High Rise Exhibitionist Chapter Four Part 1

"Kay invites Allen to visit her apartment."

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I slept in Sunday morning and was still lounging around at noontime, enjoying several cups of coffee and the morning sunshine on the balcony of my apartment. I didn’t want to waste the entire day sitting around my apartment; so after a shower and shaving, I headed for a walk around the neighborhood. As I approached Kay’s shop, I noticed that she was open on Sundays from noon to three.

The small bell jingled my entry just as it had two days earlier, and just as before, Kay appeared from the back room in the same doorway. Her greeting was completely different, however. When she saw it was me, she smiled widely and walked directly up to me. She wore a long-sleeved, form-fitting white sweater that buttoned up the front and a pair of navy blue slacks with sexy blue and white pumps. Her red hair was as before, teased seductively, framing her face, and her pale blue-gray eyes sparked as did her lips from a coat of clear lip gloss. A string of rather expensive-looking pearls circled her neck and hung to within an inch or so of the top of her sweater.

“Allen, what a wonderful surprise!” Kay exclaimed as she gave me a hug making sure to rub her full tits against my chest and then giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Hi Kay, I was just out for a walk and saw you’re open today, so I thought I’d stop in and say hello,” I replied as I enjoyed having her soft tits pressed against my body.

Kay grinned at me as she moved away slightly, saying, “I get mostly lookers on Sunday, but some come back to buy later. What might you be looking for today?” Kay added as she scratched down over my chest with one sexy fingernail.

“Well, I didn’t expect you to be open today, but I think I’d like to see what you have in bedroom furniture,” I replied.

Kay smiled widely at me and said, “Oh goodie, I was hoping you’d want to do your bedroom next.”

With that, Kay hooked her arm in mine and said, “Walk this way.”

I was half tempted to use the classic Groucho Marx line, “If I could walk that way, I wouldn’t need to see the doctor.” Instead, just let Kay snuggle her sexy, mature body closer to mine. After all, I was shopping for beds and certainly wanted her to help me christen that room also.

Kay led me toward a small display of beds toward the rear of the shop. Her perfume, a sensual combination of lavender and vanilla, filled my nostrils as we approached the bedroom furniture.

“That’s a very intoxicating fragrance you’re wearing,” I mentioned as we walked together.

“Do you like it, Allen? It’s my own mix. I call it Vanilander because it combines two perfumes I truly love,” Kay explained.

I replied, “It’s a lovely fragrance for quite a lovely lady.”

Kay smiled and pulled my arm closer to her, happy that I’d noticed and complimented her on the perfume and how lovely I thought she was.

“This is what I have in head and footboards right now,” Kay said, pointing out two.

The first was a massive piece. The headboard had many compartments and a dark oak color, and the matching footboard was just a plain solid wood affair.

“This one looks like it should be a bookcase, Kay.” I remarked, adding, “And I don’t like the dark oak color either.”

“Okay, perhaps the other one is more what you had in mind, Allen,” Kay said.

The second one was a classic brass postbed. Two higher posts capped with brass balls and a rail with intermediate posts between. The footboard was a mirror image of the headboard, only lower. It instantly conjured up images of some light bondage in my mind.

“This one certainly has possibilities,” I said, grinning from ear to ear at Kay.

Kay knew precisely what those possibilities were and leaned closer to me to whisper, “If you buy this one, I’ll let you tie me to it and dominate me.”

“Oh my, Kay, your submissive side is showing,” I replied.

I already knew I’d be buying the bed. It was priced right, and I thought it would complement almost any kind of nightstand or other bedroom accessories.

“So what do you think, Allen? Do you wanna tie me down?” Kay asked seductively, running a sexy fingernail along the buttons of her white sweater.

The movement of her finger drew my attention to her full breasts and the tiny nubs of her nipples, which were becoming harder as we talked.

“Well, I’m not one to buy on an impulse, but the idea of your sexy body tied to the bed and me straddling you with my cock sliding between your tits certainly is an incentive to buy it,” I said.

Kay must have liked that idea also because her nipples reacted by becoming even harder and now showed perfectly through her sweater. Her finger somehow undid the top two buttons of her sweater.

“My goodness, Kay, are you trying to seduce me?” I asked, reacting to her hard nipples and the succulent cleavage she had just exposed to my lustful gaze.

Kay smiled at me and replied, “It has been kind of slow today. If I made one sale, I could be convinced to close early. Then I’d be free to invite a certain gentleman to my place for cocktails.”

I giggled and asked, “So you are trying to seduce me, Kay? I’m just not sure if you’re trying to seduce me into buying this bed or if you want to get me back to your place?”

Kay leaned close to me and slid a hand behind to grab at my wallet and another hand to my groin to lightly caress my stiffening cock. “Either way, I want to get into your pants this afternoon.”

“In that case, I’ll take both the bed and the drink invitation,” I said.

Kay grinned and said, “I was hoping you’d say that, Allen. Let me get my purse, and we’ll lock up.”

She turned and walked toward the back room. I watched her intently, paying close attention to the way her hips and ass moved as she walked. Judging from the smooth texture of the fabric over her ass, I surmised that Kay was wearing either pantyhose or a thong because there was no panty line to detect. From behind, Kay’s body is just as incredible as it is from the front, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her sweet ass. She disappeared into the back room without glancing back toward me.

A moment later, the lights in her shop began going out one bank at a time as I heard the sound of circuit breakers being switched to their off position. Kay reappeared from the back room carrying her purse and swinging her keys around one sexy finger.

“This is such a pleasant surprise; I hate spending so much time at home alone,” Kay remarked as she approached me.

I was busy watching how seductively her body looked as she came closer to me. I resisted the urge to caress her right there, offering my arm instead as we left her shop. Kay flipped the open sign and locked the door. Turning toward me, Kay again slid her arm around mine and said, “I can’t wait to get out of these shoes. I just bought them, and they are killing my feet.”

“I can give you a soothing foot massage,” I offered.

Kay smiled widely at me and said, “That would be a good place to start.”

While we walked the short distance to her apartment building, Kay and I discussed when she’d have her delivery men bring my new bed. We decided later in the week, which would give me time to buy a new mattress and box spring and arrange delivery the same day.

“I’ll still have to go shopping for bedding, Kay. But hopefully, I won’t be sleeping on my sofa for more than a week or so,” I said.

Kay offered, “I have some free time in the mornings during the week. I could pick up a bedding set or two for you if you’d like.”

“Wow, that’d be great!” I replied.

Kay and I entered her building and walked to the back of the lobby, where the elevator was. As we waited for the doors to open, Kay turned to me and said, “This is so nice, Allen; I haven’t entertained a gentleman for such a long time. I’m going to enjoy having you spend time with me this afternoon. Maybe you could stay for dinner?”

“Maybe Kay, are you a good cook?” I asked.

She smiled and said, “I know my way around a kitchen.”

The elevator doors slowly opened, and I moved my hand to keep them open while the young couple pushing a baby stroller exited the car, and Kay stepped inside. Following her in, I waited for her to turn and press the button for the tenth floor. When the doors had safely closed, I reached out with both hands and, placing them on her hips, pulled her close to me. She stared into my eyes, smiled, and then parted her lips, signaling me that it was okay to kiss her.

I circled her waist with my hands and tilted my head as our lips touched in a soft, sensual kiss. A quiet moan escaped her throat as I took her lower lip between mine and softly kissed its fullness. Kay slid her hands up my back and curled them over the top of my shoulders, pulling her full breasts tighter against me.

Just as I was about to intensify our kiss, the elevator car stopped, and the twin door slowly guided open.

I moved my lips from hers, placed one hand on the edge of the open doors, and held her close.

“Hmm. That’s so nice, Allen.” Kay whispered.

She slowly let her hands slide from my shoulders and again slipped one arm around mine as we stepped from the elevator and walked the short distance to her apartment door. It was decorated with a small wreath and, in the middle, a brass plate that said, “K. Dunlop.”

Kay opened her purse, and after I noticed she had the key ready, I reached for it and took it from her hand. I inserted it and turned the deadbolt, pushing the door open and turning sideways. I motioned for Kay to enter as I said, “After you, Ms. Dunlop.” I smiled at her as she released my arm and stepped inside.

“A perfect gentleman, you’re scoring points big time when you treat me that way,” Kay said.

We were greeted by Kay’s cocker spaniel Dusty, a very well-behaved pet who demanded only a moment or two of Kay’s attention before she turned and returned to her doggie bed by the French doors leading to Kay’s balcony. Dusty settled down in the warm stream of late afternoon sunlight shining on her bed and drifted back off to doggie dreamland.

I handed Kay her key as I followed her inside and closed the door, turning the deadbolt to lock the door.

“Kay, you’re such a classy woman; you deserve to be treated with the utmost respect.” I offered.

She smiled widely and said, “Very smooth, Mr. Goodman, very smooth indeed.”

Kay tossed her key into the crystal dish on the small table just inside and placed her purse on the chair beside.

“Welcome to my home, Allen.” She said, motioning for me to enter further into this private part of her life.

Kay’s apartment is immaculate. I felt as though I had walked into a feature from Better Homes & Garden. Every piece of furniture matched or complimented another. Beautiful pillows and afghans were perfectly placed on the appropriate sofa, loveseat, or chair. The walls were painted in a neutral color, more to highlight the oil paintings and numerous numbered prints adorning them than to bring out the color of the walls. Across the living room, a large mantle above the fireplace held framed photos of those people dearest to Kay, and the firebox below held a brightly shined brass grate that cradled a unique basket and very realistic-looking artificial plant arrangement. The wood flooring shined nearly as brightly as her lovely eyes and served to highlight oriental area rugs under each furniture grouping. Kay’s retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city ten floors below emulated her love of the finer things in life and gave me a feeling of being welcome.

“Kay, your home is so beautiful,” I remarked.

“Thank you, Allen. I’ve spent several years decorating my apartment to match my personality. I’m glad you like it,” Kay replied as she approached me.

She smiled as she took my hands and said, “You see, Allen, if you appreciate my home, it tells me you’ll appreciate my personality since they are almost identical.”

“Not only do I appreciate both, Kay, but I’m a little envious since my place is still such a bare-bones abode,” I replied.

“I’ve got a little head start on you. But if you like, I’d love to help you decorate your place to suit your personality.” Kay suggested. “I just have to get to know you better first.” She added.

I instantly replied, “I’d like that very much.”

She smiled again and said, “Wonderful, let’s start with those cocktails I invited you for.”

“Sounds good,” I said.

“I’d like a whiskey sour, please, and I’m sure you’ll find whatever you like in the liquor cabinet over there,” Kay said, motioning to a cabinet against the wall beside the entrance to her kitchen.

“If you don’t mind, I will change into something more comfortable while you mix our drinks,” Kay said. “Everything else you may need is in the kitchen,” She added.

I smiled and said, “Take your time; I’ll have your cocktail when you’re changed.

“Thanks, babe; it’s been a long time since I had a gentleman mix my drink. It’s okay to go light on the whiskey in mine. I wouldn’t want to get too tipsy on your first visit.” Kay said as she turned and began walking toward the short hall that leads to her master bedroom.

I again watched her as she walked away from me, appreciating the way she moves and the incredible shape of her ass. My thoughts for a moment advanced to what I hoped would happen over the next few hours and how I’d make this incredibly sensual, mature woman come alive with passion and sexuality.

The sex we’d shared the previous morning when she delivered my living room furniture was incredible. Still, I suspect her need for sexual release controlled her actions more than her true, passionate personality.

As I mixed our drinks, I considered how to make this second time even more pleasurable for her. I surmised that a slow, sensual seduction would heighten her arousal. Taking my time with as much foreplay as we both could handle would not only please Kay but would give us both time to explore and discover all the things that two new lovers need to find out about each other.

I mixed Kay’s whiskey sour with only a half jigger of liquor, wanting her to become intoxicated by my sexual advances rather than from the cocktails we’d be sharing.

As I returned to her living room carrying our drinks, Kay peeked around the corner of the door jam to her bedroom.

“Find everything you needed, Allen?” she asked.

“Sure did,” I replied.

She smiled and said, “Great, Allen, make yourself comfortable. I’ll be a minute or two more.”

“Take your time; we have the whole day,” I said.

I placed our cocktails on the coffee table and walked over to the fireplace to check out the photos Kay had displayed there. My attention was quickly drawn to the photo of Kay with, who I assumed was her deceased husband. He was older than she and had thinning gray hair in the picture. His arm was wrapped around Kay, and she was snuggled into his side, her head tilted slightly toward him. The photo must have been taken while they were on vacation in the tropics since the background was crystal clear blue ocean water and a pure white sandy beach. Kay was wearing a floral print sundress, which showed her ample cleavage very clearly. Her hair was longer then but still teased to frame her lovely facial features. The remaining photos were of younger people who I assumed were nieces or nephews of Kay’s.

I looked again at the photo of Kay and her husband when she returned from her bedroom.

“Are you checking out my family pictures, Allen?” Kay asked.

I turned to face her and could only muster an “uh-huh” in reply. My mind was frozen by the incredible vision of loveliness across the room from me.

Kay was wearing a black satin pajama set. The shirt was buttoned up the front, but she had left the top two buttons undone, exposing some of her soft, succulent cleavage. The shirt extended down over the waistline of the pajama bottoms, which rested just on top of her shoeless feet. Her hair was as before, perfectly framing her lovely features. As she slowly walked toward me, her full, ripe breasts swayed seductively, and her nipples began hardening, showing seductively through the black fabric. From the sway of her tits and the taut nipples pressing against the satin fabric, I knew she was braless.

She stopped a short distance from me and did a pirouette on the balls of her feet. “You like Allen?” she asked.

“Like, Kay? I love it! How much more classy could you look,” I replied.

“I just love the feel of satin,” Kay said as she moved closer.

I reached out and slid my hand down her arm. “I love satin too,” I remarked.

“I’m glad I have a lot of satin and silk, not to mention some lace thrown in for good measure,” Kay replied.

As my hand slid up and down her satin-covered arm, Kay moved closer to me, her full breasts touching my shirt in front. She looked into my eyes and said, “Allen, let’s sit down and get comfortable.”

“Love to Kay,” I answered, taking her delicate hand in mine and walking her to the large sofa in the middle of her living room.

I handed Kay her whiskey sour and took a healthy swig from my seven and seven. As I sat down, Kay turned sideways and curled one leg under the other. She leaned forward, allowing me, no, encouraging me to look down the open front of her black satin nightshirt. And look I did, staring lustfully at the succulent deep cleavage between her ripe breasts.

“You like that?” she asked, noticing that I was staring at her cleavage.

“Why, Ms. Dunlop, are you trying to seduce me,” I said playfully

I reached for her delicate hand, and holding it softly in mine, I raised my drink in a toast.

“Here’s to new friendships and erotic experiences,” I said.

Kay clinked my glass with hers and said, “To friends’ lovers and the art of seduction.”

She took a sip from her drink and, with a free hand, slid a sexy fingernail along the open front of her nightshirt.

“Hmm… Katherine, that looks wonderful,” I said as I returned my gaze to her sexy cleavage, the tiny freckles just below the tan line visible to my roaming eyes.

“So, tell me, are you a tit man, a leg man, or an ass man?” Kay asked.

I grinned devilishly and replied, “Yes, I am.”

She laughed out loud and said, “I like a man who enjoys some diversity.”

Her hand slid down to the front of her satin nightshirt and began playfully teasing around yet another button in front.

“Want me to undo this one?” Kay asked.

With my eyes glued to that third button, I said, “Kay, I WANT you to undo them all, but that one’s a good start.”

Kay smiled as her fingernail skillfully slipped the button back through the hole, and her nightshirt fell a little more open. Her full cleavage was now clearly exposed to my staring eyes, and I didn’t remove them from that most sexy of images.

“Allen, Do you want to fuck my big soft tits tonight?” Kay asked.

I raised my eyes to look into hers, knowing she already knew exactly what my answer would be.

“Absolutely, I can’t wait to fuck your tits!” I exclaimed.

“Hmm…just what I wanted to hear,” Kay replied.

“Do my big juicy tits make you hard?” she asked.

My instant reply was, “Everything about your sensuous body and sensual mind makes me hard, Katherine.”

“In fact, the thought of making love with you makes me hard, Kay,” I added.

I looked over at her, whose eyes were wide open and staring lustfully at the growing bulge tenting up from my crotch.

She sipped her drink. “I can see just how hard,” Kay said, smiling as she stared at my growing erection.

Kay leaned forward, allowing her nightshirt to fall even further open, and then shook her shoulders, causing her ripe breasts to swing seductively under what little black satin was still covering them.

“I love it when a man looks at my body that way, Allen,” She said, acknowledging that my lust-filled eyes were enjoying the view of her tits.

“Kay,” I said, “I love it when a woman exposes just enough of herself to entice the kind of reaction you’re causing in me.”

She smiled as she looked at the khaki tent my hard cock was creating in my slacks.

“I can’t wait to touch what’s causing the bulge,” Kay whispered.

She took a final sip and placed the nearly empty glass back on the coffee table. Her hand moved toward my lap at the same time I turned toward her and reached to run the back of my fingers along her jaw toward her ear.

As my hand reached her delicate ear, I turned it over, slipped my fingers into her hair, and combed it away from her face. Leaning forward, I brought my lips to within inches of hers, our eyes searching lustfully into one another’s.

Kay slowly closed her eyes and tilted her head in anticipation of a first passionate kiss. As our lips touched, Kay moaned softly, feeling the passion flow between us. Our lips parted in unison, and Kay accepted my probing tongue as I brought my other hand to her cheek to caress and hold her lovely face as we kissed gently.

Kay’s hand slowly began stroking along my hard cock on the outside of my khaki slacks, and she moved her body closer to me.

I slid my hands down to her waist and pulled her over on top of me, causing our lips to part.

“Oh gawd Allen, yes,” Kay said as she straddled my hips with her legs.

An instant later, our mouths met once again in a deeper, more passionate kiss, eliciting a sensual moan from both our throats. My hands slid down her sides and then between our bodies. Kay broke our kiss again and leaned back, allowing me to gently caress her full breasts through the satin fabric, her nipples taut with desire pressing into my palms.

She grasped at my shirt and began pulling it up off my body. I lifted my arms as Kay turned my shirt inside out and over my head, tossing it aside. Kay put her hands on my shoulders and lightly scrapped down over my chest with her fingernails, sending a shiver of anticipation through my body.

I made quick work of the remaining buttons that held her satin nightshirt and then slid my hands up her body to cup both her breasts, lifting the ripe, sexy orbs toward my mouth. Kay’s nipples were completely erect, and the surrounding areola pulled taut. Tiny sensual bumps rose on the pink areola, circling the hardened nubs of her nipples.

“YES, Allen!” Kay exclaimed as my lips engulfed one sexy nipple, my suckling lips drawing it deeper into my mouth.

Kay groaned deeply as my tongue flicked at the tiny hard nipple before she said, “Oh gawd baby, suck it, that feels so good!”

As my mouth worked its magic on her tits and nipples, Kay began dry-humping me, rocking her hips back and forth, rubbing her satin-covered pussy on the shaft of my erect cock.

I released her tits from my grasp and slid my hands around to caress her back under the satin fabric of her nightshirt. Kay moaned again and lifted her tits so I could continue my oral pleasuring of her incredible nipples. She continued her slow, methodical lap dance, sliding her sweet satin-covered pussy along the length of my stiff shaft.

I lifted my mouth from her tits, slid my hands up into her hair behind her head, and pulled her mouth down toward mine. Our lips touched briefly, then separated. Kay looked down into my eyes, hers fluttering about in their sockets. Her beautiful blue-gray eyes searched mine, seeking the doorway to my soul.

I whispered, Kiss me, Katherine.”

She moved her lips to almost touch mine. I opened mine and exhaled a deep, sensual moan as her mouth came in contact with mine. A deep soul-searching kiss of passion followed, our tongues dancing with one another, our lips moving in unison to explore every part of its mate.

Kay moaned sensuously as she lowered her body and crushed her breasts into my chest. Her head tilted to one side as our lover’s passion heightened with each second our kiss lasted. She stopped grinding her pussy against me and just pressed its heat down hard against my cock.

Our moans and the sucking sounds of our passionate lover’s kisses filled the room.

Kay’s lips are so incredibly soft. She moves them over mine so skillfully as we kiss each other. Her breasts, those lovely full ripe tits, feel like great pillows of pleasure as she presses them harder into my chest. Her smooth skin feels almost like velvet under my gentle caresses. That, combined with the feel of satin sliding over the back of my hands as I massaged her back, only heightened my excitement about making love with this wonderful, sexy, passionate, mature woman.

Kay’s lips traveled along my jaw to my ear, where she whispered, “Oh my god, Allen, I’m on fire. Please take me to bed and love me!” She pleaded.

I turned my lips toward her mouth and kissed her softly on the lips before whispering, “It would be my pleasure.”

In an instant, she was standing before me, her satin nightshirt hanging open, exposing her lovely soft tits to my gaze. Kay shifted her shoulders, causing them to sway seductively from side to side within inches of my lustful eyes. Kay took a step back and extended one sexy hand toward me as I stood from her sofa.

Taking my hand in hers, she led me down the short hall to the entrance to her most private rooms. Before she opened the door, she turned and pulled me close to her body.

I hugged her tightly as she rested her chin on my shoulder and whispered, “You’re the first man who’s ever been in here, Allen; I hope you like it.”

I smiled, acknowledging that I would be the first to make love with her in a room she’d spent countless hours decorating to suit her passionate tastes. I could hardly wait to see her boudoir. Holding my hand, Kay turned the doorknob and opened the door.

The room was dark, heavy drapes blocking the late afternoon sunshine. As we stepped inside, the heavy scent of rose blossoms filled the air. Kay sidestepped me as I took another step into her bedroom. She slowly closed the door, engulfing us in total darkness. I stared into the depths of her dark bedroom, wondering what I’d see once my eyes adjusted to the lack of light or after she lit a lamp.

Kay didn’t speak, but her movement behind me caught me off guard. Her hot breath on the base of my neck sent a shudder of anticipation down my spine. Then, her delicate hands came to rest on my naked shoulders. She slowly ran her nails down over my back. My flesh came alive, thousands of tiny goose bumps rising at every hair follicle; a second, more intense shudder speared into me, causing my body to flinch involuntarily.

Kay’s adept fingers slowly descended along my spine, turning me into a quivering mass of sensual flesh. Mercifully, she finally reached the waistband of my khaki slacks. Twin index fingers slipped along the top and around to meet in front just above the clasp, holding them to my hips. Her nipples touched my back as she moved closer to me to undo the clasp and slowly slide the zipper down.

My eyes were only now becoming accustomed to the lack of light in her boudoir, and I turned to face this sexy, mature, passionate woman. But her hands held me in place.

Kay leaned against me. “Don’t move a muscle, Allen.” She whispered in my ear.

I stood utterly still, waiting for my lover to make her move, waiting for the next sensation this incredibly passionate woman would bestow upon me. Her hands moved lingeringly around my waist, slowly sliding my slacks off my hips and down my legs until they were a puddle of khaki fabric around my ankles.

“Tell me if this pleases you, Allen?” Kay said just before she lightly ran her nails across my cotton-covered butt cheeks.

My body replied instead of my voice as I again shuddered from the incredible sensation Kay was providing me. Once up, then down and up again, she lightly scratched my quivering flesh through my cotton jockey shorts. Her incredible fingers moved around and repeated the entire sensual process along the quivering pulsing length of my now erect cock.

Moan after sensuous moan was elicited from my throat by her incredible caresses. My entire body, every pore of my aroused flesh, came alive from her treatment. I found it almost impossible to stand my ground and not turn to caress her in the same way she was me.

“Are you enjoying this?” Kay asked.

“Words can’t describe how good it feels,” I replied instantly.

“Good, now relax your mind, and let me arouse your senses,” she said.

I thought, if you arouse my senses any higher, I will float off into space.

Kay proved my thoughts wrong a moment later.

Published 1 year ago

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