Outside, the sun had set, and the early evening air was quite cool. I felt my nipples react and shuddered ever so slightly as the coolness of the air flushed over my naked back.
“Would you like my jacket?” James asked, noticing me shiver.
“No, thank you,” I answered.
His soft hand caressed my back, as we walked to his sedan, which warmed my naked flesh but did little to calm my hard nipples.
The Royal Plaza was a short drive, and in no time, James pulled the car to a stop under the brightly lit portico. Other fashionably late guests were arriving, and as James spoke with the valet, I scanned the other women, most of whom were older and wearing long gowns.
“I hope I’m not underdressed,” I mentioned as James took my arm and curled it around his.
“You look stunning, Angel,” James replied, reassuring me.
“You’ll be at table five,” the young, attractive brunette said after scanning James’ invitation.
“Would you like a drink?” James asked as we began moving through the crowd.
I smiled and then suggested, “We should wait a little.” Knowing he had to be feeling the effects of two healthy scotch and sodas.
James held my arm much as Barry had when he showed off his trophy wife at parties, but James paid more attention to me than my soon-to-be ex-husband ever did.
As he introduced me to acquaintances, I made sure to flash my brightest smile and offer my delicate hand as a greeting. More than a few men remarked about the splashes of red on my fingernails.
“Senator Johnston will be arriving soon. We should find our table,” James remarked.
Table five was in the first row from the head table where the Senator and all the members of his inner circle would be seated. I made sure to sit on the side toward the middle so I could swing my chair around and allow them to see my shapely legs.
“Here we are,” James said as he helped me with my chair.
A white-haired gentleman and his equally white-haired wife were already seated at the table.
“Congressman Norton,” James said, extending his hand toward the older politician.
The congressman extended his hand but didn’t know who James was.
“James Roberts,” James said as they shook hands. “And this is Angel,” he added.
The congressman smiled and said, “Good to see you again. This is my wife, Millie.”
I smiled at Millie and extended my hand. The rock on her finger must have been at least five karats.
“Hello,” Millie said, barely touching my hand.
The congressman, on the other hand, didn’t seem to want to let go of my delicate fingers.
I sat with the old politician to my left and James to my right. Millie was across the table from James.
Shortly after that, two more couples joined us, and after everyone was introduced, the men began talking shop. The consensus of the group was that Senator Johnston would become a shooting star politically and, in relatively short order, be named to a prominent chairmanship in the Senate.
I didn’t give a damn about his political future. I only wanted to get the name Elegant Escorts implanted in his brain. If I succeeded, it would be a feather in my cap with Big Daddy and perhaps give me an inside track to some really big tips.
Members of his inner circle began taking their seats at the long head table as we all anxiously awaited the Senator-Elect’s arrival.
The background music that had been softly playing stopped, and a woman I recognized from news shows stood and moved to the podium.
I glanced at James with a questioning expression on my face. He leaned close to my ear and whispered, “Speaker of the House. Congresswoman Davies.”
I smiled at him in thanks for the information.
Congresswoman Davies began. “Welcome, everyone, and thank you for your generous contributions to Senator Johnston’s campaign fund.”
A rousing round of applause from the gathered crowd followed.
She held her hands up to quiet the crowd, then continued. “It is with profound honor that I introduce the next Senator from our great state. Ladies and Gentleman, Senator-Elect Worthington Johnston.
Everyone in attendance instantly rose to their feet, applauding loudly as the Senator-Elect appeared from the curtain behind the head table. He stood nearly six feet six inches tall and was very handsome. His broad smile and waving hands acknowledged the rousing standing ovation he was receiving from the gathered crowd.
He shook the Speakers hand then gave her a politically correct hug. She moved away and stood at her seat, joining the crowd in applauding our new Senator. From the back of the room, a chant of “Chuck, Chuck, Chuck.” began reverberating toward the front.
I recalled seeing campaign signs for Chuck Johnston, and I smiled, knowing that I was now standing only feet away from one of the most influential men in the country. Someplace I’d never gotten to be with my zombie husband.
The Senator-Elect started waving his hands and repeatedly said “Thank you” into the microphone.
After five minutes of applause and my hands stinging from being slapped together for so long, the crowd began to quiet. Congressman Norton turned his chair so he would face the podium. I turned my seat sideways and sat down, crossing my legs and letting my dress slip slightly above my knee. The old politician took notice and grinned at me. I returned his grin with a broad, flashy smile.
“I want to thank every one of you for being here tonight. In a few weeks, I will be taking the oath of office, and I want each of you to know that I will serve our great state with honor and dignity. Tonight isn’t about political speeches,” he said, shaking his finger in the air. “Tonight is to celebrate a new order of things in Washington,” he said, looking directly at me and glancing down at my legs. “I want to celebrate that one-on-one with each of you. So, I’ll end my remarks and speak personally with everyone.”
His broad smile and waving hands brought everyone to their feet again. They were applauding his short remarks and the chance to speak personally with him as the evening went on.
I was pretty sure my shapely legs had caught his attention during his remarks, and I turned to give him an opportunity to see my naked back as he shook hands with all who had joined him on the dais.
“Are you ready for that drink?” James asked, knowing it would be a while before the Senator-Elect arrived at our table.
“I’d love one,” I replied, smiling and touching his arm with my sexy fingernails.
“Another wine?” James asked.
I smiled again and then said, “I doubt they have the same flavor.” Reminding him of the cum spritzer I’d had earlier.
“Surprise me,” I said.
James moved off, and I sat down without bothering to swing my chair under the table again.
Congressman Norton seized the opportunity to stare lecherously at my legs and the tiny points pressing at the front of my dress.
“How long have you known….” he paused, having already forgotten James’ name.
I lied and replied, “James and I have been friends for years.”
“So you’re not married?” Millie chimed in.
“Oh no, but that’s not out of the question,” I continued lying.
“Well, if he wants to get ahead in DC, he’s gonna have to have a wife,” the congressman said.
I smiled politely at him and then said, “You should tell James that.” I placed my sexy hand on his wrinkled, liver-spotted hand.
If looks could kill, I would have been dead. Millie shot me an angry look, letting me know I was not to touch her meal ticket. I moved my hand away, much to the chagrin of the old congressman.
James returned with two similar drinks. As he handed one to me, he said, “Hope you like iced tea.”
I took a tiny sip from my glass. My taste buds told me it was iced tea, but my throat told me it was pure alcohol. “What kind of tea is this?” I asked.
“Long Island Ice Tea,” he replied.
I smiled and said, “I like it.” Then, I took a second larger sip.
The Senator was working the table next to ours, but his eyes kept moving toward me, as he spoke with his supporters. I knew he was checking out my legs, and I occasionally lifted one, letting my dress slide further up my thigh. I was hopeful that I’d attracted his attention enough that I could somehow tell him about Elegant Escorts.
“Congressman Norton, thank you so much for coming tonight,” the Senator spoke boisterously as he moved to our table and extended his hand to the Congressman.
“Good to see you, Chuck,” Norton replied, then added, “You remember my wife Millie?”
“Who could forget such a lovely lady,” the Senator-Elect answered, lying almost as well as I had earlier.
“Looking forward to you joining us on the hill in January, Chuck,” the congressman said.
“I’m anxious to get started,” Johnston replied.
He turned his attention to James, who stood up to shake hands.
“Jimmy, my boy, I owe you a special thanks,” the Senator said.
“Without this young man’s help, I wouldn’t be headed to Washington,” he said, putting his arm around James’ shoulder.
“Jimmy here is probably the hardest-working campaign worker I’ve ever known,” Johnston explained.
“Thank you, Senator,” James said.
“And who might this beautiful lady be?” the Senator asked, pulling James tighter around the shoulders.
“Senator Johnston, I’d like you to meet Angel,” James said.
As I stood up, the Senator extended his strong hand and said, “My profound pleasure, Angel.”
“You’re very kind, Senator Johnston,” I replied as he shook my hand and stared at my tits.
I didn’t see any way to speak to him about Elegant Escorts without embarrassing James, so I didn’t even try.
After Johnston had studied my chest, he turned to James and said, “You’re a lucky man, Jimmy.”
He moved closer and quietly said something in James’ ear, then with a smile for us both, he moved on to the other couples at our table.
James and I sat down, watching Johnston’s style of working a crowd. He spent as little time as possible with each person but left everyone smiling after their brief face-to-face with one of the most influential men in the country.
As the Senator moved to another table, I took another large sip of my drink. It somehow felt smoother as I swallowed it. I turned and moved my legs under the table, then leaned toward James and kissed him lightly on the cheek. My lips moved close to his ear. “What did the Senator say to you?” I whispered.
James turned his head to my ear and then replied, “He wants to see me later in his suite.” A huge smile on his face told me he might be offered that staff job he wanted so much.
I also smiled, knowing I’d have a better opportunity to make my pitch to the Senator in private.
Congressman Norton and Millie excused themselves, having fulfilled their commitment for the evening, and got up to leave.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Millie,” I said.
She didn’t reply, but half smiled as she latched onto Norton’s arm.
The congressman shook hands with everyone at the table and even remembered James’ name.
The other couples also left, leaving James and me alone at the table. For the next thirty minutes, James rambled about how much he wanted to join Johnston’s staff in DC. I listened politely and sipped my iced tea, occasionally slipping my hand under the table to squeeze James’ thigh to remind him that we had unfinished business.
A short while later, the Senator finished his political duties and went from the peanut gallery in the back of the room toward the head table.
As he passed James and me, he stopped and said, “Give me twenty minutes, Jimmy.”
“Yes, sir,” James replied instantly.
He disappeared behind the curtain. James and I were the only two people still seated in the room.
“Sounds like you’ll be moving to DC,” I said.
“I certainly hope so,” James replied.
“What kind of job have you applied for?” I asked.
“It doesn’t work that way. You make it known to the right people that you’d like to join the staff and, if offered, take any position,” James explained.
I giggled, then said, “So you could be his shoeshine boy.” The effects of the Long Island Iced Tea caused me to poke fun at James.
James laughed and then said, “If that’s what he offers, I’m there.”
We finished our drinks, and as I stood up, I felt light-headed. “That’s some iced tea,” I said, steadying myself on James’ arm.
He smiled and then held my arm as we walked toward the exit from the ballroom.
“I must use the lady’s room before we meet the Senator,” I said.
James guided me to the restroom, then said, “I’ll wait here.” Leaning against the wall outside.
After I peed, I freshened up my red lip gloss and fiddled a little with my hair.
“Okay, let’s go get you that job,” I said, wrapping my wrist around James’ arm.
As we approached the Penthouse, I was still feeling woozy and hoped the effect of my drink didn’t get any worse.
“This must be it,” James said as we came to a room with double doors and a “P” on the plaque.
James knocked lightly, and the door almost instantly opened.
The Senator was seated in an oversized leather chair in what looked like a living room. A matching leather loveseat faced him between his chair and the door.
“Come in, Jimmy,” Johnston said, waving his hand toward us.
As we entered and moved toward him, he said, “That’ll be all for tonight, Tony.” Who obviously served as his valet.
“Very good, Senator,” Tony said, then added as he opened the door to leave. “Seven o’clock tomorrow?”
Johnston replied, “Make it eight.”
“See you then, sir,” Tony said as he entered the hall.
“Come sit down,” Johnston said, waving toward the loveseat.
I was happy to sit down again since my head had begun to spin a little. The soft leather fabric on the small sofa cradled my body as I sat down and crossed my legs, not worrying about how high my dress slipped up my thigh.
He held a drink in one hand and a thick cigar in the other. He’d removed his coat and tie and opened his collar plus a button below. Johnston was a strong-looking man. His hands were bigger than most, and his long legs made his knees jut up when he sat in a lounge chair.
He smiled and then spoke to me, “How long have you known James?” he asked.
I saw no reason to lie to him and replied, “About three hours.”
He smiled, then looking at James, he asked, “James, you hired an escort to accompany you to the reception.”
James fidgeted a little in his seat, then said, “Someone told me it is always best to attend this kind of function with a beautiful lady on your arm.”
Johnston’s smile widened as he said, “Well, you certainly found one lovely lady.”
“Thank you, Senator,” I interjected.
“Please call me Chuck in private,” Johnston said.
He continued, “It seems you have a talent for procurement, James.”
James grinned, then said, “I do have a knack for acquisition.”
I listened carefully as the two of them discussed James’ talents.
“Ya know, James, I often travel alone. My wife, bless her heart, hates air travel and seldom accompanies me on my travels,” Chuck explained.
“I understand,” James said.
The Senator continued, “I believe you’ve demonstrated tonight that you could be perfect to serve as my entertainment procurement manager.” His smile seemed politically correct.
“I’d be happy to join your staff, Senator,” James said.
“You’d have to travel with me constantly, and it will be your sole responsibility to find companions as lovely as Angel,” his eyes moved toward me and roamed over my sexy form.
I jumped in, “I work for a company called Elegant Escorts, so when you’re in town, James can call on us to provide all the entertainment you could need, Chuck.”
Chuck smiled and then said, “Jimmy, make note of that cause to me, Angel is an absolute angel.”
I knew that Daddy would be very pleased, and to ensure that Elegant Escorts would be adding not only Senator Johnston to our list of clients, but perhaps other national politicians would be taking advantage of our services, I knew what I needed to do.
I stood up and moved between the two men, who were now staring at me with lust-filled eyes.
“Perhaps you’d like to sample what Elegant Escorts offers, Senator?” I said.
Chuck took a long drag on his cigar and blew a smoke stream toward me. “I believe I would,” he replied, watching me seductively sway my hips from side to side.
I turned to James. “You’ll share with the Senator, won’t you?” I asked, knowing he’d give me a tip for my services.
“Absolutely,” James responded, his smile acknowledging he’d landed a position on Chuck’s staff.
I smiled, then turned back to face the more important of the two. Chuck’s lecherous stare nearly penetrated me. Continuing the sensuous movement of my hips, I slowly pulled each arm from the short sleeves of my dress, being careful to keep the slinky fabric held tightly to my chest.
“She has incredible tits don’t you agree,” James mentioned.
Chuck smiled and then said, “Nicest tits I’ve seen in quite a while.”
I smiled while I slowly lowered the front of my dress to my waist, letting Chuck’s lusty eyes confirm that mine were the nicest tits he’d seen.
The firm, full globes tipped with very erect nipples and perfectly round pink areola summoned him from his chair.
As he stood and moved toward me, his cigar firmly held between his lips, his hands came up and captured both firm spheres, roughly squeezing them and groping over my taut nipples.
I wiggled my hips a little and, using my red-tipped fingers, slipped the dress over my hips. It slid down my legs to the floor around my heels.
Chuck’s hands moved skillfully over my tits as James moved in from behind, pressing his bulging loins against soft ass cheeks. His hands rested on my hips and pulled my ass back against his growing erection.
Chuck moved his hands down, his long index fingers slipping under the tiny straps holding my thong. Twisting the flimsy fabric around his strong fingers, he pulled outward, shredding the straps in a heartbeat.
My ruined thong was tossed aside like an old rag, and I stood naked between them, wearing only my sexy heels, silk stockings, and a lusty smile. The Senator stepped back and began unbuttoning his shirt. His broad shoulders and hairless chest were first to come under my lustful stare.
In the time it took for Chuck to slip out of his shoes and slacks, James stripped completely. He moved against my ass again, but this time his hard cock pressed into the soft crease between my ass cheeks.
Chuck’s silk boxers tented forward his equally erect cock stretching the silk fabric tight over the front of his loins.
“Let me see that big, beautiful cock,” I whispered as he placed his cigar in the ashtray beside his chair.
He moved forward, then slipped his boxers over his hard cock and down his legs.
His cock was beautiful, rising from his ball sack and curving slightly to one side. I wanted to touch it so I could feel the throbbing girth in my hand, but he moved backward until his legs touched the leather chair he had been sitting in before.
As he sat down, one strong hand grasped his surging cock, and he said, “On your knees bitch.”
I moved toward him and knelt between his spread thighs, my eyes keeping contact with his as I settled between his legs.
I placed one delicate hand over his, then slowly moved it up to stroke the stiff shaft. “Tit fuck me slut,” he demanded.
I rose and leaned forward, pressing his stiff cock between my big tits. James had followed me and was now on his knees behind me, his hands roaming over my shoulder back and down over my ass.
Chuck reached to his side and picked up his cigar, placing it between his lips. The glowing tip signaled that he was drawing deeply on the stogie.
As I started moving my chest up and down, humping his curved cock with my tits, he exhaled and blew smoke down over his chest directly into my face. I inhaled strongly through my nose, sucking the sweet-smelling smoke deep into my lungs.
He smiled as he removed the thick stogie from his lips. He rested his arms on the leather chair, the cigar just inches from my naked flesh.
“Do you suck as good with your mouth as you do with your nose?” Chuck asked.
I reached for his cigar and brought it to my flashy red lips. Drawing hard on the cigar, I filled my mouth with its sweet smoke.
Holding it between two fingers, I used both hands to press my tits firmly together, engulfing his hard cock in soft, warm flesh. I lowered my face and blew smoke down over his cock head and my humping tits.
Chuck smiled, then placed his hand flat on my chest, pushing me back. His cock popped from between my tits, and he grasped it in his hand. “That was pretty good. Now try this stogie,” he said, waving his surging cock in the air.
I took another deep drag on his cigar, then lowered my lips toward the head. Pursing my lips, I blew a tiny thin stream of smoke toward the head, then opened my lips and expelled the remaining smoke over his throbbing cock. With wispy swirls of smoke floating around his cock I took the head between my lips and caressed the smooth corona with my moist tongue.
“She’s a great cock sucker,” James said from behind, speaking from experience.
I moved my hand along his thigh so he could take his stogie back, then brought it down to begin stroking his pulsing cock shaft as I sucked the head.
My sensual strokes along his cock shaft became shorter and shorter as more of his cock disappeared between my shiny red lips.
“Suck that fucking cock, bitch,” Chuck demanded.
The curving shaft pressed the head firmly against my cheek, stretching it and giving me a sensual cock bulge in my face.
James’ hands began moving lower and lower until he slipped a finger between my moist lips.
I moaned softly on Chuck’s cock as James’ fingers probed inside my wet pussy.
My mouth continued its sensuous slide down Chuck’s cock until the head wedged in the opening to my throat.
“Throat it, slut,” Chuck bellowed as I pressed him deeper into my searing hot throat.
James’ finger moved faster, thrusting into my pussy and then rubbing over my throbbing hard clit.
“Fuck her from behind, Jimmy,” Chuck exclaimed.
As James lifted my hips, I lifted my mouth. Chuck’s saliva-coated cock slipped from my lips.
“Yes, fuck me,” I exclaimed, urging James to pound his hard cock into my pussy.
His hands grasped my hips, and he pressed the tip of his cock against my vulva.
I dropped my mouth over Chuck’s solid cock, and as James slowly thrust inside, I slowly swallowed Chuck’s wonderful cock.
We both bottomed out at the same time. James’ cock surged inside my steamy pussy while Chuck’s throbbing cock impaled my throat.
I love the sensation of being fuck in two holes at the same time, and I began pressing my ass back against James’ lunging erection as Chuck thrust up off the chair, stuffing my throat with his rock-hard cock.
Again and again, they filled me. James from behind and Chuck from in front. My loins…no, my whole body shuddered with excitement as I continued throat fucking one beautiful cock while the other invaded my tight wet pussy.
“Does she have a tight cunt?” Chuck asked, looking at James.
“Fuck yes!” James exclaimed as his cock hit home again.
“She’s got a tight throat, too,” Chuck said.
I swallowed, letting him feel just how tight my throat could be, and at the same time, clenched my internal muscles squeezing James’ cock with my hot tight cunt.
I lifted, letting Chuck slip from my oral grasp, sucking in oxygen, before I looked up into his lecherous eyes and said, “My ass is even tighter.”
He smiled, knowing I was offering my ass for him to pleasure himself.
“You do wanna fuck my hot tight ass, don’t you, Senator?” I asked.
“You’re fucking A right I do,” Chuck replied.
I lunched forward, letting his cock slip between my tits again and causing James’ cock to slip from my wet swollen pussy.
Turning around, I said, “Lie down, James.” Which he did instantly.
I crawled up over his legs and used one delicate hand to guide his cock back into my pussy.
“I wanna feel both big cocks inside me,” I exclaimed as I looked back over my shoulder at Chuck as I slowly rode up and down on James throbbing cock.
Chuck slid off the chair and knelt with his legs on either side of James’ legs. His saliva-coated cock was poised to impale my tight ass hole.
Knowing this man of power wanted my ass fast and hard, I again looked over my shoulder and said, “Don’t be gentle.”
His cock pressed against my puckered sphincter, then lunged forward, spreading me open in an instant. He thrust forward, slamming his cock deep inside my hot ass.
“Oh, my fuckin’ God!” I screamed as both throbbing cocks filled me.
In unison, they began fucking my hot tight holes. Grunting and groaning like twin sexual animals filling me with rock-hard surging cock.
“Yes, yes, yes!” I exclaimed as they pounded my loins—James from below and Chuck from behind.
James’ hands moved up to grope my tits, squeezing them roughly and pinching hard on both taut nipples at the same time.
I moaned over and over as their joint assault of my body slowly brought me to the brink of complete ecstasy. My loins were on fire, and swirls of pleasure spiraled along my spine, bursting into my brain.
“Fuck me, fuck me!” I screamed.
My hard sensitive clit pressed firmly against James’ pelvic bone as Chuck’s weight pushed my loins tight against James.
I wanted….no I craved having something invading my mouth. I dropped down and crushed my mouth against James, probing with my tongue at first, then sucking his as he pressed it hard against mine.
Like a tiny cock I sucked his tongue, flicking mine toward his as he thrust up off the floor into my swollen wet searing hot cunt. Chuck’s wonderful cock repeatedly filled my ass.
My brain went numb as the twin pleasure poles carried me toward orgasm. My body convulsed involuntarily as my climax built.
“I’m cumming!” I screamed as the sheer ecstasy washed over me. My pussy flooded with juice and flowed from me, washing down over James’ ball sack.
Yes, oh fuck, YES!” I cried, feeling the tsunami of orgasmic pleasure crash over my body and mind.
The two beautiful cocks turned me into a convulsing twitching mass of climatic flesh as the orgasm slowly began to ebb.
I collapsed onto James’ sweaty body, causing Chuck’s throbbing cock to slip from my ass. James circled my twitching body with his arms crushing my sensitive tits against his chest and began thrusting up into my soaking wet hot flesh even faster than before. His cock surged and swelled as his balls pumped thick cum along his bulging urethra. In an instant, my pussy was filled with searing hot cum mixing with my climactic juices and oozing from me as he pumped load after glorious load of thick sweet spunk inside me.
His throbbing cock slowly stopped, but his hips still convulsed involuntarily up off the floor. Our combined fuck juices oozed from me and coated his ball sack with our cum. His arms collapsed to his sides as his spent body tried to relax.
“My turn!” Chuck bellowed from behind.
His strong hands lifted me off James’ spent body and nearly tossed me onto the small leather loveseat.
He mounted me missionary style and, in an instant, slammed his cock into my sopping-wet pussy. I reached up and circled his neck with my hands, then pulled his face toward my heaving breasts.
“Suck my nipple,” I pleaded just before his lips clamped onto one erect bud.
Chuck’s hips moved with a steady pace slapping against my ass each time he thrust deep, the pulsing head of his cock massaging my G-spot with every stroke. My long fingers laced into his hair, guiding his mouth from one hard nipple to the other as I arched my back, pressing my lush tits tighter against his mouth. He suckled, licked, and occasionally bit on the protruding flesh, sending swirls of tingling pleasure coursing through my chest.
His teeth bit hard on one nipple, causing me to scream in pain or pleasure; I wasn’t sure which. I pulled his mouth from my nipple, knowing he’d left marks with his teeth, then offered the other to be tattooed with his oral mark.
“Ow,” I screamed again, his teeth clamping down on the other swollen nipple.
Chuck lifted his mouth from my tits, then straightened up, letting his cock slip from my steamy depths.
I dropped my fingers to my nipples and tried to soothe the pain by softly massaging them, then glanced at my fingers for signs that he’d drawn blood.
“Suck me!” Chuck commanded while reaching to grab my hair and pull me to a sitting position.
His strong hand pulled my head toward his cock as he leaned back and thrust his hips toward my open mouth. He didn’t stop pulling until my nose pressed into his wet pubic hair and the pulsing head of his cock was in my throat.
As quickly as he’d impaled me with his cock, he pulled my head up, his surging head slipping just outside my glistening red lips.
“Eat that fuckin’ cock!” Chuck demanded, his hand still grasping my hair and pulling me down on him again.
I wasn’t sucking his cock; he was using my mouth to fuck his throbbing cock. Again and again, he pulled me off, only to drive my wet mouth down over his cock again. His rough treatment served only to excite me further. He was using me like a whore, and I loved it.
Once he’d thoroughly used my mouth and throat, he pulled me off his slimy saliva coated cock and pulled my face up.
“Turn around bitch,” he bellowed.
I followed his orders immediately and turned, slipping my feet on either side of his knees.
“Reach around and spread that ass open slut!” he commanded.
With my heaving tits pressed into the arm of the sofa, I slipped both hands over my ass checks and pulled them apart. “Fuck my ass!” I demanded.
His large hand slapped my ass hard, and I again screamed in painful pleasure.
“Shut the fuck up, bitch,” he yelled just before his hand again cracked against my soft ass cheek.
Chuck leaned down and spat on my sphincter, then roughly grabbed my hips.
His cock head pressed against the puckered flesh, and I pulled harder with my hands trying to open my ass wider to accept his invading cock.
As his cock head pierced the rim, I instinctively relaxed my muscles allowing him to penetrate me quickly.
Once I’d stretched to accept the flaring head, he thrust forward, driving his throbbing cock home.
“Tight fuckin’ slut ass!” Chuck exclaimed as his balls slapped against my swollen, wet vulva.
“Fuck!” I screamed as he pulled back.
His hand cracked against my burning flesh as he slammed deep inside again.
My ass cheek was on fire; his imprint left on my tingling flesh.
Both his hands clamped onto my hips, digging fingertips into the soft flesh. His anal assault intensified as he began thrusting forward, as his hands pulled me back.
James had recovered and was sitting on the floor with his back against the chair, watching his new boss use me like a two-bit whore, his hand stroking his semi-hard cock.
I turned my face toward him so he could watch as my expression changed from pleasure to pain, then back again to pleasure, as Chuck flailed at my hot tight ass.
Chuck noticed me looking at James and remarked, “This is how you use a whore, Jimmy.”
Chuck’s remark must have sparked the animal in James, because he rose to his feet and moved toward the end of the sofa.
“Suck my cock, bitch!” James said somewhat tentatively.
I tilted my head back and offered my mouth to him. “Fuck my mouth,” I shot back.
His half-hard cock slipped between my lips, and I sucked him deeply, tasting the remnants of our mutual orgasm from his head.
He thrust forward. The smooth flesh of his cock head slid along my wet tongue. Chuck continued his assault from behind, driving my body and mouth forward as James invaded my mouth.
Wedged against the arm of the sofa, I slipped my hand between my thighs and began roughly rubbing my tingling clit. My body was numb, and my mind blank as I could only hold on and wait for one or both of them to finish their assault.
And finish they did. Chuck’s fingers dug deeper into my soft flesh as his body tightened and his cock swelled inside my ass.
“That’s it, whore. Make me cum!” He barked.
He pulled out and began jerking his pulsing cock just above the gaping hole he’d been impaling a second before.
“OH!” He exclaimed as the first shot of thick cum blasted from his cock. It’s sticky wad landing on my spine halfway to my neck.
“Paste her!” James urged as another shot slid across my naked, sweaty back.
Chuck moaned and groaned as he began oozing hot sticky cum between my ass cheeks.
I moved my hand around to smear his seed over my ass, then brought my sticky cum coated fingers to my lips, tasting his sweet nectar as I slipped my fingers between my lips and James’ cock.
Chuck used his cock to smear his spunk on my sphincter and the swollen lips of my hot wet pussy.
James cock surged and wedged against my throat as he began pumping hot sauce down my throat. It oozed from his cock head and trickled down the soft flesh inside.
Completely spent, Chuck collapsed back, sitting on his haunches as James withdrew his oozing cock to coat my lips and chin with his salty-tasting cum.
Chuck was the first to move, and as he strolled toward the bathroom, his cock swayed side to side.
“Great fuckin whore,” he said, slapping James on the shoulder as he went by.
James moved to a chair, and I turned and rested on my side, softly caressing the hot flesh where Chuck had tattooed me with his hand.
Chuck was wearing a hotel bathrobe when he returned, and as he walked past, he said, “Pay the whore, Jimmy we have things to discuss.”
He continued across the room toward the bar without ever looking at me. James pulled his wallet from his pants and then placed a folded stack of bills on the arm of the sofa.
I gathered the bills and then my clothes. As I dressed, Chuck and James were deep in conversation at the bar.
“James,” I said to get his attention.
He looked over his shoulder at me.
“Are you going to take me back to my car?” I asked.
“Call yourself a cab,” Chuck answered.
James gave me a kind of I’m sorry raised eyebrow but said nothing.
I quietly left and had the hotel doorman hail me a cab.
As I rode silently in the back seat, I counted my tip. Twenty hundred-dollar bills. I could add another eighteen hundred to my retirement fund.
Even though in the heat of passion, I felt excited being abused by Chuck, as I thought back, his demeanor disgusted me. He clearly had fucked many whores before and just as clearly enjoyed the power he wielded over me.
I suppose I shouldn’t expect much more from other clients. But I’d gotten what I wanted: a healthy tip, and I’d be able to report to Daddy that Elegant Escorts could expect future calls from James and other Senate staff members.
Arriving home, I quickly showered, removing their scent from my body. My ass still carrying the tattoo of Chuck’s hand. I logged on, filled in the details of my appointment, and sent an email off to Daddy letting him know I’d succeeded in getting the company name to the Senator-Elect.
I knew that it would make him happy scoring points for me.