The restaurant’s bright yellow walls looked warm and inviting in the dim lighting as Luke and Erin entered from the beach. All the windows were open to the warm evening breeze with views of the myriad of tiny fishing boats on the water, each one with a small light. The twinkling from the dozens of boat lights shimmering off the water magnified the effect and made it difficult to distinguish the starry night sky from the ocean. Soft Vietnamese pop music played in the background, and delicious smells were coming from the kitchen.
“Two for dinner, please,” Erin said to the friendly, smiling hostess who was wearing a white Coco Beach Resort logo polo shirt and white shorts.
“Of course, ma’am, right this way,” she replied kindly with a thick accent. She grabbed two menus and led Luke and Erin across the small dining room and sat them next to an open window.
The restaurant was just steps away from Luke and Erin’s bungalow and served breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Although there were some good restaurants in the village, Luke and Erin chose to eat most of their meals at this resort. The food was stunningly delicious, incredibly affordable, and as convenient as possible. They weren’t missing out on anything.
Many of the resort guests shared that opinion. Most of the people Luke had seen on the beach were also eating in the resort restaurant. There were plenty of tables, so nothing felt crowded. The guests were dressed in beach casual clothing with lots of flip-flops, short sundresses, polos, and short-sleeved shirts. The tables were covered in delicious-smelling Vietnamese dishes and tropical drinks.
Luke and Erin settled into their table and took in the nighttime ocean views before turning their attention to the menu. Erin was looking sexy wearing only a strappy patterned sundress with nothing on underneath. Even her feet looked sexy in heeled sparkly sandals that accentuated her strong calves. She knew Luke would be thinking about her sexy body all through dinner. Luke wore a loose-fitting Hawaiian shirt and comfortable shorts. He preferred comfort over style.
“What sounds good to you tonight?” Erin asked as she perused the menu carefully. Although they’d eaten at the restaurant several times it was nearly impossible to choose between the pages of delicious-looking options.
“I think I’ll have the crisp roast duck tonight, the ‘vįt quay’” Luke said carefully as he examined his menu. “I had the pho for breakfast, which was incredible, and the bàhn mì for lunch, which was okay. I’m in the mood for some meat,” he added.
“Me, too, baby,” Erin said with a wink. “A big hunk of meat in my mouth sounds like the perfect dessert if you know what I mean.” Erin laughed at her joke as Luke gently kicked her under the table. “I once had Vietnamese duck back home and it was delicious” Erin added. “I prefer the Vietnamese duck to the Chinese duck.”
“Well, that settles it for me, vįt quay it is,” Luke said. “What looks good to you, baby?”
“I’m going to start with the shrimp spring rolls, the goi cuon. Do you remember when we took that cooking class and learned to make them?” Erin asked. “They were so delicious, mmm. I want to try the real thing made by a chef who knows what she’s doing. And maybe I’ll try the Vietnamese papaya salad. It’s supposed to be more sour and not as spicy as Thai papaya salad.”
“Great choices, Erin,” Luke said. “What do you want to drink?”
“Hmm,” Erin said as she flipped the pages of the menu to the drink section. “This lemongrass cocktail looks pretty good. It has coconut and lime with the lemongrass, it sounds amazing,” Erin replied.
“That does sound good, kind of creamy and crisp at the same time,” Luke said. “I’m going to stick with mojitos tonight. The fresh mint sounds perfect right now.”
Luke and Erin placed their orders with their server and took a few minutes to look around the cozy restaurant. Many of the families and couples they’d seen on the beach were there. The Americans were easy to spot again. The Germans weren’t difficult to pick out, either, with their socks and Birkenstocks. Luke wondered why they’d bother with socks on the beach, but some things just couldn’t be explained.
Erin leaned forward and spoke quietly. “So, I wanted to tell you some more about my massages on the trip so far,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “I told you generally what happened in Saigon, but I thought you’d like more details.”
Erin told Luke all about her experience with Monica in hushed tones. Her pussy tingled from the memory and descriptions of her erotic massage and all the hot lesbian sex with her beautiful hotel hostess. She was soaking wet by the time she finished her retelling.
“Wow, darling, that sounds incredible!” Luke exclaimed, adjusting his erection in his shorts. “You should write that down, what an amazing story!”
“Maybe I will!” Erin said. “I’m sure other people would love to hear about my experience.”
“There are all kinds of lust-crazed readers on the internet,” Luke said. “I’m sure you could get it published on one of those awesome erotic story websites. Who knows, maybe we’ll have more adventures to write about.”
“I think we could write about pretty much any day of our marriage, Luke! We could make the world a hornier place by sharing our stories,” Erin said with a smile.
“So, tell me about your massage on the beach,” Luke said. “Did it get…personal?”
“Well, the oil had peppermint in it, so it left my skin feeling kind of bright and minty, and I had all the good endorphins from being rubbed, but sorry to disappoint you, it was just a regular massage,” Erin said. “However, you know how horny I get from massages.”
“Oh, I can always tell,” Luke replied, remembering the sex they’d had after Erin’s massage earlier that day. “Seriously, you need to get a massage every day while we’re here. The price is unbelievable, and the setting is so beautiful – and we both enjoy the added benefit of you feeling turned on.”
“Well, I’ll take you up on that, darling,” Erin replied.
The Vietnamese hostess continued seating guests as the restaurant filled to about half capacity.
She suddenly appeared at their table. “Excuse me,” the hostess said, appearing a little embarrassed. “This couple asked to sit with you, are you okay with that?”
Luke looked up to see the best-looking couple he’d noticed from the beach that morning. They were both smiling politely and appeared to be very kind. “We don’t mean to interrupt your dinner,” said the man with the salt-and-pepper hair in a British accent, “but we wondered if you might like some company. My wife and I enjoy meeting new people on vacation, and we noticed you earlier today and thought you looked like a fun couple to get to know.”
Luke and Erin exchanged glances. They were having such a great time by themselves, but they also enjoyed making new friends on vacation from time to time. “Of course,” Luke graciously replied for them both. He motioned to the other seats at their table. “Please join us. We just ordered some drinks and food, so we’ll be here for a while. My name is Luke, and this is Erin,” he added.
“Delighted to meet you both,” replied the blond-haired woman. “My name is Sofia, and this is my husband, Andrew. We’ve been at this wonderful resort for a couple of weeks and we’d so enjoy another couple to join in our adventures here, if you know what I mean.”
Erin wasn’t exactly sure how to take Sofia’s comment but replied kindly. “Well, we’ve only just arrived, but we would love to have dinner together. Please have a seat,” she said, scooting out the chair next to her. Sofia graciously accepted Erin’s offer and sat down next to her. Andrew joined the table next to Luke.
The hostess offered two menus to Andrew and Sofia, but Andrew waived them off. “Oh, thank you, my dear, but we already know what we’ll be having. Two pho cocktails to drink, please, and one bo kho and a rau muong xao toi.”
“Of course, sir, right away,” said the hostess who went to inform the service staff.
“Two weeks here and you sound like locals to me, I’m impressed!” Luke said. “I’ve got to know what a ‘pho cocktail’ is, though.”
“Oh, it’s wonderful. It’s Vietnam in a drink,” Andrew replied. “It takes the best flavors of pho and makes it boozy.”
Sofia added, “It’s a gin-based drink with triple sec and freshly squeezed lime juice, but the kicker is the pho spices of star anise, cardamom, and cinnamon. In swanky places, they make it over a three-tiered decanter with flames and everything. Here they just mix it up, but it still tastes delicious. You’ll have to try it.”
“Well, we are always open to trying new things,” Erin said. Sofia and Andrew exchanged a knowing glance as if they hoped for a deeper meaning to Erin’s words. “We’ve been sticking with sweet beachy drinks, but a pho cocktail sounds more savory.”
“Savory, sweet, salty. We love it all,” Sofia said as she gently touched Erin’s forearm in a familiar way. “Don’t you find taste to be such a sensual turn-on, Erin?”
Erin blushed for a moment but quickly recovered. She locked her blue eyes onto Sofia’s brown eyes. “I do, in fact,” Erin said without a hint of embarrassment. “Tasting new flavors on vacation is one of my favorite parts of traveling.” The two women held each other’s gaze longer than expected as if connecting in some way.
“Well, we love to try new flavors when traveling, too, Erin,” Andrew said from across the table, breaking the sexual tension between the two women. “We find new food and new friends are the best parts of traveling, and here’s to the start of a wonderful evening.”
The server arrived with their drinks and set them on the table. Luke’s mojito and Erin’s lemongrass cocktail were in highball glasses, and the two pho cocktails were served in small white bowls garnished with parsley and star anise.
Andrew lifted his glass. “Cheers to new friendships,” he said.
“Cheers!” the other three repeated and clinked their glasses. They each took a sip of their drink. Luke and Erin closed their eyes and leaned their heads back in satisfaction while Andrew and Sofia watched them with interest.
“Perhaps we should share tonight,” Andrew said, then indicated their drinks. “It’s more fun when you can try out more than one selection from the menu.”
“I’m open to that,” Erin said. “You both seem to have such good taste. Tell me, how long have you two been together?”
Sofia replied, “Oh, we’ve been sweethearts nearly since primary school, and married for nearly twenty-five years.”
“Really, that’s amazing!” Erin said. “Luke and I met at university but married shortly thereafter, so we’ve been married about the same amount of time, I believe.” Erin took another drink from her cocktail. “Tell me, what’s your secret to a happy marriage?”
“Yes, my love, what is our secret?” Andrew said to Sofia with a smile. “Shall you tell them, or shall I?”
“By all means, love. Let’s break the ice,” Sofia replied.
Luke and Erin exchanged furtive glances, both curious to see what was coming.
“Well, my new friends, much like good Asian food, Sofia and I have found that spice is the key to a happy marriage. Life has many ups and downs, but staying connected as partners is all the more pleasurable when we share secretive and spicy new experiences.” Andrew swirled his drink before continuing. “We find that breaking away from the monotony of regular life adds the variety to our love life that we need. Of course, that includes traveling, which we are grateful to do quite frequently.”
“Oh, we love to travel, also,” Erin interrupted. “We’ve been all over the world together.”
“Yes, certainly, travel is part of it for Sofia and me,” Andrew continued. “However, there is something more. We’ve found that opening our bed to other lovers has been cathartic for our marriage, and it’s something we love to do while on vacation.” Andrew let his words hang in the air like the scent of a fine appetizer. “We do this with the full consent and encouragement of each other, of course,” Andrew added.
“Of course, my dear,” Sofia chimed in with a smile and reached over to squeeze Andrew’s hand before continuing. “We love to give and receive pleasure to one another, but we also love to experience the pleasure of our partner with other people.”
Luke and Erin exchanged a knowing look. “Well, I’m so glad you joined us tonight,” Erin said after a moment’s pause. She hesitated slightly before continuing. “Luke and I have only recently begun to experience what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, do go on,” Sofia encouraged. She glanced at Andrew, “Darling, I do believe I may have lost our little wager.”
Erin smiled at Sofia. “You two had a wager on us? What do you mean?”
“Well, I tell you what, Erin,” Sofia replied. “Why don’t you finish what you were saying, and perhaps I’ll tell you all about my little bet with Andrew.”
“Okay, well,” Erin began to reach for her drink, then changed her mind. She continued boldly, encouraged by Sofia’s revelation. “You see, Luke and I recently had an amazing conversation where we both realized that we wanted to open our marriage to new lovers – with full consent and encouragement of the other partner, as you said. We haven’t had very many opportunities to ‘explore,’ you might say. We happened to get lucky with some neighbors that really blew our minds. We’ve had so much fun with them, but honestly, we just haven’t quite known how to take the next steps to find like-minded people to share any further adventures.”
Andrew and Sofia looked as if they couldn’t believe what Erin was saying. A nearly awkward silence ensued before Luke cleared his throat and continued. “Our friends – neighbors – have turned out to be amazing partners in opening our relationship. What Erin is saying, though, is that it’s so hard to know how to broach the subject with new people. I think, Andrew, that you may have just shown us how to do it.” Luke raised his glass and smiled at Andrew, who responded by smiling back and clinking drinks again.
“My new friend, it is my turn to be shocked, when I fully expected to shock you,” Andrew said. “In your American sport of baseball, a player may strike out at nearly every opportunity, but occasionally he hits a home run. I believe that’s a correct comparison.”
“You nailed it, Andrew,” Luke responded. “It’s like a super low-scoring soccer match, right? One goal to nil still wins the game, even if Americans would say that ‘nothing’ happened for eighty-nine of the ninety minutes.”
“Okay, boys,” Sofia laughed. “Enough with the sports metaphors. I think we can agree that we are all happy that we happen to share a highly unusual view of marriage.”
Erin and Sofia laughed as Luke and Andrew smiled and shook their heads. Erin squeezed Sofia’s hand thoughtfully and said, “So I’m guessing that Andrew thought we were good marks for hitting on, and that you thought we looked like prudish Americans?”
“Well, you’re not wrong, Erin,” Sofia responded. “You see, we like to people-watch while we’re on vacation. You probably do as well, I’m guessing. Well, we saw you two arrive at Coco Beach and instantly felt attracted to you. By that I mean you are by far the most attractive couple here. It’s like we’ve been waiting for you for the last two weeks. There have been some other attractive people at the resort, but no one that we felt we may click with.
“We saw you on the beach this morning – actually, we saw Luke walking to the bar, and he caught my eye,” Sofia winked at Luke, who blushed slightly. “I hope you don’t mind, Erin.”
“Please, go on. He catches my eye, too!” Erin replied, then laughed at her joke. “By the way, he totally was checking you out at the beach, too.”
“Well,” Sofia continued, “I was ‘totally checking him out’ on the beach like you said, and I wanted to see if he was by himself or with someone. I figured if he was by himself, it would be easy to convince him to join us one way or another if you know what I mean.” Luke and Erin exchanged a glance that said they may not fully understand her meaning, but Sofia went on. “Andrew and I had been flirting with each other all morning and were just leaving the beach for a shag, but I stayed behind for a few moments to watch Luke come back from the bar. I was not surprised at all when he brought two drinks back, and that one was for the hottest girl on the beach.
“At first, I felt dejected. It was clear that you were American, don’t ask me how I could tell, you guys just stand out, what can I say? Our experience with Americans is that you are either Bible belt prudes or are too absorbed in life back home to ever really let loose on vacation.
“I was so happy – and turned on – when I saw Erin take her top off. First, because you look great, my dear,” Sofia said as she laid her hand on Erin’s bare arm again, “and secondly because we figured we could reject the label of ‘Bible belt prude.’ At least, if you were a Bible belt prude, you were a fun Bible belt prude. Please tell me you’re not the Bible belt type.” Sofia finished as if asking a question.
“You know,” Erin replied, “we kind of used to be, but it’s something we’ve recently left behind us – intentionally. It’s one reason we kind of inexperienced at this new ‘open relationship’ thing,” she added.
“Oh, my dear,” Sofia looked at Erin compassionately. “That makes some sense to me.”
“Anyhow,” Andrew interrupted, “we both figured that it would be worth chatting with you this evening to see where things went.”
“Well, I’m glad you did,” Luke responded.
The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the food. Two servers brought plates fresh from the kitchen. Erin’s spring rolls and papaya salad were fresh and crisp, and Luke’s duck was still sizzling.
“Okay, guys, what exactly did you order?” Erin asked. “You’ve had enough time to work your way through the menu and have found your favorites.”
“You’re right, Erin,” Andrew replied. “I have the bo kho, which is a kind of Asian beef stew. It rivals any beef stew we have in England and is much spicier than anything we have back home. I absolutely love it.”
“And my rau muong xao toi is a delicious salad made with morning glory,” Sofia said with her best Vietnamese accent.
“I’ve heard of it as a flower but not as food,” Erin said.
“Yes, it has a beautiful flower, but it grows almost like a weed. It’s quite common as food in Asia but is prohibited to cultivate in other parts of the world because it grows like an invasive species,” Sofia said. “Whatever it is elsewhere, it makes for a delicious salad!”
The two couples enjoyed their meals in silence for a few minutes, then began sharing bites with one another. Luke particularly enjoyed Andrew’s beef stew dish, and Erin decided she found a new favorite salad from sampling Sofia’s plate.
“Another round of drinks?” Luke offered as he finished his mojito. “I’m switching to a vodka tonic. Regardless of the place, it’s kind of like comfort food to order your go-to drink, right?”
“That’s true, my friend,” Andrew said. “I’m switching to scotch.”
“And wine for me,” Erin and Sofia said at the same time, then laughed.
With their plates cleared and new drinks in hand, the conversation turned again to marriage.
“Tell me, Sofia,” Luke said, “what was it like establishing an agreement where you both were able to – I mean, where you had an open relationship? Did you discuss it ahead of time, or did it come about organically? I’m sorry, that sounds like a silly question.”
“Oh, darling, it’s not silly at all,” Sofia replied patiently, then took a drink of her wine. “I remember feeling nervous when we first discussed opening our relationship.
“Although we had kind of grown up together, we were not together the entire time, so we had both been with other people before we started seriously dating as young adults. We both had some side flings while we were dating, one-night stand sort of things with inconsequential lovers, the kind of thing that is only about sex. Although it was difficult at the time, we both came to realize that the relationship between us was essentially unchanged by the ‘sex-only’ type encounters we’d had on the side.
“We didn’t think much about it at the time,” she continued, “probably because we were young and immature, and although it led to some heartache, we later came to realize that we could kind of have our cake and eat it, too, to borrow an American phrase. After we were married for several years, we had a heart-to-heart about how our marriage was essentially unchanged by what had happened before we were married. In other words, we would still have a strong marriage whether we had been together exclusively or whether we had been with other people.”
Luke nodded, recognizing similarities to thoughts he had shared in the past. “I think I’m following you quite closely, Sofia. We’ve had similar conversations,” he said.
Sofia continued, “That realization led us down a logical path. Once we were secure enough in our relationship, we discovered that our marriage could be strong whether we were exclusive with each other or if we ‘opened’ our relationship to include sexual encounters with other people. I think, for us, the key to the whole thing was feeling like our marriage was solid and had open and honest communication. If there was insecurity there, I think the whole thing would have just fallen apart.”
Erin laid her hand on Sofia’s arm in understanding. “I know what you mean, Sofia,” she said. “Luke and I went through a rough patch not long ago where we were just not on the same page in life and there was some distance between us. We struggled just to connect with any kind of empathy. I can’t imagine trying to add in some kind of additional adventure in the state we were in at that time.”
“Exactly,” Sofia said. “I think there is a time for everything, you know? Don’t get me wrong, Andrew and I ended up opening our marriage fairly early on, and we have no regrets about it. However, there have certainly been seasons where I guess you could say we have closed things down for a time. For example, Andrew’s parents were very ill and passed away, and there was quite a while where adventure of any type just would have felt wrong.”
“That’s quite true, my love,” Andrew chimed in. “But those times pass, too, and we are back in the game, so to speak.”
Erin boldly reached for Andrew’s hand across the table, “I’m glad for that. Don’t you agree, Luke?”
Luke watched Erin holding Andrew’s hand. He felt his cock begin to elongate in excitement and placed his hand on Erin’s knee, squeezed it, then slid his hand up her short dress to her hip. “I do agree, baby,” he said in affirmation of Erin’s kindness. “And I’m thankful that we are in a place in our marriage where we are okay making some new friends, too.”
“So, if I may,” Luke continued, “how exactly do you go about – it – in a practical sense? I mean, what does it look like for you when you’ve had experiences outside of your marriage?”
Andrew chuckled at Luke’s indirectness. “Are you asking what we do with other couples we play with?” Andrew asked in response.
“Well, yes, I suppose that is what I’m asking,” Luke said.
“In the swinger community,” Andrew answered, “there are some terms we use to describe the various types of sharing that we do. It is a bit of a progression if you will, and every step is done with the full endorsement of the other partner. The first step along the path I would say is just flirting. Things like dancing and flirting with other partners, or Erin holding my hand, for example. This may happen together or apart, but again is done with the full support of the other partner. Sofia and I find it quite arousing to see each other flirting with other partners.
“Do we ever!” Sofia exclaimed and winked at Luke, causing him to smile and playfully wink back.
“The next step is to be sexual with one another in the presence of someone else. This may include getting handsy, making out, oral sex, and full-on sex while there is someone else present. It’s usually another couple but it doesn’t have to be. The others present may also be sexual with one another but also may just be watching. Believe me, it can be quite erotic to be watched or to have sex in the same room as someone else having sex.”
“Mmm, I can certainly imagine that,” Erin said as she began to feel herself tingle.
“Oh, yes,” Sofia said to Erin. “I love it, darling. If you’ve never tried it, you really should.”
“Well, maybe we’ll take you up on that offer,” Luke said, winking at Erin. “Maybe quite soon.”
“Whoa there, American cowboy,” Andrew said in jest. “I’m only on the second step. The next is where you start to swap partners. Again, this is usually with another couple but doesn’t need to be, it could be with a single or group as well. A ‘soft swap’ is just everything except penetration. That includes oral or other types of playing. This is where some couples draw the line, and that’s fine. To each his own, after all.
“The next level,” Andrew continued, “would be a full swap where the two couples switch partners or where both partners of a couple play with a third person. In other words, everything is on the table. Penetration, whatever.”
Luke and Erin exchanged questioning glances with each other, both wondering what the other was thinking.
“Finally,” Andrew continued, oblivious to Luke and Erin’s exchange, “you get to group play. This may be a sex party or just more than two couples. It sounds complicated, I’ll admit, but it happens quite organically with the right group of people, from our experience.”
Erin’s eyebrows raised questioningly. “So, you two have done it all, then?” she asked.
“Oh, yes,” Sofia said as she took Erin’s other hand. “As I said, there is a time for everything, but Andrew and I have had some wonderful adventures together in all of his silly categories.” Sofia winked at Andrew, “You are so organized and categorical, my love,” she said endearingly. “These things just kind of happen naturally with the right people. We love whom we love, and are attracted to people without really understanding it.”
Erin released Andrew and Sofia’s hands and took a drink of wine. Luke did the same with his vodka tonic. Both seemed momentarily lost in thought.
“Luke,” Sofia said, “you seem like the kind of person that really thinks things through. Am I right?”
“Are you ever,” Erin answered with a smile and gave Luke a playful swat.
“And Erin,” Sofia continued, “I’m guessing you are the type of person that follows your emotions and intuition.”
“Nailed it again,” answered Luke. “It’s not just that we are stereotypical for men and women. We are quite different in how we approach new experiences.”
“However,” Erin chimed in, “I’m more likely to research something to death, like reading reviews on restaurants, and Luke prefers to just jump in and try something not worrying about what other people’s opinions are.”
“Well,” said Andrew, “it sounds like you balance each other out quite well. So, I have a proposal. Please come back to our bungalow after dinner for a little more wine and we can see where things go.” Sofia’s pupils dilated as she smiled at Luke, and Andrew had a hungry look in his eye as he looked at Erin.
Luke and Erin looked at each other. A thousand words were exchanged between them in a few short glances before they answered simultaneously. “Absolutely!” they exclaimed together.
Looking pleased with himself, Andrew casually turned the topic of conversation back to dinner and the wonderful selection of desserts at the restaurant. They agreed to split several and took turns sharing delicious Vietnamese flan, a coconut tapioca pudding, and a banana cake. They laughed and shared stories about their world travels over another round of drinks, and finally, Andrew brought them back to their previous conversation.
“Sofia and I have some excellent Bau Da Wine in our bungalow made entirely by hand in central Vietnam. Would you two be interested in helping us enjoy it this evening?”
“That sounds wonderful, Andrew, thank you,” Erin answered. She looked at Luke and said, “I should ask you directly, baby. Are you okay with that?”
“Thanks, darling, and yes, I would love to do that,” Luke said emphatically.
The foursome made their way out of the restaurant and strolled casually along the beach. The waves rolled in along the shore and gave the air a salty smell as Sofia casually talked about other guests at the resort. They passed several lit bungalows before arriving at the largest one in the resort.
“This is ours,” Andrew said as they turned to enter. The room was dominated by a large king-sized bed. Next to it was a long couch, two comfortable-looking bamboo armchairs, and a coffee table. Sofia went to the small refrigerator and retrieved a white bottle as Andrew set four small ceramic glasses on the coffee table. Luke and Erin sat in the armchairs and Sofia settled on the couch next to Andrew.
“Cheers to new friends!” Andrew said after he poured the clear wine and passed out the small glasses.
“Cheers!” Erin, Luke, and Sofia exclaimed simultaneously, and then all took a sip of the wine.
“Oh, my god, that is delicious!” Erin exclaimed.
“And strong,” Luke said as he coughed slightly.
“Yes, this wine is unlike any we’ve encountered elsewhere,” Andrew answered. “It is quite strong, more like soju in Korea, but smoother.”
“And we’ve never been hung over after a night of drinking it,” Sofia smiled as she lifted the cup for another sip.
“Never, my love,” Andrew said, then leaned in to kiss Sofia. Sofia had been waiting for this all evening and emphatically kissed him back.
Andrew’s hand ran up Sofia’s leg and lingered on her hip. Luke and Erin exchanged a longing look. Andrew continued passionately kissing Sofia as his hands explored her thighs and hips and effortlessly slid up the side of Sofia’s short dress, exposing her pink panties to Luke and Erin. Andrew looked up to check on his visitors and saw they were both glued to the action and enjoying it.
“My love,” Andrew said, breaking away from Sofia momentarily, “what do you say we give our guests something to enjoy.”
“I’m all yours, Andrew,” she answered breathlessly. Sofia stood and slid each thin strap of her dress off her slender shoulders and let it fall to the floor, exposing her perky bare breasts and lean body to the warm room air. Erin gawked at her gorgeous body and felt herself tingling in excitement to see such an empowered and sexy woman.
Sofia sat back down and resumed kissing Andrew passionately as his hands explored her body hungrily. He cupped her perfect round tits and rolled her erect nipples gently between his fingers, then slid his hand down her flat belly and over her delicate lacy panties. His fingers instinctively began caressing her mound, and Sofia responded by invitingly thrusting her hips forward.
Andrew’s excitement was evident in the front of his lightweight trousers and Sofia reached down to encourage his arousal. Andrew stood and Sofia ravenously undid his belt and zipper and had his pants on the floor in a moment. Andrew’s cock sprang to attention once unsheathed and Sofia wrapped her fingers around the base of his handsome cock and licked it several times before sliding it into her mouth. She began bobbing up and down his erect member as her hands encircled his shaft and pumped along with her sucking. Andrew’s face was contorted in pleasure as Sofia moaned with his cock deep in her mouth.
Erin’s tingling wetness was overwhelming as she watched her new British friends fuck. She stood from her bamboo armchair and sauntered over to where Luke was seated while keeping her eyes glued on their hosts. She daintily sat down on Luke’s lap and spread her legs, causing her sundress to ride up and expose her bare bald pussy. She broke her gaze momentarily to lean in to kiss Luke passionately, then she guided his hand between her legs. Luke complied by enthusiastically rubbing Erin’s aching sex. His hands continued in a circling motion as they both turned their attention back to Sofia.
She was still sucking Andrew’s cock for all it was worth as Andrew’s hips rocked in time to her motions. Andrew threw his head back and moaned, which caused Sofia to back off on her actions. She wanted this to last and didn’t want Andrew spoiling it by cumming too quickly. Andrew took the hint and stepped back slightly, creating some room between his throbbing cock and his wife. Sofia stood and deftly slid her pink panties down her slim legs and stepped out of them, then turned around and kneeled on the couch. She turned her head back to Andrew with a “fuck me now” look. Andrew positioned himself behind her and slid his long cock into Sofia’s dripping pussy and began to thrust.
Luke’s fingering intensified as he watched Andrew pounding into Sofia’s cunt. Erin’s eyes alternated between closed in pleasure and glued to the action. Her pussy felt amazing, she was so turned on watching Andrew and Sofia, and Luke’s touch was going to send her over the edge at any moment.
Andrew glanced over at Erin every few moments, clearly excited by watching Luke finger Erin’s cunt. The two couples encouraged each other in a self-perpetuating sex machine that fueled the passion they were all feeling. Sofia also turned her head from time to time so she could watch Erin. She smiled and squealed in pleasure and encouragement at her new friends as Andrew pounded her pussy from behind again and again.
Erin began moaning loudly as she watched Sofia. Luke kept on doing the things that were making Erin feel so good. Erin’s moaning turned to a long, drawn-out cry of pleasure as she came against Luke’s fingers for several long moments. Andrew and Sofia paused their lovemaking to witness such an erotic event. Finally, Erin came down from her high and leaned in for a long kiss with Luke, then they both turned smiling to continue watching their new friends.
Andrew slid his long shaft out of Sofia and took a step back to allow Sofia to reposition herself. She rolled onto her back with her hips just off the end of the couch and her head propped up on the cushions. She then stretched each leg up into the air and held her ankles, which spread her pussy lips wide. The smell of feminine sex filled the room as Andrew now positioned himself directly in front of Sofia and effortlessly buried his cock balls deep in Sofia’s waiting pussy and began to pump. Sweat beaded on Andrew’s forehead from the Vietnamese heat and the physical exertion of his actions.
Luke and Erin looked at one another and wordlessly shifted positions. Erin rose and turned to face Luke, then kneeled in front of him, her skirt still caught over her hips, giving Andrew and Sofia a wonderful view of her tan-lined ass. Erin undid the top of Luke’s shorts and had them around his ankles in a moment and began greedily sucking on his erect cock and stroking it with her small hands. It was Luke’s turn to alternate his gaze between his sexy wife sucking on his cock and watching his new friends fucking a few feet away on the couch.
Andrew pumped his long cock in and out of Sofia’s lovely cunt as she spread her legs nimbly in the air to give him the best access to her sex. Andrew’s grunts mixed with Sofia’s moans, Erin’s groans, and Luke’s panting.
Soon Sofia was getting louder and started yelling “I’m going to cum, darling! Just like that, keep doing that! Yes!”
Andrew replied with his own “Oh, my love, I’m almost there, too. I feel it coming! I’m going to burst all over your wonderful tits and belly!”
Upon hearing this, Erin’s excitement went wild. She reached her free hand down between her legs and fingered herself vigorously while she continued to suck Luke’s cock with enthusiasm. “Baby, I’m almost there,” Luke moaned as he interlaced his fingers in Erin’s long brown hair and guided her head up and down his shaft. “I’m cumming soon, baby!”
Suddenly, Andrew pulled out of Sofia’s pussy and began wanking his cock over her strip of pubic hair. Sofia released her hand from one of her legs, cradled her clitoris between her middle and ring fingers, and began rubbing her clitoris passionately. Erin began moaning loudly with her mouth full of cock as her masturbation reached its climax, and Luke pulled Erin’s head toward himself as he began to cum.
Andrew spurted his load over Sofia’s tits and flat belly with a roar of conquering gusto as Sofia’s hips bucked. Andrew’s hot cum on her skin pushed Sofia over the edge and she came for several very long moments. Erin’s hips likewise bucked forward again and again as her masturbation achieved its effect and she came for the second time. Luke leaned his head back and shot his semen into Erin’s mouth in jetting ropes. Erin took them all and swallowed as each spurt hit her palate.
Each partner came down slowly while caressing their spouse and smiling at the other couple in the room.
“That was a new vacation experience for us,” Erin said after several minutes of silent admiration. “You two are incredible lovers, I have to say. I had so much fun watching you.”
“And we, you, darling,” Sofia responded. “You and Luke are so sexy together and seem to know just how to please one another.”
“With all these expert lovers in the room, it would be a shame not to mix it up a little bit,” Andrew said, testing the waters.
“That may be true, brother,” Luke responded, “but I think we’re going to take it a little slowly if that’s possible at this point. We’ve had a wonderful evening with you both, and I think it’s time for us to head back to our bungalow.”
“Thanks, Luke, I was thinking the same thing,” Erin said. “I want to make sure we are on the same page before we do anything further. We need a chance to talk. Don’t get me wrong, though, this was a perfect evening.”
“Oh, don’t make it sound too formal, now,” Sofia said. “We’re just having fun with friends. How about one more drink to say good night.”
Andrew poured one last round of the delicious Vietnamese wine. The mostly naked friends raised their glasses together and clinked in “Cheers!” to the beginning of a wonderful new vacation friendship.