They went out to dinner that night. They had slept for quite a while; a mixture of exhaustion and jet lag catching up with them. It was their first time out alone for nearly three weeks. It was also their first time of properly being able to hold hands together. Jermaine’s possessiveness in claiming her as his own taking over. Danny found it sexually exciting to see his wife hand in hand with another man. There were also kisses between them and touching and fondling. Sandie did kiss him and touch him at times, but it was clear she enjoyed fondling Jermaine’s bulge more than his own.
There again, they were not on home territory. No one knew them and everyone else was doing their own adult thing. Sometimes they would suddenly stop, and Jermaine would push her against a wall, or into a shop doorway, and push his hand up under her skirt and fondle her. Towards the end of their holiday, Sandie became more abandoned and went around without panties on. It was sheer hedonism.
Over dinner they talked about the holiday, quietly reflecting. Danny found himself getting more and more excited listening to her talking about Jermaine; recalling some incidents between them, talking about bouts of sex between them, when he was either fast asleep or not around. After dinner, they moved into the restaurant lounge bar where they could quietly talk and have coffee. They sat close, bodies touching; enjoying the heat from each other’s flesh. Danny had watched her dress, black, lacy, and revealing underwear, and, of course, stockings and suspenders, something that she had not worn for Jermaine… yet!
Danny kissed her. The lounge was empty except for a barman busily stocking his shelves and cleaning glasses.
“So, everything is all good between us then?” she asked quietly.
“Of course. Of course, why do you ask?”
“I don’t know, maybe it’s because I feel a bit guilty sometimes about what I did with Jermaine,” she shrugged.
He kissed her again. “Don’t worry, everything is good between us as far as I am concerned.”
“That’s good because I do love you.”
They broke away for some coffee and then he turned to her again. His hand rested on her thigh, feeling the tops of her stockings. “You were saying that Jermaine wants to come over?”
Sandie nodded. “Yes.”
“And you want to see him as well?”
Another nod from her. “But only if you’re okay with it!”
“And this sharing idea of yours…?”
She put down her coffee cup. “Actually, it’s Jermaine’s idea. He once had a long-term relationship with a couple.. it was polygamous.”
“She was married, and they went on holiday to Jamaica, met up with Jermaine, just like us. They got on quite well, met up again a few months later and they decided to pack up, settle out in Jamaica, and set up home with Jermaine. They lived together for almost two years.”
“It didn’t last then?”
“She had an elderly parents, and they got ill. She was an only child and felt obliged to go back home and look after them. He did visit them a couple of times, but it wasn’t the same. They eventually drifted apart and that was that.”
“So, he’s into polygamy then?”
Sandie nodded. “It’s a bit more wholesome and honest than cuckolding. The guys are on equal footing; none of this bull or alpha male stuff, or the humiliation aspect.”
“So, instead of one man and one woman, it’s two men and one woman?” Danny said with laughter. “Lucky woman!”
She agreed.
“And what about nights like these?” Danny asked, as he put his arm around her. “It won’t be like this with him as well, will it?”
Sandie hesitated for a moment. “Well, I think the idea of polygamy is one person loving the other two on an equal footing?”
Danny thought about it. “So, you will be having date nights with the both of us then?”
“On separate nights, yes,” she answered. “But we will still have nights out together, all three of us, maybe followed up with some threesome fun. I want us all to be best friends as well as lovers.”
Danny went into silence as he thought about it. Jermaine and Sandie had obviously discussed this in depth. He thought about the two of them dating, just as he and Sandie did; out as if a couple, enjoying themselves and each other. “And the two of you coming back home to go to bed together?”
She nodded, as she laid her hand on his. “You don’t see things this way then?”
He shrugged. “I’m not sure. W… what if I wanted this with another woman? You know, being in a polygamous relationship with her?”
Sandie’s silence told him that she didn’t like the idea. “I’m not against the idea of you having sex with another woman,” she answered after a few minutes. “It would only be fair… but you having the sort of relationship that I would have with Jermaine wouldn’t be for us. It would be impractical for one thing, and I don’t think I could take you having a loving relationship with someone else.”
Danny thought about it.
“I don’t think that you are the type of person that could love two people at the same time, Danny,” she told him. “I could. I would find it easy, but I don’t think you could, could you?”
He shrugged. “I guess, I won’t know until I’ve tried it.”
“You see, women in general find this sort of thing of easier than men. We can departmentalise our lives; it’s easier for us to lead double lives; be a wife and mother, and at the same time have a lover, and keep everything separate. Men can have a string of affairs but usually can’t manage two relationships.”
Danny laughed. “And what makes you the expert?”
He could tell from the look on her face that he had touched a nerve, She shook her head.
“Have you… ?” he asked.
She cut laughing. “No, of course not, not me anyway.”
“Someone else? Someone you know. Come on, tell me?”
She went quiet for a moment. “Mum and dad.”
He was stunned. “Stan and Shirley?”
She nodded. “Been doing it for years now.”
“You’re kidding. They don’t seem the type, and they are still crazy about each other! No… I think you have that wrong, luv.”
“I caught them together one morning, a while back,” she started, “I dropped by one morning on the way to work. Our toaster had packed in, and I knew mum had a spare one, so I called round. I went into the kitchen and there they were, dad and Brian, from next door, in their boxers and mum in a very short dressing gown, and nothing else on!”
“Later she told me about their relationship. It started when I went to university.”
“That was years ago!
She laughed. “Okay… I know, I’m getting old!”
“You haven’t even turned forty yet.”
She smiled and shook her head. “Anyway, she explained that that dad was a cuckold, and enjoyed her sleeping with other guys. The Jones’, remember them from next door?”
He nodded.
“Well, they moved out and Brian moved in. Over time she started seeing him and they are all now in a polygamous relationship. Mum spends her time going back and forth between the two homes when she and Brian want privacy, and she also spends time with dad.”
“Bloody hell! Who would have believed it?”
“I know, it took me a while to come to terms with it. But they are happy… so, I say live and let live.”
Danny sat back taking it all in. “Do they know about our holiday?”
“Mum knows. I told her one night while we were away.”
“What did she say?”
Sandie laughed. “She called me a lucky bitch, admitting that she used to see a Black guy early on in their cuckolding days.”
Danny laughed. “So, she knows what you’re getting then?”
“She sure does!”
“Does she know Jermaine wants to come over?”
“She does. She also gave me some advice.”
“And… ?”
“Told me to leave any decisions up to you, and not to push things. It has to be your decision.”
Danny looked at her. He knew what she wanted. Lucy looked around the room and then moved her hand to his groin. “We think you are a bit of a cuckold at heart… a latent one at that, but all the same, a cuckold. You enjoyed Jermaine fucking me, didn’t you?”
“We?” he responded. “You mean you and your mum?”
She gave a quick nod of the head. “We both think you are more suited to a relationship where you share me; share me as a wife, and at the same time enjoy the sexual side of my relationship with Jermaine,” she said with a gentle squeeze of his erection. “I can imagine that there will be times when you, like dad, when it’s your turn to have quality time, you will let Jermaine take your place.”
He sighed. He knew that they were right.
“I would imagine that if we had Jermaine waiting at home now, and this was our date night, you would most likely take me back home and let Jermaine take things from there, wouldn’t you? Let him do what it was your turn to do, wouldn’t you?”
“I… I might.”
She leant over and kissed him. “See, this is the type of polygamous relationship that is for us, isn’t it?”
Danny smiled. She was right and he knew it. She pulled away and took his hand. “Come on, let’s go home and get to bed.”
They left quickly. It wasn’t a long walk back home, but they held hands, more tightly than usual.
“When we get inside I want you to imagine that it’s Jermaine taking me home; imagine what he would do.”
He laughed. “I would be a big disappointment. I’m already nearly cumming I’m pants.”
She let go of his hand and brushed his groin with her hand. “Then I had better get down on my knees and take care of things as soon as we are through the door.”
“Jeeeez… “
“All part of the service… “
“All part of the service?”
“Well, I don’t want to be accused of favouritism… do to Jermaine what I wouldn’t do to my husband.”
He reached behind her and gave her bum a squeeze. “You are turning into one hot bitch!”
She laughed. “That’s what he calls me… a hot bitch.”
Danny saw their house coming into view. All he could think about was Sandy dropping onto her knees as soon as the door was closed. Then his mind drifted to Jermaine. Yes, she was right. If he was waiting on the other side of the door when they got in he would probably hand her over to him for the night.
® Angieseroticpen 2023