The Bear

"He never expected fandom to lead him to being a human sacrifice…"

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His head was spinning from the cocktail they’d given him, and he was bound, naked, on a St. Andrews Cross, with his arms and legs splayed wide. His rigid cock was throbbing painfully, seemingly being yanked upwards with each pulse by the full moon overhead. There must have been something in that chalice…

The night was dark save for that moon and the torches that lit the circle around him. Suddenly, he heard drums, and jerked his head up, alarmed. It was starting.

The drums were pounding a slow, menacing rhythm, and getting closer. Grim-faced figures paced into his view with slashes of red, ochre, and yellow splashed across them, looking like vile spirits to his befuddled eyes. They marched slowly around him, in lock-step, drumming steadily, until they had circled him twice, then stopped with a crash.

The sudden silence was frightening, with the only sound being the guttering of the torches. Then, in the distance, he heard the low, throaty rumble of a large animal. Fear ran down his spine, and his balls tried to crawl into his body.

The animal roared, and Matthew juddered, straining against his bonds, wondering why he had agreed to come here, and wishing he were anywhere else. Then, out of the darkness, across the circle, a giant Bear reared up, its snout thrust up towards the sky. Its jaws opened, and it let loose a terrifying snarl of menace…and hunger…and lust!

It dropped to its paws and started to pad slowly towards him, head turning this way and that, snuffling, and eying its helpless prey…


Two weeks earlier, Matthew had waited in a Costa Coffee café in the West End of London, almost vibrating with excitement. He was actually going to meet Marcus Cole, the Marcus Cole, author, actor, game show host, podcaster, brilliant, urbane polymath…and gay icon. Matthew had never imagined it would be possible that he would ever meet his hero, the one he had been crushing on since he was a teenager, the one he used to imagine having sex with as he jerked off in bed or the shower

So, when some friends told him that Cole was reported to enjoy rough sex with a different young man every month, he knew he had to find out more. It had taken months, but he had finally found the right person who knew the right person…and it had all come together very quickly after that.

The café door opened, and a nondescript man walked in, holding the door for Cole himself. Cole was a great, shambling bear of a man, and walked in languidly, glancing around as if he owned the place, dressed very much like his idol, Oscar Wilde. He spied Matthew, then strolled over and offered his hand.

“You must be Matthew. I am Marcus Cole.”

Matthew almost tripped over his chair in his eagerness to leap up and shake Cole’s hand. “Mr Cole, it’s a great…”

“And this is Mr Arthur Hodge, my solicitor,” Cole interrupted smoothly. “He will explain the terms of our agreement.”

They all sat down, Hodge laid out the terms, handed Matthew the agreement, and told him to read it carefully. Matthew was too excited, so ripped through the document for form’s sake, barely skimming the terms, badly wanting to agree.

Finally, he took Hodges’ pen and quickly scribbled his signature on all three copies. Cole signed them next, and Hodge witnessed all three copies, then handed one to Matthew.

With an amused smile, Cole languidly stood up, shook his hand again, and said, “Well, Matthew, I guess I shall see you at the next full moon, then, hmmm?” and left.


The warm evening did nothing to stop Matthew’s shivering as four acolytes, painted and stripped to loincloths, slow-marched him out to the Cross. It was a strange device, a metal X mounted on gimbals so it could be flipped over, hinged at the waist, but with locking pins to keep it in each position until moved. There were straps at the four corners of the X, as well as for the waist and chest.

It was upright when they fixed him to the giant X, fastening him securely to its outspread arms. It faced the entry to the circle.

His head was muzzy from the fruit-flavored drink they had given him in a goblet decorated with a roaring bear, and the world seemed to be spinning around him, while his prick jerked ever higher.

Then the drums began…


The Bear snuffled towards him, and Matthew had a hard time believing this was the same urbane, civilized Marcus Cole he had met in a café, dressed in an elaborate, beautifully crafted costume.

The Bear roared, and it sounded incredibly loud – and real! Had Matthew been clear-headed, he would have realized that the sound was an electronically enhanced human voice making that sound, but in his present state, he was confused…and terrified!

The Cross tipped slowly backward until it clicked to a stop. Matthew’s prick was now pointing straight up as he lay on his back. The Bear slowly stalked over to him, circled, sniffed, then roared into his face. Matthew turned his head away, yelling and shaking his bonds. Had he looked closely, he would have seen Cole’s face through the Bear’s mouth – but he was too wrapped up in the fantasy to notice such details.

The Bear sniffed, shuffled slowly to Matthew’s feet, then raised itself and put its heavy forepaws on his thighs, sniffing at his painfully stiff cock. Blunted claws scrapped against his skin, raising goosebumps as Matthew clamped his eyes shut, praying that this truly was just a performance, and it was Marcus Cole in a beautifully realistic furry suit. Cole’s red tongue came out and lapped Matthew’s prick, and he yelped at the sensation. A hot mouth then sucked him in, teeth rubbing along his length, and he screamed, his entire body going rigid.

After a time, when the mouth had worked its way up and down his length, his screams transformed into equally urgent moans. But before he could find release, the mouth roughly left his prick, and The Bear dropped down on its front paws.

The Cross slowly rotated on its gimbals so Matthew was now face down, spit drooling from his mouth, and tears dripping from his eyes. Then the Cross hinged, jackknifing him so his rear protruded upwards and his head and arms pointed down, with his legs spread wide.

The Bear lifted its paws to the back of Matthew’s thighs, claws scraping flesh, then the snout sniffed at his anus. Matthew froze, petrified of what would happen next. The Cole / Bear shuffled its feet closer, and Matthew felt what seemed like a giant, slick pole pushing against his puckered arse. He screamed again, and the scream climbed in pitch as the pole slid slowly, inexorably into him.

When the pushing stopped, the pole filled him as nothing before. His befuddled mind suddenly cleared for a moment because of the adrenaline, and he realized that he had finally gotten his fondest wish.

He was being fucked by the great Marcus Cole in a costume – and was thrilled that the reality was so much more than he had imagined! This was no ordinary fuck-and-fumble in a bed-sit or luxury hotel room. This was an elaborate psycho-drama, a dream-cum-fucking-true!

Cole’s stiff penis, engorged by a cock ring, started to move roughly in and out, having to force its way in each time…and causing Matthew to scream again, this time in nerve-tingling excitement. It was the most erotic thing he had ever experienced, and he had to fight to catch his breath.

The penis started moving faster and faster, with The Bear’s furry hide rubbing against his arse and back each time the pole plumbed his depths, while Cole’s hoarse, enhanced grunts came louder and faster. Eventually, Matthew felt its cock begin to pulse and knew his ordeal was not yet finished.

His rectum throbbed painfully as The Bear came, flooding Matthew with its cum. The pressure on Matthew’s prostate, mixed with the exotic setting and the realization of his fondest dream, brought him to a shattering climax, his rigid penis fountaining spurt after spurt of agonizing pleasure onto the dust below.

Cole gave a deafening roar as he climaxed, and Matthew’s screams once again pierced the night as panic and ecstasy mingled…until he passed out and hung limply from the Cross’ restraints.


Later, when Matthew had been cleaned up and restored to his clothes, he sat, head in his hands, weak-kneed, trembling, and emotionally drained.

Cole appeared, fully clothed, looking sleek, human, and utterly urbane. He took Matthew’s hand in both of his.

“My dear boy, you were magnificent! I don’t often get such an over-the-top performance as that. Thank you so much!”

Matthew looked up through embarrassed eyelashes at the great man, and said, “Maybe…we could…do it again, Mr Cole?”

“Call me Marcus, my dear boy – but sorry, no. One does this only once with each partner. It loses something without the element of surprise, wouldn’t you agree?” As he turned to leave, Cole winked at him and said, “Besides, to repeat oneself would be…unbearable…”

Published 1 year ago

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