When Trisha returned home from her business trip, life around the house appeared to be back to normal. Cooking dinner for the family. Laundry. Feeding the pets. Nothing changed other than the fact that her new job occupied a few hours of each day. Being an online job, Trisha was able to complete eight hours of work in half the time as she did not have to deal with the bullshit of physically being in an office. With a good chunk of her day free, Trisha found her mind wandering back to her one-night stand in Florida.
She couldn’t shake the memory of Tom’s huge cock rocking her body to multiple orgasms. The thought of Tom was so strong in her memory that Trisha completely forgot the name of the smaller-cocked man who also fucked her that night. Trisha would satisfy these thoughts of hedonism by heading to her bedroom during the day and reading hentai porn on her iPad. She had been doing this before the business trip, but now she found herself doing it with increased frequency. Trisha had also become consumed by watching the video of herself being fucked silly by Tom on her phone. After working up an insatiable lust, Trisha would retrieve her sex toys from the nightstand and put them to work.
Trisha’s silky pink bag of sex toys was a gift from her husband Jack. Many years ago, Jack bought Trisha a blue vibrating dildo even though she always protested that she would never use such “nasty things.” Not wanting her to become accustomed to something larger than he was, Jack made sure to purchase a sex toy that was similar in size to his cock at about six inches. When the vibrator arrived in the mail, Trisha asked what was in the brown box.
Jack quickly stashed the package in the bedroom closet and said, “Oh, something for work.”
With his busy schedule, Jack forgot about the vibrator. A few months later, Jack was looking for something in the bedroom and he opened the top drawer of Trisha’s nightstand. Lo and behold, what did Jack see but a strange white sock containing something long and stiff. Jack examined the poorly concealed sock and found it to contain the blue vibrating cock. A few pubic hairs clung to the rubber material of the dildo, so Jack knew that Trisha had been using it.
Jack wondered how many other things she had snooped around the house for as he had tactfully hidden the dildo and never expected her to find it. Jack closely inspected the vibrating cock and could see bits of dried cum stuck under the folds of the head. He held the vibrator to his nose and breathed deeply. He could smell Trisha’s sex and then used his tongue to lick the dried cum from the vibrator.
The thought of Trisha secretly using her new sex toy turned Jack on to no end. That night, he shopped on the internet and found her a new toy. This time he bought a curved G-spot vibrator. Not wanting her to store her dildos in an old sock, Jack also purchased a silky pink bag for Trisha to store her sex toys. When the package arrived a few days later, Jack told his wife he had a surprise for her.
Trisha looked puzzled and asked, “What did you do wrong? It’s not my birthday or our anniversary, so a present must mean you did something wrong, LOL!”
A boyish grin appeared on Jack’s face, and he told his wife about finding the dildo hiding in her nightstand. Trisha was upset and embarrassed.
Trisha fumed at Jack, “You asshole! Why are you looking in my private things?”
Jack scoffed at Trisha’s indignation and noted, “First of all, a thank you is in order since I bought the God damned thing for you in the first place. Secondly, aren’t you one to call the kettle black? I had that dildo stashed away in my closet. To find it, you had to go looking through my private things.”
Jack told his wife there was nothing to be embarrassed about and that he wanted her to have the dildo. He knew that he was frequently away from home on business trips and wanted her to have something to satisfy herself in his absence.
“I would rather have you fuck a rubber dildo while I am gone than some other guy.” Jack said.
Trish took offense to this comment and retorted, “Why would you say such a thing? I would never do that!”
Jack told her that he knew she was a faithful wife and was only joking. With that, he produced the new gift he bought for Trisha and asked if he could watch her with her toys. The thought of having someone watch her masturbate, even if it was her husband, was something Trish was not entirely comfortable with. At first, she resisted, but Jack was persistent and told her he loved her and there was nothing to be embarrassed about.
With this being many years ago, their two daughters were much younger, so Jack locked the bedroom door. One never knew when the girls would venture into their parents’ room during the night after a bad dream. Trisha turned out the lights to the bedroom and moonlight shone through the window shades. Trisha took the blue dildo from the old sock in her nightstand drawer. She stared at her husband Jack and without breaking eye contact she kissed the head of the dildo. She used her tongue for a few seductive licks on the blue rubber cock and then she lightly sucked the tip. Jack was not accustomed to this side of his wife, and it aroused him immensely.
This was making Jack horny as hell, and he stroked his hard cock. Trish spread her legs so Jack could see her hairy cunt and seductively rubbed it with the dildo. She turned the toy and used it to slowly spread the folds of her labia. After a few slow strokes, Trisha began to pick up the pace and gave a slight moan. She reached down and turned the base of the vibrator so it began to hum. Jack watched as Trisha moved the vibrator in and out of her body. He could see Trisha’s cum glistening on the sides of the rubber dildo with each long stroke. Jack stuck his cock in Trisha’s face wanting a blowjob. Trisha did not like giving head, so she reluctantly leaned over and kissed her husband’s cock a few times.
After realizing that he was once again not getting head, Jack took the vibrating dildo from Trisha’s hand and used it on her himself. Trisha tolerated this, but Jack was nowhere near as adept with the dildo as she had become. Jack fucked his wife with the dildo for a minute before she pushed him away.
Trisha straddled her husband and lowered her body onto his cock. She was extremely wet so Jack slid into her without much trouble. Trisha rocked her body back and forth. When she got going, Trisha was quite adept at riding cock. Instead of simply bouncing, she would seductively move her body back and forth on top of Jack in a wavelike fashion. This movement ensured that her clit rubbed against Jack’s pelvis with each movement while his cock hit the sensitive spots in her vagina.
In her husband’s younger days, Jack could stay hard after cumming. As time began to pass, however, Jack increasingly became limp after dumping his load and Trisha was often left without the satisfaction of an orgasm. This was one of the reasons why Jack wanted to get a dildo for Trisha. After some great sex, Jack told Trisha to use the pink bag to store her toys, but that she should hide them in case the girls ever went snooping around their bedroom.
Fast forward to the present and that pink bag was now faded and full of worn-out toys. Trisha craved something new to satisfy herself. Her tryst with Tom had awakened a slumbering giant within. Having experienced his huge cock filling her pussy, Trisha’s little blue dildo was no longer going to meet her needs.
Trisha remembered that there was an “adult” bookstore on a road which she once used to take her daughter to soccer practice in her younger days. She had passed that store hundreds of times and never gave it a second thought other than assuming nothing but perverts shopped there. She wanted a new toy and was impatient to wait for it to be delivered from shopping online.
Having nothing else to do on yet another boring day with her husband gone, Trish got into her car and drove to the pervy adult store. She was relieved to find that the store’s parking lot was in the back of the building and hidden from view of the street. There were only a few cars in the lot as it was the middle of a Tuesday afternoon. After parking the car, Trisha carefully looked around to make sure no one would see her enter the building. She would be mortified if any of her housewife friends ever saw her there.
Trisha did not know what to expect and was apprehensive having never been in an adult bookstore. She was happy to find a woman working the store counter and was slightly embarrassed to ask her where the dildos were. The woman barely looked up from the magazine she was reading and pointed to the back of the store.
As Trisha walked down the aisles, she noticed she was the only female customer in the building. Three men who were casually browsing the store’s wares ogled Trish like a fresh piece of meat. She could feel their staring eyes penetrate her clothes, making her uncomfortable. Trisha finally found the dildos at the back of the store. There was quite the selection and Trisha took her time examining the merchandise. Wanting something larger than her old blue dildo, Trish found a “Black Mamba” which measured nine inches in length and had substantial veiny girth.
After reading the back of the box, Trisha noticed that one of the men in the store had made his way to the middle of her aisle. She looked at him and he did not avert his eyes. Slightly panicked, Trisha quickly retreated to a hallway in the back of the store with a sign reading “Viewing Booths.” Wanting to get as far away as possible, Trisha entered the very last viewing room and shut the door behind her.
The room was dark and there was a flatscreen television monitor on the wall. After locking the door behind her, Trish put her new toy on a table with a small computer and credit card processing terminal. Trisha quickly surmised that one used the computer to select videos. Hoping for the guys in the store to leave, she decided to watch a few videos to wait them out.
Trisha slid her credit card in the terminal and the computer came to life. Various categories filled the screen and Trisha selected “gangbangs.” The flatscreen monitor flashed and a woman appeared on the screen in a room filled with men. They were rough with her, shoving their cocks in every hole. Load after load of white milky cum was dumped into her pussy and her face was dripping with semen. Trisha was mesmerized by the video and instinctively rubbed her pussy through her shorts while staring at the television.
The video ended and the screen suddenly went dark as Trisha’s paid time had expired. She looked at her watch and fifteen minutes had elapsed since entering the room. Trisha was unsure whether the men in the store were gone and decided to pony up for a few more videos to pass some time. As the movies played, Trisha’s libido spiked, and she could feel her pussy becoming wet.
Completely engrossed in the sex on the screen, Trisha forgot she was in an adult bookstore and became more at ease. She sat on the lone chair in the dark room and slid her hand down her shorts. She could feel the humidity caused by her moistening pussy and quickly sought her aching clitoris.
While Trisha was feeling herself in the viewing booth, the three male shoppers quietly made their way to the back of the store. Little did Trisha know that by entering the last room in the hallway, she inadvertently signaled the men that she was receptive. This room was a glory hole. The man who was earlier in Trisha’s aisle entered a small room attached to the special viewing booth. He slid a small door to the side which exposed a window to the room. Trisha was so intently focused on watching the videos playing in the viewing booth that she never heard the glory hole open.
When the man slid the window open, it triggered the computer in Trisha’s room to change videos. Trisha was slightly confused when the video she was viewing went blank and a new one began to play. To encourage participation, the store had rigged the room to show glory hole videos when the discreet sliding door opened.
The new video roared to life and featured a single woman in a small dark room like the one Trisha was in now. The woman was on her knees and a hard cock emerged from the blank wall. She eagerly took it in her waiting mouth and gave a sloppy blow job.
At about this time, Trisha thought she saw something move in the corner of her eye. She looked to her right and was shocked to see a cock sticking through the wall just like on the video.
At first, Trisha was terrified. It is not every day that you see a random dick sticking through a wall asking to be serviced. Trisha quickly realized that the room she was in was no regular viewing booth. It was a glory hole, just like the video on the screen. She had seen random porn clips featuring glory holes but had never paid any attention to them.
Although the dick sticking through the glory hole was limp, it looked larger than her husband’s erect penis. Trisha couldn’t stop staring and thought this cock must be enormous when it is hard.
The cinnamon brown color of the dangling cock told her that it likely belonged to the man who was stalking her in the store. Trisha thought of Tom’s large penis which she was so fond of and wondered if this cock a few feet away would supersede his size with a little encouragement.
Trisha could not contain her curiosity and slowly walked across the room. The seconds seemed like eternity as she stared at the cock before her. Trisha’s hand touched the stranger’s penis protruding through the wall. It was warm and slightly spongy as it was in a semi-erect state.
Trisha stroked the dick in her hand and could feel it harden as blood rushed to its mushroom head. Slick pre-cum oozing from the man’s cock lubricated her hand and she increased the length of her strokes as the phallus in her hand continued to grow. Trisha could barely wrap her hand around the thick shaft and the engorged head now had a beautifully swollen corona.
Trisha dropped to her knees and examined the cock that was now inches from her face. A network of bulging veins which supplied the behemoth before her ran the length of the shaft like a roadmap. Trisha could see the cock pulsate with each heartbeat and its skin was shiny as it had stretched to near bursting in facilitating its enormous growth. Trisha was sure that this was the largest man she had ever seen.
Trisha reached out and put both of her hands on the shaft of the penis emerging through the glory hole. Even with both hands on the cock, they failed to reach the mushroom head. Trisha leaned forward and kissed the pre-cum oozing from the hot swollen tip. After a few more kisses, she used one hand to lift the cock and ran her tongue down the shaft. It seemed that her tongue slid along its throbbing surface forever as she licked its full length to the base of the glory hole. Trisha’s free hand unbuttoned her shorts to access her aching pussy.
Touching herself to increased pleasure, Trisha’s lust compelled her to take the cock into her mouth. Opening wider than ever before, she tried her best to suck the beast with her lips. With one hand furiously fondling her swollen clit, she stroked the brown cock and sucked with great abandon. Needing to catch her breath, Trisha pulled away and a long string of pre-cum stretched for nearly a foot from the head of the cock to her lips.
Trisha spit on her hand and eagerly stroked the Latin stranger who was her glory hole partner. She desperately wanted his cum. Trisha put the cock back into her mouth and bobbed until she gagged.
She focused her efforts on breathing through her nose and relaxed to depress her gag reflex. Trisha experienced a sensation foreign to her when the hard dick touched her uvula and entered her throat. She stroked faster and held off from gagging as long as possible. Unable to stand it any longer, Trisha pulled back and coughed when the tissues of her throat were no longer being stretched by the huge brown cock.
Trisha continued to stroke and suck until the man on the other side of the wall began to move his hips. She could hear him moaning and knew he was close to cumming. Trisha used both hands to rapidly stroke the climaxing cock and felt it contract just before a strong rope of semen hit her face. Her protective reflexes caused her to close her eyes and she instinctively turned her head away. She continued to stroke and was rewarded with pulsating jets of creamy cum that dripped down her face and onto her blouse.
Trisha licked her lips and tasted the distinctive warm salty sex. She eagerly swallowed and took the cum dripping cock back into her mouth. Satisfied that she had sucked it dry, Trisha used her hand to wipe her face and licked the sticky jizz that coated her fingers.
The serviced cock slowly retreated from the glory hole and Trisha caught her breath. A new stiff cock soon appeared and beckoned the whore on her knees for service. Without thinking, Trisha proceeded to blow her new partner. This dick was much smaller, and Trisha easily fit it into her mouth. Her randy state caused her to suck and stroke intensely.
The man on the other side of the wall did not last long and blew his load within a minute. Trisha was not expecting her partner to climax so quickly and was taken off guard when the penis spewed its contents into her mouth. Cum hit the back of her throat and she swallowed as much as possible but was not able to keep it all in. Semen ran down the sides of her mouth and mixed with the drying cum from partner number one.
Before she knew it, another hardon appeared through the glory hole. Sitting on her knees, her face covered with the cum of two strangers, Trisha felt like a nasty slut. Her pussy ached to be satisfied. Trisha saw a bowl of condoms on the table and retrieved one. She kicked off her shoes and quickly removed her shorts. Trisha put the condom on the cock sticking through the glory hole and turned around. She grabbed the sheathed penis and bent over to provide it with access to her dripping-wet pussy.
Trisha forced her body backwards until the glory-holed cock slid into her. The owner of this penis was not particularly well endowed, but Trisha was so horny that damn near anything would pleasure her vagina at this point. Trish rocked her hips, bouncing them off the wall behind her. With each movement, she could feel the cock touch her insides.
With one hand on the wall for support, Trisha used her free hand to furiously rub her clit. The thumping against the wall intermingled with Trisha’s moans of pleasure. Trisha’s eyes rolled back, and she bit her lip as her body orgasmed. Her legs began to shake, and she reached back to steady herself. Cum dripped from her pussy and puddled on the floor below her. Trisha dropped her head and attempted to catch her breath. She paid no more attention to the dick in the glory hole as it had now served its purpose.
The sliding door in the wall slowly shut and Trisha heard a female voice ask if all was ok.
Trisha responded, “I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”
The sound of a female voice soothed Trisha and snapped her back to reality.
The store clerk said, “I locked the door, and everyone has left. You can come out to clean up when you are ready. The bathroom is at the end of the hall.”
Trisha thanked the woman and began to compose herself as the wave of lust began to slowly work its way from her body. Trisha looked at herself and did not know the woman she saw. Naked from the waist down and a cum stained green blouse, she suddenly felt like a whore. The used rubber and cum on the floor bolstered these thoughts. Strangely, she found that she somewhat liked it but still felt conflicted. She had a husband and a good family at home.
Trisha could not comprehend why she was doing this.
Trisha gathered her things and cautiously opened the door. She slowly peeked outside and emerged when she was confident that all was safe. She quickly walked to the bathroom at the end of the hall. Trisha used an entire roll of paper towels as she tried to wash the drying cum from her body. It was a futile effort, but she managed to clean her face to relative acceptance.
She dressed and checked herself in the mirror. Her green blouse was covered with crisscrossed streaks of cum that had darkened as they soaked into the fabric. Despite her best efforts to clean the evidence, this blouse was toast and needed to be destroyed. Trisha looked at her watch and was relieved to see that it was still early in the afternoon, and she could get home before her husband and daughters returned.
Trying to conceal the cum stains on her top, Trisha clutched the dildo she originally came to the store to purchase before this unintended episode. She handed it to the woman behind the counter who gave her a sly smile.
“Sounds like you had a good time back there,” said the woman behind the counter.
Trisha was embarrassed and returned a weak smile. “Yeah” was about all Trisha could muster as a response.
The clerk rang up Trisha’s purchase and said, “First time doing something like this?”
Trisha laughed and said, “You could tell, huh?”
“I’ve never seen you in here before. We don’t get too many women customers during the day. But, as you have seen, it can be the best time to shop” The stork clerk gave a wink and handed her the dildo in a nondescript brown paper bag.
Trisha thanked the clerk and started for the door.
“Will I see you again?” asked the clerk.
“I’m not sure,” replied Trisha and that was the truth. Although Trisha enjoyed the unbridled lust of the afternoon, the events were unexpected and unplanned.
Trisha crossed the parking lot with great haste and went to the back of her car. She had a bag of old clothes which she was going to donate, and she retrieved a baggy sweatshirt. She quickly put it on to hide her cum stained blouse and shut the trunk. It was warm outside, so Trisha looked strange wearing a sweatshirt on this late spring day.
On the drive home, Trisha thought about what had happened. A simple trip to buy a sex toy ended up with her being the star of a real life porno. Trisha’s mind was so confused. She could not fathom why she was acting this way. She was president of the PTA last year for heaven’s sake! After thinking about it, Trisha felt it was the large cocks that were driving her mad. All of this started after she fucked Tom, who was hung like a horse.
She began to justify her recent actions in her mind. She thought of how sex with her husband had been generally unsatisfying due to his smaller penis size and lack of staying power. Her anger rose when she thought about how he always climaxed while she rarely did. It was not fair! She deserved these big cocks which could finally bring her to orgasm.
Trisha still loved her husband. He was a good man, better husband, and amazing father. He provided financial security and treated her well. Jack just could not satisfy Trisha and her needs as a woman. In addition to having a barely 6-inch cock, he often came quickly. As the years progressed, Trisha often limited her sexual intimacy with Jack for these reasons.
Trisha finally arrived home an hour before the girls would be back from school. She pulled into the garage and rushed inside. The dogs ran up to her and she pushed them away and desperately removed the wet clothes from the washing machine. Trisha ripped off her old sweatshirt and threw it along with her blouse into the wash. They were quickly joined by her shorts and panties as Trisha stripped naked in the washroom. A hot shower later and Trisha was cleansed of her dirty deed from earlier in the afternoon.
The girls arrived home from school and were quickly back out the door as they had soccer and dance practices. Her husband Jack was in town and made his way home shortly after the girls had left. Trisha gave Jack a peck on the cheek and told him that she needed to run to the store to pick up a few things for dinner. She still felt a bit strange from her activities in the bookstore and could not face Jack. She needed to get out of the house and have time to think.
After she pulled out of the driveway, Jack picked up Trisha’s iPad to scroll the internet. Over the past few years, Jack had developed a habit of “checking up” on Trisha. As he remembered that many years ago, she found the dildo he had stashed in the closet, Jack always suspected that Trisha had a nasty side which she repressed.
Jack would often check Trisha’s iPad to see what websites she visited. For the past year or so, Jack was delighted to see that Trisha had developed a secret obsession with hentai porn. Her browser history showed that she would often spend hours of her day reading these dirty comics. No pornographic movies, just hentai comics. Jack was surprised to find that many of these comics were downright nasty. Gangbangs. Bukkake. Stepmom fucking the stepson. Bondage.
Jack muttered to himself, “Damn! Trisha sure likes to read some nasty shit!’ He found that this was really turning him on.
Jack put down the iPad and proceeded to the master bedroom. Just as he had developed a habit of checking Trisha’s iPad, Jack also liked to check the contents of her pink bag to see if she used her sex toys. After removing the contents of the bag, he found the new black dildo Trisha purchased earlier in the day.
Jack had always purchased Trisha’s sex toys and was surprised to find a new addition to her collection. He was shocked that she had purchased such a large toy. He repacked the bag and put it away in the exact position he found it. Jack suspected that Trisha was wise to him looking at her pink bag as he found that she often left it in peculiar positions in the nightstand. Trisha’s new dildo got Jack horny. He decided that he would try his luck tonight.
Later that night, when he lay in bed next to his wife, Jack rubbed Trisha’s ass hoping to initiate sex. Trisha quickly pulled away and did not say a word. Jack was taken aback by Trisha’s reaction and asked if everything was ok.
Trisha rolled over and said, “Jack, we need to talk.”
Jack reached out to touch his wife and she stopped him with her hand.
Trisha looked annoyed and said, “Jack, stop it. I am serious.”
Jack sat up and asked what was wrong. Trisha told him about her sexual frustration with him and that something needed to change.
Over the years, Jack’s performance in the bedroom had consistently declined. In addition to only being of average size, Jack’s sexual endurance continued to decrease with age. He would typically cum quickly during sex and it was rare for Trisha to orgasm. Occasionally Jack could last until Trisha orgasmed, but it was not the norm.
Jack was hurt by Trisha’s words. He felt inadequate. He was a successful businessman and had power at work, but that meant nothing in the bedroom. Jack desperately wanted to last, but he found it difficult. He had tried the little blue pill, but found it had minimal effect on him.
The next few weeks were tense between Trisha and Jack. While Jack was at work, Trisha would satisfy herself using the new black dildo, regularly achieving orgasm. When Jack would get home from work, he would sneak peeks at Trisha’s sex toys and found that the Black Mamba was receiving daily attention. Trisha’s hentai porn obsession increased as Jack found her iPad to be viewing these sites for hours at a time. Jack felt depressed as he could see that Trisha did indeed like sex, just not so much with him.
He could understand why. He knew that he was not huge and that there was really nothing he could do about that. He did, however, decide to do something about making himself last longer. He found salvation in anesthetic numbing spray for his cock. He found that with a few sprays to numb the senses of his member, his ultrasensitive cock was tamed down. He tried jacking off and found that it took him forever to cum. He was ready to try his luck with Trisha.
A few days later, Jack noticed that Trisha had been watching quite a bit of BDSM hentai porn on her iPad. The sex was rough. Jack went to the liquor stash and poured himself a few bourbons. He had had sex with Trisha thousands of times, but tonight he was nervous. He wanted to prove himself to her. He wanted to reestablish his feelings of manhood. His dominance.
Before going to bed that night, Jack sprayed his cock with a generous amount of numbing spray. He would fuck her hard like the girls in her Hentai comics. He would be rough and not take no for an answer.
Jack hopped into bed and tried to playfully tease Trisha. She was always a sucker for sex if he was able to rub her pussy. This always got her worked up. His hand was making its way to her pussy and Trisha tried to stop him.
“Not tonight, Jack” Trisha protested.
Normally Jack would stop, but tonight his hand became forceful, and he grabbed her pussy. Trisha’s annoyance quickly subsided as Jack’s strong hands fondled her. As predicted, Trisha became receptive with a few rubs in the right spot. When Trisha’s body relaxed, Jack knew he was in. Jack’s hand felt good on her pussy and his rough handling of her was a turn-on.
Normally, Trisha would allow Jack to do all the work of foreplay, but to Jack’s surprise, he found her hand grabbing his cock. This NEVER happened over the past twenty years. As a matter of fact, the last time Jack recalled Trisha grabbing his dick was back in their college days.
Trisha rubbed Jack’s cock through his underwear and could feel that precum had already soaked the fabric. Jack continued to rub Trisha’s pussy through her panties. He could feel her damp heat. After feeling each other, both quickly undressed. Whereas Jack would usually work his way down to lick Trisha’s pussy at this point, he was taken aback when Trisha pushed his chest and told him to lay back. She slowly kissed his chest and stomach as she worked her way down his body.
Jack could not believe that Trisha was about to suck his cock.
The last time this happened was back in college, so Jack was curious as to what was going on. Before he could think any further, he felt Trisha’s hand grab the base of his cock and her soft lips kiss the shaft. Trisha then ran her tongue up and down his cock and finished by licking the precum from the head.
Jack thought this was the end of the newfound oral sexcapade and could not believe his eyes when he saw Trisha open her mouth and take his cock inside. He watched her head bob up and down and he gently played with her hair. Jack shook his head and remembered that he needed to reestablish his dominance.
With thoughts of her degrading chat from a few weeks ago, Jack grabbed the back of Trisha’s head and shoved it down onto is hard cock. He felt the head of his penis hit the back of Trisha’s throat. The soft folds of her tonsils against his cock was a new sensation. Trisha gagged but Jack did not relent. He bucked his hips and forced his dick further into her throat. Remembering her time in the glory hole, Trisha relaxed her throat and slowly breathed through her nose.
Jack felt Trisha’s resistance begin to fade and he said, “You are going to suck my cock like a good little slut! I know you want to be treated like a whore. I see what you read on your iPad, and I found your big new dildo.”
Jack released Trisha’s hair and she raised her head from his cock. After a few coughs to clear her throat, Trisha gave Jack an evil stare.
Trisha abruptly blurted, “Well, maybe if you could please me with your little dick, I wouldn’t have to do those things. You are going to cum in ninety seconds anyway, so this will all be over soon, and it will be the same old shit. You get off and I get nothing. Once again, no cumming for Trisha.”
Trisha expected Jack to retreat at this comment but was surprised to see fire in his eyes.
Jack pushed Trisha’s shoulder causing her to fall back onto the bed. He lay on top of her and said, “We will see about that you bitch” and he shoved his cock into her wet cunt.
Trisha gasped at the forcefulness of Jack’s entry into her body and the salty way he was speaking to her. She felt his hand grab her neck and lightly begin to squeeze as he slammed his dick into her. She could not explain it, but Jack somehow felt harder tonight. Something was different.
Jack pounded her pussy like a madman and had a face that she did not recognize. He was not the sweet husband and father she knew. He was a primal male taking control of her. She could feel cum begin to ooze from her pussy as she experienced her first orgasm. She liked being manhandled by Jack.
Jack’s furious fucking caused his heart to race, and he felt it may explode. He released his grip from Trisha’s neck and pulled out from her pussy.
Trisha decided to fight back and take control. With Jack laying back on the bed, Trisha straddled her husband and used her hand to guide Jack’s cock into her hungry vagina. Trisha felt warm and wet as her body enveloped Jack’s cock.
Trisha leaned down to her husband and whispered into his ear, “You better not cum motherfucker! I am going to go again tonight, so you better not cum! Let’s see how much of a man you are.”
Trisha then threw her head back and rode Jack’s cock hard.
With her hands on his chest, she looked at her husband and said, “Are you going to cum little boy? Can you handle my wet pussy? Come on and fuck me like a real man!”
This angered Jack and he thrust deeper into his wife. His hands grabbed her hips as she rode him. Jack raised his hand and smacked Trisha on the ass. Trisha squealed and Jack smacked her harder. The stinging on her ass only worked to heighten the pleasure she was feeling.
As Trisha was rocking back and forth on top of him, Jack was flabbergasted. He did not know this woman who was currently riding his cock. Trisha’s dirty talking was turning him on to no end. Jack composed himself and focused his efforts to give Trisha the best fucking of her life. If she wanted to be treated like a whore, he would gladly oblige. With his newfound trick of numbing his cock, Jack could indeed now fuck his wife the way she desired.
Jack pulled out of Trisha and commanded her to turn over.
“Get on your hands and knees, you cunt! You need to be punished!”
Trisha had never heard Jack speak to her this way and she loved it. She wanted to be dominated by Jack for once. She wanted to submit to him. No sensual love making. Just primal sex like animals. He was always the good little momma’s boy, but tonight he was becoming an alpha male.
Trisha got on all fours, and Jack took up position behind her. Jack wasted no time in forcefully shoving himself into Trisha. The head of his cock quickly passed her labia and entered her wet vagina. Jack had a slightly curved cock, and it quickly found her G-spot. With each thrust, his engorged mushroom head rubbed her in just the right way. Another orgasm rocked her body, and she came yet again. Jack continued his thrusting and the copious cum oozing from her pussy created sloppy sucking sounds with every one of Jack’s thrusts.
The head of Jack’s cock continued its assault on Trisha’s G-spot. Trisha’s mind became blank, and she could not think. The only sensation her body recognized at this point was a hard cock hitting her most pleasurable spots. Trisha dropped her head and moaned intensely.
At this point, Jack sensed he was taking control.
Some of the cum from Trisha’s multiple orgasms had found its way to the crack of Trisha’s ass. Wanting to punish Trisha, Jack took his thumb and put it right to Trisha’s asshole. As he pushed, he felt the tension of the muscles in Trisha’s ass tighten. Their resistance was futile and Jack’s fat thumb was soon inside of Trisha’s warm asshole.
Trisha gasped and gave a slight grunt. Her arms collapsed and her face fell into the pillow below. As Jack savagely fucked her pussy and simultaneously thumbed her ass, Trisha screamed into the pillow knowing the sound would be muffled. She quickly came again and upon feeling her body stiffen for a third orgasm, Jack was finally sent over the edge as well.
Rather than cumming into Trisha as he normally would, Jack’s newfound confidence allowed him to pull out and cum on Trisha’s back. He was so worked up, however, that when he came, he hit Trisha in the back of the head.
Sticky cum matted Trisha’s hair and streaked her back. A warm dollop of Jack’s semen dripped from her pussy and ran down her thighs onto the bed. Both Jack and Trisha lay on the bed trying to catch their breath.
The next day, Jack was still thinking about the prior night’s love-making session. He could not believe how different Trisha was. He had never seen her act that way. Jack knew that something was different.
Jack thought Trisha’s recent outbursts were a symptom of something greater. Last night’s sex was amazing, but it was so out of character for Trisha. For nearly twenty years, she would simply lay on the bed like a wet blanket and spread her legs to get sex over with as quickly as possible. She had not sucked his dick since college and last night she blew him of her own volition.
Doggystyle sex was a rarity in their marriage, yet it was done last night without protest. Jack putting his thumb in her asshole? That would have been unthinkable just a few weeks ago.
As Trisha was in the shower that morning, Jack picked up her phone and began to snoop. He looked at her email and found nothing unusual. He checked her web browser and found nothing out of the ordinary. Then he pulled up her photos. After scrolling through numerous photos of the girls and their two dogs, Jack saw the video from Florida. A still shot of a naked woman on a bed was on the screen as the triangular play button beckoned to be pushed. Jack was a bit fearful at what he was going to see.
His curiosity got the best of him, for better or worse. On the phone in his hand, he watched as a strange man was fucking his wife from behind and then blew a load of cum onto her face and into her mouth. A mix of emotions flooded Jack’s brain and his body went cold. He was immediately angry that his wife had cheated on him, but he was also surprisingly aroused at watching another man have his way with his wife.
He watched the video again. He was jealous as he watched the man in the video pull out of his wife’s pussy and use his big dick to cum on her face. This made Jack insanely jealous because Trisha never let him give her a facial during their entire time together. Jack was also envious of the man’s generous endowment. He now knew why Trisha was making comments about his smaller dick.
Jack heard the shower turn off and he quickly shut down the photo browser and closed the phone. When Trisha came out of the shower, she was drying her hair and said, “Hey Honey, good morning.”
Jack smiled back and kissed her on the cheek. “Morning babe,” he said and continued the morning routine as if nothing unusual had happened.
As the day went on, Jack could not get the video out of his head. He replayed it repeatedly in his mind.
To be continued…