1: James
The school stroll, not in a Chelsea tractor but on Shanks’ pony, is a daily routine for many living close to their local school. I’m a useful grandad, collecting Danny a couple of days each week from the infants’ school. Well, it stops me from being lonely, my dear Chrissie having passed away four years ago. Since then, I’ve downsized to a nice ground-floor garden flat in an old Victorian house, but the silence is oppressive at times, so being with the family and enjoying the raucous atmosphere of two young boys makes a joyous change.
Danny has a special friend, Tim, with whom he likes to walk home. Tim gets collected by his mother most days, or by his nanna when his mother can’t make it, so the stroll back to my family’s house is usually accompanied by a friendly chat with one of them before they walk on to their home a couple of hundred metres away in an adjoining road.
Daisy, Tim’s nanna, is a widow in her late sixties. Quite chubby and nice to look at, I sometimes fantasise about her body shuddering and rolling during an orgasm. Lizzy, Tim’s mum, is nothing like her mother. Slim and very attractive, she is in her early forties. On our walks, I found out she was divorced; her marriage broke up shortly after he was born.
My normal pattern on collection days was to play gentle tennis with friends in the morning and then drive to the family’s house after lunch. In the summer months, I often didn’t feel the need to change clothes and would appear at school feeling cool in a polo shirt, shorts, and trainers.
On one such day, on our walk back, I was feeling a bit low and confided in Lizzy about my loneliness away from the family.
She listened attentively, then, as I dried up, she responded, “I have the same problem; once Tim is in bed, I have no company, no one to share my woes or worries.”
We stopped, and I glanced at her face. It was a moment of understanding for both of us.
“Instead of going home alone after Danny has gone down, why don’t you come round to my house and have a meal with me?”
“Thank you, Lizzy; that would be nice.”
“Don’t knock; come in through the back door, and if I’m still settling Tim, relax in the lounge til I come down.”
We parted, as usual, in front of Danny’s home, but inside I was feeling much happier.
“See you later.” The words came simultaneously from Lizzy and me, and then we grinned in unison at the little coincidence before she turned and walked on.
Three hours later, with Danny safely tucked up in bed, listening to a story from Daddy, I crept out of their house, got into my car, and drove off, just as I always did, but this time only for a short journey around the corner before parking outside Lizzy’s place.
I walked along her driveway to the back entrance; it was unlocked, but I still knocked gently before opening the door and going in. There was no sign of Lizzy, so I assumed she was upstairs with Tim. I left my trainers by the door and padded through to the lounge. The house was the exact mirror image of my family’s place, but with everything reversed, it didn’t feel familiar.
Two comfortable sofas dominated the room. I chose one and settled down to wait, pulling my phone from a pocket, before opening up a news app to read about the world’s troubles.
After a while, I could hear the sound of movement, then gentle steps on the stairs, before Lizzy stepped into the lounge, closed the door behind her, and breathed a sigh of relief.
“He’s fast asleep, but we need to be quiet for a while.”
I looked at her and wondered why this beautiful woman was on her own and how hard a single mother’s life is, having to earn all the money needed to keep herself and her child in comfort and run a household as well.
She had changed clothes since we had walked together. Before they were blue jeans and a t-shirt, now she wore a loose thigh-length shift dress, her breasts quite obviously unrestrained by a bra, and her hair held back in a ponytail. She looked stunning, with long legs shown to perfection. A vision any man would love, but surely out of my league.
“Come into the kitchen and chat while I cook. We’re having spag-bol.”
“One of my favourites. Can I help?”
“Not really; just take a seat and watch the expert!”
Time passed by quickly. Lizzy bustled around, and I found it a pleasure to see this woman working on our meal. Half an hour later, we were sitting at her dining table in constant conversation while we slurped spaghetti and sipped white wine.
The meal was completed with a bowl of fruit, and then I helped her clear up before she told me to go into the lounge and wait for her to bring the coffee in. Shortly after, Lizzy came in, carrying a tray with a cafetiere, mugs, and biscuits.
Lizzy stood in the middle of the room and looked a bit hesitant before, in a small, uncertain voice, she spoke, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know your name; you’ve always been Danny’s granddad, or “my dad” when I’ve talked with his mother.”
Sitting on the sofa, looking up at her, I blushed in embarrassment at having put her in such a spot.
“It’s my fault; I’m so sorry. I’m James.”
“Hello, James. Welcome to my little home.” She smiled broadly, then put the tray down on a coffee table, lifted it towards the sofa, and then sat down at the other end, half turned towards me.
Our conversation resumed; there seemed to be so much to talk about, and we soon opened up, baring our souls for what was the first chance in years. The coffee was long dispatched, the time passed by at speed, dusk turned to night, and we sat in the dark, lit only by a street light that shone through the window.
There was a pause in the chatter. I sensed Lizzy was steeling herself to say something, probably to say it was time for me to go, though that was the last thing I wanted.
“James, will you cuddle me? I need one, right now.”
“Of course, Lizzy.”
I shifted my body to sit square on the sofa and lifted my arm, expecting her to snuggle into my body. She rolled across, then lowered her head onto my leg, laying on the cushions in a semi-foetal form, her legs drawn up so she fitted in the space.
I looked down, then dropped my arm and placed my hand on her shoulder. The conversation stopped; it just seemed superfluous now. Then I crooked my hand around to slide under her hair, gently running my fingers around the nape of her neck. That’s always been my favourite erogenous spot, a hidden place of pleasure. Even without arousal, it is a very nice feeling for a partner, and Lizzy showed no sign of it being unwelcome; in fact, her response was to start running her fingers up and down my leg, at first the top, then after a while along the inside of my thigh. In my thin tennis shorts, it felt like my flesh was being caressed directly.
We stayed silent, content with friendship and physical proximity. But the situation was affecting my body, one that was beyond my control. Inside my thin shorts, my cock was stirring and stretching. Looking down, I could see a long bulge behind Lizzy’s head, and the constant gentle pressure of her fingers was making it grow and grow.
I was close to panicking, wondering how to escape, when suddenly she rolled over to face my body, then lifted her hand to gently trace the outline of my erection. Back and forth, her fingers slipped along the shiny cloth, and the bulge grew even more. I looked down at her body, wondering where to put my hand, whether to stay her pleasuring and how this May-to-December situation could ever work. Then, inside the neckline of her dress, a vision of a bare breast met my eyes, so I slipped my hand inside, cupped the soft flesh, and felt around for her nipple, which responded instantly as I rotated it gently between thumb and finger.
“James, I want you to fuck me.”
The expletive came as a shock.
“Lizzy, I would like that, but are you sure? I need you to be certain.”
“Yes, I want you on top of me, inside me, your seed in me. I want it absolutely, beyond any doubt.”
“Except for the seed bit, I’m afraid I’ve been shooting blanks for many years.”
She giggled, and then the giggles turned to laughter.
“Oh, James!”
She sat up next to me and then planted her lips on mine before thrusting her tongue into my mouth. The kiss endured for several minutes while tongues flicked and hands roved around both bodies.
“Come to bed, please, James.”
So we crept upstairs, sneaking past Tim’s room, hearing his soft snuffles, which were silenced when Lizzy closed the door into her room.
We stood beside the bed, kissing deeply in the darkness, with no more than the street light to illuminate our passion. I pulled her t-shirt off over her head, then found a breast for each hand and kneaded her flesh before bending forward to suck and lick each nipple in turn.
She groaned softly; her hands linked across my neck and pulled me hard into the soft, fleshy orbs. My hands dropped down low to lift the hem of her dress, then my right hand slipped under the waistband of her panties, down through her crinkly pubic hair, and finally into the space between her legs, where I found a quagmire of juice dripping from her pussy lips.
Inside her lips, I slipped my finger into her hole, then crooked it under her pubic bone, testing for her g-spot. Lizzy’s moans increased with every movement, and then as my finger came out and shifted to the harness of her clit her body seemed to lose all control. Her kissing became frantic as I masturbated her clit. She was panting, moaning, and thrusting as her pleasure mounted nearer to completion. Suddenly she climaxed, her body shook uncontrollably, and my spare hand was needed to support her as her legs buckled.
“Oh, God, James. That was incredible.”
She sank to her knees, seemingly unable to support herself anymore. I looked at the top of her head as she pulled my shorts down, then swallowed my hard shaft to the root. I could feel the flesh of her throat against my glans, but she showed no sign of withdrawing. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my torso and pulled in tight. We stood there silently; the only movement was an occasional heave as she fought down her natural urge to expel the foreign body blocking her throat.
Then she started to mouth-fuck me. Lips, tongue, and throat all used to give me the best blowjob I’d ever had. But completion was not on anyone’s mind. Lizzy stood, then flopped onto the bed, lifted her legs in the air, and stripped off her panties, before lying down, legs wide open, and looking at me.
“Fuck me, James, I’m ready; do it now!”
I kicked off my shorts and pants, climbed on top of her, pulled her dress above her groin, and then positioned my cock in front of her vagina before plunging into her sopping wet hole.
I was on autopilot; nothing mattered other than my orgasm, with every thrust taking me closer. The end was a welter of thrusting and spasms. I bashed into Lizzy’s public bone, bashed her clit in my erotic heaven, and then felt her final response, a powerful orgasm that lifted her body, with me on top, clear of the sheet. Her four great convulsions finished our lovemaking.
“Stay in me, James; don’t come out.” Her hands rested on my shoulders and pulled me down onto her body, her request reinforced by her physical effort.
So panting and exhausted, I waited, feeling my hardness wilt slowly while the wetness of my cum trickled past my softening shaft. In the end, nature took its course, and I felt the final slippery jerk as my soft but satisfied cock slipped out into the space below my thighs, and then I rolled off her to lie alongside. Lizzy turned to me, and our lips touched in silent gratitude for the great release we had both experienced.
And that was my final memory until I woke with a start in complete darkness. The window was unfettered with blinds or curtains; outside, the streetlight was off, and the only light came from a bedside clock, which showed the time as 2:45.
Slowly and carefully, I disentangled myself from Lizzy’s embrace, searched for and found my discarded shorts and pants, and finally crept out, leaving her sleeping deeply. Downstairs, I picked up my phone and left by the unlocked back door.