I was almost there; my body was alive, my pussy hot, wet, and throbbing as the pleasure built.
I was at that toe-curling, hip-bucking stage, and my juices flowed freely.
My new vibe was buried deep inside me. Pulses of deep vibration caused my pussy to spasm, and I was ready to explode.
I was close to falling over the cliff into an oblivion of pleasure when it stopped.
It didn’t run down and peter out, it just stopped dead.
Dropping my feet back onto the mattress, I grabbed my phone, muttering, “Fuck, fucking hell,” as I frantically scanned the app that controlled the vibe. All looked good. I swiped the slider to the right, and instantly, those incredible sensations resumed. Raising my knees, I continued strumming my clit.
It took mere moments to start cresting the wave again. I could hear my heartbeat and feel my orgasm build, and then nothing again.
“FUCK!” I screamed, pulling the offending toy from my slit.
Slinging it across the bed, I rammed two fingers into my sopping channel, and finally, my release hit.
I’d showered off and eaten a fresh green avocado salad and a glass of wine. My body and mind still relaxed but slightly buzzed from what had been a very pleasant cum.
Soon, it was time to return to my frustrating new toy, The Tantric wand. Imagine the shape of your thumb, index and forefinger curled in a crescent shape. That shape then molded in deep red silicone. Give it ten different speeds and pulsing patterns coupled to a remote control. An ideal way to avoid finger cramps when vigorously pleasuring yourself.
The fingers slip inside your pussy while the thumb rests against your clit. The result is pure pleasure, or it is for as long as the dammed thing works.
The instructions were straightforward. First, install the app on your cellular, charge it, pop it in, and then pleasure yourself for as long as you desire. OK, I’ve paraphrased a bit there, but you get the drift.
All the LEDs came on, so it should be ready to go. The instructions explained that problems could almost always be attributed to a lack of charge.
I wiped it down, plugged it in and headed to Netflix for a binge.
The next morning, I made a pot of coffee, climbed back into bed, and plucked my wand from the bedside table where it had sat glowing and charging through the night.
It was warm from charging, and the spongy silicone smelled faintly of my pussy. A pleasant shiver shook my body. I decided to finish my coffee and try again.
I always sleep naked and have done so since getting a room of my own as a teen.
Gently, I stroked my breasts, letting my fingers grip and tease my nipples. Before long, that familiar squirmy feeling started to build in my tummy as my pussy got warmer and wetter.
I kept teasing my nipples with one hand whilst the other parted my petals to work my juices around my engorged lips.
Oh, it felt so good.
I rubbed the wand against my slit, coating it in my slick, fragrant girl juice.
It did slip in very easily, and then, being springy, it closed to grip me tightly between the fingers up my twat and the thumb on my clit.
I just lay there enjoying the feeling of fullness for a moment or two.
With a slight tugging on the wand and a final pinch of my nipples, I was ready.
I gripped my phone, touched the on icon, and moved the vibration slider to medium.
Ooh, those vibrations were just where I wanted them.
Just as I lay back and closed my eyes, there was a huge crashing noise and a scream from the flat downstairs.
Plucking the wand from my pussy, I grabbed my oversize tee and ran out of my apartment and downstairs to the unit below mine.
I rapped on the door with my knuckles.
I was raising my hand to knock again when I heard noises from behind the door, which cracked open.
All I could see was a fringe of black hair and a single green eye.
“Hi, I’m Molly. I have the upstairs apartment. Is everything OK?”
The door opened wider to reveal a rather pretty but flushed face, “Hi, yes, I’m OK, I just fell over and dropped some glasses.”
As she spoke, I noticed a trickle of blood running down her forearm. “You’re bleeding. I could take a look. I’m an ER nurse.”
After a slight hesitation, she stepped back, inviting me in. “Be careful. There’s glass everywhere,” she cautioned.
We stepped inside and closed the door. Early sunlight streamed through her window, catching tiny glass shards and making the floor sparkle.
Like me, she was just in a tee, but she had flip-flops on, “Here,” she pulled a second pair from a rack by the door, “Use these.”
I quickly surveyed the room. Like mine, her apartment offered an open-plan living and kitchen area. Broken glass littered the floor and countertop.
Following my gaze, she explained, “I was standing on a footstool, getting a glass, when I slipped and brought the shelf down with me.”
Nodding my understanding, I lead her to the opposite side of the room, “OK, let’s look at you.”
I quickly checked her for damage, “So there’s a small cut on your arm, another on your hand, and a deeper one on your foot. You definitely didn’t hit your head or pass out at all. Do you have a first aid kit?”
She had quite a decent home first aid kit, and I quickly cleaned and dressed the cuts on her arm and hand. “Hop onto the stool so I can look at your foot. I don’t want any glass left in the cut.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’s OK. I don’t want to trouble you.” She suddenly seemed very uneasy.
“It’s no trouble. Come on, hop up.”
She hesitantly climbed onto the stool, carefully tucking her tee tightly under herself.
Her foot was warm and soft in my hands. Smooth skin, pale green nails, a very sexy foot.
The cut was across her instep, maybe an inch long, and still seeping blood. A tiny sliver of glass was embedded at one end.
“This may be a little uncomfortable,” I warned, taking up some tweezers and a bottle of antiseptic spray.
The glass was hard to grip, and her leg jerked about; as I sprayed the wound with the antiseptic, she jerked her foot away, “Holy fuck, that stings.”
I looked up. The tee had come loose. I now had a perfect view of her pussy. Jet black hair heavily trimmed, framed her treasure. Full, heavily pigmented labia glistened, but what caught my eye was the dark red silicone they were wrapped around.
“Fuck, guess I’m busted,” she moved to offer me her hand, “I’m Kathy, and I’m mortified at what you must be thinking of me right now.”
Tearing my eyes away from her pussy, I managed with trembling hands to dry and dress her wound.
Straightening to meet her eyes, I confessed, “ It’s a Tantric wand; I have the same one, though, to be honest, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”
“You can say that again. The bloody thing turned on by itself as I stood on the stool. That’s why I fell”.
“Mine’s not done that, thank god, but I tried it for the first time last night, and it kept turning itself off.”
“Did it turn off twice, about eight o’clock?”
“Yes, how’d you know.”
“Because mine kept turning on, and I had to keep turning it off.”
Now, I had a dreadful thought. “I turned mine on just before I heard you fall.”
At that, Kathy started to laugh, a huge, warm, and generous laugh that shook her body and warmed the room.
I couldn’t help but join in.
I helped Kathy clean up before returning to my apartment to shower, and then we met back at hers for lunch.
“I have a nice white wine, but we must drink it in a mug. I don’t have any glasses left,” she giggled.
Crusty bread and cold cuts with a gorgeous onion chutney from the farmers’ market made for a delicious lunch.
Then, it was time to assess our technical issues. All embarrassment had long since been put aside, and we happily sat on her couch with our toys on the table as we studied the instructions.
When I activated my phone, both wands started to buzz across the table. Kathy turned hers off, and they both fell still. We tried unpairing them and then repairing them but with no luck.
The app was universal. Whatever command you gave, any nearby toys responded.
“Dam, I really need this in my life right now,” I groused.
“I guess we could text each other whenever we need a cum,” giggled Kathy.
“Honestly, I need to cum now. I’ve been wet and horny since breakfast,” I groaned.
“Me too, I was barely started when I went for an OJ, and I never got either.”
For a moment, we stopped speaking, the room fell silent, and there was a decided change in the atmosphere.
The silence held as we sat gazing at each other.
Wordlessly, Kathy stood and peeled her tee shirt off. Her breasts were large and firm and topped with large dark nipples.
My tee followed suit. My modest B-cup breasts with perky pink nipples were bared to my new friend’s gaze.
I could see her swallow as her tongue flicked across her lips.
I stood. We paused a moment and then slipped our leggings off.
Kathy was bare under her leggings. Suddenly, I could smell her arousal.
My pink cotton thong was heavily damp spotted. Kathy smiled as she stared at it. Her tongue flicked out again, this time even more.
I peeled the thong off, feeling just how wet I was.
We sat next to each other on the couch. Wordlessly, we raised our feet to rest upon the table, a traveller’s trunk with a glass top.
My mind was in a whirl. I had known this woman for a mere six hours, and now we were sitting naked and preparing to masturbate together.
I looked at Kathy; she was smiling and gazing up at the ceiling. Her hands massaged her breasts, small groans escaping her lips.
I realized how at home I felt. How right it felt, and with that, I relaxed and started to tease my own nipples.
Kathy made small, deep groans whilst I was louder, my pitch higher. I’ve heard it said that smaller breasts are more sensitive.
I could feel my body warming up, my juices building and flowing. I could smell the familiar scent of my arousal, now blended with the more pungent, muskier smell of Kathy.
Kathy reached out to stroke my thigh, triggering deep shivers of arousal through my core.
Our eyes met and held, and then we reached out for our toys with a smile.
Parting our legs allowed our thighs to touch. Her thighs were firm and soft, her skin warm and smooth. Another, larger tremor of excitement shook my body.
Still holding my gaze, Kathy moved her toy to her mouth, slowly sucking on it.
I followed her lead, letting my saliva moisten my wand.
I had always thought of myself as straight, always game for a nice large cock but nothing else, and yet here I was, naked with a virtual stranger and a female at that, orally pleasuring a sex toy.
With a nod, Kathy moved the toy from her mouth, trailing a strand of saliva, raised her hips, and slipped the device inside herself.
Seconds later, my pussy was full of matching red silicone.
Kathy picked up her phone, and my heart rate picked up.
I was expecting her to turn the wands on straight away. Instead, she leaned toward me, gently kissing me on the lips.
I was all too aware that my pussy was soaking her couch. Maybe we should have laid a towel out.
Breaking our kiss, Kathy took my hand and nudged the slider up.
We both moaned aloud, both ready for a quick cum.
Sitting side by side, holding hands, heads tilted back, it was as if our bodies had become one.
As one, our hips bucked, groans of pleasure escaped our lips, and shockwaves of pleasure shook our bodies.
“I’m close, Molly, so fucking close.” Kathy tightened her grip on my hand.
“Mmmm, Me too,”
“Here goes.” With a devilish smile, she hit the max setting
Anyone looking on would have thought we were being electrocuted.
We writhed in pleasure as orgasm after orgasm wracked our bodies.
I was rubbing Kathy’s thigh, her leg now entwined with mine, her mouth firmly latched onto my right breast.
Eventually, she must have hit the off button, and we lay exhausted. Our bodies coated in a sheen of sweat and cum.
Kathy seemed to be a squirter, judging by the amount of her love juice covering my leg.
We lay in comfortable silence, letting our minds and bodies calm down.
“Thank you, that was amazing.” I eventually broke the silence as my hand cupped Kathy’s neck, pulling her forward for a long, slow kiss.
“Yes, it was. How about some more wine and a shower, and then maybe we could have another go around.”
Surprisingly, I found myself happy to let my new friend lead. I usually like to show the way with my friends, but with my new friend and playmate, I was content to follow.
Kathy produced a couple of large soft robes and once showered, we returned to the couch with fresh mugs of crisp white wine.
Another surprise was that I felt comfortable sitting and chatting after sharing such intense, intimate moments.
“Can I ask, have you ever spent time, you know, like we have today?” I asked.
“You mean, am I lesbian or something? No, I got close to experimenting with a friend at college, but then we chickened out.”
“So, this is a first for both of us.”
“Yes, yes, it is, and for my part, there are no regrets.” Kathy reached out to softly stroke my lower arm.
I could feel myself smiling as I took her hand, letting my thumb caress her palm.
“Me neither.”
We sat longer chatting about work, schools, and family. We came from entirely different backgrounds, and yet we seemed to mesh.
I don’t recall moving, yet I was lying across her couch, my head nestled in her lap. Kathy gently stroked my hair.
Kathy’s hand slipped inside the fold of my robe. Her thumb and forefinger firmly gripped and stretched my nipple.
Slowly, I parted my robe and flipped it open to fully expose my naked body.
We were both smiling as Kathy’s hands started roaming my body.
Like her breasts, her hands were large and soft, and their warm touch slowly grazed my stomach before dancing around my thighs, my breasts, and my shoulders. Each and every touch triggered shivers of pleasure.
Finally, her solid and firm fingers reached my pussy. Slowly, she teased my swollen lips apart, and I could feel my juices starting to flow.
“Urgh,” a deep guttural groan of naked pleasure from deep inside me
“Mmm, you like that,” Kathy smiled in delight.
I wriggled my hips, working my pussy against her fingers.
“As you wish, sweetheart.” With that, she started trying to push her finger deeper inside of me.
I did my best to open wide, letting one foot fall to the floor as she filled my pussy.
It wasn’t easy. She had to lean over me. I was getting a face full of her robe.
We both realized it wasn’t working. Kathy sat straight, leaving my pussy feeling open and empty.
I sat straight, giggling, “Guess we need to work on this.”
“Mmm, That we do.” With that, Kathy stood, dropped her robe and reached for my hand.
“Have you seen the bedroom yet?”
Kathy’s bedroom reflected her personality; it was bright, breezy, and relaxed.
It was decorated in pale blues and creams and had an almost coastal feel. The focal point was a large double bed with an excess of pillows in the center.
Blood pumped in my ears as I allowed her to lead me to it. The covers were rumpled from her sleep.
I lay back against the pillows, inhaling her scent, delirious with excitement.
Kathy knelt next to me, her eyes twinkling with delight, a delightful blush colouring her throat.
I raised my head, she lowered hers, and our lips met.
Having never kissed a woman before, I was taken aback by the gentle softness of her approach, her skin, and her perfume.
Time stood still as we slowly crossed a whole set of red lines.
Eventually, lips parted, tongues moved together, and lips, teeth, mouths, all were tasted.
Much to my delight, I found I could kiss and be kissed and still stroke and tease her beautiful breasts. Her nipples were huge, hard, and rubbery.
Kathy liked her knee between my thighs. I could work my now sopping pussy against it, my building pleasure an obvious turn-on for her.
“I want to taste you,” Kathy said. She had raised herself from me.
I trailed my fingers against my pussy, I was soaked.
I repeated the action between Kathy’s thighs; if anything, she was wetter.
“Let’s taste together.” I licked the mix of juices from my hand as I spoke.
Like my B cups, my pussy is kinda neutral. Not a real neat innie, not a swollen outie like Kathy. Just enough to be getting on with. I keep my pale hair short, so it’s like a fuzz.
I slithered down on the pillows; Kathy swung her leg over, and there I was, face to pussy.
Despite our recent showers, her perfume was strong, a heady, spicy mix of a wet horny woman.
Looking at her full swollen labia, dark with pigment, I thought how perfectly it suited her.
“Ready?” I asked.
“Ready, Sweetheart,” Kathy all but whispered back.
With that, I pulled down on her hips and guided her hot, wet sex against my face.
It was my first time eating another woman out. Like so many novices before me, I did what I wanted and let Kathy’s body tell me if I was right.
Her taste matched her aroma, pungent and spicy. My tongue was quickly coated in her thick cream, and before long, my lips and face were slick again.
If you’ve only sixty-nine’d with a guy, I can tell you it’s more challenging with a woman.
Trying to keep giving pleasure when your pussy is on fire is hard but just about possible when his cock is in your mouth, but trying to keep your face against a slick wet slit that’s writhing above you is damn near impossible.
It took us a few minutes to establish a rhythm; fortunately, having both cum hard already, we had time.
I started licking and massaging her with my face. She copied, and I could feel everything. Her tongue, her chin, and her nose were all grinding against my sloppy sex.
As we both got more excited and vocal, it was fortunate that I was her neighbor. We had to take turns to avoid alerting the whole building.
One of us would accept the pleasure, scream, moan, and force her cunt against the other’s face, then back off and repay the pleasure.
It was some of the most energetic, frantic fucking I’ve ever had. We were at it for ages, rolling around, swapping positions. It’s easier to give from above and way easier to cum when below.
Eventually, we tapped out and sat up against the headboard.
We were definitely a site for sore eyes, flushed, sweaty, and cum smeared. I swear I was covered from my tits to my hair. I know Kathy was, and I’m immensely proud of that fact.
“I’m laying in a huge wet patch,” Kathy giggled.
“Good, so am I.” My breath was ragged, and a giant grin was plastered on my face as I moved to kiss Kathy’s full and cum coated lips, “Thank you, that was amazing.” I could taste myself on her face.
“No, I should thank you for being neighborly and coming to check on me.” She really did have the most amazing green eyes.
I took her hand in mine, and we sat silently. Our bodies became calm, and our minds processed all that had happened.
I slowly concluded that I had been fucked to the edge of soreness and that I was feeling happier and more content than I could remember.
“I could do this again, no fuck that. I want to do this again, often and with you.” Kathy stared into my eyes as she spoke.
“Good, I don’t think I can get enough of fucking you,” I grinned back at her.
We had cooled down, and Kathy rolled toward me, wrapping us in the sheet.
Those large breasts with their big rubbery tips were nudging my ribcage. I sighed in pleasure.
“Can I ask where you bought your wand from?” God, I loved her smile.
“Agirlsbestfriend.com,” I replied, “But I can hardly return it.”
“No, but I ordered mine from them, and it came with a free gift, and I was wondering if yours did, too.”
Despite all we had shared and enjoyed together, I could feel myself blush with embarrassment.
“Oh, you mean the butt plug.”
“Yes, that’s just what I mean, so did you get one too.”
Mutely, I nodded my confirmation.
“So, have you ever played with your butt. I had a boyfriend that used to want my ass all the time”.
“Did you give it to him?” I turned to look directly at my new lover, my hand automatically cupping her breast.
“No, he was hung like a mule. No way that was going anywhere near my butt, but sometimes he would slip a fingertip in. It was kinda nice.
“Are you saying you want to do butt stuff with me?” I squeezed her nipple as I spoke, feeling excited and awkward all at the same time.
“Only if you want to.” I could see Kathy was trying to be subtle, but her eyes were sparkling with excitement.
“Well, like you, I’ve only had a finger in my ass, but the whole finger, not just a tip.”
My voice had become husky, almost a whisper. My heart was pounding, “It was my own finger.” I just held her gaze, awaiting her response.
Kathy moved to kiss me hard on the lips, “Well, Molly, I would love to have your finger in my ass.”
The next date was in my apartment. I had bought a box of scented candles, and the soft flickering light gave the place a warm, comfortable feeling and a pleasant vanilla aroma.
I had dressed sexily for our date night. A trip to the spa had left me waxed smooth, with matching scarlet toenails and fingernails after a mani-pedi. My skin was soft and buffed, and it had a glow to it, and the black net bodystocking I had chosen ensured that everything was on show.
A soft knocking at the door announced Kathy’s arrival, and slipping into my heels, I moved to answer it.
Her hair was glossy and kissed her shoulders; sparkly green earrings matched her eyes, whilst deep red lip gloss shone around her mouth.
A silky black shirt dress clung to her curves; she, too, had gone for spike heels.
She stepped into my arms, and we hugged as our lips locked, “You look stunning,” I offered as I cupped her ass.
“That’s some compliment coming from a girl in that outfit,” she giggled and stepped back to look me up and down.
My nipples were rigid and poking through the net, my pussy fully exposed by the open crotch glistened with my excitement.
Kathy dragged her finger along my slit, then popped it into her mouth, “Mmm, I missed that.”
My own hands had slipped inside Kathy’s dress, gliding up her soft silky thighs before coming to rest on her firm muscular ass cheeks.
“You naughty girl, no panties,” I purred in delight.
“I didn’t want to spoil the look,” she giggled; she slipped out of my arms and spun around.
Flipping up her dress, she revealed her surprise. Glinting between her ass cheeks was a silver and ruby butt plug.
Instinctively, my hands reached for her, cupping her cheeks, squeezing those firm globes of warm flesh.
Kathy moaned aloud, deep guttural groans of pleasure as she pushed back against me.
As I played with her ass, she unbuttoned her dress, shrugging out of it and letting it flutter to the floor. Finally, it rested in a silken pool around her patent heels.
Straightening, I moved my hands up and around her body, coming to rest on those magnificent breasts, my fingers gripping and stretching her nipples.
I could feel shudders of pleasure passing through her body as she squealed in delight.
Suddenly, she twisted free, turning back to take my face in her hands, caressing my lips with hers, slipping her tongue deep inside my mouth.
Her hands were between my thighs, those long, strong fingers between my slick folds, pulling my lips apart. I could feel my juices building, starting to trickle out.
It was my turn to moan and groan as her fingers stretched me open.
Slipping her fingers deeper, Kathy took my weight ad started to slowly finger fuck me.
“Oh Honey, you are super wet,” she whispered across my ear. Her voice was alive with excitement and delight.
“I’ve been so excited all day, I so wanted to frig myself, but I had to wait for tonight,” I whispered back.
“Mmm, me too,”
“I keep thinking of you filling my ass.”
“The only way I could leave my cunt alone was to fill my ass.” Kathy was so excited; she was dripping wet and talking dirty.
“Fuck me, Kathy, fill my ass and fuck my cunt,” I also wanted to talk dirty and play dirty. I wanted a long dirty fuck.
Releasing my hold on Kathy’s ass, I stepped back, and she slipped her fingers from my pussy.
Following my gaze, her eyes settled on my plug. It was sitting on my side table, its shiny silver finish reflecting the flickering lights of the candles.
Taking my hand, Kathy led me over to my armchair, “Kneel here, my darling.”
I knelt, and her hand caressed my cheeks, “Your ass looks so good in this stocking.”
Her finger danced around my pucker, sending shivers up my spine.
“I’m going to coax your ass into relaxing. It took me an hour to get my plug in. You’ve fingered yourself before, so you might be quicker, you horny bitch,” she giggled.
Next to my plug was a large tube of anal lube. Kathy seized it with glee. “Mmm, this is good stuff, I had to make do with frontal stuff, but it was cherry-flavoured.”
I felt so exposed kneeling on my chair. I knew the open crotch would be framing my ass and cunt provocatively.
I expected to feel the lube on my ass, but nothing happened. I looked back at Kathy; she was gently twirling the tube above one of the larger candles.
“It’ll feel nicer if it’s warm.”
I was suddenly rocked by a deep feeling of affection for my new friend. I couldn’t recall any of my recent partners showing such consideration for my happiness and well-being.
Kathy stood there, happily naked, her soft skin glowing in the golden light of the candles, and with a shockingly scary certainty, I realized how much she had come to mean to me. This was not just some naughty fuck, some passing experimentation with cunt fucking. I wanted more from her.
I just hoped she felt the same.
Kathy was happy with her preparations and moved to kneel behind me.
Her strong hands stroked my lower back, cupping and squeezing my ass cheeks before gliding back up my flanks to catch the sides of my breasts.
It felt glorious, and I could feel my body relaxing as this sensual massage continued.
Eventually, her hands stilled, and I heard a loud click as the tube popped open.
Kathy was right; when the thick viscous fluid trickled down between my ass cheeks, the warmth it carried with it felt comforting and luxurious.
She started to pepper my ass cheeks with kisses, little touches of pleasure through the net stocking.
I was in heaven, and I could feel my pussy getting wetter with every moment.
I had eaten very lightly, just a little avocado. I had also been extra thorough in my morning shower, so I was confident I was as clean and fresh as possible.
Kathy had cupped my mound and was gently squeezing my pussy. My already swollen lips were being forced together, massaging my clit.
“Oh fuck, make me cum.” I was begging for release, and she was only warming me up.
Just one fingertip pressed against my clit was all it took. I had been on edge all morning, and such a simple act took me over the edge and into heaven.
I could feel my legs drumming against the seat as I rode a huge wet cum.
“Fuck yes, Molly, cum for me, girl, cum hard.” Kathy was urging me on as I thrashed before her.
As I slowly regained my senses, another sensation filled my mind.
Pressure in my ass. I wriggled my hips, feeling a weight between my cheeks.
The pressure moved with a gentle motion.
“Yes darling, feel my finger. It’s deep in your ass,” Kathy whispered, her breath caressing my neck.
“Oh Fuck!”
I slowly flexed my thighs and, even more carefully, rolled my hips again. Every movement triggered a wave of sensations deep inside my ass.
My ass, my most secret of places, known only to my own small finger, was now full. It’s so hard to describe how I felt. Naughty, fuck yes, full, amazingly so, Horny, off the fucking charts.
“Molly, you OK?” such concern was in Kathy’s voice.
“Oh fuck yes, amazing,” I reassured her.
“Ready for more?”
“MMMM! Yes.” I had lost all my inhibitions. Kneeling in an armchair, open crotch bodystocking, another woman’s finger buried in my ass.
Gently, Kathy started to move her finger. Teasing me, stretching me. It felt so weird and yet so good.
Mostly, she pumped gently, but after a while, she would curl her finger, forcing my sphincter to stretch.
Honestly, that stung a bit. I moved one hand to rub my cunt. Teasing my clit relaxed me.
It took a while, but eventually, Kathy slowed her finger and declared that I was ready for stage two, “Molly, I think you’re as loose as you’re going to be. Let’s try your plug.”
I felt my ring stretch and then a sudden feeling of emptiness.
Kathy was warming the lube again.
“Fuck, hun, you’ve got a slight gape going on,” she giggled.
Fuck. I realized how much I loved that giggle. It was so naughty, so full of the promise of pleasure to come.
I reached back, grasped my ass cheeks, and pulled them apart, and wagged my ass at her.
More warm lube trickled between my ass cheeks; Kathy used her finger to push lots inside me.
Picking up my butt plug, she slowly kissed it before slipping it between her lips and into her mouth.
Her eyes never left mine as she sucked and licked my plug. It was the most erotic display I had ever seen.
She popped it from her mouth and let her saliva drip, coating the polished finish.
Then, holding it in one hand, she drizzled lube all over it.
I straightened my back, pushed my ass high and proud, and clutched the chair back tightly with both hands.
“Relax, Molly, you’ve got this, trust me.”
“I do trust you, love, more than anyone.” I felt another rush of emotion.
That cool steel plug felt so hard and unforgiving against my hot, slick ass.
Kathy’s warm, soft hand, slick with lube, felt so good against my smooth, swollen cunt lips.
As before, with her finger, she worked me into a cum with one hand whilst slowly slipping the cold steel sphere into my ass.
I knelt there, cum dripping from my cunt, aftershocks shaking my body, my breathing ragged.
Kathy had moved to lay on the floor, tending to her needs.
Her sex was slick with her juices, it glistened in the candlelight, and her fingers made a delightful squishing sound as she vigorously fucked herself.
Two fingers deep inside herself, the other hand tugging on her plug, gently stretching and teasing her ring.
I watched her cum. Huge spasms of pleasure racked her body. Her juices flowed freely over her fingers to pool on my wood floor.
As she calmed down, I moved to stand over her. Like a newborn foal on shaky legs, I adjusted to the feeling of fullness, that heavy weight stretching my ass, and oh fuck, I could feel it through my pussy too.
I smiled at my wonderful new friend, confident I could now call her my lover.
“Have you ever considered trying a strap-on?”
“I am now.”
I knelt beside her and gently kissed her lips, “Let me clean you up a little, and then we can look online.”
With that, I turned and dropped my head between her thighs. I clenched my plug as my tongue made contact with her lips.