Ragden woke the next morning, like any other. The alarm sounded, and he jumped out of bed and into the shower. A quick shave, a change of clothes, then breakfast. As he was finishing a bowl of cereal over yogurt, Jennifer wandered into the kitchen. Her robe was tied loosely around her figure. Ragden gazed at her for a moment, a touch of desire tickling his loins.
“Good morning, darling,” she breathed sleepily, noticing him watching her as she made a cup of tea. Ragden refocused his attention on his bowl and cleaned out the last little bit. He stood to wash his dishes and walked to the sink.
“I’ll take that, dear,” Jennifer gently took the bowl from his grip, and her fingers grazed his skin. An electric charge shot through him. She looked up at him and smiled. “Now, now, dear. None of that.”
She reached up and gently patted him on the cheek. Then leaned forward and kissed the other cheek. “Off to school with ya.”
Ragden looked at his hand, wondering what had just happened, as he slipped his shoes on and headed off to school. As Ragden walked down the path to the street, he did the same thing he did every day. He gently dragged his hands through the bushes. He felt them, loved them. Was it only his imagination, or did they caress his hand back? He stopped on the sidewalk and looked back up towards his house. The lush front yard gently swayed in the breeze. Only his imagination, right?
The walk to school was without incident. His first couple of classes went by in a blur. Homework turned in. New assignments were handed out. Notes taken during lectures. Between classes, the halls seemed quieter than before. Nobody jostled him. Nobody paid him any attention either. Which was normal. Something seemed different, but Ragden was not sure if it was just him, or if something had changed.
As the bell rang to end the third period, Ragden slipped from his class, first out the door. He wandered the halls. He wondered if he would see Aria, Emily, or Sarah. They were normally easy to spot, their taunts and jeers as they walked the halls, the center of attention. Today, the halls were quiet, and he could not spot them.
Then he spotted a glimpse of Aria as she was hurrying to class. His heart jumped into his throat, and Ragden ran after her, and then skidded to a halt as he came around a corner. She stopped and turned; a look of surprise crossed her face. She was not sure how to respond to his sudden presence.
“Hi,” she said tentatively, “Are you following me?”
Ragden stammered, shuffled his feet, “I… Uh… Yes, sorry. I wanted to know how you were doing. I know yesterday was a lot. If… If there is anything I can do.”
Aria listened as Ragden stuttered and fumbled with his words, clearly nervous about approaching her. She felt a mix of surprise and admiration for his willingness to check on her despite their tumultuous past.
“I’m doing okay, I guess,” she replied honestly, “Just trying to adjust to everything that’s happened.”
Ragden blushed a little. “It… It was a lot. I know, but I also know you can get through it. I have felt your strength.” Ragden’s cheeks turned a little redder. “Would… would you consider hanging out with me… Maybe during lunch? Or after class? A real date, maybe? I have no right to ask this of you after… after yesterday. But… I feel like, I want to get to know you better.”
Aria considered Ragden’s request, feeling both flattered and uncertain about the consequences of getting closer to him. She knew that their previous interactions had been intense, but she also recognized his genuine interest in getting to know her better.
“Uhm… okay,” she finally agreed, “Lunch sounds good.”
She smiled reassuringly, hoping that their conversation today would be less intimidating than their previous encounters. That they could develop a more normal relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.
“Great! Thanks… That means a lot to me. I just… I want to make sure you are okay. “
Ragden stepped a little closer to her and offered her his hand. Aria hesitated for a moment before taking it. She felt curious and apprehensive about what might happen next.
“I’ll be fine,” she assured him, “And I’m looking forward to talking with you over lunch.”
She gave his hand a gentle squeeze before letting go and heading off towards her class. She felt both excited and nervous about their upcoming conversation. Ragden breathed a sigh of relief and headed off to class.
Aria arrived at her class, took a seat, and focused on the lecture at hand. She tried to put aside her thoughts about Ragden and focus on the material at hand but found herself constantly distracted by the memory of their interaction earlier in the day. She wondered if he was thinking about her too. If he was as curious about her as she was about him.
During lunch period, Aria found herself sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria, waiting for Ragden to arrive. She glanced around nervously, scanning the room for any sign of him. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. When she spotted him approaching, she stood up to greet him with a warm smile on her face.
As Aria stood up from her table, Ragden tripped over his own feet, and almost fell, but recovered. He stood transfixed for a moment. He had never realized just how incredibly gorgeous she truly was. Without her haughty demeanor and cruel jests, she was the striking image of classical beauty. His eyes took in her small feet, shapely legs, the generous curve of her incredible ass, her tight stomach, and the perfect curves of her chest. The clean skin, sparkling eyes, and incredible blonde hair. His mouth almost dropped open, but he snapped it shut with a click. Then he stepped forward and extended a hand to her. His heart fluttered at the prospect of spending time with her.
Aria felt a surge of pride and confidence in her beauty, as she watched Ragden take in her appearance. She also felt a sense of unease about his intense reaction to it. She took his hand and led him to sit down next to her at the table.
“Thanks for meeting me,” she said, “I wasn’t sure you were actually going to show up.”
“How could I not? I am still shocked you agreed. I said, and did… a lot of things with you, to you, yesterday. Not all of them were kind. But I can see the change in you. I can sense the new you. And… It is mesmerizing. Your beauty, the true inner beauty I always knew you had… It shines like the sun. I feel like a gnat caught in your blinding brilliance.”
He shivered slightly, unable to take his eyes away from hers. Aria listened carefully as he spoke. She felt both flattered and unsettled by his intense gaze and compliments. She felt a mix of vulnerability and excitement. His validation of the changes she was feeling made her feel strengthened and surer of herself.
“Well, thank you,” she replied, “But I’m still me. Just a bit different, I suppose.”
She smiled reassuringly, hoping to convey that their new connection did not have to be only based on her beauty. Or his control over her. Instead, she wanted to explore the potential for a genuine connection between two complex individuals who had experienced profound transformation together.
“More than a bit different, I think. There is … something about you. More than your beauty.”
Aria watched as Ragden continued to study her intensely. As he searched for whatever it was that captivated him so deeply. She felt curiosity and trepidation about what he might discover, but also a growing sense of trust and openness towards him.
“What do you mean?” she asked, “There’s more to me than meets the eye?”
Her voice trembled slightly, revealing both her vulnerability and her eagerness to learn more about what made her interesting to him beyond her physical appearance.
“So much more.” Ragden reached out with one hand and took her hand in his. He squeezed her fingers gently, in his, reveling in the touch of her skin. An electric spark passed between them, causing the hairs on his arms to stand on end, as he gazed into her eyes.
“Last week, you would not even give me the time of day, unless it meant some kind of jab or taunt. Today, you sit with me, willingly. You are not being mean. Your poise and posture reveal an inner sense of calm and curiosity that you have never had before. It is… captivating. It is remarkable. It is. It just makes me want to hug you, and be near you, and spend time with you. I want to get to know the version of you that you always hid.”
Aria felt a rush of warmth spread through her body as Ragden took her hand. She felt the electricity that coursed through their connection. She sat quietly for a moment, considering his words. She tried to understand what had changed within her.
“Maybe I’ve always wanted to be seen differently,” she mused, “Or it’s just because of everything that happened yesterday. Either way, I am here with you now.”
She leaned closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. She felt a sense of comfort and security in his presence that she had not experienced with anyone else. Ragden put an arm around her and placed a hand softly on her shoulder. Another shiver ran down his back. Her presence was like sitting in the eye of a storm. The entire world spun around them, but their island of calm was a sanctuary of hope and peace. He leaned his head against hers, then kissed her softly on the forehead. Then he whispered against her skin, “Thank you for… being you.”
Aria felt a wave of contentment wash over her as she snuggled closer to Ragden. She felt safe and secure in his embrace. She appreciated the sense of calm and connection they shared, even though it contrasted sharply with the chaotic energy that surrounded them in the cafeteria.
“You’re welcome,” she replied softly, “And thank you for being patient with me.”
She moved her hand to cover his on her shoulder. She gave it a gentle squeeze as she enjoyed the warmth and comfort of their shared touch. With a tender hand, Ragden brushed the hair out of her eyes and locked his gaze with hers.
“Of course. I will always be here for you. Anything you need… Just ask.”
Then he kissed her forehead once again, softly, tenderly. He felt that electric current that passed through them again. He broke contact and looked into her eyes again and smiled happily. Aria felt a surge of affection and gratitude towards him. She cherished the moments of intimate connection they shared. She knew that they represented a rare opportunity for genuine connection and understanding.
“That means a lot to me,” she told him sincerely, “I don’t often let people in like this.”
She leaned in and planted a tender kiss on his lips, feeling a deep sense of vulnerability and trust in their exchange. Ragden leaned into her kiss. Tender, passionate, but reserved. His heart thundered in his chest, but he held himself in check and savored the moment. He gently squeezed her shoulder and waited for her to break the intimate contact.
Aria broke the kiss, feeling a sense of satisfaction and anticipation as she gazed into Ragden’s eyes. She felt the depth of their connection.
“I need to go prepare for class,” she suggested, “People are starting to stare at us.”
She hesitated for a moment before adding, “But I really appreciate you being here with me today.” She gave him a gentle smile and felt grateful for the chance to connect with him on a more personal level. Despite the challenges and the obstacles, they continued to face.
Ragden chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest that radiated heat out through his limbs. Aria snuggled a little closer trying to capture that warmth, “Are they? I suppose they are. I do not care what they think. They do not matter to me. You matter. You mean… everything. However, we are running out of time to eat.”
He reached down and picked up a piece of her food and brought it to her mouth. Tenderly waiting for her to take it. Aria giggled at Ragden’s defiant attitude. She felt amusement and admiration for his boldness. She took a bite of food from him and felt a sense of playfulness and intimacy in their exchange.
“Mmm, thanks,” she told him, “I’m really enjoying this.”
She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up and gathering her things. She felt a sense of contentment and satisfaction in their unexpected connection. Ragden smiled happily, a deep contentment spreading through his body as he watched her gather her stuff. Before Aria could leave, Ragden stood up, took her hand, and stopped her.
“When can I see you again?”
“Tomorrow,” she suggested, “We could meet after school. In the park, by the lake?”
Ragden smiled warmly at her, “I cannot wait. Thank you.”
Then he moved closer to her and kissed her on the forehead. Then he released her hand and headed off to class. Aria watched as Ragden dashed off to his next class. She felt surprised and pleased at the unexpected kiss on her forehead. She took a deep breath and headed off to her class. She felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for their upcoming rendezvous tomorrow.
’I can’t wait to see where this goes,’ she thought to herself, ‘Even if it means challenging the expectations and judgments of everyone around us.’
As Ragden jogged through the halls, his mind wandered to the encounter with Aria. He mused over her change in demeanor. The new person she was becoming was truly overwhelming. He hoped she was happy with who she was now and had said goodbye to who she had been. He turned a corner too quickly and ran headlong into Emily. Books went flying, papers fluttered in the air, and both were sprawled on the ground.
“Oh, my God, I’m so sorry,” Ragden said as he started to gather her stuff; then he realized who it was. His mind flashed to the events of the day before. The way she took all his cock into her ass, begged for him to cum in her. He blushed deeply.
“I am sorry. Are you okay?”
Emily started to gather her books and papers. She felt vulnerable and embarrassed as she recalled their previous encounter.
“I’m okay,” Emily assured him, “Just a little shaken up. You didn’t hurt me.”
Emily looked at Ragden. Saw the flush on his face. She realized how deeply their encounter had affected him. She felt satisfaction in knowing that she had left such an indelible mark on him, despite the risks.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” she told him honestly.
“Uncomfortable?” Ragden’s blush deepened a little further, and his cock started to stir in his pants. He held out her books, trying to hide his growing erection.” No. No. I… Are you okay? After everything?”
Emily watched as Ragden struggled to conceal his arousal. She felt amused and concerned. She knew that their previous encounter had left a powerful impression on him. She wondered if he was fully prepared for the emotional and physical consequences of their connection.
“I’m okay,” Emily reassured him, “It’s been a strange day, but I’m doing alright.”
She glanced at Ragden’s crotch and noticed the telltale signs of his arousal. She felt a sudden surge of curiosity and desire. Despite the initial hesitation towards exploring their connection further, she felt drawn to him and the intensity of their shared experience.
“Can I talk to you later?”
Ragden nodded and smiled happily. He reached out, and took her hand in his, gave it a soft squeeze, “I would like that very much. I just… wanted to make sure you were okay. Yesterday was… a lot.”
Emily felt a sudden thrill as Ragden took her hand. She felt vulnerability and tenderness in his touch. She looked into his eyes. Sensed the depth of his feelings, and the complexity of their connection.
“I’m okay,” she repeated, “And yes, I’d like to talk to you later.”
She gave him a warm smile and felt a sense of anticipation and curiosity about what might unfold between them during their private conversation. Despite the potential risks and challenges involved, Emily felt a growing attraction towards Ragden.
“After school? Can I walk you home?”
Emily hesitated for a moment. She felt nervous and excited about the prospect of inviting Ragden to her house. She knew that their previous encounter had left her vulnerable and exposed, but she felt a pull towards him and the potential for a deeper connection.
“Sure,” she agreed finally, “I’d like that.”
She gave him a small smile. She felt a sense of relief and anticipation as they walked side by side towards her next class. She knew that their journey towards understanding each other had only just begun.
“Awesome. Thank you.”
Ragden took her hand in his and stepped closer to her. He felt the charged air between them. Then he leaned in and planted a soft, tender kiss on her forehead. Then he stepped back and walked away from her. His fingers trailed out of her hand. He waved as he turned the corner and headed to class.
Emily watched as Ragden walked away. She felt a sudden surge of warmth and affection from the tender kiss on her forehead. She felt gratitude and anticipation towards him. She knew that their connection had grown stronger during their brief encounter. As she continued towards her class, she felt a sense of excitement about what awaited them later that afternoon when they talked privately.
“See you after school,” she murmured to herself, “And hopefully more.”
During his next class, Ragden could barely concentrate. His mind was filled with thoughts of Aria and Emily. The stark changes in their being. Maybe what he had done was right. Maybe they would be happier people after what he had done to them. Perhaps his father was right. It still weighed heavily on him. The experience had been intense, and something he would never forget. He wondered if he had taken it too far, pushed them too hard. Embarrassed them in front of everyone. As Ragden walked to his final class, lost in thought, he came around another corner. He noticed the hall was filled with people. Too many. Something strange must be going on. Unable to pick out what it was, he tried to squeeze through and found himself squeezed against Sarah. Her face inches from his, their bodies pushed together. His cock throbbed against his pants, and he could not hide it.
“Uh. Sorry… I… Hi. How are you?”
Sarah had been having a tough time with school all day. Barely able to concentrate on her classes, her mind constantly going over the details of the previous day. She relived the sensations. The embarrassment. The thrill. It sent shivers through her body. She could still feel the afterglow of her intense climaxes and ached to feel it again. She was not sure she could take it. The experience was far more powerful than she had ever expected it would be. Her body was sore. An ache and tiredness that seeped down into her bones. She felt like she could sleep for a week. She rounded a corner and found herself in a mash of people. Something was blocking the hall that she could not see. Her classroom was just beyond. She decided to try to push through. Then, suddenly, someone else was pushed against her in the crowd. To her surprise, she looked up and saw Ragden, pressed against her.
A warm wash of excitement flowed through her. Her body pressed against his; she felt the press of his massive cock against her body. She shivered. She knew what that cock tasted like. How it felt to have it in her. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate. She opened her eyes and looked into Ragden’s eyes. In those deep pools, she felt like she could drown, and be happy. In those eyes, she saw concern, and worry. He said something, but she did not hear.
A blush started to creep onto Ragden’s cheeks. His cock throbbed against his clothes against her, “I asked how you are doing?”
“I’m… I’m okay,” she said. “Just a bit overwhelmed today.”
Despite her attempt to maintain a composed exterior, Sarah felt a growing attraction towards Ragden and the intensity of his presence. Ragden leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear.
“I wanted to check on you… make sure you are doing okay with… with everything from yesterday.”
Sarah felt a sudden shiver run down her spine as Ragden’s voice reached her ear. She felt vulnerability and intimacy in his words. She turned her head slightly and felt a warmth spread through her body as she heard the concern in his voice, and the subtle hint of desire that lingered beneath the surface.
“Thank you,” she whispered back, “I’m managing. Just… It’s been a lot to process.”
She glanced around and noticed the curious stares of their fellow students. She felt a sense of exposure and vulnerability as they witnessed the unexpected interaction between her and Ragden. As the crowd started to thin, Ragden remained pressed against Sarah a moment longer than necessary. He enjoyed the press of her body against his. Then people noticed and stared, and he took a slow step back. A shiver ran down his back. He reached out, took her hand, and squeezed it in his, gently.
“I am glad you are okay. If there is… anything I can do.”
Sarah felt a sudden pang of disappointment as Ragden stepped away. She felt gratitude and desire in her eyes.
“You’ve already done so much,” she told him sincerely, “I don’t want to put any more pressure on you.”
She hesitated, then added, “But if you wouldn’t mind… maybe meeting up after school today?”
She bit her lip nervously. She felt excitement and anxiety about asking for more time with him. Especially given the intensity of their experiences thus far.
“I’d love to; I’m walking Emily home; would you like to join us?”
Sarah hesitated for a moment. She felt excitement and uncertainty about joining Ragden and Emily on their walk. She knew that their connection had grown stronger during their previous encounters but felt a sense of nervousness about potentially disrupting their dynamic or being seen as a third wheel.
“I like the sounds of that,” she agreed finally, “I’ll meet you guys at the edge of campus.”
She gave Ragden a warm smile, feeling a sense of appreciation towards him for including her in their private time together and providing an opportunity to explore their connection further.
“Awesome. I’ll see you after school then.”
Ragden stepped up close to her, squeezed her hand gently, and then planted a tender kiss on her forehead. Sarah felt a surge of warmth and affection from the kiss. Then he stepped away, still gently squeezing her hand, as he walked off to class, his fingers trailing away from her. She took a deep breath.
“I’ll see you soon,” she whispered to herself, “And I hope you don’t regret this choice.”
Then she headed to class feeling excited and nervous about what lay ahead.
Ragden’s last class went by in a blur. Unable to concentrate, his mind kept drifting back to his encounters with Aria, Sarah, and Emily. Each had been special and unique. All three filled him with excitement. They had become new people, and he was eager to get to know them better and spend time with them. It warmed his heart. After the bell rang, he gathered his stuff and rushed off to his locker to drop off books he did not need before heading home. Then he headed to the edge of campus to find Sarah and Emily.
Sarah and Emily had been waiting for Ragden near the edge of campus. They chatted casually as they waited. They could both feel the anticipation building between them. They knew that their time alone with him would be even more intense and intimate than before. Emily glanced at her watch and felt impatience and excitement as she watched the minutes tick by.
“He is taking forever,” she complained playfully, “I hope nothing happened to him.”
Sarah rolled her eyes and smiled. She felt warmth towards Emily for her concern and the bond they had formed.
“Don’t worry,” she assured her, “He’s probably getting ready to meet us.”
As he spotted the two of them waiting, Ragden’s heart skipped a beat. He ran up to them and stopped just short of them.
“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. Thank you so much for meeting with me.”
Emily and Sarah both giggled as he approached, feeling a sudden warmth and happiness at the sight of him. Ragden offered each a hand. They took turns shaking his hand. Each felt excitement and anticipation towards the upcoming walk together.
“We’re glad to be here,” they replied in unison, “And thank you for including us.”
Their eyes lingered on his hands for a moment. They remembered the intensity of their previous encounters and the pleasure they had experienced at his touch. Both girls felt a sense of vulnerability and trust towards Ragden. They knew he had brought them through such transformative experiences and had shown genuine care for their wellbeing.
“Whose house are we heading to first?” Ragden stepped between them. Put a hand out to each, allowing them to step next to him if they wished. His heart skipped a beat… He wanted them close. He wanted to feel their touch. He wanted to feel them against him, but was unsure if they would welcome that, or felt the same.
Sarah and Emily exchanged glances, considering which of them would walk beside Ragden. Eventually, Emily took his left hand in hers.
“I think we can walk with you,” she told him shyly, “Our house is close.”
Her hand lingered in his for a moment. She felt the warmth of his skin against hers. She imagined the possibilities of where their connection might head during their time together.
Ragden took Sarah’s hand in his right hand and squeezed it gently. Then he took Emily’s hand in his left hand and squeezed hers gently. He leaned over and gave Sarah a soft kiss on the forehead. Then he did the same for Emily. His heart was thundering in his chest. “Shall we go together then?”
Sarah and Emily felt a sudden warmth radiating from Ragden’s touch; their hearts raced as they both received gentle kisses. The sensation left them feeling connected and vulnerable.
“Yes,” they replied in unison, “Let’s go.”
They stepped closer to Ragden and wrapped their arms around his sides. Their hands rested lightly on his waist. They felt the firmness of his muscles beneath his clothes. They glanced at each other, exchanged nervous smiles, and tried to read each other’s thoughts. Ragden stood frozen in spot for a moment, as the ladies circled him. This was not expected. His heart skipped a beat, and his body surged with warmth. He closed his eyes, savored the moment, and enjoyed the feeling of them against him. Then he put his hands on their waists, softly, tenderly. Then they stepped off together.
“I hope your day wasn’t too difficult?” Ragden asked softly, looking at each of them.
Emily and Sarah exchanged glances and felt gratitude and nervousness towards Ragden’s gesture of support. They both nodded, grateful for his concern, but unsure of how to respond.
“It was… different,” Emily replied cautiously, “But we managed.”
Sarah nodded in agreement, and added, “Thanks for asking.”
The girls maintained their hold on Ragden’s waist as they walked. They felt a sense of comfort and safety in his presence. Despite the underlying tension caused by the day before. They felt feel a growing attraction towards him, and the thought of more intimate moments with him made their hearts race and their palms sweat.
Ragden smiled, gently squeezing their waists with his hands, comforting them. A sense of calm radiated out of him. A sense of rightness. This felt right.
“I… could hardly concentrate on my classes today. I kept wondering if you were both okay. I… I wanted to see you, to… be with you. I wanted to comfort you both and tell you that it is going to be okay.”
Emily and Sarah looked at Ragden with wide, surprised eyes. They felt a sudden surge of emotion as they realized the depth of his concern and the extent of his feelings toward them. They had both been struggling with the emotional fallout of the day before, but his words and gestures of support made them feel safe and protected.
“You did?” Emily asked softly, “We really appreciate that.”
Sarah nodded in agreement. She felt a sense of gratitude towards Ragden for reaching out to them. For making them feel valued and cared for amidst the chaos of their transformed lives. As they continued to walk, Ragden gently rubbed his hands against their sides, comforting and reassuring them.
“School can be so cruel… I did not want you to be trapped in that vicious cycle. Breaking out is… almost impossible. I wanted to give you that gift. Disrupting your lives like I did was unfair. It was… a different kind of cruelty. I am sorry. It felt like the right thing to do at the time… but…”
He looked at each of them and smiled affectionately. Emily and Sarah exchanged glances. They felt a sudden warmth towards Ragden for his honest admission of remorse. His willingness to acknowledge the consequences of his actions. They appreciated his efforts to provide them with a sense of stability and normalcy amidst the turmoil of their changed lives. They could sense that he genuinely cared for them and wanted to support them.
“It’s okay,” Emily told him gently, “We understand why you did what you did, and we appreciate your concern now.”
Sarah nodded in agreement, her gratitude growing for Ragden for his openness and the opportunity to learn more about him and explore their connection. Ragden stopped and turned to look into Emily’s eyes. His gaze was tender yet searching. He ached to see that she was okay. That she truly meant what she said.
“I can see within you, the strength of your character. The strength of your soul. I am comforted by what I see. I had worried that I might have… broken you. I can see that I did not. Thank you for sharing that.”
He turned to look at Sarah and saw the same strength and smiled happily. “Thank you both…”
Sudden warmth surged through Emily and Sarah as Ragden spoke tenderly and directly to them. His words provided validation and comfort that they deeply appreciated.
“You’re welcome,” Emily replied softly, “We’re just glad that you reached out to us and helped us through this.”
Sarah nodded in agreement. She felt that Emily had captured the essence of what she wanted to say. Ragden squeezed their waists a little tighter. Pulled their sides against his own. He relished the feeling of their closeness. His heart thumped heavily in his chest, and a sense of care, protection, and love radiated out of him. He whispered, just loud enough for them to hear.
“I will always be here if you need me. Any time. Anywhere. Call on me, and I will be there.”
“Thank you,” Emily said softly, “We appreciate your offer.”
Ragden stopped and pulled them gently around to face him. He looked down at them and smiled. “This is no offer. This is a promise. One I speak with utmost sincerity. Please take it to heart.”
Emily and Sarah stood shoulder to shoulder. A small circle of warmth and security.
“We appreciate that,” Emily replied softly, “And we’ll never forget your kindness.”
Ragden kissed each on the forehead. Softly. Tenderly. Then he pulled them back to his side. His arms around their waists as they walked towards Emily’s house.
“Do either of you know what happened in the hall before last period? That was quite the crowd, but I never did see what the cause was…”
Emily and Sarah exchanged glances, feeling a sudden flush of embarrassment as they remembered the scene in the hallway.
“No,” Emily admitted hesitantly, “We were sort of preoccupied with… other things.”
“It does not matter. I was only curious if you had heard. I too was… preoccupied.” He looked down at each of them in turn and smiled again. “Pre-occupied in the best of ways, I must admit.”
They both returned his smile, feeling warmth and connection.
“Yeah,” Emily agreed, “It’s hard to focus sometimes when life gets crazy.”
Ragden chuckled softly. His body shook gently with the feel of it. There was something sensual to the sound of it. Emily and Sarah felt a sudden rush of heat in their cheeks as Ragden’s laughter washed over them.
“I would rather find my time focused on… other things,” He squeezed them both to emphasize his point, “than whatever silliness is happening in our school.”
Excitement surged through the girls.
“Well,” Emily said coyly, “We are happy to be your focus right now.”
Warmth radiated out from Ragden at their words. His heart thumped a little harder; heat suffused his body and pulsed outward. He felt a spark of excitement course through his limbs and pass into both girls at his sides.
“And I cannot express how much joy it brings to my heart to be spending this time with you.”
Warmth and energy flowed through their bodies as Ragden’s heartbeat pulsed stronger and his excitement transferred to them. They both felt a growing sense of connection and intimacy towards him. They could sense something powerful was building between them. The anticipation of what lay ahead made their hearts race.
“We’re happy to be spending time with you too,” Emily replied softly, “And we feel the same way.”
Noticing that they were quickly approaching Emily’s house, Ragden stopped and turned towards her, Sarah against his side. His heart thumped hard in his chest. His palms were suddenly damp with perspiration. He took her hand in his and looked her in the eye.
“What comes next? Do you wish to invite us in? Or is it too much? Are your parents home? Do you have things you need to do tonight? I do not want to intrude or presume too much.”
Emily and Sarah exchanged glances, feeling warm and excited.
“We’d love for you to come inside,” Emily replied softly, “My mom’s at work, and my dad’s out of town, so it’s just Sarah and I here.”
Ragden’s heart skipped a beat. His world greyed out around the edges. All he could see or hear was them. Emily and Sarah. His two angels.
“I truly… you would want…” His voice broke, words lost. Emily and Sarah’s hearts raced a little faster, watching the mix of vulnerability and raw emotion in Ragden’s eyes. Admiration swelled in them for Ragden for being open and authentic with his feelings towards them. Ragden blushed and looked at the ground. His body responded. Heat pulsed. Blood raced. His cock throbbed in his pants. His imagination ran wild. The endless possibilities. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and steadied himself. Centered himself. He squeezed Emily’s hand, and then Sarah’s in turn. Making sure they were still real, still by his side. He opened his eyes, and looked at each in turn, smiling warmly. “I would be honored to see the place you call home. Thank you.”
“We’d love to have you over,” Emily said softly, “Please come in.”
Ragden squeezed their hands, almost painfully, then remembered his strength, and eased off. He kept their hands held tight in his.
“I… Pardon me, but… this feels like a dream.”
He followed them up the walk to the front door admiring the house. The simple, yet elegant front yard. The tree with a swing hanging from its branches. He could sense the love and joy spent playing in this yard.
Emily opened the door and led them through the living room and into the kitchen area. She offered them seats at the table while she prepared some tea for them all.
Seated at the table, Ragden watched Emily’s every move in the kitchen. He watched the elegant curve of her legs. The sweep of her ankles. The swish of her ass as she rounded the corner. Then he turned to Sarah, squeezed her hand, and smiled affectionately. Then he cocked an eyebrow in Emily’s direction and spoke soft enough that he thought only Sarah could hear.
“She is gorgeous to watch, is she not?”
Sarah turned towards Ragden, surprised by his comment, but flattered, nonetheless. She smiled shyly and nodded in agreement, feeling warmth towards him for noticing her interest in Emily and for sharing the moment of intimacy with her.
“Yes,” she replied softly, “She’s very beautiful.”
Emily, who had been preparing the tea, overheard the conversation and felt a sudden blush creeping across her cheeks as she tried to maintain her composure and act naturally despite the unexpected compliment.
Ragden blushed, realizing his voice was a hair louder than he anticipated. His pants suddenly became too tight. He looked into Sarah’s eyes and searched for some comfort there. He saw her amusement at his discomfort. He chuckled softly. It was an almost sensual sound that gently filled the room.
“You are both incredible. Beauty beyond just the physical. Ugh, I sound like a fool. You are both incredibly beautiful. With Aria by your side, you are the three most beautiful women in the school. No argument.”
Emily and Sarah exchanged glances, feeling a sudden mix of surprise and pleasure at Ragden’s compliments, which seemed to come straight from the heart. They both felt a growing sense of appreciation towards him for recognizing their inner beauty. Sarah’s cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Emily felt a sense of pride in knowing Ragden found them both so attractive and desirable.
“Thank you,” Sarah said softly, “That’s sweet of you to say.”
Emily returned to the table, with the prepared tea. Ragden took the cup from her hands. Then took a small sip. He smiled at the delicious taste. He nodded in thanks.
“This is wonderful. Thank you. Thank you both for allowing me to be here with you.”
“You’re welcome,” Emily said, smiling warmly, as she watched Ragden savor the tea. Her eyes met Sarah’s briefly before returning to him. Her heart swelled as she watched him take the time to enjoy being in their presence.
“It’s our pleasure having you here,” Sarah added softly.
Ragden reached out and took Sarah’s hand in his, squeezing it gently. He caressed her knuckles with his thumb. Sarah’s heart thudded harder, as she felt the warm embrace of Ragden’s hand. Then he took another sip of tea. He placed the cup on the table in front of him and took Emily’s hand in his other hand. Squeezed it gently and caressed her knuckles as well.
“This has been a most wonderful way to end a long day at school. What would you like to do now?”
“Whatever you want,” Sarah replied softly, feeling a sense of trust and anticipation towards Ragden. Emily nodded, agreeing with Sarah. They both grew excited about Ragden giving them the freedom to choose how they wanted to spend their time together. For making them feel so comfortable and at ease with one another.
Ragden smiled warmly, looking at each of them in turn. “This is YOUR house… I am perfectly happy to sit here with you as long as you want.” He continued to squeeze their hands and caressed their knuckles. Sensually conveying his love and concern for them.
“We’d like to stay here with you,” Emily said softly, “Just talking and getting to know you better.”
Ragden smiled happily. His hand was warm in theirs. The physical connection felt increasingly like something deeper. “You can ask of me whatever you want.”
Emily and Sarah felt a sudden sense of excitement. They both felt anxious about what questions they could ask. They felt a growing sense of trust that he would be able to handle anything they threw at him.
“What are your favorite books?” Emily asked softly, looking at him with curiosity.
Ragden smiled at Emily and continued to caress her knuckles as he pondered her question. Then he turned to Sarah and smiled at her as well.
“That is a hard question. So many good books out there. If I had to pick a favorite, I would be hard-pressed to decide on one specifically. However, The Game of Thrones books are amazing, some of the best fantasy I have ever read. The Expanse novels are also utterly amazing. Best sci-fi I have read in a long time. Their treatment of gravity and space is quite remarkable. Have you read either series?”
“Those sound great,” Emily said, smiling at him with interest. She turned to Sarah, who was already scribbling notes on her phone. She was ready to add the new book recommendations to her reading list.
Ragden smiled at Emily, realizing that these were not idle questions to pass the time, but they were genuinely interested in his response. “What kinds of books do you enjoy?” He asked them both looking from one to the other.
“Oh, we love books!” Emily enthused, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She leaned forward slightly, clearly eager to discuss her favorites.
“I love historical fiction, especially set during World War II. And Sarah adores mysteries – she is always trying to solve the puzzles within the pages of her books!”
Ragden chuckled to himself, amused at her enthusiasm. This was unexpected. The mean girl, who used to taunt her fellow students, a lover of historical fiction? Quite unexpected. He squeezed her hand firmly and caressed her knuckles. He gazed adoringly into Emily’s eyes, and he spoke softly.
“That is amazing. Which is your favorite? Do you have a favorite passage you would like to share with me?”
Emily’s eyes widened in surprise at Ragden’s request. She saw sincerity in his gaze and curiosity. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if it was wise to share her favorite passage with him. But after taking a deep breath and finding the courage to be vulnerable with him, she spoke softly.
“Well…” She began shyly, looking away for a moment before meeting his eyes again. “One of my all-time favorite passages is from ‘The Book Thief’ by Markus Zusak. It’s… um…” Her voice trailed off as she fumbled for the right words.
Ragden nodded, encouraging her to continue. Then he squeezed her fingers and spoke softly. “It is okay, if it would be easier, you can go grab the book. I’ll wait here.”
Emily’s eyes lit up with gratitude and relief, and she quickly scurried off to find her copy of ‘The Book Thief’. While she was gone, Ragden took the opportunity to stealthily observe Sarah, who had been quietly listening to their conversation and taking note of his interactions with Emily. He noticed how attentively she listened and how her eyes never left his face, as if trying to decipher his every expression and gesture. He could not help but feel drawn to her intense gaze and the curiosity that seemed to radiate from her eyes. When Emily returned with the book, she handed it to Ragden and sat back down beside him, nervously biting her lower lip as she waited for him to finish reading the passage she had chosen.
Ragden read the passage to himself and rolled the words around in his mind. Then he read the passage aloud for Emily. He added the right emphasis in the right phrase, intoned it, and filled the room with a mildly dramatic reading of it. Then he turned to Emily who sat rapt with tears in her eyes and smiled. Her heart swelled with admiration for him not only for his skillful delivery of the words but also for the genuine care and attention he displayed towards her and her interests.
“That is a gorgeous passage. I can see why you enjoy it so much. I hope I did it justice when I read it aloud?”
After a few moments of silence, Emily found her voice and whispered shyly to Ragden, “You did great.” She dabbed at her eyes with her sleeve. “I think you made it even better.”
Ragden reached out and gently caressed her cheeks, drying the tears. Then he took her hands in his and gazed lovingly into her eyes. Emily felt her heart swell with joy and warmth as Ragden gently wiped away her tears and held her gaze with unwavering kindness and compassion.
“You are welcome. I am so happy you could bring that and share it with me. Thank you.”
His gentle touch and reassuring words brought a sense of safety and support that she had not experienced in years. As he gazed deeply into her eyes, Emily felt a profound sense of acceptance and love from him, which allowed her to fully embrace her vulnerabilities and fears with confidence and grace.
Ragden then turned to Sarah, and took her hands in his, gently squeezing her fingers. “Sarah, you like mysteries? Which is your favorite?”
Sarah smiled shyly at Ragden’s attention and the genuine interest he showed in her hobbies and interests. She looked at Emily who was lost in thought as she reminisced about their shared reading experience. She hesitated a moment before speaking up.
“Umm… I really like Agatha Christie’s ‘And Then There Were None,” she said softly, her eyes shining with excitement at the mention of her beloved story. “It’s so suspenseful and full of twists and turns. It keeps me guessing until the very end!”
Ragden smiled at her, squeezing her hands, “Do you have a favorite passage that you would like to share?”
Sarah’s eyes widened in surprise at his request, but she saw the sincerity in his gaze and curiosity. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if it was wise to share. After taking a deep breath, and finding the courage to be vulnerable with him, she spoke softly. “Well…” She started nervously. “My favorite passage is this one. It reads, ‘Ten Little Soldiers, sitting up late, Nine little Soldiers tapping at the gate…’”
Ragden listened in rapt attention, watching her every nuance and movement as she recited the passage. When she finished, he clapped in appreciation of her recital. “Wonderful!” Then he took her hands in his again and squeezed them gently. “Thank you for sharing that.”
Sarah’s cheeks flushed pink with surprise and embarrassment at his enthusiastic applause for her. She grinned shyly at his praise and squeezed his hands in return, feeling a sense of connection and trust in him that went beyond her earlier feelings. She was thrilled to share her passion for mysteries with him and to continue exploring their shared interests throughout the rest of the evening. Their time together continued to fly by in a whirlwind of shared laughter, fascinating conversations, and intimate moments. As the clock ticked towards the end of their time together, Emily and Sarah could not help but feel a sense of sadness at the approaching end of their magical afternoon with Ragden.
Noting the time and realizing that it would be improper to overstay his welcome, Ragden started to gather his stuff together and prepared to leave. Noting their saddened expressions, he took their hands in his and squeezed them lovingly.
“When does your mother return home? I would not mind meeting her if you are okay with that. She must be wonderful to have such incredible daughters as you…”
Emily giggled. “Just my mom, silly. Sarah stays over so often she is like family, but we are not related.”
Ragden blushed at his faux pas, “My apologies… Still, would it be okay if I met her?”
Emily and Sarah’s eyes lit up with delight and surprise at Ragden’s offer to meet Emily’s mother. They both spoke in unison, their voices filled with excitement and anticipation. “Yes! Yes, please do. We’d love for you to meet her. She is a great person. Just… hm… warn us first? Please. About…” Emily stopped. She did not want to seem rude, but she did not want Ragden to underestimate her mother.
Ragden raised an eyebrow quizzically. Then smiled knowingly. He squeezed her hand gently. “Probably best she did not know we had crazy sex in the middle of the school campus with everyone watching. I can understand that she would not appreciate that.” He chuckled bawdily, a sensual, sexual sound, filled with the love of these two incredible women. “Though… if she knew the effect it had on you…”
Emily and Sarah giggled nervously at Ragden’s playfully teasing tone and implications. Despite their initial wariness towards him due to his reputation as the school nerd, that they had picked on only days before, they had come to see him as someone who understood them on a deeper level than anyone else. Their laughter slowly faded as they realized the weight of his statement and the potential consequences of revealing too much information about their shared encounter with him.
“Yeah, let’s not tell Mom that part,” Emily said with a small smile, still feeling the lingering effects of their passionate encounter. “But she’ll love you. I promise. You’re amazing.”
Ragden blushed and blinked hard to keep his eyes focused. “You are too kind.” He quickly wiped his eyes, brushing back the tears starting to form.
Just then, the front door opened, and a small, lovely woman entered their home, calling out greetings. As she came around the corner, the girls stood, with Ragden standing in the middle. Her hair was a mousy brown, tussled from a day of work. Her eyes sparkled with intensity and hardened at the sight of the strange young man before her. She nodded curtly to Emily and Sarah, then looked Ragden up and down.
Emily stepped forward bravely, her voice steady with conviction. “Mom, this is Ragden.” She introduced him to her mother with the same honesty and openness that she had shown throughout their time together. Her mother was a woman who prided herself on being fair, and quick to judge.
“Ma’am,” he took her hand firmly in his, conveying strength and compassion. It is a pleasure to meet you. You must be something remarkable to have such a caring and incredible daughter.”
Emily’s mom studied Ragden closely, sizing him up with a critical eye. She was not sure what to make of him – this seemingly innocuous young man who had captivated her daughter’s heart and attention. She was quick to size him up, and her scrutiny was honest and forthright. “Mr. Ragden. I must say… I did not expect to find you here. You and my daughter seem remarkably close. What is the nature of your relationship?”
“To be honest, Ma’am, I am still trying to figure that part out. Your daughter needed some comfort and someone to lean on at school today. She allowed me to provide that…”
Emily’s mother narrowed her eyes, studying Ragden’s response carefully. She could sense the genuineness in his words, but she remained cautious, nonetheless. She had raised her daughter to be strong and independent, and she did not want her to become dependent on anyone – particularly not on a former target of her bullying.
“I see,” she replied guardedly. “Well, I trust that you’re treating her with respect and care.” She extended her hand for a firm handshake, signaling the end of their brief introduction and making it clear that she expected Ragden to maintain appropriate boundaries with her daughter moving forward.
Taking her hand firmly in his own, Ragden responded solemnly, “I would never dream of anything else.”
Emily and Sarah watched Emily’s mother and Ragden interact, their eyes filled with admiration and pride. Even though they knew her mother was being cautious, they appreciated her willingness to give Ragden a chance to allow them to continue developing their relationship without interference or control. Emily’s mother was a woman of action and few words. Her decision to trust Ragden with her daughter meant everything. Emily stepped forward confidently, her eyes bright with determination.
“Thanks for letting us spend time with him today, Mom,” she said earnestly. She glanced at Sarah before continuing. “We’ll make sure to stay safe and not get into trouble.”
Ragden turned to the women, taking each of their hands in his, squeezing them gently. He brought Emily’s hand to his mouth, softly kissing her knuckles. Then he did the same for Sarah. He looked at each, trying to convey his care and affection for both.
“Until tomorrow, then. Thank you for the most wonderful of afternoons.”