So I had decided on a pure black party dress that clung gently to my upper body and slim waist yet hung loose around the tops of my thighs. The skirt ended just above the middle of my thighs and the top of the dress was snug around the swelling firmness of my breasts and cut low enough in the centre to display a generous view of my cleavage. The dress itself was held up by two thin straps over my shoulders and a small zip at the back. Underneath I had chosen my sexiest black lace underwear, something that I knew my boyfriend would love later. I had also chosen a sleek pair of black heels that had a beautiful strappy design that wound around my slender ankles. The necklace and bracelet that I wore were presents that my boyfriend had bought me for our two-year anniversary a few weeks ago. My long, black hair hung down to the bottom of my shoulder blades in luscious waves, and I had decided to leave it loose tonight, despite my boyfriend enjoying it when I wore it in a ponytail, for obvious reasons, as it just looked better with the dress.
But as usual, my boyfriend had to leave the party earlier and just when things were really starting to kick in too. But as he worked a shift job, it meant he worked odd hours and I was an understanding girlfriend.
We were playing truth or dare while having tons of alcohol. I learned my lesson not to attend any more house parties, certainly not with my boyfriend. Though he accompanied me to Dianne’s house party, he left early like he usually did, although I had my friends around for company. Dean was there with his friend Sean, whom I found to be annoying and cocky though I had to admit he was good-looking, just not my type.
And so we played truth or dare, with laughs and shocking truths coming out all around. Many of the dares quickly became about kissing the person that you liked, or the guys trying to get the girls to kiss again, though this time Dianne had to kiss the drunk girl who started the whole game off, and I couldn’t help but think that that was just karmic justice for my friend’s insistence on me playing. Sean had to run into the kitchen and ‘moon’ everyone — something I thought he would have done without the dare anyway — and Dean was dared to kiss Richard, which I found hilarious, and a little curious — though once more the type of kiss wasn’t specified and so he got out of it by kissing his friend’s head. The jibes about the two of them in the showers on Saturday still made it worth it.
Others were dared to down a full cup of vodka, still others were asked to admit who they liked, or where the wildest place they’d ever had sex was, or what underwear they had on, while others had dares about flashing the group or running naked outside; that last saw the end of Richard and one of the bimbo-sluts that Sean had been talking to.
I would have collapsed in laughter until the bottle spun again and landed on… me and Sean.
“Truth,” Sean said almost immediately, a small smile accompanying his intense expression as his eyes fixed on me.
I found myself held still by his intense gaze. There was something about his eyes that promised something, that suddenly had me once again feeling that by-now-familiar sensation that I was about to lose my clothes. I was wearing a low cut dress and Sean had always flirted with me from day one. Even when we met earlier, he had tried to eye down my dress whenever the opportunity presented itself but as I drank more, I started to care a little less.
A fact not helped by my boyfriend teasing me relentlessly before coming and during the party, keeping me horny and on the edge. Now that he left, I was still horny with no outlet to take care of myself.
“Alright,” I nodded and took a deep sip out of my cup, which was mostly rum. I was not trying to steady my nerves. I had no need to.
Sean’s grin grew more amused. “What’s your bra size?” he asked suddenly.
I blinked. That was it? That same leaping of her heart when I had heard him compliment me earlier, just as the same thoughts returned; he asked that? In front of Dean, who was his close friend and my boyfriend’s close friend as well? In a way that obviously showed his interest in my body, and with a very open glance at my chest?
Throat suddenly dried, I was extremely conscious of all of the other people watching me, especially Sean, and so I took a quick drink of my rum. It was more of a deep swig anyway — as I wracked my mind. I did not want to tell this guy who ogled me so openly what my bra size was, that would only make what he said and the way he looked at me worse.
“Dare,” I said, a little hoarser than I would have liked, though I was pleased that I could keep eye contact with my boyfriend’s teammate.
Sean’s smile slipped a little as he had been hoping that I would tell him and he had thought that I would answer, and so he tried to think of what dare he could ask that I would do when once again, shouts of ‘kiss’ quickly sprang up.
That shout did two things; one, brought a big grin to Sean’s face as he nodded, offering me the dare and three, sent a bolt of electricity shooting through my already lust-purring body. That last wasn’t just lust though, it was more shock, surprise, and nervousness that seemed to spark the feelings that my boyfriend had stoked only moments before and that mixed with all of the things that had happened already that night; not only what Sean had said to me, and how he had looked at me, but also that he had done all of that in front of my boyfriend. He had talked about how sexy I was, had blatantly ogled me and looked down the top of my dress at my breasts, asked about my bra size, and now wanted me to kiss him, all in front of our friends. That and how his eyes had made me feel like I was stripping for him…all of it just came together, along with me looking at Sean’s obviously attractive face that was so intent on me in every way.
All of that just went straight to my head with the alcohol that already coursed through me and so my head seemed to spin as for a moment that I didn’t know what to do.
“Go on,” Dianne said with obvious amusement at how uncomfortable I was. “It’s just a game.”
Oh, it was just a game and it wasn’t like I had to kiss Sean fully, but still…
Those thoughts added to the tingling electricity that had lanced through my body a moment earlier. And so, whether it was because I was numb from shock, I turned to look over at Sean who was still staring at me intently. Taking a deep swig of my rum drink, and with my heart suddenly racing, I leaned forward on my hands and knees into the middle of the circle and looked at my boyfriend’s friend. Smirking as he realised that I wouldn’t come to him the whole way, Sean seemed to swagger as he moved closer to me. Thankfully my boyfriend was not there to see this.
“I could get used to this view,” he said softly enough for only me to hear. For a moment I thought he meant me being on my hands and knees, however his grinning face glanced down again and I suddenly felt exposed. Leaning over like that in my dress gave Sean a clear view straight down my neckline, allowing him to feast his eyes on my black laced bra that just about covered my breasts.
“In your dreams, Sean,” I said as I tried not to blush. The beating of my heart, the alcohol in my body and the feelings coursing through me and the whole situation made it difficult. “Let’s get this over with,” I added and waited for him to kiss me so that I could sit back down.
Sean however, didn’t move and instead only smirked deeper. “You have to kiss me, remember?” he said almost arrogantly and I sighed.
With that resigned thought, I leaned forward slightly and gently touched my lips to Sean’s. The moment my soft lips touched his, I felt a surge pass through my body. A flood of feelings that was more intense because of the feelings that my boyfriend had already set raging inside of me and which the alcohol doubled. There I was, on my hands and knees, in a low-cut dress, kissing a guy who was not my boyfriend, in front of lots of our friends after he had ogled me and stared down my dress all night. But the sudden feel of my lips on his seemed to feel like a fire that ignited everything within me and I couldn’t help but press my soft lips against his more fully and a little more firmly. It was still a purely platonic kiss but it was more than what I had initially planned on doing and for a brief moment, those three seconds that I kissed Sean felt like time had stopped.
After what seemed like an eternity to me, even though it was literally only a couple of seconds, I gently pulled my lips from his and without saying a word, silently looked into his eyes. Eyes that were no longer glazed with alcohol but rather with a lustful hunger. My heart beat faster and once more I felt that I was alone with Sean as my dress slid sexily down my body but I blinked and remembered that I was on my hands and knees before him and in front of our friends.
Other than his eyes though, Sean’s expression remained the same. His smirk grew a little more smug though. Before I could say anything, he spoke, once more too softly for anyone else to hear. “You call that a kiss? You can do better than that!” he almost whispered in a tone that was suddenly very similar to the one my boyfriend had used when his breath teased my neck and ear earlier before he left.
For a moment I didn’t know what to say. I could still feel his lips against mine and it sent a rush through my body. For a moment my judgement was clouded but it quickly cleared in a heartbeat as I gave him a small, sardonic smile.
“You only said a kiss. You didn’t say what kind,” I replied just as softly, though with more of a smirk of my own this time. That I was still on my hands and knees whispering to him didn’t strike me as flirtatious at all.
“You owe me another one, that wasn’t fair,” he responded intently and this time my smile turned to amusement as I shrugged.
“Tough luck. You got your kiss. You should be more specific next time,” I said and moved back to sit down. I took a long sip from my drink to mask my sudden surprise at saying “next time.” There wouldn’t be a “next time.” I definitely didn’t want a “next time.” So why had I said that?
Sean thankfully didn’t seem to notice my slip and instead only watched me for a moment before he too moved back, though with a strange amused smile on his face. The game was broken up by one of my friends returning with the stereo and more drinks.
Sean kept his flirtatious nature and I had to admit that the more I drank, the more I liked the attention. I felt amazing as the night slowly wore on, incredibly horny but damn good too. The alcohol flooded through me, seeming to match the warmth of the spring night, and making me relax and giggle more, as well as making my horniness creep up within the conversations — such as when talking to some of my girlfriends about guys we liked and what we hoped we could do with them, or twisting things that some of my friends said which set us all off into fits of hysterics.
Sean challenged me to a drinking game and knowing that I was better than most of the guys there, I knew it was going to be easy.
“Alright,” I said with amusement and determination as I walked forward to stand opposite him and placed my empty cup on the counter “You’re going down boy!”
His grin became more of a smug smirk at those words, and that interested look entered his eyes again as he looked me up and down.
“Oh, I think it’s you that’s going to be going down, Bonnie,” he replied in a more focused-amused tone that was so clear that I knew that he meant it both as a reply to my challenge and as an insinuation…
…This time, though, that implication didn’t make me blush. Instead I just took it as all part of the night’s fun, and so instead of growing embarrassed, I simply laughed.
“You do have a lot of dreams, Sean-ney,” I joked, referring to his earlier “dream” about “getting used to the view down my dress,” as I picked up a bottle of tequila “Now, are you ready to show all these fine people how much of a lightweight you are?”
“Bring it on,” he replied challengingly, and the contest began.
The first couple of shots went past quickly, the next were straight shots of the white rum that I had been drinking, and then, as I refused to drink beer, shots of something that was set on fire followed the rum. The cheers rang out and the glasses slammed down onto the counter and I felt my head starting to gently move as my body tingle a little more from the alcohol, which only seemed to heighten the already simmering horniness that was pulsing within me, bringing it more to my mind.
And so, lost in how much fun I was having then, and the whole night, and once again having forgotten all about going to see my boyfriend, I felt my inhibitions lessening and my fun, joking, teasing flirty side, beginning to take over.
“Getting a little weak in the knees, Seanny-boy?” I teased with a small playful smile as I watched him sway uneasily on his feet.
Sean simply laughed as he downed the triple-sized shot that he held in his hand and slammed the glass down on the counter.
“Ha!” he exclaimed as he leaned on the hard surface, probably to steady himself, though he still seemed to sway. Or was that my vision? “The only one who will be ‘weak in the knees’ is you, when I’m done with you,” he added with such a sheer veil of implication that it was almost not worth bothering.
I laughed lightly again as I took the four-sized shot of some green alcohol that someone poured for me.
“Now you really are dreaming…,” I replied with an amusedly playful smile, before downing the drink that seemed to taste like apples, and slamming the glass down on the counter “…and has anyone ever told you that overconfidence is as bad as a lie?”
Taking his turn with the green drink, Sean smiled confidently, and I had to admit, he had a cute smile. Well, I had always said that he was good-looking, just that I wasn’t attracted to him.
But still, that smile was cute.
“It’s only over-confidence if it’s not true,” he replied before downing the drink, his glass joining the others. Oddly, he seemed to stand up a little straighter now, then added with that same self-assured smile, “I guess you’ll have to be the judge of which it is, ah?”
I ignored the small butterfly that flitted in my stomach at his tone, his words, and the way that he looked at me. I was slowly becoming very aware of the head-spinning lust that had filled me all night, suffusing my every vein and setting my pussy burning. Not because of Sean, even if he was good-looking and cute. Oh no, but his words and eyes seemed to stir what was already pent up within me and what the alcohol coursing through my mind and body enhanced. The fact that he was very attractive and had a charming smile, maybe added a little. Maybe.
Whatever it was, I – who by now was completely lost in the moment and had forgotten all about my loving boyfriend – didn’t think, I only felt, and right then I only felt like I was having too much fun.
“You wish,” I joked teasingly before downing a shot of something that immediately raced to my head and set my vision spinning for a few seconds. Shaking it off, I let out a deep breath, only to see Sean smirking at me.
“How about a kiss then?” he asked as he lined the glass up to his lips and watched me intently with his glazing eyes. “You still owe me one from the dare earlier.”
I felt another butterfly’s wings bolt around within my stomach at the brazen persistence of my boyfriend’s friend, which of course added fuel to the fire already burning within me which my alcohol-spinning mind enjoyed.
“How about no?” I replied, and then added with a small smile that seemed to brighten that glaze in Sean’s eyes for some reason, “Besides, I already gave you that kiss, remember?”
“That was hardly fair,” he said in response. “Come on, just one quick kiss?”
I pursed my lips in a small, playful smile as my body hummed with alcohol and horniness, seemingly thinking it over and really enjoying making him think that he actually had a chance. I had to admit that for a moment I did think about how good-looking and toned he was and that a quick kiss wouldn’t hurt anyone but I didn’t entertain that thought for more than a split second and not really seriously anyways. It was just that Sean was attractive enough to kiss.
Instead, I smiled inside at how much anticipation showed on his face.
All of that took less than a couple of seconds before I spoke. “Nope,” I replied and almost giggled at the frustration on his face. “I gave you your kiss for the dare, that’s all you get. Now, are you going to drink that or are you going to give in?”
Sean’s frustration melted into a small, determined smile, before he too downed the powerful liquid and squinted and shook his head at the potency of it, just like I had, and as he slammed the glass down he gave me a self-satisfied, challenging smile.
“You’re never gonna take me,” he said smugly.
“We’ll see,” I replied confidently.
And so the contest continued, and while Sean was clearly having the worst of it, I increasingly felt the effects of the strong shots that the two were downing so quickly. It was after a few more that I knew that I would have to do something to win or else we were both going to drink until we collapsed, and then that would be the end of this amazing night.
I was just about to suggest a mix of all that we had before, when out of the corner of my brown hues, I saw Dianne come into the kitchen and smirk as she saw me and Sean clearly drunk at the counter. That gave me a brilliant, if devious, idea.
“Dianne, Di,” I called happily, and smiled tipsily as my friend came to stand beside me. “Sean thinks that he can beat me at a drinking contest.”
My friend’s amused and playfully disdainful smile at the grinning-proud friend of my boyfriend showed what she thought of that.
“So, what next?” Sean said smugly as he rested his hands expectantly on the counter.
“Well,” I began, “Dianne has a little drink that I think would be perfect.”
My pink-haired friend eyed me confusedly for a moment before a wide grin curved her lips and she quickly headed out of the room. In a moment she was back with a bottle of that black drink that she had pranked me with earlier. Promptly both me and Sean had a double-shot of each in front of them, and I took a deep breath before raising the glass to my lips.
I didn’t want to drink that stuff again, but at least I knew what I was in for, which the smugly-cocky friend of my boyfriend didn’t. And so, hoping that I wouldn’t be ill after this, I downed the drink as quickly as possible before slamming the glass to the counter and trying desperately to keep my face from screwing up in disgust. Sean, however, only smirked at me before he downed his and the result had both me and Dianne in stitches.
Sean gagged and choked as his face screwed up like a piece of paper in a fist, and the sudden exclamation of disgust that he shouted was so from-the-soul that if I hadn’t been laughing so hard I may have felt sorry for him.
“I think I win,” I announced triumphantly as I saw my boyfriend’s teammate’s face turn a little green, and smiled happily as those around me began cheering and clapping her on the shoulder.
He only nodded as he finally straightened his face and eyed the bottle of black death with very watery eyes.
“That was unfair,” he said half-choking.
“Aww, going to pout Seanny?” Dianne teased before grinning at me, then back at him. “You seem to say that a lot.”
“Aww,” I cooed and reached over to ruffle his hair.
The smile that sprouted on his attractive face, however, had nothing to do with his thinking that he had won me over, but rather, I noticed that with me leaning forward on the counter gave him another clear view down the top of my dress. This time all I did was smile amusedly as I moved back and playfully rolled my eyes.
“Careful, you might fall down there if you keep staring like that,” Diane teased Sean as she watched his eyes gawk avidly at my breasts.
I slapped my friend’s arm and gave her a shocked open-mouthed smile which was soon turned on my boyfriend’s friend.
“Quite happily,” Sean replied and I threw the empty plastic cup that I had used earlier at him, which he ducked out of the way before grinning at me.
It was at that playful moment that my and Diane’s favourite song in the world came suddenly blasting from the slightly darkened lounge, and with a sudden shared glance of amazed pleasure at each other, we women moved.
The moment the song came on and when I saw my friend’s face, I knew exactly what my friend was thinking, and so without backward glance the two of us hurried into the living room which had turned into more of a slightly darkened dance floor with groups of people sitting or standing around the edges talking since the last time I had been there.
Grinning at each other happily, we began to dance with each other, snaking our slender hips, shaking our sexy asses gently, moving our arms and laughing as we swayed from side to side, just letting the music guide our movements and laughing as we danced.
The music played to my soul and much to my delight, while the drum beat within it pounded to the same rhythm that my pussy pulsed. The rush of alcohol through my lust-filled veins and drunk mind seemed to make the whole world glow with light and fun. Pure happiness and enjoyment suffused through me and I danced while smiling at my best friend.
After a couple of minutes of dancing as if nothing else existed in the whole world, I grinned as I pointed back towards the kitchen. I smiled because of her friend and turned to look back to the well-lit room only to see Sean, holding a drink in his hand and smiling in pleasure as he watched the two of us dance. Well, he mostly watched me dance.
That thought, and the way that his eyes watched my hips and legs in my short dress as I swayed to the music energetically once more stirred the already horny feelings within me. After all, I was a woman, and Sean was good looking, and having an attractive guy watch me dance was bound to stir the heat that already boiled within me. And so, with a playful smile to my friend, I half-rushed, half-danced towards my boyfriend’s friend with my hands out towards him.
“Come dance, Sean!” I called in a light, fun tone as I came closer, noticing his eyes taking my whole body in as I continued to sway gently, something that once more set that heat within me a little higher.
“No, no, no!” my boyfriend’s friend replied adamantly as he smiled at me.
“Oh, come on,” I said again as I reached to take hold of his free hand and tried to gently pull him into the lounge.
The contact of his hand in mine seemed to intensify that humming feeling within me, though at that point I was too focused on trying to get him to dance.
“Don’t be boring,” I added with a little laugh, still trying to gently tug him into the lounge, though it was like tugging a brick wall he was so strong. The sudden bolt of horniness that shot from my pacing heart, deep into my horny pussy at that sensation was definitely noticed, and I felt my cheeks heat a little.
For a moment Sean seemed to hesitate, as if he were going to give in, however just as I thought that he was going to say ‘alright’, a gleam appeared in his eyes.
“I will come dance if you give me a kiss,” he said with a playful smirk.
I smiled back with an amused smile. “You won’t let that go will you?” I asked amusedly and watched as he shook his head.
For a moment, I seemed to consider it again, though this time my alcohol and lust-fueled thoughts did actually find it a little more tempting than before, especially as he smiled down at me with that handsome face and held my hand in a gentle yet strong manner. However, I once more decided against it and still smiling amusedly at him, I shrugged my shoulders and let go of his hand. Backing up, my brown hues were on his.
“Your loss,” I said with more than a hint of playful teasing as I backed away a few steps before heading back to Dianne who seemed to grin even more.
Shaking my head at Dianne’s unasked question, I glanced over my shoulder and smiled to myself as I watched my boyfriend’s teammate watching me. Playfully I began to dance a little more daringly, just a little though; my hips swayed just that little sexier, and my hands sometimes touched Dianne’s shoulder or bare arm or rested on my own flat stomach or hips. When I was facing Dianne, I would give sly glances over at Sean, my hair that fell in waves down my back obscuring all but my large glazed eyes. When I turned my back to him, my ass, hidden just beneath the short skirt of my black dress, would shake in time with the music just that little bit more, and when I turned to face him, my eyes would fix on his as I danced against my friend, my slender arm raising above my head while the other hand almost-but-not-quite ran over my barely-covered tits and instead moved to rest elegantly on my waist, while the curve of my soft, red-brown lips seemed to invite teasingly while I smiled amusedly.
All of the little things had an obvious effect on him as his eyes grew ever more hungry and intent, his cup held forgotten in his hand, and his mouth parted slightly in desire. For me, however, despite still having forgotten all about my boyfriend, I was only dancing like this to tease Sean for not coming to dance with them, and both me and Dianne found the whole thing, and the handsome guy’s expression, vastly amusing.
That was why I smiled and moved as I did, at least, consciously anyway, for my body had been simmering on an ever-increasingly pent-up horniness, and my body yearned to be touched, and to be released in an earth-shattering, loudly-screaming, orgasm and each and every move I made, the look of desire in the handsome, and strong, football player’s eyes, all sent pulse, after hot, horny pulse of hungry lust deep into my burning hot pussy. And the alcohol not only intensified it, but seemed to wipe away any thought that could stop what I felt.
The look on Sean’s face only grew worse, as I and Dianne continued to find it amusing, even going so far as to dance closer together and run our hands down the sides of each other’s bodies and faces, or holding each other’s hips or waists, especially when I turned to face Sean.
After what seemed like half-an-hour, but was really about five minutes, the two of us almost couldn’t dance from laughing as one of Sean’s friends came over to him and started speaking, but he didn’t seem to even notice that he was there until the guy punched him in the arm, and then Sean jumped as if goosed and dropped his half-full cup on the floor, spilling it down one leg of his jeans. With a quick glance at the jeans laughing hysterically, Sean shook his head with an amused smile before he grabbed a couple of napkins to dry his leg and followed his friend towards the hall.
That was the last I saw of him as me and Dianne danced until Max changed the music a few songs later and we giggled our way into the kitchen for a vodka and lemonade to cool down with. And so the night continued with fun and drinks.
It was about half an hour later when the two of us were back together in the kitchen, laughing and joking as we shared a very strong cocktail that the random gay guy had made for them when suddenly Sean came bustling into the kitchen with a box full of cakes, which apparently Dianne’s friend Baker had brought with him. The name instantly brought a wide grin to my pink-haired friend’s face, and so after both of us had reached in to grab a cake each, she smiled in a way too insinuating smile and said she would be right back as she walked off to find her cake-bearing friend quickly.
As Sean took out his cake and moved to stand where Dianne had been beside me, so that the others could get their cakes, I suddenly became very aware that I was essentially alone with him. His eyes, suddenly very intent on me, showed that Sean too had realised how alone we were and once again I felt as if her dress were slipping down over the slopes of my tits.
This time though, the alcohol, the intense horniness that filled my body, and all that had happened that night so far, made me simply stand there, my skin tingling slightly, as I watched him eyeing me up and down over the rim of my drink, waiting for Dianne to come back.
For a minute or two, the two of us stood in silence, just watching each other as the tension between us seemed to electrify the air as it grew. That pressure, and the heat suffusing my intoxicated body, only got worse when I took a bite of my cake and cream spilled out around my mouth and dripped onto the top of my chest, very near the slopes of my half-exposed breasts. While I instantly made a startled sound, Sean seemed to want to laugh until he saw where the cream had landed, and then his eyes sparkled as he looked up into my eyes with a grin.
“I’ll get that for you,” he offered, and I once again smiled as I rolled my eyes at him.
“I think I can handle it, thanks,” I replied, sounding amused by the offer, and even more amused as I watched Sean follow my finger as it scooped the cream from just above my swelling breasts and then slipped into my mouth, my lips pursing around it as I sucked the cream off.
My boyfriend’s good-looking friend’s eyes grew hungrier as he watched me practically drooling, so hungry and lust-filled that suddenly I felt the horniness within me surge from my heart straight down into my screaming-for-cock pussy, and the tension in the air seemed to crackle.
“If you want some more I’ve got plenty for you,” Sean almost whispered, just as he had when we were playing spin the bottle earlier, and that horniness within me suddenly surged up a notch until my head began to swim gently.
For a moment all I could do was stare into his eyes and feel myself breathing a little heavier, held by the intense desire of his gaze and how attractive he actually was. Only for a moment, then I was able to smile amusedly and a little playfully. The problem was that my mind still spun a little, and so what I intended to say came out a little differently.
“You can keep your cream away from my tits, Sean,” I said just as softly, and immediately felt a stab of horniness lance through my body, straight into my pussy, at those sexy words that seemed so flirty with how quietly they had been spoken. I had never spoken so boldly to another guy before but then when I was drunk, I usually was more brash with my words.
I had only meant to playfully warn off my boyfriend’s friend, but the way that the words came out lit up Sean’s eyes like a bonfire. Those eyes immediately dropped to my gently heaving chest, hungrily watching my breathing push my cleavage up and against the tight top of the dress I was wearing. He inched a little closer. That small move sent a fire through my veins for some reason, and my heart beat a little faster.
Sean looked up at me again, our faces seeming closer than they actually were, cakes forgotten in both of our hands, and was about to speak when a couple of his teammates came barrelling into the kitchen, shouting, causing them both to look around just as the two loud jocks grabbed hold of Sean and, amidst fits of laughter, began telling him about how Marcus had been tied to a lamppost naked.
That split moment in the tension suddenly gave me back control of myself, and so when Sean turned to look back at me, I simply regarded him as I normally would have as I took a deep swig of my drink to settle the unsteady fire within my horny body. This was just as well as when I turned to watch the three football players coax him reluctantly towards the hallway, I saw my friend coming over with a very amused and extremely insinuating smile on her face. I finished my drink and began pouring a new, stronger one, slightly unsteadily as she came to stand beside me.
“That looked…intense,” my friend probed and when I glanced at her impassively I saw that my friend was obviously waiting for something, though in my drunken haze, I had no idea what.
“Sean’s just being the horn-dog that he always is,” I replied lightly, and then recounted what had happened…at least, without how I had felt about it, anyway.
Dianne just laughed as I sipped my new drink. “I would be careful of that one,” Dianne added with a small, hidden smile.
“Who, Sean?” I asked as I leaned against the counter and looked towards where the good-looking friend of my boyfriend was heading through the door, his tall, toned body looking even more so as he passed ‘normal’ looking people. I ignored the stirring of the horniness within me at that. “He’s just all talk.”
She glanced at me from the side, though I hardly noticed as I watched Sean glance over his shoulder at me from over the rim of my cup.
“I’ve heard he’s more than just talk,” Dianne said insinuatingly, and with soft amusement. I turned to look at her, eyeing her curiously, and when I asked what Dianne meant, she continued as she watched me with very intent eyes. “I have just been hearing from some of the girls that Sean is more ‘some talk and all trousers,’ rather than ‘just talk’.”
My pink-haired friend laughed insinuatingly at that last part, obviously meaning to tease me in her joking way that she had, however for me those words wildly stirred the heat within me into a surging tempest of lust. My body had been crying out to be fucked hard and long all night, and so hearing what Dianne said was like igniting a raging inferno within my pussy, and my cheeks showed that as they suddenly turned a bright crimson as I turned to glance at where Sean had left through the front door.
His words, his persistence, his eyes, his intensity, his desire, his good-looking face, his brazenness in front of our friends, his toned and strong body, his big cock; without thinking of any, all of these things whipped the inferno within me to a frenzied flood of mind-rending, intoxicating horny lust that the copious amounts of alcohol (which had seemed to wipe all thoughts of my boyfriend from my mind) only fuelled. And so I stood there, heart racing and breathing growing heavier as I took a deep drink from my cup, feeling my mind spinning.
“You alright, Bonnie?” Dianne asked with a most amused grin on her face, which only increased when I turned to smile back at her calmly.
“I’m fine,” I replied as nonchalantly as possible, my eyes aflame, “I was just thinking.”
“I bet,” my friend murmured, before she picked up another cake and began eating.
The conversation continued on to different topics and for a while, I found it hard not to think about what Dianne had said about Sean. However, after a lot more drinking, my horny mind cleared even though my body still screamed for attention.
It was a little while later that I held another new drink in my hand, filled more with rum than coke again and leaning against the door frame between the kitchen and hall. I was smiling to myself as I watched everyone around me having fun and revelled in the feeling of the happiness, horniness and alcohol that buzzed through my body as I listened to the music playing from the other room.
I didn’t know how long I was standing when I suddenly felt a firm hand rest on my waist before Sean came to stand close in front of me. He smiled that same interested and intense smile that he had directed at me all night as he looked down at me. The feel of his hand sent shivers down my spine and my already alcohol-glazed eyes sparkled as I silently looked up into his eyes. He leaned closer to me so that he could speak softly and yet be heard over the music and general noise of the house.
“Fancy meeting you here,” he said in a soft, playful, yet intense way.
“I know. Anyone would think you were stalking me,” I replied back, not removing his hand as I took a sip from my cup with my brown hues twinkling with horniness as I kept them locked on his predatory gaze.
“No, just keeping an eye on you in case you spill any more cream on your…” he replied in an even more desirous tone before he deliberately glanced down to briefly and appreciatively ogle at my cleavage. “…tits.”
The subtle hunger that Sean used to repeat my own words to me made my stomach flutter once more as my pussy tingled excitedly. The whole night’s event with him and Dianne’s words about him burned unconsciously within my hungry body.
“Oh, and why would you do that?” I asked almost innocently, which made the teasing edge behind my words more intense.
That it worked was shown in the fire that blazed in his eyes as he once more raised his gaze to lock eyes with mine and began to let his strong hand on my slim waist gently and slowly stroke from my waist to the edges of the small of my back.
For me, the whole erotically-tensed situation only intensified everything that had boiled inside me all night up to this point. I thought that my whole body was suddenly going to be transformed into lust personified as it seemed to tingle and glow with mind-spinning energy.
“To help get rid of it if you did…” Sean replied, in a whisper that made my skin tingle as he moved his mouth closer to my ear, his warm breath teasing my neck as my forgotten boyfriend had earlier that night, “…and to give you more if you want it.”
My mouth opened and I breathed out a little raggedly at the sensations that ran down my spine and across my skin. My breathing quickened and my heart began to pound forcefully within my chest. My breasts heaved up and down beneath the confines of my dress as he moved his face back in front of me, though this time a little closer so that our noses almost touched.
“How chivalrous of you,” I teased breathily, though the intensity of my own voice made it more of a flirty comment than the joke that I had intended.
The smile that curved Sean’s lips was still intense but more playful than before.
“Does that mean I can get that kiss now?” he asked cockily.
I laughed lightly as I looked at him. “You really are persistent, aren’t you?” I half-asked and half-stated amusedly before I took another deep sip from my cup. My body was on fire at that point and my mind was spinning with lust and alcohol.
He grinned at me and shrugged his shoulders. “I won’t stop asking until you give in,” he replied playfully.
I glanced down at my cup, running my finger around the edge before I bit down on my bottom lip and smiled up at him. “Fine. But just one,” I finally said as my eyes locked back with his. I almost moaned breathily at the rush of excitement that was released inside me, as if some dam had burst inside my body. “Then you have to stop asking.”
His smile widened and he nodded his head before he moved, ever so slowly, to gently press his lips against mine. I felt like my world exploded. My soft lips pushed back against his once, twice, in soft, almost hesitant kisses before he pressed his lips more firmly against mine and our quick kisses became a little more firm; once, twice, three times.
I parted my lips slightly and let my tongue gently swirl around the tip of his. The moment Sean’s tongue briefly touched mine almost made me wrap my arms around his neck but instead I just let my tongue hesitantly touch his for a moment as our lips continued to tentatively press together. Just when I was about to completely give in and fuse my lips to his and passionately dance my tongue with his, Sean pulled away. For a moment all I could do was revel in the intense feelings that rushed through my body as I breathed heavily.
“Damn!” was all he could exclaim softly, as he too obviously felt the intensity of the hesitant kiss we shared. It was something that a deeper kiss wouldn’t have had. I managed a weak, playful smile as I looked up at him. My eyes were crying out for my body’s release. “How about another?” he asked.
I laughed lightly at his question and sipped my drink before replying. “I thought you were going to stop asking now?” I teased softly.
He grinned at me. “I am hooked now,” he replied heatedly and moved to place his other hand on my waist so that he was holding me in a way that was more intimate, in a way that only my boyfriend should have held me. “Besides, you want one more, don’t you?”
My eyes widened slightly at those words and I once again drank a little more before answering. I relished in the feel of his strong hands holding my waist, as one would if I were riding his cock. My lips cried out for a kiss, just one more kiss.
“You’re very confident of yourself, huh?” I once more half-stated and half-asked playfully.
He didn’t respond right away as he gently pulled himself a little closer to me so that he not only held me by my waist but almost gently pressed me against the doorframe where the people around us could see. But no one seemed to care and everybody seemed to be too drunk and having fun. It certainly was one of the biggest house parties I had ever attended. But neither me nor Sean gave the slightest thought to anyone else. All that existed for both of us right then, was each other.
“I have a lot to be confident about,” he replied smugly. While he clearly was meaning about me finally giving in and kissing him, in our current situation, my mind flashed back to what Dianne had said about him earlier.
“So I have heard,” I replied in a playful voice that was just shy of being husky as I recalled the memory that flooded my body with a raging need.
For a moment he didn’t seem to understand, at least until I smiled and very briefly glanced down. Then a huge smirk spread across his face once more.
“What have you heard?” he asked nonchalantly that it was even smugger than if he had tried to sound haughty.
My mind swam in lust and my whole body tingled. I could barely think with the raging need filling my veins with fire. So I smiled playfully and bit my lip again as my eyes widened slightly once more. “Just that you have a ‘big reason’ to be confident around women,” I teased, relishing in the surge of excitement that filled my body at those words.
“Oh, I do,” he replied smugly.
I felt my heart pound like a racehorse in my chest. My mind and body were swimming in pure, excited lust, crying out wildly. And I spoke those words I never thought I would say to Sean. “Prove it.”
His eyes lit up like a raging inferno at my words and I had never felt more desired before in my whole life than right then. For a moment his hands tightened around my waist before he got a hold of himself and said, “Let me show you.”
He took the cup from my hand and placed it on the table beside us before taking my hand. He smiled down at me before leading me down the hallway towards the stairs.