Doctor Eric, I Presume?

"Having indulged Eric's belly button fetish, Lily opens up..."

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The cashier had put on headphones and was playing with her phone. It was far, far into the night and Lily was the only person in the hospital cafe. She was too preoccupied to really want anything to eat or drink, so her tea went cold in no time.

‘Story of my night,’ she thought to herself, ‘First, hot, sex. Then, tepid, sleep. Finally, cold night alone.”

She was sitting alone in a corner of the darkened café. Eric was upstairs, being operated on for his bowel obstruction and she’d been sent away. Sitting in the surgical theatre with him was not an option, of course, but it was hard sitting on the sidelines, worrying, wondering.

They’d laugh about this one day, she thought. When he was better. It’d be the cornerstone of their, “Hey Grandma, how did you meet Grandpa?” story.

She’d held his hand as they’d scanned his tummy. They’d taken the results, conferred urgently and then everyone had been rushing around. Phone calls had been made and the nurse had ordered Eric to change into a gown. They’d asked lots of questions about when the pain had started, and Eric had told them it had started days ago.

Lily was aghast to hear it but, looking back, she had seen signs he was ill. There had been small gestures he’d made that she hadn’t picked up on at the time. He’d been rubbing his stomach, a wince of pain had passed across his face, or he’d made a hurried trip to the loo.

They’d told Eric he needed urgent surgery, without which his stomach could literally burst, and he would die.

“Will I be ok after the surgery?” he’d asked.

“As long as it goes well, you’ll be fine,” had been the only half-reassuring reply.

Eric’s mum would be there soon. Perhaps she should go up to the ward to meet her. Kind of awkward, though. Like,

“Hi, I’m Lily! Your son and I just had sex for the first time, and then he ended up in hospital! Nice to meet you!”

Imagining the conversation cracked a small smile on her face for the first time in two hours.

Just then, a young man, in his early twenties, entered the darkened café. He was tall, clean-shaven and wore a crew cut. He was wearing a long white coat and there was a stethoscope hanging around his neck. He ordered a café and a sandwich and came and sat down at a table near Lily’s. He looked up at her, smiled, and nodded.

“Break time?” Lily asked, glad to have someone to talk to.

“Yeah. You?”

“My friend is in surgery.”

“Oh? What kind? I guess it’s urgent, they try not to operate at this time of night.”

Lily glanced at her watch. It was four-thirty in the morning.

“Yes. He has a bowel obstruction.”

The doctor nodded, then said kindly,

“It’s bad while it lasts but once it’s over, he’ll be fine.”

“Thank you. What area do you work in?”

“I’m a junior doctor so I’m going round the wards, one internship at a time. I’m in gynecology right now. That’s female reproduction.”

“I know what gynecology is.”

“Sorry. I sometimes forget when I have to speak slowly!”

Lily smiled. He was quite handsome, really, rugged and weatherbeaten. He looked more like an outdoorsman than a doctor. He was handsome as hell. He could examine her any time, she thought to herself.

“When will your friend come around?” the young doctor asked.

“I don’t know. Soon, I hope.”

“If I were you, I’d go home and sleep for a bit. Even when he’s conscious, he’ll be groggy for most of tomorrow. He won’t be much good for conversation.”


Lily went upstairs to the ward. Eric’s mum had just arrived and was sitting knitting by the bedside. She’d met Maria before, through school events, though they did not know each other well. Eric was, apparently, still in the operating theatre.


“Hi Lily. You brought him in, I understand? Thank you.”

“It was all very sudden, to be honest. He was fine when we were having dinner.”

 “They said he has a volvulus. It’s where the intestine has twisted around. Thank God, they caught it at a relatively early stage. It can be fatal if untreated.”

‘Yes, they told me that. Did they say how long he’ll be in for?”

“They said the operation will be perhaps another hour, but they’ll keep him under anesthetic a bit longer for observation. They hope to bring him around about seven, they said.”

“Do you mind if I pop home? Get some sleep?”

“Of course not, dear. Thank you for being there for him.”

Lily left Maria her phone number, asking that she be called if anything changed. Then she ordered a cab back to Alba’s place. Alba had granted them use of the flat for a night, so they could do it without their parents knowing.


Lily climbed into the bed at Alba’s and closed her eyes. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was fast asleep.

In her dreams, she saw herself in a surgical theatre. She was sitting alone on the edge of a trolley, dressed in a gown. The handsome doctor she had met earlier appeared.

“Thank you for letting me do this,” he said.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Lily replied.

“Onto the table, please. Then spread your legs.”

 Lily swung her legs up onto the hospital table then moved her left foot to one edge of the bed, and her right to the other. Immediately, she felt the breeze blowing up her gown and onto her privates.

“Now, Lily, I’m going to examine your vagina. I’m touching the skin that covers your clit now, this is called the hood…”

Lily felt utterly relaxed in the presence of this man. She trusted entirely in his expertise, his desire to learn and to help her learn about her body. She reached back and smoothed her hair, which was spread wide across the table behind her head.

“I’m just going to give your clit a quick tickle! No harm in a little fun!” and he stroked it gently with his finger. “You might be interested to know that the clitoris glans is a small, spongy erectile tissue at the end of the body, connected to the bulbs of the vestibule by thin bands of erectile tissue. It is exposed between the anterior ends of the labia minora. It has high cutaneous sensitivity, important in sexual responses.”

Lily giggled. The pleasurable sensations shooting through her body as her vagina was stimulated and being reduced to such dry, academic language was amusing.

“Now, just below is the frenulum and your urinary, er, outlet, which is contained within something we call the vestibule. Urethra shapes vary in women…yours, you may be interested to know, is crescent shaped.”

Lily blushed. But she felt his eyes on her pussy. She felt him skillfully massage her clitoris with his index finger as his hand progressed downwards.

“Now we come to your hymen…oh! Broken, I see!”

Lily blushed furiously but couldn’t help but smile.

“No sign of rough sex, though. I can tell he was gentle.”

“He was.”

“One thing I can’t tell, though, is how large a penis your lover had. I’d be interested to know?”

“It was…bigger than I expected. Not porn star size, but more than ample for me.”

“And that’s the boy who is on the surgical table now?”


“I could give them a call, ask them to make it a bit bigger while he’s out?”

“No, it’s fine, thank you.”

“Just asking. Right, these are your Bartholin’s glands. They make the mucus, the cum, if you will, that you ejaculate when you orgasm. In fact, they are oozing a very little even now, if I may say!”

Lily was too aroused now to feel embarrassed. She was breathing deeply, and her chest was rising and falling.

“Lily, I could proceed with a more…invasive examination, if you wish?” said the doctor.

She nodded, desperate to be penetrated and fucked by this intelligent, gentle man. His strong hands ripped her gown open across the front, exposing her breasts and belly, and a moment later his penis was buried deep inside her.

“The penis rubbing the clitoris stimulates nerve endings, but it also triggers neurological responses in the brain…” the doctor said as he thrust deep into her, but she wasn’t listening. She was too busy wracked with ecstasy. The hospital trolley bed wasn’t soft, but it supported her back as he thrust deep inside her. She knew from the way he placed his cock, finding both her clitoris and her g-spot, that his knowledge of female sexual pleasure was extensive and practical. She had only to surrender, only to give in to his medical wisdom and youthful strength.

Everything about the doctor made her feel safe. He knew her body. He knew how to make her feel relaxed. He took care of himself, and he worked hard. He was, no doubt, financially and professionally secure for life. And, as a bonus, he was handsome and well-built.

To Lily, the doctor was just about the ideal a man could be.

In fact, he was energetic too. She felt her breasts jiggle pleasantly as his large cock drove deeper inside her. He reached down to kiss her…

Lily woke up suddenly. Her phone was buzzing.  She was wet between her legs and her fingers had been stroking herself, she realized. Embarrassed, she reached for her mobile. It was nine am! There was a message from Eric’s mother.

“Operation a complete success. He’s still out cold but they say he’s fine!”



Lily had trimmed his (and her) pubic hair before their session, so when she stooped to suck his trembling cock, she was able to get right down to the base, which made Eric pause from licking her pussy to gasp. Her hair streamed out across her bare back, occasionally falling around her face as she dipped and pulled on his cock between her lips. His cock tasted good; Lily had not only picked the shower gel herself, but she had also rubbed it on his penis and balls with a sponge herself in the shower. She was enjoying the intimacy of the sixty-nine. They’d each gone down on the other previously, but this was the first sixty-nine they had tried.

 Oh, he was so hard! It was like sucking a rolling pin. She reached for the base and pinched it between her fingers and gave it a shake.

“Ah! Ah!” Eric moaned, “Lily, can I come?”

“Sure!” she said, endeavoring to hide her disappointment that this experience would soon be over.

“Bit faster,” he whispered.

Lily pressed his penis to the very edge of her gag reflex then gave it a long, hard suck before cupping his balls, pressing her finger onto his peritoneum, then sucked it hard five, six, seven times until…

Eric’s cum exploded into her mouth, as if syringed by a doctor. Lily turned around on her hands and knees, so she was facing Eric. She looked him square in the eye, demurely opened her mouth so he could see his cum washing around her mouth, then swallowed. He looked on, still panting a little, and she saw he was impressed.

They cleaned up and lay together.

“Lily,” said Eric, “I was thinking about the University issue.”

“Me too.”

“Firstly, we both need to follow our passions and dreams, which isn’t negotiable. I’d hate for you to give up what you want to do for me.”

Lily nodded, eager to hear what he had to say next.

“But there are ways of negotiating so we stay within striking distance of each other? I could defer and take a place nearer Oslo. Or you could take your second choice in Lleida?”

‘Ah,’ Lily thought, ‘If only we’d hooked up earlier, before we’d submitted these damn applications! This was going to be an issue from the moment I first sucked his cock!’

“What I wondered about,” she said, “Was distance learning. One of us transfers on the same course from in-person to online learning, then stays near the other. So, we do the same course, just online.”

Eric nodded thoughtfully. “But…” he said slowly, “I don’t know how good teaching online is? I’m preparing for classroom work. I need real-world experience. So do you, for archaeology, surely?”


Then he said, “Lily, you’ve been my friend for seven years. We lost our virginities together and you’ve really, really been there for me when this emergency happened. I know that’s not something I can find just around the corner. I don’t want to let you go if I don’t have to.”

Lily’s heart was positively thumping!

“Oh, Eric…that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me!” She kissed him, then said, “I’d like to hold on to you if I can too!”


They made out for a long time. Sometimes they were silent and occasionally low, intimate words passed between them, words that they both hoped could form invisible bonds between them. How could they not, when the words they spoke were gentle, drawn from the memories of half their young lives, and were uttered while they were naked and vulnerable?

At length, just after midnight, Eric’s cock was getting hard again. To Lily’s immense relief, he broached the subject she’d been growing nervous about mentioning.

“So, last time, you mentioned a roleplay? Did you bring the stuff?”

She nodded, blushing. The doctor’s uniform and the patient’s gown had been picked up at the fancy dress shop. They were in a carrier bag at the entrance to the apartment.

“So…what is it you want?”

It took a few moments for him to coax it out of her. He reminded her that he had opened up about his fantasy, to eat jelly off her tummy. It was unlikely she’d request anything stranger than that, and he wouldn’t judge her. At last, she opened up.

“I want to be your patient. I want you to examine my privates and then prescribe sex!”

Eric hesitated. He looked down, apparently thinking.

Lily realized, too late, that she had been insensitive. Fancy asking a guy who had been what he’d been through to do a medical roleplay so soon after the event!

“Oh, Eric, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Forget I asked. I’m so sorry, dude.”

Eric was silent for a while. At last, he brightened and spoke cheerfully,

“No, it’s ok. At first, I didn’t want to. But being the doctor means I have the power. It puts me on the other side of the fence. I can do that. Let’s do it!”

Lily smiled and hugged him.

“When you said that I have to prescribe sex, you mean with me, right?!”

“Yes!” she laughed.

“Ok! Let’s do it! Kitchen table? Or bed?”

“Oh, kitchen table would be good!

“Ok. You get in the gown in the bathroom by the kitchen. Then wait for your examination.”


They both went off to change. Lily sat on the kitchen table, which was oak and heavy and strong. It was at least a century old. She wondered if they were the first couple to have done it on this table.

Eric knocked on the door. He was in full doctor’s uniform and, in a nice touch, had brought his little electronic tablet which he made out to be consulting. What Lily didn’t see was that he really was using it. A map of the anatomy of her genitalia was spread in widescreen version across his screen.

“Dr. Eric, I presume?” Lily asked.

“Yes. Excuse me for being late. I had to do an intensive physical exam.”

Lily smiled. Eric glanced down at his iPad.

“Now, young lady, I have the scan of your privates here.,” said Eric, and he showed her the image on the screen.

Lily blushed and giggled.

“First, I must ask you some personal questions. Are you sexually active?”


“Monogamous? Or with multiple partners?”

A wicked grin spread over Lily’s face.

“Many, many guys over the years! Currently, just four on the go.”

This threw Eric momentarily, then he recovered and smiled.

“And have you found any trouble having sex with these many guys?”

“Oh no. It comes very naturally to me.”

“So, you have sex almost every night?”

“No, I have sex almost every morning. I absolutely have sex every night.”

Lily was straining to laugh but just about kept her voice flat and level.

“Well, I’d better get on with the examination. Legs on the table please, and open wide.”

Lily surrendered and it felt every bit as hot as in her dream. More so, since she was so relaxed with Eric, and they were comfy enough to push jokes just far enough without breaking the spell.

She was trembling as he reached his hands into her gown and between her legs. She felt his fingers begin to play gently around her vagina.

“Let’s see, there is evidence of penetration by a very, very large penis here,” said Eric.


“Yes! Your vaginal lips have been stretched abnormally wide.”

Lily couldn’t help it anymore. She laughed aloud.

“Right, let’s see,” Eric continued, “I can see your clitoris is looking normal and healthy. Of course, I’d better give it a massage to check!”

He reached further under the gown. Lily felt him attempt to penetrate her with his fingers. At length, he got two inside her. She felt purred a little. It felt nice.

“This clitoris is in urgent need of stimulation,” he said, frowning, “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to stay overnight.”

“What’s the diagnosis, doctor?” Lily whispered, surrendering to his touch, her clitoris quivering as he stroked her.

“You haven’t been honest with me, have you, Lily? You haven’t been with many guys at all, have you? One at most?”

Lily blushed and nodded.

“How can you tell?”

“You’re showing symptoms of something called Extra Virgin Oil syndrome. It is when a woman has hardly had sex in her life, and urgently needs to be fucked over and over again!”

Lily wanted to laugh, but Eric had done such a good job at delivering his lines with a straight face that she strained to do the same.

“Can you help me, doctor?”

“Yes! I’ll administer an urgent fucking here and now. Then, you must stay in bed, with your boyfriend, for at least three days, doing nothing but, is that clear? Absolute bed. Absolutely no rest.”

Lily chuckled.

“Well, you’re the doctor!” she cried, sitting up and flinging her gown off. Eric unbuttoned his coat and practically tore his own clothes off, then he pounced on her. Lily felt him pin her arms gently to the hard surface of the table. Then, as if he were some dentist or surgeon leaning in to inspect her cranium, she saw his face looming just above her. At their midriff, she felt him ease his penis into her vagina and begin to thrust.

She was well lubricated already, and his penis was rock hard and penetrating her as firmly and deeply as ever. Lily surrendered her body completely to Eric. She knew the treatment she needed, and she knew that only he could give it to her. She felt her stress and tension seep out of her as he moved between her legs. It was as if his cock were a pestle and her pussy the mortar and he was grinding some delicious remedy.

The table was too hard for doggy on her knees, so Lily dismounted the table and leant across it, bending over and presenting her gaping pussy. Eric took her from behind. Lily braced herself on the table and her body was rocked hard as if she were a prisoner taking a beating, or perhaps being driven forward by some great engine inside her. She felt totally helpless before him in that position, as if she were being examined for her fitness, stamina and virility and she was desperate to pass, desperate to be pronounced healthy…


“Oh, that was so hot, thank you!” she whispered. They were in the bathroom, cleaning each other’s genitals with a warm, wet sponge. As Eric washed the residual cum from her pussy, she dimly remembered the doctor in the dream telling her that it had come from her Bartholin’s glands.

Somehow, knowing more about her vagina’s anatomy made her feel more connected to it, more present in the moment when she was being touched.

She kissed Eric lovingly. That fantasy had been hot. They had struck exactly the right balance for her between roleplaying the doctor – patient power dynamic, and the relaxed, flirty silliness of the improvised wordplay.

They headed for bed when they were done and, as they drifted off to sleep, each was churning over potential compromises in their mind for how they could build a future together. Both felt completely comfortable with the other. Surely it would be crazy to throw it away?

The first term of the semester was just three weeks away, however. After the emergency and his recovery, the summer had slipped away from them. They had both signed contracts and arranged accommodation at their respective colleges. It would be a logistical nightmare to untangle themselves and transfer at this stage.

But the very next day, there was a twist in the story that she never could have imagined.


The next part will conclude Lily and Eric’s tale. Will love conquer all or will life take them down different paths? Thanks for reading!

Published 1 year ago

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