Oli & Rebecca – Book Three – Part Three

"The End Of All Things"

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The two masked men dragging Sophie to her new temporary accommodations were growing tired of being kicked by the rebellious young spitfire, so they paused their march to her room.  Instead of enduring further pummelling, they stopped, grabbed an arm and leg each and again picked her up, carrying her face up with a hand on each limb to save any more bruises inflicted by the still-hooded wildling they were carrying.

They arrived at the room to serve as Sophie’s dungeon for the foreseeable future.  They carried the now motionless Sophie over the threshold to the room and placed her on the bed, head against the back wall.   A thread-bare mattress rested atop a rusty metal frame with rusty metal springs that groaned as her weight was laid upon it.  The frame came complete with heavy, fur-lined leather bindings.  The two abductors wasted no time in lightly securing the restraints to Sophie’s limbs and removed her hood.

Even in the gloom of the half-lit room, Sophie could make out the definition in her abductor’s musculature and immediately felt the heat rise between her legs.  Her mouth watered even in her drunken state, and her arousal was all-consuming.  Just a moment ago, she’d been preparing to get it on with Oli’s Cousin’s wife and had zero regrets. 

Unbidden, a thought flashed through her: ‘Oli!’  Poor Oli.  She’d hurt him earlier.  Why had she done that?  Why had she hurt both of her wonderfully gentle lovers?  ‘What’s wrong with me?’ she wondered to herself.  Her train of thought was broken as the man closest to her spoke.

“Mistress will be with you shortly, slut,” disdain dripped from his voice.  It was clear from his tone that he regarded her utterly contemptuously.  Even drunk, that didn’t escape Sophie’s notice.

Both men backed out of the room and closed the heavy metal door behind them.  There was a heavy clanking sound as Sophie realised she’d been locked in.  She took a moment to get her bearings and centre herself, but it wasn’t easy as the world spun around the dim bulb with no shade dangling overhead, flickering relentlessly.  That wasn’t working, so Sophie closed her eyes and listened.  She became aware of a sound coming from somewhere and listened intently before realising it was DJ Otzi singing ‘Hey Baby’.  The music came from a tinny-sounding tannoy speaker in one corner of the room.

‘Great… fucking Europop!’ Sophie thought to herself.  She didn’t yet realise that the song was on a perpetual loop and would soon be the least of her torments.

Sophie wasn’t aware of how much time had passed when the heavy metal door opened again, allowing Daisy and Crystal to enter the cell.  Sophie blinked and tried to focus on the blonde replica of Oli’s Mom.  But, again, heat and moisture welled between her legs.  She’d been tempted by Oli’s Mom on more than one occasion but had been faithful to the closed triad she was in, but it had been torturous for her.

Crystal spoke and didn’t hold back on the theatrics for the plan’s benefit.

“You little fucking brat.  Did you honestly think you had a chance at fucking me?” Crystal’s cynical chuckle pierced Sophie to her core.  Never before had any of her advances been spurned by potential lovers.  This was a first, and she didn’t like it one bit.  Crystal’s face was right beside Sophie’s.  Sophie could feel her warm breath on her cheek and smell the acrid scent of cigarettes on her clothing and skin.  Crystal continued to speak softly, mere centimetres away from Sophie’s ear.

“You have taken your lovers for granted, and you have hurt them, physically and emotionally,” Crystal paused, retrieved a cigarette from her top pocket, and lit it with a Zippo she used.  She took a deep drag on the filter and inhaled the smoke deeply before blowing it out slowly over Sophie’s face.

“What’s more, you’ve offended multiple family members and tried to seduce me.  That can’t go unanswered.  You’ve even embarrassed our poor valet, Ryan.  You will be taught a lesson, you little whore, and you will be taught manners and respect.”

Still feeling the effects of the alcohol, Sophie felt braver than she was. But, even now, the brat wanted to battle.

“You wanted me; you were fucking soaking!  Your cunt was dripping, you dumpy little bitch.  Hah!  YOU wish you could fuck ME.  I’m out of YOUR league, and you know it!”  Sophie’s words were defiant, but the tremble in her voice betrayed the fact she was feeling very vulnerable for the first time in a long time…  She’d not felt this way since her Grandad… Her mind shut off that line of thinking.  It was too painful to face.  She didn’t even want to acknowledge its existence.

Now, it was Daisy’s turn to speak. This was her dungeon; she was its Mistress and controlled all its operations, both pleasurable and not-so-pleasant. She also always had the final word—always! 

Daisy also had a Master’s Degree in Psychology from Princeton, studying under Hamish.  However, she did not realise the familial connection until much later, when Helena told her about falling in love with Al and her unique living arrangements with Hamish.  This was the nexus of the whole plan to send the kids to Daisy for a fortnight.  Hamish, Daisy, and Helena discussed everything in exquisite detail with each other.  But, of course, the kids didn’t need to know this; they just needed to be ‘fixed’.

“Ah, my little Spitfire. You are a belligerent one, aren’t you?” The question was rhetorical but also served a purpose.  It let Sophie know that someone other than herself recognised something lurking under the surface, fighting to be released into the light of day.  That something was the root of all the issues Sophie was facing.

“No matter.  Together, with the help of my… associates, we will divine the cause of your disorder and seek to cure you of what ails you,” Daisy moved behind Crystal, dragging a long, bright red and freshly manicured nail over her shoulder before reaching around to turn her wife gently.   Daisy kissed Crystal with force and passion.  Then, holding the back of Crystal’s head, she plunged her tongue into Crystal’s waiting mouth, never breaking eye contact with Sophie.

“You have performed admirably, my dearest cuckquean.  I think I shall let you have her, eventually, if you want her,” Daisy let the suggestion hang in the air for Crystal to pick up on when she felt like it.  Crystal’s response was perfectly timed.

“Thank you, Mistress,” Crystal said after their lip lock.  Crystal looked at Sophie, pity in her eyes. 

“Sorry, blondie.  You never really had a chance with me.  I am my Mistress’s and hers alone.  But, as a good sub does, I was doing as I was commanded to, by she whose word is the law I obey.”

Crystal knelt at Daisy’s side, the place of a submissive by her Mistress’s heel, head bowed in reverence.  Daisy took one last look at Sophie before she crushed the cigarette out on the wall behind Sophie’s head.  Hot sparks fell onto Sophie’s forehead, making her wince and close her eyes tightly.  Finally, Sophie realised that she was, in fact, in deep trouble.

Daisy pinched Sophie’s cheeks together roughly.  She wanted this message to be heard loud and clear.

“Rest well, tempestuous brat.  Tomorrow, we will begin your re-education into a loving and supportive young lady, not some base animal that craves pain and suffering for its own sake.”

Daisy and Crystal left the room and closed the door.  The heavy locks clanked into place, and the only thing that Sophie could hear, other than her heartbeat, was…

‘Heeeey, hey-a baby… OOOH.  AAAH.  I wanna kn-oh-oow….’  Understandably, Sophie didn’t sleep much that night. 


Oli and Rebecca were in the now-closed lounge of the Surfs Up Hotel, waiting for Daisy and Crystal to return to tell them how Sophie was taking to her new accommodation.   Daisy had invited them to help themselves to the bar stock, and as instructed, they had each taken a bottle of beer and were talking over what the future may hold for them as a couple or as a throuple, whichever scenario proved to be the case.

When Daisy and Crystal returned, Oli had just risen to grab himself and Becky another round.  He asked what they would like, as he seemed to be acting as a barkeep, pro temp.

“Just a couple of beers, please, Oli,” said Daisy as she and Crystal slid into the booth Becky occupied, quickly joined by Oli as he returned with the bottles.

Becky couldn’t contain her overwhelming concern for her lover, her friend Sophie and was the first to ask how she was doing.

“She’s a proper little hellion, isn’t she?” Daisy said, more than a little impressed with Oli and Becky’s complete commitment to Sophie.  Daisy wasn’t entirely sure she would have been so charitable if their places were reversed.

“One thing confuses me still. Would you mind answering a question?” Daisy asked. 

“Of course, Daisy, anything at all.  You’ve already done so much for us.  The least we can do is answer some questions,” Becky responded immediately and sincerely.

“I don’t get how your throuple started.  I mean… I know its mechanics, but I don’t understand the dynamic.”  Having posed her question, Daisy took a deep slug from her beer and snuggled down to cuddle Crystal.  She listened intently to Becky as she recounted her college experiences with Sophie and the pact they’d made up to the eventual compromise that led to me joining the action.

“So, last Christmas, Oli built us this little rack thingy so we could experiment more with bondage and denial play.  I guess that triggered something in Sophie that has over-written her sense of gentleness,” a wayward tear rolled down Becky’s cheek.  Crystal leaned forward and wiped the droplet away from Becky’s face.

“Hey! We’ll help you figure this out, so don’t worry, OK?” Crystal gave Becky a grin and a cheeky wink and settled back to allow her Mistress to begin cuddling again.  Now, it was Daisy’s turn to speak.

“So, we know you guys aren’t shy, and you’ve even told us how you want to try exhibitionism. How would you feel about combining the two and playing a little switcharoo with your old Cousin here? Me in Sophie’s stead?”  The air suddenly became as thick as molasses.

Crystal slumped down a little in the booth and simultaneously played footsie with Becky under the table as Daisy posed her question.  She was timing everything to perfection.  But, unfortunately, I missed Becky’s sharp intake of breath as Crystal’s foot started to rub her pussy over her thong, as it was drowned out by the sound of me choking on a half-swallowed mouthful of beer, making a rapid exit through my mouth and nose as I started to splutter. 

Had I just heard correctly?  Did my distant Cousin just say she wanted to fuck me and Becky in front of Sophie?  Instantly, Becky leaned forward and thumped me on the back a few times to help clear my occluded airway.

Crystal chuckled.  “Oh, Mistress, look… he thinks that it’s just you that wants to fuck him,” Crystal paused for a three-count before continuing. 

“Oli, my dear, dear boy.  Have you ever dreamt of three women fucking you and each other?”  I swear I was going to pass out.  But, instead, I think I started hyperventilating as I was still trying to recover from my brief choking fit. 

Daisy chuckled, placing a hand delicately on her bountiful chest.  Her voice was light and full of delight but also deadly serious.  I was utterly oblivious to Becky squeezing my thigh harder and harder, and her biting her bottom lip had escaped my notice also.

“If you’d prefer, I can ask a couple of my more… talented male subs to join us; if you don’t think you can handle the three of us, Oli?  But from what I’ve heard from your Mamma, you’re a ‘big’ boy and more than up to the task.”  I had some lines that I wouldn’t cross despite having recently had some fantasies about my mother.  Incest was off the table and non-negotiable.  As if sensing my hesitation, Daisy continued.

“And you needn’t worry about any of that silly incest or taboo nonsense; we’re far enough apart regarding being blood-related that it’s not an issue.  I checked.”  Her lascivious wink immediately affected me, and once more, I was picturing my mother’s doppelgänger in somewhat compromising positions. 

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to and failing at stemming my burgeoning erection.  What the fuck was going on?  Where the Hell had my Mother and Hamish sent us?  Moreover, why was my Mother, of all people talking about the size of my dick to a distant cousin?

Becky decided for me.  I hadn’t realised, but Crystal had planted her foot firmly in Becky’s groin and wiggled her toes over Becky’s clit above the fabric of her lacy thong.

“FUCK YES!” was all Becky said as her orgasm claimed her. 

‘That’s that,’ I thought.  We would find out what tomorrow would bring.  I just hoped my dick had stopped hurting by then.


Monday: 06:00 – Bridal Suite

The shrill beeping of the alarm call woke Becky and me with a start.  ‘What the hell?’ I thought.  I didn’t remember asking for an alarm call.  I picked up the receiver on the old corded phone on the nightstand and replaced it in its cradle, silencing its insistent warbling.

Sleep claimed me once more, and then the alarm sounded again. This time, Becky rolled over me and lifted the handset. A voice crackled over the old analogue speaker in the earpiece.

“Breakfast is ready, you two.  Get washed and get your cabooses down to the basement.  We’ll be eating in front of Sophie this morning.  Oh, before I forget, wear only your robes and pool shoes; no clothing needed.”  Crystal’s distorted voice was barely audible.

Becky relayed the message, and we decided to shower together to save time.  We washed each other quickly.  Usually, a shower would take at least an hour and be worthy of at least two orgasms each, more if Sophie was involved.  Today, we were washed, dried and almost dressed in under ten minutes. 

The elevator doors opened on the Bridal suite floor with their customary and annoying cheerful sounding ‘ping’.  Still rubbing tiredness from my eyes, I allowed Becky to enter before me and wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her bountiful breasts with their cue-tip nipples.  She chuckled as she spun around and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me close to her for a long, lingering and amazingly arousing French kiss.  I was thankful to note that, as my erection rose, an evening off meant my dick was no longer sore from the grazes Sophie had inflicted the day before.  So the day was looking better already.

The Elevator opened to the Dungeon level, and we were met by the same two gentlemen who had dragged Sophie off to her temporary purgatory late yesterday evening.   I untangled myself from Becky’s embrace and nodded cordially at the two gimps. 

“Mistress asks that you follow us to her location,” the taller of the two said. 

As we started walking through the space, I noticed it was furnished with plush décor. Black Chaise Longues lined the dark burgundy walls, and tasteful artworks of nudes and other erotica were dotted about here and there. I realised this assortment of objets d’art would not have been out of place in the parlour back home.

We arrived at Sophie’s room, and Gimp-guy opened the door for us before they both turned and knelt at either side of the open portal, looking very much like guard dogs.  What was in front of us stopped me in my tracks.  Sophie was tied down spread-eagled to a metal Y-shaped table that could rotate on the long axis, like the old hospital beds.  Sophie was adorned with various cold cuts and bread running down her body.  It was a self-serve buffet – with the bonus of accessing Sophie’s delicious pussy, if you wanted to.  From the looks of things, Crystal wanted to. 

Crystal looked up from her lingual assault on Sophie and waved a cheerful hello to us before returning to her feast.  Sophie was fast approaching orgasm, if the shuddering in her restrained legs and keening sounds coming from her lips were anything to go by.  When the shaking started, Crystal stopped, turned away to select some ham slices, and placed them on a plate with some bread.

“Here you are, Becky.  There are sauces and other condiments on the trolley by the back wall.”  It was hard to distinguish the words over Sophie’s howling and various expletives at being denied orgasm for the umpteenth time.

Daisy delicately rubbed a riding crop over Sophie’s bare breasts, tapping each nipple quite hard, and had been doing so for a while if the angry red colour they displayed was any indication.

“It is straightforward, Sophie.  Tell us why you are so intent on hurting these wonderful people, and we can stop this nonsense,” Daisy looked up at Becky and stated that we were wholly overdressed for the occasion.  Becky and I looked at each other, shrugged and dropped our robes to the floor.  Crystal retrieved them for us and hung them neatly next to the two hanging on the wall.  Only at this moment did I realise that Daisy and Crystal were naked.

“Come, you two.  Say good morning to Sophie.”  Becky placed her plate of food on the table at the back of the room, next to a tray of various bondage devices and sex toys, some of which looked like they belonged in a medieval torture chamber.  Once done, we both approached Sophie to say good morning.

“Oli!  Becky!  I need to cum, you guys, but they won’t let me.  It hurts so much; I need it!  Please, tell them to let me cum, Oli.  She’s your Cousin; she’ll listen to you.”  I heard Daisy and Crystal chuckle wickedly as they watched the…

Published 12 months ago

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