“Clare” – Chapter 13 – Brenda’s Girl – “Rainbows – Part 2”

"Brenda's games continue..."

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Not long after that, we returned to our girlfriends, and I noticed a middle-aged woman dressed in a black concoction sitting between Brenda and Paula. The three of them stopped talking as soon as I approached.

“This is Hazel,” Brenda said. “She is your new dance partner.”

The new lady held out her hand in such a manner it was obvious she expected me to kiss it rather than just shake it. I bent over and irritatingly did as required, then just about stopped myself from doing a sarcastic curtsy.

On closer inspection, I realised Hazel was taller than me, well over six feet. She had long blonde, slightly flyaway hair and wore heavy makeup. It was more than what was needed, as beneath it was an attractive face. Her legs were long, though I wouldn’t call them dancer’s legs. Her breasts were smaller than mine, though she was certainly not flat-chested.

But it was what she was wearing that caught my attention. I can only say it was an all-in-one catsuit made from a similar shiny black material as the shorts I wore to Club o-X-o. On her feet, she had black platform-heeled boots that came up to her knee.

However, there was one addition to the catsuit that stood out and, therefore, interested me: the distinct bulge in her crutch area. There was no comparison if I compared it to Brenda’s. My girlfriend’s was never noticeable in her baggy jeans; Hazels was so large it could have been called a codpiece. It made me want to giggle, and I tried not to stare at it or snigger. I just dared not, as there was something about Hazel that made me wary of her. 

Before I could get to my drink, Hazel took my hand and dragged me to the crowded dance floor. We ended up in a slow dance, her hands straight onto my exposed bottom, my pussy rubbing against her large bulge.

“So, you are Brenda’s new fuck-toy,” she whispered as we gently moved to the music.

“I prefer Clare,” I quietly replied, having been both shocked and alarmed at being called a fuck-toy for the first time in my life. Though, perhaps tonight, it was an accurate description.

Hazel smiled. Then softly said, “You are by far the prettiest girl Brenda ever brought here. The rumour about you was true.”

Nice recovery, I thought. Though, I didn’t know about any rumour, or what to say, so I let Hazel continue to rub me as we danced. My pussy was once again reminding me that it would like to see some action soon, and the alcohol was helping to reduce my inhibitions.

There was little small talk, as we slow danced. My head now was resting on Hazel’s shoulder, her hands busy, kneading my bottom as we slowly made our way into the dance floor’s darkest corner. It was only then that Hazel’s left hand moved from my bottom to my right breast.

She squeezed it and then brushed my nipple; her bulge was still gently massaging my pussy.  

“How many girls have you been with?” Hazel suddenly asked; her question catching me by surprise, as until then our dancing had been mainly in silence.

I had to think as my number was going up, and quickly.

“Six,” I eventually said. It included Karen, though that was only half true, as I was still waiting to go down on her… and take her virginity with a strap-on.  

“Pity,” Hazel said.

I was surprised at her remark.

“I prefer girls more experienced than that,” she then added.

I stared at her, waiting, and wanting to know what the number was to be counted as experienced.


I smiled. She knew my correct name.

“Twenty is my lowest benchmark. Though, of course, I prefer a higher number; thirty has a better sound to it.”

That was a lot. Though, if Brenda had her way, I would be at that number before David returned from Crete! 

“I only fuck girls who have plenty of experience with other girls. When your number gets higher, I will be very interested in you. Though I have to admit, you do have some appeal, even now. Six is a reasonable number for someone so… young.”

Hazel left that last word hanging as she squeezed my nipple, and we rocked, my pussy enjoying the rubbing sensation.

“We could call it six and a half with what we’re doing now,” I whispered, which caused a stifled chuckle to escape Hazel’s lips.

My eyes suddenly went wide. Hazel had dropped her hand from my breast and pulled me close, her prominent bulge now pushing hard against my pussy; trying to penetrate it through my shorts.

“I take it you enjoyed that,” Hazel grinned as she released me.

“Yes,” I shakily whispered.

Hazel’s action had been more of a shock than any sort of sexual gratification. I was just pleased my shorts were dark, and any wet spot remained hidden.

We fell back into silence as we swayed to the music, with her hard codpiece clandestinely rubbing me and pushing into my shorts. The songs kept changing, and I had no idea how long we had been dancing, my head now resting on her shoulder. It seemed Hazel hadn’t quite finished with me, though I wasn’t sure I wanted her card. I knew ten did sound better than nine, but I sensed something different, maybe even dangerous, with my latest dance partner.

Did she have a hidden agenda? That made me curious, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out.   

“I like your choker,” Hazel whispered in my ear, and then she sharply added. “Though I would prefer it was a leather collar.”

My eyes opened up in surprise on hearing that, and I pulled back. My movement opened up a little gap between us. Hazel took it as an invitation, her hand stealthily slipping into the front of my shorts, past my bare mound, and down to my wet, waiting cunt. She expertly slipped her middle finger into me, our dancing feet not missing a beat.

My groan, caused by her sudden action, was lost in the music’s noise.

“Mmm,” Hazel said, her mouth now close to my ear. “So young, so wet, no hair and also no resistance… You will be perfect for me.”

I moaned again, my pussy pulsing around Hazel’s stationary finger. If I wiggled, it wouldn’t take me long to come; gush over Hazel’s invading digit.

She seemed to sense that I was close, and with one slow rotation of her finger. Hazel withdrew her hand.

“Six and three-quarters,” I said. My pussy hoping we could make it seven, though my mind was still telling me that Hazel was dangerous. She was so different to Linda.

“Have you ever heard of BDSM?”

“No,” I truthfully answered. Hazel’s hands were now behaving themselves, though we both knew her middle finger had been briefly in me.

“It stands for bondage, domination, sadism, and masochism. Maybe these things will eventually become of interest to you.” 

I was not too sure what Hazel was saying to me. All I knew was that my pussy was empty, overheating, though definitely wet.

Hazel brought her moist middle finger up to her mouth. She tasted me and said, “Delicious.” She then offered the same digit to me. I knew what to do: I sucked it, as she wanted me to remove the last of its familiar essence.

“I specialise as a mistress, and I role-play with my girls. So, you may be tied up, dominated and disciplined, but it is all done with agreement… and there is always a safe word.”

I shivered at the thought. Was this something I wanted to experience?

After the recent enjoyable, but brief, experience of being spanked by Brenda, my mind had been opened up to explore new sexual things. I knew my wanton pussy was excited by the idea. It was once again trying to control my head.

Hazel leant forward and kissed me. She then said, “Here is my card. You would make an excellent recruit, as I like your obedience.”

She gave me a business card with the name Mistress Zella on it, and a telephone number. 

“Call me when you are ready. You will not regret it.”

With that, she smacked me once on the bottom and left me standing there on the dance floor.

I returned to Brenda and Paula. I needed a drink, not knowing exactly what had just occurred.

“That is ten, my dear,” Brenda confirmed as she took the card from me.

She had a knowing grin. “Did you enjoy Hazel?”

“I don’t know, Brenda,” I wasn’t sure what to say. “She seemed fun, but dangerous and yet interesting, all wrapped up in one.”

As I spoke, my mind was still trying to understand what had just happened. I pulled myself close to my girlfriend; my hand absently mindedly rested on her strapped plastic cock.

“There is something you should know about Hazel, though I am tempted to keep my confidence.”

I looked at Brenda. What did she know that I didn’t?

“Perhaps it would be best that I didn’t tell you, as it would be interesting when you find out,” she then chuckled.

I glanced at Paula. She was listening in… and also chuckling.

“My dear, Hazel is an intersex person.”

It didn’t register with me as to what that meant.

“Clare, she is a hermaphrodite,” Brenda added as if that word explained all.

I still didn’t get it.

“Hazel is a woman who also has a functioning cock, quite a big one, so I hear. It is a strange world.”

Those words made me squeeze Brenda’s plastic cock. It had hit me what my girlfriend had just said.

“So, you are saying Hazel is a man?” I innocently asked.

No, Hazel identifies as a lesbian woman. She is one of us, just physically a little different.”

“Anyway, Clare, why do you care?”

You fuck both sexes.”

“Brenda, could I have the card back?” I gasped, suddenly very uncertain. “I am not ready for her!” I stressed.

“Don’t mention Hazel to David,” I pleaded.  

“She is fine, Clare,” my girlfriend remarked as she pulled me into her arms and hugged me. Though, at the same time, I was trying to drink my Pomagne. I needed it!

“It is part of your lesbian education, my dear.” Brenda chuckled. “Once you get to know her, she can be quite charming. You have to remember that some girls are here just to play a game. You would never guess Hazel’s day job is one of a Barrister.”

That did surprise mebut not as much as what Brenda had told me just before.

It wasn’t long before another lady came over for a dance. The quickness of her arrival after Hazel made me begin to think my name was advertised on a notice board. An advert along the lines of…

The girl in dark blue shorts with her butt hanging out is available to dance, date and fuck; all approaches are taken seriously.

The new lady was Natalie. She had strawberry-blonde hair, was in her late twenties, very attractive and definitely a femme. As we swayed to the music, our conversation came easily, so it was no surprise when she gave me her telephone number and told me she would like to get to know me better.

I returned to my girlfriend and gave her the new card. “Number eleven,” I remarked as I sat down next to her.

“It is number twelve, my dear,” Brenda said as she corrected me. “Another lady, Camila, dropped her number with me when you were dancing with Natalie. She liked your ass, Clare… She thought it was one of the best bottoms she had ever seen!”

I tried not to blush. “Isn’t twelve enough?” I asked, feeling a bit woozy and needing the loo.

“My dear, you can’t be tired yet. Not after your power nap. We are staying until midnight.”

I looked at my watch. Another hour and a quarter. So, I scuttled off to the bathrooms, thinking that I could do with a cup of tea. Brenda was right. I was anything but tired. My body was alive and ticking, enjoying all the attention, but I required a break from… socialising.

As I joined the short queue for the bathroom, I checked the noticeboard while standing there, just in case my name was up there. It wasn’t.

Next to me was a short brunette who introduced herself as Sue, and that she knew Brenda. It seemed to me that everyone here knew her, I thought.

Just before her turn to go into the bathroom, she handed me her business card and told me to call her. She was number thirteen.

I handed over Sue’s card to Brenda and asked, “Are there any more telephone numbers?”

“Not yet, Clare. But if you want to get that number up, you need to get out there. Wiggle your cute bum; push your tits out; work the room.”

Brenda was playing to my competitive edge. She knew it ran deep through me.

“Is thirteen good?” I asked, having no idea.

Brenda just chuckled, her hand now on my thigh, squeezing it. She was slowly working her fingers up towards my pussy. I felt myself wanting to open my legs; and let my girlfriend touch me.

I resisted.

Instead, I picked up my refreshed glass of Pomagne, though I wished it was a mug of tea.

“Was Sue your type?”

“I don’t have a type,” I lied.

Brenda chuckled, “Leggy blondes?”

I stared at her. How did she know? That was something I had never told David, Brenda, or anyone else.

My girlfriend’s fingers had climbed up my leg; they were now brushing my pussy. My thighs were beginning to think for themselves, inching wider.

I tried to continue to resist, and I looked around. Paula was watching, her eyes following Brenda’s fingers. At least Jaz had finally managed to get Tina on the dance floor; two less to hear and see my dilemma.

“Not Hazel,” I said. “She is off the list.”

“So you only got twelve names, and I thought you would do better.”

I knew Brenda was teasing me, both with the number and her finger. My legs opened a little wider, and her finger slipped past my shorts gusset. She touched me. I jumped; my pussy already soaked. I remembered that it had been only last Sunday that Brenda had given me the best sex of my life.

“Fine,” I gasped as I stood; I was horny, but I wanted to choose my own dates.

With my drink and handbag in hand, I took up refuge in the courtyard, where I lit another cigarette, my third, vowing that I would stop smoking soon.

I huffed and thought, was I going to work the room like Brenda wanted me to do?

Wiggle my ass?

I didn’t think so. I drew in the smoke of my cigarette and then exhaled, realising I was already a little tipsy; too much Pomagne. Sitting there, I decided I wasn’t going to shift; I was happy here in the courtyard under the electric patio heater.

However, I soon found that I did not have to move; that there would be no ass wiggling or pushing my tits out. It seemed, despite the absence of any advert on the noticeboard, word had got around that I was looking for dates. As I sat there, a steady stream of all types of ladies introduced themselves.

More importantly, they all left their telephone numbers; all of them already having Brenda’s.

We had Clair, her name spelt differently from mine, Wendy, Francine, Jane, Sara and a second Sue. I didn’t have to move as we chatted, and I learnt about these ladies’ lives. Some were married, some had children, but the important thing was they all wanted a date with me.

Our girl’s meeting was only broken up when Brenda came out to join us for a cigarette. She had come to fetch me inside, and I had the distinct impression that she hadn’t expected to have to do that. I learned that her girlfriends usually stayed close to her and did what she asked them to do. 

“I want at least one dance with you,” Brenda said as she took my hand and led me away from my girls to the dance floor.    

We gently moved together. It was our first dance, though neither of us mentioned that fact. I rested my head on her shoulder, my hands around her neck. I felt warm and content; I was Brenda’s girl.

“I want everyone to know I am yours,” I said as we slowly swayed to the music.

Brenda kissed me. As our lips touched, I had the feeling that it was more for her benefit than mine, maybe an act of reassurance. We broke apart, and I smiled.

“I’m sure you can do better than that. Why not grab my ass or tits or even finger me?” I knew that the last act was not Brenda’s thing. So, I added, “Just like Hazel did.

At that moment, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and we broke apart. I thought someone wanted to dance with me. However, this time, there was no chance, as I was here with Brenda.

“Hi, I am Peaches, and I’m just leaving, but I wanted to make sure that I get your number; here’s mine.”

The younger lady who was handing me a piece of paper was a tall, leggy blonde with what I can only describe; tits the size of watermelons. She left us with a smile, her bum wiggling away.

“Now, where were we?” I questioned, though we both knew.

Our feet started to move once again.

Without wasting any time, Brenda’s hands trekked down to my bottom. She squeezed it before her right hand travelled, not so subtly, down the front of my stretchy shorts. It made me gasp, then smile as she inserted her middle finger into me. She seemed surprised at how wet I was as her digit slipped into me easily.

“Dancing with me has an effect,” Brenda quietly chuckled, obviously pleased with herself.

“I was thinking of Peaches, those breasts, and what I could do with them,” I giggled.

It was a quick retort to keep my girlfriend in place. But we both knew that Brenda was right; she always affected my pussy. My girlfriend may be a lot older woman than me, but the type of sex she could offer… I let that thought drift away.

Brenda smiled at my comment. She withdrew her hand and offered the wet middle digit to me. It was what Hazel had done earlier, though it was new with my girlfriend. Sometimes, I wondered if she had ever tasted another woman, though I assumed she had. 

After the song finished, we returned to our booth and joined Paula. It was nearly midnight, and the time we were leaving. I certainly wasn’t going to be collecting any more names.

We had enough!

“Here you go, Brenda,” I said, “Seven more names, and there was no wiggling of my bottom or thrusting out of my tits.” I grinned. “It was not needed.” I was pleased with myself.

It was Brenda’s turn to grin. She took the seven pieces of paper from me.

“Actually, my dear, those seven only make nineteen, which is a pity. Twenty sounds so much better.”

“Thirteen plus seven makes twenty; I am the one doing maths at college,” I retorted. I knew my numbers. 

Brenda chuckled, “Yes, you are, but perhaps your memory is not quite as good as your maths. I seem to remember that you told me to remove Hazel’s name. So, it was only twelve.”

My girlfriend may have had a point, but I was not giving in.

“He… I mean, she still counts; after all, I won her name.”

Brenda grinned again. “I can put her name back on the list, but she will be right at the top!”

She had me.

“Fine,” I replied. “But she will be at the bottom of the list, as Hazel doesn’t have sex with anyone who hasn’t slept with at least thirty women.”

“Clare, I think you will find that number is twenty, and as you well know, I can soon arrange for that to happen!”

I knew Brenda was right, but I also knew it was down to me who I slept with. Hazel sort of fascinated me. I wasn’t totally repelled by the idea of sleeping with her, despite what I had said earlier. I just needed time to digest, and I certainly didn’t want the suggestion that I might be interested, to be anything more than a private thought.  

Tonight had been fun, almost a game, and certainly better than I expected. Maybe, in the future, I would go on a few of the Brenda dates. I had got used to having regular sex with multiple partners, and I liked that. But I didn’t think I was a nymphomaniac. I still had my boundaries, and I wouldn’t sleep with just anyone.

My new rules for sex were simple. As I was trying to stay faithful to David, they had to be female, and there had to be mutual attraction, which meant I needed to meet my potential sex partner first!

So, of the twenty ladies, I straight away had discounted seven. However, that might change if I do meet them and am attracted to them. That left thirteen, of which Linda, Natalie and maybe Peaches were at the top of the list.

So, what about Hazel?

Well, she was a blonde, and despite having a penis; logic told me as she identified as a woman, it wouldn’t be cheating if I had sex with her. After all, were Hazel and Brenda that different? They both had cocks, just made from different materials!  

Before leaving Brenda to use the loo, I thought about it, and I agreed Hazel should remain on the list.

With the bathroom queue now gone, I walked straight in, only to hear a familiar voice behind me.

“Are you still up for that dance?” It was Linda.

We smiled at one another. There was only one type of dance that I was up for, though we didn’t have much time. I was also not sure whether I wanted to share this with Brenda; there was a part of me saying, keep this to myself. Let it be my secret.

“Stall four,” Linda whispered. “It is the biggest, and it is commonly used as the place to get acquainted.”

We locked the door, and Linda thrust me against the side of the cubical. Our mouths met as we kissed, and our tongues danced. As we did so, I swiftly pulled my top-up and off to give her free access to my tits. It was all hurried and urgent; from our earlier dance, we already knew we had sexual chemistry and that we wanted each other.

Linda’s mouth found a nipple, and her hand went down my bottoms; she cupped my shaved mound. I felt alive and needed more. I dropped my shorts and then kicked them off. Furthermore, I wanted Linda to see all of me; and taste me; my legs were now wide as I swung my left leg onto the top of the cistern.   

It was with a knowing smile that Linda took the hint, and her tongue found my folds. She licked me once, twice, and then three times, just enough to get a taste of me. We didn’t have time for her to explore further, to bring me off. I needed to do the same, taste her pussy.

So, with a tug, I reluctantly pulled Linda up and kissed her, our tongues dancing once again.

Then, with a slight push, she stepped back against her cubical wall, and I dropped to a squat, my legs deliberately splaying wide open. I was giving her eyes an unobstructed view of my pinkness as I hovered just above the cubical floor.

My hands lifted her skirt, and a pair of black lacy panties looked back at me. They told me that despite being married, she had come here tonight to meet someone and maybe get off with them. I yanked them down; I needed to see Linda’s honey pot and dip my tongue in. A trimmed black bush appeared before me, though I didn’t have time to admire it; I just dived in.

My dance partner’s legs suddenly sprang wide as my tongue forcefully dipped into her hairy folds. One, two, three deliberate licks and then with my hands I swung her around, her bottom now facing me; my ultimate goal in sight.

Linda didn’t seem to know what I was doing. But that soon became clear when I spread her firm ass cheeks and looked at her small rosebud. We didn’t have long. So it was without hesitation that I pushed my tongue into her valley and licked; and then probed her most private hole. My tongue was now pushing hard into her, tasting her sweaty essence. It was my kinky thing, my secret pleasure.  

Then one, two, three licks and I quickly withdrew. We stood facing one another, with Linda gasping for air and obviously turned on; and me with a cheeky grin on my face. I leaned forward and pressed my tongue into my latest dance partner’s mouth. We both knew it was the same tongue that had just been up her ass.

It was an unsaid message as to what sort of sex Linda could expect if we got together again. I noted that she didn’t back away and reject my tongue. It made me think of how much fun I could have with her. Our fingers found each other’s pussies, Linda’s damp and expecting. Mine, needy and wanton. We started rapidly fingering each other. I needed Linda to come; to remember me.

Moans started to murmur from her mouth. A little loud for comfort, our tongues stopped dancing, and my free hand covered her mouth as she started to quiver, her fingers having fallen from my pussy. My hand was now a blur as I masturbated Linda to her orgasm.

It came a few seconds later in muffled groans and a body shake. Her pussy juices soaked my fingers and ran down her legs towards her black knickers; they were stretched between her thighs.

It was all that our time would allow, despite my throbbing pussy.

“Don’t tell Brenda; I want this to be our secret,” I whispered as I made myself decent, though I still had to pee.

Linda gave me her number again. “If you phone, you are a friend. Remember, my husband doesn’t know I am bisexual, or that I even come here. Though he is currently away on business, just to be sure, I also told him that tonight I had to work. I am a doctor, by the way. Unfortunately, I can’t get to Rainbows very often. So you were lucky I was here tonight.”  

“Yes, I was,” I replied as I carefully hid her number in my handbag, and then sat on the loo. I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to pee.

“It might be a while before I can phone you,” I said. “Maybe we can use my boyfriend’s flat if your place is too risky.”

There had been no conjecture that any future relationship would be anything more than pure sex. I wanted to cheat with Linda, and for her to have an affair with me.

I flushed the toilet.

“You have a boyfriend?” Linda asked. She seemed surprised.

“Yes,” I replied. “But he is not like your husband. He knows I am bisexual and that I am with Brenda. It is complicated, but he doesn’t mind. He tells me that sleeping with other women doesn’t count as cheating.”

Linda laughed. We let ourselves out of stall four and washed our hands.

“If we use his flat, I don’t want him to know about us, at least at the moment.”

I notice Linda staring at me. She didn’t understand.

“It is just that. I like the idea of keeping us secret. It makes it more exciting for me.”

I paused as I gathered what I wanted to say.

“Linda, let me put it this way. You are not going to tell your husband about tonight, and I am not going to tell Brenda or my boyfriend for completely the opposite reason. Both of them won’t care. In fact, in Brenda’s case, she would be highly delighted. I just want to keep this our little secret, as I like the idea of keeping something private from both of them.”

As I spoke, I wasn’t sure Karen would feel the same, but I wasn’t telling her either.

“Okay, let’s keep this secret,” Linda stated. It had been agreed.

“Have you done this before?” She then asked.

It was a question I knew I had to deal with. Hopefully, real cheating was in my past.

“Yes, I had an affair with a man. It lasted three months and only stopped when his wife got suspicious. Then, I was in a long-term relationship with a man who didn’t know.” I stopped and looked at Linda. She didn’t need to know that I regularly cheated on Allan.

“I am now with someone who is more understanding. As I have mentioned, he knows I am bisexual, that I am with Brenda and that I sleep around. But importantly, I sleep around only with other women.”

“Lucky you,” Linda remarked. “I wish my husband was more like that. He would divorce me if he knew what I was really like. I am a bit of a slut when it comes to other women.”

We both laughed. It seemed we were similar. 

The bathroom door opened, and Paula walked in. She told me Brenda was looking for me and then disappeared into a stall.

It was time for me to get back to my girlfriend, and I said goodbye to Linda with a wink and a quick peck.

On the way, I saw Hazel, and, on impulse, I walked over to her. I just could not resist. With a sly grin, I whispered to her, “My number has now gone up one. It currently rests at seven.”

She seemed surprised, either by my arrival or, more likely, by what I had just said. Without saying any more, I turned, and with a bottom wiggle, I returned to Brenda.

I knew I was being naughty and teasing, but most of all, I was having fun.

It was gone midnight and the Rainbow bar was slowly clearing out. Soon it would only be the hardcore regulars, many of whom would stick it out until the 2:00 AM closing time.

I left the way I had come in, dressed in my covering cardigan, my bottom cheeks now hidden by its veil. Paula was on one side of me, Brenda on the other. The only difference, they now both had their hands on my bum. Tina and Jaz were following us. We were heading back to Brenda’s for a nightcap; I was silently hoping that was a cup of tea.

“So, Brenda,” I said. “Is twenty telephone numbers a record?” I was hopeful.

However, it seemed my question only made Brenda and Paula chuckle. That irritated me.

What did they know that I didn’t?

“It was actually twenty-five,” Brenda eventually relented. “I held five back, as it was good entertainment watching you trying to get telephone numbers, though a little disappointing that you didn’t have to try very hard.”

“Well, that’s good, isn’t it?” I was talking about both the numbers and that it had been easy.

“Yes, my dear, it is excellent.”

“So, was it a new record?”

Brenda chuckled, “Yes.”

“And what was the old record?” I was getting irritated.

“It’s a record, Clare; It makes you special.

“What is the old record?” I was getting cross.

Brenda, Paula, and Tina were all laughing. At least Jaz had not joined in, though she probably did not know what the old record was.

We stopped by Paula’s car.  

“Why won’t you tell me?”

“Clare, there is nothing to tell. As I told you, some ladies at Rainbows like to play a game. I am one of them, though I have never played the telephone number game before.”

Was it a game? I thought.

“My dear, you were the first of my girlfriends who wanted to play it!”

Wanted to play it, I thought. “I didn’t know I had a choice!” I exclaimed.

Brenda continued, not put off by my outburst. “But as I said, you are definitely special.”

“Special?” I questioned wearingly,

I was annoyed, tipsy and, above all, still horny, having not come with Linda.

“My dear, yes, you are special, and that is because you know what your cunt is meant for.”

It was at that moment, that Paula, but particularly Brenda, received a David-size nudge!

However, they both seemed immune, as their chuckles could be heard almost back to Brenda’s penthouse apartment.


Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Published 1 year ago

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