My First Time With A Black Man – Part 1

"some background about me, and how I met James, one of the two men I am dating and our first date and the first time we had sex."

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Five months ago, I started dating two men at the same time. James knows about Steven, but Steven does not know about James. They are as different as a drow elf compared to a surface elf, for you non-geeky nerds, that like the difference between night and day. I was dating Steven for almost three months when I met James and started dating him. Steven is a twenty-three-year-old white man and James is a thirty-four-year-old black man. They are different in more ways than their race.

Steven is a cross between what I would call a hippie if he had been born in the 1960s and a surfer type. He is free-spirited, and playful, has a great sense of humor, enjoys my silliness, and wants to save the world. He is into saving the environment and often travels to join climate change protests.

James is much more conservative and successful in his professional life. While he has a sense of humor, it is dry and often sarcastic, and he does not enjoy my silliness as much as Steven does. He can be intense and domineering, but not in a bad way. He just likes to be in control of every situation, including sex.

Dates with them are different. Steven and I went to eat at chain restaurants, sometimes fast food, and then to the movies or bars that had live bands. James took me to fine dining restaurants, live theater, and a few overnight trips.

The sex with the two men is different as well. Not better or worse, but different. Steven is playful and enjoys it when I dress up in my cosplay outfits and we have sex. When Steven and I have sex, it can be silly as well and we laugh and I giggle when we do playful things or he says things that make me laugh. When I have sex with Steven, I feel more in control of myself than when I have sex with James.

With James, the sex is intense, not very playful, and he is dominating. Not like the BDSM type of Master/slave type dominant. I don’t get into all that except sometimes being tied up is fun, which I have let both men do to me. I mean, James is domineering when we have sex and is always in control of our lovemaking.

Both men make love to me and fuck me. Sometimes I like hard sex and getting my brains fucked out, but not into the rough stuff. Sometimes a girl just needs a good fucking. Both men sexually satisfy me and make me orgasm often.

James is much better at oral sex and using his fingers on me than Steven is and makes me cum faster that way. Not that Steven is bad at oral sex. James can give me incredible orgasms with his fingers because he knows how to find my G-spot. I never experienced that before until I had sex with James and it’s incredible.

The benefit Steven has over James when we have sex is that I can have sex more times in a night with Steven than I can with James. James is well-endowed and I can’t handle having sex with him more than three or sometimes four times a night. Sometimes he ignores my pleas of no more, however, and fucks me again anyway. I complain at first but once he starts it feels great.

Both men are good-looking, the first two truly good-looking men I have ever dated and had sex with. While I thought the other guys I have dated were cute, to most other girls they would not be. Being a nerdy gamer and fantasy geek, those are the people I tended to hang out with. Before James and Steven, the boys I had dated and had sex with were nerds like me and looked and acted the part.

Not that it mattered to me what other people thought of them. I thought they were cute, and I liked them. If I hadn’t liked them, I would not have been with them. I was not ashamed at all to date them.

James is taller than Steven. James is about six foot, three inches tall, which I find sexy since I am only five foot one inch tall, and standing next to him, he is like a giant. I had never dated a black man before and I find the contrast of our skin color sexy. James has a dark, ebony skin complexion and a fit body that he works out to keep in shape. He keeps his hair cut short.

Steven is about five foot, eleven inches, which is still tall for someone of my height and he has a nice body as well, but he does not work out at the gym like James does. His fit body is just natural. He has long, sandy blonde hair that comes down just past his shoulders and blue eyes. I could stare at his eyes all day long. They are so pretty.

Both men know I am not looking for a serious or committed relationship, and neither are they. When I started dating Steven, I had been out of a long-term relationship for a couple of months that lasted a little over a year. It didn’t end well. I found out the man was engaged and when I found out; it was two months before his wedding.

It was easy for him to hide the fact he was engaged because he lived in another state and the relationship was mostly online. It broke my heart when I found out he was engaged. I was in love with him. Even now I am still not completely over him even though I am angry with him still. That is the reason I was not looking for anything serious or committed.

It was not one of those relationships with me being a young girl and manipulated by an older man who is an online predator. I was eighteen when I met him and he was twenty-four, but we had been gaming together for a few months before we started our relationship. We also had met once in person at a Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention. Several people I played an MMO game with and I all agreed to meet in person for the first time at the convention. That’s when our relationship started.

After that we did a lot online, cybersex, video chat sex sessions, sending him risque photos of myself, etc. We even met in person a few times other times. He sent me a dildo to use on myself when we had our video chats. It’s shaped like a real penis and has a suction cup on the bottom of the base. It’s the only sex toy I own.

I am not into sex toys much and when I masturbate I prefer to use my fingers. I did use the dildo on myself for him during our video chats; the suction cup came in handy when he wanted to see me fucking myself with it from behind or riding it. He would masturbate and we would get off together. I enjoyed seeing him masturbate and cum as much as he enjoyed watching me.

I also found out he showed a few of the guys in the Guild we gamed with the pictures I sent him, as well as some videos he made of our video chats and me using the dildo on myself. Yes, I did permit him to record them and even asked him to send them to me, but I was naïve at eighteen and didn’t think he would show anyone.

He didn’t have to talk me into the photos I sent or masturbating for him during our video chats. I initiated both. After all, we had already had sex, and he had seen me naked. Plus, I thought it was sexy and enjoyed doing it. I just didn’t think he would show anyone, and it was humiliating when I found out. Especially one video where after I used the dildo in a maid costume and acted out a roleplay scenario, I used lotion to mimic cum over my face, chest, and pussy.

I don’t regret the videos or the photos and I would do it again for a guy I was dating and I still send James and Steven naughty photos of myself. I get turned on by it and find it sexy. Even though I felt humiliated that my online boyfriend showed other people the videos and photos, it did turn me on to think of the guys seeing them. That is one of the two fetishes I have.

It also caused a lot of drama in our Guild and split it down the middle. Some sided with me and others sided with him. I and the people who sided with me left that Guild and formed our own and recruited new members.

Some people may think it was odd that an adorably cute girl had an online relationship with a man I gamed with, but if you knew me, you wouldn’t think it was odd at all. I do much better communicating with people online than I do in person.

I am not shy at all, but I am introverted. I like being around people and going to parties, but I tend to stay quiet unless I am having a one-on-one conversation. I am a nerd girl and enjoy gaming and when I game and chat with people online; I have a very different personality. I am funny-silly, talk a lot, and flirt a lot. Sometimes I flirt too much and it has gotten me in quite a pickle a few times.

I also lack confidence. Not self-esteem. I don’t lack self-esteem, but around people; I do lack confidence unless it’s chatting with people I game with and online. I don’t know where I get my lack of confidence from, but it’s there.

I think I am an extremely cute girl. I am Filipino, petite, and stand five foot one inch tall and have small breasts tipped with brown nipples, and I have a great butt. It’s not a skinny small butt most girls my size may normally have.

I don’t lack confidence in my looks. I do still have the voice of a twelve-year-old girl, though, and have a slight lisp that was much worse when I was younger. It was so bad I went to speech therapy for it when I was younger.

I sound so young that when I game, people don’t believe me when I tell them my age. In The MMO I play I wanted to join the Guild, the one where I met my online boyfriend, that was an 18+ guild. They didn’t believe I was eighteen. They were not going to let me join. I scanned a copy of my driver’s license, blurred out all the personal information except my date of birth, and uploaded it to the Discord channel to prove I was eighteen. I went through the trouble because good guilds that do a lot in the game are hard to find.

While I flirt a lot; too much sometimes, I talk a good game but don’t back it up. As they say, I talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. I don’t consider myself a prude at all and I love sex, but I don’t do all the sexual things make innuendoes about when I flirt.

I have had sex with other girls. The first two girls were friends of mine I went to school with and like me, both were fantasy genre nerds. I would say they were and still are my best female friends. We were all sixteen and one night at a sleepover at one of the girl’s houses we started exploring.

I was a virgin and had not even kissed a boy. I thought my two friends were virgins as well, but I found out the night we first fooled around they had been having sex with each other for a couple of months. I also found out my two best friends had been planning on seducing me, which was not difficult for them to do.

The first time I didn’t know what I was doing, but I enjoyed it. My two friends told me what to do to them. We kissed, used our fingers and mouths on each other, and we made each other orgasm several times. The three of us fooled around a few more times after that, and I got better at pleasing them.

We stopped having sex with each other when I started dating my first boyfriend and the two other girls discovered they were lesbians and fell in love with each other. They are still friends of mine and still together.

I like sex a great deal, even if I don’t get into kinky stuff; although I guess being kinky is the perspective of the person. I do have two fetishes. The first I already mentioned. The second is I like having sex in cosplay costumes, so maybe that is kinky.

At twenty years old and not wanting a serious relationship, I did want to date because I like dating and, of course, the sex that went along with it; I started dating Steven. I then started dating James three months after I started dating Steven. I went out on my first date with James about two weeks after I met him.

I met James where I work as a server for an upscale restaurant. The first time he came in, he was alone and sat at one of my tables. I thought it was odd because we got very few single guests. Most were couples.

He started coming in about three times a week for dinner and requested to sit in my section, and he tipped generously. We would talk some when I could and then started flirting with one another. After two weeks, he asked me on a date. I told him I was dating someone, but he didn’t mind.

I teased him about me being much younger and he said he didn’t have a problem with it if I didn’t. He then teased me by saying he liked young, petite Asian girls. I teased him back about never dating a black man before and there was a subtle but non-vulgar reference made about black men and penis size that made me laugh and roll my eyes in doubt.

I gamed with mostly boys and men and I was used to their locker room talk and it didn’t offend me at all. When James made the subtle comment about black men and penis size, I rolled my eyes because all the guys I chatted with while gamed claimed in one way or another to have a big penis.

I have not had a lot of sexual partners, but none of them had what guys liked to claim they had between their legs. I did find James attractive and interesting to talk to, so I accepted the date.

Our first date was nice, and I became more attracted to him as the date progressed. We went to eat and then to a movie. James was a perfect gentleman and opened the car door for me when we got in and out of his car. That impressed me. No guy I ever dated did that for me. When we got back to my apartment, we kissed in the car and I invited him up. I didn’t normally do something like that on a first date.

I had one, one-time hook-up situation when I was seventeen at MEGACON. My flirting got me in a situation where I ended up having sex at the same time with two twenty-year-old gaming nerd boys. it was one of the boy’s first time having sex.

I had been hanging out with them for two days and the last night at the convention I snuck out of my hotel room when my dad was sleeping and went to their room. I had not intended to have sex with either of them, but it happened. That was very unlike me and I never have done anything like that since. I did enjoy it, though.

When I started dating Steven, we didn’t have sex for the first time until our fourth date. I was not planning on having sex with James that night; just more talking and making out some because he was a great kisser. I also liked how tall and assertive he was and how masculine he was. I did think the contrast of our skin color was sexy as well. I thought I might let him feel my boobs and play with my nipples if he wanted to and just maybe give him a blowjob, but that was as far as I was going to go.

Inside my small one-bedroom apartment, I told him to make himself at home and asked if he wanted anything to drink besides an alcoholic beverage. I was only twenty and not legal to buy alcohol. He declined, and we sat on the couch.

We were soon making out again and when I started kissing his neck; the man started unbuttoning my blouse, and I let him. I let out a whimpering moan of pleasure and started kissing James’s neck more intensely when his fingers slid under my padded bra and he started teasing my erect nipples. That was as far as I had planned on letting James go, but things changed. I had gotten more turned on than I thought I would.

When James gently pushed me down on the sofa on my back, I didn’t resist and I didn’t push him away when he moved his much larger body on top of me; I spread my legs apart for him. He started kissing my neck as I gripped his back tight and I felt his hand slide up my thigh and under my skirt. When James’s large hand got close to my pussy, he stopped kissing my neck, raised his head, and looked at me as if asking permission to go further.

I didn’t have any set rules about when it was appropriate to have sex on a date. I didn’t have some magic number of dates before I let the guy fuck me. But I hadn’t expected things to go as far as they were going that night.

I was letting James go further because I was sexually attracted to him and he had aroused me a great deal when we were kissing, but there was another reason as well. I was slightly afraid of him and afraid to stop him.

I had never dated a man so much older than I was and I had never dated a black man. I didn’t know what to expect if I did try to stop him. I didn’t think he would hurt me or force himself on me. James seemed too respectful towards me on our date for me to believe that. But would he get mad and call me a tease and storm off? Because of my getting carried away with flirting, I had boys call me a tease before and get mad when I didn’t follow through. I didn’t want that because I liked him and wanted to go on another date with him in the future.

But mainly I didn’t stop him because damn, I wanted him badly! I wanted him because of that slight fear I had of him. I wanted him because he was so damn handsome, and to be honest, I wanted him because he was an older black man.

I found the contrast of our skin color erotic and on our date; I had been imagining how our bodies would look against each other’s as we had sex. I found the image of his large black body on top of my small, much lighter complexion body erotic. I found the cliché of us together also erotic. The large Black man fucking the small Asian girl. His age also turned me on. I assumed his being older meant he had more sexual experience than I was used to.

When James slid his hands up to my waist and started to pull my panties down, I did stop him. He gave me a questionable look, as if to ask why I stopped. I smiled, pulled myself up, and started kissing him. It was an intense kiss, but brief because I pulled back. I placed my hands between the top two buttons of his blue button-down dress shirt.

I gave a tug and nothing happened. I blushed at my feeble attempt to be sexy like I had seen in movies and on TV. I then tugged a second time. Buttons popped off as I opened James’s shirt to expose his chest. I gave an involuntary gasp when I saw the front of his body. I had never dated a man with such a physique, not to mention about to have sex with such a man.

James’s large, muscular body was incredible. James had well-defined muscles, including his abs. It was not the body of a bodybuilder that showed ugly, bulging veins crisscrossing his muscles. They were smooth and large, but not too large to make them gross and ugly.

I looked over his black, muscular body for a few seconds to admire him. He had a tattoo on his right shoulder that looked like a ribbon. Inside the center of the ribbon was the word “Ranger”, on the inside right was “2nd”, and on the left “Bn”. On the left side of his muscular upper chest was another tattoo. This one was of a parachute with wings coming out of the sides.

I knew they were military tattoos, but being clueless about military things, I asked what they were. James explained the Ranger tattoo was when he was in the army, he was an Army Ranger in the Second Battalion. He told me the wings were Jump Wings representing he had gone through Army Airborne School.

That didn’t explain much to me, but I made a mental note to do a Google search later about them. I liked the tattoos, however. I reached out and used the tip of my finger to trace over the tattoo on his chest.

After I traced over it one time, I then placed my other hand on his chest and started running my hands over his hairy chest. His chest hairs were coarse and not fine, feeling like the other guys I have had sex with. I liked the coarse feelings on my fingers. I leaned in and started kissing his chest.

I first ran my tongue over his chest tattoo and then started kissing and licking his chest. When I ran my tongue over one of his dark, erect nipples, James let out a low masculine moan that could be heard over my faint moaning whimpers. I kissed and sucked his nipples as my hands ran over his defined abdomen muscles. They were tight and strong feeling under my fingers.

James let me kiss his chest for a few more moments and then gently pushed me back down until my back was pressed against the arm of the sofa. As he did so, I kept staring at his sexy, black chest. I was so focused on his body that I didn’t see his hands reach out. I made a gasp as James’s hands slid under my skirt and then under the waistband of my panties.

As James pulled my panties down, I lifted my legs so he could get them over my butt and down off my feet. He pulled them off of me and he tossed my panties on the floor. As he was removing my panties, I removed my blouse and bra. The black man then placed his hands on my thighs, just above my knees, and spread my legs. He looked down at me. First at my small boobs and then between my legs and smiled.

“Cute, small breasts and nipples,” he told me and I blushed. “You have a nice pussy, Hanna,” he told me. “I like a shaved pussy.”

I blushed, not at his words, but because I had not expected James to see my pussy that night and I had not shaved it in a couple of days. There was dark stubble over it. If I had known the older black man was going to see my pussy, I would have shaved it for the date. James didn’t seem to mind the stubble as he stared intensely at my now naked and exposed body.

“Can you…can you put the blanket under me?” I asked James hesitantly.

I don’t squirt, but a lot of times after I cum, my pussy leaks a clear fluid and it runs out of my pussy. I didn’t want to get it on my sofa, but I could wash the fleece throw blanket I had over the back of the couch. James smiled and placed the blanket under my butt.

James leaned down and kissed me, and I once again wrapped my hands around his back. James reached behind his back, grabbed my arms, and gently placed them above my head. James kissed down my neck and I gasped out in pleasure as he started sucking and licking my nipples. He went back and forth from one to the other. I tried to lower my arms to place my hands on his body, but James held both of my wrists in one of his large hands and kept my arms pinned above my head.

I started moaning and squirming with pleasure as he teased my hard nipples with his tongue and would gasp out loudly when he would gently bite them. James kept up his pleasant torment of my nipples for a while and I kept making whimpering moans and squirming and pressing my body against his.

“Please, James, ooh, God, please touch my pussy,” I started pleading with him.

James ignored my continued begging for him to finger my pussy for several more minutes. He was driving me crazy, and I felt a desperate craving to have my pussy touched. As I kept pleading with him, the black man ignored me as he kept kissing my chest and nipples. He seemed amused by my begging and squirming.

I started to learn the difference between having sex with an older man and having sex with a man closer to my age. James teased me for a long time as I kept begging and thrusting my hips up into him. Other guys I have had sex with would not have lasted that long. They would not have had the self-control James had and either would have been fucking me by then or having me suck their cock.

Not James, however. He kept teasing and tormenting me. The only change was that I was no longer begging for him to touch my pussy; I was begging him to fuck me, as I kept squirming. So desperate was I to be fucked, I even promised the man he could do anything he wanted to me if he would just fuck me.

Finally, James let go of my hands and started kissing down my chest, down my stomach, and slid his hands under the small of my back. When he let go of my hands, I immediately placed them on the back of his head and did my best to push his head down further. I spread my legs further apart when James started kissing my inner thighs and slid his hands under my butt.

“Oh, God!” I cried out when James placed his mouth over my pussy.

But the man didn’t give me the sexual gratification I desperately needed. Oh, it felt great, but he was still teasing me and was not going to make me cum just yet. James ran his tongue over my pussy and up my pussy slit. I gasped when it brushed my clit, and then he put his tongue inside my pussy to taste me better.

Again I was going crazy and squirming and pressing down hard on his head as I begged him to make me cum. I enjoyed teasing and lots of foreplay, but in my mind and my desperation, I thought he was taking it too far and he was enjoying my squirming and high-pitched whimpering pleas. My voice naturally sounds like a much younger girl, but now as I begged the man, it sounded childlike.

James took his mouth off my pussy and removed his hands from my butt as he rose to kneel between my legs. He placed his large hands on my legs, spread them wide, and lifted them.

“Hold them up,” he told me.

I placed my hands under my knees and held my legs up for him.

“Higher,” he ordered me. I lifted them higher.

There may be women that would feel embarrassed to expose themselves I was doing for James. I was not one of them. I didn’t mind showing my pussy and even my butthole to the man. It turned me on to see him staring between my legs as he was.

James reached down with one of his hands and used his thumb and forefinger to spread my lips apart and opened my pussy.

“Someone is quite excited,” he teased me. “Your pussy is drenched.”

“Because I was thinking about another man,” I teased back and stuck my tongue out.

James chuckled. “You can think of whoever you want. I don’t mind,” he teased me back. “I am the one who’s here and enjoying your little, wet pussy and going to fuck you, not him.”

I giggled at the playful banter. “What makes you think you are going to fuck….Oh God!” My reply was cut short when James inserted one of his large fingers into my pussy.

James started to work his finger in and out of my pussy slowly as I held my legs up and spread for him. He would slowly thrust his finger into me, start twisting it and making circular motions, and then pull it out. I was making whimpering moans of pleasure as the man teased my pussy with his larger finger.

“Who are you thinking of now?” he taunted me.

“Ooh…you…you,” I replied.

“Who is going to fuck you?”

“You…ooh, James…please fuck me now,” I pleaded.

“In due time, Hanna, I want to have some fun first. You like to have fun, don’t you?” he kept teasing me. “I can tell you are a very playful girl with a rather silly sense of humor,” he told me and I knew he was referring to the way I acted on our date.

“Yes…yes, I like to have fun,” I answered.

“I like to have fun also, and I do have a sense of humor. Not silly like yours, but I do have one,” the older black man told me.

Based on how our conversation and small talk had gone on our date, I knew James’s personality was the opposite of mine and Steven’s. James was more serious and intense. He chuckled at my sense of humor, which can be rather silly, but it was not like his. James had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. I don’t do or get sarcasm well, so some of his comments did go over my head. I could tell he was not one for practical jokes as well.

I cried out again when James placed another one of his large fingers into my pussy. It slid in easily because I was so wet, but I could feel it stretch my pussy and it felt amazing.

“You have such a tight pussy, Hanna,” James commented. I liked him saying that.

James started teasing me again as he did before, but this time with two fingers. It felt so good and my hands slipped off my legs a few times and James would tell me to lift them and spread them again. Once again, I was begging for him to make me cum, but he didn’t and just kept teasing me.

Once I felt as if I was about to orgasm and James somehow sensed it based on the way my body was reacting and the change of my whimpers and moans of pleasure. He removed his fingers from my pussy and didn’t say anything, but just grinned at me as I begged him to put them back inside me.

I had never experienced orgasm denial before. Other people I have had sex with never did that to me and seemed to like to make me cum quickly, not James, however. The older black man was enjoying tormenting me and hearing me beg. Being a spoiled girl, I didn’t like not getting my way and I certainly did not like being denied an orgasm. Once my body relaxed, James once again put his fingers inside my pussy and started teasing me again.

Twice more I was close to cuming and both times he stopped. The second time I was so frustrated and got mad and demanded he let me cum and told him if he didn’t, I was going to tell him to leave. James just chuckled at my demands and again put his fingers into my soaking wet pussy.

“Do you still want me to leave?” he taunted me again.

“No…oh, God, no…just please let me cum,” I pleaded. “I’ll do anything you want. Just let me cum, please.”

“Well, you have earned it,” he told me and grinned. “Just keep your legs up while I make you cum.”

I nodded. James then put a third large finger inside my pussy and again I could feel it expand the inside of my pussy and again it felt wonderful. James placed his other hand over my stomach, just above my pussy. I made a gasping cry of pleasure when he started using his thumb to massage my clit. As he stimulated my clit, I could feel his three fingers moving inside my pussy. I begged him to put them inside me deeper.

He didn’t. Instead, James curled his fingers and turned his hand palm side up. His fingers were only about two or three inches inside me. I felt him rubbing his fingers on the top of the inside of my pussy.

“Ooh fuck…ooh my God…ooh Fuck!” I cried out when James’s fingers hit a spot inside my pussy.

It felt amazing, and I had never felt such a more pleasurable feeling with a guy finger fucking me.

“Ooh, my God! Ooh Fuck…ooh fuck! Ooh, James!” I cried out over and over as James started using his fingers faster and harder inside me and on my clit.

He didn’t thrust his fingers in and out of me or put the deeper into my pussy. He kept them on the same spot as he rubbed it harder and faster while using his thump to stimulate my clit. I could hear wet squishy sounds coming from my pussy over my moaning and calling out to God. It was not long before I orgasmed and what an orgasm it was!

As I came, it felt like every muscle in my body; my facial muscles, my pussy muscles, and even the muscles in my butthole constricted and released over and over again. I could feel my pussy tightening and then loosening around James’s fingers. My fingers dug into my legs where I was holding them up. It was exceptional, and while my orgasm lasted about seven or eight seconds, it felt like it was never going to end. I didn’t want it to.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end and my orgasm finally did. I lay there and was still holding my legs up because I was so lost in the ecstasy of what I experienced; I didn’t even think about it. I felt dizzy, and I was panting loudly for air. With each exhale, I made a whimpering, high-pitched, squeaky moan. James removed his fingers from my pussy.

“Good thing you told me to put the blanket down,” he told me and chuckled. I opened my eyes to see him grinning as he looked at my pussy.

I knew what he was referring to. I could feel it. I could feel fluid slowly leaking out of my pussy, down over the blanket, and down to my butthole. It felt different; however, than what I normally experienced when my pussy fluid would run out of me. It felt slower and thicker than it did before. James lifted his fingers where I could see them.

“What the hell is that?” I cried out as I let go of my legs, “What did you just do to me?”

On James’s fingers were a slightly thick, creamy, milky white fluid. I knew it came from me and I had a moment of panic. I had never seen that before and it scared me and also embarrassed me. Thoughts ran through my mind. Was something wrong with my pussy? Oh, God, I had a yeast infection! James must think I have terrible personal hygiene! I felt so humiliated and covered my face with my hands. James just chuckled.

“You never had a G-spot orgasm?” he asked and with my hands covering my face. I shook my head.

I knew the term G-spot. I had heard it before, but I didn’t know what it was. Well, I knew it was supposedly a spot inside a woman’s pussy; but I didn’t know we had one. I thought it was just a term some man made up.

“You ejaculated,” James told me. “I didn’t expect that. It’s sexy that you did.”

I removed my hands from my face and saw James was showing me his fingers. “Girls don’t do that,” I told him. Being naïve, I didn’t believe him.

James smiled. “Well, apparently they can because you just did.” He then brought his fingers to his mouth and licked the white fluid.

“Stop, that’s gross,” I told him. “That’s not cum. Girls don’t cum that way,” I insisted. I tilted my head as I looked at him. “Do they?” I asked.

Maybe they did? I was only twenty and had not had a lot of sexual partners and based on the things James had done to me and his age; I knew I was not as experienced as he was.

“Yes, some do and some squirt,” James educated me.

“I know that happens,” I told him and tried to sound more knowledgeable about sex than I was. “What…what does it taste like?”

“Good. A little musky, earthy-tasting, but also has a sweetness to it,” he told me as if he were describing a fine wine. “Would you like to taste it?”

I hesitated and put a finger in my mouth and bit in my fingernail. “Ok,” I told James.

I never had an issue tasting my pussy and, of course, have tasted the pussies of my two friends when we used to fool around. I liked the taste and smell of pussy. I tasted mine often after I would cum when I masturbated, and even the times I used my dildo to get off, I would lick it clean and suck it.

I rose as James brought his fingers to my mouth. I stuck out my tongue and gave his finger a quick, timid lick. It was enough to taste my cum. I expected it to taste similar to a man’s cum, but it didn’t. James was right. It did have a sweet taste to it. I liked it. I started sucking his fingers and licking them clean.

James held his hand still and let me finish. I pulled my head back and his fingers popped out of my mouth and looked at James. He seemed amused by my actions and I blushed and lay back down with my back against the arm of the sofa.

“Do it again,” I told James as I spread my legs. “Make me cum like that again.” I wanted another G-spot orgasm.

James shook his head. “Don’t get greedy, Hanna.” He told me as if I was a child and I pouted. “If I remember correctly, you did promise to do anything I wanted if I made you cum. It’s time for you to make me cum now. You are going to suck my cock.”

I grinned. I liked that he didn’t ask me to but told me to. I liked giving my lover a blowjob. To be blunt about it, I liked sucking cock.

I moved to get on my knee as James, still kneeling on the couch, backed away until he was close to the other edge of the sofa. I watched him undress. James first pulled his ripped-open shirt off, unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled his pants and grey boxer briefs down to his knees. I gasped and sat back on my heels and stared at his crotch.

“Ut uh…I…I can’t…nope,” I stammered as I shook my head. “It…it’s too big. I can’t fit that thing in my mouth and no way is it going to fit into my pussy. No way in hell you are putting that thing inside me. It’ll tear me open.” I told him in all seriousness and looked up at his face. “I’ll use my hands to jerk you off, but you’re just too big for anything else,” I whined.

James was huge. His cock was not even fully erect, and it hung between his legs like a black tree branch. I had never seen a penis so big, at least not in person. Photos and images online, yes, but never had I seen something like the thing that hung between James’s legs.

I was serious about not putting it in my mouth and him not fucking me with such a thing. I truly thought if he tried to fuck me with such a cock, it would tear my pussy apart.

James just chuckled again at my naivety. “You’ll be surprised how much a girl can handle, even someone as small as you,” James told me.

I was still in doubt as the black man reached out and took my hand as I looked back down at his penis. I was intimidated and even frightened of it, but I still liked looking at it and I did want to touch it. I wanted to see it fully erect. I was surprised it was not already rock-hard after what he had been doing to me. I let James guide my hand to his cock and put my hand on it. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and started slowly stoking it. It became fully erect quickly.

It had to be nine or maybe nine and a half inches long and was thick. His penis was so thick my small hand would not fit around his shaft. I put my other hand on it. I used both hands to stoke his cock as I stared at it.

It was so big, but the sight of it turned me on. James is a dark-skinned man and his cock and scrotum was even darker than his skin complexion. I found that erotic. I did want him in my mouth badly and I decided to try.

I lowered my head, buried my nose into his coarse, black pubic hairs, and inhaled deeply. I enjoyed the masculine scent of a man’s crotch. I enjoyed it more after he had been sweating and it was more pungent smelling. Unfortunately, James had not been sweating, but it still smelled good. I inhaled through my nose several times.

I heard James chuckle when I lifted his shaft and smelled under his scrotum. I looked up and blushed as he looked down at me. He had an amused look on his face due to me sniffing him.

“I’ll try to put it in my mouth,” I told him. “I am just not very good at this and don’t force me to do it.”

Even though I liked giving them, I was not very good at giving blowjobs. I have an easily triggered gag reflex. I could never deep-throat a guy regardless of his penis size.

The first time I gave a blow job was when I was sixteen to my high school boyfriend. When I tried to take him further down my throat, I gagged, retched, and then threw up. I didn’t throw up on him, thank goodness, but on the bed next to us. That killed the mood, and I was so embarrassed about throwing up that it was a week later before I gave him a blowjob again. That time I was able to finish, and he came in my mouth.

I have learned how to make the best of it, however. I can only take about three or four inches of a guy’s penis in my mouth and down my throat, so I learned how to use my hands to make the guy feel good while sucking his cock.

I hate when a guy tries to force me to take more of him in my mouth and makes me gag and choke. I don’t like that at all and if they do that, I will tell them to stop. If they persist in it, I will refuse to finish. I like sucking a cock sensually and slowly and then picking up my tempo when he is about to cum.

“I’m sure you will do just fine, Hanna,” James told me. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

I smiled and opened my mouth to try to attempt to suck James’s large cock. I placed my hands about four inches down from the tip of his cock on his shaft. I always used my hand as a guide to measure how much I could take in my mouth without gagging. I took just the tip of him in my mouth at first and ran my tongue over it as I made a tight seal with my lips. I slowly started to go further down on his cock.

I had to open my mouth wide, but James fit in my easier than I thought he would. Realizing I could give him a blow job, I started working his cock with my hands and mouth and tongue.

I gagged a couple of times when my lips pressed against my fingers and I had to move them about an inch up his shaft. It was not long before I was able to get a nice slow tempo going. As I sucked his large cock, I was making whimpering sounds and James would make masculine moans occasionally. He placed his hand on the back of my head, but true to his word, he didn’t force me to take more of him down my throat.

I gave him a slow sensual blowjob, having to take my mouth off of him to catch my breath a few times. I would then take that opportunity to dribble spit on his cock to lubricate his shaft. I liked giving messy blowjobs. I started going faster, gagged once or twice again, and spit ran down my chin.

Working his cock with both my hands and my mouth for a while longer, James was either difficult to make cum or, as I mentioned, I am bad at giving blow jobs. My jaw was starting to ache, but I was persistent and determined to make him cum. Didn’t give up and started going faster.

I sucked his cock for some time, but James finally ejaculated. He gave a series of masculine grunts as cum exploded into my mouth. Several large spurts went down my throat and I did my best to swallow all of it. I could get most of it, but some ran down my chin mixed with my saliva.

After the man’s orgasm ended, I kept sucking and milking his cock for more of his fluid. I do like the taste of a man’s cum. James allowed me my fun and when I could no longer coax any more cum from him, I took him out of my mouth. I again sat back on my heels, looking up at him as I waited for him to say something. I wanted validation from him about how I sucked his cock.

James looked down at me and grinned. “Don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t know how to suck a cock, Hanna. You did just fine. Don’t worry about not being able to deep-throat me. Not many girls I have been with can,” he told me.

I wanted to ask him how many girls he had fucked, but I didn’t. I was not jealous but curious. I smiled at his approval as I wiped my chin. As James stood up off the couch, I moved to lie on my stomach. I watched him pull up his underwear and pants and button his pants. He left his belt unbuckled.

“You don’t have to leave. We can watch TV or something and if you want, I can use my mouth on you again later,” I told him hopefully. I was still not going to let him fuck me with his enormous cock.

James chuckled again. “I am not going anyway,” he told me as he bent down and kissed me.

As I kissed him back, James placed his hands under my body and scooped me up off the sofa effortlessly. I put my arms around his neck and he started to carry me into my bedroom like I was a child.

“Where…what…what are going to do?” I asked in a fearful, childlike voice.

“What do you think we are going to do?” he replied.

“If…if it hurts, promise you’ll stop,” I whined.

“I promise, but you need to give it a try, and don’t stop me right away,” he said when we got to my bedroom door. “It may hurt at first since your pussy is small and tight, but I think you’ll soon enjoy it.”

“Ok, I promise,” I told him in a whisper. I was still scared it was going to hurt me badly when he tried to fuck me. I even doubted it would fit inside me.

Published 1 year ago

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