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Sometimes, I was your tyger,
Pounding obscene, greedy pleas from your hot, clean mouth.

Sometimes, I was your guilty lover,
Stealing hard groans from your slick depths.

Sometimes, I was your appointed tormentor,
Imagining your tender cunt crying tears of ecstasy hours after I’d released you.

Sometimes, we walked through the rain,
Soaked free among the masses entombed by afearing umbrellas.

Sometimes, I was your giddy sailor dashing back through your port,
Snatching the fresh catch from your hopeful tide.

Sometimes, my stubborn palm reddened the crepey downs of your ass,
Powering through your clenches until you became unplugged.

Sometimes, I gorged on your sharp scent,
Thrilling to my scalp with the perfect, singular tang of you.

Sometimes, you pinned me with your arrogant hips,
Tickling my face with your wild, mocking hair.


Published 1 year ago

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