My Brother’s Wife: Part 3

"The rest of our guests wouldn't arrive until the next day, but we did just fine starting without them!"

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Gina’s plan worked to perfection, both of us able to do a little bit of extortion and arm-twisting to get the weekend after July Fourth off from our jobs, so we let everyone know that our party was planned for then. We’d sort of set it up so that everyone could show up when they wished, but if they came up on Friday night were welcome to spend the weekend with us, or even just the one night if they couldn’t show up until Saturday.

Sherry and Tom chose to come up on Friday, and Gina drove down from her place to enjoy a rare Friday night with friends, away from her job tending bar. They got acquainted over dinner at a Mexican place we like in town, where we all sat outside at a table on the deck overlooking the Arkansas River. Gina and Tommy hit it off well, which I’d hoped for, and she remarked, as many do, how much he and I resembled each other. Sherry liked her too – not surprising given Gina’s extroverted nature – but I’d been worried that the green-eyed monster might show up since Sherry knew that her husband and Gina would probably be doing the horizontal bop over the next couple of days.

Then again, Sherry was very much hoping to get laid too and perhaps felt that any show of jealousy early might jeopardize her chances, or even make the entire party go belly-up. Or maybe she simply wasn’t jealous and merely hoped we’d all have some good, sexy fun together! In any event, it went well, and after we got back to our house we each got our favorite adult beverage and settled in the family room, the largest in the house, in front of the fireplace.

The night was cool, almost cold, as mountain nights at our altitude are even in mid-summer, and both Gina and I were in short skirts, hers lightweight fake suede, and mine denim. Nobody else was dressed warmly either since the day had been warm and sunny, so we’d lit a small fire. Combined with snuggling together, it was enough.

The three of them had taken the sofa, where I noticed that Gina was paying special attention to Tom – and that he was smitten – but skillfully keeping Sherry involved using her awesome bartender people skills, touching each of them occasionally, forming a bond. It seemed to be working, and both Sherry and Tom quickly relaxed and warmed to her, laughing and chatting freely. I was sitting snuggled to Richard in our oversized armchair, sort of a chair/loveseat hybrid, his arm around my shoulders. I had my hand on his leg, and would occasionally sneak a touch or a caress to his fun bits when nobody was looking our way. He’d changed to cotton knit workout pants and was commando, “freeballing” as he calls it, so he felt very nice, all loose, his big cock limp beneath the thin knit!

Mostly we just became very comfortable with each other, and with the expectation of where things were going this weekend, sexuality a new paradigm entering the relationship we shared with my brother and sister-in-law. We swapped stories, some sexual, others humorous or just fond memories, but I think we all sensed the arousal building slowly over the next couple of hours as drinks and a couple of joints loosened us up.

Richard snuck occasional touches of my nipples into our cuddle, and they stayed enthusiastically erect, my pussy hot and ready. Soon, his semi-erection was outlined clearly against his thin pants, every detail visible, and I caught Sherry checking him out on several occasions, her big nipples piqued with arousal.

When Richard went out to refill drinks, she stared at his tight buns as he walked away, and as she looked at his package, his cock swinging freely, on his return trip, she licked her lips. When she looked at me and realized she’d been busted checking out my husband’s junk, she blushed, but I just smiled and winked at her. I’d never really thought about Richard and Sherry together – I’d invited Seth, James, and Jason so that she’d have plenty of well-endowed (an important factor for her) male company from which to choose – but clearly, she had other ideas and was including her brother-in-law, my husband, for consideration. I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about that, beyond worrying that it might strain the bond that Tom and Richie had formed, but I suppose, given her interest in Richie’s naked pics (which I’d shown her) and admiration of his male apparatus, I should have expected it.

Later, Gina got up to collect a few snack items, and when she returned, she insinuated herself between Tom and Sherry on the sofa. They didn’t move apart much to make room for her, so they were pressed intimately together. Gina, being a take-charge type, soon began to move things forward, touching my brother more and getting closer to his erogenous zones – one, in particular, as she caressed his thigh and he began to pitch a tent in his pants.

She turned and kissed him, long and deep, and I watched a series of mixed emotions play across Sherry’s face. When Gina broke the kiss, Tommy looked a little shell-shocked, but he smiled when she said, “Wow, you’re a great kisser! Makes me wonder what else you can do with that tongue.”

Turning to Sherry, she said, “I’ll bet you know – is he as good with his tongue as I think he is?”

Sherry blushed, which was hilarious because it answered Gina’s question, but she said, “Oh my yes! He’s very good and very generous, and I…”

Her words were interrupted as Gina slid her hand behind Sherry’s neck and pulled her forward, their lips meeting. I sensed Sherry hesitating for a moment, trying to pull back, but she overcame her surprise and was soon returning the kiss quite ardently. Having had sexual conversations with Sherry, and knowing how eager she was to expand beyond their rather vanilla relationship, it probably shouldn’t have surprised me when she brought her hand to Gina’s breasts, squeezing and fondling before teasing our friend’s erect nipples – but it did. Apparently, she’d included a little bisexual action in her expanding interests and fantasies!

Gina moaned softly and pressed forward against Sherry’s hand while bringing her hand up to return the favor. Sherry is bigger-busted than either Gina or me, and Gina is considerably more endowed than I am, so they each had a lot of boobage to mash and fondle and they both have large, prominent nipples. They seemed to enjoy what they were doing, but I couldn’t get over how quickly Sherry had jumped on board the bisexual train, at least to this limited degree; it had taken me much longer, and more bold action and encouragement from Gina!

Tom stared at them, watching his wife and the newest object of his desires making out and playing. I could tell that their tongues were wrestling, and while I don’t know what effect that might have had on Sherry, I do know that it arouses Gina immensely.

When they parted, Sherry looked a little stunned, but she smiled before standing up and moving around Tommy, rearranging the positions until he was in the middle between the two of them. Once they got settled again, Sherry took Gina’s hand and pressed it to Tommy’s pants tent! I’m not sure who was more surprised, but I think it caught everyone but Sherry off guard – not that Gina wouldn’t have found her way there soon enough. My brother looked over at us, the surprise plain on his face, and when he found us watching, he blushed.

I smiled and winked at him to encourage him and got a weak smile in return, but by then the two women were working on his belt, button, and zipper, intent on getting him out of his pants. With four experienced hands, it didn’t take them long to have his pants and underwear around his knees, and his cock stood up from his lap, hard as a crowbar! I hadn’t seen him naked in years, even longer since I’d seen him erect, but Tommy is the poster boy for average.

It’s weird for me to think of him in this way since he’s my brother, but he has a very nice cock. Not huge, perhaps five-plus inches or so, average in thickness, but very pretty in shape and color and, at the moment, incredibly hard. By sheer luck of the draw he’d be the smallest guy at our place for the weekend, but I don’t think anyone but he would think twice about that; Gina, now stroking him, a big smile on her face, seemed to find him quite acceptable!

Sherry fondled his balls as she said to Gina, “He adores having his cock sucked.”

Gina laughed. “Him and every other man. Fortunately, I adore sucking cock!” With that, she dived on him, taking his cock deep into her mouth before backing off to lick and suck on him. Sherry, still fondling Tommy’s balls, leaned in and kissed him while Gina sucked his cock.

As their lips parted he whispered something to her, and she touched Gina’s shoulder. When Gina looked up at her, Sherry said, “He’s extremely aroused, so you might want to take it a little slow, or…”

Gina stopped her. “Yes, I could tell.” She looked at him. “It’s fine, Tom, I’ll back off a little but come whenever you need to – and you don’t need to pull away or warn me. I love the sensation of a man coming in my mouth, and you have such a lovely, suckable cock!”

Tommy smiled at her, but when he glanced over at us he still looked uncomfortable. To ease his mind – and because I wanted to suck it – I tugged Richie’s pants down enough, with his help, to free his cock so that Tommy wouldn’t be the only one exposed. I stroked him slowly for a minute or two as we watched Gina suck my brother, but I saw both of them eyeing us. Tommy’s expression was unreadable, but Sherry’s was not! Her lips were slightly parted and wet, as she kept licking them, and her face and upper chest were flushed with arousal, her eyes locked on my fingers moving slowly up and down on Richie’s big cock.

It didn’t take her long to make her move; after watching me stroke him for maybe half a minute, she stood and crossed to us. Kneeling between his feet, she reached out and touched him, wrapping her fingers around his shaft just above mine. Sherry is an attractive woman anyway, but now, her face flushed with arousal, her eyes smoky, and her lips wet and slightly parted, she looked incredibly sexy. When she dragged her eyes from my husband’s cock long enough to look up at us, we smiled, and I softly said, “Go ahead.”

I knew she wanted to take him in her mouth, and those two words were all it took. She leaned in eagerly, licking him from balls to tip before engulfing his cock, moaning as she slid her lips over his large head and down his shaft. Richard groaned and pushed up, thrusting into her mouth… and Tommy came!

Seeing his wife so visibly aroused and so eager to suck Richard’s cock, coupled with Gina’s lips on him, was more than he could take, and he gasped and grunted as he pumped away into her mouth. Gina made a small, “Mmm, mmm,” sound that accompanied each new spurt into her mouth – she does that, and we’d heard it before, so I knew exactly what was happening.

He was having trouble dividing his attention between Gina taking a mouthful of his cum and his wife sucking Richard’s cock, but he did his best to take in both sights and when his eyes shifted to mine, he looked a little surprised to realize that his sister was still there, watching all of this. I smiled at him to let him know it was all good and got a tentative smile in return.

Not to be left out of the action – and probably adding to Tommy’s consternation, I stood up in the chair and stepped over Richard, straddling him as I pulled my skirt up, and pressed my horny cunt to his lips, my knees sinking into the back of the chair. Richard had placed one hand on the back of Sherry’s head as she bobbed up and down on his cock, resting the other on his thigh, but now he brought them both up, sliding beneath my skirt to grip my ass and press me to his face.

I was incredibly aroused, no doubt soaking, dripping wet, but he nuzzled and licked and moaned like it was the best thing he’d ever had. I knew I’d come soon, but for the moment I glanced over my shoulder at Gina and Tom… just in time to see her let his softening, shrinking cock slip from her lips, raise her head and swallow, and then stretch up to press her cum-slick lips to his. I could tell they were tongue wrestling, Gina giving him a taste of his load, and was surprised at how eagerly Tom took it! I guess I’d just never thought about my brother being kind of kinky, but I loved that he was.

If that had surprised me, it was nothing to what I felt when I looked down to see Sherry swallowing my husband’s big cock down to the hilt! I’ve had years of practice, and I can’t do that without gagging, but ‘inexperienced’ Sherry, who’d never had sex with anyone but my brother and his five-inch penis, was taking my husband’s thicker eight inches right down her throat like a pro. This I had to see, so I turned around, leaning forward, hands on my knees so I could watch Sherry’s magic act, and Richard pulled my ass back to his face, his tongue returning to duty very efficiently.

I could tell that Richard was loving it by the tension in his body and the way he was eagerly fucking her mouth, and it seemed to make him go at me even more enthusiastically. Sherry, meanwhile, had her eyes closed and was letting him slide almost out of her mouth with each stroke, taking him back down her gullet when she came forward. It was amazing, as if she’d been swallowing big cocks her whole life, and I wished my brother had a better view of what his sweet, innocent wife was doing. Just then, however, all he had a view of was Gina’s mound and the underside of her boobs, because he had his face buried in her pussy.

Watching all that and getting my pussy licked, I was about to come when Richie suddenly pushed me away, gasping. “Sher, stop… wait… fuck! You’re about to get a mouthful if you’re not careful.”

She slowly withdrew, letting his cock escape her lips with an audible pop, and smiled up at us with wet, puffy lips. “That’s what I was hoping for… you want me to stop?”

“No… I mean, yeah. I guess I thought you might want to try it in for size.”

“In… like, as in fuck you?”

He nodded. “Sure. I mean, if you want to.”

“Want to…” She looked at me. “Is that okay with you?”

I shrugged and smiled at her. “Sure; in for a penny, in for a pound, right?”

She looked at Richard’s big, wet, very aroused cock, and shuddered. “God yes, I so want to!”

When she stood and moved to straddle him, I whispered, “You might want to ask Tom too.”

To my surprise, she’d thought to turn around first so that she was facing her husband and Gina and would be riding Richard reverse cowgirl. If I’d thought of it I would have suggested that so that they could look at each other as she took Richie, but she’d thought of it all on her own. I wondered if she wanted to make him watch, or if he’d asked her to be sure to include him.

In any event, as she positioned herself over Richard’s upright cock, she reached down and took him in hand, lining him up with her pussy, and she said, “Tommy…?” He raised his head from Gina’s crotch, his face glistening wetly, and stared. “Are you sure we’re okay with this, honey?”

He nodded mutely, but when he swallowed it was an audible gulp. Permission received, Sherry began to lower herself onto Richard’s cock. She had a captive audience, all three of us – four, counting Richie – staring as she rubbed the head of his cock between her puffy lips, moaning as she stroked it across her clit. As she opened to him, the broad head of his cock parting her, she wiggled a little and he slipped in.

“Oh, my God!” A shudder ran through her as he stretched her to accommodate him, and she held there for a moment, perhaps two inches of his cock inside of her. Richard is significantly thicker than Tom, but I knew she must have toys his size or larger – she’d said so! Still, there’s nothing like a real flesh and blood cock, with a real man attached, and I sensed that Sherry didn’t want to miss a single sensation of her first “other man” going deep into her body.

Richie had his hands on her hips – I’d moved out of the way to where both he and I could see better – and we had a front-row seat to watch her slowly, gradually slide down his pole, savoring each inch as it slid into her. She was making little mewling, moaning noises of pleasure, her body shuddering at his intrusion, and I was only mildly surprised when she took every bit of him on that first, slow, deep plunge.

When she was fully impaled, her cunt wrapped around the thick base of his cock and…

Published 12 months ago

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