Magick or madness? Lust or logic? None of that mattered at that precise moment. Freya’s agile hands, slick with cunt juices, plunged into her oozing pussy, furiously pounding into her sodden hole as the limousine, swerving at a perilous speed, wove in and out of traffic, a foreboding, black Cadillac pursuing, its windows tinted to opacity. The misty, gray rain adhered to the windows of the woman’s limo, a surrogate mirror, and a huge, distant flame, the flaring of some factory ahead, noxious gasses being burnt off, was her candle.
A multitude of worlds ago, unable to find her way back home, Freya had surrendered to the madness of her curse, no longer worried about her sanity. Instead, she embraced her plight. If she were in the throes of lunacy, she may as well enjoy it; if it were the accursed decree of her parents’ demonic gods, then she was powerless to do naught but roll with the thunder in her psyche. But common threads, telltale signs of something more sinister, diabolical, wove themselves into a tapestry of the surreal. Although the worlds changed, endless shadows, echoes, and reverberations of the possible, Freya remained stoic, her mind and appearance a constant.
He was also a constant—that sinister, gaunt man with the knowing, villainous smile, the lemon-yellow eyes of a demonic serpent, and, somehow, imbued with all the minutia of her curse, worlds, and essence. He’d been hot on her heels since the gallery, so many twisted worlds ago, and he was as pervasive as the now-annoying lemon color that seemed to thematically permeate each world Freya plunged into. No matter how fast the driver went, the ominous, black car still followed, the headlights beams of lemony ire, searing into the limousine’s back bumper.
The gallery show, dozens of shadows past, was, perhaps, her second encounter with him. As Freya, adorned in a gossamer, shimmering dress of see-through, loosely woven frills, viewed “her” paintings, she was accosted by fans, art lovers, and the media. The nightmarish canvases she painted were rooted in her multiple existences, scenes from multiple worlds, parallel mirrors a recurring theme in the art. Mirrors had been artistically hung between the paintings, candles burning in the midst. Those painted images, material reminders of her curse, hung all about, tearing away the last vestiges of her sanity; in that world, her journeys through alternate realities were her art. Then, he appeared, the gallery owner, JD.
His lemon-colored, thin tie caught her attention. He was speaking with some local celebrities, a slutty blond, her eyes as red as Freya’s hair, hanging on his arm. As if psychic, he turned abruptly and met her gaze, his head tilting slightly forward, that malicious sneer crossing his lips. All he did was wink, turning his attention back to his guests. Lunacy tugged at the fraying threads of her sanity; somehow, she felt, knew, that this man, whoever he truly was, was connected to her curse. Unlike the regular male gaze, all hotness and sexual fire boring into her body, his sent chills of maddened despair through her core, draining her of will, autonomy, and courage.
JD, formally referred to as John Dee, remained in her peripherals all through the showing. His ominous stares, predatory demeanor, and oppressive aura pummeled against Freya’s body, mind, and soul until she, in a desperate, terrified act, surrendered to her plight, and knelt, on all fours, between two mirrors that the gallery had hung to decorate according to the theme of her art, and masturbated, furiously, as the shocked onlookers discussed her performance art. To them, she was a sexually-charged genius, teetering recklessly on the edge of the cliffs of madness. To her, as she moaned, masturbated, and writhed between the mirrors, she was seeking escape from her demonic nemesis. She, somehow, instinctively knew that John Dee was the demonic entity Choronzon, the supernatural bestower of her curse.
With her hands plunging between her shaking legs, feelings of lust, desire, and passion welling up from within her, joining with the cosmos, Freya blurred out the world of artistry and affluence, emerging, as the throes of her earth-shattering orgasm washed over her, into a parallel reality where she was an office worker. That mundane, trivial existence gave way to another world, then another, still others following. In every existence, he was there, always menacing, always watching, intently.
John Dee’s demonic presence manifested itself in every world Freya orgasmed her way into. At first, he was just a menacing figure in the backdrop, but his pervasive existence evolved into uncomfortable, threatening-seeming encounters. While always polite, never once doing anything untoward, let alone malicious, there was a feeling about him, something in his hellish aura, that sent her into panic mode. She began avoiding him whenever she spied his malevolence, then fleeing. Every step she took toward safety resulted in JD advancing two paces. Soon, Freya desperately tried to escape, her entire life a blur of candlelit cums and running from Mr. Dee.
In this world, where Freya enjoyed celebrity status and more money than she could count, the demonic John Dee was unrelenting. His malevolence hounded her at every corner, in every crowd, and he was always chasing her. Freya’s frenetic, terror-accelerated masturbation in the back of her limousine would hopefully take her someplace where he’d never find her.
At ramming speed, the imposing Cadillac broke free of the chaotic traffic, slamming other vehicles to the berm, and set itself on a collision course, speeding toward the back of Freya’s limo. She fingered herself like a woman possessed, lust, fear, and insanity giving her fingers speed and lusty accuracy. Feeling the entire universe well up inside her, her essence drifting through the ether, the fiery-haired vixen, thrust her fingers inside her dripping cunt hard and fast, more fingers assaulting her clit. Her building orgasm consumed her just as the vehicles collided, her essence spinning through the sensual energy of the universe as the limo mimicked her soul, spinning off into oblivion.
This world, if one were to apply cognitive liberalism to the term, was unlike any of the others. As Freya plummeted into and out of endless, possible worlds, they all represented a believable reality. This one, however, defied logic, sanity, and the fabric of the universe, itself. There was no world, neither sun shining down nor a starlight sky. Although there was source-less light, its ambiance tinted lemon yellow, the entire universe seemed to have congealed down to a glass-like, wavy plane of blackness, shiny, warm, and damp. Countless mirrors, of all shapes, sizes, contours, and ages, formed a long, narrow pathway— countless rows of them beyond, extending through the infinite, planar void. Candles mounted in hovering sconces or ornate, ancient candelabras sat in the center of the mirrored pathway.
Mentally shrugging, convinced that she’d finally lost all sense of realness, Freya barely noted that she was nude, once more. Her infinite lust, that horny, lusty feeling that permeated her soul, was vibrating at a higher, more powerful octave. The young woman’s juices dripped from her loins, and her entire body tingled with erotic need, burning her insides. Resolved to her insane state and fate, Freya squared her shoulders, and boobs bouncing with every sexually-heightened step, meandered down the snaking, curving pathway, each mirror she glanced into showing a different world, her within it, on its surface.
In a vast number of those show worlds, she was institutionalized. In others, she was a famous artist or musician, always something creative. Yet other mirages showed her living peacefully and happily, and it went on, ranks of mirrors appearing behind the ones she strode between, all of them a glimpse of a possible world. She knew, in the darkest crannies of her splintered mind and her fiercely-beating heart, what lay at the end of the long, winding, mirrored pathway, lined with an infinite field of mirrors.
A death march, an endless winding hike toward fate, oblivion the only destination—Freya refused to cry, no longer concerned with her sanity or whether it was the accursed decree of her parents’ demonic, craven idols. Overwrought beyond her breaking point, she almost welcomed the conclusion, only hoping that her end would be quick and painless. John Dee, whom she knew had to be the physical form of Choronzon, awaited.
As suspected, as she meandered through endless variations of the worlds, her places within them, the mirrored pathway, after what seemed like hours of marching, gave way to a perfect circle, several yards in diameter, lined with towering, full-length mirrors, all of them reflecting that particular non-reality. In the center, large, brass braziers on stepped, stone pillars burned with the yellow fires of insanity’s torture.
Between the flaming, brass bowls, an ornate, gilded throne stood, looking ancient and regal. He sat on the plush, red velvet cushions, his skin gray and mottled. Curving horns jutted from his demonic head, spiraling into themselves, and his lips were a ghastly charcoal color, his eyes like a serpent’s, lemon-yellow instead of whites. His fierce, cruel visage remained, only the guise of humanity had been shed, showing his demonic, true form.
“I’m tired of running, mentally broken, and just want it to end, John, Dee,” Freya boldly stated, her voice sounding aroused and confident. “Destroy me. I’m tired of running and can’t tell what is real.”
“Foolish mortal,” he mused, his sneer showing needle-like fangs, the talons on his muscular fingers clacking on the carved wooden arms of the throne. “Why dost thee forsake my gift, my child?”
“Gift? Madness, having no place, always running, unable to have a normal life is what you call a gift?”
“As I am your patron, in spirit, the Mother Earth your balancing counter, I bestowed my powers unto you. Your endless flight was not away from danger but into it. I shall teach you control, my mortal child.”
His cock, long, thick, and demonically beautiful, instantly sprang to hardness, sending erotic jolts through Freya’s core. It was knurled, curving upward, and it pulsed with the rhythm of creation, life, pain, anguish, ecstasy, and delight, all bliss and rapture concentrated within it. As if compelled through primal, guttural instinct, Freya could only nod, her hands caressing her pert breasts on their own accord. Dropping to her knees, tears finally flowing as she realized that her magick was, indeed, madness, she pointed her shapely ass toward his erection, wiggling her hips in reluctant invitation.
John Dee—Choronzon—stood, his equestrian hooves clacking on the rutted, pitted surface of this netherworld, and took his position behind her. “Awash in the fires of the abyss and anointed with the powers of Earth’s creation, take my magical seed inside of you and unlock the control of your gifts.”
Freya’s entire body quivered and undulated in a mix of endless terror and cosmic bliss.
“Concentrate, my child of ritual. Focus on your pleasure. Forget reality; you create it in your sexual release. Focus on the world of your desires, your thoughts, and receive.”
Freya’s horrific trepidation reached new heights, her mind fracturing into dust motes, overcome with fear. Still, unable to do anything, her body refused to move as if she were under some spell forbidding movement. She awaited the agonizing torture of being taken by the demon, John Dee. Screaming at the top of her lungs, her voice sounding distant, never echoing, her mind, soul, heart, and physical body combined into a singularity, a mote of madness borne of lusty passion, the last, desperate wail of the damned.
Despite her mental preparation for the torture that she was positive would ensure, Freya was unprepared for the sensations of his demonic hardness entering her throbbing, wet hole. Expecting pain, anguish, despair, and humiliation, all the woman could do was gasp in erotic delight. Choronzon’s cock didn’t fuck her; it consumed her soul, ate her heart, and replaced her fractured essence with joy, power, and pleasure. Her insanity morphed into bliss, the netherworld around her melting into nothingness, the only tangible thing, countless tongues caressing her nerves from the inside out.
She sought her clit, finding herself incorporeal, but focusing on the sensation of her clit being pounded, tugged, and pummeled created butterflies of Eros, and they danced over the mist that used to be her mortal coil, plunging her consciousness into a hot, wet, sensual mass of ecstasy, pleasure, and eroticism that defied words or description. His demon-cock expanded, filling her molten chasm as the knurls and hide-like texture of his mammoth appendage rubbed against places that sent starbursts of orgasmic bliss, unlike any sensations she’d ever experienced, shooting outward and through her, erotic joy beaming through Heaven, Hell, and infinity.
A sensual, external heat blanketed her writhing body in rapture as his hardness plunged inside of her. His cock writhed, reverberated, and plunged, not a lump of hard, sexy flesh, but a whirring, cascading, demonic entity, exploring her innards, carving out doubt, fear, and madness, leaving strength and horny abandon in its wake. Infinite universes were born with each thrust, galaxies exploding, spraying their carnal bliss into the far reaches of reality.
Flickering in and out of material existence, Freya felt with more than her body; her soul erupted into spasms of horny lust, passion flowing from her, melding with the core motes of reality. Suddenly feeling material, the warmth of creation possessing her, consuming her will, all thoughts, and transmogrifying into a demon-cock-driven assault of pleasure without retreat or surrender. Gods, angels, and demons, all in erotic union, frolicked through her mind, Freya’s ears hearing ethereal choirs of lust-induced chanting as their music.
Slamming her passion-reddened ass back onto his thrusting member, Freya screamed in passion, her hands materializing, a force of sheer will, mind over reality, grabbing her taut nipples and tugging on them until the force of her impassioned craze left them swollen, jutting into the floor as she screamed in passion, moaning for Choronzon to fuck her harder.
“Focus on the flame, my lusty child. ‘Tis your world to bend and shape to your desires.”
As the universe reversed its course, contracting itself into a primal seed, Freya felt the energy of the multiverse well up inside her loins, explosions of ecstatic thunder shaking her soul. Then, the demon’s cock became part of her realm, under her control as the universe reassembled itself, cosmic beams of life, lust, desire, and passion shooting outward. The magic of existence set nuclear fire to her cunt, her breasts heaving, each thrust and pump sending sparks of delight shooting into space, Her will, desire, and passion became catalysts of reality, her stunted, fractured psyche forming the worlds.
His huge, throbbing cock plunged into her, the demon’s loins smashing against her undulating ass as she writhed in bliss. His turgid shaft was a mammoth lance, plunging into her wetness. Then, the knurls of his knotted, demonic member caressed her innards, making her eyes fail to see, her mouth unable to speak. Those textured ridges then became gibbering mouths, playfully nibbling on her erogenous zones, pulling her sensitive flesh into sculptures of profane, joyous lust.
As he thrust into her, his length so deep that her innards slammed against each other, his girth so swollen that his pumping threatened to tear her apart, he held it there, his cock expanding and contracting, both in length and girth, until it felt like she was spinning through the ether, impaled on a gyrating, twisting, pumping shaft as he held her against his fiery body.
Then, all was gone. Freya, held by her demonic patron, called both John Dee and Choronzon, was no longer a physical creature; only sexual energy, horny rapture, and erotic bliss remained. She was no longer being fucked. The two creatures, one mortal woman kissed by the gods, and the demon, melded into a singular entity. Their thoughts, emotions, and feelings became one. Freya could feel herself fucking herself, likewise feeling how he felt, what he thought. It was sensory overload, and the unreal sensation pulled her fragmented, lunatic mind back to wholeness. Permeating all was the feeling of being submerged in the joyousness of sex, the brutal fucking possessing her.
She felt his love for her, cold and fierce, just like his heart. Beating strongly, Dee’s heart pumped with her, the life force of their blood intermingling in the unholy union. Feeling his strength, his detached coldness, she countered with the warmth of her mortal soul, her beating heart, and her wounded mind. Then, they were once more in the center of the mirror’s ring, his large, still-hard cock owning her heart and immortal soul.
“I surrender to the madness. Never stop fucking me like that.”
Screaming louder, mirrors of possible realities shattering behind her, flames flickering to nothingness, stunted and snuffed into blackness, Freya’s newly-manifested fingers found her clit, her frenzied masturbation adding sexy harmonics to his demonic music as he fucked her into a literal oblivion. Impaled upon his writhing, fluid cock, fucked better, deeper, and harder than she had ever thought possible, Freya’s essence splintered further, and she lost herself, her identity, under his powerful vigor. The demonic John Dee, having pursued her relentlessly through hundreds of alternate worlds, had finally closed the circle. She was his chosen one; Freya finally understood that.
Empowered, all worries over sanity or if magick were real no longer germane, she threw back her head, tossing it wildly from side to side, completely lost in primal, instinctive hedonism. A tiny, silver strand of herself remained, all possibilities swirling around it, combining with it, altering her essence. Her growing pleasure didn’t result in a mortal orgasm. Instead, all the fury of her demon lover exploded around her, passing through her, and forever changing her. With her orgasmic mind receiving pleasure, she funneled it through the unspoken thoughts of her mood, her desires, and her will. Her universe-creating cum triggered the demon’s, and Choronzon sprayed and spurted his seed into her clenching hole, over her ass and back, painting her with his blessings.
Suddenly, as she wailed in cosmic release, the black, mirrored void reincorporated, the millions of mirrors exploding into shards, piercing her wildly contorting body with splinters of possible realities. Sensing, rather than seeing, Freya latched onto a vision similar to her home world, the reality she knew. A scream in reverse, time-traveling backward and curving onto itself, gravity reversing were all felt in tandem with the unholy pleasure of a soul-altering cum that left her perpetually horny.
An ominous, evil cackle filled her ears as the universe shuddered, reorganizing itself before her closed eyes. The gargantuan apartment she found herself in was akin to the one she and Cassandra once talked about renting when the band took off. The walls were a comforting lemon-yellow, multiple mirrors with wall-mounted before them lined the walls. Freya was seated in an archaic, hand-carved throne of a chair, her nude ass, still slick with Choronzon’s cum, seated on the plush, red velvet.
Her fiery hair bobbed and frizzed into a slutty, layered coif, the woman’s thighs were quivering in orgasm, her friend, lover, and band’s manager, Cassandra, kneeling between them as she fingered Freya to another orgasm, her molten tongue lapping at her sexual waterfall.
“That must have been one intense orgasm, my Freya, goddess of love. It was like you were in a whole different world. Are you, okay?”
Freya was finally more than okay. Comprehension somehow snuck in, during her massive, torrid, demonic fucking. She held the power within her, all along. Depending upon society’s point of view, she was either utterly mad or touched by the gods. Her curse was her gift. Most can only change their reality by changing themselves because reality is merely a reflection of what we project. Conceived in ritual and born on the sacred, unholy solstice, Freya could shape her reality. All it would take was a mirror, a candle, and an intense, focused orgasm.
Paintings, by her own sex-possessed hand, lined the walls of their townhouse. A tall, gaunt, demonic John Dee, Choronzon to those who knew Him in his natural guise, stared at her from the canvases. She could feel his seed burning into her flesh, writhing in her pussy, and dripping down her thighs like liquid, sexual fire. This wasn’t her original homeworld; it was better, the world of her true desires.
In this world, she knew that her parents were deceased, their solipsism finally reaping what their selfishness had sown. Was she insane, blessed, or cursed? It mattered not; the power was hers and hers alone. Parallel mirrors would now also return her to this state, this consciousness, this reality. Only her fractured and reconstituted mind was the limit. There were a million Freyas that she could be, across a billion worlds, all of them shadows of possible realms. Her patron demon had shown her the way.
The end.