Matt And Karen’s Adventures (Continued)

"Matt and Karen take things a stage further"

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The weeks that followed Andy’s visit were dominated by sexual activity.  Every morning Matt screwed Karen before getting out of bed and every night before they went to sleep.  Most evenings Matt returned home from work to find that Karen had set the scene for a sexy evening.  She might be lying naked on the floor just inside the front door or she might serve their meal wearing only her briefest underwear.  She wanted sex all the time and Matt was more than happy to oblige her and often brought home new toys or sexy clothing to enhance their passions.

Their fun was not limited to their home.  On one occasion, Karen met Matt after work outside his office so that they could travel home together and suggested that they visit a wine bar to have a drink together.  The bar was almost deserted, it being a Monday and too early to get crowded. 

They found a table in a secluded corner and Matt ordered some drinks then asked Karen if she’d like to take off her raincoat.  She stood to undo the buttons and, with her back to the large open room she opened the coat to reveal her stocking clad legs and totally naked body.  Matt almost choked on his drink when he glanced up in response to Karen asking him where she should hang her coat.  Panic stricken, he looked left and right, then realised that only he could see the breasts and pussy displayed before him.  He grinned broadly, taking in the erect nipples and swollen cunt of his sexually aroused wife.

 “I think you’d better keep it on, don’t you?”

Karen sat facing Matt, but left her coat unbuttoned and slightly open.  Her breasts were visible and when she crossed her legs one smooth thigh gleamed under the subdued lighting.  She slid one hand under the coat and there was no doubt in Matt’s mind that she was stroking herself between the legs.  Even when the barmaid brought fresh drinks Karen made only a token gesture at covering her chest and all the time kept looking into Matt’s eyes, making him wonder what she’d do next.

“I have a confession to make,” she whispered.

Matt stared at her, wondering what was coming, and he nodded at her to go on.

“I’ve been in town since this morning and I took some sandwiches into the park at lunchtime.  I spread out my coat on the grass and sat down to eat.  Don’t worry, I was fully clothed.  Afterwards I sat and read a newspaper and I noticed a man sitting on a park bench gazing at me and I realised he could see up my skirt to my panties.  I got really horny and I fidgeted in my bag and pretended to struggle to fold the paper so I’d have a reason to spread my legs a little.  Then I lay back to relax in the sun and I raised a leg knowing he’d get a good look at my crotch.

“I closed my eyes for a while, so I don’t know how many other people walked past and had a good look but when I sat up the man was still there.  I gathered my things together and walked over and sat next to him.  I smiled at him and made a comment about the lovely warm weather. 

“Then I asked him if he’d enjoyed looking at my knickers.  He got a bit panicky then so I put a hand high on his thigh and told him to relax because I wasn’t annoyed.  Then I told him that I’d be in the park again tomorrow and if the weather was fine enough he might see me without any underwear on.

“He said he’d pray for a sunny day and we parted company.  I know I’ve been a bit silly tempting a stranger like that but it made me so horny I had to go to a ladies loo to bring myself off.  That’s where I stripped off and I’ve spent the afternoon strolling around the shops wearing only shoes, stockings and a raincoat.  I’ve never felt so randy but I’m sorry if you’re angry with me.”

“I’m not angry at you, darling.  I’m just frightened something will happen to you if you play silly games like that.  If it’s the danger that turns you on then we have a problem but if simply the act of flashing or exposing yourself does it for you then I’m sure we can work something out.”

“What have you got in mind?”

“Well, what if you were to go to the park tomorrow and I’d be sitting on a nearby bench to keep an eye on things?  I promise I wouldn’t interfere with anything you did unless I thought you were in some sort of danger.”

Karen nodded enthusiastically in agreement and they both stood to leave the bar, which was now becoming quite busy.  Matt was fully aroused, knowing a moment’s carelessness by Karen would allow her unbuttoned coat to fly open and reveal her nakedness.  They reached the car park where Karen had left her car and waited for the lift in silence.  They both knew what was going to happen as soon as the lift doors closed on them. 

Even before they were fully closed, in fact, Karen opened her coat and Matt dropped to his knees and dipped his face into the swamp between her thighs.  He licked and flicked her mercilessly with his tongue.  Chewing her labia and nudging her clit with his nose sent Karen into a powerful spasm that lasted well after the lift doors opened again.  Had there been anyone waiting they would have seen a woman in the throes of an orgasm and a man on his knees licking his lips.

Little more was said that night about what was to happen the following day, but just after noon Matt left his office and headed into the park, admiring the shapely young girls in their summer dresses taking advantage of the late summer sun.  He spotted Karen ahead of him and fell into step behind her until she selected an area of grassy bank and laid her coat out.  She bent over to straighten it out and then knelt to finalise the job. 

All the time, her back was to the path and to a man sitting on a park bench.  Matt wondered if he’d already got a look at Karen’s bare bottom under her short pleated skirt.  Matt sat on a bench about thirty yards away and pretended to read a newspaper while Karen took out her sandwiches. 

As far as Matt could tell she wasn’t showing anything but as soon as she’d finished eating she put on her sun glasses and lay back to relax with one knee raised in the air.  Matt had no doubt that her pussy was on display, not only to the man on the nearby bench but also to three other men who glanced across at her as they walked past.  After about twenty minutes the man stood up and went across to Karen and spoke to her very briefly before walking off.

Once he was out of sight Karen joined Matt and kissed and hugged him, then they walked arm in arm out of the park.  She told Matt that her pussy was very wet and aroused and needed to be touched.  Matt grinned and said she’d just have to wait.  He wanted to know what the friendly voyeur had said to her before he left. 

“Oh! He thanked me for displaying my cunt, said how beautiful it was and told me I had a very lucky husband.”

“He was dead right on both counts,” said Matt.  “Come on, let’s stroll around town, I’ve arranged to take the afternoon off.”

As they ambled along they looked in a travel agent’s window at the holiday offers.  They hadn’t considered having a holiday that year because of the expense of Mel’s wedding.  However, one particular offer, a ten-day trip to the Canary Isles, was too good to turn down and they booked it there and then, even though they would have to leave in only three days’ time.  Although it was late summer they knew it would still be hot on Gran Canaria and they spent the next few hours in the shops searching for summer clothes, most stores having already set up their winter displays.

Loaded with bags they made their way back to their car and Matt stopped outside a shoe shop and told Karen to go in and buy some sandals.  Matt waited outside for a few moments before following her into the shop then he looked through the display of men’s shoes, all the time keeping an eye on Karen. 

She sat down with a few pairs of sandals and immediately a young salesman knelt at her feet to assist her.  Matt caught the look of panic in her eyes when she remembered that her skirt was short and she had no panties on.  Then she calmly tried on the shoes, keeping her hem down and her legs together until right at the end she caught Matt grinning at her.  Then she let her legs open, as if by accident, and let the young man have a few seconds look at her cunt in all its naked glory.

Four days later, Matt and Karen were enjoying the heat of the Canary Islands.  The hotel was perfect, right on the beach but it was quiet and peaceful.  The first leisurely days were spent finding their way around the local town and exploring the numerous bars and cafes.  Inevitably, as they wandered around they bumped into fellow guests and people they’d seen on their flight over. 

Stopped for a morning coffee, they grinned at each other when they saw that the two single girls who were in the room next to theirs were already being chatted up by two lads, and judging from the cheerful laughter, they were thoroughly enjoying the attention.  Matt and Karen amused themselves by speculating on which boy would end up screwing which girl, finally agreeing that they’d probably swap partners fairly regularly.

One young couple from the hotel they particularly noticed was Mark and Emma.  They were physically complete opposites, Mark being thick set, dark and swarthy whereas Emma was a slim, very fair girl.  For the first few days they were always together, usually hand in hand.  From the way they touched each other it appeared that they were very much in love but then Emma was often seen alone during the day, only getting together with Mark in the evenings.  It became obvious that all was not well, as their interest in each other seemed to diminish and their overheard conversations confirmed that there was some sort of problem between them.

One afternoon, while Matt was dozing beside the hotel pool Karen spotted Emma in the coffee shop looking very withdrawn.  Karen took a seat beside her and before long all the young girl’s troubles were aired.

She and Mark had only been together for a few months and she’d wanted a romantic holiday so they could devote time to each other without any competing distractions.  She told Karen that they really enjoyed being together but they had totally different interests.  She enjoyed music and amateur dramatics while Mark was a keen athlete and sportsman.  The holiday she had wanted hadn’t come about because Mark had become friendly with a bunch of guys who were expert wind surfers and he latched onto them so he could improve his ability.  Mark put so much effort into his hobby that he neglected his bedroom duties and things had come to a head three days ago.

“Mark had hardly touched me for days and I was really horny,” she told Karen.  “So I decided to take the initiative.  I knew he’d be back from the beach about five o’clock so I lay on the bed with my knickers around my ankles and started to masturbate.  At first I was going to pretend I was doing it but by the time Mark came through the door I was doing it for real.  If he’d just stood and watched everything may have been all right.  If he’d stripped off and joined me on the bed we’d have been fine, but he hardly looked at me.  He grabbed a bag, put some of his things in it telling me he had a chance to go with his new mates to another part of the island where the wind surfing was fantastic.  He couldn’t wait as they were going immediately.

“We had a big row; he didn’t even seem to notice I was completely naked.  I told him to go and not to come back.  Well, he went and I haven’t seen him since.  That night I went to a club on my own determined to enjoy myself.  It was really difficult because I don’t like going to places like that by myself; I don’t find it easy to get talking to strangers.

“I hated it there.  All the boys were drunk and all they wanted to do was squeeze my tits and bum.  Then one boy held me close and started to kiss me as we danced and I began to enjoy it, then I realised that he was slowly lifting up the back of my short dress so that his friends could see my bottom.  All I had on was a g-string and I was really embarrassed.  I pushed him away and got a taxi back here and cried all night.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me.  My own boyfriend isn’t interested in me and the first guy who takes an interest in me tries to humiliate me.

“Then to cap it all, this morning the tour rep brings a message to me from Mark.  He’s damaged his Achilles tendon and is in plaster from foot to thigh.  He’s being flown home tonight and expects me to pack everything and meet him at the airport.  He must be kidding.  Anyway, I packed his case and the rep is taking it to him later on.  I’ve written him a ‘get lost’ letter.”

The young girl was sobbing by now and Karen held her hand to comfort her.  “I think you’ve done the right thing in dumping him, he’s nowhere near good enough for you.  There are plenty of guys about who’d like you as their girlfriend; you really are a very sexy looking girl.”

Emma cheered up at the compliment but then went on, “I may be sexy but my passionate holiday is in ruins and I go home tomorrow.”

Karen thought for a moment and then asked, “Tell me, Emma, are you very experienced sexually?”

“No, I suppose I’m not, if I’m honest.  I lost my virginity during a one night stand when I was seventeen then didn’t have sex again for almost two years, until I met Mark a few months ago.  Why do you ask?”

“Well, I have a suggestion to make but I need to know if you’re broadminded enough not to take offence and discreet enough to keep it to yourself.”

“I may not have had much sex but I know enough to know I want lots of it and, despite all I’ve just said, I don’t normally go telling all and sundry about my sex life, or lack of it. It’s just that you were so easy to talk to.”

Karen made her decision and told Emma how Matt had let her have a well-endowed lover and that she wanted him to enjoy himself too.  “Mind you, he is old enough to be your father.  In fact our daughter is only five years older than you.”

Emma frowned and hesitated, “I don’t know.  I could easily say yes now but then get cold feet at the last moment.  I must say I like your husband, he seems to be a lovely man.”

“He is, and he’s a very kind and considerate lover.  If you want a sexual adventure before you go home I recommend him highly.”

Still Emma hesitated.

“Look,” Karen added, “join us for dinner tonight and get to know us both better.  We’ll have a few drinks afterwards and if you want to go to bed with Matt just give me a nod and I’ll put him in the picture.  How does that sound?”

A broad grin broke across the girl’s lovely face, the first time Karen had seen her look happy.  “Okay, that sounds like a good idea.  I’ll go along with that but don’t let me drink too much.  If I’m going to get laid I want to remember it.”

If Matt was surprised when Karen invited Emma to sit with them during dinner he didn’t show it and made her very welcome.  He showed an interest in her job and hobbies and made her feel very wanted.  With Karen sharing an interest in music Emma very soon lost her initial shyness and as her confidence grew she began to enjoy herself immensely, probably for the first time in over a week.  She even found she was able to talk about her ex-boyfriend, as she now thought of Mark, and she realised how badly he had treated her. 

She reflected on their relationship and how she had been almost completely absorbed into his lifestyle without any reciprocation.  She’d often gone to watch him play football, although she had little interest in the game and even less in the post-match drinking sessions, but he’d never had the inclination to come to see her singing in a concert.  The relationship had been very one sided and, she realised, she was relieved it was over.

With dinner almost over Emma wondered to herself if she really wanted to have sex with Matt.  She knew the age gap wasn’t important because she’d often had erotic fantasies about being taken by her best friend’s father and, she had to admit, she found Matt very appealing sexually.  Maybe it was because she knew that he was a very sexual man underneath the respectable exterior and that he shared a very erotic life with Karen. 

Emma’s thoughts ran away and she began to imagine being in her room with Matt.  Would he undress her or ask her to strip for him?  What if he wanted her to suck his cock?  She knew she was far from being an expert.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Karen asking her if she wanted any more to eat.  It was obvious that she’d been day dreaming and Karen had been trying to get her attention for a few moments.  What was even more obvious to Emma was that her nipples were very hard.  Usually she’d have been embarrassed and tried to cover up but tonight she almost felt proud of herself and sat back in her chair so that Matt could see the effect he was having on her.  Her body had made the decision for her and she turned to Karen and simply nodded her head.

Karen turned to her puzzled husband and said, “Emma and I had a chat this afternoon and I suggested she might like to spend her last night on holiday in bed with the sexiest man I know.  That little nod she gave me says that she wants to do it so, my darling; I’m lending you to Emma tonight.  I want you to make love to her, satisfy her and give her night to remember.”

Matt looked at Karen then at Emma, whose nipples hardened again.

“Are you sure you are happy for me to do this?” he asked his wife, and got a definite nod in response.

“And what about you Emma, are you sure this is what you want to do?”

The young blonde turned pink at the thought of spreading her legs for this experienced man but managed to whisper, “Oh yes!  Please say yes.  I really want it.  I’m so horny, I really need sex.  I’ve never felt like this before, I can’t quite believe what’s happening to me.”

“I’m not very experienced though,” she added. “I hope I won’t disappoint you.”

“You won’t disappoint me Emma,” said Matt softly.  “You’re such a beautiful sexy girl I only hope I have enough stamina to truly satisfy you.”

As they left the dining room a noisy crowd of girls passed them on their way to the hotel foyer.  They were dressed for a night’s clubbing, short skirts, tight tops and bare midriffs.

Emma watched them enviously and told Matt and Karen “I wish I could be like them and let myself go but I just can’t do it.  I just can’t leave my inhibitions behind.”

“Sure,” said Karen, “they are going to have a wild time dancing, drinking and probably having sex but there’s no point trying to be like them if it’s not in your character.  Some people don’t have the herd instinct and are content to go their own way.  Once you find a way of life that you enjoy, with or without a partner, you’ll stop being envious of girls like that.  I know if Matt was given the pick of those girls or you. I know he’d choose you.  You have that mysterious sexy style that men like.”

The three took the lift to the upper floors.  When the door opened to Emma’s floor Karen embraced her and kissed her cheek then hugged and kissed Matt warmly.  “Good night both,” she said.  “Have a lovely time, see you both at breakfast.”  Then she waved to them as the doors slid closed.

Alone together for the first time, Emma smiled shyly at Matt who gently caressed her cheek and, looking directly into her lovely blue eyes, spoke softly to her.

“Don’t be afraid Emma; nothing is going to happen that you don’t want to happen.  There is no pressure on you at all.  Whenever you say I’ll stop what I’m doing and I’ll leave whenever you wish.  Everything is entirely up to you.”

Emma nodded her understanding and she took Matt’s hand in hers and led him down the corridor to her room.  They stepped inside to the room illuminated only by the bedside wall lights that gave the room a peaceful, romantic feel.  Emma tossed her handbag and key onto the sideboard then turned to Matt and threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.  Very quickly their tongues became entwined and their embrace tightened.  Matt’s hands stroked her long fair hair, following its fall to the centre of her back.  His mind registered the strap of her bra and then, a little lower down the waistband of her panties.  Emma soon became aware of the bulge that had appeared in Matt’s trousers and raised herself on her toes the few inches necessary to bring her pussy to the same level.  Matt cupped her firm bottom and drew her to him and she shuddered in pleasure as the pressure grew against her crotch.

Suddenly Emma’s sexual excitement seemed to switch off and she stepped back from Matt still breathing heavily.  “Oh boy!” she exclaimed.  “I didn’t expect that to happen.  You must think I’m a real tart throwing myself at you like that.”

“Don’t put yourself down,” said Matt.  “You’re obviously a highly sexed young woman who hasn’t been getting it.  You’re entitled to be enthusiastic and just for the record in case you didn’t notice; I want you as much as you want me.  Come on, let’s just relax and chat a for a while.”

Matt kicked off his shoes and stretched out on the double bed and young Emma didn’t hesitate before joining him, still fully dressed, and nestling into his arms.

“Why do I feel so safe and easy with you Matt?  I hardly know you at all and we’re lying on a bed together.  I should be terrified.”

“Probably because I’m not a threat to you and you don’t have to put on an act for me.  I get the impression that you were always under pressure from your boyfriend to be something you aren’t.  All he wanted was a beautiful girl on his arm to show off to his mates.  You’re worthy of much more than that, and one day you’ll find someone who really appreciates your qualities.”

Matt settled into a position with one hand cupping Emma’s breast and squeezed gently.

“I wish my boobs were a bit bigger; I really envy girls who have a deep cleavage.”

“They’re a nice handful and you can go without a bra and look sexy, not indecent.  Why don’t you show me your breasts?”

Emma sat up on the bed and peeled off her tight top and quickly unclipped her bra.  She tossed it aside and turned to face Matt, displaying her breasts with their very dark prominent nipples.   Matt reached out and firmly gripped the hard teats in his fingers, feeling them stiffen even further under his touch.  Emma straightened her back and pushed forward urging Matt to go further.  He rolled his fingers around, twisting the girl’s nipples until a little gasp escaped her lips. Matt released his grip and Emma automatically brought her hands to her breasts to fondle and soothe her nipples.  Once the initial pressure of Matt’s fingers had eased Emma continued to caress herself, cupping her pert tits and feeling the hard tips pressing into the palms of her hands.

Emma held one breast in a hand and curled the other hand behind Matt’s head, drawing him down to feed the erect nipple into his mouth.  Matt sucked eagerly, flicking his tongue and scraping with his teeth, making the hard nipple stiffen even further.  The couple fell back on the bed and Matt continued to suckle on the young girl’s tits, switching from left to right until she was panting with excitement. 

Matt became aware that Emma was rubbing herself between her legs and placed his hand on top of hers.  Immediately she pulled her hand away as if she’d been caught doing something wrong.   Matt smiled at her and took her hand in his before replacing it on her crotch.  Emma relaxed and continued to stroke herself through her clothes.  Knowing Matt was watching her made her all the hornier.  She gradually eased up her skirt until she was showing her panty crotch then continued to stimulate herself.

With his eyes fixed on her, Matt got off the bed and removed all his clothes.  Emma looked him up and down, thinking that his body was very good for his age and his semi-hard cock looked very appetising.  Matt took his cock in one hand and they watched each other for a while until Matt lay beside her and put his hand between her legs.  Emma responded by gripping his tool and instinctively massaging gently.  Matt grew to full hardness and he could feel the swollen pussy lips under Emma’s wet panties.  Emma’s breath grew husky and she spread her thighs further apart and began jerking her hips, pushing herself onto Matt’s hand.  Nearing her climax Emma began to moan softly but turned her face to Matt and whispered to him, “Fuck me Matt, please fuck me.  Take my knickers off and fuck me!”

Matt knelt between Emma’s spread thighs and gazed at her white panties made almost see-through by the copious moisture that had leaked from her pussy.  He ran his hands up her legs to the elastic waistband and gently eased the material downwards.  They both smiled when Emma raised her bottom so that Matt could take the pants right off, the young girl no longer embarrassed by her nakedness.

Matt look into her eyes as he brought the wet knickers to his face and inhaled, he savoured the delicious scent of her juices and felt his cock stiffen even further.  Quickly he discarded the garment and took hold of her ankles and lifted and opened them wide.  He moved into position between Emma’s legs and guided his cock to her open pussy.  He placed the knob at the entrance then pushed gently and slipped inside.  She was very tight but so very wet that with a few small adjustments in position Matt’s cock slid into Emma’s pussy.  The temptation to thrust vigorously was enormous but Matt restrained himself and held still, allowing Emma’s cunt to adjust to the shape and size of his prick. 

Matt rested Emma’s legs against his shoulders and ran his hands up and down her thighs and around the backs of her knees then along her calves to her ankles.  He gripped the ankles and straightened her legs, parting them widely.  Matt gazed up and down the girl’s slender body taking in the dark-nippled tits, her flat belly and the blonde pubic hair that was darkened by her wetness.  He saw his cock partially buried in her cunt and her parted labia with the pink stud of her clitoris at their junction. 

Far from being embarrassed by this close scrutiny Emma reveled in it.  She lay there with her hands behind her head and a smile on her face as she watched Matt devour her body with his eyes.  She had a fleeting thought that Mark would have been slamming her into the mattress by now, completely oblivious to her needs, yet here she was almost on the edge of an orgasm and her lover had not yet fully penetrated her.

Emma raised her arms towards Matt and he fell forward into the embrace, at the same time thrusting his cock all the way up.  They nestled together, arms and legs entwined, just kissing, licking and stroking each other.  Matt gently thrust his hips to make his cock slide in and out, Emma’s pussy was tight but beautifully wet and neither lover was in any way uncomfortable. 

Matt built up a steady rhythm, almost completely withdrawing his cock on each backstroke then thrusting in to full depth.  Emma wrapped her arms and legs around her lover and gave herself up to the shear enjoyment she was experiencing.  Soon her pussy began to throb and small shocks of pleasure welled from her clitoris and she knew she was going to have her first orgasm whilst making love.  She began to lose control and grabbed at the bedclothes with her hands, she let her legs fall open and began to thrust her hips, her feet braced on the bed. 

“I’m coming, Matt!  I’m going to come.  Fuck me hard, harder.  Fuck me!”

Matt changed his angle slightly so that his prick rubbed harder on the top of Emma’s pussy, stimulating her clitoris.  Within a few strokes Emma’s climax shook her body and her cunt clenched at Matt’s cock, bringing him to his climax.  He pumped into the girl’s pussy as the last tremors left her body.

If Emma anticipated a gentle cuddle after being fucked she was immensely surprised.  Matt pulled out and after dragging the girl so her bottom rested on the edge of the bed, knelt on the floor and dipped his mouth to her vagina.  It was wide open and exceptionally wet.  Her whole pubic area glistened with her juices and his own thicker spunk seeped out of the centre. 

Matt lapped it all. He cleaned her up with his tongue.  Her hairy mound, her groin, her belly, down towards her anus his tongue flicked and caressed.  Then once he’d finished, he slipped two fingers into the warm cunt and lapped at the swollen clit.  Emma moaned loudly and glancing up Matt saw her tugging at her erect nipples as another powerful orgasm swept over her.  At the height of the girl’s climax Matt stopped licking and just watched her pussy, as it seemed to pulse of its own accord on his fingers.

Copious quantities of juice oozed out over his hand and ran down Emma’s bottom crack.  Matt followed the viscous trail and saw a very wet anus begging for attention.  He put a fingertip to the entrance and pressed very gently.  He heard deep moans from higher up the bed but before he could push his slippery finger inside Emma screamed with pleasure and exploded in a mighty orgasm.  She took several minutes to calm down, tiny shudders running through her glowing body.  When she recovered she sat up with a broad grin on her face and wrapped her arms around Matt.  No words were necessary.  Emma was a completely satisfied young woman.

Too tired to wash themselves they fell onto the bed and with a light sheet covering them they drifted off to sleep, curled into each other like two spoons.  When Matt awoke it was daylight and alone in the bed.  It took a few moments to orientate himself, then everything became clear when Emma came out of the bathroom, toweling her long blonde hair. 

She was naked and totally unselfconscious. She turned towards the full length mirror knowing Matt would be able to see past her bum to her pussy reflected in the glass.  Emma glanced over her shoulder at Matt and saw that his cock had swelled considerably at the sight of her body and immediately regretted not waking earlier for a morning screw.  Reluctantly she told Matt his toiletries and clean clothes were in the bathroom, Karen having brought them to Emma’s room the previous day. 

“I’d love to come back to bed, Matt, but there’s no time.  There’s only twenty minutes to the end of breakfast and then I’ve got to get packed.  I have to leave at eleven o” clock.”

Matt got out of bed and stood in front of her, his semi-hard prick pointing at her.  He moved to take her in his arms but Emma wriggled away.

“Oh! Matt, don’t please.  I really want you again but if you touch me we’ll end up fucking like rabbits, then I’ll have to shower again and everything will go haywire.”

“OK, I’ll behave,” responded Matt with a laugh.  “I only want to tell you that last night was fantastic, you were fantastic.  I hope it was as good for you.”

“It was sensational, Matt.  I loved everything you did to me.  I never realised that sex could be so good.  I’m so pleased that Karen loaned you to me.  Come on Matt, she’ll be waiting for us.”

Matt washed, shaved and dressed in record time and returned to the bedroom just in time to see Emma slipping a light dress down over her slender body.  The quick glimpse he caught of her firm bottom cheeks revealed by her white thong made him wish he’d taken her from behind last night.  His reverie was broken by Emma rattling the room keys in front of him and saying they should go.

A few minutes later they sat down at a table in the restaurant where Karen was already seated.  She greeted them warmly and placed a hand on top of one of Emma’s.

“No need to ask if you enjoyed yourself last night, young lady, it’s written all over you.  You’re glowing and you’re looking radiant.  I take it last night went well.”

“It was fantastic, Karen, I can’t thank you enough.  I really envy you being married to Matt, he’s a marvelous lover, so kind and considerate and he seemed to know what I wanted and where I wanted to be touched.  I shudder to think if I’d stayed with Mark I could have gone through life not knowing how good sex could be.”

“Just make sure your next boyfriend worships your body and loves you enough to want to learn how to satisfy you.  You may have to discard a few lovers before you find the right one but don’t settle for anything less than total satisfaction.”

Emma pondered on the words of wisdom as she completed her breakfast then reluctantly said she had to go and pack as time was getting short.

“Do you want Matt to come up later to carry your cases down?” asked Karen.

“Yes please, if you aren’t going anywhere.  That would be a help, give me about thirty minutes and I’ll be ready.”

Emma left the table and both Karen and Matt watched the sexy slim figure walking away from them, bottom swaying and long blonde hair swishing over her shoulders.

“What a difference a night makes,” said Karen.  “Yesterday she was a very attractive girl, this morning she’s oozing sex appeal as well.  Did she take long to overcome her shyness?”

“Not really,” answered Matt.  “She was hot for it as soon as we got to her room but then had a few last minute nerves so we slowed down and took things slowly.  Once she relaxed she became really passionate.”

At Karen’s prompting Matt went on to describe his night with Emma ending by telling her how lovely Emma’s bottom looked in her thong.

After a last cup of coffee Karen reminded Matt he had to help Emma with her suitcases and left him to go and put towels, books and sunscreen into a bag in readiness for their morning session at the poolside.

Emma had finished her chores by the time Matt arrived at her room.  The bags were packed and ready to go.  She wandered out onto the balcony and leaned against the rail for a last wistful look at the coastline.  A sudden gust of wind billowed under her dress and Matt got a lovely glimpse of Emma’s taut bottom.  She realised what had happened and grinned cheekily over her shoulder.  Matt stood alongside her and put a hand under her skirt onto her bare cheeks.  “It’ll be chilly back home when you arrive so I hope you’ve got something warmer to put on before you get off the plane.”

“I won’t need anything; the heat from my pussy will keep me warm.  Touch me and see for yourself.”

Matt reached between the girl’s legs until he could touch her swollen pussy lips which were hanging to each side of her thong.  They were indeed very warm, slightly puffy and wet to his touch, so while she stayed leaning on the balcony rail he knelt behind her and lifted the skirt.  Emma parted her legs a little, inviting further caresses.  Very quickly Matt slid his hands up to Emma’s hips, grabbed the sides of her thong and dragged it over her thighs and off completely.  Emma spread her legs as Matt stood up behind her.  He released his cock and felt Emma reach between her legs to grip his shaft and guide it into her pussy.  They adjusted their positions until they were comfortable, Emma still leaning on the balcony rail, looking out over the hotel gardens, Matt close behind her, his prick buried to the hilt and a hand under her skirt fingering her clitoris.  They were both rushing to a climax when Emma murmured to her lover, “There’s Karen. Look!”

Matt peered over her shoulder and sure enough, down at ground level was Karen making her way to the front of the hotel to wait for them to come downstairs.  At that moment Karen happened to glance upwards and there, six floors above her, she recognized Emma.  She waved and tapped her wrist to indicate that time was running out.  Then she saw Matt and knew immediately that Emma was getting a last helping of cock before she had to leave. Karen watched them until they disappeared into the room and then five minutes later met them as they came down to the hotel foyer.  There was no time for anything but the quickest farewells as the transfer coach was running late and the tour guide was hustling everyone to get themselves aboard.  Kisses were exchanged and Karen took the opportunity to hand Emma a slip of paper with their address and phone number.

“Please keep in touch and let us know how you’re getting on,” Karen said.  “Any time you want to visit us you’ll be very welcome.”

They both waved to Emma as the coach pulled away and Matt wondered if anyone noticed he had Emma’s thong in his hand!

Published 3 years ago

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