How did I let it get to this situation? My head was locked into the stockade at the foot of my bed. Wearing a blue latex Playboy bunny costume, a remote-control vibrator shoved deep in my ass, and my laptop open to Facebook Messenger. My arms have enough room to push them forward and move the mouse on the bed. The computer is far enough out of reach that I can’t touch the keyboard. I have been like this since Lori Beth left me here, as she left for work at 5:30 this morning. I guess to answer that, we have to start at the beginning.
Lori Beth and I have been married for twenty years now. When we got together, she had already had two boys by other men. She told me that in her teenage years, she was exceptionally sexually promiscuous and that she had a body count of over a hundred. Sometimes, with multiple guys. Sometimes with men and women, but when we had gone together, all that had stopped, and she had settled down.
Our relationship was fast-moving. We spent six months writing letters back and forth to each other while I was deployed overseas before we ever met. On our first date, we ate a Benihanas and then quickly went to a hotel. We both got drunk and made love three separate times that night, never wearing a condom. Lori Beth hated condoms; they didn’t feel natural to her.
We spent the next three months dating very quickly before I proposed. Three months later, in July, we were married, with our first child on the way. It wasn’t long after our first son was born that she was pregnant again with our daughter, bringing us to a family of six.
I would work long hours and travel a lot to make ends meet while Lori Beth was a housewife and mother at home. Our sex life slowed down, but the desire to be with her never did, and the thoughts of her during the wild days turned me on.
As a child, I would frequently steal my stepmother’s lingerie and dress pretending to be a woman. I loved the feel of silk and lingerie across my body. This carried onto my adult life. So, whenever I was away for work, I would buy Lori Beth silky lingerie to have her take pictures of herself in it for me. I would fantasize about me wearing it as well or her using a strap-on on me while I was wearing a matching outfit.
Eighteen years later, I was in a car accident and had to stop working. Lori Beth had to step up and become the family’s provider. She took a job at a Target Distribution Warehouse, operating every Saturday, Sunday, and Monday and then doing mandatory overtime during peak season. She was now away from home frequently, leaving me to fantasize even more.
While Lori Beth was at work, I would often find myself cruising the internet looking at porn and reading cuckolding stories. I would often fantasize about Lori Beth having sex with her coworkers at work or wearing the lingerie that I had purchased for her while she was with someone else. I even found myself going into men’s chat rooms and telling them about my wife. I would send the men I spoke to pictures of her, knowing they were getting off to my wife. My next step down this road was to wear her lingerie, which was very tight fitting as I was more significant than her. I would take pictures of me in it and send them to the men that I was talking to.
Unfortunately, this would lead to Lori Beth finding out. You see, I wasn’t always the best at clearing my history. One day, Lori Beth was on my computer checking her email and found the pictures. She then looked through the browsing history and saw what I had been doing. To say that she was mad that I had been wearing her clothes was an understatement. She ripped up the clothing that I had worn, shut herself in our room, and didn’t come out, and I slept on the couch.
The next day, Lori Beth was having coffee and told me to sit at the table. She told me that if this is what I want, this is what it will be. I couldn’t say a word and just hung my head low.
She said that I would never wear her clothes again. Those were for her and her alone, but she would pick out my outfits from now on.
Later that evening, she got dressed in a tight red mini dress with a lace top that showed off more of her cleavage and stopped extremely low, showing off just the hint of her ass. When she bent over, I noticed she was not wearing any panties.
Our first stop for the evening was at Target in Savannah, where she picked out a silk burgundy thong, matching bra, a flax leather black skirt, and a silk burgundy button-down blouse. After checking out, she told me to go to the restroom, put the outfit on, and meet her in the car. I begged her not to make me wear them in public.
“Too fucking, bad, Alex! You wanted to dress in my fucking clothes! Show strange men online! Be happy that I let you ride in the car with me! That I don’t make you catch an Uber to the rest of our stops this evening or make you walk home in them.”
I had nothing more to say and did as I was told. When I came out of the stall dressed as a woman, a man was using the urinal and stared at me. I kept walking, holding my head low in shame, hoping no one who knew saw me.
The sun was setting, and our next stop was Sunset Novelties on Abercorn Street. Lori instructed me to go inside and get an AcmeJoy Bluetooth Remote Control 9 Thrusting Vibrating Prostate Massager with Penis Ring. I was to put it on before I returned to the car, or she would leave me there. I was so nervous but didn’t want to upset her again.
Once inside, I got many stares due to my outfit, but I found what I was instructed. At checkout, I asked if they had a restroom but was told it was only for employees. I was left with little choice, and after leaving the store, I walked around to the side, unboxed the anal plug, pulled the panties aside, and worked it painfully into my ass. I then went to the car, where Lori Beth was laughing. “You know, a guy came out and watched you from his car while you put that in. Maybe you should go get his number?”
“Lori, please. I am so sorry. Let’s go home.”
“Hell No! You wanted this, and the night is just getting started. Mary is over at her friends, and the boys are at work. I plan to make you suffer tonight, which is only the beginning.” With that, she unlocked the car, and I got back in. Our next stop was at a parking garage off Bay Street. Lori Beth instructed me that we would go to the Electric Moon and Skytop Lounge, which are three blocks away. She taught me that I would be walking alone, and she would be a long shortly. I was to get a table by myself where I could see the bar but not to come up to her. The walk only took eight minutes, but it felt like a year with everyone I passed turning and staring.
When I arrived, I took my seat, and a few minutes later, Lori Beth entered and found a spot at the Bar directly in my line of sight. I waved to a waitress who gave me a quick look of annoyance and asked what I wanted. I ordered a bourbon and coke and prayed that Lori Beth wouldn’t take it too far. Little did I know how far she would take things on that night.
It didn’t take long before a drink was sent to her, and the bartender indicated a tall, tanned man with black hair, wearing denim slacks and a low-buttoned shirt, who waved at her. She smiled back, had a sip, smiled even more profoundly, and waved him over.
Lori Beth and the man seemed to laugh and talk for an hour before she looked back at me and pointed. The man looked over and laughed. She then pulled out her phone, and I looked at mine, hoping for her to message me telling me she was ready to go home and that this night would be over, but was I wrong? I started to feel the plug in my ass begins to come to life, and I jumped from my seat. The man with Lori Beth looked at me, squirming, and laughed hysterically, almost falling out of his seat. Lori Beth then handed the phone over to him. The make took it, and the vibrator started to shake even faster and began to thrust in and out uncontrollably. Lori Beth and the man started to see me struggling to keep my composure, and they began laughing hysterically.
Satisfied at my torment, the man handed Lori Beth back her phone with the plug remaining at full speed. She placed it in her bag, and the man led her to the dance floor. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and began to sway in front of him, giving him a great view down her dress. A few songs later, she had turned around and was grinding her ass on his dick while he was kissing and sucking on her neck, leaving marks on her while his hands were groping her breasts. Occasionally, she would lower her top and expose her massive areolas so other men on the dancefloor could see, driving me crazy.
It wasn’t long before two other guys approached them and started to grind. I could see bulges growing in all of their pants. A few songs later and covered in sweat, Lori Beth and the first man left the dance floor and returned to the bar. Lori Beth pulled out her phone and began to type.
A few seconds later, my phone lit up with a message. I am ready to go home, but Joseph here has a problem. I got him all worked up, and he needs relief. I told him you will be waiting in the restroom to service him. You have twenty minutes after I leave to make it back to the car with your mouth full of his cum. If you don’t make it on time or don’t finish him, he has my full permission to invite the other two men dancing with us to follow you back to our car, and I will get all three of them off however I feel like.
I looked up and saw Lori Beth kissing Jason, and I knew my timer had begun.
I could feel panic grown in my stomach on top of the vibrator still pounding inside of my ass. I know I didn’t have a choice at this point. I left a fifty on the table to cover my drinks and went to the men’s room to wait in a stall.
A minute later, the door opened, and I heard the man call, “Hey Bitch Boy, your wife sent me to get serviced by you. Where the fuck are you?”
“I am in the middle stall,” I could only reply.
The door to my stall opened, and there he was with a massive bulge in his pants. “Your wife said you would probably chicken out, and I hope you do. She deserves a real man, not a panty-wearing small dick cuck like you. I have never had a little Bitch Boy service me, so I will probably lose my hard-on and get the bigger reward of bringing Mike and Sam to follow you. All three of us will fuck her sexy ass body, maybe even give you another child to raise that isn’t yours. Well, Bitch Boy, my dick isn’t going to take itself out and suck itself.”
With that, my heart sank, and I knew what to do. I unbuttoned his pants, lowered his zipped, and reached in, pulling his massive veiny dick out. I started to wrap my hands around his shaft, only to have them smacked away.
“Listen to me, Bitch Boy; you are only to use your mouth. I don’t want to make this easy on you. You are going to have to work to keep me from having my reward of having your wife as my cum dumpster tonight.”
I sighed, closed my eyes, and put my lips around the tip of his penis. It smelled of musk and sweat. I could tell Lori Beth had gotten him worked up and could taste the saltiness on his dick. I tightened my lips and worked them around his shaft and started to bob up and down, working my tongue around the safter. After a few attempts and many gags, I was able to work enough of him in that I could stick my tongue out and barely touch his balls. It took a few minutes, but I finally felt him begin to tighten up. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face deep into his shaft, forcing me to gag again. With a loud groan, he sprayed his cum inside my mouth, with some going down my throat, forcing me to gag but the rest filling my mouth. He finally released my head, and I was able to pull my lips off his dick and open my eyes, only to see him with his phone out, recording me.
“Not bad, Bitch Boy, but you are only halfway free. You see, you only have five minutes to get back to your waiting wife and hope that you can hold that cum, before she texts me and tells me and my friend to go to her and show her what real men can do. I would wish you good luck, but I don’t want you to make it. See you soon, Bitch Boy.”
With that, I bolted out of the restroom and out the lounge, running down River Street and making it to the car with only a second to spare.
“Show me,” Lori Beth said from inside the car with the open window. I then opened my mouth to show the cum that was left inside my mouth. “Well, you passed and returned with a few seconds to spare. I am not sure what disappoints me more. The fact my husband, and father to two of my children, has fallen so far to wear women’s clothes out in public and suck dick, or that I am not going to be satisfied by real men tonight. Get in, and let’s go home. You still have work to do.”
When we got home, I was instructed to strip down and lay on the bed. Lori Beth then stripped down and climbed on top of my face. “Listen, Alex, I love you, and you are going to stay my husband, but for now, this is how you are going to please me – by licking my clit until I cum. You better not touch your dick unless I say so ever again. If you have any hope of getting me back as your lover, you will do everything I say from now on. Now start licking, and don’t speak. Just do.”
I did as I was told, with Lori Beth riding my face. I could see her nipples grow erect and watch her body rock back and forth as she let out small moans of pleasure. After a few minutes, her body tightened up, and she came.
“That was satisfactory, but I am still unsatisfied with your humiliation tonight. Lay in our tub, and I will be with you in a second. Don’t touch the water. You are getting a different kind of bath tonight.”
I went and lay in the tub. Lori Beth straddled my body, squatted, and began to piss all over my dick.
“Now I think that is enough for tonight. Clean the tub, and then take a shower. After that, you can get in bed with me.”
With that, she kissed me on the cheek, put on some panties and my old gray Army PT shirt, and went to bed.
I started cleaning the tub, rinsing out the piss, then took a shower, dried off, and got into bed next to her.
Three months passed without anything being said about the evening. Lori Beth ordered a few costumes for me and some for herself. She got herself a Kentucky Wildcats Cheerleader Uniform and a shiny Sailor Moon costume. She called me the blue satin Playboy Bunny costume with fishnets and a sailor Venus costume. We hadn’t resumed having sex, but I figured maybe this had all passed, and maybe things would get back to normal.
Saturday morning at 4:30, I heard Lori Beth’s Alarm clock go off like usual. She rolled over to me, kissed me on the cheek, and said she wanted me to help her get dressed this morning. I thought this was a little unusual, but I got up.
She went to the bathroom and told me to grab her black Reebok Lux Shin High-rise biker shorts and matching sports bra. I did as I was told and went to grab her panties when she said,” I won’t need any of those today. They will get in my way, and panty lines show in these shorts.”
I brushed it off as if it was nothing. She then instructed me to heat her flat iron as she got dressed. She then led me to pack her lunch bag and ensure I put in a few extra water and sprites. She said that she felt she may need additional hydration today.
I left the bathroom to do so and, a few minutes later, went back to check on her. When I came in, she had the Playboy bunny costume out and was busy putting on her eyeliner and lipstick.
“Glad you are back, sweetie. Today will be a special day if you haven’t figured it out. Please put on the outfit I have for you.”
“Aren’t you going to work, my dear?” is all I could ask.
“Of course. Someone has to make money for the family, and while your VA helps, I still plan on working. Don’t be sad. I have a few special things planned for today. Just do as I tell, and I will explain before I go.”
After that, I followed the commands and put on the outfit. She then instructed me to put my head in the metal Stockade at the foot of our canopy bed with my arms restrained. She then locked me in place.
“Well now, my dear, here is what will happen this weekend. I saw your browser history when I caught you having these fetishes. One of the common subjects in the literature that you were reading was cuckolding, especially with the husband’s boss or with the wife’s co-workers, and finally, about breeding. I have been thinking of how to get even and where to go with this truly. As you know, we haven’t had sex since I caught you. What you don’t know is that I stopped taking my birth control and that I am ovulating this weekend. You also don’t know that I have been talking to a few guys from work. They have agreed to do most of my work so that I can have a straightforward weekend without letting my productivity numbers drop. In exchange, we are going to have some fun at our breaks. What do you think about that?”
I couldn’t speak.
Lori Beth knew me. Hell, we had been together for over twenty years. She had exposed my biggest kinks.
“Alex, your silence says everything, so here is what will happen. Around 10:30 am, I will FaceTime you. You will get to watch everything that happens as it happens. They will know you are watching and may even talk to you, but you will remain silent. This will happen again at my 2:30 pm break. Next, and the last thing you didn’t know, I have been texting Joseph from the lounge. He got with the other two guys, Mike and Sam, and they will come to the house tonight. The three of them will take turns with me and possibly even you while waiting for their turn with me. We will do this again on Sunday and lastly on Monday. Does that get you excited, hubby?”
I stood there locked in the stockade. My penis had gotten hard. All I could do was lower my head in shame and say, “Yes.”
“I am so glad to hear that because I have one more part to add. Should I get pregnant during this and keep in mind that it is a fifty-fifty shot since it has been eighteen years since I had Mary? I am 43 and have been on birth control for eighteen years. While I can still get pregnant, it isn’t a guarantee. You will have two choices. The first is simple: we’ll end our marriage, and I’ll keep having fun. You, of course, will agree to give me half of your VA payments, and I will keep the house. Option two: you will raise the baby knowing it isn’t yours. You will get a vasectomy, and you may be able to join in when I am with my lovers, or you may watch. Either way, it will be up to the men I am with, and who knows, maybe I will have more than one baby with my lovers. You know I wasn’t ready to be an empty nester. How does that sound to raise more children from other men?”
“Lori Beth, I love you. I am sorry. If you want to do this, I support you, as always. I want to be with you no matter what….and yes, this does excite me.”
Lori Beth then clapped her hands and kissed me on the lips. “I am so glad to hear that. Well, I’m off to work.”
Hours passed, and it was finally 10:30. My heart was racing. Five minutes had passed, then ten, when the chime suddenly went off. I moved the mouse and accepted the Facetime call from Lori Beth. There she was on her knees on the wood floor in the warehouse. She was completely naked with only her wedding band on her sailor moon chest tattoo showing her nipples hard, and she held a massive dick in both of her hands and four other men behind her, all naked with enormous erections.
“Hey honey, are you ready to watch my friends breed your wife?”
“Yes, my dear.”
With that, Lori Beth began sucking the dick that had been in her right hand and stroking the one in her left hand. One of the men went and picked up the phone while two others brought in a table. She then let go of the dick in her left hand and began sucking it while grabbing another with her empty hand.
She switched back and forth between the three men for a few minutes before one picked her up and placed her on her back at the table.
The man holding the phone asked me if I was ready to watch Lori Beth be bred by the six.
The man who had put Lori Beth on the table then lifted her legs onto his shoulder while the cameraman got in front of her so that she could suck his cock. He then moved the camera so that I had a closeup of the other man rubbing the tip of his penis on the lips of her clit. Teasing it before working his penis deep inside her.
I could hear Lori Beth moaning with pleasure as his thrusts got faster and faster. Before long, the man fucking her pussy let out a grown and nutted deep inside her. He stayed inside for a few seconds as the cameraman moved behind him. He put the phone under her ass so that when the man inside her pulled his dick out of Lori Beth’s pussy I could see streams of cum flowing out of her. I know that was the first of many today loads of sperm that would be pumped inside of her.
The Cameraman then handed the phone off to the guy who had just nutted inside of my wife. The man turned the phone around so that I could see his face.
“I want you to know Lori Beth has instructed all of us not to have sex or jack off for the last three weeks so that we are all full of cum. One of us is going to knock her up this weekend. I hope you are ready to be a daddy again, Cuck.”
He then turned the phone around, and the other many were already thrusting inside her. Another man had taken the first cameraman’s spot getting sucked off while two others were getting stoked off by Lori Beth.
After twenty minutes, the work bell rang, and all six men had nutted deep inside Lori Beth. She was panting but sat up and grabbed the phone. “Hey, love. I hope you enjoyed the show. I have to get cleaned up, dressed, and back to work. Be Ready at 2:30 to watch round two. Not like you can go anywhere.” And laughed and ended the call.
I was still locked in the stockade and couldn’t go anywhere. I thought again, how did this happen? Was I going to go through this? But my dick answered; for me, it was more complicated than it had ever been before. I knew no matter what, I loved my wife. This had been a fetish of mine. Of course, I would stay with her.
I only waited four minutes before the 2:30 call came through. This time, a man was lying on the table, and Lori Beth was being lowered onto him.
The cameraman told me that they planned to make her airtight this time. One man would be fucking her ass, while another would be in her mouth and last in her pussy. They were going to all nut inside her, and who knew, maybe she would end up having an ass baby.
With that, all of them laughed, and they got to work slower this time, but after seven minutes, I could hear all three moaning. The cameraman then got up close as each of them came, and I saw cum flowing from each of her orifices.
“Did you like that, sweetie?” Lori Beth asked.
I admitted that I did.
The cameraman then handed off the phone, and I was surprised to see the next three men playing rock paper scissors to pick who would be inside what opening of Lori Beth’s. In the end, they all got into position and started fucking her. This time the man in her vagina nutted first and pulled out, letting the man in her ass move his dick into her pussy, and he, too, came inside her, giving her womb another hot load of semen. Finally, the man in her mouth also pulled out and went to fill her pussy with his seed. Once they were all done, they got dressed and handed her the phone.
“Hey honey, I hope you are enjoying this. I have been texting Joseph today, and he looks forward to tonight.”
“Lori Beth, this has me so turned on tonight. I love you. I want us to be together again when we get through this, but know that I unleashed your wild side. You can do whatever you want as long as you stay my wife.”
“Thank you, Alex. I will see you when I get home.” With that, she ended the call.