A Therapeutic Relationship, Chapter Three

"Peter sees the woman next to him in a new light."

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“Uh…” Peter was at a loss for words. The woman lying next to him looked him dead in the eyes, waiting for an answer. He had none to give, so she took the phone from him and scrolled through his messages. He could do nothing but watch her and wait, casting his head down and preparing himself for whatever punishment she had in store for him.

“This is your friend from college?”

“Yeah,” he nodded, feeling like he wanted to crawl out of his own skin and hide under the bed.

“Cute picture of her.” Her voice was either sincere or dripping with sarcasm. He couldn’t tell. He figured he should expect the worst though: a tantrum, tears, a few slaps, anything. “You never told me you had a thing for Asian girls.”

“I don’t.”

“Uh-huh.” She continued to read through his conversation with a straight face, making it impossible for him to read her emotions. “You were talking to her in the bathroom?”

He nodded without saying a word.

“Why didn’t you just talk to her out here?”

He shrugged, unable to come up with an excuse that sounded convincing.

“You could’ve, you know. I wouldn’t have had a problem with it.”

He finally met her gaze, both surprised and cautious, waiting to see where she was going with this.


“Yeah. I mean, it’s not like I haven’t done things with other guys since we started hooking up.”

“What kind of things?”

“Stuff online mostly. I get lonely when you’re at work, and I need someone to have fun with. They don’t get me off like you do, but it’s still nice to have the option.”

He let out a heavy sigh, feeling both relieved and guilty at the same time.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve just been honest with you.”

“It’s not all your fault. What we should’ve done was set some ground rules when we knew we were gonna keep seeing each other.”

He huffed a soft chuckle through his nose.

“Yeah, that would’ve been the smart thing to do, huh?”

“Yeah, it would’ve.” She let out a gentle giggle of her own; the kind that made her nose crinkle. “But since when have I been smart when it comes to relationships? Probably one of the reasons why I keep getting dumped.”

He put his arm around her and gently pulled her closer to him, unsure if she would accept the invitation. She did, snuggling up to his side and placing her hand on his chest.

“Were you thinking about breaking up with me?” she asked, a sense of worry hanging at the edge of her voice. “It’s okay if you were. I just wanna know.”

“I don’t know,” he said. “I didn’t think that far ahead, to be honest.”

She remained silent for longer than he would’ve liked, drawing circles around his nipple with the tip of her finger.

“You told her that you didn’t think this was going anywhere. If I’m being honest with myself, I don’t think it will either. But I don’t want it to end, you know? I like staying here and waiting for you to come home.”

“I like knowing you’re here waiting for me. It helps the day go by faster.”

“It does?”


“You never told me that.” She cozied up closer to him, allowing him to wrap his arm around her tighter. “Is it just because of the sex, or is it something more?”

He let out a sigh as he took a moment to ponder the question.

“I mean, I can’t deny that the sex is a big part of it. But there is a sense of companionship too. Not sure if it’s permanent or not, but it’s nice to have while it’s here.”

“Companionship.” Her nose crinkled again, her body jiggling against his as she laughed.


“Nothing. I just think it’s cute when you try and sugarcoat things for me like that.”

He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“I don’t mean to. I just don’t want to hurt you.”

“You’re not. You’re being really sweet about it. That’s one of the things I like about you. You never lose your temper or go quiet on me. I’ve been with too many guys who were like that.”

“I know you have.” He kissed her brow again. His phone lit up in her hand, catching his attention and allowing him to read the messages on the screen.

Kim: Come on, baby. What do you say? Don’t keep me waiting.

Kim: Pete? You there?

Kim: What happened? Why’d you stop talking to me?

His gaze turned to her, begging for permission while at the same time giving her the final say.

“Alright,” she said. “You can talk to her on one condition.”

“Name it.”

“Let her know I know about you two and tell her I’m okay with it.”

He nodded in agreement and she passed the phone to him.

Peter: Hey, I’m here.

Kim: Is everything okay?

Peter: Yeah, everything’s fine.

Peter: She knows you and I have been talking and she’s okay with it.

Kim: Your girlfriend?

Peter: Yeah.

Peter: She kinda caught me in the act.

Kim: Oh.

Kim: Okay.

Kim: Does she know everything?

Peter: Just about.

Kim: And she’s okay with how you and I have been talking to each other?

“Yeah, I am,” she said.

Peter: Yeah, she is.

A silence followed that lasted long enough to let doubt hang in the air. Both of them stared at the phone screen without a word spoken between them.

Kim: Okay. At least we don’t have to keep it a secret anymore.

Kim: So, are you still horny then?

“Tell her you are.”

“But…” He gestured toward his penis, now lying flaccid in his lap.

“So? Tell her you are anyway.” She leaned in and teased him with a whisper to his ear. “I’m sure between the two of us, we can get you hard again in no time.”

Peter: Yeah, I am.

Peter: Are you?

Kim: Yeah.

Kim: I’ve been touching myself this whole time waiting for you.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” She leaned against him as she read the message, her skin hot and her eyes wide. “Do you think she’ll send you a picture of her pussy? I kinda wanna see it now.”

Kim: Shit. Sorry, I have to go. Work is calling me.

“What does she do for work?”

He shrugged.

“I don’t know. She hasn’t told me yet.”

“Well, what did she study in college?”

“Literature and creative writing. She’s always had a knack for graphic design too, so it might have something to do with that.”

“She sounds like a well-rounded person.”

“Yeah, she is,” he nodded. She let out a sigh.

“Is that why you prefer her over me? Because I have a high school education and work at a coffee shop?”

“I don’t prefer her over you.”

She shifted uncomfortably in his arms. He hugged her tighter to reassure her.

“Tell me about her.”


“Tell me about her. How come you guys never hooked up in college?”

“Timing,” he said. “We both had terrible timing. When I wasn’t dating someone else, she was.”

“And when she wasn’t dating someone else, you were?”


“That must’ve sucked. Like a never-ending game of ping pong, huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“Just bouncing the ball back and forth. No one ever scores.”

He let out a chuckle that jostled her hand on his chest.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what it was. My friends really wanted me to score with her, but I didn’t want to overstep my bounds and ruin our friendship. Maybe I should’ve taken that risk, but I didn’t.”

“No, you’re too sweet for that.” She looked up at him with a smile. “Did you ever cook for her like you do for me?”

“I cooked for her a few times, yeah. We pulled some all-nighters during finals week, things like that.”

“Just the two of you?”

“Mm-hmm,” he nodded. “Minus that dessert you like to give me, of course.”

She licked her lips at the very thought of it.

“Speaking of which…” Her hand slid down his chest and stomach, her fingers wrapping around his flaccid cock. “I think it’s taking your friend a bit too long to get back to us, don’t you?” Her wrist began moving up and down, causing his eyes to narrow and his lips to part. “I think maybe we should start without her. What do you say?” His moans grew louder as she picked up the pace. He was so lost in the moment that he nearly missed the new message on his phone.

Kim: Hey, I’m back. Sorry, false alarm.

Peter: I’m still here.

Kim: Good. So, where were we?

Peter: You were telling me how horny you were.

Kim: I was horny, and you left me hanging.

Kim: I think you should be punished for that.

Peter: Punished, huh?

Peter: How so?

Kim: Tell me what you’re doing right now, and don’t leave anything out.

Peter: Lying in bed texting you while my girlfriend jerks me off.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“What was that for?”

“Nothing. Just never heard you call me that before.”

“What, my girlfriend?”

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded.

“Well, what’d you think I was calling you this whole time?”

“I dunno. Friend with benefits, something like that.”

He kissed her brow.

“You’re more to me than that and you know it.”

“I didn’t, actually. But you’re starting to convince me.”

Kim: I don’t believe you.

Kim: I want proof.

Peter: Pic?

Kim: Video. I want to see her technique.

“What do you think?” he asked. She looked at him with a playful glint in her eye that matched her smile.

“I think we better give her what she wants.” 

His cock grew in her hand as she pumped it up and down the length of his shaft, faster and faster until it was throbbing.

“Oh, my God.” His thumb fumbled over his phone screen in search of the camera.

“Has she ever seen your cock before?”

He shook his head.

“No, she hasn’t.”

“She’s in for a treat then.”

The two of them shared a duet of moans as he recorded her jerking him off, their voices rising higher and higher, stopping just short of a crescendo before he sent the video through to Kim.

Kim: Holy shit.

Kim: Pete, have you been hiding that from me this whole time?

Peter: Yeah. You like it?

Kim: Fuck, yeah.

Kim: I can’t stop touching myself.

“Ask her how wet she is.”

Peter: How wet are you right now?

Kim: I’m soaked.

Kim: I’m teasing my clit with the tip of my finger. It’s driving me fucking wild.

“God, I would love to see that.”

Peter: Can you send a picture? My girlfriend and I are dying to see.

Kim: Yeah, hold on.

A few moments later an image was sent through to his phone showcasing a closeup of Kim’s pussy, her panties nowhere in sight, her fingers spreading it open, the slick, pink flesh inside contrasting the dark pigment of her outer lips.

“It kind of looks like mine,” she whispered in his ear. He nodded in agreement.

“It does, doesn’t it?”

She slipped her hand between her thighs and spread her legs open, biting her bottom lip as her hips moved with the rhythm set by her fingers.

Kim: Well?

Kim: What do you guys think?

Peter: My girlfriend’s enjoying herself right now.

Kim: Yeah?

Kim: Is she playing with herself?

Peter: She is.

Kim: And what about you?

Peter: My cock is throbbing right now.

Peter: I’m stroking myself slowly so I don’t cum too soon.

Kim: I bet you have great self-control.

Peter: I do.

Kim: Can you last a long time?

Peter: Yes, I can.

Kim: I wish you were here right now. I want to feel you inside me.

Peter: Me too.

Kim: You could fuck me while your girlfriend watches and gets off on it.

Kim: And then we could take turns.

“God, I would fucking love that.” She slipped a finger inside her, then another, plunging them deep in her cunt over and over again, faster and faster, her hips rolling on the bed, her lips parting to let her voice escape.

Peter: I think she approves.

Kim: Good.

Kim: Do you?

Peter: Yeah, I do.

Peter: I’m not gonna last much longer.

Kim: Send me another video. I want to see you cum for me.

Peter: Only if you send me one first.

A long, silent pause followed, giving him time to wonder if he had taken it a step too far. Just as he was about to send a follow-up text, a video appeared on his phone. He tilted the screen so she could see, feeling her weight leaning against his shoulder. Kim’s pussy came into view when he tapped the play button, her fingers rubbing her clit in circles as she moaned in the background.

“Pete, I’m so wet for you.”

“Is that her voice?” she asked, moaning in his ear as she fingered herself.

“Yeah, that’s her.”

“I wish you were here to fuck me right now.” The heavy breathing laced with her soft-spoken words turned him on more than anything else had in a long time. “Oh, God, I’m gonna cum.”

“Me too.” His girlfriend’s hips squirmed on the bed as she fucked herself, her pussy squelching with each plunge of her fingers. 

He turned his camera back on and pressed record, holding it steady on his cock as he stroked it, his hand running up and down the length of his shaft faster and faster, his moans growing louder and louder. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything, the motion of his wrist bringing him closer to the edge than he anticipated. He went all in when he reached the point of no return, jerking his stiff, pulsating cock just under the tip until thick gobs of cum spilled out and dribbled down his hand. He panted for air, recording the aftermath of his climax until his erection started to go soft in his hand before sending the video to Kim. A few moments later, he remembered the person lying next to him.

“Did you cum too?” he asked.

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded, lying on her back and breathing deeply. “That was fucking hot, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, it was.”

She rolled over on her side, pressing her tits against his arm as she kissed the side of his face. He turned his head to return the kiss, letting his phone rest on his stomach as he reached over and caressed her cheek. She cooed in response, pressing her lips against his to savor their taste.


“Yeah, Chloe?”

“Do you think you could go down on me?”

“Is that what you want?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded. “I wanna feel your tongue inside me.”

He rolled over on top of her, kissing his way down her body, feeling her moan and writhe to the touch of his lips. His phone slipped off of him and landed face up on the bed. Somewhere on his way down, he saw it light up. It didn’t stop him. He kept going until he was face-deep in her tasty cunt, her fingers running through his hair, her legs spread wide, her heaving breath begging for more.

Published 1 year ago

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