My energy level is high. You’ve been on my mind. Not like normal, but in a much more carnal fashion. I text you and tell you of my intention and await your reply.
When you reply that you’ll see me, my heart smiles through the desire for all of you. I’m greedy. I want your mind, your body and at least a piece of your heart. You know I’ll be coming, but you don’t know when.
I arrive but park toward the end of the drive. I want to slip inside without you being aware of my presence.
I see you, earbuds in, your beautiful hips swaying to the music as you busy yourself about the room. I watch you move about, so beautiful and almost whimsical. It briefly runs through my mind – is this on purpose or is she just expecting me a little later?
I slip in behind you, one arm around you just above your hips, the other just under your breasts. I pull you back hard to me. Your body smashes into mine.
My lips immediately go to kiss your neck. They move to your ear, as you know I love to do. You hear me in a voice lower than normal and much gravellier. I tell you, “You may see a man you’ve never seen before.”
I feel tension build in your body but still feel your trust in me.
I grab hold of your sweatshirt and t-shirt at the same time. I pull them up over your head, trapping your arms behind your back. I push your panties down past your knees. I start to guide you toward the sofa.
You’ve felt his passion before. The aggression and the focus are beyond his normal. You feel angst with this new dimension of your lover.
I feel the muscles of your body tighten. I sense the element of fear as well. This excites me and drives me even more. All my senses have been elevated; beyond anything I’ve experienced before.
I push you over the back of the sofa. I hold your arms, bound by your sweatshirt, behind your back. I push you down into the cushion, forcing your ass higher.
You feel my wide hand land the first spank on your ass. You hear no words, only a growl with each successive strike. This is the most painful spanking he’s given. You love it, though it makes you yelp, scream and even cry.
I step back from you. I watch you intently as I strip off my clothes. I don’t say a word but want you to hear the sounds as I disrobe.
You don’t dare look back. Your mind swirls with the mixture of excitement and angst of the unknown. The question of, should I be afraid, penetrates your thoughts. You hear the sound of my stripping off my clothes behind you.
I tell you to spread your legs wide for me. You do as I command. Your pussy betrays your excitement. Your wet, swollen lips reveal the hungry slut who’s been awakened.
You feel me come behind you and grip the sweatshirt. Your arms are pulled together and back. You feel downward pressure, further restricting your movement.
I slide the two fingers up inside of you. The juices from your pussy coat them. I pull them from you and press them to your lips.
“Taste your lust, my slut,” I growl. You eagerly lick and suck my fingers clean.
You feel my hand slip back between your legs. My thumb rubs across your hard clit. You feel the head of my cock, as it presses against your swollen lips.
I growl as I start to push the head of my cock past those luscious lips. I push my cock deep inside of you, in a single thrust. I pull back thrusting once more to seat myself deep in your sopping cunt. I pull you back tight to my body. One hand controlling your bound arms, the other your hips. I hold you, my cock buried deep inside.
I begin to pull back out of you and then thrust deep, hard, and fast. I hear moaning and a squeal from you as I hit the very bottom. I have shocked you just a bit with the force of the thrust. I hold deep inside of you. My thumb starts to press against the tight ring of your ass.
You feel all the angst inside of me. You feel as I slide my thumb inside your wet pussy, alongside my cock. You feel the juices rubbed around your tight little asshole. You hear me growl, knowing I’m about to take both holes. You feel my thumb press back against your tight sphincter as it slowly slips inside of you.
I hear another moan and a yelp from you as I do. Holding my thumb deep inside of you I start to thrust in and out of my tight little pussy.
You hear me growl, “What am I fucking?”
You reply, “Your pussy Sir.”
I ask, “Where is my thumb?”
You reply “Your ass Sir.”
I again growl and moan as I start to slam my hard cock deep into you.
I tell you, “If you want to cum, you’d better ask,” sterner than you’ve ever heard before. I continue to pound deep inside of you.
Emotionally, I want you to feel pleasure. My selfish, primal side has taken over. All I care about is pleasing myself, pleasing my cock.
I slam deep inside of you repeatedly. I feel the shaft of my cock rub against my thumb, buried deep in your ass. I hear your moans and noises. They make me want to fuck you even harder.
I slide my arm underneath the sweatshirt and reach up and back and grab your hair pulling your head back. I thrust harder and deeper into you. I pull back on your hair and thrust my hips into you, trying to bury my cock ever deeper.
You feel my cock explode inside of you. You hear me groan and growl as my orgasm grips me. You feel my entire body begin to shake.
I hold you tight and don’t move. Just as if we are frozen in time. The only thing that I can feel is your pussy spasm around my hard cock. I shake for longer than I ever have before. I stand behind you arching my hips into you, savoring our union.
You feel the tension, in my body relax. You feel the grip on your hair soften. My thumb slips from your ass. You know that the onslaught is over. You feel me lay over the back of your body simply to rest. My breathing is still fast, you can feel the layer of sweat on my body.
I simply rest my body on your back. I cannot tell you how long I simply lay there on your back until my breathing starts to normalize. I am lost in the feeling of you. I am feeling a change in me.
You feel my lips again on your neck. They are not the same ravenous lips. They are softer, gentler. They are the lips you’ve come to know.
My lips move from your neck and kiss your earlobe. You hear in the same firm voice yet softer, “You are the most valued person in my life. I am here for you.”
I slip the sweatshirt off your arms releasing them from behind your back. I stand your naked body up and pull you tight to mine. I brush your hair back out of your eyes and place my hands on either side of your face. I kiss your sweet lips. I slip my hands along the back of your shoulders and just above your ass. I pull you tight to me and I kiss you deeply and passionately. I bend down, slide one hand underneath your knees and I pick you up into my arms. I carry you towards your bedroom.
I take you over and I place you on the bed. I kiss you again. I look into your eyes and see your passion, your desire, your lust. I tell you, “Now it’s your turn, my beautiful slut.”
I slide down your body and between your legs. I push your thighs apart with authority, but with gentleness as well. I slightly push your knees back causing your hips to arch upward. I place my tongue as far back as I can go. It slides to the very back of your slit.
You feel my tongue lick up along the red and swollen lips. The very place that my cock had just been. You feel as my tongue slips between those lips into your wet pussy. You moan and arch, as my lips find your hard clit. Two fingers replace my tongue inside your hungry cunt.
I move my fingers inside of you, in unison with the sucking of your hard clit. My teeth grasp your clit, my tongue teasing the hard nub. You feel my fingers inside you, as I rotate my palm upwards. I feel your body shudder. I fuck you with my fingers, curling them, in search of your G-spot.
I release your clit and look into your eyes. I see and hear you approaching orgasm. Your body is tensing on its own. I smell thick aroma of sex in the air. It’s intoxicating.
“Cum for me my little slut, cum hard, cum now.”
My lips again claim your clit, now sucking it harder and with more passion. I take the hard nub between my teeth, biting down. My only desire is for you to cum, all over my face and cover it with your tasty juices.
Your moans have taken the deeper tone now. Your hands go to my hair and pull my face deep in between your legs. Your thighs clamping my head in place. Your hips arching into my face and fucking my fingers.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” you scream. Your orgasm is clearly in control. “Oh fuck, Sir may I cum? Sir, please may I cum?” you beg. Your orgasm wracks your body. I hold you tight to me. I keep my mouth wrapped firmly around your clit. My fingers continue working inside of you. You clearly crave to cum again for me.
Your body starts to spasm.
“Cum for me my slut, cum hard and now.”
You let out a guttural scream. Your juice flooded onto my face. Your hand grabs my hair pulling my face deep into your cunt. Your body spasms again in rapture.
I continue to fuck your soaked pussy with my fingers. I refuse to release your clit. I want to push you all the way through your orgasm. When you have no more to give, I slip my fingers from your pussy. My teeth release your clit and I lick upward to your navel. I bring my fingers toward my mouth. I smell the scent of your orgasm on them. It makes my head spin.
I slide my body up yours never breaking contact. As I get to you face to face, I kiss your sweet lips. I break the kiss and taste your juices from my fingers. I then slip my fingers into your mouth. You eagerly lick your orgasm from my fingers. I lean in to share with you. We kiss deeply and passionately. We both know this has been special.
I roll to my back and pull you tight to me. Your head lays on my chest and your body snuggles tight to mine. Your breathing starts to become normal again. “I am so honored that you are mine.”
A soft contented sigh escapes your lips. Your leg drapes across mine. A warm sensation floods through my body and my heart. The sound of slumber from you. I pull you a bit tighter, lay my head against yours, and join you in sleep.