was the most erotic thing I had ever witnessed. I looked between Lucy’s legs and at her beautiful bare bottom for the first time. Mary slapped Lucy’s thighs and said, “Spread your legs.”

I was watched in awe of the sights before my eyes. Mary slid her hand between Lucy’s legs, feeling for signs of arousal. This was so stimulating for me that I thought my penis was going to explode out of my pants. Mary removed her hand, it was wet with secretions and she simply said, “You are a naughty girl!”

Then it was my turn to stand before Mary. My penis was already trying to escape from my pants, moments later it had, as Mary pulled down my pants. Just like with Lucy, my legs were slapped as I was told to spread my legs. Lucy watched with fascination as I stood there with my hands on my head, my legs apart and my fully erect penis pointing straight into her mother’s face.

Mary examined me like the expert doctor she was, first, she cupped my testicles in her hand. Then she examined each one carefully. I was becoming more and more excited, nobody had ever touched me like that before. I squirmed about and was punished with slaps to my legs.

Next, my fully erect penis was carefully examined, its length and girth evaluated by both Mary and Lucy. Mary had seen thousands, and this was Lucy’s first, but both ladies seemed happy with what they saw.

Mary wrapped one hand around my penis and pulled my foreskin back. She inspected and stroked my glans with the fingers of her other hand.  It took all my effort to avoid ejaculating into Mary’s face. Lucy’s mother squeezed some pre-cum out of my penis and stroked the underside of my penis. Mary was trying to make me come, I was squirming about desperately trying not to come. Thank goodness Mary stopped, she spanked my legs, and somewhat disingenuously chided me for moving about.

Mary moved her attention to my nipples, they were squeezed and pinched until they were stiffer than they had ever been before.  Lucy was watching all this intently, quietly learning from what her mother was doing. I was naive, neither I nor anyone else had ever really played with my nipples. I didn’t realise how sensitive they are, and how stimulating touching them could be. Mary’s hand went to her cardigan pocket and produced two clothes pegs she had brought from the utility room. She then said, “If you like playing with nipples, let’s see how you like this!”

Both Lucy and I watched wide-eyed as a clothes peg was tightly clamped onto each of my nipples. We didn’t know about nipple clamps, and it had certainly never occurred to us that you could use a clothes peg for that purpose. I was surprised by how sharp the initial compression was, and how it continued to both hurt and stimulate at the same time. Mary then squeezed the nipple end of the peg between her fingers, illustrating it could hurt even more if she wished.

Then Mary got up and declared, “Right then, six of the best for both of you.”

Lucy was told to pull up her panties and get in position. Lucy quickly and expertly assumed the correct position, bent over the table, on tiptoes with her legs wide apart, back dipped low, pushing her bottom up. All the excitement of watching her mother touching me had left the crotch of Lucy’s panties decidedly damp. The thin white cotton was practically transparent and sticking to her sex. What a sight! That slight alone would keep me happy for many a night.

Mary had been watching me letching over Lucy,  she came over to me and said, “Enjoying the view, are we?”

I was instructed to turn around, and the back of each leg was spanked two or three times. What is it that makes your legs so sensitive to being smacked? I was told to turn around again and face her, to stand up straight and keep my hands on my head. The clothes pegs were pulled and then squeezed again.

Mary tested her grip on the tiled floor, she wasn’t satisfied and went off to the cloakroom. I could hear her washing her hands. Mary must have taken off her shoes and stockings in the cloakroom because she returned barefoot. It was clear she intended to put some effort into our canings and didn’t want to slip on the tiled floor.

Mary took off her cardigan and hung it on the back of a chair. She looked fantastic in her well-fitted summer dress, it was short-sleeved and went down to little past her knees. Reaching up for the cane showed off Mary’s body beautifully. Her arms, legs her whole body were slim and elegant. Clearly, she exercised regularly to be in such great shape for a woman approaching her fifties. My erection grew as I wondered what it would be like with Mary. Oh dear, not only did I fancy the pants off Lucy, but now I was lusting after her mother’s body as well.

Mary flexed the cane, then swung it about a little to warm up. Finally, she lined up the cane on the middle of Lucy’s bottom, positioning the tip so it was just past the crown of the far buttock. This time she stepped back slightly as she swung the cane. Mary stepped forward swinging the cane as hard as she could. The cane landed with a tremendous whack pretty much exactly where she had positioned it. The whole of Lucy’s bottom deformed as it absorbed the terrible blow. Lucy cried out in pain, but she stayed in position, she was trembling slightly with effort to stay still.

Mary had put all her strength into that stroke, I now understood what is meant when someone says six of the best. They intend to beat you as hard as they can. Mary was in no hurry, she stood back and dispassionately watched her daughter trembling in pain.

We both watched, first a long bright red line became visible right across the middle of Lucy’s bottom. The line was fourteen inches long, starting before the protection of her panties and continuing after on the far side. As we watched we could see the weal developing, the flesh was swelling to form an angry ridge. The colour was darkening and the classic “tramline” effect was forming.

After what seemed like ages, but was perhaps just sixty seconds, Mary lined up the cane again. This time the cane was a little lower, maybe an inch below the first stroke. Mary stepped back, then swept forward almost flicking the cane with her wrist before it landed. Lucy was distraught, she held on the table, but her legs danced all over the place. After a few seconds, she managed to compose herself somewhat and returned to the correct position. Nothing was said, it seemed that it was OK to move about a bit as long as you didn’t jump up.

Mary walked around for a few moments biding her time before the next stroke. Waiting so long between each stroke was part of the punishment. It stretched out the caning to at least five minutes of absolute agony. Five minutes of trying to cope with the pain of the last stroke, and then the awful waiting in position for the next stroke. The second weal formed; it was pretty much parallel with the first, exactly where Mary had planned.

I watched Mary’s body intently as she delivered the third stroke. As she swung into the stroke, her breasts bounced around and her dress flew up a little revealing a little bare thigh. It was so exciting, I could watch this woman all day. As before, the third stoke was a little lower but still parallel to the others. Lucy took the stroke well, she cried out, her legs moved around, but she stayed down, and quickly got back into position. However, the caning was taking its toll, Lucy was breathing heavily and started crying.

Mary wandered about, almost bored while she waited for the next stroke. Then she spotted me watching her. Mary purposely strode over to me, she looked at my fully erect penis which was dripping pre-cum onto her kitchen floor. She said, “You are a naughty boy, aren’t you?”

Mary took the clothes pegs off my nipples. I was surprised to learn that this causes more pain and sensation as the blood flows back into your nipples.

I didn’t know that your nipples are especially sensitive after a nipple clamp is removed. However it wasn’t long before I found out, as if to teach me, Mary pinched both my nipples between her fingers.

I hopped about in pain and got my legs slapped for making a fuss. Then as if to illustrate the point, Mary showed me that even gently touching your nipples after a clamp is removed is painful. However, it was now time for the next stroke, Mary clamped the pegs back onto my nipples and squeezed them for good measure. It occurred to me that she was always spanking my legs and not my bottom, it seemed that I was going to receive my first “cold” caning.

Mary lined up the cane again, as before an inch below the last stroke. I wondered if Mary was planning a trick, to provoke penalty strokes. It seemed not, the fourth stroke landed as planned and an inch below the last one. This stroke had encroached on the lower, more tender curves of Lucy’s bottom. Lucy was struggling, but experience had taught her to hang in there and take her punishment properly.

Even without any penalty strokes, this was going to be a severe punishment. I wondered if I could be as brave, as strong when it came to my turn. As I witnessed this awful caning, my admiration of Lucy grew deeper minute by minute. It occurred to me that Mary’s discipline was character-building, it had already made Lucy a stronger more resilient person.

Mary wandered around, waiting a minute as usual. I was more careful not to draw attention to myself this time. Eventually, it was time for the fifth stroke, Mary lined up the cane on the sensitive crease between Lucy’s thighs and bottom. Mary seemed to ease up slightly with the strength of the stroke, she didn’t step back this time. The cane was thwacked into the crease of Lucy’s bottom, and the effect was devastating. Lucy screamed out and writhed about in agony. Somehow she stayed down, hanging on the table. It seemed that the crease was so sensitive that it didn’t require a full-strength stroke to punish harshly.

There was just one more stroke to go, but Mary didn’t rush. Drawing out the punishment into a five or six-minute ordeal was part of the discipline. Lucy was in agony, breathing heavily and quivering as she struggled to stay in position. By this point, Lucy was crying more or less continuously. It had already been an awful punishment, but there was still at least another stoke to come. I guess we were all wondering where the next stroke would land, and whether Lucy would be able to stay down and avoid further strokes.

Mary lined up for the last stroke but touched a few different places on Lucy’s bottom to hide her decision. By tradition, the last stroke was said to be the worst, the one you remembered for the days following the caning. Perhaps it would be across the top of Lucy’s thighs, or a diagonal cross stroke. Or maybe, Mary thought that Lucy had been punished enough and the last stroke would be relatively merciful.

Mary pulled back with a moderate swing and firmly thwacked the cane just a little above the crease of Lucy’s bottom. Although not the hardest stroke, it was in between the last two strokes, on the very tender under curve of Lucy’s bottom. Lucy cried out, thrashing around, but she stayed down holding on for dear life. Oh, how I admired Lucy’s strength, what a girl had in Lucy, she is something special.

Lucy was wise enough to stay in position. Mary came over to me and played with the pegs, she tapped them, and pulled them a bit, testing my reaction and obedience. Then she removed a peg, waited a moment, then flicked the nipple. I stayed still, so she repeated the process on the other one. Mary clamped the pegs back on to nipples then went back to Lucy.

Lucy had been in position for about a minute after the last stroke, she was beginning to compose herself. Lucy’s mother spanked her bottom and said, “Go and stand next to Phillip with your hands on your head.”

Lucy got up and came…

Published 12 months ago

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