Ain’t Nothing But A Divorce Party

"Intending to celebrate a fresh lease on life, events take an unexpected turn for two divorcees"

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Tara wouldn’t normally wear a dress exposing so much cleavage, but as she busted through the door of a lightly decorated Roper’s bar to meet her bestie, Cassie, she felt like they were the sexiest women in the entire city. Cassie was chatting it up with the burly, white bartender while sipping from a glass filled with clear liquid. The ladies locked eyes and scuttled toward each other on their high heels before exchanging hugs and kisses on each cheek.

“Girl, you look the fuck good,” Cassie said, holding Tara’s shoulders at arm’s length. “Them big ass titties are tittying. Turn around, lemme see that booty.”

Tara raised her hands straight above and twirled while gyrating, with the “ooohs” coming from Cassie.

“I told you when you put everything together, this shit would hit.” Cassie held Tara’s hand and led her to the bar.

“Yeah, you were right,” Tara said. “Got to hand it to ya.” She pointed at the drink on the counter. “I know you ain’t start on them drinks already?”

“No, girl.” Cassie took a sip. “This is a Sprite.”

Tara nodded in greeting the just past middle-aged bartender Cliff. He smiled, scanned her voluptuous body and asked, “Now that you’re both here, care for anything stronger?”

“I’ll go with Vodka and Cranberry,” called Tara. Cassie mirrored the order.

They sat around, chatting in the empty space for another thirty to forty-five minutes, and periodically checked their mobile phones when Tara asked, “I might be overthinking, but shouldn’t some of the ladies be here by now?”

“Relax,” Cassie said. “You know the time on these invites is just to give people an extra hour before they finally start arriving.”

Tara decided to take Cassie’s advice, and they continued conversation about their plans going forward now that their divorces from their unfaithful husbands were official. The audacity of those men to run around with their tomfoolery for so many years was the most insulting part of it all. After a healthy session of bashing their exes, they checked at the ninety-minute mark of Tara’s arrival.

“Alright, even I think this is a little odd,” Cassie said. “Gimme a sec.”

Cassie called one of the invitees on her mobile and placed her on speaker.

“Hey,” Cassie said, “where you at?”

“We’re at the bar looking for you,” said the voice on the other line with some chatter in the background.

“I don’t know what bar you at, but me and Tara been here for almost two hours, and we ain’t see none of y’all.”

“We got here five minutes ago, and it’s just some dude grumbling about his idiot friends not being here.”

“Hey,” Tara chimed in, “we didn’t invite any guys. You sure you at Roper’s bar?”

“Yeah,” said the lady on the phone, “here at Pike Place.”

“It’s Pike’s Place.”

“No, the invite said Pike Place, so that’s where we are.”

“Ah shit,” Cliff said, so Tara and Cassie spun around with querying looks on their mugs. “There’s a second Roper’s at Pike Place that my brother runs. When we were younger, we thought it’d be funny to have two branches with the same name at similar-sounding addresses.”

“Oh Jesus.” Tara held her forehead and paced.

“How far out is that from here?” Cassie asked.

Cliff grimaced before he said, “About a two-hour drive.”

Cassie released a few choice expletives, whereas Tara sat and dropped her face into her palms.

“Really sorry, ladies,” Cliff said.

“You heard that?” Cassie asked, directing her question to her phone.

“Yeah. I’ll talk to the girls here and ask what they want to do,” said the lady on the other line. “No matter the answer, I’ll be there for you gals.”

After the ladies said their goodbyes, Cliff nodded at his surveillance feed behind the counter and said, “There’re some youngsters on the cameras out there looking like they’re unsure if they can come in or not. Choice is yours.”

An irritated Cassie stomped behind the bar – to the stammering of Cliff’s weak protests – and her demeanour grew positive as she viewed the live footage and said, “Daaamn.”

“What?” Tara asked.

“They got some fine-ass looking men out there. Look young, though. Probably college boys.”

Tara shrugged at Cassie. “So what?”

“I think we should let ‘em in.”

“The girls may still be coming, though.”

“Even if they do, it’ll take two hours. And somebody besides you and Cliff needs to be seeing my fine ass like now. No offense.”

Tara sighed. “Sure, why not? Girls’ night’s screwed anyway.”

“Come on, Tar, don’t be like that. Lemons outta lemonade, remember?”

Tara turned to the bar and ordered another Vodka and Cranberry while the bassy voices of young males grew closer when Cassie opened the entrance. When Tara swiveled around on the stool, the youngsters were drawn to the visual of the sexily dressed ladies, but on top of that were layers of confusion.

“Hey, is Dave here yet?” one from the entourage asked.

“No Dave here, son,” Cliff said.

As if a Xerox copy of the divorce party’s situation, the youngster called his mate, and at that point, Tara and Cassie were convinced their lives were scripted.

“We’re at the wrong fucking spot,” said the youngster, which made his comrades groan. After Cliff explained it would take two hours to get to the correct location, they grumbled.

The blame game was thrown every which way between the twelve young men, and Tara sulked, craving the divorce party she felt she so rightly deserved. The celebration of her newly reclaimed freedom slipped through her fingers with every passing second. Almost like the fading pulse of her marriage before she, along with Cassie, discovered their husbands’ mutual cases of infidelity. During this cloud of self-pity, she locked eyes with a handsome youngster who sat quietly, unlike the others, and observed the happenings like she did. They shared a light giggle from across the room, but that one tender moment out of a thousand fuck ups was interrupted by Cassie’s yelling.

“Enough!” Cassie shouted. “Look, it’s clear as day that we all messed up. Our girls are at y’alls thing, and y’all at our thing. Instead of bitching and moaning, let’s make the most of it. You were gonna be shooting the shit, drinking and having a general good time, right?”

The freshly attended grunted their approval.

“And, Tara, we wanted the same thing, right?”

Tara nodded after another heavy sigh.

“So let’s stop all the pissin’ and complainin’ and have a fun ass time.” Cassie ran up to Cliff, whispered into his ear, and he walked away and started up the stereo set where the karaoke machine was situated. Contemporary hip-hop blared through the speakers, which the racially diverse group of men appreciated and bobbed their heads to it. Cassie dragged Tara by the hand and into the crowd, who seemed shy initially, but after a while, everyone danced, and a smile even crept across Tara’s face.

It didn’t take long for the drinks to start flowing, along with Cassie’s advisement to drink water in between to avoid any nasty hangovers. All throughout, the handsome stranger from earlier kept his eye on Tara, and when she looked, he’d veer away, so she decided to approach him as he sat by himself.

“Hi,” she said before sitting.

“Hi,” he replied.

“Noticed you’re not mingling like the others.” She leaned forward in faux conspiratorial fashion. “And you keep checking me out. There is another hot chick in the room, just sayin’.”

The young man chuckled and said, “Busted.”  This drew a laugh from both, and he continued, “I’m more friends with the host of the party we were supposed to be at than those guys.”

“Hmm, okay. So you all don’t go to the same college?”

“How’d you figure we were in college?”

Several of the other gentlemen began burping the alphabet, and Cassie’s raucous laughter pierced the air from letter ‘C’ to ‘P’.

“No need to answer that,” the young man said, and Tara immediately giggled. “I go to a different college, though – name’s Eddie.” He extended his hand over the table.

“I’m Tara.” She shook his hand, then slowly slid hers out of his grasp. The texture was soft but firm. “So were you ever planning to come up and talk to me, Eddie?” Tara raised her hand to show her naked ring finger. “Not like anything’s stopping you.”

“Damn, a brotha can’t be shy no more?”

“You look anything but shy.”

They both flashed a mouthful of white and continued conversing about what they did and even veered into the reasoning behind Tara’s divorce. Meanwhile, Cassie flirted with the remainder of the group and was the literal centre of attention as some held her hips from the rear, snuggled up behind her and left her giggling. Tara would’ve been worried Cassie was drunk, but the latter never drank heavily and was effortlessly friendly; just during her respective marriage, the volume neared zero in contrast to that very moment. A bolt of sadness ached Tara’s chest at the social years Cassie abandoned for the sake of respecting her marriage and not being her naturally flirtatious self. Could Cassie have found Mr. Right by now, or just a ton of Mr. Right-thens? The choice was taken away from her – from them.

“Seems Cassie’s having the time of her life over there,” Eddie said.

“Should I save her?”

“Don’t know a lot about those boys, so I’d make up an excuse to snatch her for a minute and see what’s up.”

Tara nodded and went over to Cassie, broaching the subject of performing karaoke. The duo chose 2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted and Cassie would rap 2pac’s lyrics, and Tara would do Snoop’s. When they both got into the act, it was a sexier portrayal than the original artists ever gave of the song live, with their bodies bending and jutting out their plumper assets, which sent the male spectators wild.

After their performance, others did their own bits, ranging from R&B to Heavy Metal and even Country. A lot of whooping and hollering along with flirting between Cassie and the remainder of the group, and Tara and Eddie persisted.

“Damn, that’s crazy,” Eddie said to Tara as they were seated once again while the patrons took a break from the live mic.

“Years, my and Cassie’s husbands were fucking the interns at their workplace,” Tara said. “And to think the new boss was who spilled the beans on them.”

Eddie’s eyes lowered to her ample breasts, then made eye contact and said, “I can’t see why anyone would want to cheat on you.”

“Looks aren’t everything. Some guys just can’t get enough of what other women are offering.”

The party’s soundtrack switched to nineties R&B and when Tara looked around, Cassie had a mouthful of one of the men’s tongues while his compatriot snuggled behind, rubbing her hips and ample derriere. Another was at her side kissing her neck, and the last was knelt, kissing her thighs and raising her dress.

“Whoaa,” Tara said, raising her brows. “What the hell’s going on?”

“Not sure, but I think your friend’s got the lead on you.” He rocked back and took a swig of beer.

“We’re not in competition… oh.” When Tara peered over in Cassie’s direction again, her friend had squatted in a semi-circle of masculinity who collectively unbuckled their pants.

“Hey,” Cliff said, lowering the volume on the stereo. “Just because in here’s windowless doesn’t mean you can do whatever ya want. But if that’s what’s going to be happening, then I want in. If not, everyone take a hike.”

“Get cha ass over here,” Cassie said, beckoning the bartender with her finger. His mature features crinkled when he grinned, and he jogged lightly to the group surrounding Cassie and unbuckled his pants, too.

Tara sat in awe at the happenings. Even though alcohol had been flowing non-stop, nobody showed signs of being anything above buzzed. Cassie’s advice of chugging water helped keep everyone at appropriate cognitive levels and well within the sober realms of consent, so Tara couldn’t blame inebriation for the debauched display.

Tara looked at Eddie and asked, “What the hell? This normally happens when y’all go out?”

“As I said,” Eddie replied, “I’m not their friend. You wanna help ya girl out?”

“No way. That looks too intimidating.”

“It does, I’ll give ya that.” He finished his beer, set the bottle on top of the table and walked until he stood in front of her, leaving his crotch at face level. “Maybe we could get something started, too.”

“Whoa wait, Eddie, you seem nice, but w-we just met.” Tara smoothed out her dress over her thighs and hunched her back.

“Understood.” Eddie raised his hands in surrender. “No pressure.” He sat on the table, and Tara flashed a quick close-mouthed smile.

“Hey!” Cliff yelled in their direction, “No sitting on the tablesss… Jeeesus Chriiist.”

Cassie’s thick lips and caved-in cheeks were the reason for the owner’s stretched syllables. She then backed her head off of his thick cock and said, “Cliff, re-fucking-lax. I’m sucking all this dick and about to get fucked up in here.” She continued stroking two other cocks. “Nut gonna be spraying all over the place soon, and you worried about a muthafucka sitting on a table talking to somebody?”

Cliff shrugged and winced. “Well, when ya put it like that.”

The group of youngsters laughed, but that settled down when Cassie continued to play puff-puff-pass with their engorged members. Tara watched her friend multi-task and felt out of place just sitting there. Hands reached toward Cassie and pulled her dress below breasts, which didn’t stay naked for too long before more hands kneaded the soft, mammary flesh. The crouching youngsters pulled her dress’s lower half to her waist, then took turns slapping her ass, grabbing it and fingering her cunt while she sucked the other cocks. Did Tara wish to be crouched in the centre of those young, virile men? A carousel of cocks bobbing and flexing at her sounded delicious – fun even. But something so outlandish felt beyond her. No surprise she felt that way, given her being vanilla was just a pinch of the excuses her ex-husband plucked from his salt jar to justify stepping out.

“You okay?” Eddie asked, pointing at her erect nipples.

“Oh, wow.” Tara looked into her lap, inhaled deep and sat upright, jutting her cranium-sized melons toward Eddie. “I want to…I.”

“What? What do you wanna do?”

“I… God, I don’t know.” Loud groaning from Cassie’s group made Tara look around, and right at that moment, four successive blasts of semen hit Cassie’s face, with the remaining dribbles dripping onto her thighs.

“Damn, that was a lotta fuckin’ nut. Wooo!” Cassie shot her arms high overhead, and the other gentlemen chuckled. “Who wanna hit it from the back?” Everyone’s hands went up simultaneously.

“Tara,” Eddie said, breaking her out of her voyeuristic consumption of Cassie’s live adventure, “you just got out of a marriage, so I understand you don’t wanna jump into fucking any and everybody. I think you’re cool, but don’t think I’m looking to date either. As I said, no pressure, but watching what’s happening over there’s making me wanna do something, so I’ma head over there and get my share.”

“If you ain’t gonna fuck ‘im, I will,” Cassie said, bending over a table. Cliff eased behind her and slapped her buns, making them jiggle before he slipped inside. Cassie’s mouth formed the shape of a zero at the initial entry and maintained form as he ground against her. Cassie beckoned Eddie with her index finger, and he stood off the table to approach her for what probably would’ve been a blowjob.

Tara hopped to her feet and caught the hook of his elbow, halting his progress.

“Wait.” Tara slipped her grip down to his hand and lifted it so that his palm rested on her breast. She continued staring at him, still somewhat unsure, but sure enough that she didn’t just want Cassie to take her catch. He stepped forward, held the side of her face, fingers massaging her scalp and kissed her gently. In the background, Cassie growled and grunted as the queue of gentlemen had their way with her. While the applause of Cassie’s buttocks smacked loudly against their pelvises, Eddie’s fingers eased below Tara’s dress, and she moaned into his mouth, then shoved her tongue into it. Their tongues wrestled with unequal advantage, and Tara’s knees weakened with Eddie’s dexterity between her legs.

“Somebody fuck my mouth,” Cassie said, so a patron pulled her head up by the hair, slapped his meaty cock across her face several times, then guided it in.

“Yeah, suck that fucking dick,” said the penetrator, who looked at Cassie’s eyes watering with the repeated depths his cock hit. Meanwhile, another virile youngster slammed into her with great fury before pulling out and sighing loudly as white streams shot across her back and ass.

“Fuck,” Tara said, observing Cassie’s treatment along with the feeling of Eddie’s fingers manipulating her cunt.  “Eat me, then fuck me, please.”

Eddie lowered to his knees, and Tara sat on a table, raising her dress and spreading her legs. His tongue lashed against her thick inner thighs and then across her plump labia and clitoris. Tara unzipped the back of the dress part way, then rolled the top down, exposing her oversized tits. She grabbed one, pulled it upward and sucked the nipple as Eddie serviced her down below.

“Get that shit, Tara!” Cassie said, her mouth finally free of cock. “I’m talking too much. Somebody need to shove their big d– ” A pair of hands held her head, and a big dick throttled her throat per her request.

As Cassie glucked, Eddie stood, dropped his pants and slapped his fat dick against Tara’s vulva and shaved pubic mound. Strings of pre-cum dotted her lower abdomen, and she bit her lip, watching the action. She twisted her nipples while observing Cassie be used as well, and with that distraction, Eddie stretched her cunt walls. Her eye-popping stare greeted his sneer as he effortlessly glided in and out of her. His strong hands sank into her plush hamstrings as he fucked her creamy pussy, and her soft moans egged him on. He released a thigh and rubbed his thumb on her clitoris, which converted her moans into cries.

“Oh my God, yes.” She rocked her head back, then stared at him while wincing. The pace of his thrusts increased, and her face relaxed until she stared blankly through him and became slack-jawed. Cassie’s orgiastic screams pierced the air first, followed by Tara, who rocked and bucked all over the table, nearly falling over with it before Eddie lifted her onto him.

 “Somebody nut deep in my pussy,” Cassie said. “Come the fuck on.” She watched Eddie deliver a powerful, standing fuck to Tara, whom she locked eyes with, and smiled. A long, thick cock replaced that expression with gritted teeth when it touched bottom and pulled all the way out, repeating this stroke pattern.

Meanwhile, Eddie clapped against Tara’s thick legs and cheeks and lowly growled that he was cumming while managing hefty handfuls of her ass. He bellowed as he came inside of her, stumbling but never dropping her or losing his balance. When the thunderous orgasm ended, he let her down on another table and fell back into a chair. Both participants dripped semen from their respective sex organs.

Tara looked at him, then over at Cassie, who was still getting fucked by multiple cocks and cumming in several waves.

“Go,” Eddie said.

“No, I don’t need to.” Tara brushed it off, panting.

“You look like you want to, and you should. You deserve it. Go.”

Tara tentatively got up and walked over to Cassie, whose eyes were shut tight and lips curled outward in an ugly snarl.

“Keep fucking me, you muthafuckas.” Cassie’s voice sounded raspier and deeper than usual. The lust transformed her into a being from Hades, but Tara wasn’t sure about partaking in that trip.

Cliff scooped a handful of Tara’s right butt cheek so she looked over and smiled at him, then bent slightly at the waist to share the space with Cassie. She held Cassie’s hand, and while she received an internal grinding from Cliff, the other youngster rutted her friend. Several loads covered Cassie’s ass, back, face and hair – after a grunt, the youngster pulled out and added his across her round backside. The metallic smell of semen had been almost foreign to Tara after her dead sex life, but within one night, her friend’s shared sluttiness revived the memory.

“I’m c-cum…” Cliff pulled out of Tara and shot a load over her lower back, which rolled into her crack. He released his penis, and as it softened, she wiggled her backside against it, smearing his mess.

“Damn, Cassie, you drained everybody.” Tara straightened and observed her friend, who remained bent over and glistening from the loads she received.

“Don’t sell yourself short; you helped me out with two.” Cassie winked, and they smiled at each other as Tara helped her up. The gentlemen all cheered the ladies, and Cassie gave them a bow for a job well done.

After the main event and a shower along with a change of clothes for Cassie – both thanks to Cliff – they all resumed their mingling, and a few numbers were exchanged.

“So,” Eddie said, eyeing Tara, “I noticed you didn’t give your number to anybody, unlike Cassie over there.” Tara smiled at the vision of Cassie, who seemed so demure and fresh compared to the cum covered, gangbang whore from an hour before.

“Yeah, I’m good on that,” Tara said. “I wouldn’t mind getting yours, though.”

“For sure.” He entered his number into her phone. “And remember, this isn’t to date seriously. This is just for fun, which is what you deserve now, okay?”


“I’m serious. Do your thing, I’ll do my thing, but we definitely will be doing the thing together.”

Tara nodded, then they hugged, pecked each other on the lips, and he exited along with the other eleven youngsters. Right on cue, some of the women who were supposed to be attending the divorce party rolled in.

“Heey,” said a slim, middle-aged white woman with a blonde bob, “so sorry to be late. That drive from the other place took forever. But I told you we’d be here.” This woman who spoke with them earlier when the confusion was exposed kept stepping until she stopped within touching distance of the divorcees.

“Oh wow, so glad you all decided to come over still, but I’m not sure what else is really left,” Tara said.

“Now, don’t you be like that now,” Cassie said in her oversized sweatpants and drawn hoodie.

“Cassie, love, what are you wearing?” the lady asked. “You, of all people, I expected to come out sizzling. Speaking of which, who were those guys?”

“They were the guys who were supposed to be where you were.”

“No way.”

The divorcees explained the situation, sans the group sex, of course, as the few women present listened, and grimaces of envy spread amongst them.

“Listen, we might’ve lost a lot of time, but fuck it, we’re new women, and I decree that we party till the sun comes up.” Cassie smacked Tara’s rear, drawing out a yelp and asked, “You in, bitch?”

“Ugh, it’s so la…”

Cassie stared at her with raised brows and an unamused countenance, so Tara surrendered and said, “Let’s get this shit started!”

Cliff switched the stereo to upbeat pop music, and the ladies present started to dance wildly. After a few songs, one of the other women told the divorcees they had a surprise for them.

“Now what on earth can that be?” Cassie asked, but then she cupped her mouth and buried her face into Tara’s shoulder. Tara folded her lips as she stared at the door, and all the ladies started screaming and jumping for joy. At the door stood a tall, chiseled, dark-skinned man wearing an open fireman’s coat with only a pair of red briefs underneath and a huge bulge which he thrust to the roused screams of the female audience.

“We got you a stripper!” said a random attendee.

Tara and Cassie giggled at each other, and considering the night they had before Mr. Fireman arrived, his presence was akin to devouring the main course before the appetizers. Who were they to not express gratitude towards their original crew for the gift, though? Also, the night wasn’t over. Nothing said they couldn’t indulge in an extra body until dawn.

Published 1 year ago

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