With summer nearly over and college looming, I experienced a mix of emotions. Soon, both Sharon and Mrs. Collins would be out of my life, at least temporarily. I figured I’d continue to see Sharon during breaks and next summer, but Linda Collins was probably going to become only a memory since she was moving to another state.
Losing Mom to cancer had been a devastating blow, but discovering the joys of sex with both a middle-aged horny neighbor and a nineteen-year-old ex-gymnast had tempered the pain in many ways. Dad and I slowly recovered, but I still worried about him. He tried to erase the pain through eating and drinking, and his health took a turn for the worse.
My time with Linda Collins had come to a slow trickle. The maintenance of her house and yard work was up to par and her house was for sale in preparation for her move. Of course, this meant that sex with her had been reduced to less than a trickle. After the three-way with her and Sharon, I hadn’t seen or heard from her. To make matters worse, Sharon had been tied up, or so she said, and I had only talked to her briefly on the phone. During that time, the only thing between me and celibacy was my right hand.
But the hiatus from sex did allow me to spend more time with Dad before heading off to junior college. We had some heart-to-heart talks, and he promised to seek some counseling. As my departure date neared, we did some serious father/son bonding.
With my encouragement, he even dated a couple of single women in his office. I was delighted to hear the sounds of primordial sex coming from his bedroom after a dinner date with one of them. I had hinted to him about the recuperative powers of sex without disclosing any personal details, and he had taken my advice to heart.
The next morning he emerged from his room with a giggling, buxom co-worker he had mentioned a time or two. After awkward introductions, we had some coffee before she excused herself to go home, but not before I sensed a look of interest in my direction.
“Nice to meet you, Sammie. I hope we can meet again sometime.”
“Likewise, Ginger. Nice meeting you.”
We shook hands at the door and then she took me by surprise and gave me a brief kiss on the cheek with her bright, red-painted lips. She offered her hand as a final goodbye and in the process, I felt a slip of paper transfer to my grip. As the door closed behind her, I glanced down to see a phone number written on it. My cock hardened at the possible meaning.
“Way to go, Dad!” I winked in approval when she was gone.
“Oh, hush. She was a wildcat, I admit. But she’s a bit too young for me. She’s not even forty. Anyway, I doubt I’ll be seeing her again. But it was a fun evening, I’ll admit. She did have some hooters on her, in case you didn’t notice. Still, I feel a bit guilty. I kept thinking about your mother and what she would say if she could see me.”
“She’d say, ‘Good for you, Dan. Go for it.”
Dad only smiled. I glanced again at the number in my hand and wondered how this would play out. Ginger had the assets I loved–a middle-aged woman with big tits and what appeared to be a tight ass.
But then later that day, I received a phone call from Sharon that took me by surprise. After a bit of small talk, she got to the point.
“Linda wants to know if we want to do one end-of-the-summer celebration on Saturday evening. You know–snacks, wine, hot tub–that sort of thing.”
Of course, it sounded like another wild night of sex that immediately caught my attention, but what preoccupied my thoughts was the fact that Sharon and Linda had planned this together. What could that mean?
“How did this happen? I mean, have you and Linda been meeting since we were over at her house?”
Sharon paused as if carefully choosing her words.
“Well, actually, yes. She invited me over to do some yoga together. We sort of bonded, I guess. Anyway, she thought it would be nice to do one last summer celebration. Are you up for it?”
My brain was spinning. I could only imagine the two of them doing yoga together…naked. They had hit it off better than even I had hoped. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was. And I was certainly “up” for it. In more ways than one.
I decided the details of their relationship would come out later, and I focused on the present. Sharon filled me in on the details they had agreed upon, and I said I would swing by and pick her up.
Saturday finally arrived and, as promised, I stopped by Sharon’s and we walked the few blocks together to Linda’s. Since we were planning on hopping into LInda’s spa later, we both had bathing suits under some loose sweats. We chatted about what we’d been doing lately on the way there.
“So, you and Mrs. Collins have hit it off I guess.”
“Yeah, she invited me over to show her some stretches and yoga since she knew I was into that. She’s very nice, as you know. I hate to see her leave. We talked about you some, as well.”
“My ears are burning. All good, I hope.”
“Yes, all good. Forget the pretense, Sammie. I know you were fucking her all summer. I suspected it anyway, and after our little three-way, she admitted it. But don’t worry. I understand how hard it would be to keep your hands off of her. She’s very attractive–and sexy.”
I didn’t say anything for a minute or two as I thought about what Sharon was telling me. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me.
“Tell me the truth, Sharon. You and Mrs. Collins are getting it on, aren’t you?”
“Okay, Sammie. Since you ask, I won’t lie like you did to me. Yeah, we did more than a little yoga. We ended up in her bedroom and I enjoyed every second of it. I didn’t plan it, but I sort of suspected we might end up like that. And it was wonderful. But we both realize that we enjoy traditional love-making with a man. I guess I’m Bi. She is all woman, and she knows how to please. But we both decided that you need to be involved with that fat cock of yours. Tonight will be something special.”
I reached over and held Sharon’s hand and kissed her on the cheek.
“No worries, Sharon. I’m happy for you. I think it’s a big turn-on. I get hard just thinking about you two munching on each other.”
As I was trying to reiterate how open-minded, I was to all this, Linda’s house came into view and we were soon at her door. Seconds after pressing the bell the door opened, and Linda greeted us in a loose cotton robe. I was sorry that it did little to highlight her voluptuous body. I had hoped for something slinkier, even though soon enough we would probably be in a tangle.
“Hi, kids. C’mon in. Everything’s ready. The hot tub is heated, and the wine is waiting. Follow me.”
Without further ado, we were led through the back door to her privacy-fenced yard. The spa was lit with both candles and dimmed outdoor lights. Three wine glasses sparked in the light with a bottle of chardonnay in an ice bucket and a bottle of uncorked red wine on the table. Linda took our requests and handed us each a glass.
“To tonight,” she toasted. We raised our glasses in unison. “Let’s get in the tub.”
Linda removed her robe, and I did a double take. She wasn’t wearing a stitch underneath. Her heavy breasts capped by those huge nipples jiggled as she set her robe on a chair. Her blonde pussy hair was neatly trimmed to a tiny V and her tresses were tied in a ponytail.
As I stepped out of my sweats, Linda admonished me.
“Dump the Speedos, Sammie. This is a no-clothes night.”
I looked over at Sharon and realized she had nothing on underneath her sweats. I followed suit and soon we were all naked and comfortably sitting in the 103-degree water after slowly getting used to the temperature. I smiled as both women’s breasts bobbed near the surface.
“First things first. Come here, you two, and kiss me. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”
Linda opened her arms and the three of us hugged and kissed, first with tentative smacks and then with serious openmouthed passion. I felt a hand grip my cock and then another one as both ladies took hold of the situation.
“Looks like a one-eyed anaconda is loose in the tub, Sharon. Don’t let go. It might bite.”
Linda giggled and kissed me again.
“Thank you for introducing me to Sharon, Sammie. I guess you know we’ve become close friends since then.” She pulled Sharon to her and kissed her lips. “I’ve discovered a new side to pleasure. She has the sweetest pussy. But then you already knew that. Well, tonight we are going to each get a taste.”
We fondled and kissed that way for several minutes, talking dirty and getting hornier by the second. My cock was rigid as a flagpole as both ladies slowly stroked me between caresses for each other.
“Tell you what, Sammie. Sit up on the edge so we can get a better look at this snake. We might have to see if we can get a little venom out of it so you are up to some marathon fucking later on.”
I perched on the edge of the tub and watched as both women positioned themselves for oral delights.
“That’s it; just watch as we see who can take in the most of you.”
Both Linda and Sharon were now kissing my cock head, my shaft, and each other as they licked, sucked, and stroked me. I was delirious with pleasure and thought, how could this be any better when Linda wrapped her breasts around my shaft and tit-fucked me? As the head of my cock emerged from her cleavage, both she and Sharon would wrap their lips around it or kiss it, pausing only to kiss one another. I could feel that old, familiar tingling in my large balls which were now being fondled and squeezed by Sharon.
Linda licked my piss hold and inserted the tip of her tongue inside it.
“Mmmm, I feel a big one coming, Sharon. Sammie, your cock is ready to explode. Your precum is just a hint of the full meal. Go ahead and let loose. I’ll try to keep it out of the water by swallowing it if that’s okay. Sharon, I may need your help. Sammie usually shoots like a firehose the first time.”
I strained to keep from cumming. The sensations and sights of two gorgeous women sucking on my cock and kissing one another were too much, however. Sharon only insured the outcome by slipping a finger between my butt cheeks and inserting her fingertip into my ass. That was it!
I let loose with a guttural cry and rolled my head back as a wad of thick semen shot out the end of my cock and striped Linda’s face from her forehead to her chin. She jerked back in reaction to the squirt and then wrapped her lips around me and sucked, hollowing her cheeks and inhaling my orgasm like a brand-new Hoover. My initial burst was followed by many more in rapid succession as my cock throbbed and pulsed into her waiting mouth. Sharon, who only weeks before had begged me to not cum in her mouth, greedily licked up any residue that Linda could not handle. A few droplets reached the water, but nearly all of my sperm was safely swallowed by these two hungry sorceresses.
And then they kissed one another and swapped my sperm in a passionate tangle of tongues. If I hadn’t just shot my wad, I would have cum again as I watched their embrace. Excess cum dribbled out of the corners of their lips only to be gathered by waiting fingers and reinserted into receptive mouths. Linda even gave me a taste as she inserted two fingers between my lips. I swore I could also taste a hint of Sharon’s pussy on her fingers as well.
I slid down in the water and we all three hugged and kissed, the taste of my sperm still on our lips.
We sat back, refilled our glasses, and then continued in that vein, hugging, kissing, sucking, and fondling each other as we moaned and cooed exclamations of love. Finally, Linda said that she had prepared plenty of food for some quick energy before we engaged in the coup d’etat, a surprise she had in her bedroom that she would reveal at the appropriate time.
“What could be better than what I just experienced,” I asked.
“Just wait,” was the unified response.
Linda had robes waiting for us and thus covered, we sat in her den and enjoyed an array of cheeses and various snacks while we sipped wine and water.
“We can’t drink too much or we won’t be able to perform,” Linda admonished.
“Perform? Just what do you have in mind, ladies?”
“We’re going to make a little movie, tonight, Sammie. Sharon and I talked about it. No one but the three of us will ever see it. We have to promise to that, and I trust you two to promise that. But I thought we could make something to remember the evening. I get excited just thinking about it. C’mon. I’ll show you.
We marched into the bedroom and sure enough, it almost looked like a Hollywood set. Three cameras were set up on tripods around the bed with additional lighting as well.
“Sharon helped me set this all up. She’s got the technical skills that I struggle with, so I guess we each have our skill sets. Yours is hanging between your legs, Sammie. And in preparation, I downloaded a tutorial.”
Linda turned on the TV in the corner and after hitting a fussing with a few devices, a porn film came up entitled Three’s Company. We sat on the edge of the bed in our robes and watched as a few credits rolled up the screen in amateurish fashion.
“This is a spoof on the television show with Crissy, Janet, and Jack. A friend of my ex sent it to him and I found it in a stack of old videos a while back. “Asshole” liked it because he thought I looked like Crissy played by Suzanne Somers, even though my boobs are bigger than hers, but I guess I’ll be the Crissy character when we make our version. Sammie, you get to play Jack, and Sharon will be Janet.”
The porn version that came on the TV showed Jack asleep in bed and Crissy and Janet whispering as they tiptoed to the bed from either side. Laughing, they ripped the covers off of Jack to reveal his naked torso with a huge erection and his hand around the base.
“Aha! We knew you were awake. And more than awake. Maybe we can help with that morning wood. What do you say, Janet?”
And in seconds, both women were sucking on Jack’s enormous cock and peeling their clothes off.
Jack only smiled in pleasure as both women devoured his member for several minutes, all the while kissing one another. But soon Janet was on her hands and knees with a cock buried in her pussy while Crissy was fondling both of them and occasionally pulling his cock out and lubricating it with her mouth. Periodically, the two women switched places.
“I’m not sure what we can learn from this, but it should at least get us in the mood–not that I need any mood enhancement.” Linda winked at us. “Whenever you are ready, let me know.”
“There’s no time like the present. Let’s make a movie. It’s showtime!” My cock had regained a familiar attitude. John Holmes, move over.
Linda took on a director’s authoritative tone and laid out the scene. It was a simple plot.
“Just do whatever comes naturally. Let’s have some fun. And forget the video cameras exist. Just ignore them once they get rolling. Let’s start with our robes on and gradually work them off…a little teaser. God, I’m soaking already just thinking about how much fun this is going to be. And remember, we’re in no hurry.”
Sharon added. “And Sammie, we’ve got three cameras at different angles. I’ll do the editing later and add a title and some fake credits. This is so cool!”
“But wait. Sharon, should I put on a rubber?”
“No worries. I’m on the pill now. We’ll do this without any raincoats,” Sharon added.
“Sammie, let’s start with you on your back pretending to sleep like our boy Jack there. We’ll take it from there.”
And they did. I stroked my already rigid cock a couple of times and closed my eyes. Linda and Sharon quietly crawled up on the bed and then I felt my robe open and something wet engulf the head of my cock. I looked up to see Linda fellating me, her lips stretched wide to take in the crown and a little more.
“Surprise, Jack! Happy birthday!” Sharon leaned up and kissed me.
“But it’s not my birthday,” I corrected.
“It is now! And this is your present. Two horny roommates who are going to torture you with teasing and sex.”
“Well then, happy birthday to me!”
Sharon and Linda traded off sucking my cock between kissing one another and me. Soon my shaft was covered in freshly applied lipstick, as were their faces. I could tell Linda and Sharon enjoyed each other as much, if not more, than they did me.
“It’s a little hot in here, don’t you think, Janet? Maybe we’d better take these robes off.”
“Great idea, Crissy. Let’s do it together.”
Both ladies stood and slowly untied and opened their robes, revealing their big breasts. They were a study in contrast: Linda’s full mature globes hung heavily on her rib cage, her upturned nipples trying to defy gravity. Sharon’s tight cones, on the other hand, jutted from her chest like two, large, inverted snow cones. They flirted with their nipples and then embraced before turning and bending over for the camera to show off their asses and pussies.
“Does this pose make my ass look too big, Jack? How about if I spread my legs? Is that better?”
Sharon spread her feet apart and exposed her fleshy cunt lips.
“But check out Crissy’s. Her lips are huge, and I’m not talking about her mouth. Those are big also. Why don’t you check it out for yourself, Jack? Sit on his face, Crissy, and give our roommate a birthday pie.”
“Chrissy” crawled up and spread her thighs around my head while “Janet” began working on my cock. They continued in this fashion for several minutes before shifting so that Sharon was now riding on me and Linda got behind her to fondle my balls and occasionally replace Sharon’s pussy with her mouth.
After a while, Linda decided she needed more action and a bigger role in the movie.
“OK, Jack. We’ll both get on our hands and knees and you get behind us. Now, you get to surprise us by planting that big rod in whomever you want. And if the spirit moves you, we have more than one hole back there to play with. That big tool of yours probably won’t easily fit in our little bums, and Janet has never had it there, so be careful. She’s got a virgin ass unless you want to count my tongue.”
Sharon was going along with all this role playing as well. And even though she and I had flirted around with anal sex, that was as far as it had gone–flirting. But the prospect of actually having my cock in her ass as she lined up next to Linda excited me beyond belief. I stroked my penis a few times and then rubbed it up and down between her butt cheeks. She craned her neck to make eye contact with me, and then she nodded approval.
The tip of my cock pushed against her tiny orifice before finally slipping partly into her ass. Sharon shut her eyes. A moan of pleasure replaced a brief cry of pain as her anus slowly stretched to accept my thickness. She relaxed and let my cock work inside her for several brief strokes before I pulled it out and inserted it into Linda.
“Mmmm. Right there, Jack. Oh my lord! You’re in my ass already, Honey,” Linda continued her commentary for the camera and for Sharon. They later admitted they had discussed this, and Sharon agreed to try it as Linda elaborated how wonderful anal sex could be. And now that she had briefly experienced it, she realized that it wasn’t so bad after all.
As I was pounded Linda’s ass next to her, Linda grunted approval with each stroke. Sharon smiled and turned her head to kiss her lesbian lover passionately before Linda spoke up.
“Don’t forget about Janet, Jack. You need to give her more than a taste. Give her the whole meal, Honey. I can tell she is still hungry.”
Sharon moaned as my cock slipped back into her pussy her for several seconds before I quickly pulled it out. But then, I separated her cheeks and entered her ass easily. I pushed carefully at first and expected resistance, but my cock was slick from two pussies, and it slid in easily.
Linda craned her neck as she watched me with both hands now on Sharon’s hips while I slowly pushed in and out of her sphincter. Sharon’s eyes were closed as waves of pleasure overtook her.
“Oh, fuck, that feels incredible.”
Linda sat up and placed her head on Sharon’s buttocks to watch the action up close. She offered encouragement and praise for both of us, occasionally kissing Sharon’s backside or fondling her hangng breasts.
“You’re doing a fantastic job, Janet. Doesn’t that huge cock feel wonderful in your ass? God, it is so exciting to watch.”
By now, any discomfort Sharon felt had turned to pleasure–a different kind of pleasure, and “Janet” began to respond accordingly by thrusting against my thick cock firmly ensconced in her ass.
I was getting into it. I fucked Sharon in this way for a minute or so before turning Linda around and going back to her fleshy ass. I couldn’t believe what I was watching as each woman’s anus would shrink back when I withdrew but easily open with each new insertion.
But in time, it was all too much, and I knew I couldn’t stop the inevitable tide. I announced that I was about to explode again as my cock pistoned in and out of Linda. But she had other thoughts.
“Cum in Janet’s ass, Jack. She’s never had it there. Give it to her, Sweetie.”
And I did. Right before the urge became uncontrollable, I pulled out of “Crissy” and replanted myself in “Janet.” Sharon could feel cock throbbing and she wriggled her ass in response.
“Oh, yes, Jack. That’s it. Empty your ball in my ass. God that feels so good. I can feel your cock pulsing in me.”
The feeling was indescribable for me as well, but just the thought of what was happening to Sharon put her over the edge, and she had a huge vaginal orgasm. Her cunt continued to throb in spasms until after I removed my cock from her ass. The three of us collapsed on the bed in a sweaty pile. We lay that way for several minutes, kissing and snuggling until finally Linda got up and turned off the cameras.
“That’s a wrap.”
Sharon and I only smiled.
The rest of the evening was a mix of cuddling, fucking, and sucking, but for much of that time the two women worked on each other and I participated as a bit of an outsider. Not that I minded. I excitedly watched as they groveled in various positions, Linda offering more directorial instructions to Sharon but also inviting me to join in.
“Put your cock in my mouth while Sharon eats me, Sammie. That way I get the best of both worlds.”
She continued to offer encouragement, even with a fat penis stuffing her mouth, to our laughter.
“Oh, sorry, Linda. You’re hard to understand with a penis stuffing your mouth. Remember, it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full.”
But eventually, the hour grew late, and the cameras were shut off. Sharon promised to edit the tapes–no doubt with Linda’s help. Whatever that entailed, I could only guess.
I escorted Sharon home, and we kissed briefly at the door before I sauntered to my house, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts about the evening. I hated to see it end soon.
When I got home, the kitchen phone was blinking and we had a message. I hit the play button and listened.
“Hi Sammie or Dan, whoever gets this, I think I left something at your house. Give me a call if you can, please. Oh, this is Ginger, by the way.”
The message system indicated she had called recently when Dad was, no doubt, in bed. Even though it was after ten, I decided to give her a call in case it was important.
I dialed the callback number and a sleepy voice answered after two rings.
“Hi, Ginger. This is Sammie. Sorry to call so late, but I just got your message and thought it might be important. How can I help?”
“Oh, hi, Sammie. I’m glad you called. No worries. This is a little embarrassing. I left something at your house, actually I think in your guest bathroom. You’re going to think this sounds stupid, but it’s an article of clothing.”
“No problem. I’m happy to help. I’ll fetch it for you. What did you leave?”
A pause ensued.
“Umm. well, it’s actually a pair of panties. I slipped them off because…well…that’s not important. Anyway, I set them on a magazine rack near the toilet. Would you be a doll and retrieve them for me? They’re very expensive. And to be honest, I’m not sure your dad is interested in seeing me again. He’s been standoffish at work. I’m sorry if I sent the wrong message. He’s a nice man.”
“No worries, Ginger. I’m happy to help. How can I get them to you? I can easily deliver them to you tomorrow, if that’s okay.”
“Oh, that would be wonderful if it’s not too much trouble. I don’t want to impose, but it would be kind of embarrassing to show up at your house and ask for my panties.” She giggled at the thought, and I laughed sympathetically with her.
“There’s no real hurry, Sammie. But maybe you could grab them and hang on to them for now. That way your dad won’t be embarrassed if he comes across them. I’d be ever grateful. That’s so sweet of you.”
And so Ginger gave me her address, and I promised I’d get them to her the next day after work, but that I’d call first. We hung up, but not before she said she was looking forward to seeing me again.
Ginger was a hot little number. I couldn’t understand why Dad wouldn’t want to see her, but his loss might be my gain.
I deleted the message from the answering machine and went into the bathroom. Sure enough, there was a pair of panties draped across the wireframe of the magazine rack. I put them to my nose and inhaled their perfumery odor mixed with just a hint of another familiar aroma.
As spent as I was, I plopped down on my bed and, still holding the silky material. I wrapped it around my dick and beat off to thoughts of Ginger riding my cock and moaning in heated passion. I awoke hours later with her cum-soaked panties still in my hand.
The next day I busied myself until Dad came home from work. After brief small talk, I told him I was eating out with friends and would see him later. Since Ginger worked in the same offices, I figured she would be home and I called from a phone in the den, privately.
“Hi, Ginger. This is Sammie. Is it all right if I drop by with your forgotten item? I’m heading that way anyway. I can be there in twenty minutes.”
“That would be wonderful, Sammie. I’ll make sure I have a couple of beers in the fridge. Is that okay?”
“Sure! See you soon.”
When I arrived at her house, I parked behind her Subaru and walked up the neat walkway. Before I could ring the bell the door opened and Ginger welcomed me, smiling. She was relatively short, about 5’4″ but had a voluptuous figure. I tried not to stare at her prominent nipples and huge boobs.
“C’mon in. Excuse the mess. I tried to straighten things a bit. I appreciate you going to all this trouble, Sammie.” She gave me a brief hug, her large, braless breasts cushioned between us. She was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. It appeared that she had put on fresh lipstick for the occasion.
“No problem. And no worries. Our house is always a mess. We are two bachelors who aren’t always as neat as we should be.”
Ginger bade me to have a seat on the couch while she grabbed a couple of beers. When she returned with two chilled bottles of Dos Eques, she sat near me and toasted. I set a plastic bag on the coffee table.
“Madame’s items. Delivered as promised.”
“Oh, thank you, Honey. You are a real gentleman.”
Ginger opened the bag briefly and glanced in. Then she took another look and smiled. She reached into the bag, pulled the panties out, and displayed them in front of our faces, giggling.
“I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much with all this. I know–these don’t look like old lady’s panties. I guess I still try to act like I’m a teenager sometimes. But you seem to be very mature for your age, Sammie. You’re very sweet. I noticed that about you right away. I have a sense about these things.”
She was still holding the panties, and I noticed the stain where I had cum on them. I quickly looked away and hoped she had not noticed. She raised her beer arm in a toast and lowered her other arm with the panties to her thigh.
“Here’s to friendship, Sammie.” We clinked bottles and took a sip. “You look a little nervous, Honey. Is everything okay? And then she looked down and must have noticed the stain as well.
“I’d better put these away before you get any ideas. Hmmm, I never noticed this stain before.” She sniffed them and smiled.
“I bet I know what happened. Don’t worry, Sammie, I understand. Men have needs. But then, so do women. I noticed right away that you are at the age when men just can’t control certain emotions and sometimes it shows. Like right now, hmmm?”
Ginger reached over and put a hand on my knee. Your dad told me he thought you were sexually active with a neighbor lady, and that got me thinking. There’s nothing like the sex drive of a teenager. I remember those days. I also noticed that you have a hard time looking at my face instead of my chest. These boy magnets get lots of stares, I admit. I understand, Sammie, so don’t be embarrassed. They enjoy the attention.”
Ginger threw her shoulders back, patted my knee in sympathy, and then slowly moved her hand to the inside of my thigh.
“Oh, Honey. What’s this? My goodness, this feels like you’re more than embarrassed. Did I do this to you?”
I’m not stupid, but I could certainly play stupid. It was obvious where this was leading–at least as far as I was concerned. I looked directly into Ginger’s eyes and gave her my best look of innocence.
“I’m so sorry, Ginger. Sometimes I can’t help it. I get excited and part of me is uncontrollable. Please don’t be mad. After I found your panties, I did something I shouldn’t have done.” I looked down in fake shame. Ginger’s fingers were gently rubbing my erection.
“Oh, Honey. That’s all right. You’re a man with a man’s urges. I completely understand. And teenagers have it twice as bad. Don’t be embarrassed. Even women have those kinds of urges. But by everything that I can tell, you should be proud, Sammie.”
Ginger’s gentle rubbing became more pronounced. The thick shaft on the inside of my thigh now strained for release. Then she squeezed it in her small hand.
“If this is all you, Sweetie, you’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about.”
And with that, she leaned toward me, her lips slightly parted, and I took the hint. I wrapped my arm around her and pressed my lips to hers. I could smell her lipstick, and her full lips tenderly welcomed me with a soft kiss followed seconds later by open-mouthed tongue wrestling. My free hand found her breast and squeezed it. She placed her hand on top of mine in approval and then moved it to my thigh again. To my delight, I felt Ginger’s fingers slowly rubbing and stroking the shaft of my cock through my pants.
Suddenly she stopped, and I thought, “Oh, oh. Here’s the guilt kicking in.”
Instead, she gave me a peck on the lips and began unbuckling my belt.
“Let’s cut to the chase here, Sammie. I’ve got to see this magnificent cock of yours.”
I stood and stepped out of my pants. Ginger’s wanton smile said it all. She grabbed my boxers and slid them to my knees. I heard a familiar gasp as her emerald eyes got big, and her ruby lips erupted into a huge grin.
“Oh, Honey. This is beyond my wildest expectations. Look at you!”
Ginger tried to encircle my fat cock in her hand but could not. Instead, she stroked it and began kissing the bell-shaped helmet, sliding her stretched lips over it as far as my size would allow. As she continued, I continued to fondle her magnificent breasts until she finally let loose of my cock and pulled her T-shirt over her head. Her breasts dropped heavily after being briefly caught in the hem of her shirt.
“Huge, aren’t they? I bet you’ve never seen tits this big on someone so small. I’m mighty proud of them.”
I didn’t wait for permission. I reached over and first kissed her on the lips and then planted my lips around a huge nipple.
Ginger had pale, bumpy, saucer-sized areolae. I felt an instant swelling as soon as my lips touched her ripe buds. Her nipples extended from her breasts a good half inch.
“Okay, Honey. I love to have my breasts worshipped, but all in good time. Let me get out of these shorts. I didn’t bother with underwear this time. I figured if we got this far, they would be moot.”
Ginger stood and slipped off her cotton shorts and true to her word, she wore no panties. A pale-orangish bush greeted me between slender, lily-white thighs.
“Grab your beer and follow me lover-boy. We going to need some room for what I have planned, and my bed is better than the couch or the floor.”
I followed her into a large master bedroom adorned with wide-open curtains on large windows, presenting tons of light and views of a neat backyard.
“The privacy fence ensures no snooping, so we can frolic without worrying about interference. How does that sound? I plan on getting fucked to a frenzy, if that’s okay with you. I can’t wait to feel that big stick stuffing me. I’m feeling frisky now that I’ve seen you.”
Ginger took a swig of beer and set the bottle on the end table.
“How about if you lie here and let me try to fit that schlong in my mouth for a while? I love the feeling of a large cock in my mouth. And you certainly qualify, Sammie. My god, your cock is almost scary. I imagine your neighbor friend walks bow-legged after wrestling with you. As you can see, I’m quite small except for my boobs, but fortunately, pussies are flexible.”
“I’ll be gentle, Ginger. I know I’m large, but I also understand fucking should be pleasurable and not painful. I’ve had a good teacher.”
We were now both on her king-sized bed: me on my back with my cock reaching for the sky and Ginger kneeling beside me. She took another swig of beer to moisten her mouth and then placed her full lips over the head again and began sucking. And she knew what she was doing.
Ginger possessed a litany of sucking techniques from the ubiquitous Hoover to the butterfly flick. She varied her tempo and pressure so that the routine was like a class in fellatio. As her full lips, tongue, and mouth worked their magic, her large green eyes stayed glued on mine. Periodically, she removed her mouth to inquire if I was enjoying myself or add some color commentary to her cocksucking. She automatically squeezed the base to keep me from cumming while she praised me.
“I think this is the biggest cock I’ve ever sucked, Sammie. How am I doing? Let me know if you are going to cum. Not that I mind the taste of sperm, but I want your seed in my cunt. How’s that sound?”
After ten minutes or so of this, she gave my flesh helmet a brief kiss and slid up so that my cock was now nested between her creamy thighs. She rubbed her fleshy labia up and down the shaft to moisten her pussy, but I stopped her.
“Slide up here and put that beautiful cunt in my face. Let’s get you wet the proper way.”
“Mmmm. I like the sound of that. I haven’t been eaten in ages, let alone by a teenager. Let’s see what you’ve learned in your sexual education.”
Ginger scooted up and worked her pussy over my mouth as she supported my head in her hands. I greedily went to work, licking and sucking her swollen clit and getting my tongue a couple of inches into her cunt. Ginger had large, loose pussy lips and I sucked on them as she offered praise and told me exactly how she liked it. Soon my face and her pussy were glazed from her copious juices.
“Okay, I love your tongue, but let’s see if this horse cock will fit in me. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
Balanced on her hands and knees, Ginger slid back and raised her ass over the Titan rocket that was about to disappear inside her. With a look of determination, she grabbed the shaft with one hand and deftly spread her lips at the same time until the tip of my crown found purchase. Then, ever so slowly she descended until I was nearly buried.
“Whew! This is the biggest sausage I’ve been stuffed with. Lord, that feels good but take it easy until I get stretched a bit. Let’s just do a trot before we break into a gallop.”
I had both hands on her luscious tits, pinching and squeezing her thick nipples as she slowly worked her ass up and down my shaft, almost but not quite burying me in her cunt.
“Jesus, you are so fucking big. It feels like someone is stuffing a 2×4 in me. I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but lord, you are finding places no one has been. This is better than Disneyland.”
She was leaning forward so I could suck on those swaying mammaries, cooing and lightly stroking my face as her ass steadily worked on my cock.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes. Right there, Honey. Your cock is so fucking big, Sweetie. I haven’t felt anything like this in ages.”
“I love your tits, Ginger, but the rest of you ain’t too bad either. You are so tight I feel like I’m turning you inside out when I withdraw. I’m not sure how much more I can take.”
“Roll over, Sammie. Let’s do some good old Morman fucking. I’m about to cum but I want you to take charge. Yeah, just like that. I can do the splits this way and let you have full access. Oh shit, be careful what you wish for, Ginger. That’s it, Sammie. Fuck me like you mean it. Jesus, I’m going to cum soon, Honey. Oh…my…god! Right there. Fuck meeeeee!”
I was on top of her, pounding my cock into her with all the energy I had left. Sweat poured off of me as I braced myself and slammed in and out of her cunt. Ginger’s tits were in a state of constant motion, bouncing up and down and in circles until she braced them in her hands and held them against her chest.
After several more minutes of full speed fucking, her eyes rolled back in her head and she let loose with a blood-curdling scream of profanities and garbled words. She released her breasts and embraced me, pulling me to her and kissing me sloppily as her cunt let loose a torrent of pussy juice and clenched my cock in spasms of pleasure before finally letting me loose.
By then, I was shooting a river of cum into her waiting vagina. Slapping and squishy sounds accompanied our mutual climaxes until, finally, we both collapsed, my cock still buried inside her. We lay there for several minutes, regaining our breath before she finally spoke.
“Holy shit, that was wild, Sammie. Whoever taught you did a great job. I’ll be on crutches tomorrow, but I’ll be smiling.”
I kissed her face and her mouth before putting my lips around a huge, rubbery nipple.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” There wasn’t much more to be said.
Instead, we fucked two more times before I went home. The energy was more subdued, but the pleasures were still there.
“You have my number, Honey. Don’t lose it.”
“You know I’m off to school soon. I hate to say it.”
“No worries. There are always vacations from school. As the saying goes, ‘Separation only makes the cock harder,’ or words to that effect.”