Chapter Ninety-One
After a few days of enjoying a mini vacation, it was time for Mac and Grace to return to work. Their recent push to expand the Vienna office came with a few glitches that needed to be ironed out, including software updates and hiring additional personnel – all of which fell under Grace’s umbrella of duties.
The week began well enough. But after a few days of grueling meetings, it was clear to Franz Huber that his COO was exhausted. By the time Friday rolled around, the glow she’d arrived in Austria with had dimmed significantly. She insisted to Franz that she was fine and even snipped at him for hovering so much.
Taken aback by her behavior, Franz apologized. “Es tut mir leid, Frau Stewart.“
The formality stunned her into realizing that she’d been rude. When their eyes met, it was evident that she’d crossed a line and hurt his feelings by being so bitchy.
“No, I’m the one who needs to be sorry; please forgive me for being so short with you. My morning sickness has gotten worse this week. I didn’t mean to lash out like that.”
Franz softened his tone. “Liebling, you are working too many hours and pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion. I worry for you.”
“I’m fine; truly, I am,” she lied. Oh, what she wouldn’t give for a place to lie down for an hour or two! “The weekend is upon us; I promise to be a lazy bum all weekend, ja?”
Franz nodded. But his concern was still knotted up like a ball in his belly. What annoyed him most was that McKinley seemed oblivious that Grace was unwell.
After a lunch meeting to review projections, Grace excused herself to use the restroom, leaving Franz and Mac alone, allowing the older gentleman to speak frankly.
“Your wife looks pale, mein Freund. Have you considered that it might be time to take her home?”
“To your house?” Mac asked, seeming confused.
“Nein. To your house, McKinley. She will never admit it, not even to herself, but she is pushing herself too hard, and being away from home is taking its toll on her.”
Mac frowned. He knew that Grace was struggling with morning sickness and was more tired than usual, but she certainly hadn’t complained about being unable to handle the workload. Sure, she had fallen asleep on him the past couple of nights. But prior to that, they’d had several days in a row of scorching hot sex during their days off. This week, he’d been pretty beat himself after working long hours, so he hadn’t thought much about it.
“We planned to reevaluate the travel situation after Vienna, anyway,” Mac explained. “But I think Grace would tell me if she were ready to be done traveling for now.”
Franz raised an eyebrow. “Would she? She’s not the kind of person to shirk her responsibilities. Her work ethic is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. I worry that she doesn’t even recognize that she’s working too hard.”
Grace returned to the room looking nearly translucent. Mac wondered how he had missed the signs of her overdoing it.
“Hey, are you okay, baby?” he asked, genuinely worried.
“I’m fine. I’m just a little tired and a lot nauseous. It’ll pass.”
But she wasn’t fine, not even a little bit. Mac decided Franz was right; it was time to go home.
“We’ve put in more than our fair share of hours this week. Let’s get out of here early today and devise a dinner plan. Then we can discuss when you want to go home,” Mac said.
“Home?” Grace asked weakly. “Like home-home?”
“Yes, we’ve been on the road long enough.”
“If this is about me being pregnant and nauseous, you need to stop worrying. I won’t let anything stop me from doing my job.”
Franz tilted his head in a way that conveyed, I told you so.
“On the contrary, although I know Avery has been doing a wonderful job keeping things running, I miss our bed and our cat. Merlin probably thinks we’ve abandoned him by now.”
Grace felt her irritation fade. “Oh, our poor, sweet kitty! I do miss him very much.” Suddenly, she looked wistful. “I suppose you’re right. We’ve been away long enough. Let’s go home!”
Mac looked at her face and saw the sparkle return to her eyes. Why hadn’t he noticed it was missing? Pulling his wife into his arms, he shot Franz a grateful look and mouthed a silent thank you.
“What about the rest of the offices we haven’t visited yet?” she asked, starting to pull away. But Mac didn’t let go; he held her close, making her smile.
“Seems to me that my very clever COO hired a traveling consultant. I think it’d be fine to let Brendan finish up the rest of the European offices for us,” he said, placing a loving kiss on the top of her head.
“She is pretty ingenious, isn’t she?” Grace teased. “You were even more so for putting her in charge.”
Satisfied that he’d accomplished what he set out to do, Franz said, “I think we should go out tonight; I’ll call Bauernbraeu and let them know we’ll need a table for six and a baby.
Chapter Ninety-Two
After stuffing themselves with apple strudel after supper that evening, Mac and Grace turned in early at Franz’s suggestion. Once they were behind closed doors, Mac pushed his wife playfully against the wall and propositioned her, nuzzling her neck with erotic kisses, whispering, “I’m in the mood for dessert, darling. Care to join me on the bed?”
Grace feigned ignorance. “You didn’t get enough strudel drenched with vanilla sauce?”
As his hands got busy undressing her, he quipped, “I’d like to drench you, all right. But my sauce isn’t vanilla.”
Grace grinned. “Nothing about us is vanilla, is it, darling?”
Laughing at her quick wit, he unzipped his fly and pulled out his rigid shaft. “No, we are not vanilla people, that’s for sure. Get on your knees, my pregnant slut, and suck your Master’s cock.”
Grace felt her juices start to flow at his command. “Yes, Sir,” she answered submissively, following the directions she’d been given. Within seconds, he was firmly lodged in her throat as her nimble fingers did wicked things with his balls.
He was careful not to thrust too forcefully, concerned about triggering her nausea. Noticing that he was holding back, she grabbed his hands and placed them on her head, encouraging him to use her like a fuck toy.
His eyes glazed over as he fucked her face. “God, baby! Nobody sucks cock like you!”
Her tongue swirled as she worked him deeper into her slutty throat, rolling his sac in her hands. Suddenly, she poked a finger into his ass and felt his body tense up.
“You naughty little slut! I bet you want your pregnant, married pussy fucked, don’t you? But my first load is gonna coat you and mark you as my whore!”
Grace’s pussy was dripping and needy. But she knew it wouldn’t take Mac long to get hard again if he came on her face and tits. So, she continued devouring his prick like a hungry vixen.
“That’s right! Keep sucking Daddy’s cock like a good little whore. Fuck yeah! I’m gonna fucking spray you with my jizz, you wicked slut!”
Mac pulled out and quickly shot rope after rope of sticky hot seed on her cheek, her chin, and her voluptuous breasts.
“Such a pretty cum slut! Wipe the semen off your face with your fingers and lick them clean. But leave the cum on your tits. I want you to remember when I fuck you that you belong to me.”
Grace reveled in delight at how dirty he was talking to her. It was such a turn-on! This was precisely what she needed to feel sexy and alive again. It had been a challenging, tiresome week, made worse because they hadn’t had the energy to see to each other’s needs. She’d been too worn out for sex all week. But this was exhilarating as fuck!
Mac could see the change in Grace. Her eyes shone with a lusty playfulness, and her body practically hummed out loud. He’d been remiss in not insisting they make love or at least have a hot, quickie romp at some point during the week. Note to self: regular sex is a need, not a want.
He led her to the bed and secured her wrists to the best posts with his tie and his belt. Stripping off his clothes, he climbed between her legs and planted wicked, wet kisses everywhere but where she needed them most.
“Fucking lick my clit!” she begged. Then, remembering her submissive role, she added, “Please, Sir. My pussy is aching for your tongue.”
Mac toyed with denying her, but he remembered the purpose of this decadent session. As his tongue connected with her clit, she started grinding against his mouth. He pulled away to tease her for a moment.
“Such a greedy slut! I love it when you’re so impatient and eager to cum.”
“Stop talking and eat my cunt!”
Mac laughed internally, not bothering to stop again and reprimand her for not remembering to ask or call him Sir. It wasn’t necessary. His goal wasn’t necessarily to dominate her; more than anything, he wanted to give her the release she sought and needed so desperately.
She came hard in waves, feeding him her sweet honey, drenching his chin. He moved up the bed to share her nectar, removing her restraints as he kissed her passionately.
“I want to make love to my wife,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck and nibbling her ear.
“Take me; love me,” she answered, still catching her breath.
Hard again, he entered her unhurriedly as he watched her swoon beneath him. The brutality of their demanding oral sex gave way to a gentler, more sensual coupling. The contrast was exquisite!
Deliberate thrusts created a slow burn deep in her belly, causing her hips to rise and fall in rhythm, each stroke edging them closer to climax. As he moved inside her, Mac whispered, “I love you, Grace. You’re my whole world, my reason for existing, the center of my universe.”
“I love you, Mac. No one has ever made me feel like you do—alive and cherished. You are the sun, the moon, and the whole damn sky. Yes, oh, God, yes!”
Their pace increased steadily until their hearts raced and their breath quickened. Suddenly, she arched her back as her body shook violently. The intensity of her orgasm surprised them both. Muffling her scream with a kiss, he allowed himself to let go, filling her with his seed.
Afterward, as he held her in his arms, he asked, “If the baby is a girl, can we name her Michelle?”
Grace smiled in the darkness. “I love that idea. And we can call her Mimi for short, after your grandmother.”
Mac pulled her closer into a loving embrace and said, “Is it any wonder I think you’re perfect?”
Grace curled into her husband, enjoying the afterglow of much-needed release combined with the feeling of security that came with being loved by Mac. He was the perfect one in her mind. Or maybe it was their being together that was sheer perfection.
Chapter Ninety-Three
Saturday brought their final day together as they enjoyed a relaxing pool day. It was just what the doctor ordered after a long, hard week.
Mac sat beside Franz, handed him a beer, and said, “I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality. And for knowing what my Gracie needed, even if I was too involved with work to notice it myself.”
“I’ve enjoyed having a full house again,” Franz said. “I hope you know you are always welcome to stay here when you come to Vienna. You are family, ja?”
“Ja,” Mac said, raising the beer. “To family.”
At the end of the day, it was time to pack and get ready to go home.
Although they had truly enjoyed some time at her father’s residence in Vienna, Johanna and Sal decided it was time to return to Florence to look for a larger villa for themselves. Franz wasn’t sure why since it didn’t appear that any biological grandchildren would be coming anytime soon. But Sal had assured Johanna they would buy a new home together so she wouldn’t have to imagine any number of women fucking her husband in his current residence.
Grace and Mac prepared to head home as well. They said their goodbyes and parted ways, each promising to keep in touch. It was still a little weird to Mac that his former lover and his wife had become so close. But he knew that this had made Franz very happy.
Franz Huber waxed melancholic as he watched the limo pull away and head to the airport. He’d enjoyed having a houseful again for a while, and the quiet made him aware of his loneliness. Maybe his daughter, Johanna, was right; perhaps it was time to allow himself to enjoy the company of a woman. But he wouldn’t jump into anything rashly. He’d take his time and find someone desirable at a dinner table, not just in bed. In the meantime, he’d immerse himself in his work as the head of the Vienna office of Stewart Enterprises.
Once they were back at Stewart House, McKinley decided to give Sylvie two weeks off with pay. She’d done a fantastic job as their nanny on their extended trip and deserved some time off. He knew the eighteen-year-old was trying to decide whether to attend Norland, the prestigious nanny school, as initially planned or to accept their offer to stay as the full-time caregiver for DJ and the new baby.
Claudette stepped up to care for DJ while her daughter did some soul-searching and enjoyed much-needed downtime. While the experience had been incredible, Sylvie had missed her friends and was looking forward to being a teenager again.
While Avery had done a marvelous job holding down the fort while Mac and Grace were gone, there was still much to catch up on. Mac kept a close eye on Grace, ensuring she didn’t work herself to the bone. After watching her overdoing it for an entire week, he finally decided to say something.
“The work will be here tomorrow, Gracie. It would be best if you remembered to rest now and then. You’re growing a little person,” Mac said, hoping his voice sounded playful so his stubborn wife wouldn’t take offense to his trying to look out for her.
When a yawn followed the roll of her eyes, she reluctantly agreed to stop for the day. “Okay, but I want dessert tonight!” Grace said, pouting.
“If you can stay awake, I’ll give you all the dessert you can handle.”
Grace scoffed, but she knew he wasn’t wrong. She hadn’t been able to keep her eyes open much past DJ’s bedtime the past several days. But she was determined that her physical needs would win out tonight. She’d let too many days go by without release again, and she knew that wasn’t good for either of them.
However, Merlin had other ideas as he hopped up on Grace’s lap, turned around twice, and lay down, purring like a motorboat. Within minutes, she became so relaxed that she nodded off. Mac decided to let them be for a bit. He still had emails that needed attention and figured if Grace had a little cat nap—literally—she’d be able to enjoy a lovely interlude before bed.
Since he’d turned his phone off, anticipating sex with Grace, he switched it back on again while she rested. There was a missed call from Daniella Armstrong, who ran the Los Angeles branch of Stewart Enterprises. Mac clicked on the voicemail and listened.
Hi McKinley, it’s Daniella. I hate to bother you after hours, but I thought you should know there was a fire in our building this afternoon. Everyone’s okay, but there was a lot of damage. Any chance you and Grace could fly out here in the next day or two? Give me a call when you get a chance so I know how you want me to proceed. Thanks.
“Fuck! Damn it!” Mac reacted louder than intended.
Merlin was startled and jumped off Grace’s lap, his little claws digging into her legs as he did.
“Ouch! Merlin! What the fuck?” Grace responded, feeling confused and annoyed.
“I’m sorry, darling; I scared the little guy with my outburst. Hang on. I need to call Daniella; I’ll put her on speakerphone.”
But the call went to voicemail.
“Hey Dani, it’s Mac. Sorry, my phone was off, and I just heard your message. I’m glad to hear that no one was hurt. Things can be replaced; people can’t. Call me back when you get this.”
Grace frowned. “What happened?”
Mac played the voicemail for Grace so she would know exactly what he knew.
“We should fly out there tomorrow,” she said urgently.
“No, you need to stay here,” Mac countered.
“Why? Because I’m pregnant?” Grace asked, annoyance creeping into her voice.
Mac knew if he answered her question honestly, they’d argue. Thinking quickly, he said, “No, not at all, babe. Things in New York are finally returning to normal after being gone for so long. Not that Avery didn’t do an amazing job; I just would feel better with one of us staying here. I need to be the one who goes because I know the building better than you do, and I feel as though the employees need to see my face to know I care about their trauma.”
Grace listened intently. Hearing no malice in his voice, she nodded. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
“Thank you for understanding, Grace. I don’t like leaving you alone to handle things when I know you aren’t feeling the best. But I know that you’ll keep things running smoothly.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll have the weekend to rest, and Sylvie will be back on Monday. I promise to delegate what doesn’t need my direct attention to Avery. Besides, you won’t be gone too long, right? What, maybe a few days?”
“I’ll need to play it by ear. I’m sure it’s too late to leave tonight. I’ll hop online to find the earliest flight out in the morning.”
“I’m going to get ready for bed. I’m sorry I fell asleep, Mac; you should have woken me up. We had a date. I mean, you even turned off your phone.”
Mac smiled weakly at her. “Just let me get this booked, and I will join you in bed…to sleep, Grace. You’re tired, and I will need to get up early.”
“Of course,” Grace replied. “I understand.”
Chapter Ninety-Four
When Mac entered the bedroom, he went instantly hard. Grace was lying on the bed, naked and waiting for him.
“Grace, I thought we said we were going to sleep.”
“No, you said we were going to sleep. But since you’ll be gone for a few days, I can’t let you go without making sure you remember why you want to rush back home as soon as possible.”
Common sense flew out the window. Fuck it! Randall would be driving him to the airport, and he could nap on the plane if he was tired. He’d be an idiot to turn down the offer of sex with his sassy redhead. Besides, he might be gone longer than a few days, depending on how significant the damage was and what had been lost.
“Well, then, who am I to refuse? Especially when you look so tasty, all laid out for me like a feast. Damn, baby! You’re so incredibly hot.”
“I considered throwing on a sexy nightgown, but by the looks of that weapon you’re wielding, I can see it wasn’t necessary to seduce you.”
“Just being there waiting for me was plenty seductive, my love. The next few days are going to suck, especially without you, but this will help see me through.”
He joined her on the bed, kissing her while his hands roamed over her body. Her skin was so soft, and every curve, more pronounced with her pregnancy, was a thrill to touch.
His hands cupped her breasts as he rolled each nipple between a thumb and forefinger. Leaning in, he brought one to his lips and gently flicked it with his tongue, sending shivers of delight down her spine. He spent time enjoying one nipple before switching to the other. Then he slipped his finger between her slick, swollen labia and watched her eyes glaze over as she moaned.
“Oh, God, Mac! That feels so good. I need you! Please, baby! I need you inside me.”
“So greedy, and all mine! It’s a good thing I need to get up early tomorrow, or I’d make you wait a lot longer for this cock that you crave.”
Truth be told, he didn’t think he could wait much longer to be inside her. Her wet heat felt so fucking fabulous as it enveloped his thick, stiff shaft. He moved with her in perfect rhythm as they rose and fell together again and again. Soon, their slow, methodical lovemaking turned into eager, urgent fucking as their pace increased along with their heart rates.
“God, my cock feels so fucking good inside you, Gracie! Your pussy is amazing!”
“Mmm, that’s right, baby, fuck me hard and fast. Make me cum for you.”
Mac reached between them and found her hard little nub with his thumb. The erotic stimulation sent her over the edge and took him right with her. Her back arched, and her body convulsed in waves of orgasm as his balls contracted, then let go, filling her with his hot seed.
“God, I love you!” Mac exclaimed, panting as he collapsed next to Grace on their bed.
“I love you, too,” she answered, her breathing ragged, as she curled up into him.
“I wish I didn’t have to leave you, baby. But I promise to come back as soon as I can.”
“I hate that you have to leave, but I know it’s what you need to do. I’ll be here, taking care of business and DJ, of course.”
“Don’t forget to take care of my wife, too. She’s extremely important to me, and sometimes she forgets to look after herself.”
Grace smiled. “Merlin will make sure I nap. I swear I think he believes that is his job.”
“Remind me to get him all the toys and catnip a kitty could ever want when I come home.”
“He’s already so spoiled. When do you have to leave?”
“I’m setting my alarm for 3:30 am. That will give me time to shower and pack in the morning. Randall will pick me up at 4:15. I don’t want you to get up with me, okay? I want you to sleep till 6:30 so you aren’t exhausted at work all day.”
“I won’t get up with you but promise you will at least wake me up to kiss me goodbye. I won’t have any trouble falling back asleep.”
“I promise.”
It didn’t take long for Grace to drift off, but Mac’s busy brain wouldn’t let him rest for a while. Grabbing his phone, he sent text messages to both Daniella and Miguel, the driver he employed while in L.A. He debated staying up and working when he felt a furry nudge on his arm.
“You think I should stay in bed, huh, Merlin?” he whispered as he gave the sweet kitty some pettings.
“Merlin isn’t the only one,” Grace murmured, half asleep. “Cuddle me, Mac. It will be a while before you’re back in my bed. Don’t be so anxious to leave it.”
Mac set his phone back on the nightstand, plugging it in so it would be fully charged for his trip. Then he draped an arm over his wife and felt himself relax enough for sleep to claim him.