Curiosity At The Urinal

"Four straight guys peek at each other’s dicks at the urinal, and compare what they’ve got"

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It was Saturday night, and I was going clubbing with a group of friends. We were all a bit tipsy by the time we got to the club and continued drinking after we got there.

Two of my friends are dating, and they hooked up on the dance floor a few times. My other mates and I all tried to find a willing girl to kiss us too. Somehow we all actually managed to, although my girl had to leave at about twelveish so I just got back to dancing and laughing with my friends.

We all had a really fun time until about 3am when my friends in the relationship got tired and decided to head home. My single friends stayed for a bit, but one went home with a girl he’d picked up and another was so drunk we just put him in a taxi home. I’m not sure what was going through my mind that night, but I was not tired in the slightest and I was pretty horny from drinking a bit, and having kissed the girl earlier in the night.

I stayed at the club once everyone I knew had left. I kept dancing, and soon it was pushing 4am and the club was starting to thin out quite a lot. In fact, there were only a couple of groups of friends left, and they looked like they were heading off soon, too. It was at this point I needed to relieve myself, and I was busting after having a few drinks. I moved to the back of the club, down an empty, and kinda dodgy looking corridor to the toilets.

As I entered, I noticed there was one guy already at the urinal, and one other came in behind me. It was one of the urinals that is just one long metal sheet with no partitions. The guy already peeing was standing in the far right corner, and I went to the far left corner. The guy behind me went in the middle. I’m quite shy, so I kept to myself in the corner, but at that moment, another guy loudly barged in through the door.

“Room for one more?” He said cheekily and squeezed in between me and the guy in the middle. I didn’t acknowledge him and kept to myself, but a strange urge of horniness came over me.

“Why are you so shy over there, man?” He boomed, laughing. I turned my head and saw the other two were chuckling too. I got a proper look at all three guys at that point.

The loud one to my right was tall, broad and had long, dark, wavy hair. The next was thinner, but still quite muscular from what I could see, and very tanned with short, blonde hair. The last guy was similar in body type to me, thin, pale and with brown hair.

At this point, I was a bit tipsy, very horny, and was up for taking a risk. Particularly as these were three strangers I would never see again, and there was minimal risk of anyone else coming in. So I turned to the tall, broad, dark-haired man to my right and said, “I guess there’s no need to be shy around a couple of guys.” and turned my hips away from the corner and slightly toward him. I moved my hands toward my body up against my pubes, allowing my whole dick to be visible.

“There ya go mate!” He chuckled. I then saw him glance down at my fully exposed penis. “Whoa!” He exclaimed. “A foreskin! They’re so weird to me.” He said, laughing.

I got the courage to look down at what he was holding and saw an incredibly thick, soft, circumcised penis. His flared head was fully exposed, with a pink area behind his corona leading about halfway down his shaft to his circumcision scar, after which the skin was darker and rougher looking. His cock looked a bit longer and a lot thicker than mine. I glanced briefly back at my own penis. It was uncut, about average size or maybe a bit smaller. I had pulled my foreskin back just enough to expose my pee slit so I could aim properly.

“Uncut’s not weird!” I found myself shouting back at him, grinning. “It’s natural, this is how they’re supposed to look! What do you guys think?” I almost surprised myself with how forward I was being and looked over to the two others still peeing.

“Yeah man,” started the tanned blond guy, mines uncut too, see.” he then turned and I watched as he turned and his chubby, soft cock flopped over to face us. His was a bit thicker than mine too, but not as long. His foreskin was bunched up over the end of his helmet, forming a little nozzle. At this point, the last guy chimed in.

“Nah I’m with you mate, I don’t really get how all that skin works.” And he too turned to us revealing a pale, thin circumcised cock with the same two-toned shaft as the guy to my right.

“Hang on a sec mate,” I started, looking at the uncut blond guy. “Do you not pull your skin back to pee?”

“Nah not normally. I can still aim ok with it forward.” He replied.

I realised at this stage that we were all finished peeing and had all moved closer, all facing each other now. This was going beyond simple joking at the urinal, we were actually just flat out comparing our cocks now.

“This is gonna sound really weird,” said the guy on the end. “But I actually don’t think I’ve seen a foreskin be pulled back before. Can you show me?” He was still laughing, trying to pass it off as locker room banter but we all knew we were getting more serious now.

“Yeah man, sure, watch this.” And the blond guy held his uncut cock about halfway down the shaft, and began to pull his foreskin back. He went slowly, and I could see that his foreskin was a fair bit tighter than mine. Gradually his pink, wet head came into view, and his foreskin snapped behind the rim of his slimy glans.

“Whoa!” Boomed the guy next to me. “That’s fuckin cool bro. Wish I could do that.”

“I can do it too” I said with a smirk and, grasping my skin with two fingers, pulled back to reveal my own wet head. The sensation was incredible, feeling my skin slide over my sensitive glans. My head bulged a bit as my foreskin came back all the way. It was starting to plump up. The blonde uncut guy turned to the other two.

“So like, what’s this pinker part behind your heads here?” He gestured with his hand, pointing at both of their dicks.

“That’s our inner foreskin, I guess,” said the guy on the end. “Feels incredible to touch it there”. I noticed the other guys’ dicks were looking a little chubbier, too.

“Isn’t it really sensitive to have your head exposed all the time?” I asked.

“Nah mate,” said the guy next to me, “I can rub the head with my hand, it’s not too sensitive. Can you guys not touch your head directly?”

“We can,” I replied, “but only if it’s really wet, and even then you still have to be pretty gentle.”

“How do you guys masturbate without foreskin?” asked the blonde. The pale skinny guy on the end replied.

“Well, I don’t know about this guy, but I like to lube mine up and just stroke the shaft and head up and down.” The broad, curly-haired guy cut in.

“I don’t do it like that. I’ve got a fair bit of loose skin even when hard, so I just work that up the shaft and under the rim of my head. Feels incredible. Why? How do you guys do it?”

The blonde and I locked eyes, grinning but nervous. We were both getting harder, and this demonstration would definitely make us fully hard.

We moved into the centre of the bathroom, fully displaying our penises, and began to slide our foreskins up and down over our heads. “Whoa..” said the cut guys together.

“Ah fuck I’m getting hard” I said. And suddenly there was palpable tension in the air. This was the point that it could turn overtly sexual, nothing about this could be played off as a joke with the boys anymore.

“Fuck, me too.” Said the pale cut guy, stoking his bare head gently.

We all fell silent and stroked ourselves until we were fully hard. The broad curly-haired guy had a big dick while soft, but it was enormous when hard. His mushroom head was engorged and I could see the loose skin on his shaft he was talking about. The other cut guy’s dick looked so different. All the skin on his shaft was pulled taut. There was no movement whatsoever. His circumcision scar was quite prominent, and being so pale, there was a striking two-toned colour difference above and below the scar.

Finally, I looked at the blonde’s hard dick. His foreskin was still quite tight. He could leave it forward while hard, and it just sort of snapped over the tip, holding it up. Mine, on the other hand, would retract on its own about halfway down the head when hard.

Before long, we were all stroking our hard cocks, and hands began to wander. The broad cut guy held my cock and began to move my foreskin up and down, so I grabbed his huge, hard cut cock and began to stroke it. I couldn’t believe its size in my hand, and it felt incredible to touch his rough, exposed head.

My eyes scanned his body, his shirt now lifted up and underwear pulled down. He had a trail of dark hairs running from his belly button into his dark mat of pubes. His balls were enormous, too- hairy and heavy looking. I leant in closer and smelled his balls, almost instinctively. “Mmm fuck,” I said quietly. They smelt so musky and manly and made me even harder. The other two were stroking each other madly now, too. Everyone’s breathing was speeding up.

I was getting close, too. The broad cut guy was clearly exploring my foreskin and how it worked. His hands didn’t move the same as mine, and I could see him looking intently at my dick. But it felt amazing.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” shouted the pale guy, before suddenly pumping white spurts of cum all over the floor.

“Uh, Ah.” moaned the uncut blonde. And he came too, but his skin was forward and it sort of drizzled out the end of his puckered nozzle. Thick white drips oozed from his closed foreskin.

“I’m close.” Said the broad cut guy. “Put it in your mouth.” He said. I grabbed his thick shaft and put my mouth around his giant head. It was so hard, but also so soft in an indescribable way. Almost immediately, he pumped what felt like an entire mouthful of hot salty cum all over my tongue. It tasted so manly and hot. I swallowed and asked him to do the same. He took my cock and sucked on my foreskin, keeping it pulled over the head. Then, just as I came, he pulled it back and his wet mouth and tongue swirled across my sensitive head. I came incredibly hard, feeling every pump of cum as it shot out.

We all then pulled our pants up, laughed nervously, and walked out of the club, never to see each other again.

Published 12 months ago

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