Charlotte Sometimes – 11 – a short term effect

"Christmas brings Charlotte's guitar back and Fiona's Miss Paula arrives"

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Charlotte took a deep breath and opened the door of the music shop. 

“I don’t give a fuck if it’s the week before Christmas. I quit!”

Charlotte had to step aside as a very disgruntled man with an angry red face barged his way out of the shop. The owner, who had been on the receiving end of the tirade just put his head in his hands and cursed quietly.

“Um… er… Hi…” Charlotte began. He looked up.

“Please say you are here with the money to buy your guitars back.”

Fuck, Charlotte thought. This really wasn’t going the way she’d hoped.

“Um, well, you see, Dave. I’ve only managed to save up fifty quid which isn’t quite the amount you need, but I was hoping we could maybe agree to a payment plan or something?”

Charlotte flashed what she hoped was her killer smile and fluttered her eyelashes.

Dave just rolled his eyes.

“For fuck’s sake, Charlotte. You’ve had three months. Maybe if you weren’t propping up the bar in the Alleyman’s every weekend, you mightn’t have drunk all your money and you might actually have been able to pay for the guitars.”

“Yeah, well it’s hard to save up when you don’t have a job.”

The fact Charlotte hadn’t bothered looking for a job was by the by. Dave didn’t need to know that.

“Well, if it’s a job you need. You can work for me. Neil’s just walked off so I need a general dogsbody.”

Charlotte looked around and shrugged. “Why not.”

Charlotte found working in the music shop was a real laugh. Once she’d come to terms with the fact that Dave was a grumpy fucker, they got on really well. The work itself was fun. She hadn’t realised how many people came in to buy guitar strings, plectrums or leads. As well as that, there were always plenty of people looking at the range of new and second-hand guitars adorning the walls, drum kits, bodhrans and all sorts of other instruments.

The first thing Charlotte did after accepting the job was to take down her guitar and Emma’s bass from the display and store them in the back room. They had agreed that half her wages would pay off the debt over the next few months but still give her some drinking money.

Dave had decided that Charlotte’s musical education was sorely lacking so insisted on playing different songs on the shop’s sound system every time there were no customers in.

“OK, so who’s this?”

Charlotte listened as the drums and guitars kicked in. She liked the sound, the choir boy voice singing about teenage kicks sounded good, but as to who it was, she had no idea.

“Dunno,” she giggled. “They sound Irish. Are they U2?”

The look of disgust on Dave’s face was priceless.

“They are The Undertones. From only ten miles down the road in Derry. John Peel’s favourite band. He thought the song was so good, he played it twice in a row.”

Dave stared at Charlotte’s blank look.

“You do know who John Peel is?”

“Yeah, isn’t he the DJ on Radio One?”

“You, my dear, are a goth philistine. I will make it my mission to ensure you know more about music than just The Cure by the time you leave here.”

“Fine,” retorted Charlotte. “But I’d just like to point out that I grew up in Liverpool. I’m not sure if you’d recognise The Lightning Seeds for example.”

“You mean the guy who sings Pure. Yeah, I know them.”

“Oh, fuck off. Alright then. Educate me.”

And with that, Dave spent the next four hours giving Charlotte a potted history of alternative music. She had to concede that there was a lot of good stuff out there. She left work that evening with a selection of LPs in her bag as well as the bass and guitar. She was determined, now that they had made up with Deirdre, to get the band back together.

She spent the evening in her room with her guitar. She hadn’t realised just how much she had missed it until she had it back again. After removing the old strings to clean and polish the shiny black body and neck, she’d restrung it and began picking her way through the solo to ‘Just Like Heaven.’

Dave had played her the Dinosaur Jr cover version of it and she’d conceded that it sounded really good. This had resulted in Dave playing other Dinosaur Jr songs like Freak Scene, Budge and Pond song until she agreed that she would listen to the whole album.

She began strumming along to Freak Scene as the vinyl record spun on her hi-fi. It was pretty easy really with a simple D, Em and A sequence for the verses and a shift to E and F#m for the chorus. After a couple of spins, she reckoned she had it and was just trying to work out the lead guitar riffs when her Mum shouted up that Emma was at the door.

A millisecond later, after a quick knock on the door, Emma burst in and plonked herself on the bed.

“Oh my god, you got the guitar back?”

Charlotte grinned and went and got Emma’s bass from the corner of her room.

“Happy Christmas.”

“But.. but.. How?”

“You’re looking at the newest employee of Dave’s Music shop.” She did a mock curtsey.

Charlotte outlined how the day had panned out and how she wanted to reform the band, excitedly telling Emma how Dave had started her ‘re-education programme’ as he had called it.

Emma nodded at the record player. “Is that part of it?”

“Yeah. I was thinking we might do a cover of it. Maybe branch out a little.”

“We still need a drummer. Have you slept with any lately?”

The pillow hit Emma right on the face and the two of them broke down in fits of the giggles.

The next evening, Charlotte, Deirdre and Emma stood in the rehearsal room at the community centre. The drum kit sat unoccupied in the corner but the three girls decided they may as well get back up to speed before auditioning for a replacement for Fergal.

Two hours later, the girl left, buzzing after a really good rehearsal. Charlotte had played the music she had come up with to fit with the lyrics Deirdre had written for their first original song and once Emma’s bass line had come in, the three of them had decided it was a winner.

Christmas came and went in a blur. Charlotte and her parents had travelled down the country to visit relatives and Charlotte’s head was in a whirr with the number of cousins, aunts and uncles she was introduced to. They all remembered her but she had no idea who any of them were. Everyone seemed to have some smart remark or other about vampires or no shortage of funeral attire and Charlotte seethed at the bunch of culchies in their checked shirts or polo shirts and jeans dressed up like some farmer’s army.

The first evening back in Strabane, Charlotte headed to the Alleyman’s in the hope of meeting up with the girls or even just anyone who wasn’t going to talk about tractors or the price of fertilizer.

She was only in the door when she bumped into Dave who wished her a Happy Christmas and bought her a pint. His band was performing and Charlotte ended up sitting on the deck, adjusting the lighting rig during their set. The band’s music tastes were unsurprisingly rather different to Charlotte’s but she was really shocked when she recognised one of the songs. She sat and swayed along as Dave sang the lyrics to ‘Like a Hurricane,’ a song Charlotte knew from the Mission’s album, The First Chapter. She mentioned after they had finished how surprised she was that Dave was playing a goth song and suddenly felt very sheepish when he exploded with laughter. 

“Oh, Charlotte. We really do have to do something about your musical education. That was Neil Young, not The Mission.”

She really enjoyed the evening. Dave was a lot less grumpy sitting in the bar after their set than he was at work. The rest of his band were also in their forties and regaled her with tales of going to gigs during the darkest days of the Troubles and how the bar they were drinking in had been bombed twice back in the early 70s.

Eventually, they headed home, with Dave’s final words ringing in her ears, “Don’t be late for work tomorrow. It’s the first day of the Christmas Sales.”

The first day of the Sales was quiet. By lunchtime, she’d sold six plectrums and one set of violin strings. She wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck and zipped her coat up as far as it could go. The winter cold seeped under the door and Charlotte wasn’t sure if she could feel her toes anymore.

She glanced up when the door opened. A woman with black hair and a white streak down one side walked in, looking around like she was surprised to be there. Charlotte straightened up on her stool and was just about to ask if the woman needed any help when the door opened again and Fiona bounded in.

“Hey, Charlotte. Happy Christmas.”

Charlotte leapt off the stools and ran around the counter to give Fiona a hug. Fiona swirled her around then dropped her back down again and turned to the other woman who was standing watching with a slight smile on her face.

“Miss Paula, this is Charlotte.”

Charlotte took a step back from Fiona and turned to say hello. She was surprised by Miss Paula’s appearance. She was quite old. She had wrinkles around her eyes and her lips looked like she had spent a lifetime sucking on cigarettes. She wore a thick layer of white foundation and the bright red lipstick made her look like the Joker from the Batman film.

“I see. You were right, she is cute.”

The woman had a very posh English accent which seemed so out of place in Strabane. Charlotte glanced at Fiona and was thrown by the look of eagerness on Fiona’s face, like she was being praised for Charlotte being cute.

The woman slowly walked around Charlotte. Charlotte swallowed. She felt like she was being inspected. The clip of the woman’s heels on the wooden floor echoed and Charlotte hoped Dave wouldn’t come back from his lunch break while this inspection was going on.

Charlotte felt the woman’s fingers brush a strand of hair away from her neck and felt so exposed. Her finger traced the line of CHarlotte’s jaw then tilted Charlotte’s head up so she was looking into Miss Paula’s eyes.

“Fiona has told me all about you, Charlotte. How you are such a needy little slut. I look forward to finding out just how needy you are for myself very soon.”

She removed her hand and turned to Fiona.

“Come on then, let’s go and check-in at the hotel.”

Fiona went to follow her then turned to Charlotte.

“Miss Paula has decided to get a room at the Fir Trees rather than stay at the house. It gives us a bit more privacy. Talk later.” 

And with that, Charlotte watched, open-mouthed, as the two of them left the shop and headed up the road.

Charlotte couldn’t wait for her shift to finish so she could find out what was going on from Emma.

She didn’t have to wait that long. Emma rushed into the shop barely ten minutes later.

“Oh my god… did you see her? What the fuck is Fiona playing at? She looks older than our mother? Do you think she’s her teacher or something?”

The questions only stopped when Emma paused to draw breath. Charlotte shrugged. 

“I dunno. She seemed a bit creepy. I thought she was staying with you lot?”

“Yeah, she was supposed to be. Fiona has been on edge since yesterday. Anyway, she arrived. Had a cup of tea in the kitchen, then announced that she couldn’t put my mother to any trouble and she had a room booked in a hotel. She and Fiona left and we haven’t seen them since. Fiona said she was going to call in here to see you.”

“So, why was she creepy? Was it the Cruella De Vil vibe?”

Charlotte blushed. She didn’t want to tell Emma how the woman had basically undressed her with her eyes and told her she was looking forward to using Charlotte like some needy little slut  later so she just told her that Fiona had said they were staying at the Fir Trees hotel.

Charlotte and Emma spent the next hour practising songs using the guitars in the shop. Charlotte had to stop every so often to deal with a customer but it was pretty quiet and they had a couple of new songs pretty much worked out by the time it came to closing time. 

They looked up at the sound of the door opening but kept playing when they saw it was just a girl who Charlotte thought was in the year below them at school. She stood looking at the cymbals before selecting a pair of drum sticks.

Charlotte put her guitar down and moved behind the counter.

The girl nodded at Emma and the guitars. 

“Are you in a band?”

Charlotte nodded.

“Kinda. We lost our drummer.”

The girl smiled.

“You sound quite good. If you need a drummer, I could help out.”

“You’re a drummer?”

The girl nodded and walked over to the drum kit Dave had set up in the corner. She played a rapid drum solo using the snare and tom-toms while her feet pounded the bass drum and high hat. It was loud and fast and really good.

She stopped and shrugged. “I’m not really into the depressing goth shite but I liked the sound of that song you were practising. I’m Jenny, by the way.”

“Hi, I’m Emma. So what are you into then?”

Emma had stood up and moved closer to join in the conversation.

“I love the Jesus and Mary Chain, and the butthole surfers and The Clash and anything really with a bit more of a beat. I mean, if you watch Topper Headon, he beats the shit out of that kit.”

Charlotte and Emma glanced at each other.

“Um, who’s Topper Headon?”

“Oh for fuck’s sake. You goths know nothing. He’s in the Clash.”

All three girls turned to look at Dave who had come into the shop unnoticed while they were talking.

“Alright JJ. Have you broken your sticks again?”

“You know me, Dave. If I get a week out of them, I’m getting value for money.”

She turned to the girls. “If you’re serious about needing a drummer, give me a shout.”

Jenny paid for the drumsticks and headed off. Once Dave told them that he’d lock up, Charlotte and Emma were out the door like a shot. Charlotte thought about Jenny. She had looked like one of her culchie cousins when she had walked in, all flat top, checked shirt and jeans but Charlotte could tell she was a pretty decent drummer. Emma agreed and suggested she talk to Deirdre and try and get Jenny down for a practice session as soon as possible.

Once home, Charlotte headed upstairs to change. She was so unsure about what was going to happen. The arrival of Miss Paula had changed Fiona and Charlotte wasn’t that keen on being forced to spend time with her when Charlotte wanted Fiona to herself. She stripped and put on her favourite black lace bra and matching panties. She took the pair of fishnets that Fiona had given her last summer and pulled them up her legs. She loved the feeling when Fiona’s fingers had traced the fishnet pattern until she reached the elasticated stocking top. Charlotte couldn’t help sliding her fingers between her legs, over the lace crotch, as she remembered how Fiona had kissed her way up her inner thigh.

She buttoned her favourite black tail shirt and a long mid-calf length skirt, fastened her DMs and grabbed her leather jacket. She stuck her head in the door of the living room and told her parents she was away out for a bit and had the front door closed and was out the garden gate before they really had a chance to interrogate her on where she was going. There had already been talk about it being her exam year and how she’d need to start studying properly and Charlotte wasn’t in the mood to hear it.

Charlotte stood outside the hotel room door. She looked both ways then knocked timidly on the plain white door. She heard a shuffling movement before the door opened. 

She stepped into the room and smiled when she saw Fiona behind the door. Fiona put her finger to her lips then closed the door. Fiona was naked except for the dog collar around her throat and a pair of black stockings and garter belt. 

“Bring our guest to me.”

Fiona took Charlotte’s hand and led her into the room. Miss Paula was sitting on the bed, smoking a cigarette. She stubbed it out and stood up, smiling at Charlotte as she approached. Fiona let go of Charlotte’s hand and took a step back. Paula ran her fingers through Charlotte’s hair, brushing it back from her face.

“You are so pretty, Charlotte.”

Charlotte wasn’t sure if she was supposed to answer or not so decided to keep quiet unless directly asked a question. She still wasn’t entirely sure why she had agreed to come. She loved Fiona but Fiona’s behaviour was so different around Paula than it had been when they were alone.

She felt Fiona come closer behind her and reach around and begin to unbutton the long black shirt Charlotte was wearing. Paula stood and watched as Charlotte was unveiled. Fiona tugged the shirt down her arms and discarded it. The bra strap was swiftly unfastened and as Charlotte’s nipples reacted to the cool air in the room, Fiona had tugged Charlotte’s skirt down too.

While Fiona knelt, untying the laces on Charlotte’s boots, Paula ran her fingers over Charlotte’s breasts. The pale pink nipples hardened as Paula’s fingers delicately traced the dimples on her areolae.

Charlotte gasped when Paula’s finger and thumb squeezed the nipple hard and twisted it viciously. Charlotte let out a whimpered cry and bent her knees in an attempt to lessen the pain. Paula laughed and released it. Charlotte’s hand reached up to caress and soothe it but Paula swatted it away.

“Hands by your sides.”

Charlotte straightened and stood, hands by her sides, watching Paula warily as she turned and kissed Fiona. Paula mauled Fiona’s nipples, pinching and twisting them viciously while Fiona stood rock still, her eyes closed and breathing heavily to control the pain.

“Good girl,” Paula whispered as she stroked Fiona’s cheek.

“Thank you, Miss.”

Charlotte felt very vulnerable wearing just her knickers and fishnets. She watched as Pauls led Fiona by the collar over to Charlotte.

“Prepare our guest, my little pet.”

Charlotte looked from Paula to Fiona and back again, unsure what was meant or implied but then Fiona took Charlotte’s hand and led her to the large double bed that took up most of the room. Charlotte lay on her back and surrendered to Fiona’s kiss. As their lips met, the electricity pulsed through her as normal. Charlotte felt her stomach whirl in excitement as Fiona’s hand slid over her body, soothing and caressing before Fiona bent her head and her lips followed the path her hands had just made.

Fiona kissed her way over Charlotte’s breasts and down to her knickers. Fingers dipped inside the knicker elastic and Charlotte lifted her hips to allow Fiona to slide the damp lace over her hips and down her legs.

As she spread her legs for Fiona, she felt the mattress sag and turned to see Miss Paula had climbed onto the bed. She leant down and kissed Charlotte on the mouth at the same time as Fiona kissed her quivering clit. Two women kissing her at once was a completely new experience to Charlotte and she found it hard to concentrate. She squirmed as Fiona ran the flat of her tongue along Charlotte’s slit while Paula swirled her tongue in Charlotte’s mouth.

Paula’s hand moved to Charlotte’s breasts. She gripped and pawed at the small boobs before pinching the left nipple between her finger and thumb. Charlotte whimpered in pain as Paula twisted and tugged it. She found that if she focussed on the pleasure Fiona was creating with her tongue, the pain created by Paula was bearable.

Fiona was now swirling the tip of her tongue through her folds. Charlotte’s clit quivered every time Fiona’s tongue was dragged over it. Charlotte opened her eyes and found herself staring into Paula’s vivid green eyes. She could see the crow’s feet on the corner of each eye and Charlotte wondered again what Fiona saw in her. She knew this was important to Fiona so continued to kiss the woman back, tasting the cigarettes on her breath as their tongues swirled, fighting for supremacy.

Paula broke the kiss and sat back and Charlotte saw she had removed the robe and was wearing a black corset and then her eyes froze, gazing at the large black penis between her legs. 

Paula saw Charlotte looking and giggled, “You like my girlcock?”

Charlotte stared, mouth open. She’d never seen anything like it before and didn’t know what to say. 

“Kiss it.”

Charlotte stared at her.

“Suck it,” she ordered.

Charlotte raised her head and kissed the tip. It reminded her of the vibrator Fiona had used on her the week before.

“On your hands and knees, slut.”

Charlotte rolled over onto her front and quickly got into the all-fours position.

“Show me how a little fucktoy like you sucks cock.”

Charlotte blushed. This woman was so rude. Her words made Charlotte feel humiliated but at the same time, there was something so addictive about the whole experience. Fiona knelt behind Charlotte and pulled her hair back from her face and guided Charlotte’s face towards the plastic girlcock.

Charlotte wrapped her lips around it and slowly slid her mouth up and down the shaft, all the while listening to Miss Paula’s running commentary on how she was a dirty little cocksucking whore. Fiona knelt beside her and tugged and played with Charlotte’s nipples.

Paula gripped Charlotte’s hair, twisting the tresses between her fingers and pulling Charlotte closer, forcing more of the girlcock down her throat. Charlotte coughed and spluttered, trying to stop her gag reflex from kicking in. She put her hands on Paula’s thighs, trying to push back but the woman only intensified her grip. Charlotte could feel her eyes water. She coughed and gagged until finally her head was pulled back and the girlcock, now covered in phlegm, was pulled from her mouth.

Charlotte gasped and choked, trying to draw breath back into her lungs. She swallowed, her face burning as Paula laughed about Charlotte’s technique. She moved away and clicked her fingers, indicating for Fiona to take her place on the bed. Fiona grinned and sat on the bed with her legs spread. Charlotte knelt, her face between Fiona’s legs, gazing at Fiona’s now shaved pussy. Charlotte thought how weird it looked. It reminded her of the turkey on Christmas morning before it was put in the oven, all pale with a few dimples where the shaving had tugged the hairs out.

“Let’s hope you are better at eating cunt,” Paula whispered as she pressed down on the back of Charlotte’s head. Charlotte didn’t need a second invitation and greedily slurped and licked at Fiona. She looked up, gazing into Fiona’s eyes as she ran her tongue along her dripping slit, tasting the honeyed juices oozing out of her. She felt Paula getting back on the bed behind her and while she knew that Paula was planning on using the girlcock on her, it still came as a shock when she felt the hard plastic dildo press into her.

It felt so good. Charlotte had her face buried in Fiona’s pussy. Her tongue was deep inside and her nose rubbed against Fiona’s clit. Every time Paula slammed the girlcock into her, it forced Charlotte’s face deeper into Fiona. Fiona had her hands gripping Charlotte’s hair, using them like reins, not letting Charlotte let up for a second. She could hear Paula goading Fiona as she fucked Charlotte. Telling Fiona how tight Charlotte’s cunt was and what a dirty little schoolgirl slut she was and how she was going to fuck Fiona with Charlotte’s cum still on her girlcock.

When Paula’s hand smacked Charlotte’s ass, she flinched but her whimpers were muffled by Fiona’s pussy. This is nuts, Charlotte thought but she couldn’t stop licking. She was addicted to the taste of Fiona’s juices as they were smeared over her face. She could feel her own orgasm approaching as Paula told Fiona how she was fucking her through Charlotte. She began to slow the timing of her thrust but each thrust was deeper and harder than the one before. Charlotte felt Paula slam into her, her hips slapping against Charlotte’s ass as the girlcock pounded her insides.

Each thrust was accompanied by a word. “You… are… a… dirty… fucking… whore.”

The words flowed over Charlotte as she felt herself losing control. All she could focus on was Fiona’s pussy. She wrapped her lips around Fiona’s clit and suckled as she shoved two fingers inside her, mimicking the rhythm of Paula in her own pussy as the orgasm threatened to overwhelm her.

She’d never been fucked like this before. None of the boys she’d slept with had lasted this long and the whole situation was so out of control that she could just cling on. The orgasm broke. Wave after wave crashed over her body as she spasmed on the bed, pinned down by Paula, impaled on her girlcock, she howled into Fiona’s pussy as Fiona pinned her head in place.

Paula didn’t stop. Charlotte felt like she was floating out of her body. Everything became muffled, the screams and orgasmic cries seemed to echo as if underwater. She looked down at Fiona writhing on the bed, cumming on Charlotte’s face. She watched Paula gripping Charlotte’s hips and pulling her into her every time she thrust forward and pushing her away every time she pulled back. Charlotte could see her juices glistening on the black plastic. Fiona’s hips bucked and jerked, pressing into Charlotte’s face. With a howl, Paula gave one final thrust of her girlcock and slumped on charlotte’s back. 

It seemed like hours before anyone spoke. Finally, Paula pulled out and Charlotte rolled over and lay on her back beside Fiona. She turned her head and saw Fiona grinning at her. She felt Fiona’s fingers grasp her hand. She leant in and kissed Charlotte softly.

“Clean me, girls.”

Charlotte turned. Paula was standing leaning against the dressing table. Fiona had immediately slid off the bed and was crawling towards her. Charlotte figured she should keep Fiona happy and follow suit. Together the two girls crawled across the floor, hips undulating, gazing up under hooded eyelids at Paula standing watching them.

The two of them knelt and ran their tongues along the shaft, tasting Charlotte’s cum before kissing as they reached the tip at the same time. Slowly they ran their tongues around and around the girlcock as they gazed into each other’s eyes. 

“Right, you little bitches, up you come.”

Charlotte felt her hair being tugged and quickly scrambled to her feet as Paula pulled them both up by their hair. She pushed the two of them against the dressing table. Charlotte could see her reflection, along with Fiona and Miss Paula in the mirror. Paula stood behind them, pressing their heads down until their tits were pressed into the wooden top of the dressing table and their arses stuck out behind them. Charlotte locked eyes with Fiona who mouthed “I love you.”

Paula pushed the girlcock into Fiona. Charlotte watched Fiona’s eyes close and a sigh of pleasure escape her lips. Paula gave three or four thrusts then pulled out again. The look of disappointment on Fiona’s face was apparent. Then Charlotte felt the girlcock back inside her. She did the same thing, three or four thrusts then went back to Fiona. She alternated between the two girls and all the time, she told them what dirty little sluts and filthy slags they were. 

Then Paula began rubbing the clit of the girl she wasn’t fucking. Charlotte could feel herself getting wetter and wetter again. It was all so new to Charlotte and she wondered how many times something like this had happened with Fiona. Charlotte wanted to ask Fiona how she’d met Paula, was she always like this? Was Fiona the only girl and this with Charlotte was a one-off or did Paula have lots of girls like Fiona?

Then all those questions became irrelevant as Paula began to fuck both her and Fiona faster, harder and deeper. The squelch-squelch-squelch sound could be heard as she slammed the girlcock into Fiona or Charlotte. All the time, her fingers rubbed clits as she shuffled back and forth between the two girls. 

Then Paula stopped fucking Charlotte. She concentrated on slamming the girlcock deeper, harder and faster in Fiona. She still kept her fingers teasing Chzrlottte’s clit but Fiona was being taken and used, hard. Paula held Fiona’s hair in a vice-like grip, pulling on it so Fiona’s head was snapped back, neck stretched. Charlotte could see Fiona’s eyes rolling back in her head as another orgasm broke over her. As Fiona spasmed, Paula pulled out. Fiona whimpered “Fuck” as she was left empty, her pussy walls trying to clench around fresh air.

Almost immediately, Paula slammed the girlcock into Charlotte. The girl was pounded as Paula slammed the cock in and out. Her hair was pulled so tight, Charlotte thought it was going to come out at the roots. All the time, Paula kept telling her was a filthy little whore and what a cum-slut fucktoy she was. Charlotte scarcely heard her words. The orgasm rose and rose and rose and when it finally crashed over her, everything went black.

Charlotte opened her eyes. She was lying on a beige carpet and for a few seconds, she had no idea where she was. Then, as the memories of Miss Paula and the girlcock came flooding back, she felt someone stroking her hair. She sat up. Fiona was kneeling by her head with a worried expression on her face.

“Are you ok?”

“What… what happened?”

“You passed out.”

“It’s nothing serious. Lots of girls have them.” Charlotte turned to see Miss Paula wearing the white hotel towelling gown. “The French call it ‘la petite mort.’ You just came so hard you blacked out.”

Charlotte slowly got to her feet and scanned the room searching for her clothes.

“Thank you for this evening, Miss Paula, but I really need to go now.”

Charlotte just wanted to get away. She had a really bad feeling about Paula. She seemed heartless and uncaring and Fiona was a different person around her. She needed to talk to Fiona alone but that would have to wait. Right now, she just wanted to get home. She quickly got back into her clothes and turned to Fiona, expecting her to see her to the door but she just knelt there in the centre of the room, like a pet dog, waiting for Miss Paula’s command. Charlotte turned at the door and looked at them both. Paula had a disinterested expression on her face like she was waiting for Charlotte to go and Fiona was just gazing adoringly up at her. 

Charlotte sighed and closed the door behind her.

Published 3 years ago

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