“That’s it, baby boy, fuck me harder! YES! Just like…THAT! Pound your mother’s greedy, wet pussy! Fill me up! That’s right baby, fill your mother up with all your hot, nasty cum! Do it! Do it now! Give me!”
My face contorted in desperation as I watched Jessie Bell ride her “son’s” cock on my laptop screen, fat tits slapping against her chest heavily. I desperately begged for the payoff of watching her co-star pump his load into her aging pussy, knowing full well I’d be joining him in his release.
“YES, baby! That’s so FUCKING good! Make your mother into your whore!” The older actress screamed in fake ecstasy.
“Come on, come on, come on,” I urged, abusing myself madly.
“Hey cutie, I’m home!” Alice called from the front hall as I heard the front door close behind her.
I slapped the laptop shut in a silent rage, furtively trying to jam my erection back into my gym shorts before she inevitably came to investigate.
“You home?” She called out, dropping a stack of mail on the living room table with an audible slap.
“Uhhh…yeah! Just in my room,” I replied, smearing leftover hand lotion on my calf.
“What are you doing in here,” she asked, rounding the corner to casually fill my doorframe like a busty, dark storm cloud. “Jacking off, I bet,” she laughed.
“No!” I protested.
“Ah…” she said, the dark smile she wore blooming into a throaty, knowing laugh. “You so were!”
“Shut the fuck up,” I demanded. I knew the bottle of Jerkin’s was still on the desk at my back. I was not as slick as I wanted to be.
“Whatever,” she laughed again, tossing some mail onto my bed. “That stuff’s yours.”
“Thanks,” I mumbled sheepishly.
Alice invited herself into my room and plopped herself down onto my unmade bed with a sigh. “Come on now baby boy, why so glum, eh? You know I don’t mind, right?”
She didn’t mind. Alice might have been nothing more than my roommate, at least as far as our respective friends and families were concerned, but the dynamic in our shared living space told a MUCH different story.
I’d taken Alice in to help cover rent six months ago after a rough breakup left me scrambling to make ends meet. The tall, domineering woman and her endless wardrobe of black, strappy outfits had walked into my life by nothing more than a twist of chance. Still, things had gotten out of hand between the older woman and me almost from the word ‘go’.
It started with the head pats. The “good boy”s. The “I’m proud of you”s. The maternalistic teasing. What started as a playful joke between us had almost instantly escalated into a profoundly sexual relationship that walked well beyond the boundaries of my previous experiences. Alice was a thoroughbred deviant, as far as I was concerned, but she still found ways to top her depravity in fresh new ways with me almost weekly. I didn’t even know a woman’s body could handle the things that she used me to do to hers. Throat, pussy, asshole; all were punished routinely on my cock. It was exhausting.
None of that even begins to explain the ‘mommy’ trap we’d tripped into together.
“I know,” I said glumly. “It just…it feels weird.”
Her silent, black-lipped smile welled with sympathy. She knew what I meant. We weren’t dating and hadn’t ever broached the topic of exclusivity, but Alice knew that I was carrying some baggage from the breakup that still felt all too fresh sometimes. I still felt like jacking off was something I needed to hide from the woman that I slept with, even if we weren’t an actual, official item.
“What’s that, anyway?” I asked, looking at the parcel she’d carried in with her.
Alice’s face lit up. “Funny you should ask!” She exclaimed. “This,” she said, tearing the flimsy cardboard package open, “is for you!”
“Alice! You…”
“Shush,” she said, waving a tattooed hand at me dismissively. “This is…kinda for you. Kinda for me. Well,” she said, passing me a comically oversized water bottle, “mostly for me maybe.”
“What the hell is this?”
“A water bottle. Your new water bottle, actually. I need you drinking two of those every day from now on, okay? No no,” she said, heading me off before I could protest with a stern look, “just nod your pretty little head, got it? That’s a good boy.”
Reaching back into her package, Alice withdrew something that looked like a knockoff smartwatch and passed it to me.
“Edgrr? What the fuck is an Edgrr?”
“Oh, you sweet, beautiful boy! I’m so glad you asked,” Alice said, beaming as she scooted along the bed to get closer to me. “Look here,” she said, pointing to some text on the packaging, “you wear this thing 24/7, and there’s an app that you’ll download on your phone that goes with it.” She looked at me briefly, in search of some sign of my understanding.
“I hate how cute you are when you’re confused,” she said, making it difficult to stay mad about getting blue-balled in the heat of my moment. “This thing is designed to read your vitals, remind you to drink, drink, drink all your water for me, and build a personalized edging schedule that will MASSIVELY increase your loads for me! Isn’t that fun?!”
I was dumbstruck. I didn’t know what to say.
“Edging sessions?” Alice nodded her head vigorously, nibbling her lip in the way that she knew would melt me.
“Mhm, that’s right!”
“So I can’t cum?”
“Oh come on now,” she said, smoothly reaching her phone out to scan a QR code on the side of the device’s packaging. “What fun would that be? You can cum, and you will be, but only when the app tells me that you’re ready.”
“Tells you?!” I interjected.
“Of course,” she said, smoothing her short, dark skirt over her thighs as she stood to leave. “Like I said, this is mostly a gift to me.”
I stared at the thing in my lap for long minutes after she left, fidgeting with the packaging in amused disbelief. Alice had owned my cock for months by then; I really had no reason to be surprised by this new antic.
My phone dinged.
+Be my good boy and get that water bottle filled up. Get sipping! You need to stay hydrated for this to work. I also forgot to mention…it will know if you cum, which means I’ll know if you cum. You don’t want mommy disappointed, do you? We might have to take more drastic measures if that happens, and you know I HATE being hard on my good boy <3 I forgot the rest of the package in your room, be a cutie and just tuck that away somewhere for me, okay? MWAH.+
I was nothing if not compliant; reaching over to peer into the discarded packaging, my heart skipped a beat at what Alice had conveniently forgotten to take with her.
A small, pink device with a dainty lock hooking it closed, and an accompanying key.
Message received, loud and clear.
I was in Edgrr hell from day one.
“And as you can see here, we’re well positioned to carry our momentum into the third quarter this year, as long as we can…can…”
My boss squinted around the room in search of the guilty party whose dinging phone had interrupted him.
“Sorry, sir,” I muttered, fumbling to flip the ringer off. I pursed my lips at the expected notification that lit the screen.
“I’m sure whoever that is will understand if you keep your phone away in meetings,” he chastised.
How could he know that she really, really wouldn’t? I rushed out of the meeting and into the third-floor bathroom as soon as the meeting ended. The app had practically blown my phone up with its silent notifications, demanding that I get to work immediately. A text from Alice also awaited me.
+why am i getting alerts that you’re not being good?+
+sorry, was in a meeting+ I shot back, dropping my drawers as I thumbed my reply in one-handed. +I’m surprised you’re awake. I didn’t hear you come in again last night+
Her reply came in the form of a poorly lit snapshot of her heavenly, tattooed tits, freed by a hand tugging her tee up at the edge of the photo.
+still in bed lol this should help you along+
It did.
I was only three days in, but the thing had demanded a punishing cadence of self-abuse and denial. Porn addicted from my teen years, I had worried about whether I’d actually be horny enough to keep up every time the thing dinged, but it had made good on its claim of being able to keep me perfectly on edge; my cock sprung to life hungrily at the sight of Alice’s pillowy tits.
Consumed by my mounting desperation, it was only moments before the watch buzzed angrily, letting me know that I was getting dangerously close to ruining my progress.
“Shut the fuck up,” I growled through gritted teeth, refusing to abate.
+be good baby boy+ Alice’s text read; she liked to remind me that she could see what I was doing in real time. +i don’t want to have to get that thing from under your bed+
I punched the flimsy stall’s wall in frustration; only my addiction to everything Alice was could outdo my refusal to wear her cage.
+fine+ I shot back, knowing she’d be watching my heart rate begin to level off from the comfort of her bed.
+ty <3+
I went back to work, mad as hell and unreasonably hard.
By day nine, I was a bear.
“There’s my good boy!” Alice said from our kitchen as I walked through the door. “How was your day? I made your favorite!”
Even the fact that she was cooking in nothing more than some cotton panties and one of my shirts, too small on her imposingly stacked frame, didn’t improve my mood. I dropped my work bag with a heavy thud and kicked my shoes off sullenly.
“Now now,” she said in an infuriatingly sweet voice that utterly failed to match her hardcore aesthetic, “our shoes don’t go there, do they?” She turned back to her frying pan with a barely restrained smile. She knew she was pushing her luck as I flung my shoes into the closet and slammed the door too hard.
“How was your day then? Anything fun happen at work?”
“I can’t…FUCKING…take it!” I shouted at her, angrily trying to undo the watchband on my wrist, intent on pitching it across the living room.
In a blind rage, I hadn’t even noticed Alice’s approach; the older woman took my hands delicately in hers, shushing me like you might do to a raging toddler.
“Shhhh,” she offered, trying to meet my gaze while I avoided hers like the plague. “Come here, hey? What’s the matter? Talk to me.”
I thought long and hard about spitting an unkind slew of the vilest words I knew at her, finally grounding myself enough to realize that Alice was standing close enough for me to smell her shampoo. The appley scent brought me back to earth just in time to avoid a frustrated disaster. I loved the way she smelled.
“Sorry,” I said in shame. “It’s just…it’s getting hard.”
“Yeah it is,” she said jokingly, testing the waters of my mood. “Sorry,” she laughed, “bad timing.”
I very nearly cracked a slight smile. Nearly.
“I don’t know if I’ve got it in me, Alice. My cock is…it’s…it’s fucking raw! Seriously!” I did smile then, seeing her try to stifle a laugh. “I’m serious! This thing went off 9 times today!”
“I’m sorry,” she laughed, waving a hand in front of herself in a deferent apology, “I know I shouldn’t laugh. You poor thing!”
“That’s not even the worst part! I’m…leaking! Like all the time! Nadine bent over to change the copier paper today and I had to eat lunch at my desk because I’d made a wet spot in my slacks!”
Alice exploded with laughter now, at least partly in relief to see that I’d calmed enough to make light of my misfortune. “Oh my poor baby,” she offered with a cherubic pout, “that does sound just awful!”
“AND THEN!” I carried on, “I have to come home to…to…THIS!” I said, gesturing wildly in Alice’s general direction. “This fucking torture device says I have to beat my fucking dick fifty fucking times a day but I can’t fucking CUM and we can’t fucking…FUCK!” Alice leaned back, roaring with laughter at the ceiling, clapping a hand to her face as she snorted loudly. “It’s awful!”
Her lips found mine unexpectedly as she treated me to a rare, intimate kiss, slipping her tongue into my mouth briefly as she tangled her fingers into my hair. “I am sorry, cutie; you’re being such a good boy for me, and it’s not fair of me to laugh at you like that. I am sorry. Forgive me?”
“You kissed me,” I observed in shock. “You never kiss me.”
“Yes, I do!” She protested.
“Not on my lips!”
“Well, I did today! What about it?!”
“Well…well! My cock’s hard again, that’s what! And you’re burning dinner! That’s another what!”
Laughing, Alice pulled away and left me standing at the front door to step smartly back into the kitchen, where dinner was well and truly burning. I’d never get over the oddity of seeing a woman so wholly dedicated to her gothic, dark, alternative look perform such domestic tasks. Girls like her obviously had to eat, and do laundry, but there was something amusing in watching her vacuum the apartment and knowing that her headphones were blaring some truly horrific, unholy, unintelligible screeches into her gauged ears at the same time. It was like watching a vampire pay its bills.
“Yeah,” she said, dumping the entire smoking pan into the sink. “That’s fucked. I’ll order pizza.” She scooped her phone off the counter to make the call and our devices chimed in unison.
“Oh god fucking…” I began to groan. “Not again.”
Alice took pity on me. “Come on gorgeous,” she offered, “you can use me this time, as a treat, okay?”
Not waiting for an answer, the Amazonian woman bent at the waist over our kitchen island and wiggled her barely-clothed ass at me while she punched in the digits of our favorite pizza joint. I wasted no time.
“Yeah I can hold,” she said, looking back at me conspiratorially as I tugged her underwear down. Alice, at least as tall as I, arched her lower back expertly to offer my already-stiff cock a workable angle.
“Be good,” she mouthed silently, obviously concerned that I wouldn’t be able to handle our first fuck in over a week. The watch face lit up as it detected the beginning of my ‘session’.
“Hi! Yeah, I’d like – umph,” Alice said, grunting mildly as I slid home into her, “Uh, sorry, two mediums.”
My hands shook with excitement, and I felt a lump in my throat that was either joy or the threat of overwhelmed tears as my body took over. I shoved Alice’s tee up her long back and took in the complex tapestry of her tattoos, relieved to find that they were all right where I had left them.
“Mhm,” she carried on, “The special. No, we’ve got – ugh- we’ve got drinks here. No, sorry, just a bit of a cold.” She looked back at me with a wicked grin, but I was way too far gone to notice; my artless, hitching thrusts were barely restrained enough to avoid the employee on the other end of the call hearing her ass clap.
“One with just the -oh, ah!- sorry, the veggie one. And the oth…other one with, uh, the supreme.” Alice’s hand batted backwardly at me urgently as I busied myself by prying her thick ass cheeks apart to worship the sight of her puckered, pink asshole.
“Twenty minutes is fine,” she said insistently, rushing to the end of her call. “See you then. What? Ahh! Sorry, yes, by card. BYE!” She spat, slamming the phone to the counter as I forced myself into her greedily.
“Fucking hell, baby boy,” she grunted, “that’s- oh fuck! That’s so deep!”
“I need you,” was all I could manage, sounding for all the world like a caveman.
“I know baby, but you have to be good,” she said breathily, rocking on her tits against the countertop as I pumped.
“I’m good,” I promised.
Alice pawed at her phone, pulling up the Edgrr app and holding it aside so I could see her screen. “Not according to this, you’re not!”
I reached out and grabbed a fist full of her shirt between her shoulders. “I’m good, I still…have…time!”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” she groaned, “Just hold it.”
“What?” I asked, beginning to perspire as my watch began to vibrate softly.
“I said…fucking…HOLD IT!”
“Fuck you,” I urged, grabbing her waist and pulling her back onto myself harshly.
“Ohhhh fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum!” Alice wailed, grasping at the opposing edge of the counter desperately. Her phone began to buzz with the same urgent warnings as my watch did. My phone chimed in my work bag at the front door.
The clap-clap-clapping of our bodies and the overdue clamping berth of Alice’s immaculate pussy should have ruined me, but the edging exercises were beginning to bear fruit, and I found myself confidently blowing my roommate’s back out until she finally bellowed and shook at the knees without issue.
“NGGHHH,” she wailed, wetting the floor with something neither of us ever cared to think too hard about as she came. I fell away from her as my cock bobbed with my racing heartbeat, aching on the ragged edge of my own beautiful agony.
Alice pressed her forehead to the cool counter while she recomposed herself, and weakly smeared her panties in the small puddle she’d left with her foot, doing little to clean up her mess.
Rounding on me as I leaned against the arm of our couch to catch my breath, Alice offered me a beet-red look of utter satisfaction. “Good fucking boy!” she said triumphantly, dropping to her knees with a shake of her long, dark hair.
“What are you…”
“Proving that I DO kiss you,” she said, taking my cock in her hand firmly and pecking my head with her soft lips lavishly. My cock twitched with each tender smooch before she wrapped her lips around me entirely.
“Oh- fuck! Be careful!” I urged. I’d weathered her pussy, but wasn’t sure I’d manage this. My watch glowed an angry red.
Alice giggled, bobbing forward to clean my cock off like it was a popsicle on a hot day, with a lip-smacking POP at the end. “You’re right,” she chuckled as she stood, batting at it playfully as she gave my cheek a quick peck, “I just wanted a taste. I miss you too, you know?”
I grinned like a fool in love. “Hey, why did your app look different than mine?”
“What? Oh,” she laughed, “Mine is an owner’s account.”
“Of course it is,” I sighed, unsurprised that she’d sought out a sex toy with an owner’s profile option. She laughed dramatically while she padded off in search of some pants to pull on before the pizza guy showed up.
The eleventh day.
I know cum isn’t stored in the balls. I do. I know it.
But I think mine just might be.
All day, every day, the locus of my attention was rooted squarely between my legs. For a man who’d cum more than once a day for the past decade, on average, this sexual prohibition had become improbably difficult. I wasn’t thinking clearly anymore.
It wasn’t even the denial that sucked anymore. It was my complete inability to not think with my fucking dick.
I obeyed my Edgrr dutifully, confident enough now to push the envelope just long enough to bait a racy picture or message from Alice; she was a real treat, obviously basking in her role as my erstwhile torturer.
+a lil something for you <3+ the texts would read, opening to a raunchy clip of her sucking her shiny metal buttplug before cramming it up her ass for me. Gods, she was just the best.
Whether it was Alice or any other living woman within my range of vision, I’d become obsessive. Everything was a sex object, anything could be fucked, and everyone was sexy. I found myself wondering what Barb in accounting did with her pubes, entirely engrossed in daydreaming about the shaving habits of a sixty-year-old woman I’d barely spoken to.
+I won’t be home when you get there tnight btw – picked up a shift at the bar. I made you something, it’s in the fridge xx i’m really so FUCKING proud of you for being such a good boy for me, you know that? I know the app hasn’t said we need to flush you out yet, but Mama promises to make it SO GOOD for you when it finally lets you <33333333 be good for me xx+
This was, as you might expect, accompanied by a stunning mirror selfie of Alice’s pale countenance, taken from her makeup vanity as she got ready for work. I didn’t even notice that she wasn’t naked.
Trudging home after a long workout, by then the only thing that gave me an outlet for the needy frustration, I slumped over on the couch and flipped the TV on. When the Edgrr buzzed twenty minutes later, I went about the business with a routine discipline, halting expertly before my urges overwhelmed me.
+I saw that. good boy <3+
+go back to work lol+ I replied.
The Edgrr buzzed again, not twenty minutes later.
“What the hell,” I muttered, knowing that the thing knew its business. Again, I obeyed, tucking myself away sorely when I was instructed to do so.
An hour later, the damned thing sounded off again.
+i see it. be good, do as you’re told+
I did, but only because I couldn’t bear the thought of denying her. Ironic, that.
Exhausted from the week tugging myself in the bathroom stall at work, I finally let sleep take me right there on the couch at half past 11:00.
The door SLAMMED open sometime after 2:00, Alice blowing in like a gale.
“Get the fuck up,” she demanded in a breathy hurry.
“Hey?” I said, shielding my eyes against the unwelcome hallway light.
In answer, Alice turned her phone toward me; my sleepy eyes failed to make out what I was supposed to be seeing, but it could only have been one thing.
“Shit, did I miss…”
“I’m not going to ask you again,” Alice said, the stern notes of her voice giving me a moment’s pause for actual concern, “You have like thirty fucking seconds to be naked, on your back, on my bed, with your cock hard. Do you fucking understand me? It’s time.”
Without another word, Alice clomped down the hall, peeling layers of her outfit off as she did so.
I wasn’t just hard. It wasn’t just that I wanted, or needed, to cum. My cock didn’t just ache.
Laying there, staring at the ceiling of her room less than a minute later, I was so wholly, totally, entirely desperate for the slippery folding embrace of Alice’s holes that my spine tingled. My cock, painfully hard, ran with a thin, slimy fluid as I waited for her to finish disrobing.
Her weight shifted the mattress in the dark as she crawled onto her bed, low and slow from the foot towards her tortured prize.
Her lips, still painted with the deep maroon lipstick she’d worn to work, venerated my shaft with the most generous kisses; she was a supplicant, worshiping at an alter of her own making, lost in the lover’s entanglement of what she’d denied herself alongside me all along.
I gasped aloud, but my Alice was utterly silent.
The familiar hot hug of her reflexless throat slipped itself over me; I craned my neck to watch the woman’s shock of short, black hair descend on me effortlessly. Alice usually put on a bit of a show, choking and gagging theatrically, but not tonight. No, tonight’s throating was carried out in perfect silence; the small, wet squelches of her saliva making the only sound as I stretched her neck from within. My hips rose to meet her as her lips made contact with my balls, every inch of me resolutely buried in her bulging esophagus, but still, she refused to gag. She wouldn’t. Not tonight.
She drew back after long, loving minutes of pushing her throat to its limits, deep red smears of makeup or drooly spit covering my cock and her chin in equal measure. She smiled at me in the dark, murmuring lowly as she pistoned my soaking shaft in her hand messily.
“God, you look so beautiful,” I said in the low light of her dark bedroom. She responded by blowing out a spitty bubble of saliva and draping her tongue obscenely over her chin to drip a small river of her throat’s frothy offerings onto her chest. I did moan at that.
“And now,” she said, climbing to mount me.
Being ridden by Alice was something you didn’t really take part in. You were there for her use, but not necessarily your own enjoyment. The abuse she was so fond of lauding on my face as she ground her pussy raw was proof enough of that.
Stopping shy of actually sliding onto me, she squatted in my lap and pulled my hot cock towards herself and the bizarre, runic tattoo that was inscribed across her womb, slapping me against the thing with a hungry hum of anticipation.
“I need you,” I said. I did need her.
“I know baby boy,” she said, finally crawling forward against my chest and guiding my cock up into herself with a hand from behind. “I need you too,” she whispered with one kiss on my neck and one very slobbery one on my lips.
She closed her eyes. Sat upright. She planted her hands on my tummy and began to grind.
She was a wonder to watch, honestly. Pale in the wan moonlight that crept through her blinds, Alice’s ample, soft body writhed in my lap with a sinuous grace that I never grew tired of. My eyes wandered, for the thousandth time, across her artfully decorated body, her ornately adorned tummy, arms, thighs, and, most recently, chest. She stared, eyes shut, at the ceiling all the while, in communion with nobody but her own finally-satisfied need. Her breath was heavy and slow as she moaned softly under the touch of my hands, rocking her ass against my lap with the full measure of my fat cock meat stirring within her.
“It’s…it’s so fucking…ah! – it’s so fucking good,” she said breathlessly.
“Is it okay?” I asked, hearing a twinge of discomfort in her voice as she ground.
“You’ve nev- never been this…hard,” she moaned, opening her eyes to look at me at last, never ceasing in her ass-clenching little grinding motions. “It’s…fuck me! It’s a lot.”
“I don’t know how long I…”
“Shhhh, baby boy, none of that,” she said, pressing a finger to my lips. Her tits swayed forward beautifully as she leaned in. “You fill mommy’s pussy up as soon as you want, okay sweet boy?”
I nodded.
“Mommy’s fine to…to – agh! -to cum when she…when she…when..” Alice’s eyes screwed tightly shut as she failed to deliver her proclamation before making good on her word. “OH FUCK!” she cried, cramping tightly as she came wetly onto me.
“Yes, yes, yes,” I cooed, rubbing her thighs proudly as she gave me her gift.
“It’s..fuck, fuck, fuck,” she uttered, choking on her lost breath as another snuck in on the heels of her first spasming eruption. “Yes, baby, oh my fucking god.”
Alice looked down her long torso at herself in disbelief, as if to root out the cause of her agonizing bliss. She smiled deliriously at the ruinous mess of herself, delighting in the way her tits shone with the wet glimmer of her own spittle.
“I really am so beautiful,” she said in genuine, wonderous self-discovery.
I lost control.
“Fuck, baby boy!” Alice squealed as my spine exploded with the violent, cracking, wracking, electricity I hadn’t known in too long, my cock disgorging long, pent-up spurts of cum. My convulsing, contorting muscles bodily lifted Alice; I could not have been deeper inside of her if I’d tried. “MORE, MORE!” She wailed.
There was more. So much more. I ground my teeth together so hard that they threatened to crack as fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth shuddering blasts painted themselves against her insides, beginning to leak out around the edges as my vision swam and my heart raced.
“All inside Mommy, come on now,” Alice urged as my twitching cock trembled out its final spurts. “All inside mommy. That’s my good boy. That’s mommy’s very, very good boy.”
She ran a cool hand over my torso, letting me catch my breath and return to reality slowly, still sitting atop my cock as she overflowed with her prize.
“Okay, cutie?” She asked.
“Okay,” I replied weakly.
Alice shimmied and wiggled, leaning backward to dismount me. Neither of us was prepared for what poured out of her as my cock popped free.
An very nearly disgusting, honestly unbelievable volume of cum burped out of Alice’s pussy with a wet belch, vomiting out of her in a thick, pungent flood to pour out onto me, running down from where it landed on my cock, covering my balls with the hot stuff entirely to pool on the bed between my legs.
“Oh. My. Fucking. GOD!” Alice moaned in feral adoration. “BABY! BOY!”
“Oh fuck,” I moaned, undeniably turned on at the profane spectacle.
Without a word, Alice scooped a palmful of the stuff off the bed, smearing her hand in a tender, kneading grip on my glazed scrotum before rubbing upward to stroke the cock that had refused to go down.
“You’re…you’re still so hard for mommy,” she said in a breathy whisper of disbelief, the wet squelch of her hand music in my ears. The way it globbed and squelched between her fingers, still running out of her own hole, was far too pretty to be believed.
“Keep going,” I begged, a mewling mess of emotional need, “I need to cum still.”
“Ask nicely, baby boy,” Alice demanded in her usual way.
“Please make another mess with me, Mommy, please make me cum!”
“Good boy!” she cooed, pumping me indulgently.
And cum I did, into her hand and onto my own tummy, minutes later while Alice whispered the sweetest nothings to me in the dark, smearing herself with the stuff wetly across her pubic mound and that scrawling tattoo she bore.
“My beautiful boy,” she hummed, anointing her womb tattoo reverently as the heady threat of sleep rushed over me. “Sleep now, go on. Mommy will be right here to milk you again when you wake up, okay?”
“The tattoo,” I asked in my final moments of wakefulness, “what is it?”
Her grin, motherly, loving, and warm once more, promised nothing less than security and comfort as she patted her tummy and crawled down next to me in our little mess. “Maybe some other time, baby boy. Some other time. You sleep now. You made me so very, very happy tonight.”
And sleep I did.