Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 09

"Some holding down the fort while others run errands."

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Liddy lay on the desk, with her legs spread wide, and her ankles in the hands of the man using them to leverage his thrusts inside her. He had met her in person at his door when she arrived and taken her into his study. Books and papers had lain on the desk that she had instantly recognised as financial papers. Now the papers were under her or on the floor. Liddy watched the light from the flicking of the gas lamps play over her bare breasts as they bounced with each penetration. The client’s eyes stared intently at her body and never bothered to meet hers, so she cast her attention along his well-muscled body. His hairy chest glistened with sweat at the effort he was putting into Liddy. An effort she was thankful for, as the pleasure helped keep her focus off the servants watching. Six people stood at the edges of the room. One holding drinks, another clothing, others simply appeared to have no purpose. All were emberborn males. She could see them shifting awkwardly as they tried to hide their arousal. Liddy couldn’t spend too much time looking at them or risk, the client noticing. He flipped her over and was about to resume when the door burst open to reveal a well-dressed woman.

“What is the meaning of this?!” she shouted, gesturing at Liddy.

“What it damn well looks like!” he responded.

“I will not allow this in my own home!”

“This is my home and I will do as I please!”

Liddy lay bent over the desk, still held down as he entered her again in view of his wife. Her breasts bounced beneath her, moving the papers she had been resting on. His wife retaliated by yanking a painting off the wall, of someone who vaguely resembled her client, and storming out of the room.

“Perhaps then your father would like to get wet himself. Maybe in the ocean!”

“Get back here, you bitch!” he shouted, pulling out of Liddy and chasing after his wife while stuffing himself back into his pants.

Four of the servants had followed, leaving the two holding his personal items behind. Liddy remained on the desk and contemplated her next move. Bailing out would be acceptable since she had the money already and he had gotten sex. Yet he wasn’t satisfied and she didn’t feel right leaving the job unfinished without him dismissing her.

“Do you think he’s going to come back?” she asked the emberborn wolf holding drinks.

“Eventually, yes. They can go at it for hours, though,” he responded, somewhat bashfully still trying to avoid looking at Liddy.

“If you want to know if you should stick around, I suggest you do,” The snake-scaled man holding the clothing suggested. “Even if only to be dismissed on his terms. Otherwise, he will blame his wife and get angry all over again.”

“Fair enough. So does one of you want to stand guard while the other fucks me or what?”

Liddy kicked herself for suggesting something so foolish while on contract with a client. Yet it would also be prudent to keep herself in the mood in case the client came back to finish.

“M’Lady?” the wolf muttered, stunned.

“Don’t pretend you haven’t wanted to take a human woman.”

They looked at each other before setting down their items, and the snake produced a coin. He flipped it and won without them saying a word, having predetermined their choice on sides. The wolf left the room and the snake came over to Liddy, who slid off the desk and onto her knees. Knowing better than to undress him, she simply pulled out the ample manhood he had and smiled as she thought of how many times men compared themselves to pythons.

Running her tongue along the scaled shaft, she was happy to find it so smooth. Taking it down her throat, she could barely contain it whenever he pressed it down her throat. Not wanting to waste time, she stood back up and laid back on the desk. She watched as the brawny snake man slithered himself inside her while holding her by the ankles as her client had. He leant down, spreading her legs even farther to do so, and from his mouth came a thin, long tongue that would put Easy to shame, and began licking the sweat from all over Liddy’s breasts. Rapid flicking motions over her nipples made Liddy dizzy as he continued to thrust inside her over and over. Unable to contain himself, he hissed loudly as he made several rough thrusts before holding himself as deep inside her as he could manage as his seed filled her womb. Out of breath, he hissed quickly to catch himself.

“Amazingly well done.”

“Thank you. So very much M’Lady. Would you mind if…” he hesitated.

“I’m ready and willing for anything. Just tell me.”

Without actually telling her anything, he repacked his pants and headed for the door. Liddy rolled over to once again be bent over the desk so she could see him leave and the wolf enter. She giggled and smiled before spreading her legs and letting out a playful whimper. The wolf took the hint and quickly got behind her. He wasted no time sliding inside her. Feeling so different from the snake, yet pleasurably more rough with his thrusts. He reached one arm over her to support himself on the desk, placing the other on her belly so that he could feel his cock moving inside her. His tongue hung out as he was panting right next to Liddy’s head. She felt sensational at the idea of having someone inside her that most would shun her for. If the men could have their way with the likes of Easy, then why shouldn’t she have the pleasure of whatever man she wanted?

“I’ve never mounted a…”

“Bitch. I’m your bitch.”

“Enjoy this, do you? Being bred by a wolf. Wild beast making a human woman beg…”

He never got to finish his line before exploding inside Liddy, who had been enjoying the dialogue too much to hold back. Her own climax was stifled only by the need to be quiet. Finished, he helped Liddy clean up to conceal the evidence before calling his friend back in. Liddy skipped redressing herself and waited with them. Looking over the papers, she couldn’t help but try to puzzle out her client’s finances. When he finally returned, he had the painting in hand minus the frame that no doubt suffered during the struggle. He was surprised to see her still there and sighed angrily as he set the painting down against the wall.

“You can go. I’m not in the mood now. Unless you know anything about money, I have no need of you.”

“You are being swindled,” Liddy replied flatly.

“What?” he asked, only then realising that he left her alone with all his books. “You were reading my papers?!”

Sensing he was about to get angry, Liddy knew she needed to defuse him. “Not at all. Just that this book here is altered. Didn’t need to really read anything to tell that.”

He took the book from her as she handed it to him. “Explain.”

“Books get written in ink because once you do it’s there. Mistakes and all. This one was written in graphite and then redone in ink. Graphite can be erased.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. It could be to avoid mistakes…” his explanation failed to convince him even as he said it.

“Of all the mistakes in your books, how much effort to fix them? A rewritten page or two at most? This person is rewriting all their books regardless of mistakes. A lot of extra effort when whoever inks them can still mess up. No, they are writing all the values and then deciding, after the tally is made, what to alter. Once they make the changes, they ink it in so it all looks legit.”

“Give me a moment,” he said, taking a seat and reading the book intently.


Inky was holding still as the tailor fitted her with the combat corset. It was a drab green colour, but it was just to let her judge if she wanted it at all. It was a snug fit and rough on her skin, but once it was on, she was able to move about. Doing exercises and stances to get a feel for any restriction in her movement, she was pleasantly surprised. The skirt was far more ‘frilly’ than she had expected, but it left her with as much range of motion as she wanted. Also, she concluded, it offered quick and easy access for men getting between her legs.

“It’s rough on the skin. If we don’t wear something underneath, it will chafe the skin after a while,” Inky explained.

“Well, most just wear them for show on special occasions, not as part of their regular kit. I could line them with some silk. Keep things smooth and it won’t trap heat.”

“Good. The skirt comes out a bit wide.”

“Ah yes, the layers under it do have that effect. Removing them would diminish the protective effects. I could add weights to the edge as part of the decorative treatment. Something you could remove if you had too. Should hold it down a bit more.”

“Loops. For bullets. Make the edge of the skirt like a bandoleer. Holds it down and makes us look menacing.”

“I… yes. I can do that.”

“Good. What about my breasts?”

“Ah… well, to be honest, that is a non-trivial element. I can use the same fabric composite as the corset, but it wouldn’t be as thick. I haven’t anything already made to show you, though.”

The young woman who had been assisting the tailor grinned at his quick recovery.

“That’s alright. Now for our heads, a beret might be best.”

“Ah, lovely. That should do well.”

“Yet, I also want helmet covers in whatever colour suits our choices.”

“Indeed. Have you decided on the colours?”

“I want to blend into our airship, so the deep browns of stained wood. For the corset at least.”

“And the skirt?”

“Same, with a muted, non-reflective silver lace underneath.”

“May I suggest stockings?”

“Garter. Holding up fishnet stockings to the knee. Below that, just whatever expensive socks are made of. We won’t be marching much, but I don’t like blisters because the socks were too rough.”

“Fishnet? I’m not sure I…

“This is a fishing town, as I’m certain you are aware. A fine grade fishnet made into stockings. I’ve seen other women wear it, and it’s magnificent to look at, and for covering up something without actually covering it up.”

“That’s… brilliant!”

“For the bra, I’d like it black. Yet put some false rivets in it to make it look almost like cast iron. Just no actual iron. The last thing we need is someone getting his hands on us and end up with an infected cut.”

“I would think any man putting his hands on your breasts would be more concerned with the various other injuries associated with doing so.”

Inky smiled. “We prefer to choose who gets injured after laying their hands on us. Also, I need it separate and removable for when our breasts need to be barred without taking everything else off.”

“I… can do that.”

“Trust me, it comes up much more often than you might think.”

“Fair enough. Perhaps given your tastes so far, I may suggest decorating the skirt and corset further by adding some brass cogs to them. Nothing that would catch much light but would break up the colour a bit.”

“Agreed. I want it to look like we are wearing an airship. Do you know a good cobbler for getting some boots made?”

“Oh yes, across the street and right on the corner. Fine man, aside from a few stern warnings when he started courting my sister, we have gotten along well. I can have him make whatever you need.”

“Excellent. They would primarily be combat boots, but not quite looking like it. Steel toes, while comfortable enough to be marching in. Easy to take off as well. I want them to come up to just under the knee so they don’t make it difficult to bend, but the front should come up and cover the knee. A metal disc of some kind with padding so we can kneel on it.”

“I will talk to my brother in law and see what he thinks. My daughter here can come with you and get measurements from the rest of your crew. How many would you be needing?”

“Nine for certain.” Inky knew Hannah would want one. “A tenth for the captain. Perhaps two more as spares.”

“Well now, a big order but with them all being the same, it should go a bit faster. If you check back with me in a week, I should at the very least have a better idea of what day they would be done.”

“Excellent. If you get me an estimate, I can give you the down payment.”

After concluding some paperwork, Inky left and headed back to the ship.


Meanwhile, on the ship, Ving was greeting the new guest, hoping Liddy wouldn’t be upset with her having named her ship. Ever since they launched, they had been using the registry code. Ving, having experience being greeted at clubs by doormen welcoming her to the name of the club, had to think quickly.

“Welcome, Sir, to The Lucky Harlot.” She was used to being taken to casinos that commonly had the word lucky in the name, and knew Hannah liked the word Harlot.

“Ah, well, it is good to be here. I was entirely unaware such a vessel existed.”

“We are quite new. Only a few weeks since we first set sail. May I offer you a drink?” Ving gestured to the bar where Easy was fluttering her wings as she mixed drinks.

“Is… she for hire?”

“Of course. The only women not available are those on guard.”

“You understand the taboo nature of anyone taking congress with an Emberborn, right?”

“On this ship, taboo simply means it’s not to be done in public. Your privacy is assured by us.”

He paused, contemplating the idea as though it never occurred to him to consider it. While he did, Ving showed him a seat and brought him some wine. Emma walked past, wearing all-black lace underwear visible under a pure white lace overbust corset with a skirt. Her hair bound behind her head to let her ears be completely visible. She leant over the bar and spoke softly to Easy to get a drink. Easy handed her a glass and she walked back towards the client, who took the drink as Emma sat in his lap.

“She looks… a bit young.” He grumbled to Ving.

“Older than I am, actually. The little elf has quite the petite frame.”

“Really? She… I see the ears but never thought… are there anymore… normal women?”

“Of course. Some are off the ship, but there is myself and Mari, who should be finishing up with her client soon. But don’t feel compelled to choose too quickly. Enjoy yourself and relax. There is plenty of time to choose how you will enjoy your time here.”

He nodded, taking a sip of wine as he saw Emma stand up and pull her client behind her, leading him down the hall. Getting the client in the work room, she closed the door and gave a devilish smile to her client.


“I’m going to enjoy this,” Emma spoke softly, leaning against the door as she moved the lock to click in place.

Her client towered over her as she began to unfasten his trousers. Her breath shuddered in anticipation of what was to come as she held his already erect manhood in her hands. Needing to only bend slightly, she took it into her mouth as he stripped the rest of his clothing off. Emma stared into his eyes as she sucked slowly back and forth, moaning softly as he put his hand on her head to force himself deeper. She was thankful that he wasn’t too big, as she didn’t have near the practice as the other women did with controlling her gag reflex. Pulling him out, she licked along the shaft and played her tongue on its head. Pushing him onto the bed, Emma reached behind her to yank on the knot holding the corset and skirt on, and slowly as the bindings gave way, they fell to reveal her supple body barely covered by the black lace gripping her hips and breasts.

Emma turned around and bent over to pick up her clothing, making a show of her firm bum in the air. He reached out to touch it as she slowly stood back up to hang her clothing on the wall. She desperately wanted him inside her now, but knew not to rush the whole experience. Emma climbed onto the bed on the lap of her client, straddling his legs. His hard cock rested against the lace covering the very place where they both wanted it inside. Emma held him in her hands as she pushed her chest forwards. Grabbing her gently by the breasts, he worked his hands under the bra and pulled it up enough to expose them. Then suddenly he grunted and Emma was shocked to see him already reaching his climax. She slid off his lap and returned her mouth to him and swallowed what she could. He cursed under his breath as she ran her tongue all over his body to clean him up.

Now, the whole point of seeing clients was to get them off and get paid for it. Yet it would do more harm than good to let them leave humiliated so quickly. Not sure how Liddy would react, Emma did what she thought was best. Running her hands over his softening member, Emma let a little of her energy flow into him. Not the most overt display of magical prowess, but it was a little something to manipulate bodily functions. Slowly he got harder and harder in her mouth, much to his surprise. Emma took off her panties before crawling back onto his lap, and slowly pushed him inside her, letting out gasps at each inch that filled her.

“A woman loves it when a man can endure past his own pleasure. I had no idea I was so lucky.”

He stammered a few non-words out before grabbing a hold of Emma again and kissing her deeply, feeling her breasts on his chest. Lifting her tiny frame up and down to assist as she worked her hips against him. Emma had enjoyed being with the woman in the engine room and the touch Liddy offered, but feeling a man deep inside her thrilled her the most. Yet unlike all the other times when she had spread her legs to simply have something to eat or have a place to sleep. She was doing it now because it pleased her. A man was inside her because she wanted him there and he had paid for the privilege.

They rolled over on the bed, and Emma felt what seemed like a giant of a man ramming down on her. She couldn’t help but let out small screams every time as the penetration proceeded with wondrous force. Her arms wrapped around her client’s while he held himself up. She pushed on them to get herself closer to his thrusts as each one worked her body further up the bed.

Again he grunted to signal his climax, but Emma wasn’t finished with him yet. Feeling him getting soft inside her, she repeated her touch and felt it swelling once again. He dragged her to the edge of the bed where she was on all fours, ready to accept him inside her. There was no disappointment when he pushed inside her. He grabbed a hold of her arms and pulled them back to lift her up so she was only kneeling on the edge of the bed. Her breasts bounced during the repeated assault on her body, but was unable to touch them herself. Desperate to tease her breasts but unable as her arms were being used to make each thrust harder, Emma screamed in frustration and felt her body spasm as she achieved her own climax. The rock-hard cock inside her kept thrusting, making it last longer than she was used to. Finally, he grunted again, and Emma let him relax. They collapsed horizontally on the bed and slowly Emma felt him shrink inside her.


Ving watched Mari showing her next client the way to the work room. She certainly couldn’t be mistaken for someone too young, although she really didn’t know how old Emma was. Some clients waited patiently while others regained their strength before heading home. A casual social gathering atmosphere filled the lounge as if the ship were any other kind of club. It certainly didn’t bother any of the other men sitting around her that she was on a man’s lap with him inside her. If anything, they liked to watch her move her hips or simply stare at her breasts even though they were mostly covered. Ving had ditched her pants in favour of one of Hannah’s skirts to make it easier to switch between sex and walking.

A woman walked through the door, looking a bit lost, and blushing the moment she realised what Ving was engaged in. She looked as if she was about to just turn and leave.

“Welcome. Don’t be shy. Please have a drink and I will be with you in a moment.”

“A moment, eh?” The client inside her remarked in a smug tone.

Ving moved her hips more vigorously and started a soft moan as she leant back to give him an eye full of cleavage. She stared him in the eyes and smiled as he suddenly burst inside her as she flicked her hips up and down with an impressive display of muscle control. Resting on his lap still looking him in the eyes, Ving grinned.

“Maybe two,” she conceded.

She stood up and remained over him a moment to give him the privacy to put himself away. While she blocked the other patrons’ view, she adjusted the cloth she pinned inside the skirt to clean herself up. Going over to the bar when he was finished, Ving smiled at the new arrival. The woman was almost starting to show her age but she was still an elegant beauty. Behind the bar, Ving cleaned herself better while the woman just smiled and shook her head.

“I don’t know how you can do that,” she said as she laughed.

“This helps,” Ving replied, taking the wad of bills out from between her breasts and put them in the slot of the bar that lead to the lockbox.

“Oh, I mean being able to tell a man you are going to finish him and just doing it. Won’t he be upset that you left him?”

“If I read him right, he will be quietly impressed, and after some good-natured jibes from the other men, he will pay five times as much to ‘show me what he’s got’ in an hour or so.”

“And here I was about to just make a run for it. How did you get so smart?”

“Harsh lessons from the great teacher known as life. Also listening in on almost every conversation on this ship between ports.”

“Sadly my life has been rather limited. Married off young… too young… kept in the house for most of my years. Husband spent all his time working or raising my boys. Now they are all off to war. I get freedom for the first time in a long time, and too alone to leave the house. I heard about a ship docking where the women could be hired for companionship. Don’t think I quite realised what that meant until I saw you. Naive, I know. Hope I didn’t make a fool of myself. Not quite sure how to act here.”

“I have my own history of not knowing how to act. I let someone I trust tell me what to do. Just met her really. No reason to trust her other than the fact she seemed to want to care for me.”

“What does she tell you to do?”

“Well… you might not be ready for the specific things I do for her.” Ving blushed slightly, and when the lady realised what Ving meant, she blushed as well. “But I think the core of it is that you need to let go of the things that are hurting you for a while and let me take care of it.”

“It would be nice to pretend my problems are not mine for a while.” She glanced over her shoulder at the men sitting around.

“We can go somewhere more private if you like. The front deck might interest you.”

“That would be lovely.”

Ving showed her to the front deck where their target practice range had been taken down. She nodded at one of the guards to mind the front door. The woman set her rifle down inside the bridge and unfastened her jacket enough to show she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Ving smiled at how eager the new girls were to work on the ship, and wondered if she could simply just snag one some time to fool around with. Until then, Ving concerned herself with the woman she was seating. She considered the tragedy of such a woman whose beauty remained with her over so many years being so isolated during her prime.

“Now, I’m not so talented that I can guess what is causing you the greatest troubles. Perhaps you can simply tell me what feels like the worst.”

“My sons being away. My husband never cared to listen much to me, but my boys loved to talk. Of course, they grew older and had less time for me. Their father always taking them off on some exciting adventure. He is a good father, and whatever faults he had, he loved our boys and took care of them. I write them letters but I don’t know what to say anymore. I can only ask the same things so many different ways before it sounds hollow. Their letters make them sound miserable and afraid, and it worries me.”

“The first thing that comes to mind is to tell them all the things you used to talk about with them as kids. Old jokes and funny stories. They may be men, but feeling like a kid would do them well. I never was a soldier, but when I used to race, I always felt alone and wished I had someone to talk to. Even if it was the boring most mundane thing in the world. Get out of the house and go to events and shows that they would be going too if they were home. Tell them about it.”

“I… never thought about that.”

“They need to feel like there is a constant, stable force they can count on. That needs to be you. Make them believe that.”

“I will. Thank you. Not the type of thing you usually do, is this?”

“Goodness, no. Normally, if I’m using my mouth this much, it’s between someone’s legs.”

“Oh my.” she blushed again with a smile. “It’s been years since even my husband…”

“I’m more than willing to help you feel good in any way that you want.”

“Really? But you are a woman.”

“Believe me when I say that we can fit together a lot better than you can imagine.”

“I’m not sure that’s quite what I want. Yet… maybe after a few more drinks, I might be…”

Ving smiled and got up to get a drink. On her way back she almost bumped into Hannah getting back.

“Perfect! Just who I need. Come with me.”

“Ving, I’m happy you are taking charge with me, but we don’t have time with a boat full of clients.”

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean that. I just need some input.”

“An odd way of saying that. Less so, once you hear what I have now.”

“No, I… Neither of us is quite making sense to the other. I need your experience as a soldier to speak with a client whose sons are at war and needs advice on how to deal with it. What are you trying to say?”

“I have a thing that fits inside us like a cock but it vibrates like our washer machines do when we sit on them. Only faster and at different settings.”

Ving paused. “…Bring it. The client is a woman.”

Ving brought Hannah quickly up to speed before getting to the front deck.

“This is my friend Hannah. She spent time serving and can provide a much better perspective than I can.”

“So lovely to meet you. I am Lady Harriot.”

“And I, you. Ving was right about what to tell them in the letters. What I’d suggest is what you should send with the letters. Food. Good food they can trade and share. Only things that will last, but things that taste better than what they are getting. More than they can eat on their own. Nobody lets the man who brings the good stuff do anything dangerous.”

“Well, I can certainly afford that. Meats and such?”

“Yes, anything packaged or in a metal tin. No glass. That keeps breaking. Also socks. Send a bundle of good ones that dry quickly. Tobacco and other medicines as well. Foot powder, clean bandages, pain pills for headaches, and of course, hip flasks of alcohol. Then ask about anything else they might want. Get the names of their squad, and get their own families to send stuff. If they can’t afford it, then cover it for them.”

“This will really help them?”

“Them and you. They get to feel privileged and taken care of. You get to do something to help. Neither of you feels alone.”

“Alright. I will do it.” The Lady downed her drink. “Thank you, both. But I believe Miss Ving here owes me an educational experience.”

Ving smiled and Hannah opened up the case she had been carrying. The long smooth shaft had a knob at the end with notches surrounding it. Hannah whispered quickly to Ving.

“Take her into a room. This will make her loud. The knob is set to slow, just press the button in the middle to start and stop. Clockwise to make it faster.”

Hannah entered the lounge to see Ving go off with the client and Emma return with a wide grin. Then a voice attracted her attention from the door. The guard tugged at Hannah’s elbow for her attention.

“Excuse me, miss. I’m not here as a client but I have been informed that this vessel is a brothel?”

The man wore a well-travelled, but still sharp, suit. Hannah knew an investigator when she saw one and usually ended up avoiding them on sight. Except for the one who thought she knew a suspect that she would only speak about after he satisfied her. That was a fun time. This man was at least ten years and twice that many fistfights past his prime.

“This is a merchant vessel operating under its own law.”

“I understand that. My point is that you are paid to have sex with clients, correct?”

“Clients who value their privacy and safety. Since you aren’t a client, I can’t guarantee your safety.”

Hannah was pleased that the guard at the door had retrieved her rifle, but less pleased she had done up her jacket as well.

“Now, Miss. I don’t believe there is any need for threats. I’m investigating criminal activity and simply wish to ensure it is not taking place on this ship.”

“I could be sacrificing virgins to the old gods of the sorcerer emperor and blessing the hull with their blood. It would still be legal to do so on this ship without external interference.”

“I… goodness woman. I’m not sure this is an entirely called-for response.”


Down below decks, Foxy was giggling while walking patrol.

“What is it?” Conna asked.

“I think I know what the Captain… er… Leftenant sees in that Hannah woman. She just got back and is giving attitude to some investigator who showed up.” Foxy replied

“Not listening to the sex anymore?” Conna twirled her chestnut brown hair in her fingers as she teased her friend.

“Punk girl is getting some disappointingly uninspired sex from a man who thinks ‘oh yeah’ is dirty talk. The racer is with a woman and something is buzzing like crazy. They seem to enjoy it. Easy is with two at once, having trouble breathing, but her wings are fluttering like she’s happy.”

“It’s killing you that we can’t do anything while on duty, isn’t it?”

“You now know why I’m paying attention to Hannah and the front door.”

“When the rest get back, we can play a bit and work things out.”

“Fine. Probably not allowed to occupy the girls while they need to work anyways.” Foxy sighed wistfully.

“Yeah, hands off unless we are in the air.”

“Like how you crawled under the blonde captain’s dress already?”

“I was just going with the flow. Whenever one of us got frisky back in the base, we all just jumped in. Figured that’s just the same here.”

“I don’t think it’s normal but wasn’t really frowned upon.”

“Good, because the redhead tasted great, too. I want her again.” Conna licked her lips at the memory.

“I think she’s with the racer. Or something.”

“That doesn’t seem to be a limiting factor on this ship. I will just grab her sometime when she’s not on the clock.”

“I want to see a client. The man you girls got me with last year seemed like it was a chore for him. Kind gesture, but I want a man who wants to do me with a smile on his face.”

“Yeah, we promised him he could have every other girl in the squad once if he did you first. The fairy and elf seem to have no issues getting some, so you should have it easy.”

“They also look a lot more human than I…” Foxy, suddenly alert with her weapon ready, gave some quick gestures. “ Not sure how well it’s going to go for me.”

Conna moved forward with the rifle ready, following her friend’s direction, carrying on with the conversation as though they weren’t alert to any danger. “They have to pay extra for them. Worst case scenario is that you get normal rates.”

Foxy followed her ears and took position near the rear service door, facing away from the side of the ship that was against the dock. “Honestly, I’d bed a dozen men for free right now. So that’s not really a downside for me.”

Walking back down the dorm hall as if returning to the patrol route, Conna kept talking. “Well, we’ll just see what the deal is for us seeing clients. I kind of like the dozen men at once idea.”

Letting her voice carry down the hall before returning to the corner near the rear area just outside the engine room, Conna got ready to support her friend. The door unlocked almost on its own before it opened slowly. Foxy watched as a head appeared and looked around. When the covered face met eyes with hers, she slammed the butt of her rifle into it.


Liddy walked with her client who seemed convinced he was being cheated out of his money. He insisted on rewarding her for her aid and had a perfect idea. Walking through the market, she noticed a few items she would have accepted but her client carried on past them with purpose. Liddy was horrified when she finally saw what it was. Emberborn in shackles bound to poles, in cages, and on stages being displayed. It was a slave market. She knew places like this had to exist, but felt sick at the reality of being in one.

“Now I’m going to go have words with the manager here. You go pick out something you like. Not sure who in their right mind would want to fuck one, but maybe you can get something to clean for you.” He marched off to deal with business.

Liddy felt suddenly very sick that she had let a man so dismissive of the lives of the Emberborn inside her body. She pitied the slaves she had met for belonging to such a man, but she was pleased she was able to bring a bit of joy to their lives. Now before her were dozens if not more who deserved to live free lives. People walked by them, touching them, telling them to do things and show off their bodies. Some would ask the slavers questions about skills and others about temperament.

The Emberborn endured this hardship with their pain in their eyes. Despair, resignation, fear, grief, and all the worst feelings in the world were in their eyes. Some were being led away by their new owners while others were being brought out for display to replace those sold. Briefly, Liddy wondered just how many people she would have to kill to rescue them all but, given the dozens of slaver guards in view at any time plus those brought with the buyers or just working for the city, it would be impossible short of having an army of her own.

She took a moment to compose herself and accept that she couldn’t save them all, but she had a chance to save one of them. Most would be taken to be maids or labourers. Most, while attractive, wouldn’t be used for sex because of the taboo surrounding it. She needed to find the one who would suffer worst of all. Logically that would mean the one nobody wanted to buy. Liddy didn’t know how they got rid of ones like that, but doubted it was pleasant. With a goal in mind, she checked away from the main clusters of activity and found herself walking around the loading bay where they brought in food and new ‘stock’ to sell. There she found a large glass box, and within it entirely submerged in water was a woman.

Her skin caught the sun in a dazzling flurry of colour like a rainbow. At first, Liddy thought she was dead. Her eyes stared off unfocused at the space in front of her. Yet she saw the mouth move slightly and the sides of her neck pulse as flaps of skin opened up. The woman had gills like a fish, and her unique skin colorization was from the millions of tiny scales she had covering most of her body. A body that Liddy was quite impressed with. A fine feminine figure of well-toned muscle with breasts much like her own. Though Liddy knew she would never make someone work for her like that. Easy was happy and friendly with a well-adjusted personality. Emma knew what she was getting into and seemed eager and turned down her offer when she suggested she might want to wait before working. This woman seemed broken at the most basic level, and doomed to whatever fate awaited her there.

“Pretty colours, right?” A slaver approached.

“Very. Is she responsive?”

“Not anymore. At least not very much,” the young, freckled, red-headed man replied.

“What happened?”

“Always a problem for us. Talked back, swore at us and buyers. Constant escape attempts. Beatings didn’t work and without fur, scars show up so we couldn’t do our usual methods. So we put a bunch of electricity into her tank and that shut her up. Had to do it a few times but now she’s quiet.”

“That leave anything left?” Liddy hid her disgust and rage inside.

“Yeah. She can still walk and fetch things. Cleans her own tank every night. As long as it’s not too complex, she can do things for you still.”

“She can live out of the water?”

“Yeah. Only really needs it a bit every day, but we have been keeping her in the tank more often than not. Made her easier to guard. She comes up for a breath of air every few hours.” He indicated the top of the tank that was above the waterline.

“How long has she been here?”

“Six months. About five longer than she should have, but one of the torturers, who runs the market as well, liked playing with her so he kept her around like a challenge piece.”

“Where is he now?” She asked, planning on making a serious attempt to kill at least the worst person she could find.

“Losing his job, amongst other things,” he said, nodding off to where Liddy saw her client lifting a cleaver to bring down and take the hands off the man the slaver indicated.

His grim work done, Liddy greeted her client with a smile. She still hated him and wanted him to suffer, but he punished someone worse so she let him live.

“That was unpleasant. But you were right. Altered the sale prices of mid-range slaves. I’d have noticed the big money slaves being skimmed from on my own and the low-price slaves have a minimum value. This isn’t the one you want, is it?”

“It can clean, I have a bath on board, and it sparkles in the light. I have a limited space, so I prefer my assets to have many functions.”

“It’s yours,” he stated. “You there, bring this thing to her vessel and see her there yourself. Save the lady a walk.”

“Yes, Sir!” The slaver responded in a clipped tone.

“Good day, M’Lady. I shall speak well of you and your talents. Even though my sampling was interrupted. Hope you are satisfied.”

“I was satisfied before we left.” Liddy smiled thinking of his slaves who did the deed. “This is a magnificent way of sending me off. Good day.”

He gave a slight bow as she returned a curtsey. She turned to the slaver who already had a waggon approaching. Several big bulls and a bear came over, sweating with the heavy workload of the day. All Liddy saw were several more Emberborn who would do a good job mounting her. She considered she might have a fetish for them now. Getting into the carriage that arrived soon after with the slaver, they set off to the docks. Liddy had a plan.

“She might make a good fuck toy as well,” Liddy suggested to the slaver. “I have a fairy and an elf on board who bring me in good coin when I sell their bodies.”

“Really? You can do that?” He seemed surprised.

“Of course! My ship is my law. Don’t you enjoy the pleasures of your own stock?”

“No, ma’am. At least not beyond our eyes. Strict rules. Most our stock are virginal. Even if they aren’t, we say they are. Can’t have one of us getting caught and have the whole thing get ruined. Probably shouldn’t have said anything.”

“So say most men before they taste my flesh. Seems like so many tasty specimens must leave you craving the body of a woman.”

“You could say that,” he said, getting closer. “What’s a man got to do to fill his needs with you?”

“Wait till we are on my ship, where the law says you can have me for the right price. Of course, I might only ask you for a token amount.”

Liddy flirted and teased all the way back to the ship, where they pulled up to the service entrance at the rear of the ship, far from the lounge. Getting out, she directed the bulls to place the tank on the docks and open it. The water flooded out and covered the docks as Conna came out of the ship to greet her.

“Captain,” she greeted, glancing at the others. “A matter.”

“Can it keep?” she asked, not wanting to get interrupted from her plan.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good. Bring her inside and have Foxy take her to the bath.”

Conna took the mermaid by the hand and guided her onto the ship. Liddy followed, and once on board she felt a hand on her ass and she smiled. She turned around and yelled.

“Commoner swine!” The words turning the man’s face from eager to confused. Liddy pulled the stiletto keeping her hair together out and plunged it into the slaver’s groin.

He screamed as she repeated the action four times before he fell backwards onto the dock.

“You all saw that. The filth laid his hands on me,” she exclaimed, as the Emberborn slaves stood stunned.

It was the carriage rider who clued in. “Indeed, I did Lady. Grabbed you in an unseemly manner. Apologies.”

The carriage driver nodded to his crew to gather up their overseer and haul everything back to the market. The last thing he saw as he left was a Fox in a uniform with a rifle come into view. He smiled. He didn’t know humans like that existed. For once the elephant jokes didn’t bother him. He was going to remember her.

On the ship, Hannah came down below, decks passing the mermaid on the way and found Liddy.

“Hah!” She shouted pointing at her boss. “Out to see a client and you bring back a sexy girl! Now you’ve done it, too!”

Published 1 year ago

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