After my caning, Miss Susan hugged me tight, telling me I was a good girl for taking my punishment so well. My legs were shaking and I felt like I’d never be able to sit again. The shop owner, who had introduced herself as Alice, congratulated Miss Susan, saying she would wrap the cane for her. Miss Susan said she’d like to look around and see if there was anything else that took her fancy. By the time she had finished, I ended up paying, not just for the cane, but a spreader bar, soft rope, handcuffs and a dildo on a face harness. The walk home was torture; not only was my arse on fire, but I was sure my skirt was blowing up at the back, exposing it to anyone who looked.
Once home, I went to the bedroom and stripped, catching sight of my arse in the mirror; seven parallel lines across my buttocks. It seemed that Miss Alice had been right, and she was a natural. I unwrapped our purchases with Miss Susan taking the cane and placing it on the dressing table as a “reminder” to me. The other toys went in our toy drawer, with the exception of the new facial dildo; Miss Susan wanted to test drive that! What I hadn’t realised was that there was a penis-shaped gag on the other side, so as well as having a dildo sticking out from my face, I was extremely effectively gagged. She sat on the bed as I went to work; hard work on my neck, as it turned out. It was much harder than I had imagined, fucking someone with a facial dildo, but the sight of it moving in and out between her labia, glistening with her juices, was intensely erotic. Once again, she had me masturbate in front of her, not removing the dildo from my face until I had climaxed.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I had to sleep on my stomach for the next two nights. Miss Susan didn’t help by giggling at me on Monday morning as I had to sit to roll on my stockings. I really was not looking forward to work as it was still extremely painful to sit, and even the journey to work was awkward as I could feel the rear straps on my suspender belt rubbing over the welts on my arse. Arriving at work, I hurried through to my office and carefully lowered myself into my chair. When Chantelle fetched my coffee in, she looked at me quizzically, asking if I was alright as I looked uncomfortable. I’m sure I must have blushed as I replied that I was just feeling a little stiff this morning, at which she giggled saying that I must have had a good weekend.
I was still trying to make myself comfortable when Chantelle came through with the coffee and my diary to go through the day’s appointments. I must have looked uncomfortable as she asked me if I was sure I was alright. I know I blushed as I said that I was sure, at which she shrugged her shoulders and sat down to go through my appointments. As we talked, I could feel her watching me, and I’m sure I was blushing. When we’d finished, as she was leaving, she winked at me, saying, “If I didn’t know better, Joanna, I’d say you have a sore bottom.” Needless to say, I had no answer to that. Somehow, I managed to get through the rest of the day without further ado, but as I left, Chantelle winked at me and told me to be a good girl. I hurried out without replying.
When I got home, Miss Susan was already there, so I hurried to strip and go to ask her if there was anything she needed. As I knelt at her feet, she said she wanted a glass of Chardonnay, and then I could start preparing dinner. When I took her wine through, she grinned and tugged at my nipple rings, saying that they really suited me. Of course, my sensitive nipples hardened completely as she tugged, and I could feel the itch between my legs. She pushed a finger between my labia, sliding in ever so easily. “Damn Joanna, you really are such a slut; I hardly touch you, and you’re getting in heat!” She then slapped my arse, saying, “Hurry up, girl, I’m getting hungry.” That was me put in my place as I hurried off to finish preparing dinner.
As we ate and talked, I marvelled at how comfortable I was to be naked in the company of a nineteen-year-old girl dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. I told her about what Chantelle had said, and she just laughed and told me that I should have told her I’d been caned for disobedience! Once I’d done the washing up, we spent the rest of the evening just cuddling and sipping wine. She was still fully dressed and kept fingering me, until the scent of my arousal was more than obvious. She stood up and led me to the bedroom, where I knelt and removed her jeans and knickers while she removed her T-shirt and bra. Turning and bending, she presented me with her arse, my hands parting the cheeks as I buried my face between them to worship. After a while she had me stop and fetch the strap-on, which she stepped into as I buckled it up for her. I’m not sure how many times I came as she fucked me hard.
The following morning, I prepared coffee and breakfast, taking Miss Susan’s to her in bed, before I dressed for work. Arriving at the office, I smiled hello to Chantelle as I entered her office. Returning the smile, she asked me how my bum was feeling this morning, and without thinking, I replied that it was much better today. I never even realised what had been said until I was in my own office and she was fetching in the coffee. She grinned widely at me as she said, “I thought so, Joanna. I’ve seen girls struggling to sit properly after they’ve been punished. Don’t worry; your secret’s safe with me. Now tell me all about it!” When I’d finished the story, she said that Miss Susan sounded perfect for me and that she would like to meet her. “Oh, and by the way, in the privacy of your office, it might be better if you were to address me as Miss Chantelle”.
I know I blushed as I simply said, “Yes, Miss Chantelle.” At that moment, the dynamic between us changed.
At lunchtime, I offered to get sandwiches, and on returning, Chantelle was not in her own office but had gone through to my office and was sitting in my chair behind the desk. As I put the sandwiches and water down, she motioned me to close the door. As I closed the door and turned, I heard her say “Good girl!” as she pointed to the edge of my desk. Taking the cue, I sat on the edge of my desk; as the hem of my skirt rode up, she pushed my knees apart so that she could see right up it. As we ate, we talked, with her saying that she assumed I would be telling Miss Susan about the new office dynamic and that I was to tell Miss Susan that she would love to meet her. Of course, I agreed, telling her that I told Miss Susan everything.
When I got home that evening, I stripped as usual and presented myself to Miss Susan. When I told her what had transpired in the office today, she told me that I had absolutely done the right thing and that she would love to meet Miss Chantelle. After I’d prepared and served dinner and done the washing up, I had delicates to wash by hand, which took me an hour or so. After that, Miss Susan introduced me to a new toy – a butt plug with an attached tail. It was my first time, and I groaned as she pushed it home past my anal sphincter, which earned me a good slap on the arse. She had me learn how to sway my hips so that the tail wagged, which took quite a while!
When I left for work the following morning, it was with strict instructions to invite Miss Chantelle to join us at the club on Friday and that Miss Chantelle was acting in her place at the office. As I entered Miss Chantelle’s office, she smiled and greeted me. Standing, she took my attaché case and walked through to my office; taking the hint, I went for the coffee! On my return, she was, of course, sitting at the desk in my chair. Putting the coffee down, I waited for permission to sit; she smiled and motioned to the other chair. She asked me how it had gone with Miss Susan the night before, and she smiled approvingly as I told her, saying that she very much looked forward to seeing us at the club and that she was delighted to be taking care of me in the office.
Rolling the chair back, she pointed at the floor under my desk and, knowing my place, I knelt at her feet. “Good girl, Joanna. I’ve often thought about having you down there; I like the idea of a white girl worshipping me, and the fact that you are my boss makes it even better!” She stood, commanding me to lift her skirt and remove her knickers. Doing so, I was confronted with a luxurious black bush and a scent that was completely different from Miss Susan, but just as appealing! The taste was different, as well, as I worshipped and brought her to a climax.
Obviously, being in the office, we could not spend all day doing this, so it was back to work with her aroma deep in my nostrils. This was getting dangerous, I thought to myself; we could both lose our jobs if we were discovered. I just had to trust Miss Chantelle. For the rest of the week, I gradually grew used to standing when Miss Chantelle entered my office. Of course, I was now fetching the morning coffee and running the lunchtime errands. In the mornings, Miss Chantelle no longer sat at her own desk, but was ensconced in my seat, where it was my duty to kneel and worship; not exactly a hardship! Naturally, I was keeping Miss Susan up to date with events, and she was really looking forward to meeting Miss Chantelle on Friday night.