Jack And Cynthia – Chapter 8 – Keeping A Secret

"Jack tells the boss what's wrong then Jack finds out Cynthia has been in or a secret"

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Tuesday morning, I was up before dawn.  I couldn’t sleep.  I noticed a major problem with the new project just before I left work.  If I’m right, we are twelve feet on the adjacent property.  That will heat the hotline with the legal beagles.

I started to pour our coffee when Cynthia walked into the kitchen.

“Good morning, Baby,” she said softly.  I almost went through to the fourth floor.

“Jack, Baby, what’s wrong?  You’re as skittish as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.  Tell me what’s wrong.”  She came over and wrapped her arms around me.

“Cynthia, I was looking over the plans for the new project before I left last night.  Our building may be twelve feet over the property line.  My meeting with the brass isn’t until one-thirty, but this is hot.”

“Jack, slow down.  You know there may be a problem.  When you get to work, ask Mrs. Timbrook if she can get the meeting earlier.  If not, go with it.  They know you’re a good employee, try to calm down, Baby.”

I barely touched my breakfast.  Cynthia was so comforting.  Maybe I was overreacting, but I don’t know if they have markers in the ground or what.  The markers would bring up red flags all over.

I got to work and headed for Nancy’s office.  She wasn’t in yet.  Damn it.  I took my things to my office and set them down.  I looked over the plans again.  Now I am positive we’re over the property line.

I looked into Nancy’s office again, she was there.  “Nancy, can you get Mrs. T and the brass together this morning?  I’m worried that we have a problem.

“Jack, I know Maria won’t be in until twelve or twelve-thirty, just before the meeting.  And I don’t have a clue about Jennings or Lupton’s schedule.  I will tell them to call you immediately if I hear from any of them.”  I thanked Nancy, she had done all she could do.

I moped back to my office and poured a cup of coffee.  I turned to the present plans and finished them.  Damn, digital clocks move so slowly.  It’s only ten-forty-five, shit.

One-twenty finally blinked on my clock.  I grabbed all of the plans and went flying into Mrs. T’s office.  She stood there with a surprised look on her face.  Nancy followed me in and tried to explain.

“Mrs. Timbrook, Jack has a serious concern.  He came to me first thing this morning trying to get the meeting moved up.”

“What is it Jack,” Mrs. Timbrook asked.

“I am almost positive we are twelve feet over the adjacent property line,”  I explained.

Her expression turned to concern.  She started to speak when Mr. Jennings entered her office.

“Good morning, all,” He smiled.  “Charles will be here in about five minutes.  Why all the gloomy faces.”

“Mr. Jennings, Jack thinks we have a problem, a serious problem.  And he wants to talk to all of us.  He thinks,”  Mr. Lupton walked in.

“He thinks what?  What is so urgent Jack?”

“Mr. Lupton, I am almost completely positive we are over the property line on the northeast corner.  I would rather be called a stupid idiot who has the hotline in the legal office burning.  Here let me show you.”  I was looking for a place to spread out the plans.

“Let’s go into the other office,” Mr. Jennings said.  “There is a large enough table in there.”

“Maria, who did the surveying on this project?” Jennings was not happy.

“Jim Simpson.” That was all she said.

“Get his ass in here yesterday, and I mean yesterday,” Lupton bellowed.

Mrs. Timbrook looked at Nancy who was halfway through the doorway.

I looked at Mrs. Timbrook, “If I’m wrong you can call me an idiot, make me wear a dunce cap, or fire me.  I don’t care.  I don’t want our company in any legal battles no matter how small.”

“Jack, you’ve done the right thing.  If you’re incorrect with your findings, so be it.  If you are correct, you have probably saved this company a true embarrassment.”

Jim Simpson came into the room.  He was out of breath and white as a ghost.  Jennings pointed out the problem.  He told Simpson to get to the property, check it out, and if there was a marker on it get rid of it. 

I gathered up my papers and started to leave.  “Mrs. Timbrook, when the verdict is in would you please let me know?  I’m going back to my office.”

“Jack,” Mr. Lupton said, “You are in your office.”

“Huh?  I mean, what are you saying? No, I love my office and,” Nancy interrupted.

“Let Mr. Jennings finish please.”  She gave me one of her gentle smiles.

“Jack Langdon.  You are our chief engineer, starting today.  Congratulations!”

Nancy opened another door Cynthia and the entire floor came in cheering and clapping.  I know I had the most dumbfounded look on my face.

“Jack,” Mr. Jennings started talking, “you have been with this company for almost thirteen years.  Maria can vouch for you coming on weekends, holidays, rain, sleet snow, hell freezing over.  It’s things like today that put you above the rest.  Congratulations, Chief.”

Everyone started clapping and cheering again.  Cynthia came up and gave me a big kiss and hug.  She wrapped her arms around me and held me so tight.

“You should have seen him last night and this morning.  Honestly, Mr. Lupton.  He didn’t sleep and barely touched his breakfast, unlike Jack.  His only concern was the project.  Thank you for believing in him.”  Cynthia kissed me again.

“Wait a minute,” I said.  I looked at Cynthia, she was giving me one of her timid little smiles. 

“You knew about this all along?”  She meekly nodded her head. 

“Whose side are you on anyway?” I teased.  She pointed to Mr. Lupton.

They all laughed.  Then Lupton said, “A true company girl.”  That brought the house down.

Then Nancy walked in with a skeleton key on an orange ribbon.  Everyone looked puzzled.

“Well, since he is our chief engineer now, shouldn’t he have a key to the Executive Lounge?” 

Everyone burst into laughter.  When they settled down, Mr. Jennings spoke.  

“Jack, I want you to take the rest of the day off and tomorrow as well.  She told us she would like to take you to dinner.  A dinner date she said.”  Cynthia was blushing.

“Thank you, all of you.  I appreciate it very much.” 

Everyone was leaving and I had so many of them to thank.  Cynthia and I started to leave when Nancy stopped us.

“Jack, Mrs. Timbrook has a moving company coming in tomorrow to move your office.  She has instructed them to put everything in the same place when possible.  She will sign off on any changes after that. Congratulations.”

Cynthia looked at Nancy and said in her happy little voice, “Oh, go ahead.”  They giggled and Nancy kissed me on my cheek.  They hugged and then Cynthia and I left.

“How did you get here, Baby?” I asked Cynthia.

“I asked Kathy to pick me up.  And yes, I have been hiding in another office waiting for your promotion to Chief.  But Jack, you have always and will always be my Chief Engineer.  I love you.  Now I am taking you to lunch, but you must drive.”

“Okay, Sweetheart.  Where are you taking me.”

“How does the Kopper Kettle sound?”  Cynthia was grinning from ear to ear.

“Outstanding, the Kopper Kettle is it.” 

I pulled into the parking lot, and Cynthia jumped out and opened my door.  She makes me so happy.  When we walked in, we were taken to a table marked ‘Reserved’ and quietly decorated for a promotion.  I kissed Cynthia and it brought a tear to my eye.

Our server, Emily was marvelous.  As soon as we sat down, she brought a gin and tonic with lemon for Cynthia and two fingers of Glenfiddich neat for me.  I looked at Cynthia and Emily.

“Mr. Langdon, you have an amazing lady, there.  She has even ordered for you.  She said you may be fussy about that but she would handle it.” Emily laughed.

Cynthia had ordered the King Prime Rib for me, rare, and a loaded baked potato.  She had the same only the Queen size.  The potato and steak came to the table steaming.  The prime rib almost melted in your mouth. 

After such a feast, my next project was to walk.  Cynthia was all smiles and giggly the entire time.  Emily made sure our drinks were always refreshed.  The kicker came when Emily brought out a chocolate mousse that dissolved as soon as it hit your tongue.  Someone call a tow truck, please.

When we got home, Cynthia wanted me to enjoy a hot shower and a shave.  I let the water cascade over me, thinking about the events of the day.  The promotion was great, but I won’t be satisfied until I get the results back from Simpson. 

I got out of the shower and just threw the towel over my shoulders after a quick dry.  I smiled when I saw my shaving gear in its usual place.  I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered how.  How was I so lucky?  Cynthia knew me inside and out, and she loved me the same way.

I got out of the bathroom and on the bed was a white box.  Sitting on it was a “golden” compass and a protractor.  Inside I found a note: ‘To MY Chief Engineer’ and a red lipstick kiss in the middle.  The box contained a long robe. I love them and they fit perfectly.

I went into the living room.  Cynthia had the three oil lamps lit, quiet music, and a room filled with her perfume.  She came in with a sheer robe that matched mine.  She sat down next to me.

“Congratulations, Sweetheart.  You have earned it.  I have been with you for almost eight years.  I know you quite well.  You were so troubled last night and there was nothing I could do to help.  I felt so bad.  But I knew that when you presented your fact to the brass, you would feel better.

“I admit I did.”  I smiled.

“The promotion is almost second to you.  You’re not showy.  You are Jack Langdon, an honest hard-working man and the man I love.  What would you like to drink?  I have a small present for you.”

“Cynthia, my Lord, what else?  You’ve given me a marvelous lunch, a beautiful robe a wonderful life, all the loving a man could want.  What else?”

Cynthia went into the kitchen and brought out a small package.  When I opened it, it was a package of cashews from a ritzy ditzy nut store.  I adore nuts of any kind, but cashews from this place.  Wow!  I grabbed Cynthia and gave her a big kiss and thanked her time and time again.

“Now, Jack.  You have your nuts and I have mine,” she gently grabbed my balls and massaged them.  “What would you like, another Scotch or a beer?”

“I better stick to Scotch.  Mixing drinks is not a good idea.  Then two fingers neat it is.”  Cynthia walked away patting her pussy whispering, Get ready, Daddy’s gonna be after you, girl.

When she came back with our drinks, I pulled her to me.  Cynthia straddled my lap.  She looked between her legs and whispered, “See, I told you Daddy would be looking for you.”

“Is there a time I’m not looking for my Baby’s coochie?”

“No, and I love it,” Cynthia giggled.

“Your robe looks very nice on you, Jack.  I love the color and the fit.”

“It is very comfortable, Cynthia.  Thank you very much.  Most of all, thank you for being you.  You have made my life wonderful.”  We sipped our drinks.

“I feel the same way, Jack.  I don’t mean to bring up the past, because it seems that our future is so bright.  I remember when the agency called me and told me you had chosen me.  This is embarrassing, but my coochie got wet. 

I have loved you from our first meeting.  I don’t know how I kept my mind on it being an interview.  I went home that night, showered, and fixed myself up like I do for you.  Oh, how I prayed that one day you would love me.  Oh, I prayed and prayed.  My prayers have been answered.  My man, my lover, and my protector.”  She put her head on my chest.

“I remember that day like it was yesterday.  I was in love with you but didn’t know it.  Then that day, I realized the only woman I could love had been right in front of me all of this time.  You are my precious, dearest love, Cynthia.”

She put her drink down and pushed my robe open.  She ran her hands over my chest and kissed it.  I held her face in my hands and softly kissed her tender lips.  Cynthia moaned as our lips touched.

She sat up straight and pushed her lush tits forward.  She held them as I kissed and sucked them.  I opened her robe to the side and cradled her warm ass cheeks in my hands.  I pulled Cynthia toward me, and she rose just enough so she would sit on my stiff cock.

Cynthia mewed as she slowly slid down the length of my cock.  Her hips were rocking back and forth and she pushed her tit into my mouth.  Her hips rocking made me suck her tit as though  I were starving.

She lifted my face from her tit and held it gently in her hands.  Her soulful eyes looked deep into my very being.  She kissed me ever so softly, then searched my eyes.

“Jack, take me to bed.  Make love to me and give me a baby.”  Her eyes were dreamy and her hands were so warm on my face.

She got off of me and I stood up.  She guided my cock between her legs as we kissed.  I picked her up and carried her to our bed.  I laid her down gently with her head on the pillow.  Her hair flowed over the pillow and down to her shoulders.

Her soft eyes glistened as though this may be the night she had hoped for.  Her angel lips were wet and smooth, they said nothing but beckoned me in a way I had never felt.  I walked to the bedroom door without losing eye contact with her.  I quietly closed the door.  Cynthia smiled.


Departed Soul

Published 12 months ago

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