It was parent initiation day at St. Barts Sixth Form College, where parents of lower sixth form pupils attend a series of classes so they can understand the discipline regime that is in place. It was the strictly enforced discipline regime that was the big selling point for the college because the pupils tended to work harder and get better results because of it.
What was discovered quite early on was that whilst parents seemed quite happy for the pupils to be subject to discipline, they weren’t so happy to be subject to it themselves during the parent initiation days. However, this scheme was intended to show the parents exactly what was involved and so they knew they would be subject to the same discipline regime as the students. The parents also knew that any refusal by them to obey the rules would lead to their daughters being expelled.
One parent from each pupil had to attend once each term. It was usually the mums, who tended to be helicopter mums. They were told they had to dress as close as they could to a school uniform, and so no jewelry and no make-up.
Several of the mums wanted to outdo the others and even went to the shops and purchased dresses that were as close as possible to the college uniform. Several turned up in almost identical dresses which were the same green and white check gingham short-sleeved dresses with a white belt. They even wore ankle socks just like their daughters. It certainly set the mums chatting at their desks in the classroom as they sat waiting for the teacher to arrive.
The classes were now bigger than ever, with forty pupils per class. So, today, there were forty parents in the classroom and they were chatting quite happily when Miss Lewis entered. The parents were supposed to stop talking immediately, stand up, and wait for the teacher to get to her desk. What Miss Lewis did was stand at the door and count to three, saying it loudly enough for the parents to hear. She got to three and two parents were still chatting. So, Miss Lewis commanded, “Sandra and Amanda, go to the classroom assistants.”
Sandra and Amanda were quite shocked to realise that they had broken one of the most basic rules but knew they couldn’t argue. They therefore went to the front of the class where the two teacher’s assistants were waiting for them. Both assistants were actually mums of pupils at the college, and, to Amanda’s horror, she realised that she was going to be dealt with by Janet, a friend of hers as well as the mother of one of her daughters’ friends.
Miss Lewis continued to the front of the class and outlined what would be taught today. However, Amanda and Sandra knew dolefully that they would have some catching up to do once they had been dealt with.
Both assistants sat on chairs and Amanda heard Janet order, “Lift your dress up above your waist so I can take your knickers down.”
Amanda grimaced but did as she was told. The next moment Janet leaned forward and slipped her thumbs into the elastic of Amanda’s knickers and yanked them down to below her knees.
Janet then ordered, “Get across my lap.”
Amanda saw that the same had happened to Sandra who was already bending across the other mum’s lap. So, Amanda licked her lips as she bent down, balanced on the far side of the chair, and eased herself down across Janet’s lap.
Janet was managing to keep almost a straight face but was clearly very happy that one of her daughter’s friends was right then bending down across her lap. It wasn’t that she disliked Amanda, far from it, but she knew that she was going to enjoy spanking her. Janet was quite used to spanking the girls, but this would be the first parent she had to spank but had been told quite clearly by the headmistress that she mustn’t hold back because it was a parent they were spanking, with the added incentive that if Miss Lewis reported that the spanking wasn’t hard enough then they would be sacked from their job as a class assistant. Janet needed the job and so knew she was going to give Amanda a proper spanking.
Amanda lowered her full weight across Janet’s lap and winced at the closeness of the upside-down legs and in particular Janet’s calf muscles, as well as seeing her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair. She even groaned as she felt Janet’s hand rubbing her bottom as well. She glanced towards the others in the class and saw most of the parents looked sympathetic, although there were a few of her friends actually smiling. Amanda didn’t hold anything against them because she knew it was her own fault that she was in such a humiliating position but that certainly didn’t help. However, as Janet’s hand continued to rub her bare bottom in circles, so, for a reason that Amanda really couldn’t understand, she started to get aroused. She even smiled to herself at the thought that Janet would rub her fingers down the inside of her thighs and maybe even along her pussy lips. They were friends, after all, and kissed each other on the cheek whenever they met. Still, Janet doubted she would be aroused in a few second’s time when the spanking started.
Janet waited for Amanda to settle down across her lap and saw the very kissable and very spankable bottom staring up at her. When she placed her hand on Amanda’s bare bottom cheeks and started to rub in circles, she was even getting aroused in a way that she never did when she was spanking the college girls. This was very different for her, as it was one of her friends and almost like having sex with her, she thought and reckoned her knickers were going to be very damp quite soon.
Amanda realised that Miss Lewis was now speaking to the rest of the class and that most of the mums were paying attention to her rather than to the two mums about to be spanked, just as her daughter had said happened when she was in a class when one or more of her classmates were at the front being spanked.
Janet was aware but didn’t have to listen as she had to make sure she gave Amanda a very hard spanking and raised her hand and brought her palm down on Amanda’s far bottom cheek. As her hand spanked down so Amanda’s bottom cheek surrendered, just like the girls did, but more so because hers was a more adult squishier bottom. Still managing to hide a smile she raised her hand again and spanked it down on Amanda’s near bottom cheek and watched that surrender as well.
Amanda started to gasp more and more as the spanks continued to land on alternate bottom cheeks. She kept looking at Janet’s calf muscles and saw them tense which told her that her hand was on its way down to spank her bottom again, and found that quite erotic even as her bottom started to sting. The dual feelings were being spanked by a friend, which, she thought, wasn’t so very different from when she was at sixth form college and recalled having to attend the headmistress’s study on more than one occasion to have her bottom spanked, just like today. In fact, what she remembered was that those spankings resulted in her getting a crush on the headmistress, so it wasn’t so different from having her friend, Janet, spank her bottom now.
Janet was really getting into the spanking. She still told herself this was very different to spanking one of the students but, as had been explained to her by Miss Lewis before the class got together, it was actually as important to make sure that the spanking was properly given and very hard, just like when spanking the students, because it was a lesson that the parents had to learn. So, putting to one side that Amanda was a friend, she continued to focus on landing harder and harder spanks. She also kept glancing up to watch the other spanking taking place and saw that Sandra’s bottom was pretty much as red as Amanda’s was at that moment. Janet then proceeded to spank Amanda on the same bottom cheek time and again, just as she did to the girls, knowing that hurt more than spanking alternate bottom cheeks. It was a pretty standard method of spanking, tried and tested in fact, and certainly if taking into account the louder and louder gasps that Amanda was making it was certainly having the same effect.
Because it wasn’t the first spanking that Amanda had ever received, albeit that was pretty much twenty years ago, she knew there would come a time when tears would fill her eyes. In fact, that time was now approaching because she looked at the calf muscles so close to her face, and realised that her vision was starting to blur. She wasn’t feeling quite so aroused now, either, just as she had expected not to be, and she was no longer feeling quite so humiliated as she listened to the other spanking, she could hear the same loud gasps that she knew that Sandra was making.
Miss Lewis was still lecturing the class even as the spankings continued. There were times during the lesson she gave the parents something to read and so she was able to move towards the two classroom assistants and watch them give the two naughty mums their spanking and could tell they were spanking the two mums hard enough. She did think it funny that the headmistress had set up these parent classes specifically to show them just how the discipline regime was managed, and here two more parents were having to accept their bottoms being soundly spanked. It wasn’t so different to the girls who got spanked in class and, after all, it was the same lesson being taught, but that made it even funnier.
Amanda thought the spanking seemed to go on forever but knew that it was always up to the person giving the spanking to decide how long and how hard it should be. Clearly, in this college, it was always very long and very hard, just as had been explained to them when they came to check the college out and decide whether to send her daughter to this college. She had decided to do so because she knew that her daughter needed an incentive to work, and she thought that the discipline regime would do exactly that. She had never expected to suffer a spanking herself, though, but when her husband had refused to come to the class, she knew that she had no choice. In any case, whenever anyone mentioned a spanking, she knew that she always got aroused and wet her knickers so she was more in tune with spanking than her husband.
As well as knowing that the spanking was going to be long and hard, she still couldn’t stop herself letting out pain-filled gasps, the odd, “Ow Ow Ow,” and even the occasional, “Sorry Miss, sorry Miss.” To be fair, she expected many of the parents who were listening and watching to have broad grins on their faces, just as she would have had if she were watching one of the other parents being spanked and she was apologising like a naughty college girl.
It all got worse again when Amanda felt Janet rub the backs of her legs and then proceed to spank her legs which was even stingier than when her bottom was spanked. She knew it had to happen though, and it was then she dissolved into uncontrolled crying, just as she knew she would.
Eventually, the spanking stopped as quickly as it had started, and Janet did spend a few moments still rubbing Amanda’s bottom in circles as well as well as the backs of her legs. Amanda knew that she parted her legs, almost willing Janet to run her fingers down the inside of her thighs and then up and down her pussy lips. However, it didn’t happen although she did get a few more hard spanks which, she realised, Sandra didn’t get.
Amanda heard Miss Lewis order, “Okay, you two, you can get up and go and sit at your desks.”
Amanda eased herself up and when she stood her hands rushed to her bottom and she rubbed her very hot cheeks. She couldn’t stop herself, even though she knew so many of the other parents were now openly smiling. She was now humiliated as she saw the parent’s smiles, but aroused as well, and did suddenly felt the need to go to the toilet, and asked Miss Lewis, “Please may I leave the classroom and go to the toilet.”
Miss Lewis glared at Amanda, wondering whether she really needed to go or intended to do something quite different. However, she might still be able to establish that and so replied, “Yes, Amanda, you can go to the toilet. Please don’t take too long because you have quite a lot of catching up to do.”
Amanda didn’t look at any of the other parents as she pulled her knickers up and straightened out her dress as she walked towards the classroom door. Once in the corridor, she knew that the toilets weren’t far and quickly walked there and into the toilet area. She looked around and saw that there weren’t any other women or girls in the cubicles and went into one, turned, lowered her knickers again, lifted the toilet lid, and then sat on the toilet seat. However, she never did have any intention of going to the toilet and immediately parted her legs and ran her fingers along her stretched pussy lips, easing her fingers inside her vagina and also flicking her taught clit. It didn’t take long for her to edge towards an orgasm, although tried desperately to muffle her erotic gasps. She did cum, wonderfully, sensationally, all the time picturing Janet’s upside-down legs so close to her face.
After cumming she stood up as quickly as she could, yanked her knickers back up, straightened out her dress, and stood trying to calm herself down. She did feel her knickers, and did again press her fingers ever so lightly into her pussy lips, and knew that she was still damp. Nevertheless, she knew she couldn’t give herself another orgasm and that she had to get back to the class. She therefore opened the cubicle door walked out, and almost bumped into Janet.
Janet was smiling as she held out her hand and ordered, “Stop, girl.”
Amanda was about to argue but realised that she was supposed to be the obedient college girl and that Janet was the class assistant and had to be addressed respectfully. Equally, she knew that she had done wrong in masturbating and so we wanted to get any discussion over with as quickly as possible without being caught breaking another rule.
Janet was pretty sure what Amanda had done and ordered, “Lift your dress up above your waist, girl.”
Amanda was breathing heavily and nervously as she did so, reckoning that there would be nothing for Janet to prove that she had had an orgasm. However, when she saw the look on Janet’s face, she reckoned that she had got that wrong.
Janet watched as Amanda lifted her dress up and immediately saw the wet staining of her knickers right where her pussy was. That was proof, if proof was needed, that Amanda had deliberately come to the toilet block just to masturbate. Janet, though, didn’t really want to give Amanda any additional grief and asked, still smiling, “So you wet yourself, did you?”
Amanda knew it was humiliating to be showing her damp sex juice-stained knickers, but saw that Janet was trying to help and replied, “Yes, Miss. Sorry, but yes.”
Janet smiled at Amanda and ordered, “Well, you had better get back to the classroom as you have a lot of catching up to do.”
As Amanda walked out of the toilets and along the corridor, she felt very thankful that Janet had let her off. She also thought how she was actually feeling like a naughty college girl who had been caught out, but let off. It was very strange, but also rather erotic.
Amanda got to the classroom and opened the door only to see Miss Lewis and everyone else in the classroom turn and look at her. She knew that she was blushing and hoped that everyone thought that it was through embarrassment rather than being caught out. As she walked to her desk, she only looked at the floor and not at anyone’s face so she didn’t know whether they were looking at her face or trying to see whether any staining had come through to her dress.
Once Amanda was seated, she glanced out and saw Sandra mouth, “Are you okay?”
Amanda mouthed back, “Yes.”
Miss Lewis said in a stern tone, “Amanda, please pay attention to the class and do not chat. There is no restriction on the number of times you can be spanked in class. Just so you know.”
Amanda was immediately silent and held her breath wondering if she was going to be ordered across the other class assistants’ lap. However, when nothing was said she did look up at Miss Lewis and said, “Sorry, Miss.”
Miss Lewis allowed the matter to drop and got on with the class. In fact, there were no further incidents and the class ended half an hour later.
However, the parents were not immediately released and Miss Lewis announced, “I have to hand out the punishment letters. There are five for not doing homework so will, Jesse, Carol, Diane, Tanya, and Stephanie, all come up to the front and collect their letters.”
The five mums all blushed as they stood up and walked to the front of the class and collected the letters. They then returned to their desks.
Miss Lewis then announced, “Two more letters for Amanda and Sandra for being spanked in class. Please will both of you come up and collect your letters.”
Amanda and Sandra also obediently stood up, went to the front of the class, and collected their letters. Then both returned to their desks.
Miss Lewis then explained, “So, those of you with no homework letters need to ask your responsible adult to give you a spanking tonight. The level required will be a minimum of one hundred spanks with the hand, and twenty spanks with the hairbrush. The two of you with spanking letters, must do the same although you will get a minimum of two hundred spanks with the hand and forty spanks with the hairbrush. As you know, all signed letters must be handed in tomorrow morning confirming that the spankings have been correctly given. That is the same process as with the students. So, if there are no questions, you are dismissed.”
All of the parents made their way towards the classroom door. Amanda stopped by Janet and asked, blushing, “I really am in a bit of a fix as I need someone else to deal with me as my responsible adult is away. Any chance that you are available as your Beth and my Gemma are both at a sleepover?”
Janet smiled and said, “Well actually, yes, I will be free. Sure thing, come over and I’ll deal with you.” She did have a smirk on her face and certainly liked the idea of having Amanda across her lap again giving her another spanking and, this time, with the hairbrush as well.
Janet waited a few moments and then, looking around, said to Amanda, “Actually I need to tell you something else. I saw you mouth to Sandra when she mouthed to you, ‘pee or finger,’ and you mouthed your reply, ‘finger.’ The thing is that I saw several other mums smile at your answer which is bad for discipline. There are strict rules about masturbating in the toilets so, as you went public, I had no choice but to discuss that with Miss Ellis and you will now need to go and see the headmistress before going home.”
Amanda was horrified and gasped, “Do you think I’ll get the cane?”
Janet replied, “Well, yes, I’m afraid so. The headmistress is holding a discipline session now and you’ll be joining the other girls, and all of them will get the cane. Miss Lewis has requested six strokes for you.”
Amanda wanted to object but again realised that she must do what she had signed up for or risk her daughter being expelled. So, she still asked, “Will you still be giving me a spanking and the hairbrush later on so I can do the punishment letter thing?”
Janet replied with a smile, “Don’t worry about that. I’ll certainly be doing it for you. Anyway, I’ll wait until the headmistress has dealt with you and then we can drive back to mine. The spanking will hurt this time because you will have been caned, and, I’m afraid you’ll be getting rather more spanks with the hairbrush, but no more than the girls get for doing the same thing.”
That didn’t help Amanda much as she walked towards the headmistress’s study knowing she was now going to get the cane as well.
To be continued …