QOS Creator Chapter 01

"A husband's fantasy come true, but at a cost?"

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At an intersection on a beautiful summer day, Bob Meyerson grips his steering wheel tightly as he waits for the green light. It is not known for its gorgeous summer days; only its brutal winter weather comes to mind when people think of Minneapolis. Despite this, he finds today reminiscent of his Florida vacation, as it is sunny, hot, and humid. Bob had to take advantage of the nice weather by having his car windows down to enjoy the air.

His attention is drawn to something from the corner of his eye while waiting at the intersection. He glances to his left. A beautiful blonde dressed in a short sundress walks past him on the sidewalk.

“Damn, she’s hot,” he mutters to himself.

Wouldn’t it be nice if his wife dressed like that? He is interrupted by the sound of a car horn. It is now green at the intersection, and Bob quickly snaps out of it and begins driving through on his way home from work.

Bob is a junior architect at a downtown architectural firm. The pay is good; however, he has worked long hours to earn it. Bob seldom works fewer than fifty hours per week. He has enjoyed working at Bronson & Associates for the past four years. An ambitious thirty-three-year-old, he hopes to build his career here and become a partner.

He is in the final stretch of his commute home; one more light and he will reach his residence. He and his wife moved into the area in less than a year. The couple lives in a new upscale neighborhood outside of the city. The housing market soon boomed, and it is now a seller’s market, so Bob was fortunate to get the house at that time.

Pulling up the driveway, he notices his wife’s car parked in front of the two-car garage. Pam usually arrives from her job before he does. As soon as he presses the garage door opener, the large door opens, and he drives into the garage to park his vehicle.

When Bob exits his car from the garage and enters the house via the front door, he yells, “Hello?”

As Pam prepares their dinner, she acknowledges her husband by asking, “How was work today?”

“I finally resolved the Johnson construction fiasco.”

Bob had been working on that issue for a long time. 

“What’s your day been like?”

As she slices up carrots, the brown-haired wife says, “Nothing unusual to report.” 

Pam has hazel eyes, is slightly overweight, and has short stature. In her youth, she was a slim girl, but the years have not been kind, and she does not engage in much physical activity. Pam dresses in a very conservative manner. The outfit she wears for work consists of a pair of slacks, a blouse, and comfortable shoes. Her hair is in a ponytail, and his wife does not wear makeup. She does not consume alcohol or smoke.

Pam works for a warehouse distribution center as a logistics manager. She has worked there for several years, and, like Bob’s job, the pay is good. They do not have any financial concerns between them. As a result, they travel a lot throughout the country and would like to plan a trip overseas soon. Pam’s dream has always been to visit Ireland, and she persistently nudges Bob about making a trip there as soon as possible. The couple can also travel since they do not have any children, not only because they have both decided not to have children but also because Bob is infertile.

There is no problem with erectile dysfunction; he is just shooting blanks, as he would say. Also, Pam has no desire to bear children and is perfectly content to live out her days with Bob alone, and their sexual lives are different.

The sex between Pam and Bob has been satisfactory to Pam, but Bob wishes for more. Pam’s only adventure is giving him periodic blowjobs, but his wife never finishes him. She dislikes the taste of cum. The dull wife retains a preference for the missionary position, and sometimes, when Pam is in a mood, she unwillingly accepts the doggie position. The young lady does not enjoy having her pussy licked at all, deeming it gross and unsanitary.

As for Bob, he is interested in pushing her boundaries but has not been successful. It is only his persistence that occasionally results in a blowjob. Back when they were both young and inexperienced, the sex was good, but Bob craved more. His sexual frustration leads him to turn to internet porn like many other men. He loves interracial porn, especially when watching wives take black cocks, and regularly masturbates.

He fantasizes about his wife taking black cock and watching her get dominated by a large, well-endowed black man. That gets him hard as a rock with a satisfying conclusion. This fantasy of his has been going on for several years. As he attempts to discuss her fucking another man when they have sex, she always dismisses the idea with a disgusted tone.

Her typical response was, “Ewe, you like that sort of thing?”

The couple usually changes into their comfortable nightclothes after dinner, Bob with his PJ set and Pam with an outdated nightshirt from the 1990s. At the same time, Pam watches her regular television shows, and Bob logs onto his computer in his office room. His habit is watching porn and masturbating before joining Pam in bed.

The same pattern is repeating itself tonight. Bob considers which selection to visit. Most sites advertise everything from hooking up with lonely wives to pills to treat erectile dysfunction. A particular ad catches his attention as he watches a blonde housewife being ass-fucked by a large black man. The advertisement is aimed at training wives to become black cock addicts. “Interested in having your wife become a BBC whore? Then enlist her in our training regime right away; click here for more information” by QOS Preparation School, New York City.

Curiously, he stops watching the blonde and clicks on the advertisement. The website opens with a request for more enrollment information. The website appears to be very professional. His heart beats faster and faster as he glances at the enrollment screen. The devil is telling him to do it on his left shoulder, and on his right shoulder, the angel is telling him to close it.

He says under his breath, “Fuck it.”

The enrollment form only asks for his name and e-mail address to send him additional information. Bob provides him with his burner e-mail address, which he uses for sites he is sure will flood his inbox with spam. After filling out the information, he closes the website and opens his e-mail account to check if he has new mail.

As soon as he accesses his e-mail account, the first unopened e-mail is from QOS Preparation School.

It contains a PDF attachment, “Your requested information, please read thoroughly, and if you are still interested, please respond to this e-mail with a message acknowledging your interest, and we will contact you with further instructions.”

After completing the virus scan, Bob opens the PDF attachment. The brochure explains that your wife, willing or not, will be changed forever, becoming a sexual object that will crave black cocks and will not be faithful, making her a promiscuous sexual slut. So, your wife does not possess a model body? There is no need to worry; we will get her in shape and make her attractive to any black man. Training will take place at a secure facility around New York City and will take eighteen months to complete.

Bob whispers to himself, “Eighteen months? How’s that possible? This training will be costly, and how will the logistics work? How will he explain that his wife will be away for eighteen months?”

The brochure states: “If you think this is impossible, it is not. We have been training wives for seven years, and they have all been successful. Now let’s talk about the cost.” Bob reads on. “The upfront fee is $10,000.” Bob thought that price was reasonable considering the 18 months of training, and he had that money in his savings, but barely. The brochure stated, “Your wife will work for us for a two-year contract as part of the payment plan; she will work at one of our facilities close to your home, as we are constantly searching for branch offices. Again, we can easily explain your wife’s absence to your family and friends.

The training is something Bob is seriously considering. The brochure continues, “Please take the time to read all this information carefully. If you are still interested and can provide the funds, please respond to this e-mail, and provide your telephone number so we can provide additional information. I sincerely hope you will select us for your training needs; you will not be disappointed.

Bob does not respond immediately. Instead, he goes to bed since it is very late, and Pam has already gone to sleep. There is a fast pace of thoughts in his head, causing him to decide to move forward as the desire to satisfy his sexual needs overrides any rational considerations. Eventually, he falls asleep after an hour or so.

The next day, Bob decides to do it while at work. He opens his e-mail account, locates the e-mail sent last night, clicks on it, responds with “I’m interested,” and provides his cell phone number. He felt his heart pound throughout the process, even more so after clicking the “send” button.

About a half-hour had passed when his cell phone rang. In his office, Bob picks up his phone and notices that the number is restricted, and he answers it.


A voice answers, “Hello, are you Bob Meyerson?”

There is a sense of formality and knowledge in the voice.

“Yes, I’m Bob Meyerson.”

“Bob, this is Shawn Matthews from the QOS Preparation School in New York. Did you inquire about our services?”

Now nervous and sweating, Bob gets up from his desk and walks outside, saying, “Yes, I am interested in your services.”

“Have you read the brochure and understand what we offer and its costs?”

Bob sheepishly replies, “I do.”

“I’m glad to hear that; you won’t be disappointed. Here’s the next step; since this requires a hefty fee, I want to ensure you trust us. I just sent you the financial forms.”

Shawn asks Bob several questions about his wife over the next few minutes. Including her appearance, likes and dislikes, personality, and job; the husband provides him with as much information as possible.

Bob asks, “If you don’t mind, how is all this possible?”

“You don’t have to worry. Once we get your payment, we’ll get started. You told us what your wife does for work, so we’ll get more info, and then we’ll get in touch with your wife through one of our dummy companies, asking her for an interview for a management position overseas, which will require her to be away for a while.”

He continues, “We’ll offer her something she can’t refuse, and once she accepts, we’ll use this as an excuse to explain her absence, and then we’ll fly her to New York City.”

The idea strikes Bob as clever, but he wonders whether Pam will accept it. He is skeptical that this will be successful. He asks Shawn what will happen if she declines.

Shawn responded, “She will. Trust me.”

After several minutes of discussing the fine details, especially his wife’s sexual habits, or lack thereof, Shawn concludes that he understands her well and ends the call. Later that day, Bob checked his e-mails, completed the required financial forms, provided his banking information nervously, and sent the fee to QOS Prep. Bob thinks to himself that there is no turning back now.

After a week, Pam receives a telephone call from a corporation seeking logistic managers to assist with training in their overseas office. Pam is interested in the position but is not keen on working abroad. It is, however, located in Ireland. She nearly collapsed when asked about the salary; they guarantee a salary double what she makes, along with a free apartment in Ireland, and will pay for extra food and entertainment.

The company will have a Zoom meeting scheduled for her in a couple of days for the interview. In response to Pam’s concerns, Bob assures her that it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her, and if the pay is as good as they claim, he might quit his job to be with her, but not right away. She hugs him in gratitude for the support she is receiving from her husband. For this, Bob believed he was going to hell.

The Zoom interviewer was a handsome black man wearing a suit and asked her all the typical interview questions. After the interview, he informs Pam that he is impressed with her qualifications and plans to contact her within a few days for a potential job offer. She was on cloud nine and eager to share all the details with Bob. As he bites his lip, he expresses his joy for her. All of this is causing him to have second thoughts.

Pam received the call early next week. The company offered her the position, and the happy wife accepted without talking about her salary. They will cover the cost of her flights to New York City and then overseas to Ireland, as well as the cost of all the luggage she will bring. It is August, and they want her to begin in the first week of October. This time frame will make it easier for her to inform family and friends of her departure and attend to her affairs before she leaves.

At the beginning of October, Pam had already tagged all her luggage and sent it to her newly rented apartment in Ireland. It is unknown to her that she will never again see her luggage. There was only one carry-on bag that she had packed for her trip. Bob delivered an outstanding performance of a tearful farewell to his wife at the Minneapolis airport. Following a long hug and kiss, his wife walked to the gate to catch her flight. The tears of joy and sadness flood Pam’s eyes as she finds her seat on the plane – and it’s first class! After the plane reaches New York City for a layover, she reviews her tickets once more; her plane arrives in NYC at 2:45 p.m., and her flight to Dublin, Ireland, will depart at 6 p.m., so there is plenty of time to explore the airport.

She arrived in New York just a few minutes late. As soon as Pam steps off the plane with her carry-on bag, she looks around and takes a closer look at everything around her. Even though it is only the airport, she has never been to New York and is looking forward to exploring the vast airport during her long layover. 

Lester Mason, who works for QOS Prep, is a tall, lean black man wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. Awaiting the flight from Minneapolis, he is at the gate entrance. Usually, you are not allowed to greet passengers after they have stepped off the plane, but Lester had connections with the airport. He is responsible for finding Pam Meyerson, the next student in the program.

Leaning against one of the pillars next to the gate, the black man looks again at the picture he pulled from his shirt pocket. Her husband provided a recent photo to assist him in locating her. He confirms one of the passengers as Pam and begins following her as the passengers spill out of the aircraft.

After walking for some time, she stops at a bar and grill restaurant and sits at one of the tables. Pam orders a meal and a beverage.

She ordered a chicken Caesar salad and a glass of soda. Pam hoped to lose a few pounds during her stay in Ireland and would like to surprise her husband with a slimmer figure.

Lester watches Pam while he walks toward her table, stopping short about a table away from her.

Pam thought about texting her husband, so she searched her purse for her phone and found it. While fumbling with her cell phone, Pam dropped her napkin and began to reach down to pick it up.

Lester was waiting for a moment like this and did not hesitate. He rushes past the table rapidly and slips a pill into her drink. The black man continues to move past her. Once he was clear from her table, he looked back.

“Good, no one noticed.”

He surveyed the area again to confirm nobody, especially Pam, was suspicious of what he did. Lester then walked towards the nearest restroom and waited. 

Pam finishes her meal and downs the remainder of her tainted soda.

After she paid for her meal and drink, she felt strange as she was preparing to collect her belongings from her table.

Her stomach starts to feel funny, and she feels the urge to go to the bathroom; Pam grabs her carry-on and heads for the restroom, where Lester is waiting.

To clear out the woman’s bathroom, he placed a closed sign in front of it. When he sees Pam approaching, he immediately removes the placard and watches her enter the restroom. 

Immediately upon Pam’s entry, Lester re-placed the sign and entered the women’s restroom. 

Pam could not keep her balance as soon as she turned the corner, she collapsed. 

On his phone, Lester made a call to someone asking for assistance. Within a few minutes, another black man emerged from the rear maintenance door of the restroom. 

The two men moved the passed-out wife and her carry-on luggage through a maintenance door and then entered a narrow alleyway behind all airport stores. A blacked-out van awaited them at the exit. They loaded the limp woman into the back of the vehicle and departed.


Bob received a text message from Shawn informing him they had his wife. Bob is flooded with fear and excitement as he reads, “Her training begins now.”

There is no turning back now, as he is alone in his home and will be alone for the next eighteen months.

Published 1 year ago

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