What Is In A Sisterly Gift?

"Sister tries to make sister less of a loser for Christmas."

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What Is In A Sisterly Gift?

Janet was fairly light-skinned as girls from an interracial couple went.

She inherited the tall genes from her father and stood at around five feet in height with ten and three-quarter inches in height. Her bust was a respectable pair of double Cs mammaries that made tailoring easy, and her hips and ass were noticeable sways in the planogram of her waist. Her limbs were thin, her stomach was utterly flat, her hair was black, her eyes were dark and her nose was straight.

She could have passed for a tan white girl but then, she didn’t lead a company because of her race. She was simple. She was efficient. She was effective.

Everything her younger sister was not.

“And then I call her, right? Because we just had a nice date and that’s the sort of thing you do, right?” Trisha was angrily saying as Janet resisted the urge to sigh. This was her fault for asking her sister how her life was, “And guess what she told me. Guess!”

“I’m sure you’ll tell me,” Janet replied, doing the bare minimum to answer the rhetorical question.

“She said that I was smothering her!” Trisha threw her hands up in the air, “And that was just our first date! Can you believe that?”

Usually, Janet would either be surrounded by her employees, her clients, or her husband. John died one year ago, making Janet a widow at thirty-one years of age, and she had taken all of December off her calendar one year in advance simply so that she wouldn’t spend her Christmas alone. In retrospect, a whole month was a bit too much, but her recent husband’s death had evidently not given her a clear mind.

A year later and it was still on the schedule so here she was in her parent’s home, with her twenty-two-year-old sister still being the same hopeless case that she was.

Ever since Trisha had begun noticing girls, because unlike Janet she wasn’t bi, she’d been like this. Because, oh no, being like Janet would have given her a bigger pool of prospective partners to work with, but she just had to bat for one single team. And even then, Trisha should have been able to make that work.

She inherited the same pleasant dark skin that their mother had, her lips being a very pretty darker shade that didn’t even need lipstick to stand out. She was smaller than Janet, not petite exactly, but the right size of about five feet and five inches. Her hair color was the same shade of black as Janet’s, but her eyes, oh god her eyes. They were deep blue pupils that just about anyone could have lost themselves in.

But if the only thing Trisha had going for her was a cute face and luscious skin, Janet would have been more patient with her. But of course, her stupid sister managed to fuck up being a fairly attractive woman too.

She was chubby, that was true. But she had a healthy layer of fat around her frame that a woman could just squeeze through her hands. Even if she wasn’t seductively thick, her breasts were enormous. They were F cups that made Janet sometimes wonder if she shouldn’t be complaining about backaches instead. And if that wasn’t enough, her hips were enormous, holding on to an ass that was big enough for anyone to lose a head in.

And if THAT wasn’t enough, Trisha was a rare futanari. A woman who literally had it all; A tight pussy, meaty testicles and a penis. And if that wasn’t all, her penis was absolutely mind-boggling big; if Janet recalled correctly it was about a little bit over a foot long. By far the biggest that she had ever seen.

But after ten years of failing to leverage any of that to get herself a partner, well, Janet could only conclude that Trisha was just bad at things.

Maybe it was her boring personality. Maybe it was the fact that she only sought out other college girls. Maybe she just thought that she didn’t need to do anything but show up on a date to make it work. 

“Yeah, so don’t expect me to bring anyone home this year,” Trisha said as she looked at her parents, who patiently let her air her grievances.

Whatever the reason was, it was clear to Janet that her younger sister was just fairly entitled.

“Or ever, more like,” Janet snorted as she sipped the coffee that her mother had been kind enough to prepare for them.

“We can’t all be tall, thin and successful like you, Janet,” her sister dismissed her, despite honestly being a walking wet dream.

“It’s been ten years, Trisha,” Janet’s fingers drummed down on the chair she was sitting on, “Ever since I got married, no, ever since I went to college it’s been the exact same thing with you year to year. Do you know what your problem is?”

“I’m sure you’ll tell me,” Trisha sarcastically replied.

“You haven’t changed a bit,” Janet said, “You are the same as you always have been; undisciplined, you don’t plan anything and you make bad decisions. You are dumb.”

“That’s enough Janet,” their father disapprovingly said.

“No, no, let her talk,” Trisha replied, fixing Janet with a glare, “She’s here only once a year and she thinks she’s already figured it all out.”

“Baby-” their mother started to say. 

“No, you know what? I feel really bad that John died last year, I really do,” Trisha said, “Because if he weren’t? Maybe he’d get it through your head that just because you decide that you want someone, and plan everything out, that things won’t just work out because you want them to!”

The young black girl got up and pushed her chair away.

“We can’t all be perfect like you!” she yelled before she ran to her room.

How immature.

“Right, well, let me just go have a talk with her,” their father sighed as he got up.

“No, no, let me do it,” Janet also got up and stretched. The bones in her spine popped and she sighed with relief as she started to walk, “It’s about we had a heart-to-heart talk anyway.”

“Are you sure?” their father asked.

“I’ve got a plan,” Janet told them and, like always, that relieved her parents.

Her plans, after all, always worked.

To further prove Janet’s point, her sister’s door was unlocked. Despite the fact that she consumed pornography like some people consumed air, it was a bad habit that she had gotten into since she was a kid and then never lost. After a while, the rest of the family just learned to knock. But then, that is how Janet found out how incredible her penis was….but she digressed.

 The door to her room was unlocked and her younger sister looked at her with big wide eyes as she pouted from her bed. She had her head buried in a pillow and those blue orbs shined in the afternoon light. As Janet thought, there was no good reason why her sister should have such a shitty love life.

And then she breathed in the air of the room.

Oh wow, it was musky.

“What are you doing here?” Trisha suspiciously asked.

“I came to fix your love life,” Janet honestly replied. The posters on the wall were new, but they followed a theme that Trisha had possessed all her life.

They were full of tall and thin older women. Most of them white, but a few of them were black, so the race factor wasn’t THAT important. 

And Janet was half in between, anyway.

“I don’t want your help,” Trisha automatically replied. As if her willingness mattered. 

“I am going to get you a woman,” Janet said as if she hadn’t said anything, pacing around the room as she observed how much of a mess it was. They were going to have to fix that, “One that can show you the way to get AND keep whomever you want.”

“Are you deaf?” Trisha demanded, “I said I don’t want her.”

“Weren’t you the one that said that I get whom I want simply because I plan things out?” Janet asked, “Well, I plan to get you a woman.”

The walls didn’t lie and neither did the porn that her sister perused; Trisha wouldn’t be able to resist for long and Janet would make sure of it.

“I am not you, sis,” Trisha hissed, “Just…just leave me alone!”

“But I am me,” Janet replied nodding her head as the plan came together in her head, “And I am going to show you what love is about.”

“Yeah, because what I need is clearly a wingwoman,” Trisha rolled her eyes, “And-wait, what do you mean YOU are going to show me what love is about?”

It just made sense, didn’t it?

“I mean that I’m going to be the woman you are with,” Janet replied as if it were obvious.

Janet had already had her chance at love and now, in her thirties, probably never would again. The rest of her life was going to be her work, her career and the bottomless climb to the top. She would find fuck buddies and one-night stands a plenty, no doubt, but what was her body if not just drag right now?

Who was she as a woman if not a waste? The years would drag on and she would hit her menopause before she blinked. She would grow old and then all that she would have is her memories and the pride of her past successes. 

So why not let her sister use her?

That is what the corporate mind of a woman who squeezed and used all her assets, whether material or employees, down to the last drop concluded. Her husband was dead and what did that render her if not just another resource? It was better this way.

“You-” Trisha choked out, those beautiful eyes of her looking at her as if she wasn’t sure she had heard right, “A-are you serious?”

Janet sighed as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She took the hem of her pants and pulled it forward as she thrust said phone inside her crotch.

The “click” of a photo being taken sounded and Janet raised the phone so she could inspect it. It wasn’t the best she’d ever taken, but it was good enough for this.

She then messaged the picture.

Trisha’s phone dinged and she dumbly pulled it out. She turned it on, got through her password screen and dumbly looked at what Janet had just taken.

A lovely picture of her vagina.

“I’ve got a whole month to seduce you,” Janet said, thinking about all of the opportunities that simply living in the same house with her sister gave her. She snorted, “Though it would be smoother for everyone involved if you just gave up right now and accepted it.”

With that, she left her shell-shocked sister still staring at her with wide eyes as she left the room. And, because there was no time like the present, she swayed her hips as she did so, knowing that anything she did after a big impression would be sure to stay with Trisha for a long time.

Either way, this yearly bitching of hers was going to come to a stop.


Trisha didn’t complain about her love life again after…that.

Not because she didn’t want to, was it really so horrible that she liked to vent? But because there were greater things….in her mind.

She was a college student who was currently studying to be an artist. Not a terribly hard thing to do if she was going to be honest as she DID think she had a talent for it, but she didn’t want to just survive. She wanted to live!

She’d always had a fairly high libido that had gotten her into more problems than not, especially because it felt as though she had the sex drive of BOTH a woman and a man at the same time, but she’d been fairly respectful to her dates when she actually managed to get them. She’d be nice, she’d be pleasant and she’d be VERY interested. But the most she’d ever gotten from any of them was a handjob back in senior high school once.

And she still masturbated to its memory to this day.

Except…that picture her sister sent her was now in her mind even as she….made good on her promise? Her threat? Her-whatever this was?

“Good morning,” Janet yawned and stretched one day as she came into the kitchen, wearing nothing but panties and a shirt that did nothing to hide the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Nothing Trisha wouldn’t herself want to do, except she’d never taken a picture of her crotch and sent it to Janet!

“Aren’t you cold, hon?” their father asked as he prepared breakfast from the kitchen. Their mother worked late at her job, so she was still in bed.

“I’m comfortable, but I could put something else on if you like,” Janet said as she walked up to him, seeming to ignore Trisha and the way she tried to not look at her.

There was just so much to see.

“The second one of you gets a boyfriend, girlfriend or whatever you are going to stop that,” their father grumbled, “I swear, it’s like I am speaking to little girls sometimes.”

“I guess being here makes me nostalgic,” Janet said in that infuriatingly reserved way of hers. As if anything that happened was within her calculations.

“Well, that’s not bad,” their father breathed out as Janet stepped next to him and leaned on the kitchen counter, her elbows propping her face up.

Janet arced her back and thrust her ass out even as their father cut up vegetables for breakfast. She thrust it in the direction of Trisha even as her fingers traced the contours of her ass.

She wasn’t even looking at Trisha, and already she was tantalizing her.

And, because tracing that shapely tight ass wasn’t enough, she reached down to her panties where they went into her taint and slipped a finger into the bind.

And then she pulled it out aside enough that Trisha started seeing curly pubic hairs-

“Trisha?” their father asked, turning around and making Janet pull her finger away as if she hadn’t been doing anything.

“Yeah, Dad?” Trisha said, shaking her head.

“I asked if you were fine with bacon,” their father repeated himself.

“Ah, yeah, sure, anything is fine,” Trisha said, trying to get her mind out of the gutter. The smug expression on her sister’s face soured the whole thing for her.

It wasn’t the first or last time that Janet made good on her word and did things.

“Oops,” she said as she dropped her towel when she was coming out of bathroom, flashing Trisha with all of her light-skinned goods for a brief moment before picking it right back up.

“Is anything wrong?” their mother would ask when they were seeing a movie and Janet sat next to her, her hand on her thigh through the whole thing but never getting close enough for Trisha to swipe it away.

She’d get pictures in the middle of the night sometimes. Pictures that she knew she shouldn’t even open but the draw of that first vagina pic was still fresh in her mind. They were never as good as that first one, but they were tantalizing all the same.

The picture of a nipple. The picture of Janet pouting into the camera. The picture of her posing in her underwear.

Trisha tried to drive the whole thing away with porn…but it was hard to masturbate when all she wanted to look at when doing it were those fucking pictures.

And, yes, she’d lost the battle here and there. Once or twice. But her sister was the one person she didn’t want to lose against.

Like, Trisha had never been into incest but Janet was the EXACT sort of woman she liked. And now that she had started looking at her this way, the “incest” keyword composed most of her searches now.

The thought of fucking her sister was repulsive. But, in the same revulsion, there was a draw. A tension, a spice that taboo made her sweat at night as she thought about her sister’s pussy, about having her here in her bed and, um, doing things.

She was tempted to accept whatever her sister had in mind just to be able to have a taste of her. To basically be trapped in whatever insane relationship she had in store for her. To do whatever she needed to do to get what Janet had shown her that day.

In the end, though, wouldn’t that just prove her right? If Janet could just get her, her own sister, just because she wanted her on a whim despite their blood relation and what their parents would think, wouldn’t that mean that she was right all along and that Trisha was the one who sabotaged herself?

That Trisha was a fuck up? As if she didn’t already know that! She didn’t need to go this far!

And yet, in admitting that, what would she prove if she managed to keep her chastity? That she was her own fuck up? Hmm, yeah, Trisha liked the sound of that.

Janet passed her with plate in hand, leaning over enough for her overly large shirt to fall a bit and show Trisha her tits. It was a window of a split second that had Trisha’s crotch feeling painfully tight. And left Janet even more smug as she sat across from her with her own plate.

The bitch even sat with her legs spread out!

No, no, no.

It wasn’t enough that Janet proved herself to be her own woman. Her own fuck up. She had to prove her sister thoroughly wrong. Even if that meant….breaking a taboo.

Trisha had to take this seriously and, for the first time in her life, really think about what she wanted and how to achieve it.

And that’s when a thought occurred to her.

One that would make her sister a coward, or that would make this potentially permanent.

Either way, she would be satisfied.

After that, Christmas day arrived.

“Where is mom?” Trisha asked on the 25th as she arrived from her…

Published 1 year ago

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