Seduced By A Student – Part III

"Professor Stevens and Monica become a little more intimate."

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If there’s one thing that can throw sound judgment out the window, it’s having the best sex of your life, with the hottest woman you’ve ever been with. That’s the only explanation that I have for inviting Monica to come and spend the weekend at my place. It was too late to change my mind now as she was already on her way over. Not that I wanted to change my mind anyway.

I was as nervous as I was excited, wondering if I’d bitten off more than I could handle by having Monica spend the weekend with me. She’d been a student of mine on and off for the last few years, and we just shared a couple of passionate encounters, but I didn’t know her all that well. My head just got full of all of the things that could go wrong. She wasn’t even here yet and I was starting to spiral I don’t know why I was thinking so negatively, the last two days had been incredible and I should be expecting more of the same.

I prepared my condo for a bit of a romantic atmosphere, without going too over the top. I had a bottle of wine and two glasses placed on a candle-lit table, and slightly dimmed the rest of the lights in my unit. I turned my TV on to a channel called “Cozy Fireplace” which ran a loop of logs burning while soft classical music played.

As I was going around making sure that everything was just right, my phone rang – triggered by Monica buzzing my unit number down in the front lobby. I pressed one to let her in. My weekend adventure was about to begin.

A few moments later there was a soft knock at my door. Standing before me as I opened the door was an absolutely stunning Monica. She always looked amazing on campus dressed the way a lot of college girls dress, but I never imagined how much better she could look when she was all done up to impress – and impress she did. Monica was dressed in a grey top with a wide neck that accentuated her bustline and a black pencil skirt that showed off her waist and the curve of her hips perfectly. Her hair was in an updo, with just a few loose strands framing her face. She must have spent hours on her makeup because she looked flawless.

“Cat got your tongue?” Monica must have realized that I was completely lost in taking in her beauty.

“Uh, yeah, sorry, I mean…”

“It’s ok. I’m glad you like it.”

“I do. I, definitely do.” I opened my door wider and motioned for her to come inside. “Here, let me get your suitcase.”

With Monica in my condo and me holding a suitcase with a weekend’s worth of clothes, the reality of the situation started to sink in. The second my door closed, Monica hugged me and told me that she missed me, even though it had only been a few hours since we last saw each other. I kissed her forehead and invited her deeper into my condo.

“It’s not the biggest place, but you can’t beat the location,” I said rather clumsily, still overcome with nerves. “Let me show you around.”

I placed my arm on her back and ushered her into the main room.

“I guess this is the living room or family room, whatever you want to call it. And over there,” I said as I pointed, “that’s the kitchen.”

I took a few steps and pointed down a short hall. “The washroom is down there. There’s another one ensuite.”

“And the bedroom?” she asked with a bit of mischief.

“Also, down there,” I said with a hard swallow.

“Are you nervous, Professor Stevens?”

“I…I am, yes. A little.”

“I see some wine on the table, that’s for us? I think it will help.”

“Yes, of course, the wine. Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll put your suitcase in the…ah…bedroom…and I’ll um…grab us some wine.”

Monica gave me a sly smile. She enjoyed seeing me nervous. I don’t know how she remained so in control and serene, while I was completely unravelling. I needed to get it together.

I carried Monica’s suitcase into my bedroom and took a few moments to compose myself. I looked in the mirror and began to take some deep breaths. “Don’t fuck this up,” I said to myself. Feeling a bit better, I turned to head back to the living room and was surprised to see Monica standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

“I know this must be weird, having a student in your place. It’s pretty fucked up for me too. But let’s not overthink it. Let’s just go with it, ok?”

Somehow her words put me more at ease. “You’re wise beyond your years, Monica. Let’s get some wine.”

We made our way back to the living room, Monica sat on my couch while I grabbed each of us a glass of wine before joining her. We snuggled up to each other, drank our wine, and just chatted with each other. It was our first attempt to get to know each other as something other than student and professor. There was some back and forth for a bit but at some point, it felt like I was taking over the conversation – an almost unavoidable consequence of lecturing for a living.

“Professor Stevens…” she said interrupting whatever it was I was saying.

“Yes?” I replied with a bit of concern.

“Can I be honest with you?”

“Of course, absolutely.”

“It’s not that I’m not interested, because I am,” she reassured me, “but I’m having a hard time following our conversation because as I’m sitting here next to you all I can think about is how much I want to suck your cock.”

Just hearing her say those words almost had me completely hard in seconds. I’d never met any woman who was as forward as Monica was.  She pulled herself away from me slightly to reposition herself on the couch. She placed one of her hands on my lap and began feeling around for my cock. It didn’t take her long to find it.

“Please, sir,” she looked up at me with doe eyes. “Can I suck it?”

“Yes, of course,” I said as if I was casually giving her permission when in reality my whole body was screaming out for it.

Monica continued to knead my cock through my pants as she slipped down on her knees to the floor in front of me. I used my right leg to push my coffee table away, giving her more room. She tugged at my belt until it came loose, then unbuttoned my pants and opened them enough to gain access to my cock. When she pulled my underwear down and got a full view of my dick, her face lit up, and a smile crept across her face. It was like she was greeting an old friend.

“I love your cock so much,” she said as she pulled it free from my pants and underwear. She took it in her hands and began by kissing the head, then under the head. She moved her mouth down the base and gave it a long lick using the flat of her tongue going from bottom to top, before going back to her kisses.

“Sit back and relax,” she instructed. “I don’t want to rush it this time. We have all night.”

Monica maintained eye contact with me as she alternated kisses and licks along my shaft and head. Her approach was different this time from the first, but I was sure that I’d like it just as much. She was being methodical, taking her time, giving me slow, light strokes, and constantly had either her lips or tongue in contact with some part of my cock. Everything she was doing felt so good that it took me a while to realize that she hadn’t taken it into her mouth yet. She just worshiped my cock from her knees, looking me in the eyes the whole time.

“Does that feel good, professor?”

“It feels incredible.”

“Do you want me to put it in my mouth?”


“Then tell me to.”

“Monica, I want you to take my cock in your mouth.”

She smiled and let out a soft moan as she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around my cock.  The softness of her pouty lips combined with her tongue which was always licking and probing was almost too much for me. She focused her attention on my head and the first couple of inches of my cock before pulling her mouth away.

“How was that?”

“More.” It was all I could say.

“Look, there’s a ring of my lipstick all around your cock.”

“Monica, please suck it.” I was aching to have my cock back in her mouth.

Again, I saw her smile but she did as I asked and slid my cock back into her mouth, this time taking it a bit deeper, being careful not to put too much pressure on it. She told me she was going to take her time and I realized now how much she meant it. I had to relax and just give into it – enjoy the moment because I was certain that nothing this good was going to happen to me ever again.

Monica sucked me for what had to be at least twenty minutes but truth be told I completely lost track of time after the first few minutes. It could have been an hour. I had no idea. One of the best things about Monica’s blowjobs was how much she seemed to love giving them. It was like she was pleasuring herself by pleasuring me. In between all of the sucking and slurping sounds that escaped her mouth, I heard more than a few lustful moans and felt the vibration of them on my cock. She’d brought me to the brink of cumming a couple of times before backing off and slowing her pace but now she was working her mouth and hand up and down my shaft with no sign of letting up. She was trying to make me cum this time, and I was going to let her.

The first two times that I’d been with Monica, I came on her face I thought that’s something she liked. Knowing that I was going to cum, I tried to stand up but she pushed me back down to the couch. She stopped her sucking just long enough to blurt out “cum in my mouth.” Within a few seconds, she got her wish. I almost felt sorry for the size of the load that must have hit the back of her throat. I held her head gently, worried that she might involuntarily pull away but she didn’t budget at all. Monica kept sucking me off until every last bit of cum had been drained from my balls.

When I finally relaxed and stopped emptying into her mouth, Monica pulled away from my cock. Looking up at me she licked her lips and used her pinky to catch a little bit of cum that leaked out onto her chin and pushed it back into her mouth.

I was speechless.

“I’ll be right back.” Monica excused herself and made her way to the washroom, grabbing her clutch bag along the way.

It gave me a few minutes to process what just happened. I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven. This beautiful young goddess just gave me the best blowjob of my life, topping only the blowjob that she’d given me the day before. I was still sitting on the couch with my dick hanging out when Monica return from the washroom. She looked immaculate, with not a hair misplaced on her head and a fresh application of lipstick.

She sat back down beside me, taking my limp cock in her hand. She leaned down and gave it a light kiss. “I’ll be seeing you again later,” and with that, she tucked it back into my underwear and helped me pull my pants back up.

“Monica, that was…amazing.”

“Good, I’m glad you liked it.”

“I more than just liked it,” I was flabbergasted by the suggestion that I merely liked it. “Monica, that was the best blowjob that I’d ever gotten in my life. I thought yesterday was the best, and it was at the time, but you just topped yourself.”

A look of pride came over her face. “I’m happy to hear that. I hope with that out of the way all of the weird tension I was feeling when I first got here is gone.”

“I was really nervous and kinda scrambling in my head.”

“I could tell. You’re good now though, right?”

“I’ve never been better.” I wasn’t exaggerating.

“Why don’t you top off our wine and we can get back to our conversation?”

The next couple of hours flew by as we talked and laughed like old friends. She filled me in on all of the student gossip and I told her a bunch of dirt about some of her professors. As we finished the first bottle of wine and moved on to the second one, our conversation took a bit of a turn.

“How did you lose your virginity?” she asked a propos of nothing.

“Oh geez, don’t make me tell you. It’s pretty embarrassing.”

“No! You have to tell me!” She insisted and smacked my arm for emphasis.

“OK, but promise not to laugh.”

“I’ll make no such promise. Just tell me!”

“I was a bit of a late bloomer…”

“I knew it!” she interrupted. “Sorry, go on…”

“I didn’t have sex until I got to college.”

Monica’s face lit up in disbelief. “No way!”

“It’s true,” I confirmed. “I was in college when it finally happened.”

“Tell me!”

“Well, I met a girl in one of my classes and we hit it off.”

“What was her name?”


“Margret? What, was she 80 or something?” Monica was playfully mocking me.

“No, no, she was a student just like me. We dated for a bit and then, one night, you know, it just…happened.”

“I need deets!”

“Well, like I said we’d been dating for a while and we hadn’t done anything serious yet. Just some kissing. Margret had a couple of boyfriends before me so I think she was starting to wonder why I hadn’t been pressuring her for sex more. So eventually, you know, I had to tell her I was a virgin.”

“Did she freak out?”

“No, she was really good about it. But once that was out in the open, things just..progressed.”

“Progressed? You can turn off professor mode and turn on regular guy mode? Tell me how you fucked her!”

“She had a cottage, and a bunch of us were supposed to go up there for the weekend and Margret went around and told my buddies not to show up and so it was just the two of us up there all weekend. The first night we were there, we had a few drinks and she gave me my first hand job. The next morning, she gave me my first blowjob. Later that night, we had sex for the first time.”

“What position?”

“We were in bed fooling around and she got on top of me, so cowgirl is what you’d call it, I guess.”

“That’s sort of sweet,” she said, with a hint of bewilderment.

“What about you then?”

“My first time?”


“With a guy or with a girl?”

Monica completely caught me off guard with at. “Which was first?”

“A girl.”

“Ok, then tell me about that.”

“It was with my best friend from back home, Isabella, she’s from Colombia and she’s so fucking hot – dark hair, dark skin, the total opposite of me – and her pussy tastes like cantaloupe, for real! We were young and used to mess around, in a joking way…kiss sometimes, usually to freak out the boys or whatever. Then one time we were messing around and it just felt different. It didn’t feel like we were putting a show on for other people, it felt like it was for us. We were kissing and I think we both felt it at the same time, ya know?”

“And you ended up having sex?”

“Yeah. Which was weird because I knew I wasn’t a lesbian or anything like that. I’d always been into guys, there was just something special about Isabella – and a few others since,” she added with a laugh.

“Interesting.” My mind was racing with the possibilities, but realistically I knew that I could barely handle Monica on her own, and I wasn’t exactly the kind of guy to have threesomes, but the mind did wander there.

“Yup,” she continued. “We used to fool around to shock other people, but one day we started making out when there was no one else around. She took me to her bedroom and went at each other. Maybe that’s why I like sucking dick so much, my first sexual experience was with my mouth, and making Isabella cum with my tongue just made me feel as good as I made her feel. I’m a giver.”

“And then what about with a guy?”

“It was with this guy Danilo, also a South American of some sort. Brazilian maybe? I don’t remember. He was friends with Isabella’s brother. He caught Isabella and I in one of our fuck sessions.  He walked right in on us when Isabella was eating me out. He lost it and started yelling about how he was going to tell her brother. That wouldn’t have been good for Isabella. Her parents are very Catholic and don’t take kindly on that sort of thing. Whatever else they did to her, I knew that they’d never let me see her again and I couldn’t deal with that.”

“Did you love her?”

“No, I mean, sorta, but not really, not like I think you mean. She was my best friend so I loved her in that way, and going down on her was always amazing, but like emotionally or whatever there was nothing there. That’s something that I only feel with guys. But if some hot bitch wants her pussy licked, I’m there for that.”

“So, what happened with Danilo then?”

“Ah, I told him I’d suck his dick if he didn’t tell on us. Isabella thought I was crazy, but I wanted it. I didn’t want to admit it to either of them, so I played it like he was making me do it. I blew him and Isabella watched. It was pretty hot actually. The three of us hung out for a bit, and Danilo did everything he could to have a threesome with us, but Isabella wasn’t having any of it. I really wanted to do it, but I couldn’t tell Isabella. I was afraid of what she’d think of me. After a bit, Danilo walked me home, but instead of going home we went to his friend’s place, some older guy, and we fucked in that guy’s house. It wasn’t that good. He didn’t last that long. He got on top of me, stuck it in and that was pretty much it.”

“You don’t regret it?”

“Not at all. Maybe he thought he was blackmailing me or something, but like I said – I wanted it. As soon as he opened the door and I saw him, I knew that I was going to fuck him. I’d been fucking around with Isabella for a few months at least. I was ready for some dick…and the universe manifested some dick for me.”

“Well, I have to admit that your first times were a little spicier than mine.”

“You don’t think I’m a slut, do you?”

“No, of course not. Why would you ask me that?”

“I don’t know, just me telling you this stuff, and the things we’ve done…I just don’t want you to think I’m like this all the time. I’m not. I’m the type where if I see something I want, I go for it. I just don’t see something I want all that often.”

“It’s ok Monica, you don’t owe me any explanations.”

“I do like the way you fuck me though. You make me feel like a slut, and I like that. Between us. It’s just not a regular thing is all.”

“I understand, you bring something out in me as well. You’re the first girl I ever spanked,” I confessed.

“I was?”

“Yeah, I don’t even know where that came from. I saw your cute little ass there and I had to smack it. And how physical I was with you? Never in my life before. First time for that too.”

“You’re serious?”

“Absolutely. You bring out a side of me that I didn’t know I had.”

Monica looked pleased with herself, knowing that she inspired so much passion in me.

“I hope this isn’t awkward timing, but I think this wine is getting to me. Maybe we should go to bed?”

“That sounds like a good idea, but umm…speaking of awkward…you’ve made me cum twice today, and with this wine in me…I…uh…don’t think I have a third time in me.”

“It’s ok, I brought a toy, and you’ve got a tongue.”


End Part III


Published 1 year ago

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