The House Guest

"High shool friends reconnect for a day."

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Last night was a blast. It was great to see old friends from high school, an unofficial reunion. Winter on Long Island brought back so many memories. Several of us had too much to drink. I was thankful that Kathleen lived close by. She offered her house, a small two-bedroom track house, to anyone who wanted to crash for the night. That sounded like a great idea because I was in no condition to make the trip back to my hotel in Manhattan. Several from out of town booked hotel rooms so only two of us took her up on her kind offer.

The other person was Maureen, a born-again Christian and a little bit of a stick in the mud. Everyone calls her Moe. She found Jesus years ago and constantly quotes the bible. No one cared about that. The problem was that she was irrational and came across as being spoiled and a bully. She’s constantly passing judgment on people that she hasn’t seen in dozens of years. It became downright annoying.

It was late when we arrived back at Kathleen’s place. Maureen, without permission or invitation, took the guest bedroom. Kathleen just looked at me and shrugged.

I smiled back. “I guess Jesus told her to take the bedroom.”

She giggled, shook her head, turned, and went to her bedroom. I passed out on the couch.

The sun was just starting to peek through the drapes. I focused on the clock on the wall. It was 6:50 AM. I realized that I was awakened by a strange noise. I sat up and just listened for a while. It sounded as if a puppy was whimpering. Within several minutes, the door from Kathleen’s room quietly opened. Her head popped out from behind the door. She had a puzzled look on her face. I waved for her to come out.

She whispered, “Do you hear that?”

“Yeah. Does your neighbor have a dog?”

“No. I think it is coming from the guest bedroom.”

We both sat on the couch for a few minutes. The noise didn’t stop. Kathleen noticed that the guest room door wasn’t closed all the way. We looked at one another and just grinned. She got up and stood in the hall outside the room. When she came back to the couch, she confirmed that it was Maureen.

“I think she is in there with someone.”

I said, “Impossible. I think would have heard someone come in through the night. Although, I was pretty trashed when we got home, who knows, maybe?”

She sat down next to me. We were both amused at the thought of her getting fucked after professing to all, how premarital sex is a sin. The two of us were enjoying the possibility. Kathleen stood up again. She waved for me to follow her. We tiptoed down the hall to the guest room door. Now we were sure it was Maureen. I pushed the door slightly, so we could get a better look. We were both shocked and amused at what we saw.

Maureen lit several candles around a crucifix on the night table next to the bed.

“That stuff isn’t mine. She must carry it with her,” Kathleen whispered.

I just laughed quietly to myself. Then, we got a better look. Maureen was naked on top of the bed. Her skin was milk white, her pussy was bald as a cue ball, and her nipples were red and hard. They were pinched with chrome clamps. A chain connecting both was held in her hand. We looked closer. Her left hand was massaging her engorged clitoris. It appeared that each time she was about to climax; she would pull the chain of the nipple clamps creating great pain, to the point of subduing her orgasm. We listened closely as she was mumbling words.

“Jesus, my temptations are great. I am but a mere mortal here to serve you. I am doing my best to not allow sinful gratification. My physical needs are always a distraction. Controlling my desires has become difficult. I try to stave off my fleshy pleasures, almighty Father, I ask for your help and forgiveness.”

This crazy bitch was praying and forcing herself to be denied any pleasure. Kathleen and I were shocked. The very body her God provided her with was being denied one of the greatest natural sensations, an orgasm.

We looked at one another. I know Kathleen had grown tired of Moe and her very public thoughts. She wanted to teach her a lesson. I knew how we could do that.

“Hey Kath, do you have a video camera?”

“Oh my God, that is a great idea. We should post the video on Facebook.

She spun around and entered her bedroom. I followed. In a matter of seconds, she produced a camcorder. The battery was charged and it had a SIM card in it. We were ready to make a movie. The two of us stepped into the hallway. Kathleen turned on the camera and started to record. Maureen provided quite a show.

The nipple clamps were being pulled with a vengeance. Her other hand was working her pussy hard. The abuse she was putting her breasts through failed to subdue her craving to climax.

She whimpered, “Oh sweet Jesus, I can’t stop this. Please forgive me, please, please forgive me for my sinful urges. I will repent my sins, please forgive me.”

Her orgasm was on the brink of violence. She was exploding. So brutal was her reaction that she yanked one of the nipple clamps off. Shortly after, the other was torn away. Her hips lifted off the mattress as her knuckles slid back and forth over her vagina. Then, she buried two fingers inside.

“Oh, Kathleen! You’re making me come! Please more, don’t stop!”

I looked at Kathleen. “Holy shit! She is fantasizing about you! I guess Jesus wants her to be your lesbian lover. Why don’t you go in?”

“No. Let’s wait and see what happens,” Kathleen whispered.

“Hail Mary, full of grace…”

She was praying as her body was responding to the ecstasy she was experiencing. Kathleen and I could tell, her masturbation ritual seemed to be a common occurrence. This was all too familiar to be something out of the ordinary.

Maureen was about to detonate again. “Oh God, heavenly Father, please forgive my indiscretion. My physical needs as a woman have overtaken my love for you. I want her. Please don’t send us to hell.”

I looked at Kathleen. “She must love you. She is including you in her prayers.”

As Kathleen was recording, we had all we could do not to laugh hysterically. After ten minutes, she finished her self-indulgence. She just lay there, panting, quivering, and quietly mumbling what we thought were prayers. Her body was covered in perspiration, her nipples still dark and swollen. The camera was turned off and we stepped back into Kathleen’s bedroom.

As we moved into her room, she looked down. “Oh my, you’re soaked! Did Moe excite you, or was it being next to me that caused that reaction?”

“I can’t help it. After watching that, all I want to do is fuck now. Why don’t you and I make love before we confront Maureen?”

Kathleen was surprised. I wasn’t sure how she would react to me coming on to her. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later. We need to come up with a way to share our video with her.”

That was a pleasant response. She was receptive to the idea of the two of us pleasuring one another.

As much as she annoyed us, public humiliation was not something Kathleen and I were interested in. A private screening was the only way to make her aware that we knew she was a fraud. Finally, Kathleen came up with the perfect answer. She went out to the living room and hooked up the camcorder to the TV. We planned out what we would do. When Moe woke up, we would sit down to a large breakfast. I would start a conversation about a porno.

“Do either of you ever watch porn?”

Kathleen answered, “Occasionally, but it’s been a while. It all gets so boring.”

Moe just sat there without saying a word.

I pressed, “How about you Moe? Have you ever watched a porno?”

“No! Never! I am a child of God. I read scripture. It’s a sin to partake in any pleasures of the flesh. I plan on going to heaven when the Lord is through with me on earth.

“Really?” I said acting surprised.

Just as I said that Kathleen turned on the TV. We had a clear view of the screen from the breakfast table we were seated at. Clear as day, a perfect video of Maureen molesting her clit and tits. At first, Moe just became incensed that Kathleen would turn on a porno in front of her. It was only when she heard the woman on the screen praying, she realized it was her. Her face turned bright red. Kathleen and I looked at one another and knew we accomplished what we set out to do.

Maureen screamed, “How could you invade my privacy? You are both cruel.”

She continued to carry on, to the point of being irrational. Kathleen was doing a great job of not losing her temper.

I, on the other hand, lost it. “Moe, you’re either one of two things. You are either a friggin’ hypocrite or, you are pulling some kind of scam. Your constant passing judgment and preaching to all of us last night is horseshit. You were fucking yourself and you were fantasizing it was Kathleen fucking you. And you loved it!

Moe stood there, not knowing what to say. I could see that Kathleen felt bad now. She approached Moe to whisper something in her ear. They embraced in a way that seemed to be something more than just consoling a friend. Then Kathleen led Maureen to her bedroom. She motioned for me to follow.

The debauchery started almost immediately. Moe dropped her nightgown to the floor. Kathleen was wearing gym shorts and a T-shirt. They too, wound up on the floor. It all came about so fast. I joined them in shedding my clothes.

In her true attitude, Maureen pointed a finger at me and spoke. “What is she doing here? We don’t need her here.”

Kathleen took her time to explain. “Well Moe, here’s the deal. We both know that you enjoy, as you put it, pleasures of the flesh. You see, Darlene is my fuck buddy. We have been for a while. She is amazing and will make you feel like you are in heaven.” That was a total fabrication. Kathleen and I had never been together before.

I thought to myself, ‘Where the fuck did this come from? She is really into this.’

I took Maureen by the hand and led her to Kathleen.

Kathleen lay back on a pillow, her legs spread wide open. “Go down on me Moe.”

Maureen started to suck her pussy like she had done this a thousand times before. I thought again, ‘She is one great bullshit artist. This bitch has scammed everyone she knows into thinking she is holier-than-thou’. I just couldn’t figure out the endplay. What was she trying to accomplish? I never did find out what she was up to.

Then I realized, I was standing there watching my two high school classmates, enjoying each other. There was only one thing I could do. I joined them on the bed. Kathleen reached out, squeezing my tits. She pointed to the night table next to the bed. I opened the drawer and removed a very realistic-looking rubber penis.

She directed me, “Fuck Maureen with it.”

I didn’t hesitate. Moe’s face was buried between Kathleen’s legs. She must have been hitting the right spot. Kathleen started to moan with pleasure and had Moe by the back of her head, pulling her in, causing her to suck harder.

I positioned myself behind Maureen, grabbing her hips. I was relentless as I slammed the appendage into her. She let out a yelp as she gasped for air. I started to ram her like a pile driver. She started to rock back and forth enjoying the sensation.

“How come you’re not praying now, Moe? Why don’t you just fantasize that Jesus is making love to you?” I asked.

No answer came. I said, “Well you’re our toy for the rest of the day, and we plan on using you for our delight.”

Kathleen screamed. “Moe, Don’t stop, I’m going to squirt!”

Within seconds, Kathleen sprayed Moe’s face like a garden hose. Moe jerked her head back as she choked and gagged while opening her mouth wide to taste the flavor. Simultaneously, I pulled the dildo out of her pussy and plunged it into her ass.

She howled and started to pray, “Oh Jesus Christ, I know you sent my friends to me to show me how to love my body. Thank you for this gift, my lord. I will never disappoint you again.” Her body started to shudder as she enjoyed an orgasmic religious experience.

Kathleen’s orgasm started to subside. She was regaining her composure when she suggested, “I think we’ve carried this far enough. Let’s let her clean up and leave. Then you and I can spend the rest of the day enjoying each other.”

That sounded great. Moe’s prayers were answered. She got up, gathered her belongings, showered, and left without saying a word.

Kathleen and I hadn’t seen one another in many years. We spent the rest of the day reigniting our friendship in a very different way from our high school days.

Published 1 year ago

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