“Damn, Terry.” Megan gasped, “It looks swollen. Have you been jacking off all day?”
“No.” I answered, watching my sister gently touch my limp penis, “I’ve been hard since last night when I blew all over you.”
“I told you, it’s okay to masturbate. Fuck, haven’t you seen those E.D. commercials about an erection that won’t go away? You know they stick a needle in your dick to get it to deflate?”
“Ain’t nobody sticking a needle in my dick.” I quipped, “But I was worried that it would ruin tonight if I jacked off.”
“Is it sore?”
“Nah.” I shook my head, “No more than normal.”
“What’s normal?” Megan asked with a dumbfounded expression.
“You know.” I grinned, “I’m sixteen. I jack off a lot. It’s sore sometimes after say the seventh or eighth time.”
“Eight times?” She asked, “In one day?”
“I don’t know. More or less.” I bragged, “David and I have contests sometimes.”
My sister shook her head in disbelief, “Fuck.”
I laughed. Mom had gone to work and I wasn’t about to tell my sister about what she and I had done. Dad, as usual, was in front of the television with his second six-pack of the night. He would be passed out soon.
“So, in these contests,” Megan smiled, “Do you ever jack off together?”
“You mean in front of each other?” I asked, “Yeah. Sure. I’m not shy around him.”
“Is his dick as big as yours?”
“Why? Do you want to fuck him?”
“I mean, if it’s a nice dick, I wouldn’t rule it out. He is nice looking,” Megan teased.
“I’d love to see that.” I laughed, “He would come in less than a minute.”
“Kinda like you did yesterday.” My sister mocked with a grin, “Is he big or what?”
“It’s not as long as mine,” I said, shaking my head at my slut of a sister’s comment, “It’s pretty thick though. And his head is like a knob.”
“Nice,” she smiled, “I’d like to see it. Do you have any pictures?”
“Of his dick? Fuck no.”
“Are you sure?” Teasing me again, “Let me see your phone.”
“Bull shit,” I proclaimed, “No way I’m letting you look through my phone.”
“You do.” She laughed, “I knew it. Have you ever stroked each other? You can tell me. I can keep a secret.”
“Shit,” I replied, “Forget it.”
“So what does the winner of the masturbation contest get? A blowjob or hand job or what.”
“Fuck sake, Megan,” I grumped. She didn’t know how close to the truth she was getting. I, on the other hand, didn’t realize how transparent my nervousness was making me.
“You’ve sucked his dick,” she exclaimed, “You little bastard.”
“What? No. Fuck that shit,” I stammered, not lying worth a fuck.
“Terry,” she demanded, hands on her hips, “You’re beet red and you are lying.”
“Sis, please. I’m not gay.”
“I don’t care if you suck a dick,” she laughed, “That doesn’t make you gay. You’re sixteen. You’re just experimenting and growing. Some people like both. I eat pussy all the time.”
“That is so fucking hot, Sis,” I choked, “I can’t stop picturing it now.”
“So,” she challenged, “What’s the difference between me eating pussy and you sucking a dick?”
“I don’t know,” I answered, “None I guess.”
“Well, tell me how it felt,” she said, kneeling by my bed, her warm breath washing over my swollen but flaccid member, “Did you like it?”
“I was nervous,” I admitted, staring at the ceiling fan, “And a little drunk.”
“I been there,” Megan agreed, “How did it taste?
“His dick?” I asked rhetorically, “Salty. You know, like sweat. It was a hot day.”
“Was it soft when you started?”
“No. He was already hard. And he was kind of mad at me.”
“Well, he went first,” I said, “I was supposed to warn him but I came in his mouth. He gagged and spit and cursed and shit.”
“He wasn’t really mad,” my older sister said.
“Why?” I asked, a little confused, “What makes you say that.”
“Because he was hard, dummy,” she laughed, “He liked it and didn’t want you to know.”
I shook my head in wonder. My sister was pretty smart. After all that spitting and fussing, David was just putting on a fucking show. And I let him fill my mouth with his cum and I swallowed every bit of it. That had been months ago but, and I won’t admit to this but, I’ve masturbated many times to that memory. I’ve even tasted my own cum a few times since.
“You must have liked it as well,” Megan said.
“What makes you say that?”
“You were soft as a marshmallow until you started thinking about that night. Now you’re fucking hard as a preacher’s pecker at a double wedding.”
“What?” I asked incredulously, “You’ve been stroking it.”
“Nuh-uh,” she laughed, “I stopped touching it before you started talking about sucking his dick. And besides, you’ve been laying there thinking about it for the last ten minutes without saying a word.”
I just closed my eyes and resigned myself to the truth. Yes, I did like it. Would I do it again? Given the opportunity, I think I would. I didn’t want the reputation of being gay. But my sister just told me that sucking a dick isn’t what makes me gay.
Augh, this shit is so confusing, I thought.
“No judgment, little brother,” Megan said, “Just admit it to yourself. You won’t be so mixed up then.”
“Okay,” I finally admitted, “I did it and I liked it. The feel of it in my mouth. The taste of his sweaty skin. His smell. Even the taste of his cum. I liked it all.”
It’s funny how, when you’re about to admit to something embarrassing up until it’s out in the open, there is a foreboding and terrible dread. Then, when you’ve owned it it’s so much easier to live with.
It’s like skydiving for the very first time. On the ground, your fear starts to grow when you suit up and put that parachute on. You wonder if it’s going to open or if it’s going to tangle and send you to your end. Then you climb into that old, rickety airplane that never flies more than a mile away from the small airstrip that you are going to circle until you finally do it. Then when you stand on that threshold, your heart pounding, a fucking mile above the ground. Your hands grip the frame of a sliding door until your knuckles turn white. You’re terrified. The engine roars and the wind whips by and all you know is that you could be dead in less than a minute.
All of that fear and anxiety pulls at you to stay in that plane. It doesn’t look so old and rickety anymore. In fact, it’s a perfectly good airplane.
“Go,” yells the instructor, patting the back of your shoulder.
You are frozen in place, unable to do it. Looking back, you see the faces of the ones who came with you to this point. All of them in their own goggles and parachute, waiting for your decision. All of them with the same decision to make. Then you do it.
The fear and wind and noise of the engine all fade away and you are left with the beautiful truth. Your parachute opened and is easing you to a soft landing just minutes below. You are then alone with all that wonder. Then life goes on.
I felt as though I had just landed on a soft green hill. All of the secrets of my life were now open and on display. That is, except for what my mom and I had done just hours earlier. Now I lay naked on my bed, my cock pointing at the poster hanging on the wall above my head and my sister sitting on the floor by my bed smiling sweetly at me.
“See,” she soothed me, “That wasn’t so hard and I bet you feel better.”
“Yeah,” I nodded, then looked over at her, “But you can’t tell anyone.”
Megan shook her head and laughed at me. I guess I needed to make a few more jumps before I was ready to fly.
“Don’t worry, little bro,” she said, “I won’t tell anyone. Are you ready?”
“Ready for what,” I asked, feigning ignorance. I knew what she was talking about.
“You know.” She whispered, tracing the large vein on the underside of my cock, “We were going to masturbate.”
“I, um, yeah,” I stammered, “But you aren’t.”
“I wanted you to undress me.”
“Okay, Sis.” I agreed, almost too eagerly standing from my bed. My cock stood erect, thick and curved downward, my foreskin tightly wrapped around its head. I won’t lie, there was a strand of pre cum wagging below the downward curve of my cock, glistening in the dim light of my bedroom. Scooping it up with her finger, my sister deposited it on the tip of her tongue. She had no idea how much that turned me on.
Raising her arms, Megan invited me to remove her t-shirt. Her eyes flashed as I pulled the hem on the garment over her head, dropping it to the floor. I felt the knuckles of her curled fingers slide softly over the length of my erection, pushing down softly. She could see the want in my eyes when my fingers fumbled with her bra clasp until I managed to unhook it. Megan shrugged her shoulders forward and let the purple satin fall to our feet.
“Touch them,” she whispered, almost nervously.
I couldn’t look away from her deep blue eyes when I cupped her pert breasts with my hands. Her warm softness in my fingers was contrasted by the steely erect nipples that bore into my palms. She was as turned on by this as I. A gentle squeeze when she covered my hands with hers.
“Do you like my tits?”
“They are amazing,” I answered.
“Kiss them, Terry,” she hoarsely whispered.
Leaning forward, I felt my body trembling in nervous anticipation. Before I made contact, Megan gently pushed me to the bed. I sat on the edge, my throbbing erection pointing at the ceiling. She stepped closer, kneeling on the bed straddling my lap, her breasts at eye level and very close. I could detect the scent of her body, coconutty and fresh from a bubble bath just minutes ago. If it were possible, my cock grew harder, her crotch pressed tightly against it.
Don’t get excited. She was still wearing her silky pajama pants. She pulled my head to her breast, offering an erect nipple. I took it with pursed lips, suckling at her breast. Pulling me closer, she moaned while grinding her bottom in my lap. Her pink nipple in my mouth and my hands cupping her ass, I was fighting the urge to come so quickly.
Sensing my struggle to maintain control, Megan eased up on the grinding and said, “Concentrate, little brother. Hold it in. Make it last for me.”
Pulling back, she looked me in the eyes, her expression filled with lust, and pressed her pouty lips to mine, her tongue pushing into my mouth. I returned her kiss with lustful enthusiasm. This kiss, as she intended, took my mind off the impending orgasm. She was no longer grinding on my cock. The only thing in the world was the kiss. She knew what she was doing.
My mind was a maelstrom of confusion. Megan, my beautiful, older sister had no problem getting men, nor women for that matter. She was a walking display of sexual energy. Beautiful and hotter than fuck, she didn’t need to fuck her little brother. I couldn’t figure it out. Not then anyway. That confusion I quickly dismissed and just enjoyed the moment.
Our heated kiss lasted for several minutes. Long enough to assuage the urge to come. Megan pulled her tongue from my mouth and asked, “Are you ready to get me out of these pajamas?”
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded affirmation. Shaking her head at my timid answer, she smiled and told me to untie her drawstring. I watched my sister stand up on the mattress, her feet straddling my hips, just inches from my face. Slowly, my fingers tugged at each bitter end of the silky string, pulling the loops of the knot shorter until they fell loose.
Megan hooked her thumbs in the elastic waistband, pushing them halfway down her hips, revealing the white strings and top of her cotton panties, “Pull them off, Terry.”
Reaching again, I hooked my fingers only to have my effort halted. My sister holding my wrists, said, “Just the pajamas. Leave my panties where they are. Remember, we are taking this slow.”
Nodding like a scolded child, I took hold of her pants when she released my hands, pushing them ever so slowly down her legs. Her heady scent wafted in the still air of my bedroom. Again, if it were possible, my cock grew even harder. My eyes fixed on the white cotton of my older sister’s panties, just inches from my nose. I could see the moisture in the material. I could see the outline of something beautiful clinging wetly to the fabric.
“Lick them, Terry,” Megan whispered, “Lick my panties.”
Never looking away from her damp cotton panties, I cupped her tight ass with both palms, pulling her to my waiting tongue. The first taste was linen and sex. Her essence was similar to Mom’s but different. The aroma of cinnamon and new cotton. I pushed my tongue into her camel toe, her fingers tangling in my hair. Soft moans tickled my ears while I lapped at her sex.
“Brother, that feels so good.”
With that, I slipped my fingers under the hem oh her panties, gently spreading the firm cheeks of her ass. My fingers slid over her asshole, warm and puckered, then to the edge of her pussy. Megan was wet. Her pussy drooled into those bright, white panties that clung tightly to her sex, soaking them through. She moaned, kissing the top of my head when my finger traced the center of her slit.
“Fuck, Terry, that feels good. Don’t stop,” she hissed.
I wanted badly to push my fingers deeper inside her but I was trying my best to be obedient. I was going slow like she wanted. That was no easy undertaking for a sixteen-year-old boy. My dick was pounding with the fast beating of my heart. It throbbed as a sore thumb. Occupying my mind with the warm, silky wetness that my fingers explored was the only thing keeping me from spewing cum all over the both of us.
Megan stroked my hair while I nursed at each breast in turn, my fingers slowly tickling the small nub of her clitoris in the center of her wet sex. This went on for what seemed an eternity to my young mind. Unsure as to the degree of pleasure my attention afforded my sister, my confusion was abated when Megan convulsed in her first orgasm of the night.
She softly moaned the word fuck over and over again, cresting the wave of her pleasure. Her juices flooded my palm and over my wrist, soaking into the sheets of my bed in a large wet patch. I didn’t care. There were other blankets and sheets in the closet. Besides, my mother’s pussy juices had already soaked into these anyway.
I was mesmerized by the look on my sister’s face. It was an expression of absolute pleasure. Her body trembled and her knees began to buckle. Her cries of, “Yes,” echoed in my head. Without instruction or permission, I slowly pulled her panties from her hips leaving her inner thighs with glistening wet trails of girl cum. After she stepped from the damp garment, I just had to taste her naked sex. Her second orgasm exploded on my tongue when I swiped it over her clit, her thin strip of pubic hair tickling the tip of my nose.
Megan trembled and softly moaned while I continued to lash her sex with my inexperienced tongue. I gained a bit of confidence though, in my ability to drive her through her climax the same way I had with my mother earlier in the day.
After my sister regained composure, she pushed my head away from her and smiled, “Damn, Terry, you learn quickly.”
My dick was so hard that I thought that if I smiled in acknowledgment of her compliment, I would come. I just sat there in the glow of her sex. Knowing my predicament, Megan stepped off the bed and told me to lay on my pillow. Following her instructions, I then watched her climb between my legs, stealing one of my pillows.
My cock continued to bounce with every rapid beat of my heard, a clear strand of heavy pre cum hung from the opening in the fold of my foreskin all the way to just below my belly button. I’ve always, for as long as I’ve masturbated, produced an abundance of pre cum. Megan seemed to like the taste as she hooked it with her finger and scooped it up, depositing it on her tongue.
Laying back on her stolen pillow, her ass just inches from mine, watching the jerky bounce of my rigid dick. My eyes, however, looked past my throbbing member to the glistening wet opening of my sister’s sex. The middle finger of her right hand was making tiny circles inside the folds around her clit. She had a dreamy look of contentment in her eyes, watching me take my cock in hand and stroke it.
“Go slow,” she whispered. “Watch me while you play with it. Pull your foreskin back when you stroke. I like to watch it when your cock head comes out.”
I did as Megan instructed, focusing more on her finger that was working in her pussy than on the pleasure of stroking my cock. I stroked slowly, deliberately ignoring my need for release, pulling my foreskin back with every stroke. My sister didn’t make it easy, seductively whispering things about my cock and her pussy. She whispered, as if telling a secret in a crowded room, telling me how good it would feel to have…