Meeting A Marine

"I Meet A Gorgeous Marine, But Where Will It Lead?"

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My name is Dan. What I am about to tell you happened about a month ago. I am thirty-five years old and in good shape. I’m six feet tall, and one hundred and eighty pounds. I also have a nice six-pack, or so I have been told. I was married for about eight years to a woman, but I couldn’t live the lie any longer. I have been divorced for about two years now. 

From an early age, I discovered I was attracted to the same sex. I had sex in high school, with men older than me and boys my age. I had always kept that part of my life a secret. But then, when I got divorced, I decided to hell with it. I decided to date men openly. I had had sex with men since my divorce, but no serious relationships.

My ex-wife and I have a four-year-old son, and one night, he and I were out at a grocery store picking up stuff for his birthday party the next day. I was in the checkout line, and my son was in the seat of the cart where you can put little kids. I was at the front of the cart, unloading it, when all of a sudden, I heard him say, “Hi, soldier.”

I turned around and saw he was talking to this young marine, my God, he was gorgeous! He was about my height, maybe a little heavier, he looked a couple of years younger than me also. I could barely take my eyes off of him. I turned around and said to my son, “Hey, what did Daddy tell you about talking to strangers?”

He said, “You told me not to talk to strangers, Daddy.”

I told him. “That’s right. And he’s a stranger, isn’t he?”

He said,  “But, Daddy! He’s a soldier, and all soldiers are nice.”

I kept unloading my shopping cart, and I said, “Not all soldiers are nice, kiddo.”

Then I quickly looked at the marine, smiled, and said, “Um, not that I’m saying that you’re a bad one, sir. No offense meant.”

He smiled and said, “Hey, no offense taken, man.”

Then he said to Nicky, “You’re daddy’s right, champ. Not all soldiers are nice.”

Nicky smiled at him and said. “But you’re a nice one, right?”

Still smiling, he said, “Well, it depends on who you ask.”

That ended our conversation for a minute. Then Nicky said, “If I tell you my name, and you tell me yours, then we won’t be strangers anymore, and we can talk.”

He whispered it, thinking I wouldn’t hear him. Then the marine whispered back, I’m sure he knew I could hear him, “ It doesn’t work that way, champ. We better stop talking because I don’t want you to get into trouble, and I don’t want your daddy mad at me.”

Another minute of silence as the cashier finished ringing up my order. My items came to almost two hundred dollars. I took out my wallet, and I couldn’t believe it! My debit card wasn’t there. Then I remembered using it earlier in the day to order something from, and I forgot to put it back into my wallet. 

The cashier asked me, “Um, is something wrong, Dan?”

I said, “Uh…yeah, Cindy. I forgot my debit card at home and I don’t have enough time to go back home and get it and get back here before you close. And I need some of this stuff first thing in the morning.”

I couldn’t believe what happened next. The marine handed Cindy the bottle of water he was buying and told her, “Here, ring this up, and I’ll take care of it.”

I was stunned. I couldn’t speak. I just moved out of the way when I saw him take his wallet out of his back pocket. He took out his debit card and paid for everything. He even helped me put my bags back in my shopping cart. He walked outside with us, and on the way, he said, “My name’s Mark.”

I figured since he just paid almost two hundred dollars for my groceries and he didn’t even know me, the least I could do was tell him my name. I said, “I’m Dan.”

Before I had a chance to say another word, Nicky spoke up and said, “My name’s Nicky. “

Mark said, “Well, it’s nice to meet you guys.”

Mark followed us to our car, and when I stopped the cart, Nicky asked him, “Mark, would you like to come to my birthday party tomorrow?”

Mark said, “Don’t you think you should ask your daddy first, to see if it’s ok?”

Nicky looked at me and said, “Daddy…”

Before he got another word out, I said, “Of course, it’s ok if he comes to your party.”

I just wanted to scream, yes!

Mark said, “OK, when, and where?”

I told him, then he looked at Nicky and said, “How about I put you in your car seat while daddy puts the groceries in the trunk.”

He didn’t even wait for my reply. He just picked Nicky up, opened the back door of my car, sat him down in his car seat, and started buckling him in. 

After he was done buckling Nicky into his car seat, Mark said, “Ok, I’ll see you two, tomorrow.”

On the drive home, Nicky just started chattering away. I don’t remember a word he said. I just kept thinking about Mark, and the next day. When we got home, it was already past Nicky’s bedtime. I told him I would bathe him in the morning; then I put him to bed. 

After I put Nicky to bed, I took a nice, long, hot shower. After my shower, I went to my room; I lay on my bed naked and got my toy out of the drawer in the nightstand. It was a dildo; it was about twelve inches long and almost as big around as a soda can. I was already rock-hard. I wanted to jerk off in the shower, but I wanted to have my dildo in my mouth, sucking on it, pretending it was Mark’s cock as I jerked off.

I lay the dildo on the bed beside me and got the hand lotion from the nightstand and squirted some in my hand and lubed up my cock. I was a little over eight inches long and about two inches thick. I have never had any complaints from my lovers about its size or my technique. Although I like to fuck guys and get sucked, I prefer to be the sub in the relationship.

As I lubed up my cock and slowly jerked off, I slid the dildo in my mouth and down my throat. I hadn’t had a real cock in either hole in over three months. The dildo was an ok substitute, but it could never replace a real cock. But I have to take what I can get when I can get it.

I think I jerked off three times that night, thinking of Mark, pretending it was his cock I was sucking, and his cock that was fucking my asshole when I fucked myself with the dildo. I made a real mess on the bed. I told myself I would have to make sure I got up before Nicky so I could put the bedding in the washer. I always made sure to put my toy away before falling asleep. Nicky never came into my room, but I didn’t want to chance it.

The next morning, I got up before Nicky. I had to go to his room to wake him up, like usual. I fixed us breakfast before giving him his bath. After his bath, and once we were both dressed, he helped me take the stuff to the car to go to where we were going to set up for his party.

Nicky and I were the first ones to show up to start decorating for his party. Others started to show up about ten minutes later. I was standing with some friends when I was surprised to see Mark show up an hour early. Nicky saw him first, and I heard him yell out, “Daddy! Mark’s here!” 

I looked towards the door, and Mark was standing there. Nicky ran up to him and I could tell Mark said something to him and picked him up, and now he was walking towards me and my friends. I must confess, I was very happy to see him. He came over to us and sat Nicky down on the floor and he smiled and said, “Hi guys.”

I introduced Mark to my friends. I said, “Hi, Mark. I’d like you to meet my friends. This here is Sarah and her husband Matt. And this here is Tina and her husband Ron. Everyone, this is Mark.”

Mark said hi. And everyone said hi to him. Sarah asked, “So, Dan, how do you to know each other?”

I could tell by the expression on her face and the tone of voice she was really asking if we were lovers since she knew I was gay. I told her about what happened at the store the night before. Tina said, “Well, we only have about an hour before the guests start to arrive. Shouldn’t we finish decorating?”

Before I had a chance to say anything, Nicky spoke up and asked, “Mark, did you bring me a present?”

I told him, “Nicky, that’s not nice!”

Mark told me, “Hey, that’s ok. I’m sure all of us were like that at his age.”

Mark then took out his wallet and said, “What kind of party guest would I be if I didn’t get you a present.”

He then took out a card from his wallet and handed it to Nicky and said, “Here, I got you a gift card from Target. Maybe you and your daddy can go shopping soon.”

I could see written on the card that it had two hundred dollars on it. I told Nicky, “Tell him thank you.”

Mark had knelt when he handed the card to Nicky, and Nicky told him, “Thank you, Mark.”

Then he threw his arms around Mark’s neck and gave him a big hug. I told Nicky, “Why don’t you give me the card so I can hold it for you and it doesn’t get lost.”

He handed it to me, saying, “Ok, daddy.”

Then Mark said, “I think Tina is right; we should finish decorating if we only have an hour.”

Sarah said, “You guys go ahead. I want to talk to Dan for a minute.”

They walked over to a table that had decorations on it, and Mark picked up a string of garland and handed it to Nicky. Then he picked Nicky up and lifted him so he could attach it to a hook on the wall. My eyes were glued to them the whole time. I didn’t even notice Sarah was talking to me until I heard her say, “Hey, earth to Dan.”

I looked at her and said, “What?”

She said, “I was talking to you.”

I told her, “Oh, I’m sorry, Sarah.”

She said, “So, are you and Mark…?”

I said, “What! No! I mean…we just met.”

She said, “Yes…and…?”

I told her, “I don’t even know if he likes guys or not, Sarah.”

She said, “You could ask him or…”

I told her, “Yeah, no thanks. I tried asking guys and making the first move and got a fist in the face for my actions. I think I will let him make the first move…if he is interested.”

Then we walked over to help with the decorations. I picked up one of the streamers to hang it, but I wasn’t tall enough to reach the hook; Mark came over, and as I was stretching up to reach the hook, he took my hand in his and helped me. We were facing each other, our faces almost touching. I closed my eyes, hoping he would kiss me. Then I was surprised when he said, “Not here. After the party.”

Then he walked over to Nicky and helped him hang more decorations. I was stunned. Did I hear him right? Was he saying he was interested in me? I guess I would find out later.

After the decorations were hung, the guests started to arrive. There were about ten kids Nicky’s age and about twice as many parents. We all had cake and ice cream, and then Nicky opened his gifts. I was standing next to Sarah, and I asked her, “If I need you guys to watch Nicky for me tonight, could you?”

Sarah said, “Of course, why?”

I just smiled at her and said, “I’m not sure yet.”

I didn’t tell her what Mark said. Just then, Mark came up to us and asked Sarah, “Sarah, could you keep an eye on Nicky while I talk to Dan outside for a minute?”

Sarah, of course, said, “Sure.”

I followed Mark outside, and we went off to the side so nobody would see us. I asked him, “So, why did you want to see me out here?”

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, Mark’s mouth was on mine, kissing me. At first, I tried to pull away, but he grabbed me and pulled me close. Then I just leaned into his strong arms and kissed him back. After the kiss, he asked, “Does that answer your question?”

Before I could answer, he asked, “Do you think you could ask Sarah if she could watch Nicky for the night, so we can be alone?”

I told him, “I already asked her, and she said yes.”

He told me, “Why don’t you go in and tell Nicky goodbye and I will wait for you in my car?”

I told him, ok. As I walked away to go inside, I felt Mark give my ass a gentle slap with his hand, and he said, “Hurry up, baby.”

End Part One.

Do you want more?

Published 1 year ago

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