It started innocently enough. When we all went back to college and saw our old, awkward professor for our main class, we figured we knew what seminars were going to be like. But it turned out we only had Dr. Skarja for lecture — in seminars, we had a TA. And our TA, Ryan, was a complete hottie.
It wasn’t clear if the guy even knew he was hot. Honestly, in terms of looks, the guy was around a 7/10 — maybe an 8/10 on a good day. However, a few seminars in, it was abundantly clear the guy had what Tristan next to me would call “serious rizz.” Ryan was some kind of new age hippie — his hair wasn’t long, but longer than what you’d expect from a guy, cascading down to his shoulders in brown beautiful waves. He always had at least three necklaces on. He had deep dark eyes you could get lost in, but more than that, he just carried himself around the room with this confidence. It helped that he was totally low-key, constantly making jokes not at us, but with us.
He wouldn’t dress fancy or anything — just a t-shirt with some band on it, hugging his impressive chest and biceps. He definitely used his time at the campus gym well. He also brought his energy wherever he went, his smile contagious, his laugh reassuring.
He’d blush a little when we told him it was the only seminar we were looking forward to going to. “C’mon,” he would tell us. “All you’re saying is your other classes suck.” While a few students would agree and laugh, the bolder ones would tell him that he just made coming to seminars enjoyable. His blush would only deepen.
Sometimes he would tell us to bring our laptops to seminar, then end a little early and tell us to write down a little outline for our upcoming essay or something. Those moments were my favorite — inevitably, a student, one of the girls, would raise her hand and he’d walk over to where she was and peer over her shoulder.
You could smell him from there. He smelled like a mix of some quirky dollar store cologne — how adorable — and pure pheromones. You could inhale his scent for the rest of your life and be content. You could die happy knowing you had everything you needed. He also was completely unaware of his effect — he’d lean in close, reading the screen and paying attention to nothing but the work. He’d never talk about anything but that, but he was so courteous, so human about how he did it.
I saw my friend Ash raise her hand once, and he walked over next to me and started looking over her computer. He moved his lips as he read the words, nodding.
“Okay, what I love about this is how it begins,” he began. “Beginning an essay on writing rhetoric by looking at it from a non-writing perspective — like, maybe some professor would go ‘um actually’ and say you need an academic definition, but it actually super works here,” he gushed. He was so passionate about what he did. “Then, what’s the plan here, it shifts into movies then stories?”
Ash nodded diligently. “Um, yeah.” She was nervous.
“Okay, so, to be honest, you don’t even need the movies part, in my opinion,” he replied. “Like, just go straight into it, you know? Hit them with what writing means to you as a non-writer, then bam, right into the writing. It already segues so well, you don’t even need to buffer it with movies. Am I even using ‘buffer’ correctly…? Enh, whatever.” He leaned in closer. “Yeah, this all looks really good. You just gotta, y’know, tighten it up a lil’ better, but I think if you do, you’re looking at a high mark right there. Make sense?”
Ash blushed, though he couldn’t see from his angle. “Okay, thank you.”
“Great job, Ash.”
That was his staple. His trademark, his calling card. He always said your name after he was done giving you feedback, and he always said it like the name was beautiful to him. With that, he walked back to his desk at the front of our little square of desks and went back to writing something down, occasionally looking up to check if anyone else needed help.
When he did, his eyes locked with mine. I didn’t even realize I was looking at him. A second passed, then, instead of looking away, he raised an eyebrow at me jokingly. The two of us broke out into smiles, then he went back to writing things down.
I normally couldn’t talk to people, especially not teachers. Ryan knew that. I told myself that was why he sometimes made faces at me when he caught me looking. I normally would blush and look away, but something in his eyes made me trust him. I could smile at him. I could keep looking at him without being insecure. It was magic. But… even still, I wanted to work up the confidence to ask him about my outline. To say words out loud at him. Both because I wanted to talk to him, and because I wanted so badly to hear the word “Jessica” escape his mouth. I wonder how pretty he’d make the word sound. I bet he’d be the best at it. I bet no one could make the name sound prettier than him.
I wasn’t the prettiest girl in the world — a lot of my friends were kind to me and liked to hype me up, but you don’t major in creative writing because you’re popular and the prettiest girl on the planet. There were times I’d look at other girls, even girls in my own classes, and I couldn’t help comparing myself to them. I kept telling myself I could be prettier, or thinner, or less awkward-looking, or have nicer hair or bigger boobs or something.
Even so, thanks to being in small classes, whenever a group chat was made on Instagram or even Discord or something, the class involved me. Each time it felt like a privilege. The others wanted me involved. It was weird, because I knew they invited all the other members of a class or seminar group, but it was always… flattering.
Still, this latest group was different. I could feel my heart rate go way up the moment I realized that I was invited into a very different group chat than the usual ones — most of the girls in my seminar made one all about Ryan. I tried to deny it at first — I told myself it was just about the seminar, like a support group for struggling students or something. But there was no denying what kinds of messages we were sending in that group.
omg, did you see the shirt he wore today?
I swear to god he intentionally chooses the tightest fucking shirts
you’re so shallow
I am NOT shallow he is just YUMMY
like, if he is not single that will literally break my heart
ok Kylie, go ask him out then
go ask out your teacher
see how that works out
he seems really serious about his job
of COURSE he is, he wants to be a professor and he already has published a book before
OMG he’s a published author too?? ????
Etc. I blushed reading the messages — I knew that the other girls in the class probably found him attractive in the back of my mind, but now I was seeing firsthand evidence. I had kind of mixed feelings about it — it was nice that there was a group where I could vent those feelings if they became too much, but I was also kind of bummed that other girls, prettier girls, had the same feelings about him. Plus, they were bolder than me — my chances were probably in the toilet. Still, it was fun to send my own message.
I could get lost in his eyes lol
It was tame, and the stupid ‘lol’ made me sound insecure, but I couldn’t handle saying just ‘I could get lost in his eyes’ and nothing else. It felt too creepy. In fact, my legs and hands moved around nervously until the next message came in.
Right??? and hope this isn’t tmi, but I loooove the way he smells
omg Kylie haha
That was… a thing you just said
I laughed in relief to myself. Not only had my comment gone over well and the heat was on someone else, but someone else even acknowledged the smell thing. This group chat was fun. It was nice to have an outlet. I had a feeling I was going to use this group chat a few more times before the semester was over.
“And I mean… I’ll be honest, I am not the biggest fan of Kerouac,” Ryan continued, rubbing his eye as he talked. “This is where as a TA I’m supposed to say ‘oh but I can see his significance, I hate him but he was important to…’ Nope. Just nope. He sucks.” The class emitted a small giggle. Ryan was never afraid to be opinionated, especially when it came to the class content. He cared so much about the class, and about us. “So yeah, we have to read some bullshit, but what can ya do.” He leaned back in his chair and added in a mocking voice, “I am Jake cake. Rake. Write like Blake. What a friggin’ visionary.”
“Okay then Ryan, who’s your favorite poet?” one of the girls asked. I didn’t even need to look to know — it was Kylie. Just as she was over text, she was the boldest in the class, and wasn’t afraid to directly challenge Ryan.
This suited him just fine. He leaned forward and smiled. “Okay, so- when we say- like, my personal favorite, or the most important?”
Kylie shrugged. “Either. Or both.”
Ryan blew a raspberry cutely, his brown eyes drawing up to the ceiling in thought. “If we’re going most influential, I gotta be boring and go for Shakespeare or something. Except- okay, so this is kind of complicated, but what we know as ‘Shakespeare’ is more like a culmination of a lot of ideas that came during and before the actual guy himself — okay, you could say that about literally any writer but his works were particularly important at galvanizing ideas and themes together in one, like, moment in time, but, like, yeah. It’s like how, I dunno, you need a fire and a lamp to make the light, but he made a really good lamp.” He paused and looked around the room. “Okay, that was poorly worded, I’m sleepy.”
The room laughed with him. He held total control over the room. None of us, especially him, noticed how off-topic we were.
“Plus, it’s like a lamp that stole a lot of fire. Like, the idea of plagiarizing work and putting that under scrutiny is a surprisingly modern invention, and it was a lot more accepted back then, but hoo boy, that guy just nicked anything he found interesting and maybe sometimes changed the names of his characters. Even so, he still put in a lot of work himself into making and presenting these things well, so like, yeah, Shakespeare, all things considered, was the most influential. Maybe I’ll change my answer later, but that’s what my brain thinks of first. But when it comes to my favorite, I’m kinda tied between Wordsworth and Plath.”
“Ooh, Wordsworth,” Kylie replied, putting her arms on the table, leaning in and smiling. “So you’re a romantic.”
The implication went right over Ryan’s head as he shrugged. “I mean, it works! I get some poetry snobs will go, ‘ew! Poetry that rhymes!’ but it works!! It’s the old ABABCC, it just gets me. Plus, it all flows so well. Each word goes to the other so seamlessly and it’s like, augh! Yes! Exactly! Y’know?”
One of the boys raised his hand. “So who’s Plath? I’ve never heard of him.”
“I can tell,” Ryan replied immediately with a chuckle. “It’s a her. Sylvia Plath. She was pretty recent, twentieth century, and a lot of her poems were really personal or raw. She wrote about the Nazis, war, atrocities, but also about herself, and her parents, her mental problems… it was all really autobiographical. There’s a lot of repetition in her work that’s like a drum, hammering in the emotion. You read her stuff and have to go stare at a wall for a few minutes. Like…” He chuckled. “You know?”
I smirked. He was such a hippie. He saw my smile and pointed my way. “See? You get it,” he said warmly towards me, with that goofy lil’ grin of his. Part of me felt bad for getting wet to that little grin, but a part of me… really fucking liked it.
He’s so passionate, I love when he goes on his little rants haha
Sent. The chat wasn’t really active since last week when the girls made it, and he was all I could think about after seminar ended, so I did what I could to kickstart it. Happily, the rest of the girls took the bait.
imagine him talking like that about you someday, omg
haha get a grip
I cant believe you said that ‘youre a romantic’ thing to him today
yea and he IGNORED IT
maybe that’s bc you’re a student and he wants to keep his job lmao
youre in this chat because YOU FIND HIM HOT TOO SYDNEY
im allowed to be a hypocrite
I thought it was going to be the same gush as last time, but then another quiet girl, Janelle, piped up and wrote her first message.
I actually just found out that he dated my older sisters bff a few years ago. Apparently he was a player ????
wait, he cheated on her? thats not cool :/
no no, like
he slept around a lot
I dont think he was unfaithful
he just had a lot of friends with benefits
Instantly, the chat lit up with so many profile pictures gathered around the “…” bubble. Everyone had something to say. Interestingly, none of the girls were even upset by the idea of him not settling down with one girl. None of them lamented being the one girl to get him. Instead, they just saw opportunity.
this only makes me more interested in him haha
I’m not trying to date my teacher but if he kept me after class and called me his good girl I would MELT
this chat is getting way too horny, I’m going to go get food
yea seriously Kylie, behave
I’m a good girl ????
Whatevs. we’re all adults here, it’s not like it’s illegal to find your TA hot
ummmm it is if you’re a first year
we’re all third years so it’s fine. You bitches are all just dishonest
Okay fine. Yes I totally want him too
I turned pink. I don’t know what possessed me to write that. Maybe I was just encouraged by Kylie’s boldness and wanted to have my own turn. What I didn’t realize was that it didn’t take one break of the dam to trigger the flood — it took two. With Kylie being horny on main, everyone could laugh at her and tell her to calm down. But with two girls doing it…
I mean, you’re saying what we’re all thinking
THANK YOU. It’s not like it’s going to happen so what’s the hamr in talking about it
Sydney changed Kylie’s nickname to “hamr”.
omg STOP
It was like a big game of chicken. None of the girls, except Kylie, wanted to admit how horny they clearly were for Ryan. So as soon as any of us admitted, even for a second, that they were, the chat would just devolve into being horny, but in this weird, “we’re all just kidding… right?” way about it. And obviously, none of us were kidding.
“So, use the rest of the time this seminar to just work on your outlines,” Ryan instructed. “And remember, it’s a personal essay. It’s fine if you don’t want to cite any sources, it’s fine if you want to say ‘I’ in the essay and give opinions, and it’s fine if you want to get a little personal. In fact, insofar as you’re comfortable enough, get personal! This essay is all about you and how the subject matter relates to you. If you have any questions, I’ll be here.” With that, he opened his laptop and started writing, answering some emails or something.
Most of us probably started working on our outlines. Some people started checking their social media or something, and of course, when that happened, inevitably…
…Kylie would message the group. For the last few days, the chat had covertly been abuzz with different messages about Ryan. Some days they were descriptive, and some days all that was needed was a single word. Thanks to Kylie’s persistence and openness, a few of the other girls came out of their shells, so I guess Ryan was right. Being personal helped.
ngl I was thinking of emailing him and pretending to want career advice or something and seeing if we could just talk
I blushed and looked beside me, giving a glance to the once-silent Ash. She blushed and shrugged. It seemed like the group had gotten to her too. I felt myself getting wetter. He had such a hold over all of us and didn’t even know it.
Some of the girls had the conversation open on their phones or tablets or laptops, and occasionally looked around the room at the other girls in the chat, which at this point was every girl but one in the class. It was kind of hilarious how we were all proving the stereotype right by being in a writing class and being chronically single. We’d occasionally bashfully smile at one another as we locked eyes, as if we all shared this shameful secret or something.
omg that does sound fun, connecting with him outside of the classroom
isn’t that inappropriate??
nah. Our department is small, teachers and students are basically on the same level across the board
I mean, we literally call David ‘Daivd’ and not ‘Dr Skarja’
Ashley changed Sydney’s nickname to “Daivd”.
yeah ok
btw i did some research on ryan and
guess what
wow, we’re stalking him now
it turns out
maya has got another ta named maddie for her seminar
and she and ryan used to be a thing??
I mean, if its cool for him to do it with his coworkers ????
were they dating, or was it…?
I dunno
Suddenly, Kylie’s hand shot into the air. Ryan quickly noticed and started to get up, grunting, “Yup, one sec.”
“Oh no, it’s not about my outline, I just have a question,” Kylie replied.
“Oh, okay,” Ryan replied, sitting back down.
“So, I have another TA for a different class, her name is Maddie,” Kylie lied. “Apparently, she knows you?”
“Oh, Maddie Wilkinson? Yeah, I know her, she’s great,” Ryan replied with a smile.
Kylie paused. “Like, stop me if this is too personal or whatever, but did you two used to… date?”
Ryan gave her a weird look, albeit coupled with a smile. “Uh, no, that’s not too personal,” he replied, “but no, we didn’t. We were just friends.”
“Really? It really seemed like there was…” Kylie smirked knowingly at Ryan. “…y’know?”
Wow, she was bold. Ryan took the situation well, knowing all eyes were on him, diffusing the hot tension with a simple shrug. “Things can seem like things all the time,” he replied. “Maddie and I were never dating. We were close, but, y’know, that’s it.”
“Close, huh?” Kylie repeated.
Ryan chuckled. “I’m not going to elaborate on that,” he informed her with a humorous tone. “That would be going too personal. This isn’t a Gossip about Ryan seminar, how’s that outline coming?” The entire time, he had a joking tone, letting us know he wasn’t offended one bit.
“I just… I dunno, she can be a bit overbearing sometimes, you know?” Kylie kept going. Kept lying. “I just wanted to know if that was your experience with her too.”
Ryan shrugged, rolling his shoulders. Without realizing it, he was showing off how well-defined they were. “Nope. Nothing but nice things to say about her. She might just be stressed, I know this year is pretty hard on her.”
Kylie nodded and replied, “Fair enough,” and immediately, half of the room went to their devices.
ok so what was the point of that kylie
that was so bold
they were definitely fwbs lmao
NO you dont get it!!
did you see how I gave ryan the opportunity to talk shit on another girl hes clearly been with
and he didnt say shit??
what a green flag
okay, that’s actually a good point
yeah all it took was lying about a girl you never met
you need to switch classes kylie lmao
I think he can definitely tell at least kylie has a crush on him now
maybe he’ll actually do something about it
ok so i thought we said the whole point of this was that nothing was going to happen
so theres no harm in talking about it
so were you lying?
or maybe she changed her mind and now shes okay with it
None of the girls typed for a little bit. Kylie could feel a lot of the eyes on the room on her, and calmly looked forward and started typing on her computer. The three dots on the chat screen lit up next to her profile. Seconds felt like minutes. I expected her to say no, but I wanted her to say yes.
Im not just okay with it.
Im going to make it happen.
One or two girls gasped, and one turned pink. Ryan finally noticed something was up on everyone’s phones and rolled his eyes. “Okay, sharing memes is fun and all, but you do need to finish those outlines, and this is the only time I’m available to help you with it, unless you need to book my office hours. So use your time well, okay?”
Kylie raised her hand again. “Actually, yeah, can I talk with you about my outline? But, um, it’s kind of personal, so could I book some time with you?”
Ryan nodded. “Yeah, totally. Does tomorrow at…” He looked at his screen. “1:30 work for you? PM, obviously.”
“Uh, totally, thanks,” Kylie replied with a beaming smile. The rest of the room went back to their devices.
its not like shes going to lock the door and start kissing him lol calm down
shes obviously trying to talk to him but like
I feel like youre not that weird about it
Hell no, Im gonna be respectful about it, of course
Im not stupid
Im not going to do something until he makes the first move
I read that last message from Kylie and the cogs started turning. My heart started beating faster. I realized what the best play was. Ryan would have never ever made the first move. Some of the things the students said were obvious as all hell and he still didn’t notice. So, suppose a girl actually made the first move. Suppose the girl he least suspected got to know him a little better and played her cards right.
Nearly shaking with nervousness, I raised my hand. Ryan saw it, realized its source, and hesitated. I never even said “here” when he called my name for attendance; I just waved. “Um, yeah, Jessica?” he asked, a little off guard.
“Um,” I began. “Yeah, could I do the same thing? I have an idea for my outline, but I…” I blushed, looking around the room. This was the first time he even heard my voice.
Ryan sensed my unease at talking in public and took it from there. “Uh, yeah, totally. My next availability tomorrow is… 4pm. Does that work?”
I nodded and turned back to my computer. You could practically hear the vibrating in the room with how many messages were flooding the chat.
calm down you idiots, its jessica
she’s not trying anything
she was the second one to admit she wanted him
are we all just going to ask him for office hours now
lmao “no, I’m spartacus”
A few of the girls giggled. Ryan looked at the room inquisitively and said nothing, though he did lock eyes with me again, this time making a comical shrugging motion. I laughed.
Maya Schroeder has entered the chat.
Okay so
I tried asking Maddie at a party pretending I heard they were a couple
And she said they weren’t a couple, and told me to keep it a secret (oops) but like
They fucked?? A lot????
this chat is so cursed lmao
so they were fwbs?
Haha yupppp
apparently he’s hung
biggest case of big dick energy on the planet
hold on
you were at a party with your fucking TA???
sorry I’m popular? 😉
they still fool around from time to time
morel ike ‘why arent more TAs like this’
Daivd changed hamr’s nickname to “morel ike”
Even if the chat could be a bit juvenile at times, it was definitely getting bolder, and hornier. I loved it. I couldn’t not sneak a hand into my jeans and rub circles around my clit while reading those messages as they came in. I was so glad the news hit while I was at home and not in class.
I had a lot of time to think about it, and I decided I liked it. I liked how many of the girls were into Ryan. I liked how we were just horny for him with no shame. And I loved how we fed each others’ obsessions.
Almost all of the girls in his seminar knew he had a habit of fucking around. They knew he was hung, too. And he was either oblivious to it or the best actor on the planet. Fuck… both of those scenarios were hot. I rubbed faster, panting out loud, imagining Ryan being fully aware of what he was doing and just using his seminar to tease us. Using his seminar like he would use us…
I shuddered, giving myself a silent orgasm. Even with my secret horny side, I didn’t want to weird out my housemates, and the walls were thin. Plus, my housemates didn’t know how horny I was. But these girls… I mean, they were pretty honest with each other, even if that honestness sometimes came in the form of being honestly judgmental. I could handle being honestly judged, and I wanted to stir the pot a little more.
tbh I have an idea
My cheeks burned. I bit my lower lip. It was such a naughty idea, yet one where we could still have plausible deniability.
we’re listening
yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
morel ike
does this have to do with your upcoming appointment jessica ????
I closed my eyes and slowly breathed out, my heartbeat quickening again. This was addictive. I didn’t know I could be this bold about anything, and yet, here I was, typing out my messages.
we were given a personal essay assignment. Ryan outright encouraged us to make it as personal as possible. What if we… test that, and see how it lands with him. We won’t make our essays x-rated or anything, but just include some sexual innuendos here and there. Enough to make him notice something. But if we all do it, he can’t just meet with one of us and tell that person to stop it or something. It could be fun to watch him squirm.
I waited, holding my breath when I watched the first person reply. It helped that it was Ash. I could trust her.
this has gone from silly to… I think that’s literally sexual harassment
I am not doing that, and no one else should do that either. I think we seriously need to touch grass or something because this is getting creepy.
This chat has gone too far and I think we should all stop and really think about what we’re doing.
Ashley Hildebrand has left the chat.
My heart sank. I thought this was fine. It seemed to all be normal and make sense in my head. Was it really all that bad? The profile pictures of girls that had read it were piling up, and no one said anything for… what felt like hours. When I checked the clock, seven minutes had gone by since Ash left. Eventually, a speech bubble formed. Sydney.
talk about an overreaction
it’s not “sexual harassment” to make a few sex jokes in your essay
like ???
Slowly, other girls gave their two cents too.
yeah tbh that was kinda a cunt move. We already talk so openly in seminar
you know what? Ill do it. I think it sounds both sexy and funny
yea, we just gotta be tasteful about it
just wait until we find out Kylie writes a sex story about her fucking Ryan and just submits that
I bet she would even write the bullshit kind where it takes like three thousand words before you even get to the sex
its called “buildup” Janelle
it’s called “I’m reading this to get off, not to get updates on fifteen different backstories, literally just read a normal book”
can normal books not be sexy ????
sex stories arent literature
cry about it
gatekeeping alertttt
morel ike
anyway, fuck yes. but be SUBTLE. just like a passing reference to something sexual and move on like you didnt just say that
Im jealous haha. I wish I was in the class, Id love to write a personal essay on like my first time and have ryan read it ????
switch into the class maya! or just write it anyway and slip it under his door ????
omg were going to make ryan hard reading our essays
I bet its soooo noticeable when hes hard. ???? is that why he wears jeans and not sweats
he has to wear sweats to the gym
morel ike
lmao Kylie calm down
Under any other circumstances, I’d be both elated and turned on with how receptive the other girls were to my suggestion, but I couldn’t take my mind off of Ash and her reaction. Really quickly, I switched chats to a private one with her, and sent her a message.
Hey, are we okay? I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m really sorry, I was just trying to be part of the group.
Luckily for me, she responded pretty quickly.
Yeah, we’re fine. I’m not angry with you, but idk, it just feels a bit far, you know? It’s fine to joke around and point out that he’s hot, but we shouldn’t actually jeopardize our place in the class or his job. Plus it is kind of creepy. You can see that, right?
yeah, totally.
So, how did the other girls react? I really hope they agreed with me.
I bit my lip, thinking about the best play to make here. Eventually, I went with my gut.
Kylie was… kylie, lmao
I think the rest of the girls agree tho. They’re not leaving the chat but it’s not like we’re starting anything
As I sent that, I saw on the top of my screen that Kylie basically announced she was going to play with herself thinking of Ryan. She worded it playfully enough that the other girls just laughed her off instead of being weirded out. I bit my lip and popped open my fly. It was like this burgeoning sex cult, with Ryan as our idol. None of us would have dreamt of talking like this when we started the chat, yet here we were, slowly corrupting each other thinking of our hot, jacked, hung, oblivious TA. It was the hottest thing in the world.
“Yeah, come on in,” Ryan encouraged me. “There is a class going on down the hall, though, so you should probably close the door.”
My heart started beating even faster than it already was. I was alone in a closed-off room with Ryan. I diligently closed the door, then sat down at the chair opposite him, not saying a word. Ryan finished some sentence he was writing and then closed the window on his computer.
“Okay, so,” he began, spinning in his swivel chair to face me. “Upfront, if you don’t feel like talking, at any time, you can just point to what you want on the outline or something. I get these kinds of meetings can seem… you know, stern, so I wanna make this atmosphere as open as it can be.”
I gave a small smile, though my internal one was huge. Here I was, thinking about Ryan’s dick and how I finally was alone in a room with him, and here he was, thinking about my anxiety and how he could make me feel welcome. It was both so unfortunate and a blessing he was apparently not interested in romance. Unfortunate because if he wanted to, he could make any girl (preferably me) so happy someday. A blessing because any girl that had him would never leave his side, and I wouldn’t get another chance again.
“It’s, uh, it’s okay,” I nervously managed to say before giving an uncomfortable giggle. Ryan nodded sympathetically as I opened my laptop, loading my outline for him. “So, I have an outline here, and I tried to make it personal to me, like you said, but I’m kind of finding it difficult to find a conclusion… I mean, does it make a good enough point?”
Ryan shrugged. “I dunno, but that’s half the fun of these things. Lemme take a look-see. If I may…” He motioned to my laptop and I passed it to him. His eyes looked over the outline, his lips moving slowly as he read. He started with a stern-looking, concentrated expression, then slowly, his eyebrows moved back up to their normal position. Then, one of the two eyebrows kept going. When he finished, he stared straight ahead and shook his head before looking at me.
“Wow. You took the challenge of making it personal to you and just said ‘Bet,’ huh?” He smirked, then lowered one eyebrow at me. His smile broadened and he leaned in. “It’s always the quiet ones, isn’t it?” he asked in a friendly voice, like we were sharing a joke.
I giggled, but still shifted in my seat. “If it’s inappropriate, I can…” I trailed off.
“Nah, it’s totally fine. Just as long as you know it’s university policy to have a copy of all assignments in the last four or so years in their records. They’ll obviously never do anything with it, but you know, it’s just information policy.” He shrugged. “If you can believe it, Jessica, I’ve been around those themes before, and I think that…” He paused, choosing his next words carefully. “Themes like that can be seen as inappropriate or not safe for work by some, but… this department understands that when we ask for passion in writing, it can take many forms. Hell, some psych classes will directly ask their students to look at porn. Not for its, uh, intended use, but you know.”
He was so frustratingly professional. Speaking of porn, this should have been the time when a weaker-willed guy would just throw me against his desk and have his way with me. It was clear Ryan was going to do no such thing.
“The theme is fine. Actually, if you wanted solid critique, here, in paragraph three, you kind of hop back and forth between actual events and what’s in your head. I get that you’re trying to go for a chronological order, but is there a better way to organize it…? I bet there is. If you can find that sweet spot, the essay will flow way better.”
Ryan was proving to be a tough egg to crack. This was already the most confident thing I’d ever done in my life, and here he was, critiquing it as if I wasn’t trying to make myself irresistible to him. I went a little beyond maybe some subtle innuendos in my essay; after all, I wanted to stand out in the crowd. The moment his shell cracked, I wanted to be the one he desired the most. As the girls astutely observed, Kylie had some serious competition.
Even though Ryan had come to the seminar with his signature smile, it took on a more puzzled look. When he sat down, he didn’t say anything for a bit. “So I, uh, marked all your essays here…” He paused, and looked up at us. “There were a few… commonalities amongst your essays. A few of you wrote about the same kind of thing, if you get me. A few themes kept popping up over and over, and it was interesting to see that a lot of you picked the same themes. If you know, you know.” He started handing out marked essays to the students.
“What kinds of themes?” One of the boys asked.
Ryan looked him in the eyes and smiled mischievously. “Hey Nik, these are personal essays,” he reasoned. “Some of us wrote about things that were pretty private to them. Close stories and all that. I wouldn’t want to give it away by saying what the themes were out loud. If everyone wrote about how they wish their mothers would show them more affection, me pointing it out would out half the class.”
“So we can guess it wasn’t about mothers then, right?” Kylie pointed out teasingly. Ryan only gave her a smile in response that I could only deduce was a warning smile. As he did, he passed her essay back to her. She started reading the notes, her face falling as she did. A few messages hit the chat.
he’s perfect in every other way, why does he have to be such a hard markerrr
tbh? This just makes him more attractive to me. He’s a tough man to please
lmao, the one time Kylie is silent in this chat
someone got a bad grade
haha sucks to be you, Maddie gave me a 92 on my personal essay and I wrote it the night before it was due
morel ike
can we kick maya from this chat pls? shes not even in this seminar
ooh, sour grapes ????
As the girls chatted, I got my essay back. I flipped through it a few times, and saw I got an 83. Not terrible, especially for Ryan’s standards. He wrote a few things on the sides of my essay in red pen — a few notes on flow here and there, but my cheeks burned when I saw what he wrote next to one of my, shall I say, more personal points of the essay.
Stop enjoying this so much, this is supposed to be a school assignment 😉
I held my breath to make sure my breathing didn’t alert the class. Ryan wrote that. With a drawn winky face and everything. My cheeks burned as I looked back at him, but he was too busy handing more essays around the desks. I read over the note a few more times, then read over every other comment he left — they were all normal. As always, it was just a one-off thing with Ryan. Nothing concrete enough to seem like an attempt. And I bet he would keep it that way. As slutty as he apparently could be behind the scenes, and as casual as he was, he still kept it professional. How annoying.
Did I have enough guts to make the first move? I didn’t know about that, but I knew I should at least keep the momentum going. I whipped out my phone and started an email to Ryan, asking him if he had time to meet with me about my essay’s mark this week. When I hit send, his computer loudly dinged, and I turned pink and looked down. He handed out the last of his essays, then mumbled, “One sec, this could be important…” He went to his computer and clicked something, then gave a puzzled look at his screen. He quickly typed out something, then hit the enter key with a stroke as if he finished penning a masterpiece.
I looked at my email inbox. Sure enough, there was an email from Ryan.
Yeah, asking in person is so boring, isn’t it? Sure, I think I’m free tomorrow at 3. I’ll be in my office. Ryan
Kylie couldn’t resist getting a few more words in. “So, was it important?”
He gave her a patient smile. “Yes,” he said simply. “Okay, so for today’s seminar…”
~To Be Continued~