Mother and son Sonia and Layton Devlin had returned home after spending Friday evening, most of Saturday, and some of Sunday at the house of beautiful Indian woman Aisha Irani, where much sex had been had.
Aisha, aged forty-nine, had taken seventeen-year-old Layton’s virginity, much to Sonia’s consternation, but the two women had since become lovers too. Mother and son were fucking each other, all of these things starting in recent times.
“I am looking forward to caning your arse,” said Layton to his mother as he caressed her bare arse on the bed that Sunday night. Evidence of the six strokes of the cane that Sonia had taken at Aisha’s house was on forty-three-year-old Sonia’s buttocks.
“And I am looking forward to caning yours,” replied Sonia to Layton, who had also received six strokes.
At Layton’s request, and with Sonia’s agreement, they had ordered online a cane similar to the one that Aisha possessed. It was due for delivery in the next two days.
Aisha had only recently purchased the cane, originally for Sonia to use on her, but on Saturday all three of them bent over for six strokes.
After more arse caressing, Layton gave his mother a good fucking, she had been without sex for a long time before first Aisha, and then Layton had changed that.
Layton was currently on school holidays but was to return to school on Wednesday which would mean less late-night sex for him and his mother.
Aisha owned the company that Sonia worked for, although Sonia was not the only employee, male or female, that the promiscuous Aisha had sex with.
“Did you do anything interesting at the weekend?” the beautiful Aisha asked Sonia when she saw her at work on Monday morning.
“Well, actually I spent quite a lot of time in bed; how about you?” replied Sonia.
“I had a couple of guests, it was quite hectic,” said Aisha, wishing that she could kiss Sonia.
“I imagine that it must have been,” responded Sonia, also wishing that they could kiss, or more.
“Give my love to Layton,” said Aisha.
“I will; this term is important for him, so he will have to cut back on his nighttime activities,” said Sonia, speaking as a mother.
“Yeah, or you two will have to go to bed earlier,” chuckled Aisha.
“Yeah, I had thought of that,” replied Sonia, now thinking of still getting regular fucks from her son.
“Did you order a cane?” asked Aisha.
“Yes, same as the one that you have got. It should arrive today or tomorrow,” replied Sonia.
“Its delivery might be embarrassing for Layton. The way it is packaged does little to disguise what it is,” said Aisha.
“I will phone him at lunchtime to see if it has arrived,” said Sonia.
Late in the morning, Layton answered the door at home to see a smiling middle-aged delivery woman. She had delivered an identical package to Aisha just over a week before.
“Oh, hello, have you been a naughty boy?” teased the woman, handing the package to Layton.
“Um, um, I don’t know what you mean,” said a blushing Layton.
“It is obvious what this is. I delivered one of these to a woman a while back but do not know if it was for her to use or her to feel,” said the still-smiling delivery woman.
“Um, thank you,” said Layton, anxious to close the door.
“I wish that I could come in and we could open the package,” said the not unattractive delivery woman.
“I can’t open it; it is addressed to my mum,” said Layton, not knowing if the woman was serious but feeling excited by the prospect of bending over for her.
“Oh, that’s a shame; I am sure that she will put it to good use,” said the woman, feeling turned on.
“Um, goodbye, and thank you,” said Layton, half wishing that he could let the woman in.
“Have fun, bye,” said the delivery woman, making a mental note to masturbate later imagining the good-looking youth getting a caning. She also noted the address, just in case.
Sonia phoned Layton at lunchtime to see if the delivery had arrived.
“Yeah, it was so embarrassing. It was a woman who delivered it, and she knew what it was,” said Layton.
“Have you opened it?” asked Sonia.
“No, but she wanted to come in and open it, I think she was serious,” replied Layton.
“Maybe she was serious. You could have had some fun; did you fancy her?” said Sonia.
“A bit, but I couldn’t have asked her in, could I?” replied Layton.
“Ha, after some of the kinky shit that you have got involved in lately, it would not have been that outrageous, would it?” laughed Sonia.
“I suppose not,” replied Layton, thinking that maybe he should have invited the woman in.
“See you later, honey,” said Sonia to her son.
“Will we use the cane tonight?” asked Layton.
“What do you think?” laughed Sonia in response.
A little later, Sonia told Aisha that the cane had arrived and told her about Layton’s experience with the delivery lady.
“Probably the same woman that delivered the cane to me. She smirked when she handed it over,” said Aisha. Sonia was at Aisha’s house at the time but did not see the delivery woman.
“Sounds like it. She sounds kinky,” replied Sonia.
“Yeah, maybe we should find her,” laughed Aisha.
“Maybe,” said Sonia.
“I assume that you and Layton will use your cane tonight,” said Aisha.
“Yeah, probably our last late night for a while because he is back at school Wednesday,” replied Sonia.
“Why don’t you have tomorrow off? I could maybe call around and see the two of you tomorrow afternoon,” suggested Aisha.
“Sounds great, and I do have some holiday due,” said Sonia.
“That is settled then, caning later, then you can fuck all night, I will call around in the afternoon,” smiled Aisha.
A very happy Sonia went home that evening with hours of sex in prospect.
She and Layton had a passionate kiss when she got indoors.
“Guess what? Aisha suggested that I have tomorrow off to be with you. She is going to call around tomorrow afternoon,” said an elated Sonia.
“That is great,” replied an equally happy Layton.
“Yeah, let’s get that package open,” said Sonia, seeing it near the door.
They opened the package, and both handled the cane.
“How about we eat and then think about using this?” said a smiling Sonia.
“Yeah, I want to whip your arse,” laughed Layton.
“I want to whip yours too, fucking afterward will be great,” replied Sonia.
Mother and son had a meal and gave it time to digest.
“Shall we do the caning down here or upstairs?” asked Sonia.
“Down here, bent over the back of the settee,” replied Layton.
“Okay, do you want to be caned first?” said Sonia.
“No, you first, bare arse,” said Layton.
“Somehow, I thought that you would want me to go first,” said Sonia, removing her skirt and knickers as her son picked up the cane.
“Bend over,” said Layton.
“Aren’t you getting naked down below?” asked Sonia.
“Not yet,” replied Layton, although he would be more comfortable if he did because his penis was rigid in his clothing.
Sonia bent over the back of the settee, presenting her large and shapely backside for the cane.
Layton had used a cane for the first time on Saturday when he had given Sonia and Aisha three strokes each. As with fucking, it seemed like he was a quick learner when he slashed a stroke across his mother’s lower buttocks.
“Shit! Fuck!” yelled Sonia, raising her upper body off the settee before settling down again.
Layton delivered three more strokes with a similar effect.
Sonia twisted and moaned but remained over the back of the settee. Nothing had been said about the number of strokes to be administered.
Layton delivered strokes five and six, and Sonia wondered where it would end, and her arse was on fire.
Two more strokes landed, and Sonia was in very obvious discomfort. Part of Layton told him to continue, but the overriding feeling was to stop.
“That’s it,” said Layton, his voice shaky.
“Fuck, that fucking hurt,” said a very red-faced Sonia as she gently put her hands on her buttocks.
“It will make you want to fuck soon,” said Layton.
“Give me a minute, and then you will get yours,” said Sonia, rubbing her buttocks.
“How many?” asked Layton, suddenly thinking of the consequences of giving his mother eight strokes.
“Enough, get your jeans and your boxers off,” said Sonia.
When Layton removed his boxers. The sight of his impressive rigid penis made Sonia think of forgoing caning him and just going straight into fucking, but the cane had been purchased to use on both of them.
“Bend over,” said Sonia, and she was soon faced by her son’s bare arse.
Sonia’s arse was burning, and some of the power would be drained from her cane strokes, but she tapped the cane against Layton’s rear.
CRACK the cane lashed Layton’s bottom, stinging him like hell judging by his vocal response.
Sonia gave him another five strokes quite rapidly and decided to stop.
“Stand up,” said Sonia, and Layton stood and slowly turned. Sonia was delighted that his penis was still impressively stiff.
“You only gave me six,” said Layton.
“Do you want more?” asked Sonia.
“No, not this time,” said Layton, his hands on his arse cheeks.
“At Aisha’s, we waited for a while after the canings to fuck,” said Sonia.
“Yeah,” said Layton.
“I think we waited about an hour after. Not sure that I can wait that long,” said Sonia.
“Me neither,” agreed Layton.
Neither of them felt like attempting to sit down. They were side by side, bent over the back of the settee, kissing and giggling.
“Fuck, my arse hurts,” said Sonia.
“Mine too,” replied Layton.
“You got fewer strokes,” pointed out Sonia.
“Still hurts, though,” said Layton.
“I am getting fucking horny, though,” chuckled Sonia.
“So am I,” answered Layton.
“Let’s go upstairs and fuck,” said Sonia.
“Yeah, let’s,” agreed Layton.
“God, it hurts walking with a caned arse,” said Sonia as she approached the stairs with Layton following.
They made it to the bedroom and removed their upper clothing.
“Let’s fuck,” said Sonia, after a long sensual kiss.
Sonia squealed when she sat her backside on the bed but soon shifted onto her back with her legs spread in the classic ‘come fuck me’ position. Layton did not need a second invitation.
He got on the bed between his mother’s legs, and his rigid cock was soon in her cunt shafting her. The fucking was frantic, and Sonia very soon came. The fucking went on and on, both of them stimulated by their stinging arses.
“Fuck, Layton, I am cumming again,” wailed Sonia as her son’s penis rapidly moved in and out of her.
Layton was showing no signs of ejaculating, and he had Sonia cumming a third and then a fourth time as the fucking continued.
At last, Layton’s body tensed, and he spurted stream after stream of spunk into Sonia’s cunt.
“God, that was a hell of a fucking,” said a sweaty Sonia when she could speak. Layton felt very pleased with himself.
The canings had certainly added to their arousal, and the cane would be used from time to time, but they would have to get selective about when to put it to use.
There was some soothing of caned bottoms, and arousal was building again.
“Go again before we sleep/?” asked Sonia, slowly wanking her son’s almost fully erect penis.
“Yeah,” said Layton, fingering Sonia’s already wet cunt.
Layton mounted Sonia for another fuck, it was not as fast and furious as the earlier one, nor as long-lasting, but they both eventually fell asleep satisfied.
That night, the delivery woman, who was named Ruth Henry and aged fifty-five, masturbated as she imagined herself caning the hot-looking youth who had taken delivery of the package. She came so hard. She knew that the thought was ridiculous, but she wanted to visit that house again, just not as a delivery person.
Sonia slept on her front and awoke to feel her arse being caressed.
“Good morning,” chuckled Sonia.
“Good morning,” replied Layton.
Layton then kissed his mother’s buttocks, and another fuck was on the horizon.
“From behind,” said a turned-on Sonia, but whether it was a request or a question was unclear.
Whichever it was, she was soon on her knees with Layton’s cock entering her from behind. This fuck was slow and sensual, and Sonia’s first orgasm of the day was a long time coming, but when it arrived, it was blissful. She came for a second time when Layton ejaculated.
As Sonia had the day off, they lay cuddling in bed until mid-morning before getting up, getting dressed, and having some breakfast. Layton was back at school the next day, so they were happy to spend this time together.
“What time is Aisha coming?” asked Layton.
“She did not say, just said afternoon,” replied Sonia.
“She is coming for sex, though, isn’t she?” said Layton.
“I think sex is always on Aisha’s mind,” laughed Sonia.
As there would be sexual activity once Aisha arrived, Sonia and Layton refrained from sexual contact with each other. They were both delighted when, at about two in the afternoon, their doorbell rang, and standing there was the gorgeous Indian woman.
Once indoors, Aisha had a long tongue-swapping kiss with Sonia and then with Layton.
“You having a good day off?” Aisha asked Sonia.
“Yeah, and more to come with you,” replied Sonia.
“And you, back to school tomorrow,” said Aisha to Layton.
“Yes, it has been the most amazing school holiday,” answered Layton.
“Did you put your cane to use?” asked Aisha.
“Oh yes, and the fuck afterward was unbelievable,” smiled Sonia.
“Show me your arses then,” said Aisha, and Sonia and Layton both turned their backs on her and bared their bottoms.
“Wow!” said Aisha, gently stroking Sonia’s backside and then, Layton’s.
“I took eight strokes; he got six,” said Sonia.
“I think that I should examine your bottoms further in the bedroom,” said Aisha, and the three of them went upstairs.
Sonia and Layton were face down, side by side on the bed, naked from the waist down as the still fully clothed Aisha kissed and caressed their buttocks.
Aisha was currently concentrating on Sonia’s arse, and she started finger fucking the slightly younger woman’s cunt.
“Mmmm, I like that,” purred Sonia.
“You are a horny bitch,” said Aisha.
“Yes, she is,” agreed Layton.
“Not as horny as you, you beautiful Indian slut. Come here,” said Sonia, rolling onto her back and holding out her arms in invitation to Aisha.
Aisha got on top of Sonia, and the women kissed as Sonia pawed Aisha’s arse. Layton correctly assumed that there was going to be some lesbian sex, so he moved off the bed to give the women some room.
The women rolled over, and Sonia was on top, and they looked into each other’s eyes as Sonia undid Aisha’s blouse. They kissed again, and then Sonia kissed down Aisha’s body to her stomach. Aisha raised her arse from the bed so that Sonia could undo and remove her skirt. Sonia then kissed the damp patch in Aisha’s knickers before the knickers were removed.
Sonia then had her head between Aisha’s legs, licking her cunt. Layton was very tempted to play with his mother’s raised arse but decided to leave the women to their sapphic sex.
“Mmm, mmmm, yes, fuck,” murmured the squirming Aisha, as Sonia tongued her to orgasm.
The women then got themselves completely naked and fondled each other’s breasts. At the moment, they were oblivious to Layton’s presence. There was more snogging before Aisha kissed slowly down Sonia’s body before licking Sonia’s cunt until she came. They kissed again.
“You have been very patient, Layton. Wy don’t you give Aisha a fucking?” smiled Sonia to her son. His erection suggested that he was ready to.
“Yes, please, put your lovely cock in me,” said Aisha, now on her back.
Layton took off his T-shirt and took up the offer. Aisha sighed as she guided Layton’s penis into her, and the fucking commenced.
Sonia watched, her eyes fixed on Layton’s cock sliding in and out of Aisha’s vagina between the woman’s raised legs. Sonia was fascinated.
“Yes, yes, big boy, fuck me hard,” encouraged Aisha, not that Layton needed any encouragement. Sonia fingered herself as her eyes were now on Aisha’s face which was showing her obvious pleasure.
“Shit! Yes, yes,” shouted Aisha as she came, and Sonia fingered herself faster.
The fuck continued. Sonia wanted to join in but contented herself with masturbation.
Aisha came a second time before Layton’s prick spat out his semen. Sonia had by then orgasmed.
“We must do this again,” said Aisha, kissing Layton and then Sonia. There did not seem to be much doubt that they would.
“Yes, but Layton needs to take his schoolwork seriously,” said Sonia.
“I will, but we can have some fun, can’t we?” said Layton.
“I am sure we will,” said Sonia.
They spent some time naked together before Aisha got dressed.
“Thank you for all that you have done for me,” said Layton to Aisha, and he meant it.
“I don’t know if your mother will ever fully forgive me for taking your virginity, but I love being with you,” replied Aisha.
“Maybe I won’t, but it has made you and me lovers,” said Sonia, feeling Aisha’s arse.
“It certainly has,” said Aisha, kissing Sonia.
Aisha left, and Sonia and Layton showered, got dressed, and ate. There was some debate about whether Layton should return to his own room at night because of school, but mother and son slept together, although there was no sex.
Meanwhile, Ruth Henry could not get the idea of visiting the house to which she had made the delivery of a cane out of her head. She had no idea what she expected the outcome of any visit to be, but as her fingers worked again in her cunt, she kept imagining the youth that had answered the door bent over with his arse bare for the cane.
If sex with Layton Devlin, and maybe with Sonia, became less frequent for Aisha Irani, which seemed inevitable, the beautiful Indian woman would still not be lacking in sexual partners.
Sonia and Layton’s incestual affair would no doubt continue.