Clearwater Ranch – Twenty-five Miles South of Pueblo
After fifteen hours of driving across the country, the Fagundes family finally arrives at their lifetime friend’s home in the heart of the homeland.
It’s hot for this time of year, the distant mountains missing their signature white-capped peaks, the grass along the plains dryer and browner than Adriana remembers. It’s been years since she’s been out this way with her family. It was during the drive, somewhere west of Salina, that Adriana remembered why she always loathed the trip out to Clearwater Ranch. When she finally arrives, though, with the rolling hills and streams, the beautiful trees which pose such a sea of change from Missouri, that her passion for this quiet part of the country comes flooding back.
The family is met in the gravel driveway leading up to the main house, a beautiful place settled east of the hills. Yup, it’s just as Adriana remembered. It seems as though they have done everything they can to ensure Adriana’s memory remains the image they strive to maintain.
It’s not that she isn’t happy to be here. She is. It’s just that she needs a moment to herself after such an enduring drive.
Adriana walks, worn tennis shoes under long legs and tiny shorts, not minding how the stiff grass scrapes beside her legs. She finds herself meandering toward a wooden fence by a long shed. It seems as good as any place to search for herself.
She mounts the fence, one leg swinging after the other, her small frame hardly causing a bend in the wooden rail. It’s hot. Damn, it’s hot. Sweat beads grow under her long button-up shirt, but she doesn’t mind. Her long hair is quickly whipped into a ponytail. Adriana exhales.
Save for the cry of the cicada, it’s quiet on this edge of the world she knows. Adriana couldn’t see herself calling this place home, but she welcomes its beautiful sense of peace.
The sound of a cow catches her attention. Somewhere across the field and down the hill of swaying grass, cows and shuffling sounds carry on the wind. Adriana watches, feeling the sound trot closer. Before long, she hears a sharp, pitched whistle. She remains sitting on the fence, intrigued but unamused as she pushes a piece of hair from her pretty, round face.
A black hat scoots above the grass, stopping, then resuming as it floats along the hill. A rider crests the grassy hill in pursuit of the cows, his black hat prominent over white shirt and jeans. He rises in the saddle, calling to the cows as he rides along.
The horse he rides is strong, a seasoned beast of burden who knows the cows better than his rider.
Adriana has a hand up to her brow, blocking the gleaming sun as the rider comes into view. Her pretty smile is instantaneous upon the call of the cowboy’s ‘Hyp!’ and, ‘Hey! Git!’
The cowboy finally sits, satisfied that these dumb animals are finally doing his bidding. He looks tired, hot for sure, the task of herding beasts something Adriana could never bring herself to do.
Adriana’s smile persists as she watches. That’s not just some cowboy. It’s Chasely. Chasely Moore.
Chasely’s leather gloves grip the horn, adjusting his tired seat in the saddle. The sight of someone sitting on the fence catches him off guard, causing him to look twice. Sitting there by herself, seeming to have somehow manifested from the beautiful sky, is a slender and beautiful young thing that can’t be ignored. He rides over, his smile matching hers when the realization finally sets in. “Pretty little Adriana,” he jests with a smile.
Adriana’s hand remains at her brow as Chase approaches, finally lowering it before blue eyes squint his way. “Never gets old, Chase,” she shoots back, noting how much the boy has grown.
What is it with these guys, these Colorado boys, the ones who never give up the pursuit of playing the cowboy in the age of iPhones and unhindered access to college?
Chasely laughs at his own games, never one to surrender an opportunity to pry at Adriana. He adjusts, wiping the sweat from his brow as the saddle creaks. “Did everyone come out this way?”
“Mmm, hmm. Just showed up, actually.”
Adriana looks over Chase as he seems perfectly natural in this heat. Five years older than she, Chase has worked on Clearwater for years. His skin is sure to remain a permanent olive color from his days in the sun, his work on the ranch giving him a lean, muscular tone. With those brown eyes and self-assuring posture, Chase will only be more handsome than he is now when he begins to gray.
Chase eyes the house before he does the same with Adriana. “I’m glad they’re here. It’s been a while, now.”
“Them?” she pries. “What about me? Did I ruin your day?”
“No,” Chase admits, having to look away for a moment. Damn the woman. She always catches him at his weakest. “Not at all, Addie.”
Pretty little Adriana is all growed up. Having become a young woman, she’s surely in her final year of college at that place she last talked about before graduation. A cheerleader and straight-A student, Adriana is the shining star of the Fagundes family and, as it turns out, shining just as bright under the sun on a wooden fence here on Clearwater Ranch. If Chase didn’t believe in angels gracing earth before, then he’s lived to be a witness now.
Adriana told herself that she wouldn’t be happy to see Chase. Seeing him before her now, how could she tell herself something so stupid? “They’ve got you working through the summer?”
“Nope.” He rides a little closer, curved muscles under a white shirt prominent. “Only for the rest of the day. I leave tomorrow.”
Adriana sits a little more upright, her expression switching from easy to concerned. “Leaving tomorrow? It’s July.”
Chase shrugs. “Dad needs me back home. He’s not doing too well. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep this up, actually.”
Adriana’s blood thins, her heart beating faster though she’s not excited in the least. Chase has been as much a part of Clearwater as Colorado itself. He’s been out here since he was a boy, Adriana five years younger than that. “I’m sorry to hear that, Chase. I hope that isn’t the case.”
Chase just kind of grins, hiding his own disappointment. He looks to the cows meandering about by the pen. “I gotta get ‘em in. It’ll only be a minute.”
Adriana hops off the fence. “Can I come?”
“Sure. C’mon.”
Chase gestures and makes room, helping Adriana up in the saddle as she rides in front of him on a slow Tennessee Walker.
The sensation of riding high on the horse with Chase brings Adriana an insurmountable amount of joy. A genuine smile shows under the hot summer sun. Chase is focused on the cows as Adriana takes it all in. This isn’t new. Adriana would ride up in the saddle with Chase like this, but they were barely more than kids back then, young people on the cusp of life.
Chasely’s hand slips along Addie’s hip, holding both of them sturdy as the horse picks up to a little trot. She bumps up against Chase, but neither seem to mind. Chase makes sure he takes the long way around the pen, wasting time with Addie’s soft hips ridding between his legs as the sun sets toward the distant mountains.
They make small talk while mounted, the cows finally penned and left behind as they ride. Chase is saying something about the next horse the family needs to purchase, Addie’s hand taking his before their locked fingers wrap around her waist. They’re hardly moving, the swaying grass being the only sound against the fading cicada. Addie leans back against Chase’s hard body. It’s a mix of body spray and day-long sweat, but somehow, it’s a great combination.
No one is expecting them back at the house. No one will look for them. No one suspects a thing.
All of these things play in Addie and Chase’s favor as they kiss on the tailgate of a new Silverado under orange and purple skies. She’s wearing his hat, not minding the way Chase cups her face, kissing both sides of her mouth.
Everything about Chase is exactly what Adriana needs in a man right now. He’s young and determined, passionate and giving, her heart racing as Chase’s hand slips under her shirt to find a toned waist.
Addie is a skinny thing, the smoothness of her hair the scent of shampoo and sensation of silk. Chase isn’t anything like those college boys. There’s something definite about Chase, about the way he touches her, about the way he tells her everything without an ounce of second guessing himself that he’s not good enough for her. She’ll give herself to him. It’s only a matter of time.
Shirts are undone and passions are boiling over by the time Chase leads Addie into the back of his truck.
No time is wasted. Neither are hiding their intentions with one another.
The shirts are tossed first. Addie’s bra is next.
With Chase cupping her soft breasts, Addie looks into his eyes with swollen lips needing to be kissed. Feeling him push up against her, Addie helps with his belt and zipper before awkwardly hauling it all to his ankles and floorboard.
It’s pitch black outside, but there’s just enough light for both of them to land kisses exactly where they intend. Addie is squeezing Chase’s firm pecs, her body aching for his touch as he pulls hard on her tiny jean shorts. She kicks them off, white panties remaining as she slides across the seat and lowers her face down into Chase’s lap.
He sits back, giving Addie what she wants as she grips his cock and gives an unforgiving suck. Adriana moans with every wet suck, loving the way Chase strokes her hair and lets her have what she wants. He’s big, forcing Adriana to open her mouth wide and take him in. She’s perfect with her stroke and tongue, licking the shaft to give her jaw some relief.
Addie sits up, turning her hips to Chase. She isn’t surprised when he hauls her panties down, but she is caught a little off guard when he lowers himself in the seat and sticks his face in her soaked pussy.
“Oh, fuck!” she cries out, rolling her hips as Chase flicks and sucks on her pussy between spread legs. “Yes,” her expended voice lets out. Chase’s experience works in her favor. Addie begins to buck, Chase feeling her prematurely approach the edge. He sits up, licking up along her cheek before spreading her ass.
Addie looks back, feeling his tongue slip between her cheeks, eventually flicking her tight asshole.
“Holy Shit!” she groans, holding herself in place as Chase flicks and licks her ass.
“You like it, baby?” he asks between licks.
Addie nods, eyes closed tight as the new sensation drives her wild. “Come on,” she insists. “I can’t wait any longer.”
Chase takes the hint, sliding behind Addie as a stiff cock pushes against her soaked pussy. The little groans that Addie makes are incredibly hot, her leg moving aside for more balance in the broad back seat as Chase enters her.
“Oh, that’s tight,” he lets out, hearing Addie breathe deep with little squeaks of pleasure.
Their sex begins slow, Chase’s hands on Addie’s body as he goes a little deeper. It’s deeper, and deeper, before Chase takes hold of Addie’s hips and pulls her back onto his cock until he’s all the way in.
“Chase!” she shouts, a hard hand landing on the window. “Ohhh, holy fuck!”
Chase fucks Addie, Addie pushing back, both of them taking exactly what they’ve needed since setting eyes on one another earlier in the day.
Their youth enables them to go far, Chase gripping Addie’s waist as he straight-up fucks her in the back seat, his balls slapping against her pussy with every rapid thrust.
Addie keeps trying to tell Chase that she’s already cum, but the way he fucks her from behind is exhilarating.
Chase finally tenses up, pulling out before squirting hot cum on Addie’s ass cheek. Addie just keeps herself steady, feeling herself drip on the seat. She catches her breath, Chase the same, both of them now feeling somewhat indifferent about the sudden, naked situation they’ve found themselves in.
It’s sunrise on Clearwater. Chase is all loaded up, Addie sitting on the hood of his truck in the early morning hours.
They told each other that they would meet up again, and soon, but neither one knows which of them is lying.
Chase is between Adriana’s legs, his hat on her head, her mother noticing from the distant window.
They kiss just like they did the first time on his tailgate, soft and easy as they re-introduce themselves after a wild night they both know was a wonderful mistake.
Chasely will suffer Addie’s memory for years. Adriana will think of Chase for even longer.
They kiss, both of them doing their best to pretend they didn’t know one another from years and years before. When Chase leaves Clearwater, so will Adriana, this part of the country never witnessing such angels and cowboys for a long, long time.
Chase pulls away as Adriana watches, unable to turn for the house until the final remnants of dust have settled over the hill.