After our busy Summer in Colorado, we got the opportunity to return home to California in Late August. We had quite an eventful June, July, and early August. A wet t-shirt contest, playing with adult toys, anal and oral sex, and an MFF threesome, not bad in our first year of marriage.
My parents wanted us at the big family reunion and sent us a travel stipend. We needed another piece of luggage so we stopped at Target. Sue found what she wanted and then stopped at the camera section. She was looking at the newest small video cameras. I was surprised since her last video experience was a disaster.
Sue said she decided taking videos with her approval would be perfect for our vacation. Family memories, and scenic sights.
Oh boy, then put in a box never to see the light of day again.
She smiled with her naughty, sexy, little girl look. “If you can be a good boy, I might consider some X-rated action!.”
Oh boy, here we go again. You have to love her.
So we fired up the VW bug and headed west. We went over the Rockies and stopped at Glenwood Springs, high in the mountains. Right on the Colorado River, there is a large public mineral pool and several smaller health pools at the namesake resort.
We went to soak in one of the smaller more intimate pools and Sue decided that we should lose our suits. Which to her was no big deal since she was wearing an obscenely small micro bikini that covered virtually nothing. So I ditched my shorts and enjoyed seeing her tits and smooth pussy floating on the surface of the pool.
She was happily keeping me entertained by playing with her pussy, spreading her lips just out of the water. Our bliss was interrupted when another couple came around the corner and approached the pool.
They had on normal suits, but Sue was not phased, standing up and announcing it was a suit-optional pool.
The couple had a shocked look on their faces. But the husband never looked away and even started to untie his suit. His wife, who was not overly attractive, called Sue a slut and punched him in the ribs to get his attention. I stood up, but with my cock sticking out I doubted it would have a positive impact on their decision. But I nicely invited them to join us. He looked willing but she would have none of it. She pulled him away, with her saying lots of derogatory, unkind things and that we should be reported.
Sue was unphased, but I suggested we put on our suits and head to another pool. We were good from then on and got out of the hot springs without getting arrested.
The next day we headed out of the mountains and into the desert heat of Utah. The 72 VW did not have air conditioning, so the sunroof was open and the windows were down. Sue decided to take advantage of the sun and work on her overall tan. There was not a great deal of traffic, I-70 was not a major truck route and terminated in the middle of nowhere, Utah.. A few cars reacted to Sue’s unencumbered tanning and honked. A couple of girls flashed their tits but all in all, it was pretty boring. The scenery was an ugly desert but Sue’s naked body was a plus. It was as hot as the gates of hell and we stopped at a reservoir and went skinny-dipping. The female attendant at the gate checked our ticket when we left and complimented our wise choice to stay in the buff. She opened her shirt and exposed her breasts.
“Here is your receipt!”
We were glad we put towels down to keep from sticking to the seats and burning our delicates.
We drove until midnight and made it to the outskirts of Vegas. My contacts were blurry and I stopped at the first motel sign we saw. It was not a fabulous spot and I stumbled into the office. The guy asked if we wanted the films and how long we were staying. I said until the morning and whatever. It was cheap and he handed me a key. We pulled up to the front of number 7 and went in. It was a disaster. The bathroom was filthy and the bed had plastic sheets. The films were grainy porn and we about died from embarrassment. We were so tired that we just slept on top of the bed. Everyone else must have just paid for a couple of hours, cars drove in and out and doors slammed all night. We peeked out the window and it looked like a TV vice show. We lasted until 6 AM then got the hell out of there. We drove to Lake Mead and pulled into the campground to take showers and check for bugs. We felt like stupid Midwestern hicks. We were glad we would make it home to the Central Coast by evening. We decided to not tell the family about our night in Vegas.
Both of our families were still living in the area. Sue and I grew up within thirty miles of each other, although we did not meet until college. We knew the Central Coast turf and were excited to check out our old haunts.
My families big event was over the weekend so we decided to stay with Sue’s mom for the first couple of days. We stopped by to see her at work in Santa Maria. My grandparents also lived there and we stopped by to see them, too.
Back on the road again, heading north thirty miles to San Luis Obispo to see my folks. Then reversing direction, headed back to Santa Maria.
It is a curse and a blessing for parents to live so close to each other. Short travel times but both sets want you to stay with them the whole time. You feel like a push-pull toy with no way to make everybody happy.
Sue’s mom worked at the county fire department until six, so we had the afternoon free. We unloaded the car and planned to head to our favorite beach.
Sue had that naughty look on her face and said, “Are we going to check out the rumors about the Cove?”
“We can, if you are up for an adventure!”
“For sure!”
“But you owe me, paybacks are rough. Your turn to be videoed. I think you should shave your cock and balls smooth before heading to said rumored nude beach. We could be twin smoothies.”
“This time I get to video the shaving since it was so crucial for you to secretly watch me. Let’s see how you like it, but you get to know you are being videoed. Not an undesired surprise.”
“You also have to masturbate, a complete duplicate scenario from when you spied on me!”
We scrambled and found scissors, shaving cream, and my razor. I liked the idea of going smooth. Exhibiting my cock and balls hairless would be exciting. Her watching and videoing was an added thrill. I tried to act like I was getting punished, but my erect cock said otherwise!
We trimmed off my longer pubic hairs, then lathered up my crotch and I carefully shaved myself. Sue helped around my anus, shaving with one hand and holding the video camera with the other. My cock was fully aroused and Sue fingered the precum oozing out of its head. An illegal additional participation, but having her shave my perineum had already broken the rules. I finished the required last act, masturbating my shaved organ for her. It did not take long before cum jetted from my cock.
“So sexy and it all is on my video!”
Never underestimate the wrath of a scorned woman.
Avila Beach was awesome with a single break and the warmest conditions on the central coast. Our families spent lots of summer days there. My brother and I learned to surf at Avila, on a 10’ balsa wood surfboard!
When Sue and I were in College we spent lots of nights fooling around on the beach. Ocean activities include grunion runs, crabbing, clamming, beer bonfires, lots of kissing, and exploring exposed body parts. We both were amazed at all the cracks and crevices sand could find its way into. A major health hazard!
I had lived in the area all my life and knew the way from Avila to Pirates Cove, a high school party site. We had heard that it had become a nude beach and of course, Sue wanted to check it out.
It was only a mile away and the parking area was down an unimproved dirt road that was hardly used. That was then, today there were a ton of cars above the little bay.
A fairly long, steep trail led to the party cave and then down to the beach. There were a lot of gawkers on top and just a few nudists that we could just barely make our way down on the beach. Pretty sad that there were so many deviant cowards.
We decided to walk down in sturdy shoes with our suits on to not reward the thrill seekers. We were glad we had good footwear since the trail was rocky, narrow, and steep. The nice thing was the cliff provided a visual screen halfway down that blocked the bozos peering from above.
We met a nude couple coming up from the beach at what the locals referred to as the dressing junction. We removed our suits and they put on their cover-ups. They smiled appreciating some kindred spirits. They commented that we were the first smooth couple they had encountered and they loved how sexy we looked. They headed upward toward the circus and we headed down to the beach.
The beach was not huge, a hundred-yard crescent about twenty yards wide. The local sun lovers were kind of a mixed group. There was an unappreciated couple of gawkers who were being asked to leave, but the rest were mostly nude couples of both men and women, not more than thirty people. We decided to go to an open area at the far end of the beach, behind a rock outcropping which provided a little privacy. Sue was feeling frisky and started stroking my cock. She sat on a rock, spread her legs, and slipped her other hand between her smooth pussy lips.
A couple of guys walked up and stopped to watch. They asked if it was okay with us for them to watch and masturbate. They were foreign students, judging from their accents and dark complexion. Sue smiled and invited them to come closer. She noticed they were uncircumcised a particular facet she liked and decided to give them something to write home about. Sue told them to skin their snakes and let us see their shiny one-eyed pink cum spitters! Both guy’s cocks were average length but with tiny circumferences. Dark brown skin-covered pencil dicks. They slid their foreskin back and forth teasing their tiny sponge heads. Both guys moved like they were in a trance, eyes locked on Sue’s sexual ministrations. She exaggerated her sucking, looking at the boys and telling them how much she loved cum.
They got within an arm’s length, giving Sue a great view. Sue told them that she was going to suck me dry, but since they were so nice, she would love to have them cum on her tits!
It was kind of awkward for her to suck my cock, watch the boys and have her tits accessible for being covered in cum. It did not take long before a group gathered with most of them playing with themselves. A nice blend of jerking cocks and long fingers buried in wet vaginas.
Sue doubled down, sucking and pumping with her little fist clasped around my engorged staff. I erupted, cum slipping out the corners of her mouth. The boys came in second, but size does matter and their cum dribbled onto the sand. Sue laughed which caused her to choke on my slurry. My cum splashed on her tits.
The crowd applauded our performance and booed the dribblers. They were friendly and considerate and quickly dispersed, leaving us a straight shot to the ocean to clean off. When we left the water most of the sand was gone and Sue’s cum burp was washed away.
A tall blonde gal with huge tits came running up to me and said, “Hi Bill, it’s me, Janet, from high school.”
It brought back a flood of memories. Six years ago, she was a stunning, beach bunny and we dated our senior year. A transfer from Mission Catholic High School she was a cute, cross-wearing, big-boobed virgin.
I discovered she also had no experience with alcohol and was a lightweight drinker. Our second date was a free-flowing beer bash at the beach and she did not know her limit. I was not smart enough to recognize how quickly she became inebriated. It hit her hard and she passed out.
Bummer! Party over, nothing sexy about your date puking her guts out.
Luckily she lived in a separate little house away from her parent’s main residence. I rolled up to her little cottage and helped her get out of the car. She was incoherent and stumbled, and even with my help she barely got through the front door. She was embarrassed and mumbled an apology. I helped her to her bed and took off her coat. Janet was in a ghost-like trance and proceeded to get ready for bed. She proceeded to take off her top and unclasped her bra. Next, off came her pants and panties. She must normally sleep in the nude because she went directly to her bed and as soon as her butt hit the bedspread she was out.
Before me lay a vision of loveliness, sound asleep, to do with as I please. It was the first time I had seen an actual living naked woman. Her breasts were large white orbs flowing out of her tanned chest. I should have left but I was overwhelmed by the visuals. She had nice pink nipples centered in brown silver dollar-sized areoles. I got a washrag to clean off some of the vomit from her lips, but in reality, it was an excuse to still be there looking at her exquisite teenage body if she woke up. I knew it was wrong, but I moved her knee exposing her pussy. She had a fine-haired, brown muff, with big labia. I moved her knee a little more and her pink vagina and the clitoral bump appeared. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath and she stretched out, opening her sex even more. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. My cock was getting hard but I decided that I had gone far enough.
I found a blanket and covered her up. I made it back to the car before loping my mule and spraying cum everywhere. It was both the worst and the best date ever. I often thought about that scene, the chance to explore a woman’s body with no restraints but I am glad I did not. I could live with just looking.
It was difficult when we saw each other at school the following Monday. I tried to act normal but her big brown eyes were sad and she looked like she was about to cry. I told her I was sorry she got sick, and I should have been a better date. She said she had no recollection of what happened after she passed out. I told her I took her home and got her to her bed. Nothing happened. She struggled to find the right words, then hesitantly whispered, “Did you see me naked?”
I told a little white lie and said just a little when I covered you up. She said thanks for being a gentleman. But things were never the same. We stayed friends but had no further romantic interaction.
My mind exploded, “Fuck yes, I remember you!! A guy does not forget his first naked woman.”
Her breasts looked the same, only larger. Her shaved labia guarded a bright red vagina, beneath a light brown landing strip. I recovered from my flashback and addressed the girls.
“Janet, you look great! This is my wife, Sue.”
Pleasantries were exchanged, and she said, “I never expected to see you at a nude beach!”
“Well, we all expand our horizons.”
She just caught the end of our performance and complimented Sue on her fellatio skills and a sexy killer body. Janet rambled on, telling Sue about our dating disaster.
“Bill had the opportunity to take advantage of me, but he was so sweet and the perfect gentleman and never told anyone about that night!”
“I would love to have the chance to reward him. I inherited a huge house with a pool up on the bluff. I enjoy sex with both men and women. How about a sexy night at my place on Friday night? Fish and chips, cum filled lips!”
I looked at Sue and she said, “Let me visit with Janet for a minute.”
They moved to the edge of the water and discussed something positive, since they both were giggling and very animated.
They came back and Sue said, “We would love to join you.”
Janet gave her a big kiss and caressed Sue’s damp breasts. Sue was looking right at Janet’s pendulous milk bags and latched on to her nipples.
Oh, Bill, she is precious! I will draw you a map of my place. See ya at 6:30.”
We watched her wiggle over to her towel and then return with the map. She looked at my cock and said, ”I should have gone out with you again!”
Sue said, “I thought you were a sheltered country boy. Janet is no choir girl.”
I told her that was six years ago. Look in the mirror. You certainly have changed a bunch since then.
We collected our stuff and headed up the trail. There was a roadblock at the overhang where the nature lovers put their clothes back on, hopefully frustrating the peeping Toms. There were a lot fewer hawkers in the parking area than when we arrived. It was another first-time experience. Pirate’s Cove will never be the same.
We headed to Sue’s mom’s house in Santa Maria, feeling beachy.
We went out to Sue’s mom’s favorite pizza shop. It was great, and we talked for hours. We planned out the next day, deciding to head to Solvang.
We did lots of shopping and ate great Danish food. We had a late lunch and Sue’s mom was tired and encouraged us to have fun at our friend’s dinner party.
Janet’s home was part of an original Spanish land grant. It was part of the De La Vega lands (for you Zorro fans, the same family as Don Diego De La Vega, the legendary Zorro). Pretty cool, even if it was a legend.
When we arrived, Janet greeted us naked as a J-bird, showing off her tan. She ushered us into the broad entrance plaza and helped us remove our clothes. Adult beverages flowed and dinner was fabulous. Janet had a smirk on her face and winked at Sue before ushering us toward her spacious bedroom, dominated by a huge king-sized bed. Sue and Janet got me between them, and we spread our kisses all over the three of us. The girls played with each other’s breasts, licking and tweaking rigid pink projectiles.
They separated and double-teamed my cock. It was so sexy watching two women lick my cock and rub their nipples on its fat head then kiss and start all over. They came up for a breath and told me they had a surprise. Janet produced a blindfold and they said it was part of their plan.
They led me to the bed and told me that it would be just a short time before the fun would begin. The girls whispered and giggled, working on something. They both approached me, positioning me on my knees with my butt on the edge of the bed. Janet spoke first telling me that Sue told her I was interested in an MMF threesome.
“I cannot change my sex, but I can peg your ass as good as any man.”
They removed my blindfold and Janet moved right in front of me and showed me the strap-on harness. Sue was busy spreading my cheeks and licking my brown star. I was going to protest, but my cock was already getting stiff. Janet moved her hard, blue, plastic cock right up to my lips and told me to suck her cock.
“Get it all wet, you know that you wish it would cum in your mouth.”
After bobbing her make-believe cock up and down in my mouth, she moved down to where Sue was working the super lube into my ass. She coated the fake cock and guided it toward my asshole. Sue gave me one last tongue thrust and Janet moved forward, penetrating my ass with the toy.
“That’s it, Bill, push back and get butt fucked. Beg me to fuck your ass!”
“Janet, I should have fucked you that night in your cottage! Yes, fuck my ass, you nasty Catholic whore!”
I could feel her entering my ass. But I felt detached. Just disconnected from my desired bisexual fulfillment. My cock did nothing, I did not cum, it was a different, uninspiring sensation. Something was lacking. A basic component that fueled my bi-desire. The feeling of both submission and dominance, the powerful feeling of forcing your cum in another male, and the desire to surrender yourself, feeling him dominate and force his seed into your ass and mouth.
I kept my disappointment to myself. I told them it was great, and I loved their naughty game. I played my part and slapped their titties, telling them now it was my turn.
“You two better be ready once I get this toy out of my ass. I am going to fuck you both. Each of you are going to help the other cum. I get to watch you touching and licking each other’s cunts, one perfectly smooth and one hairy. You won’t be done until you both clean the other’s vagina filled with my sperm. I won’t forget your treachery and if you displease me I will take my vengeance on your big tits.”
“Shut up and fuck me. Pretended I am that sweet Catholic virgin.”
I was on a mission. I grabbed Janet right after she had removed the strap-on and sat her on the edge of the bed. I told her to push her luscious, full tits together and let my cock perform the historic Hawaiian muscle fuck, slamming it between her mammaries, with its big head jamming into her mouth. Her nipples had grown long and fat and she licked my cockhead, savoring its fullness.
Sue was licking her pussy, spreading her lips, and teasing her budding clit. I moved Janet back on the bed and entered her downy-edged slit. My cock slid smoothly into her sloppy, red vagina and I knew this was not her first rodeo. Sue moved up to Janet’s face and positioned her shaved slit within tongue range. Janet had a fat, long tongue and penetrated Sue’s slit. Both ladies were enjoying the action, and I fingered Janet’s clit, hoping to send her into climactic bliss.
She must have been without sex for a while, judging by her body’s quick response, and she soon exhibited all the signs that she was on the verge of cumming. This was confirmed by her passionate, unladylike rantings. Sue sealed her cunt over her face and Janet’s body bucked like a shocked steer. She grabbed her tits, mauling her nipples, and screamed, “Fuck yes, I’m cumming!”
I took that as my key and filled her ex-maidenhood with my cum. I left my cock in her snatch and I could feel her try to hold me in with her Kegel-exercised muscles. Eventually my erection subsided and eventually it slid out with a trail of our mixed juices. Janet leaned up and kissed us both, thanking us for a great fuck. Sue and I met at her pussy, kissing and licking her cum soup. We both filled our mouths and converged on Janet’s lips. She opened her mouth and received our offering. We repeated the scene until our primal feasting need was satisfied.
I told the girls I needed a break and we should head to the pool and wash off and relax. It was a great idea. The warm water and fabulous view were like an aphrodisiac recharging our sexual desires. We gathered together and kisses flowed freely. I felt like I was in breast heaven, with beautiful tits emerging from sculptured tan bodies. I knew Sue’s were 32 DD (I checked her bra) and Janet’s had to be at least 38 DD. I have always appreciated nice breasts, and these two had great knockers.
I set Sue up on the deck in the shallow water, spread her legs, and aimed my recovered cock at her puffy camel toe. Janet stood above her, placing her slit in Sue’s face, waiting for her tongue lashing. I had an interesting view of Janet’s swollen vagina and tight little asshole. I entered Sue’s dripping pussy and filled her with my hot love missle. Being a master at multitasking, my tongue went into Janet’s brown star and tried to make contact with Sue’s tongue. Since it be as round two, we played longer than the first time, but I did not disappoint and deposited a charge in Sue’s love canal. Sue moved to a chair and Janet brought a cushion and we bowed before Sue’s dripping altar, savoring her excretions. Cum kisses abounded before we moved back to the patio to warm up at the fireplace. The evening fog had put a chill in the air.
Our free time was about used up. My family reunion with all the relatives would consume the next three days. We wanted to swing by Lake Tahoe, where we got engaged, and then wander through Virginia City and explore some other old mining towns.
We just had experienced a great sexual adventure. We kissed Janet goodbye and promised to visit on our next trip out.
The reunion was at the Bay Inn that overlooked Avila Beach: Eighteen-hole golf course, tennis courts, and a large pool. It was fabulous. We ate out at the fish market on the wharf, then at our family favorite, Fat Cat’s fish and chips at Port San Luis. Beach BBQs with the family, just like the old days, were monumental: BBQ tri tips and chicken. Great golf, sun, and surf. Hours of visiting and great videos of the family and stories about our history.
A bunch of us wanted to visit the site of our ranch. It was at the far end of Lopez Lake and was condemned when the reservoir was constructed. My brother, Sue, and I all worked at the Park built next to the lake. Sue and I cruised through the campgrounds where we met. She wanted to stop at the swim area where we fooled around for the first time. It was vacant, and she asked me to get out the video camera. It had been a nostalgic trip, and she said it might be a long time before we would be back and find the conditions like this.
So many memories of our intimacy at the swim lake.
“This is the first place you saw my tits. I can still see your face when I handed you my bottoms. I thought you were going to explode.”
I started the video. She walked down to the edge of the beach and did a sensuous strip. She struck a pose and then waded out into the water until it stopped just below her shaved lips. She offered up her breasts, then put her hands on her hips and walked toward me. She skipped back to the car clothes in hand.
We headed back to Sue’s mom’s house to spend the night. Her Mom was not home from work. She was the head dispatcher for the north half of the Santa Barbara County Fire Department. She had the latest desktop computer, which she used to enter video of fires into the permanent record. She was exempt from overtime, and working at home was a viable option. She had all sorts of cables that fit multiple cameras. She had one of the first color monitors and we got out our camera and tried to find a cable that would connect to the computer. We were successful and Sue’s computer skills got our video to play. It was amazing viewing, and we watched the cock shaving and nude swim lake videos. We kissed passionately, and I bent Sue over the desk and took her from behind. It was surreal fucking in her mom’s house. We disconnected the camera and deleted the video.
Sue’s mom came home soon after and we went to dinner at her favorite restaurant, the Far Western in Guadalupe. We talked about how the valley had changed, until she excused herself to do some computer work before going to bed. I heard her a couple of hours later when she closed her bedroom door.
The next morning, she was quite animated and asked me to join her in the office. She sent Sue to the store for donuts. The town was about a half hour away.
She had a strange look on her face and when she removed her robe; she was wearing some old sheer lingerie that showed her loose breasts. Her hard pebble nipples were poking out. I had never thought of Sue’s mom in any sexual way. She had been a widow for the last ten years. I had met Sue’s dad just before he died.
Mary sat me down and said, “I found your video when I backed up the computer. It was under deleted in a back folder. I just could not stop watching it.”
She continued, “I am not mad and the County will never know. I knew you two were sexually active from the start, I saw you fooling around years ago when you first started dating. The video brought back feelings I thought were gone. I masturbated to your magnificent cock and came for the first time in ten years.”
“Lord help me. I am so embarrassed but I have to ask, will you make love to me? I trimmed my pussy and am wearing no panties. I love you like a son. But I need you to act like my departed husband. Would you consider fucking your wife’s horny mother!”
It was all wrong, but the strength it took to ask and the need flowing out of her misty eyes melted my heart and erased any social stigma. I stood there silently. My only thought was that Sue comes by her passion naturally.
Mary pulled her top off and her mature breasts flowed down her chest. Standing stark naked, her tube breasts hung straight down, nipples were partially hidden. Her body had consistent white skin, with just a thin strip of hair above her vagina. She took my hand and pulled me toward the bedroom.
“Bill, this is a onetime thing, and no one else will ever know. Don’t say a word. Let me take the lead.”
I was stunned. I was unprepared for this type of request. Her face was etched with desire. Ten years of loneliness and sexual need, a wild burning passion in her eyes. I loved her daughter and thought the world of her. Mary asked very little of anyone, always the first to give.
I stood still as she pulled down my sweatpants. I leaned in and pulled her face up to mine.
I kissed her and said, “I love you, Mom.”
I lifted a breast to my lips and sucked her nipple, twirling it with my tongue. I switched to the other lonely, elongated tube, cherishing its a little nipple rock. She stared down at my growing cock. She stood up, kissed me then went to her knees, grasping my member and then moving forward, her tongue reaching out to caress my purple mushroom head. She licked around the corona and then along the shaft.
“She murmured, “So big, thick, and beautiful, it has been so long!”
She opened her mouth and engulfed the majority of my staff. She slid it deep into her throat, a fantastic velvet sleeve caressing my cock. She pumped my piston up and down, never gagging or flinching. I grasped her head, slowly removing myself from her throat.
“God, Mary, that was amazing! Sue certainly did not inherit your oral skills.”
I set her on the edge of the bed.
Before continuing, I checked the time. It would be close. We certainly did not want her daughter catching her husband fucking her mother.
I parted her knees and was greeted by a salt-and-pepper landing strip above a pair of loose labia peering down on a wet, red vagina. I licked her cavern and felt her clitoral pearl rise to the occasion. She had a different taste than her daughter, but both were significant pussy juice producers. I sucked up her offering and brought my lips to hers. She accepted her wetness and licked her lips. I gently laid her back and eased the head of my cock toward her vaginal entrance.
“Fuck me, Bill, I need to feel your big cock inside me!”
I was surprised how easily she took my erection deep into her. She only moved a little, then I bottomed out in her cervix.
“Oh Bill, no wonder Sue is so sexually charged. What a great feeling. But we better hurry. She will be home in just a little while!”
For once, living in the country away from town had a benefit.
I began thrusting long and hard, her little body bouncing on the bed. I could feel her growing tighter, the indication of a growing need to climax. I was right with her and said, “cum with me.”
“I will. I am so close! Sweet Billy, pump some cum in this old woman’s hot, wet cunt. Abuse me and spurt on my tits and in my mouth!”
“I loved it when my husband pretended to dominate me and play-acted the sadist role, covering me with his cum. I was a mess, and he made me suck him dry. But then he would kiss me all over and tenderly suck up his cum. Most times, he would not quit until I had a second orgasm. It was our favorite game.”
My goal was to recreate her memory, and I filled her slit. Then I told her to watch me treat her like the wife slut she was and I was going to cum all over her. When I quit spurting, I brought my cock up to her face and barked, “Suck me dry, Mother, and play with your cum filled cunt!”
“Yes, Daddy, please help me cum again. Slap your wife whore’s ass and long titties.”
She spread her ass and exposed her back door. Her elongated boobs were swinging out from her chest. I lightly popped her ass and tits, then licked her navel. That pushed her over, and she shook into a second orgasm. I licked her until she stopped contracting.
“Oh, Bill, that was the greatest gift I have ever received.”
“With all that cum you produce, I know when the time is right, I will become a grandmother!”
“But Lord, I feel so alive. I know I said just once, but we may have to do this again!”
I just stood there. My mind was overflowing with emotion and questions. It was the most loving encounter I had ever experienced. Looking at Mary’s peaceful face, I did not care about morals or proper conventions. It was the right thing to do.
Thank God for the long driveway and barking dogs. I scooped her up and grabbed her clothes, depositing her in the bathroom. I dashed to the sink, grabbed a towel, and cleaned myself up. The house reeked of sex and I lit a candle and sprayed air freshener. The dogs saved my ass, demanding Sue stop and pet them.
Mary came into the kitchen and sat next to me. She looked surprisingly good. But there was no hiding the glow that dominated her persona.
In a couple of minutes, Sue got through the dogs and came into the kitchen. She got a plate and handed us the donuts. I knew she was curious about what we had been doing. I scrambled and said that your mom has been telling me about your dad and what a great guy he was. She had great memories of the things they did together. She also filled me in on all the trouble you were as a teenager. I was shocked at all the naughty situations you got yourself involved in. I was surprised at how observant and diplomatic she was handling a precocious, undisciplined cowgirl.
Mary squeezed my knee under the table and said that I exaggerated. Sue said whatever, I should not have left you two alone.
We packed the car and said our goodbyes. Mary kissed me and thanked me for being so good to her. She pulled my hand down to the front of her pants and whispered, “Look,” tracing a wet spot where my cum had leaked out.
As we drove down the long driveway, Sue asked what happened. I told her that I was not sure.
My mind was trying to sort out all my random thoughts. Mother and daughter both looked so normal and innocent. But both possess strong sex drives and hidden sexual needs. Sue had mentioned sadomasochism. Her mother desired humiliation and light pain. Thoughts of bondage, blindfolds, nipple clamps, hot wax from candles, and iced nipples raced through my thoughts.
My most deprived image was a mother-daughter threesome, willing to commit incestuous acts on each other, fulfilling their pain and pleasure desires and rewarding themselves with monumental sexual satisfaction. I needed time to interpret all my feelings. I was contemplating entering unknown, delicate territory. We had planned on heading east in two days.
Cam IV The Trip Home is currently in production!