You Are My Daddy, Not My Father

"Alan is forty, still a virgin, but he acknowledges to have fathered Nora, a 18 year old orphan. She then moves in with him."

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It is never a good sign when police knocks at your door. A family member had a violent death or a neighborhood robbery took place.

But Alan lived with his only relative, his mom, in a gated community in Florida, so neither could possibly apply. A possible third reason, an unpaid parking violation, he wasn’t aware of either.

So,  when the two plain-cloth officers rang the door bell and showed their IDs he innocently opened the door. They then inquired about his identity.

“Are you Alan Greystone? Dr. Alan Greystone?”

Alan affirmed. He was proud of his academic degree. At forty years of age, he was already a renowned scientists in the field of ancient history, and the royalties from his popular books and television programs provided him with a decent side-income to his university salary. He had ample opportunity to travel the world on his field trips to study ancient civilizations.

The only thing he wished he would do more is sports. He sported a little belly.

“Can we come in?” they inquired and Alan welcomed them and they sat down.

“Do you know a Laura Hernandes?”

His first reaction was negative. “No.”

“Think again.” They pulled out a picture of a very attractive lady with short dark hair and a Hispanic complexion. Then he remembered.

“Oh yes, I met her last year.” He knew that you never give answers beyond the asked question to the police. He had met Laura in Thailand when his mother and he stayed at a small, remote hotel that was close to his field-trip destination. They met at the bar and had a few coffees and one or two dinners together. Laura had travelled alone, or so it seemed. She had a great character – witty and well educated. Alan had never married and he was not interested in women. Not that he was gay, he had no interest in forming a family at all. But they had a great time together.

“We are sorry to tell you this, but she is dead.” The police brought him back from his memories to reality.

Alan’s first reaction was one of indifference. Laura had been a nice person, but just met a few times more than one year ago. And then, of course, he voiced a reasonable thought.

“Why are you telling me this? I have barely known her. What does this have to do with me?”

“We have a court deposition from her that mentions your name. You have only met her once last year?”

“Yes, just for a few days, we got to know her.”


“Yes, my mom and me.”

“That was in Thailand?” one officer probed him.

“How do you know this? And yes, it was last year in Thailand.”

Alan had a reason to become a bit nervous. The police knew more than they were telling him. He felt now would be a good time to ask a question himself.

“How did she die?”

“She was killed. Actually, it was not a random killing. She was murdered.”

Alan was shocked. Laura had been such a nice person. Her family and friends must be devastated.

“Do you have her killer?”

“Not yet, but we know it was a contract killing. They specifically targeted her.”

“And what do I have to do with this?” Alan’s nervousness began to show in his voice and body language.

“Don’t worry. You have nothing to do with the killing. It was a drug-carrier-related crime.”

Laura had been a drug-carrier? Unbelievable, Alan thought. He sighted.

“Well, in this document we just told you about. It is a sworn deposition that you are the father of her daughter.”

Alan was too surprised to react immediately, but he laughed. “This is wrong. You see, we had no romantic relation at all. Just a few drinks at the bar and two dinners together!”

“We believe you that nothing happened last year.”

Alan breathed in relief, just to receive the next accusation.

“We believe you, because Laura’s daughter, her name is Nora, is 17 years old.”

Alan laughed agin. “Then it is impossible that I am the father. I have never seen Laura before last year. You understood me wrong. I have met Laura just once, last year. I had never seen her before that.”

The officers continued. “Of course, you can easily prove that you are not the father. Just a DNA test and you are off the hook. But, and there is a big but, she left a sizable inheritance to her daughter, and of course to the father of her child, should he come forward.”

Alan showed with his hands around him and replied “Look at this. Do you think I need more money? My mom and I live a happy life. We need no intrusion into this. I want to quietly continue my research and public outreach.”

But then he continued to formulate questions because the case made him curious. “Does Nora, is that her name, know that her mom is dead? Does she know the reason why she was killed? And, by the way, when did that happen?”

The officers looked at each other. Alan started showing an interest and that was good in their eyes.

One of them answered. “Yes, her name is Nora, and yes she knows that her mom was shot. It happened two days ago.”

The other one chimed in. “She is in no way involved in the crimes, and she does not know the role of her mother in this.”

“So, as sad as the death of her mom is, with the inheritance, can’t she live a nice life?” Alan asked.

The first officer replied again. “Well, she is in no way a witness to the crime, and thus not in a witness protection program. We protect her now, because she is still a minor, but once she is 18, she will be on her own. We are terribly sorry, we don’t have the resources to protect her.”

“She needs protection? How about other relatives?” Alan never had met Nora, and had no inclination to meet her. It sounded all too complicated for him. He was not good with people.

“Yes, she needs protection. We know that she knows nothing, but the gang does not, obviously. Once they know where she lives, she will be killed to get rid of another witness. That is how those thugs tick.”

Alan felt panic well up. “And you came all the way from Las Vegas to tell me I should take care of a girl I have never met and have no relation with?”

“Actually, shortly after you met Laura in Thailand last year, she moved to Florida. They live pretty close.”

Alan jumped up. Had Laura planned this? His mind was racing. She must have known that she was in danger last year and she was looking for an innocently looking guy to burden him with her daughter, because she had messed up her life! He was angry!

“So Laura already planned this? Putting her daughter into my nest, as a cuckoo’s egg?” He paced up and down.

The officers calmed him down. “As we said, a simple DNA test will prove that you are not her dad. But don’t you want to see her, at least once?”

“Why should I see her?” Alan was getting upset again.

Just at that moment, mom came down the stairs. She was slender women of sixty years, short grey hair, a friendly smile and alert blue eyes. Alan introduced her to the officers and told her the whole story.

Mom was honestly sad. “Laura was such a fine woman,” and putting her hand on Alan’s arms she continued. “And I would not have been against if some relation between the two of you would have started.”

“Mom!” Alan was upset. “I never intended to marry and I hate marriage.”

“I believe you and I respect your life choices, even though I have always wanted grandkids.” She sighted. “But you can at least see her once. Laura must have told Nora about her ‘father’”.

Alan breathed a deep breath. “Okay, she lives close to here and I will go there and set the record straight.” He looked at the officers. “I am a man of actions. Can we go now, right away?”

Mom nodded in agreement. “You will do the right thing,” she said and Alan got in the unmarked police car and they drove off.

It just took ten minutes to Nora’s house during which he emphatically stated several times that he would not recognize Nora as his daughter. In front of the house was another unmarked police car and the three men were greeted by a plain-cloth female officer.

“Nora is in her room.”

She and Alan went upstairs and she knocked at the door frame – the door was already open (the police insists that all doors are being kept open in such a situation).

“Nora, you have a visitor.” She was wearing a dark blue hoodie with a Rays logo on it and gray sweatpants. Her long straight maroon hair was in a low ponytail. As soon as Nora lifted her head, she dropped her phone and ran towards Alan. He had barely made two steps into her room when she threw herself at him, embracing him. Alan was at a loss. He hadn’t imagined such a reaction.

“Father!?” It was more statement rather than a question.

Nora was a whole head shorter than him, but her arms were strong. Alan tried to get him out of the embrace and after a few seconds, he could free himself. Maybe a little too harsh, he distanced himself from her. He was at a loss.

“Listen, Nora, well, first, you have my condolences for your loss.” He was struggling to find the right words. “Yes, but, well, listen Nora. I am Alan, Alan Greystone, Dr. Alan Greystone. And I am not your father.”

Nora looked at him in disbelief and started crying, covering her face in her hands. She did not only cry, she wailed in such a way that the police officer had to intervene. She pushed Alan aside and embraced Nora and gently guided her back to her bed. She moved her lips silently towards Alan. “Jerk”. That is what she said.

Alan had never been good with people. That is why he had studied history. Dead people were more interesting to him than alive ones. And even now as a university professor, he was known for acting awkwardly in front of students, especially the female ones.

“Say something”. Again, the police officer was forming silent words with her mouth. Alan looked around and saw the suitcase next to the bed. He pointed at it.

“You were going somewhere?”

Nora looked up, wiping away her tears. “Mom told me that my dad would come and pick us up.”

“When was that?”

“A few weeks ago. But now, but now, she is dead.” Nora started wailing again.

“Nora, Nora, please don’t cry, okay?” He hated the situation. His mind was racing, but there was nothing that made sense to him. Finally, he said those words that would change his entire life. He tried to give his voice an upbeat note. “Well, Nora, since you have packed already, I think I can take you home to me, to me and my mom.”

Nora looked at him in disbelief. “You would do that for me? Dr. Greystone, you would do that?” The most shy and beautiful smile appeared on her face. Finally, she had some hope.

“Yes, I will do that. Yes, I will take you home to us.” Alan was reiterating his decision, almost as if he needed to convince himself.

Nora jumped up and grabbed the suitcase. But in the last second, she realized that she had forgotten something and turned around to take a photo from the side table. A photo that showed Nora with Laura at the Tampa Bay stadium.

Carefully, Alan took the picture out of her hands. “May I?” They sat down together and Alan took a good look. Nora was the younger copy of her mom. Both were smiling and had their arms around each other. Such a happy memory.

“You really look like her, You know? I met her once, last year in Thailand.” And after a long pause, he said. “Your mother is a very beautiful woman.” He consciously used the present tense. What he did not realize is that he basically said that Nora was beautiful, too.

Nora took a deep breath and then took the picture out of his hands. Alan took the suitcase and they went downstairs. He thanked the police officers, and the female officer said, “You are a good man.” Alan realized that Nora did not look back when they drove off. Nora knew that a new life was in front of her, it was just Alan who did not.

At home, still in the car, the officers said. “We leave this with you now. The deposition is in this envelope. We leave you alone now, she needs rest. We will be back tomorrow and talk about the next steps.”

Alan did not think about the next steps, but the officers were right. Nora was still a minor. But Alan thought that after a few days, things would be sorted out and Nora would leave them again.

Alan’s mom opened the door and with a reassuring smile, she ushered everybody in. Inside Alan’s mom took Nora’s hands and had a good look at her.

“Welcome to our house. I am Sarah, Alan’s mom. I have already made your room, but first, let’s have a coffee.” And she hugged Nora who started weeping again. “Everything will be fine, my dear.”

While Sarah was busy making coffee, Alan and Nora sat at the table. Nora was looking around. Alan was looking at Nora. She was a very beautiful young woman. Very few girls were interested in history and his seminars were mostly taken by male students. He liked what he saw.

“Why don’t you show Nora her room, and where the bathroom is?” Sarah said. So, both got up and Alan grabbed the suitcase. The guest room was already ready. A set of towels on the bed and even a little welcome chocolate on the pillow. Nora sighted. “Your mother is so kind.” “Well, she is as all mothers are.” Alan saw tears running down her cheeks and he realized his mistake. This time, he pushed himself to be more emphatic and took Nora in his arms.

“Yes, your mom was a good mom, too.” And he felt tears welling up in his eyes, too. Nora hugged him hard and they both stayed like this until Sarah shouted, “Coffee is ready!” Quickly, Alan showed her the bathroom and where his and his mom’s rooms were and they headed down where they were greeted by the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

After that, they went shopping for food and to buy Nora some stuff she was lacking for her new home. At the shopping mall, they had some snacks and Alan recognized how many of the men were looking at Nora. She was a real head-turner. Even for the older men. Somehow, Alan was disgusted by that.

Back home, Alan gave Nora the Wifi password but told her not to tell anybody where she lived now. “Why is that?” Nora asked innocently. “Because of security.” Nora thought for a while and then made the connection. “But my mom was killed in a crossfire between rival gangs.” “That is what the police told you,” Alan stressed the last word. “You mean, she was not?” “Just leave it like this! I am a very careful person, so please do what I tell you, okay?” Alan answered nervously. He did not want to touch the topics today if Nora didn’t know about the real background of the shooting.

Alan had to do some online duty in his room and Sarah found some time to speak with Nora about her son.

“You see, Alan is a very nice guy, but he has a complex when it comes to women. He was never married, and I think he even never had a girlfriend. Not that he is gay or so, he is just not comfortable around women. But don’t worry, he will not do anything, even he might act a bit weird.”

Because it was a long day, after dinner they all went to bed early. Alan was lying awake. Tomorrow morning, the police would come and hand him the documents to eventually recognize his fatherhood. He was tossing from left to right and back. Just as he finally was going to sleep, the door opened slowly. His heart jumped because his first thought was that it might be the gang who had followed them and now were going to kill all of them. But in the dim light from the corridor, he saw a slender figure slowly approaching the bed. Nora.

He pretended to be asleep, not knowing what to do. Nora stood in front of the bed and slowly went to the far side of the bed, the side Alan’s back was turning to, and slowly slid under the blanket. She snuggled at him in a spoon position and laid still. Alan did not move. He heard Nora breathe deeply. The scent of the shampoo they bought for her filled his nose. The warmth of her slender body felt so good. She snuggled even closer and put her arm around him, her hand at his chest. Now he could feel her breasts through the thin fabric of their pajamas.

Alan was shocked. Shocked about himself. Shocked about his egoism. He suddenly realized that sleeping alone in a new house with memories of her recently killed mother raging in her mind, Nora needed a home. Nora needed a family, Nora needed a father. That moment, he made up his mind. The next morning, he would sign all the papers, taking full responsibility for the future of this little girl, whose joy and peace had been taken away from her so violently. He repeated these thoughts until he dozed off.

The next morning, Nora was gone. Alan thought that it merely had been a dream, but the scent of the shampoo was emanating from her side of the pillow.

The smell of mum’s coffee welled up from below and Alan sat at the coffee table, reading the news on his iPad.

“She is such a poor girl.” Mother said, and after a bit of a silence, she added. “She looks so much like her mom. She was a good person. How could this happen to her?” Alan did not know what to answer, and he just said. “Yeah, mom, I think so, too.”

Because they heard the door of Nora’s room, they went silent. Nora came down, still in her pajamas with a cute Snoopy design.

“How was your sleep?” Sarah asked and Nora replied “Good, very good, actually” and she threw a glimpse at Alan. He saw that and quickly turned to the news again, because he started blushing.

All were munching their cereals in silence when the doorbell rang. The female police officer from yesterday and a court clerk came in. They all sat together at the table and the clerk explained all the lengthy details. Finally, the clerk placed all the papers in front of Alan. “Mr. Greystone, you need some time to think all this over, I think. We leave everything with you and once you are ready to sign, give us a call.”

Alan looked at Nora. she looked really cute in her pajama, and he thought about the precious moments he had last night. He also looked at Sarah, who had an affirming smile.

“No need to wait. I sign them right here.” And he took out his pen and signed all the papers.

The clerk collected all the papers. “Well, Mr. Greystone, Nora is now your daughter. Nora, your name is now Nora Esther Greystone. Congratulations. Please register her as soon as possible at her new high school. Ah, and by the way, you will get a court notice about the inheritance once the paperwork has been processed.” They all stood up, exchanged final handshakes and the two left.

As Alan embraced Nora, Sarah joined and all three stood there in silence, embracing the moment.

“This hasn’t happened since biblical times, I think” Alan exclaimed. “What?” Sarah asked. Alan smiled. “That a virgin became a parent!” and all laughed out loud.

“You are still a virgin, Alan?” Nora asked with her eyes wide open. Alan blushed. “Yes, I am. And you?”

“Alan!” that was Sarah. Now it was Nora’s time to blush as she said honestly. “No.”

“Alan, times have changed!” this was Sarah again. And she continued. “Alan’s dad died when Alan was three, and I haven’t had sex since then.” She wanted to defuse the situation, but it came across as something totally different in the minds of Alan and Nora.

The day went by eventless, everybody was minding their business. In bed, Alan waited. Waited for Nora to open the door. He imagined her in her Snoopy pajamas, slowly joining him in bed, snuggling at him, sleeping in his arms. Alan wanted to protect her, be close to her, comfort her. Those were purely fatherly feelings, or so he thought.

Soon the door opened and Nora stood in the doorway. Alan turned on his back and looked at Nora.

“Alan,” she whispered.

“Yes, my dear?”

“I can’t sleep.”

“Me neither,” he whispered back and moved to the side. He switched on the bedside lamp that threw a nice warm yellow light on Nora. She approached the bed and sat down.

“Why don’t you lie down?” Alan asked. “Like last night?”

“You weren’t asleep last night?”


“You should have said something.” She lay down but facing away from him. Alan put her arm around her.

“I was too scared.” He honestly replied.

“Do I scare you?”

“No, you don’t. I was scared about myself.”

Nora turned around, and put her head with her long hair on Alan’s arm. He looked into her dark brown eyes. Her thick eyebrows were just like her mom’s. To Alan, they were a sign of a strong mentality.

“What you said about mom. It was not a random shooting?” Alan knew that he needed to tell her the truth someday. He had wanted to postpone this but now was the time.

“I am afraid not. She was killed, she was murdered on purpose.”

Nora’s body started to shake, her arms pressed on her chest, her hands clinched. With his free hand, Alan touched her cheek and wiped away the tears that uncontrollably welled up.

“You mean the police thinks she was a bad person?”

“No, no. Your mom was a good person. A very good person. She just got into bad company.”

“Why did they do this to her?”

“Only God knows. I do not know. But what I know is that I will be there for you.”

Alan’s deep voice calmed her down, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek “Thank you so much, Alan”, and got up. Alan was panicking. “Why don’t you stay a bit more?”

“I left my room door open. Imagine your mom getting up and seeing it. She might think, we have sex.” Alan had to laugh at the thought.

“Okay, my dear. Not that my mom suspects anything. Have a good sleep.” It took Alan quite a while to sort his thoughts and feelings before he was able to sleep.

The next day was Nora’s first day at high school. When she came home, she was excited, but also a bit tense.

That night, she came to him again. He had been waiting and made space for her in his bed. She snuggled under the sheets and he asked “Are you okay?” Nora nodded. “I have closed my door. Can I stay tonight?” Alan’s heart jumped for joy. “Of course my dear.”

“I often did that with mum. She was away so often, but whenever she was home, we would snuggle in her bed.”

“Why was she away?” Alan had to ask, even though he could imagine why, based on the information from the police.

“She worked as a contractor for the military, she said, and she had to go on assignments.” She suddenly started to cry again. Alan hugged her and after a while, she calmed down again. “Was this why they killed her?”

“I am so sorry for you. Only God knows. There are some things we better don’t know.”

They spend the next ten minutes or so in silence, while she was spooning Alan in front of him and he had his arm over her shoulder so that she could rest her head on his hand.

It was Nora who spoke. “Can I ask you a question? The other day, when you became my father, you said that you are still a virgin.”

“I am your father, yes. I am so proud of that. You are such a good girl.” He poured out his feelings for her. “And yes, I have never had sex in my life.”

“You are such a kind person. Why didn’t you marry or at least have a girlfriend.”

Alan took a deep breath. He needed to be honest with her.

“There was this girl in high school I had a crush on. When I confessed to her, she suddenly said that she hated me. That was such a shock for me. That is why after I graduated I changed my name from Aaron to Alan.”

“Oh, are you Jewish?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Did she hate you because you are a Jew?”

“I don’t know. But I changed my name anyway. Then in college, I saw so many couples dating and breaking up. Guys cheated and were cheated upon, two girls in my class even had an abortion. Later I saw friends getting married and divorced, and I said this is nothing for me. I live a happy life on my own, just mom and I.”

Nora sighed and suddenly sounded disappointed. “Sorry that I intruded into it, and messed up your life.”

Alan recognized his mistake. “No, Nora, don’t say that. What I meant was that up to now, I was happy. But being with you, it makes me think that I have missed something important in my life.”

“It’s okay,” Nora whispered.

Alan wanted to know so much about Nora. “Nora, now you know that I have never slept with a woman. Tell me, with how many men have you slept?”

“Sure, it’s only fair,” she admitted and pressed her bum a bit harder than the other nights against his crotch. “Three.”

“Any boyfriend now?” Alan probed, and to his delight she said. “No.” Alan knew he should leave it as that and he stayed silent, feeling her warmth penetrating her pajama.

Soon he could feel that she had fallen asleep. Alan thought about what would have happened if he had started a romantic affair with Laura last year. Maybe she would still be alive.

The next day, a Saturday, was Nora’s birthday. Sarah had baked a cake, and they lighted eighteen candles on it for breakfast. Then, they went to a Tampa Bay game. Alan had bought some VIP tickets. He ushered them not to be late. Nora did not understand. She was a fan, too, but she never saw the first few innings. They were all wearing their favorite player’s uniforms, and Alan thought Nora looked very pretty in the number 2. Diaz was Alan’s favorite player, too.

At the stadium, Alan took them straight to the chalk box seats where they were greeted. “Nice to see you, Mr. Greystone. We haven’t seen you for a while.” Nora let out a shout of excitement when she saw that the seat hat some flowers in the cup holder and a birthday card. Before the game started, there was a fanfare from the stadium speakers.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, every game day is a special day for us, but today, there is another special day for a special visitor! Esther, happy birthday!!” Alan had arranged for this, and out of privacy reasons, he had chosen her middle name to be announced.

Nora clasped her hands in front of her face. Her eyes were wide open. She was beaming. Spontaneously, she threw herself at Alan. She was having the time of her life. Alan did not watch much of the game. He was fully taken away by seeing Nora, rooting for the players, shouting, clapping, jumping for joy. Of course, their team won. Nora was breathless by the end of the ninth inning. They then went to the AeroVanti club and had some more snacks. Nora was a real head-turner. Alan saw that most men looked at her with more than one casual glance. He was proud and upset at the same time.

Back home, Sarah gave Nora a long hug. “Happy birthday my dear.”

She went upstairs for an early sleep. Nora and Alan hugged, too, and when she looked up to him, and he down at her, she suddenly gave him a brief kiss on the mouth. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Alan’s heart jumped, but he got a bit defensive again. He stepped back. “I will go to bed, too.”

Nora looked a bit disappointed, so he whispered. “Will you come to my room later?” She seemed a bit confused. She looked at Alan when he went upstairs.

Alan undressed and put on his pajamas. He blew it. He knew he blew it. He knew that he was really awkward around women, but up to now this never had bothered him. But now he felt different. He wanted to be a good father, but Nora was more than just an adopted daughter. She was the daughter of a woman that Alan found more and more attractive the more he thought about her. But Laura was not in this world anymore.

He tossed from side to side in bed. Nora did not open the door. Did Nora expect him to go to her room? Or would she be upset? He was on the verge of getting up when he saw the door opening. Nora came in.

“Oh, I am so glad you came,” Alan whispered. When she was at his bed he continued. “I am so sorry that I was such a jerk.” Nora bent down and put a finger in his mouth, turned around, and closed the door while he switched on the light. She snuggled under the covers as usual. This time they were facing each other. “Thank you, daddy.” Her smile told Alan that his worries were unnecessary.

“Tell me,” Nora whispered. “If you are a Jew, is your foreskin cut off?” Alan was taken aback. Because he did not answer, she continued and looked him probing in the eyes. “I have never seen that.”

“You wanna see one?” Alan probed. She nodded.

Alan felt a bit sheepish, and like a little schoolboy. “I show you when you show me your boobs.” Nora smiled. Slowly, Nora got up, and in the dim light of the nightstand lamp Alan could see how she unbuttoned her pajama. One button after the other starting at the lowest one. The pajama fell slightly open when the top button was open and with a slight move of her shoulders, it slid down her slender body.

Her long dark hair fell on her bare shoulders, and she looked like an angel to Alan. She had a sun-tanned body, and there was a triangular area untanned on each boob. Her large pink areolas contrasted with her whitish skin. The nipples were small and perfect at the center. Nora just stood there, watching Alan’s face. His eyes were glued on her breasts that made her quite proud of her body.

Alan swallowed hard and got up. He slowly reached with one trembling hand forward. When their eyes locked, she nodded almost unnoticeable. His warm hand cupped her breast, and she bit her lower lip and closed her eyes. Alan was fascinated with the firmness of the tissue and the softness of her skin. He moved his hand barely noticeably, and his fingers oh so slightly squeezed Nora’s tit.

When he let go, Nora looked him in the eyes. “My turn now,” she whispered and slowly went down on her knees. She pulled his pants down in slow motion and when his cock was above the waistband, he lifted his pajama top, so that Nora could see his cock, which was half-limp. Indeed, Nora had never seen a cut cock and was curious. Totally immersed in the look, she said. “You touched me, so I can touch you.” She grabbed it slowly and let her hand run along the shaft. Alan moaned. She moved faster and also let her hand run over the glans. Alan moaned louder.

Nora looked up. “If I put it in my mouth, will you suck my nipples?” But even before Alan could think of an answer, she opened her mouth and slowly slid it in. She took the whole length in and Alan knew that this was not the first time she had done that. She then also massaged his balls and worked her tongue along the shaft.

Alan did not want her to stop, but he was afraid of cumming in her, so he wound his pelvis to remove his now stone-hard cock from her moist mouth. He went down on his knees, too, and as Nora had asked him to do, kissed one of her boobs, and sucked on her nipple. Now it was Nora’s turn to moan and her utterances guided Alan towards the right technique of sucking, circling the nipple with his tongue and squeezing the other tit with his hand, while Nora’s hand was still working his cock.

He was about to cum, and terrified by the thought of shooting his cum in front of an eighteen-year-old girl, who was his legal daughter.

“Nora, stop. Stop! Stop, Nora.” He pleaded until, finally, she obliged. They were both out of breath. “We cannot take this further,” Alan begged. Nora nodded. They hugged and kissed, and when their kiss broke, Nora got up, and left for her room, leaving her pajama top on the floor.

The next morning a very confused Alan left for Washington. He had served in two administrations as an East-Asian advisor. The State Department had called him to brief a delegation about the history of Thailand and the role of their king before an impending visit of some high-ranking government officials.

After the briefings, Alan went to his hotel room and took a shower. He looked at his dick. Nora hadn’t been put off by it. She had even put it in her mouth! He remembered the feeling of her soft lips around its shaft while he was stroking himself and soon huge loads of cum gushed out and disappeared together with the warm water that ran down his body into the drainage.

At the same time, Sarah and Nora had a glass of wine for their dinner. Then Sarah broke the topic.

“I saw your pajama in Alan’s room this morning.”

Nora blushed and tried to explain. “But we didn’t have sex. We just, we just touched each other. It was all my fault. I said that I never had seen a cut cock, and I wanted to see it.”

Sarah smiled. “It’s okay, my dear. I am so happy that the two of you are going along so well.” After a long pause she added, “You are both adults. Yes, you are adults. And who am I to interfere with two people who feel an attraction between them.” She continued with a more serious tone. “But you know where this could lead to?”

Nora nodded. “I need to think more about it.”

“Alan is a bit weird, but he has a good heart. Don’t hurt him, will you?” And she laid her hand on Nora’s.

“I think I love him. I don’t want to hurt him, ever!”

And with that, they went to bed. Nora couldn’t sleep and went to Sarah’s room. “Sarah, can I come in?”

“Sure! You are lonely?” Nora slipped under the blankets.

“Can I ask you a question? A question about your husband and you?”

“Sure.” Sarah’s blue eyes looked into Nora’s brown ones. “His name is Ezra.”

“After your husband, after Ezra died, why didn’t you remarry?”

Sarah stroked Nora’s arm and told a secret that nobody knew. “Ezra and I had some special wedding wows. You see, usually, the couple promises not to leave or forsake each other. In good times and in bad times.” Nora nodded.

“Well, Ezra and I added something to this. We promised each other that the surviving spouse would never remarry. Our love was meant to be eternal, even beyond death.”

“Oh, that is so beautiful!” Nora exclaimed and put her hand on Sarah’s arm.

“Of course, we never thought that one of us would die so soon, but we made the wow, and I kept it.”

“But how did you deal with the, with the, well the natural urge for satisfaction?” Nora asked.

Sarah smiled, turned around to open the bedside cabinet and with both hands took out was in there and laid them on the bed. To her disbelief, Nora saw around ten dildos and massage tools. Sarah smiled. “Nobody knows that I have those. Whenever I want, I use them.”

“Even now?”

“Yes, sweetie, even now.”

Nora fixed her eyes on one of the dildos. A very natural-looking, straight dildo with a beautiful glans and thick veins at its sides. She took it in her hand and looked at it in detail, stroking its length and cupping the glans.

Sarah blushed. “This is a special one. One that looks pretty much like Ezra’s.”

“You must be kidding!” Nora exclaimed. “This is what Alan’s cock looks like!”

Both women laughed. “Like father, like son.”

“I have never used one,” Nora admitted.

“And maybe you don’t need to,” Sarah added and switched off the light. Both women cuddled in the darkness and soon fell asleep.

The next evening, Alan came home just in time for dinner, and immediately sensed a difference in the relation between both women. They were so happy together. Chatting, smiling, and getting along very well. Alan was relieved to see that Nora felt more at home. After dinner, Sarah told them that she was tired and she went upstairs, beaming a last smile with Nora.

They both sat down on the leather couch and Nora cuddled in Alan’s arms, her knees and feet on the couch. He had his arm around her and felt the urge to cup her tiny breast. She had one arm on his chest.

“Yesterday, your mom found my pajama in your room.” Nora looked at Alan for his reaction. “She thought that we had sex.” She giggled, and Alan had to giggle, too.

“What did you tell her?”

“The truth, that we just cuddled and touched each other. Your mom is a very extraordinary person. Every other person would have been mad, but she just said that we are both adults.”

“She really said that?” Alan knew that his mom was a very no-nonsense down-to-earth person, but this was quite a surprise for him. “Yup.” Both fell silent, gently caressing each other.

“I really like you, Nora,” Alan whispered. Nora sighted. “I like you too. Very much. You are such a good person.”

“But, but we can’t continue what we do.”

“Why not? Because you are my father? But you are not my dad, you are just my legal father.”

“And as such, I have to care for you. I WANT to care for you.”

“But you can care for me in bed, too, can’t you?”

Alan avoided the answer. “Did you miss me last night?” he asked instead.

“Yes, of course. But then I went to Sarah’s room. And we talked. She is a very tolerant and kind person. We cuddled a bit, too. She comforted me in her arms.” Somehow, this did not ring a bell in Alan. The only thing he could imagine was the comfort that a grandma would give her grandchild.

Alan sighted. He was confused. “Nora, I need to think. Can we go to bed?” She lifted her head from his shoulder and their lips met. What was supposed to be a short good night kiss became a long and kind deep French kiss in which their tongues intertwined while their hands were rummaging over each other’s body. Alan’s hand found her hemispherical boob and slowly massaged it, while Nora’s hand squeezed the area between his legs. After a breathless pause, Nora whispered. “Wait for me in your room.” She got up and went upstairs.

Alan followed soon. He knew that it was unavoidable. Even if they would refrain from sex tonight, there would be a night in the future when they would do it. He undressed and got under the blanket naked. He did not need to wait long. The door opened, but Alan did not switch on the light. In the dim light from the other side of the corridor, he could see Nora’s silhouette. Without a pajama. Nora was naked, too.

She just joined him under the blanket and the warmth of her soft skin melted Alan’s last tiny bit of hesitation. He found that her nipples were hard as cherry kernels. Kiss after kiss, touch after touch, they were lost in time. Wordless. Exploring each other. She moaned when he squeezed her butt, he moaned when she fondled his cock. Then, she moved her head down and kissed his nipples, his belly, and finally repositioned herself, pulling the blanket away. To Alan’s surprise, she lifted one knee over his head to make a sixty-nine position.

The sweet aroma of her teen pussy filled his nostrils and instinctively he knew what to do. When her lips engulfed his cock, he pulled her hips onto his face and licked her slit. Both lovers were guided by the other’s grunts and moans. Alan quickly learned that Nora loved it when he spread her bum cheeks and stuck his tongue deep into her tight love hole.

Nora found out that Alan’s biggest pleasure was when she slid her tongue along the edge of the glans and squeezed the shaft with her little hand.

Their pace and eagerness of licking, sucking and fingering increased simultaneously. Their play continued for quite some time. Finally, both tensed up, and Alan felt his balls contract at the same time as Nora’s love juices gushed out of her pussy and into his mouth. He spurted a big load and both drank the other’s liquids, while their bodies were shaking from intense orgasmic waves.

Nora swallowed all of Alan’s semen that gushed down her throat, and Alan’s face was covered in her female ejaculate.

Nora collapsed onto Alan’s chest, and breathlessly she rolled off his body. She turned around and they kissed passionately, sharing their love juices that had remained in their mouths. Alan’s hands found her tits and squeezed them.

“That was awesome,” Nora said.

“You were awesome, too,” Alan replied.

“What did you do to me? I have never felt that way before.”

Alan was proud when he heard Nora say this. “I just did what I felt was the right way to do. It was you who guided me into pleasuring you.”

“Your uncut cock is awesome.”

She turned into the spoon position and pressed her bum against his crotch. They both were so satisfied that they did not need a second round of sex and soon slept.

When Alan woke up, he saw a sleeping angel beside him. He kissed her on the cheek, dressed and went down.

“Alan, do you realize what an awesome person Nora is?”

“She is wonderful.” Alan sipped his coffee.

“You know that I have always wanted you to find a nice girl, get married and raise some kids.”

“It wasn’t meant to be.” The only answer Alan could come up with was a platitude. His thoughts were slightly different, though. Maybe it is meant to be now, he thought to himself.

“I have raised you to be a good boy and it is your life, but listen to your old mom. Nora is mentally much more mature than her looks and young age might suggest.”

“But she is eighteen, I am forty. She needs to go to college, and find her happiness with a guy her age.”

“First of all, she can go to college, of course. But, by the way, I find college way overrated. It just costs a huge amount of money. Neither your dad nor I went to college.”

“But I did!” Alan replied.

“Well, it suited you, but maybe something else will suit Nora better.”

And with that, Nora came down the stairs and gave Sarah a good morning hug, and a kiss on the cheek. Sarah smiled. “Did you have a good sleep, my dear?” Alan found that question and the look Sarah gave Alan over Nora’s shoulder totally inappropriate.

“It was wonderful.” She came to Alan and gave him a kiss, too. Alan did not know if he should be upset, or ashamed, or just plainly happy to hear this out of Nora’s mouth. He knew that ‘it’ was not ‘the sleep’, and Alan assumed that Sarah thought the same.

Extremely confused, Alan went to university and taught his seminar students. The students were in their early twenties, and by observing the interactions they had among themselves he tried to figure out their maturity. They were just immature kids in his eyes.

On his way home, Alan thought about mom’s standpoint. Maybe something else suits Nora better. But what would that ‘else’ be? Being his lover? Being the mother of his child?

Dinner was as usual, and Alan watched how well the two women were getting along, which was a real relief. As the evening before, Sarah excused her to up to her room, leaving Alan alone with Nora. He switched on the TV to see the live game of the Rays.

Again, Nora joined Alan on the couch and they cuddled, enjoying each other’s warmth, watching the game together.

“What are your plans? I mean after high school.” Alan probed after the sixth inning. “College?”

“I think, college is just a waste of money. If you are smart and know what you wanna do, you don’t need to go to college.”

“And you are smart?”

“Hmmmm,” she affirmed.

The Rays were losing and at the 8th inning, they switched the TV off.

“Do you want kids?” Nora asked. Instead of answering, Alan asked back. “Do you?” Nora hugged Alan even stronger and had her cheek at his chest. “From you.” Her hand moved towards his crotch.

“You are a crazy little thing.” Alan scolded her, but he held her tight, too. “I am too old for you.”

“I am crazy for you. The moment I saw you, I knew you were a nice person. On the outside a bit clumsy with people but on the inside so warm. You are my hero.” After a soft kiss on his cheek, she snuggled back at his shoulder.

These words made Alan blush. He felt that he needed to return the compliments.

“Everything came so sudden for me. I was a jerk, no, I am still a jerk when it comes to people. But when I saw you… .” He was at a loss for words. “When I saw you, I think I fell in love. I think, I realized that I had fallen in love with your mom. And then there was you. And you look so much like her. I want to care for you. I want to give you all you need.”

He hated himself for being so clumsy around women. “Forgive me that I cannot say what I want to say. There is so much I can learn from you.”

Their minds drifted off. Alan thought about his age. He was forty. So if he wanted to have children, he would need to find a wife soon.

Nora had some similar thoughts and she said. “You are still young, Alan. And when you get older, the kids and I will take care of you, and your mom.”

“The kids!?” Alan uttered in disbelief.

“Don’t you want more than one?” She innocently replied. “Your mom told me that she always had wanted four or five kids, but when you were born, your dad became sick, and they could not have other kids.”

“That would be wonderful! Actually, I think that would be wonderful.” Nora’s face lit up, and with a big smile on her face, she looked into Alan’s eyes. He gave in, and their lips met in a soft kiss that got wetter and wetter the longer they kissed. When it finally broke, Nora got up and took Alan’s hand. Hand in hand they went upstairs and to Alan’s room. There they slowly undressed each other.

Alan’s eyes were glued to her beautiful tits when she took off her sports bra. Alan slid his hands into her pants and massaged her firm butt. Pulling down her pants, he for the first time saw her vagina. Last night he just had probed her lips with his lips and tongue and tasted it, but now he could see the dark pink color of the vagina and the neatly trimmed landing strip that stopped one inch before her clitoris. Nora pulled down Alan’s shorts and immediately grabbed his cock.

They started with the sixty-nine position, and both enjoyed to please each other, this time with the lights switched on. Alan had her vagina directly in front of his eyes and the tan lines on her bum were so sexy for him. Nora slurped each time her head bounced up and down on Alan’s hard cock.

Nora rolled off Alan, turned around, and lay on him again. They kissed while Alan massaged her bum and slid his fingers through her slit. Nora got up, took Alan’s cock in her hand and guided it to the entrance of her love hole. They locked their eyes as for the first time in his life, Alan’s cock slid into a woman’s vagina. She was so wet, but still very tight. Inch by inch, she lowered herself on him.

Once her wetness completely engulfed his manhood, she paused. Then she developed an awesome mix of movements and changed from gyrating her hips to bouncing up and down. Alan looked up to her and quite frankly enjoyed the view. His hands were at the small of her hips or on her firm tits. Then there came the time when she was pivoting her hips back to front and this movement became more frantic. Her tight pussy contracted even more and she started shivering uncontrollably. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes.

When the orgasms subdued, she breathlessly collapsed onto Alan. After a while, she apologized. “Sorry sweetie, but your cock feels so good in me. I needed to cum.” She slid off his now half-limp cock and both looked how much it was covered in her love juices. With a smile, she blew him to stiffness again and mounted it again. This time, she just bounced up and down, which was Alan’s favorite movement. He supported her by putting his hands under her wonderfully firm bum and he felt his balls contract and his stiff cock becoming even stiffer.

Alan pushed his hip forward and shot five spurts of semen into her waiting pussy. Alan pulled Nora onto his chest, and they kissed passionately while his limp cock slipped out of her filled pussy. Nora stayed in his arms while cum leaked out of her pussy and they exchanged sweet nonsense. Finally, they cleaned up and Alan kissed her belly. Maybe some of his sperm was now on its way to meet Nora’s egg.

Nora understood what he was thinking and slowly ran her fingers through his hair. They soon fell into a deep sleep in their favorite spooning position.

The next morning they showered together and explored their bodies under the soft warm water.

“I need to tell mom,” Alan said while they were dressing. For a moment, Nora thought it would be strange that a grown-up man has to tell his mother that he had fucked his lover the night before. But he was right. If there was a new live growing in her womb, his mom needed to know.

Hand in hand they went down where Sarah was preparing breakfast. She looked up and smiled. Alan cleared his voice.

“Mom, Nora and I are a couple now. We are lovers and friends. We want to make whole all the things that are broken. Everything that has been empty in our lives shall be made full. All those who have been separated shall be united once more in joy.”

Tears streamed down Sarah’s cheeks. Tears of joy. Nora ran to her and hugged her. Alan joined in, and all were crying. The tears of joy were mixed with tears of loss. Ezra and Laura weren’t here anymore.

Finally, Sarah whispered. “Nora, you are so precious. Alan, you are so beautiful. Do you know that the words you said were part of the six blessings we say at weddings?” He nodded.

“Nora doesn’t.” Sarah continued. “So just let’s stay like this, embracing each other.” And she whispered the whole blessing.

“Blessed are you, creator of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine.”

“Blessed are you, creator of the universe, whose presence is manifest in all of creation.”

“Blessed are you, creator of the universe, who creates individual people.”

“Blessed are you, creator of the universe, who creates both male and female in your own image, each reflecting the image of God for the other. Blessed are you who created humanity.”

“May all that has been broken be made whole; may all that has been empty be made full; and may all those who have been separated be united once more in joy.”

“From the Divine, source of all energy, we call forth an abundance of love to envelop this couple. May they be for each other lovers and friends, and may their love partake of the same innocence, purity and sense of discovery that we imagine the first couple to have experienced.”

“Blessed are you, creator of the universe, who creates joy and gladness, laughter and exultation, pleasure and delight, love and harmony, peace and companionship. We look forward to the day when all creation rings with the sounds of laughter and happiness, two brides and bridegrooms on their wedding day, and the songs of lovers and soulmates. Blessed are you, Creator Spirit, who has enabled this couple to rejoice today in one another.”

That day at university, his colleagues and students could see that he had changed. Alan felt that something huge had left him. It wasn’t a huge weight, it was more like a thick cloak that had been taken away. He breathed lighter, the future looked brighter. He found a purpose in life. Up to now, he had focussed on studying the dead and the past. Now he was studying the living and the future.

When he came home, Sarah and Nora showed him the big bed they had bought for Alan’s room. Alan smiled. His mom was really a down-to-earth no-nonsense person.

Alan and Nora enjoyed every night. They tried all the positions they could come up with, also by trying what they saw watching porn videos. But they made sure that at the end, he would spurt his semen into her waiting womb.

Published 1 year ago

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