Love & Nature Pt 13

"Emily checks on Sarah while Ragden meets up with Aria after school..."

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Ragden’s first class after lunch was a whirlwind. Done and over with before he could fully realize what was going on. His thoughts kept slipping back to the energy that played over him and Emily during their sex. He had to ask his dad what that was about. Dad had warned him before, but not about that. Then the bell rang, and Ragden rushed off to his next class. He searched the halls for Emily as he forgot to mention something. He ran and caught up to her right before she entered another classroom. He caught her hand and spun her around to face him, pulling her body against his. Ragden’s heart sang, and his body felt charged in her presence. His energy interacted with hers. He could feel the air around them charged with ozone. He kissed her softly, not caring what anyone had to say about it. His heart thudded heavily in his chest. Then he broke the kiss and whispered in her ear.  

“Don’t forget… Please check on Sarah after school and talk to your mom. Then, if you want, meet me at my house for dinner…”  

Emily’s heart raced, and her body trembled with desire as she felt Ragden’s strong arms wrap around her, pulling her body against his. She gazed into his eyes, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and admiration. She felt his lips against her ear, his voice sent shivers down her spine as he whispered.  

“I love you Ragden and yes, I will check on Sarah and talk to my mom. Then I will most definitely come to your house for dinner.”  

She turned and looked into his eyes, her green eyes filled with a mixture of desire and anticipation. She could feel the energy that surrounded them. She could also feel the electricity that danced around them whenever they were near each other.  

“Awesome, thanks so much. I can’t wait to see you tonight. Love you.” He kissed her softly on the lips, then dashed off to his next class.  

Emily’s heart raced, as she watched him run off to his next class. Her mind raced with thoughts of how incredible their night together would be. She took a deep breath, focusing on her studies, even though all she could think about was how much she wanted to be with him. She felt the energy surrounding them. She could feel it in her bones and in her soul. It was an electrifying feeling that made her feel alive, that made her feel connected to Ragden on a level that went beyond anything she could ever imagine.  

The last two classes of the day dragged for Ragden. Probably because he wanted them over with. As the last bell rang, he went to his locker and put everything away that he would not need overnight. There were only a few assignments he might need to look at that night, and, of course, the homework from 3rd period. Then he slipped his backpack across his shoulders and headed for the park.  


Emily’s afternoon dragged on endlessly. Each class seemed like a special kind of torture to keep her from seeing Ragden again. She could still feel the tingle of his energy across her skin. Her breasts ached for his touch. When she closed her eyes, she could feel his hands on her ass, his dick in her bowels. She could feel his energy coursing through her, filling her with his love and power. She felt her cheeks growing hot, and the dampness between her legs growing.  

She blushed and pinched her legs together. She looked around the room, hoping nobody noticed the hot flush on her face. As her last class was done, she ran to her locker and stuffed her books inside it. She could not wait to meet up with Ragden later. Just the thought of that meeting made her legs tremble, and her heart skipped a beat. She felt herself growing damp between her legs again. She groaned, hoping her arousal was not too evident to people walking by. She needed to focus her mind on something else.  

As she started to head off campus, Emily remembered she needed to head over to Sarah’s house and check on her. She turned and headed that way. Her heart longed to go straight to Ragden’s house, and as she changed directions, she groaned. She took a deep breath and focused on putting one foot in front of the other. She remembered the look on Sarah’s face, the flush of her skin, the tremble in her legs. Emily laughed as she remembered watching Ragden carry Sarah home.  

Emily paused for a moment. She closed her eyes and searched her feelings. How did she feel about this? She had never been a ‘good catholic girl.’ The idea of monogamy had been ingrained in her since she was a child. How was she okay with Ragden sleeping with her best friend? Her parents had been married for ages, and she had never once seen them interact with other couples, or even hint at any kind of other behavior. She had no model, no comparison, no idea how to wrangle this in her head. Ragden had slept with her best friend. Yet, as she searched her feelings, she found that not only was she okay with this fact, but she also reveled in it. It brought her joy and love. She was not jealous of Sarah. She knew that he loved her and that he also loved Sarah and Aria. That knowledge made her feel warm, content, and full of joy.  

Emily resumed her walk to Sarah’s house. As she approached the house, she noticed a car in the driveway. One of Sarah’s parents was home from work early. Emily hoped it was Sarah’s dad. Her mother was a little strict, but her dad was much more relaxed. Sarah had a history of saying whatever popped into her head, and while her dad would laugh it off, her mother tended to take her more seriously. Emily walked up to the door and knocked.  

A moment later, a short, slightly overweight man opened the door and smiled at Emily. His hair was balding, and he had his glasses perched on the tip of his nose. He was clean-shaven, and his eyes sparkled with mischief.  

“Is Sarah available?” Emily asked.  

“Yes,” he answered, stepping back from the door to allow her to come in, “I heard her moving around in her bedroom earlier. Go ahead.”  

Emily slipped past the older man and went down the hall to Sarah’s room. She heard her father go back into the living room and sink into the couch. She thought briefly about what she had done the last time she had been there and blushed. Then she knocked on Sarah’s door.  

The door was thrown open almost immediately, and Sarah bounded out and wrapped her arms around Emily, hugging her fiercely. She leaned hard into Emily, pushing her body against her with so much force that Emily stumbled backward into the wall. Sarah giggled in Emily’s ear as she squeezed her tight. Emily melted into her friend’s embrace.  

“I am so happy to see you,” Sarah gushed as she stepped back, took Emily’s hand, and pulled her into Sarah’s room. She pushed the door shut behind her, then pulled Emily over to her bed, and the two girls sat down facing each other.  

Emily looked Sarah up and down. “Are you feeling better?”  

Sarah lit up with joy; her eyes sparkled as she broke into a huge grin. “I feel amazing!”  

“Your legs?”  

“Totally fine! I feel like I could run a marathon! Where is he? Is he here with you?”  

“No. He went to meet with Aria.”  

“Oh,” Sarah pouted, then threw herself back onto the bed, laying on her back. She cupped her breasts and sighed in pleasure. Then she sat up and looked into Emily’s eyes. Emily giggled to herself as she watched. Sarah had always been a bit dramatic.  

“When can we see him?” Sarah asked.  

Emily smiled. “We can head over to his house and wait for him to come home. He invited us over for dinner.”  

Sarah clapped with joy. Then she jumped to her feet, dragging Emily up with her. “Can we go now? I want to go. Take me with you. Oh, please!”  

Emily felt infected with Sarah’s giddy joy and nodded in response. Sarah pulled Emily into a tight hug, and whispered in her ear, “Thank you!”  

When Sarah pulled back, she gave Emily a soft kiss on the lips. Then she pulled back and giggled. Emily smiled at Sarah, then asked, “For what?”  

“For being willing to share him, of course. You got him first. You lucky bitch! Oh… I love him so much. I just want to hug him and squeeze him and fuck his brains out…”  

Emily laughed at Sarah’s exuberance. She felt herself being swept up in Sarah’s joy. She felt something within her shifting and swelling. It took her a moment to figure out what it was. Then she realized it was her love. Her love for Sarah. Her love for Ragden. She reached out, grabbed Sarah, and pulled her against her. Sarah gasped in surprise and then squeezed Emily tightly.  

“How could I not share him?” Emily asked softly. Tears leaked from Emily’s eyes as she squeezed Sarah tighter, “Seeing how happy he makes you. I love him so much, and I love you too. I am so happy we can share him.”  

Sarah laughed again, then stepped back from Emily. As she saw the tears on her face, she reached up and brushed them away. Then she leaned in and kissed Emily hard on the lips. Emily blinked in surprise as she felt Sarah press against her. She felt Sarah’s breasts pressed against her own. Her heart beat hard in her chest, and she felt herself growing damp again. Then Sarah slipped her tongue into Emily’s mouth, and Emily moaned in pleasure.  

Sarah pulled back and licked her lips. She grinned with mischief, “You taste like him. That is so not fair.”  

Emily blushed, and Sarah laughed again. Then Sarah grabbed Emily by the hand, threw the door open again, and pulled her into the hall. As they headed towards the door, her dad’s voice called from the living room, “Leaving so soon?”  

“Yeah, going out with Emily.”  

“Will you be home for dinner?”  




“Okay. Be safe out there.”  

“Thanks, Dad!”  

With that, they left out the front door and headed to Ragden’s house. Sarah danced down the driveway, pulling Emily along behind her. Emily had to jog to keep up. Sarah laughed, slowed down, and wrapped her arm around Emily’s waist. She looked over at her and stared at her intently.  

“Did you do something different with your hair?”  

“No,” Emily responded, a little surprised by the scrutiny.  

“You look amazing today,” Sarah said as she looked at Emily and bit her lip, “What did you do?”  

Emily raised an eyebrow as she looked at Sarah, “Nothing.”  

“Oh,” Sarah laughed, nudged Emily gently, “His magic dick turned you into a fairy princess. I see it now.”  

Sarah laughed harder as Emily blushed. Emily shook her head, but as she looked down at her chest, and saw her hair out of the corner of her eyes, she realized things were slightly different. The sex had been amazing. Magical seemed a stretch. She did feel different; maybe it was changing her. If so, this was a change she could embrace.  

Emily looked at Sarah and winked, “Maybe.”  

They laughed together as they kept walking to Ragden’s house.  


Ragden’s heart beat a little faster with nervous energy as he walked into the park to meet with Aria. It was time to meet with her. Time to see how she felt. His reunions with Emily and Sarah had been nothing short of amazing. He wondered if Aria would feel similarly, or if he had lost her. He did not want to lose her. He kept puzzling over what he was going to say. How would he explain everything going on? So much had happened since lunch the day before.  

Then, before he could figure out what he was doing, he stumbled across her favorite spot in the park, and there she was. Sitting on her favorite patch of grass under the old oak tree, looking out at the lake. An amazingly picturesque view. His heart skipped a beat. She looked beautiful. Her perfect blonde hair hung loosely around her shoulders. Her make-up was pristine. Her blue eyes pierced. A light blouse clung to her chest, her cleavage showing, but modestly. Her flat stomach was exposed over a beautiful knee-length skirt.  

Aria’s heart raced, and her body trembled with anticipation as she sat on the grass beneath the old oak tree, looking out at the incredible view of the lake. She felt a sense of peace and serenity as she gazed out at the water. She felt a presence beside her, and she glanced over to see Ragden sitting down beside her. She felt a surge of excitement, a mixture of fear and joy coursing through her veins as she gazed into his eyes.  

“Hey Aria, …uh… hi… Sorry, I’m late… I…” He stuttered and blushed, then sank into the grass next to her.  

“Ragden…” she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.  

He took her hand in his and squeezed it softly. Then leaned over to kiss her softly on the lips.  

“Hey, there, gorgeous. Sorry, I’m late. I hope I did not keep you waiting too long.”  

Aria’s blue eyes sparkled. Her body trembled with anticipation as she felt Ragden’s lips against her own. She gazed into his eyes. Her heart raced as she felt his hand take hers, squeezing softly. She felt a surge of excitement and pleasure wash over her body as she gazed into his eyes. She felt a connection that was stronger than any she had ever felt before.  

“No, Ragden, you didn’t keep me waiting too long. I was enjoying the view. It is incredibly peaceful here.” she whispered.  

“You always did know how to pick the best spots,” Ragden said softly in response. He sat next to her and slipped his arm around her shoulders, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder if she wanted.  

“Thank you for meeting me here. I… was almost afraid you wouldn’t show up. I know I… asked a lot of you, but thank you for giving me a chance.”  

Aria felt Ragden’s arm slide around her shoulders. She gazed into his eyes, her heart racing. She felt a sense of intimacy. A sense of closeness that she had never felt with anyone else before. She felt a mix of fear and excitement. A vulnerability that she and never felt before. She gazed into his eyes; her heart raced as she felt a sense of trust and love building within her.  

“Ragden, I would never miss the opportunity to be with you. To feel your presence.”  

Ragden blushed softly. He turned his head and kissed her softly on the lips, “I wasn’t… I wasn’t sure you felt that way. I’m… flattered.”  

Aria felt a surge of pleasure wash over her body as she felt his lips against her own. She returned the kiss, pressed her body against his, and felt the incredible energy that surrounded them both.  

“Ragden… I feel something incredible when I’m with you. Something that I’ve never felt before, and I can’t seem to resist you.”  

Ragden’s heart thudded in his chest. Had he done something to her? Put her under some kind of compulsion? Was this not her free will? Oh, he wanted her. He loved her, but he wanted her to choose him, not be forced.  

“I’m… not sure how to respond to that. I… Maybe this is a bad idea. I’m sorry… I must know you are choosing me. I don’t want to force you to do anything; it would break my heart…”   

His breath hitched in his throat, and he could not get more words to come out. He looked at her, a tear slipping down his cheek. Aria felt a surge of pleasure over her body as she felt Ragden’s hesitation, as he seemed unsure of whether he could continue. She gazed into his eyes, her blue eyes filled with a mixture of desire and admiration.  

“Ragden… please don’t stop. Don’t worry, I’m choosing you. I want to be with you. I want to feel that incredible energy that seems to surround us both.”  

“Oh God, Aria… I’m sorry… I… I love you. I don’t know how else to put this… I’ve loved you for so long; my chest hurts from it.” Tears slipped down his cheeks.  

She reached up and wiped them away. She felt a surge of pleasure wash over her own body. She gazed into his eyes, her heart racing as she felt a sense of longing. A sense of desire that consumed her very being.  

“Ragden… I love you too.”  

He reached out and pulled her against him. He lost his balance and fell over into the grass, pulling her down on top of him. He kissed her lips. Slipped a bit of tongue between her lips to taste her. Then he closed his eyes and reached out with his energy, to see if he could tell whether it was truly her desire. His energy blossomed out like a flower opening under the morning sun, filling the area around them. The grass waved like in a soft breeze, licking his skin, and reassuring him. He felt her on top of him, and her energy. Her soul. His energy caressed it, tested its integrity. He searched for… something amiss and found nothing that did not ‘feel’ right. His energy licked around her like a fire around a log. He could feel her soul responding with longing and desire. It wanted that warm fire.  

Aria felt Ragden’s energy envelop her. It filled her with a sense of incredible pleasure. She felt a surge of heat. A wave of desire that washed over her very being. When it had passed, it left her feeling weak and vulnerable, yet incredibly aroused. She felt a sense of longing. A yearning that she could not resist. She felt a mix of fear, excitement, and vulnerability that consumed her very being. She felt her energy intertwining with Ragden’s, creating a symphony of pleasure that filled every corner of her being.  

He pulled his energy back into himself. He felt the grass return to normal. The breeze faded. The light around them dimmed until it was just the two of them, lying in the grass. Her body pulled down against his. Every exquisite inch of her pressed against him. He felt his loins stirring, his cock started to harden beneath her. It responded to her warmth and desire. He opened his eyes, looked into her sparkling blue eyes, and kissed her passionately.  

“I believe you. Thank you… That …. means so much…” He choked on his words, his breath hitching as fresh tears sprung to his eyes. Tears of happiness. She felt gratitude and relief that Ragden believed her, that he accepted her choice without question.  

Ragden pulled her down against him, feeling her heart beating against his chest. He squeezed her gently against him, savoring the feel of her. Then he whispered against her cheek.  

“I do have one concern, though. Something I must disclose to you.” He signed softly. “There is no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say … I love you. And I love Sarah. And I love Emily too…”  

Aria felt Ragden’s words wash over her. They filled her with a sense of pleasure and delight.  

“Ragden… I understand. I love you, and I love that you love Sarah, too, and Emily. It’s okay. I want you to be happy. I want you to be with whoever makes you happy.”  

“You all make me happy—happy beyond description. But do not mistake me—I love you all. I do not place any one of you above the other. My love for them does not diminish my love for you. Nor does my love for you diminish my love for them. I… have so much love to offer you all… if you would accept it and be okay with it.”  

“Ragden, I love you, and I want you to be happy.”  

“And I love you too. What would truly make me happy is if you could accept this and join us.”  

Aria felt a sense of joy and happiness that Ragden had chosen to share his life with her, Sarah, and Emily. Aria laughed and nodded, “Yes… Yes… I can accept it.”  

Ragden laughed with her and kissed her more passionately. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. His cock throbbed against her. He chuckled again.  

“Sorry… it seems my dick has a mind of its own. Sorry… Just ignore him…” He kissed her again, softly on the lips.  

“Ragden, don’t apologize. I love it when you’re like this.”  

He rolled over onto his side, his arm around her, gently lowering her into the grass. Side by side, he gazed out at the lake and smiled at her. “This is a beautiful spot. Now that we have gotten that out into the open, how was your day at school?”  

Aria spoke softly, slowly. “It was… interesting. Today was the first day that I really felt like everyone was treating me differently.”  

“Different good or Bad?” He gazed into her eyes, interested in this new development.  

“Both, actually. People were sort of… nice to me today. Like they weren’t being as mean as usual.”  

Ragden cocked an eyebrow at her. She used to be the school bully, and people used to be mean to her? This seemed oddly out of place. “That sounds… nice? How did it make you feel?”  

Aria spoke softly, “It was… strange. I didn’t know how to react.”  

“Well, it sounds nice to me.” He smiled happily, trying to gauge her reaction. “My day was… a bit on the wild side.”  

“Wild? In a good way, or a bad way?”  

“A bit of both? To be honest. I was expecting to be too sore to move, but…” He flexed his stomach muscles and his thighs. Things he could not move after lunch seemed fully recovered. “I guess I’m going to be fine…”  

“What? You’re not going to be sore anymore? That’s… amazing. Can you show me why? Please?”  

“It’s… hard to explain. I have done things that I never thought possible, and I’m recovering faster than I would have expected. I’m hoping my dad can explain that to me this weekend when we head to the beach house…”  

“But… can you just show me? Please? I want to feel what it is that makes you… not sore.”  

He laughed, “It’s … kind of a lot to explain, and I’m not sure I can … show you.” He kissed her softly on the lips. Then he whispered huskily, “Though, I suspect I’ll be showing you soon enough if that is what you want.”  

His body responded, his cock throbbing against her leg.  

“Please… I want to feel it. Show me.” She said with a mix of desperation and need in her voice.  

He wrapped his arms around her, and rolled over onto his back again, pulling her over on top of him. His cock throbbed painfully against her groin. He pulled her down against his chest, her nipples pressed into him. He kissed her passionately and slipped one hand down her back to gently grasp her ass and press her groin against his. He whispered huskily against her lips. “You remember two days ago, in the hall… We put on quite the show… Let’s just say that I’ve never heard of anyone recovering from something that intense that quickly… and I’ve been active at that kind of level … ever since?”  

“Show me then.” She said simply, her tone demanding, her body begging for it.  

He laughed lustily. “Here? In the park? Where anyone can see? Have you become that much of an exhibitionist?”  

“I don’t care. I want to watch you cum.”  

His body responded to her words. His cock throbbed hard against her. He slipped his hands under her skirt, running them up her thighs to her ass. He grasped it firmly in his hands, savoring the firmness of her.  

“Do you want to come back to my house first? Or do you really want to make out right here in the middle of the park?”  

Aria sighed, feeling his grip on her ass. Her body trembled with desire and need. She signed softly. “Your house. I want to see where you fuck your girlfriends.”   

He laughed again and kissed her on the nose. “Unless I’m mistaken, you are my girlfriend now, too—my lover. And I would express that love in the most physical way possible… If you want…”  

Aria felt a sense of longing, a sense of desire that consumed her very being, “I want to see you fuck Sarah and Emily.”  

“And what if they want to watch me fuck you? Would you consent to that?”  

“Yes. I want them to watch me get fucked by you, and I want to watch you fuck them.”  

“Well then, we have an accord.”  

In one smooth motion, he stood up, pulled her against him, and easily lifted her. He lightly set her on her feet next to him, his hand in hers. “Shall we go then? Or is there anything else you would like to discuss first?”  

“Let’s go. I want to see you fuck Sarah and Emily.”  

“We may need to see how they feel about that. Though, if my experiences have taught me anything, I suspect they may agree.”  

He pulled her against him and kissed her softly on the lips. Then they set off for his house with his arm around her waist.  

“They will agree. They are already jealous of us.”  

As they walked briskly through the park, he looked at her curiously. “What makes you say that?”  

“Because every time I talk to them, they act all weird and distant.”  

“That might be because I have already had wild sex with both of them in the last two days. They may not have known how to react to you.”  

“Oh, well then. That just means more fun for me. Let’s go to your house.”  

They walked at a brisk pace. Winding through the streets, his arm around her waist. They noticed a few folks from school who gave them curious looks, but he ignored them.  

“What about your parents, do you wish to contact them? Let them know where you are going?”  

“No. Don’t bother calling my parents. Just let them think I went somewhere with friends or something.”  

“That seems fair, and not entirely untrue.” He smiled happily at her and squeezed her hand gently. “I am not positive Sarah will be there. I know Emily was going to check on her….”  

“Doesn’t matter. I want to see you fuck Emily.”  

Ragden squeezed Aria against him gently, feeling the line of her body against his. “As long as Emily agrees, then I am fine with that, but she gets her say as well. This is a mutual thing. No more bossing people around. They have their feelings and opinions, and they matter, just like yours do.”  

“Emily will agree. She has always wanted you.”  

Ragden laughed, remembering the activities of the day, “You are more right about that than you know, but I also want to feel your body against mine. I want to see you enjoying yourself. I would very much like to see you get the release you so desperately crave.”  

“Just watching you cum inside me will be enough for me. But seeing you fuck Emily will be even better.”  

Ragden cocked an eyebrow at her. “How many guys have you ever seen cum twice that quickly?”  

“Not many. Most guys only cum once and then lose control. You are different. You have been controlling things from the start.”  

He chuckled as they rounded the corner, seeing his house just down the street. “I guess you have been paying attention. That is what has been shocking me. I keep expecting to find the limits of what I can do, and… not finding them. I am excited to share that with you…”  

“Please show me. Please fuck Emily while I watch. Make her beg for you to fill her up with your hot seed.”  

Ragden stopped at the edge of his property around his house and turned to Aria. He pulled her against him. His cock throbbed against her. He kissed her softly on the lips, pulling her into his warm embrace and hugging her against him. “I would love to show you. I would love to see you filled with the pleasure and love we have to offer. It warms my heart beyond description that you have decided to come…”  

“I couldn’t resist coming over tonight.”  

“I’m glad you did. Thank you. This means… more to me than I can explain…” He hugged her again, pulling her tight against him.  

“It means everything to me too. I want to be here with you. I want to see you cum again.”  

He turned and started up the walk to the front door of his house. As always, he dragged his hands through the bushes, feeling their soft caress. He smiled. He opened the front door, stepped in, and pulled off his shoes. Gestured to Aria to do the same.  

“Mom! I’m home!” He called out listening for voices and movement in the house.  

“Be careful,” Aria whispered as she took off her shoes.  

Ragden turned to Aria and smiled. “Nothing to worry about; you have not met my parents. Relax.”  

He turned and started towards the living room as Jennifer came around the corner smiling. She walked over and gave him a warm hug, then winked at Aria.  

“Mom, this is Aria; she will be joining us this evening,” he said to her.  

“Aria, oh, I remember Ragden mentioning you. It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.” Jennifer stepped forward and pulled Aria into a warm, motherly hug. She winked at Ragden over Aria’s shoulder.  

“Hi, Jennifer. Nice to meet you.” Aria smiled nervously as she returned Jennifer’s hug. Jennifer released Aria and turned to Ragden. Aria blushed slightly.  

“Mom, have you seen Sarah or Emily?” He asked.  

“Oh darling, we were just talking about you. We are all in the living room. Come…”  

Jennifer turned and walked towards the living room. Aria turned to follow her. Ragden gulped and followed.  

They walked into the living room. Emily and Sarah were sitting side-by-side on one couch. Jennifer sank into a loveseat opposite them. Aria walked over to Emily and Sarah, hugged each of them, and sat next to Emily. Then they all turned and stared at Ragden, standing awkwardly in the room. He looked for where to sit. He could see desire on all three of their faces. He gulped. Was he ready for this? He was not sure.  

Aria’s body trembled with desire. She looked over at Ragden, then to Emily and Sarah. She saw the desire in their eyes, the hunger for what was to come. She knew that she wanted to be part of it, to witness it firsthand. She also knew that she wanted to be the center of attention, to be the focus of all their lustful desires. She crossed her legs, waiting for them to make the first move. She looked up to Ragden and spoke softly, motioning to the space beside her.  

“Come sit next to me.”  

Ragden looked at Sarah and Emily, asking for permission. He saw both smile and nod, he walked over to Aria and sat down next to her. Then he looked at his mother.  

“So… uh… What were you discussing?”  

Jennifer smiled softly, then spoke, “Well, dear, mostly about how you fucked Sarah so hard she couldn’t walk.” She chuckled softly to herself. “Oh, don’t worry, dear; she is fully recovered now. The balm you applied worked its magic.”   

Jennifer winked at Ragden, who looked at Sarah and smiled, seeing her radiant smile in return.  

“Oh, Emily did mention the whole energy spark thing you two pulled off…” Ragden blushed crimson, wondering how much detail Emily had shared of that one. He looked at Emily, who was also blushing darkly. Emily smiled at Ragden and shrugged.  

“You are going to want to ask Michael about that one. I’ve heard of similar stuff, but it has been an EXCEPTIONALLY long time. That is OLD magic. And yes, I know you fucked her in the ass, she didn’t mention it, but I figured it out.”   

Ragden’s blush darkened, as did Emily’s. Sarah turned to Emily. Her eyes gleamed.  

“Really!? Ooohh… I wanna see…”   

Jennifer laughed from where she sat. Then spoke softly to Ragden, “I think you might have your hands full with these women. You sure do know how to pick them…” Then she winked.  

Ragden blushed again, his jaw working, but not his vocal cords. Jennifer stood and walked over to him. She pulled him to his feet and gave him a soft hug. Then she stepped back and spoke to the room.  

“Michael, my husband, will be home in a few hours. The room upstairs is ready for you all. Dinner will be ready… later. And you are all welcome to spend the night. If you need us to reach out to your parents, just let me know.”   

Ragden reached down and took Aria’s hand in his, pulling her to her feet. Then he kissed her lips softly as his mom walked into the other room. Then he turned to Sarah and Emily, reaching out to them.  

“Shall we… uh… Head upstairs?”  

“Yes, let’s go,” Aria replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper.  

Emily smiled happily as she took his other hand, stood, and crossed over to hug him. Sarah stood shyly and came over and slipped in behind to wrap her arms around Ragden’s waist. Aria called out after Jennifer.  

“Uh… Jennifer? Can you… Can you call my parents, they know I’m out, but… they are expecting me for dinner… Can you talk to them?”  

Jennifer came back over and patted Aria’s hand lovingly, “Of course, dear. I will take care of it. Enjoy everything my son has to offer.” She winked at Ragden. Then she spoke softly to Aria. “Rest well, dear, you deserve it.”  

Aria turned back to him, blushed slightly, and took his hand in hers. “Lead the way…” 

Published 12 months ago

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