Although December was a cold and wet month for San Francisco, the days were still warm enough and roads never had to be shoveled; Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) secret agent Amanda Xu had become too accustomed to this California climate. Originally she was thrilled to have been set up with an American husband living in sunny California for her cover, thought she would never have to shovel snow or drive through snow storms; yet today here she was driving a jeep rented under her cover identity of Lily Ng on the way to nearby Lake Tahoe in the north for her mission. She left very early in the morning and planned on returning to her husband and children by late night, having made the excuse that a friend was visiting from China who only spoke Mandarin and she wanted to spend time with her.
Along the way, she reminisced about how the MSS set her up with a fake online profile with an international bride agency that connected her with her now husband. He was an established and educated research director with a small but profitable technology startup, and she was to marry him to obtain legal immigration into the United States, whereupon she would only be assigned to limited industrial espionage activities while starting a family with him to solidify her cover. At first, she dreaded the mission, but did so out of patriotic loyalty to her country; however, when she got to know her new husband and taught him how to pleasure her in bed, she then really enjoyed her cover life.
More and more she despised the petty missions the MSS assigned her to, especially that with each mission the risk of her being exposed and caught increased exponentially. The fact that this particular mission was to get close to a technology startup genius to learn everything she could about his advanced quantum computer prototype during the winter holiday season when she could have been at home with her children made this mission extra frustrating, but she wanted to help her country in any way she could.
So after frustratingly driving through the snow with winter tires on the rental jeep, which she deliberately picked with an all-wheeled drive, she managed to pull into the Lake Tahoe ski resort late morning. She quickly checked to make sure no one was watching then attached her black wig with blonde highlights over top of her natural black hair and put a snow hat on top, then made her way to the ski rental area. After she put her skis on, she went to the lift to get to the top of the slope, and with binoculars, searched and found her target, a young man wearing a dark blue ski suit and orange goggles, who was skiing like a novice, just like the dossier she received on him said.
On the other side of the slope, unbeknownst to Amanda, former Navy SEAL turned CIA deep cover operative Malcolm Cheng spied on the skiers, looking for the target of an MSS operation. His current cover was that of an MSS handler for their agents in the San Francisco Bay Area, working out of the local China consulate pretending to be an intelligence officer there, which he used to leak information to his CIA handler. He was hoping to intercept and identify the deep cover MSS operative during this ski mission so he could end his assignment, so he kept his eyes on the MSS target, hoping he would not ski behind the trees, and began skiing after him.
She carefully started down the slope, controlled her speed by skiing down in a large ‘S’ pattern, and when she saw him, used her MSS spy training to slow herself down enough to not hurt him, then bumped into him so that he would gently fall just behind a tree and out of the way of much quicker incoming downhill skiers. She then turned around and made her way up the slope a little to help him, feigning concern but getting to him quickly to be the only person around him.
Unfortunately for Malcolm, he skied past the target and lost sight of him as he had to move fast to avoid hitting other skiers, plus he didn’t want to make it too obvious he was tailing someone. Things happened too quickly and he was unable to even get a glimpse of the skier that hit his target, so he decided to wait in the parking lot and follow the target’s car instead.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry! I am new to skiing!” she exclaimed in a perfect American accent, with no hint of her native Mandarin accent at all. She adjusted her hat deliberately to let her wig come out and leaned close to his face to show she was a woman, smiled, and adjusted her fake glasses so he could see her eyes.
“I’m OK. Thanks!” the young man said pleasantly, at first likely eager to avoid confrontation with her as the dossier said he was already wealthy so likely wanted to avoid lawsuits, but as he gazed at her beautiful face, with her light golden Chinese complexion glowing in the sunlight, he began to smile and stare mindlessly at her like a lovestruck fool, exactly as she had hoped he would. Only as a last resort would she beat or torture the information out of him.
“Let me help you up,” she said, and she pulled him to his feet while gazing carefully through his orange goggles to both feign interest as well as confirm he was her target, then held him as he put his skis back on and grabbed his poles.
“What’s your name?” he asked, upon which Amanda smiled as she knew she had him hooked now.
“Lily,” she replied, giving her cover identity as a Stanford University student to him.
“Shane,” he replied, though she already knew his name was Shane Austin, a young Ph.D. who graduated from Stanford University’s computer engineering program and the founder of an unicorn (a startup technology company valued at one billion USD) that had developed an advanced quantum computer, which the MSS wanted to get the architecture of. She also noticed an erection forming in his snow pants.
“You look a bit stunned Shane. Can I help you get somewhere to rest a bit?” she offered coyly.
“I rented a private cabin just down the road from here,” he blurted out, confirming what the report had told her.
She grabbed on of his ski poles, held it and hers in one hand, then held onto his arm with the other, and guided him down the hill slowly, while making small talk with him at the same time as showing him some skiing pointers. As she was careful, they took a while to get down, which gave her the opportunity to firm up her rapport with him, return his skis and poles, help him into the passenger’s seat of her rental vehicle, and then drive him to his cabin, listening and following his directions despite already knowing the location; she always did her research before approaching her mark.
Meanwhile, Malcolm sat patiently in his car, watching the departing visitors, hoping to spot Shane with the MSS agent disguised as a skier. He had staked out Shane’s car for over an hour while watching other cars in the parking lot. Disappointed that he had yet again missed an opportunity to identify the elusive MSS deep cover operative, he decided to stake out Shane’s rented cabin on the way back to San Francisco, thus he started his car and drove off.
After helping Shane inside, at which point she was certain he was alright and just faking disorientation to monopolize her attention, Amanda locked the door and closed all the curtains, while he prepared some hot chocolate for them. She removed her ski wear, underneath which she had on a tight green Christmas sweater with a line of red Santa hats across that clung to her breasts, and tight black yoga pants that showed off the lean musculature of her legs and buttocks; when she pulled off her snow pants she made sure to have her back turned to Shane as she bent over, and could feel his eyes on her rear as he approached with her hot chocolate.
“Here you go,” he offered her the mug of steaming hot chocolate, which contained some marshmallow cubes within.
Amanda took the mug to her nostrils and sniffed for any drugs or alcohol added, then took a tiny sip to verify; although she was sure it wasn’t drugged or laced with whiskey or rum, she walked over to the couch and put the mug on the end table beside it, and patted on the cushion beside her.
Shane obediently complied, sat beside her, and made broken and nervous conversation with her about his hobbies at family first, then loosened up and talked more about his research into quantum computing and architecting his latest quantum computer, which he boasted was the most advanced in existence yet. He was a decent-looking young man, with short red hair, a clean-shaven face, and a very white Caucasian skin complexion, likely from staying in for most of the day working on his quantum computer. Once she had guided the conversation into his quantum computing research, he was clearly in his comfort zone, and relaxed, and innocently leaned across her to put his mug beside hers.
Realizing the opportunity, Amanda gently rubbed her lips against his, then stuck her tongue into his mouth as his mug landed gently on the end table beside hers. Shane leaned on top of her, focused on touching her tongue with his, and bumped his face against her fake glasses; she quickly removed them and put them into her purse before he could check and see they were fakes. To keep him focused on her, she reached into his track pants and stroked his erection, upon which his hands reached under her sweater and grabbed both her breasts.
He then pulled her sweater off over her head, removed his sweat top, and pulled off her tight yoga pants, leaving her in nothing but her white cotton bra and panty; he took a moment to admire her flawless smooth Asian complexion. Next, he pulled off his sweatpants, and Amanda helped him with her feet, dragging off his underpants at the same time.
Now completely naked, he climbed back on top of her, removed her bra, and licked over her breasts and nipples. He then dragged the tip of his tongue down her body and over her leg, pulled her panty off, and positioned himself to penetrate her.
Amanda quickly grabbed a condom from her purse, put it over Shane’s erection, and then took out lubricant and lathered his condom with it, then got ready to lubricate her labia.
“May I?” asked Shane.
She handed him the lubricant, which he squeezed into his hands, then rubbed it thoroughly over her labia, and used his fingers to get some into her slit; she could not help but grind her labia lips against his fingers during the preparation work.
Shane leaned over her, wrapped his mouth over hers, stuck his tongue within, and carefully pushed the tip of his condom forward, bouncing off the flesh between her thigh and labia. Amanda adjusted her hips so that his second attempt brought his tip against her slit, and when she wrapped her legs around his waist, the lubricated condom easily slipped between her labia lips. After a few more thrusts, with her coordinating her position in response, he buried his shaft deep into her.
Being inexperienced, he pumped away vigorously into her, grunting and groaning while trying to bury his phallus as deep into her as he possibly could. She felt his hand slide up her thigh and hold her knee for deeper penetration and gasped with delight as the pace of his thrusting quickened, and hoped he would ejaculate soon.
As he thrust in and out of her at a fast and furious pace, their breathing quickened in pace, and the wet slapping sounds of coitus were accompanied by their primal grunts and groans of satisfaction. Soon she was moaning loudly and closed her eyes to extract as much pleasure from the mission as possible.
Suddenly he pumped hard and deep into her, dumping a small load of semen into his condom, and grunted loudly in triumph. Again he involuntarily thrust into her and groaned, but this time he triggered a response from her, as her body shuddered in a small climax, and she let out a soft sigh of joy. Nature guided his body into three more sudden thrusts into her, but her body did not derive any pleasure from their coitus anymore.
Exhausted, she wiggled out from underneath him, sat on top of his softening phallus, and made small talk for a short bit, until she found the correct opportunity to exchange contact information with him. She kept talking a bit more, and soon Shane went to sleep to recuperate from their recent activity, which allowed her to secretly make a copy of his smartphone and laptop, which were both in the cabin with him. She then quickly dressed and left quietly to not wake him, and began the long drive back to San Francisco. As it was still early afternoon, she was hopeful to be home by early evening.
Malcolm had been slowed by a sudden snow squall and arrived at Shane’s cabin to find no car parked in the driveway, but tread marks going in and out. As the curtains were all open, he managed to peek inside and see Shane walking about by himself. Malcolm guessed the Chinese spy had finished her work quickly, and was likely the tire treadmarks on the driveway as he did not see a garage nor Shane’s rental car, and drove off following the trail.
She raced down out of Lake Tahoe as quick as she could, careful not to slip in the snow, though the plows had cleared the roads, and managed to make it to Sacramento in good time without alerting the California Highway Patrol. After a brief stop to rest, use the filthy washroom, and return a call from a lovestruck Shane, she continued west and crossed a bridge north of the San Francisco Bay Area, and found herself in San Rafael where, as luck would have it, a sudden snowstorm struck.
Amanda was amused; she never thought she would have a white Christmas in California. At first, it started as light flurries, with small snowflakes descending gradually from the sky, but in a few short minutes, a steady downpour of snow blocked her from seeing more than a few feet ahead, and the highway felt exceptionally slippery, so she slowed down.
The poor winter driving conditions forced her to pull over at a tiny winery and wait for the storm to pass so she could see clearly while driving.
The winery was very old and decorated for the holidays, adorned with lights, wreaths, and an inflatable display of Santa riding the sleigh pulled by reindeer, which Amanda found heartwarming. She saw a light through the frosted window of the front door, below which hung a holiday wreath, and she entered the building.
Meanwhile, the snow squall following Malcolm had evolved into a full-blown blizzard, and he could not see any tire marks from any car ahead of him as the entire highway had been covered with snow. He mused that the MSS agent was very lucky to have weather working in his favor, especially considering now it was too dangerous to drive, plus Malcolm had no idea if the agent had continued on this highway or took another at this intersection. Frustrated at losing the trail, Malcolm picked the route that would eventually take him over the Golden Gate Bridge and pulled into a gas station with a diner complex. He then entered the diner, which was decorated for the holidays and had a Christmas tree in the entryway, ordered a cup of tea, and sat by the window, reminiscing about once again spending the holidays away from his family, friends, and SEAL team; he sadly reflected how he wished he could be with them, and was glad his handler Harrison still allowed him to send messages out to them.
Looking around carefully first, Amanda saw empty tables and chairs, plus a counter with a cash register. The windows were covered with snow, so she could not see outside, but inside she was alone except for two young men who were staring at her; they looked like they had just won the lottery. The first man was tall, European, had short auburn hair, and was reasonably built, while the second was also tall, of African descent, had short black hair, and was lean and athletic; both men were very handsome. It took a while, but Amanda finally recognized them as Carlos and Henry Ronaldo, the famous adopted brothers who founded a successful cyber security company that specialized in investigating intrusions and hacking attacks and were also on a list of MSS targets for her to pursue.
“Hi,” the men said simultaneously.
“Hi, do you work here?” she asked coyly.
“No, we own the place,” replied Carlos.
“I’m Henry, and that is my brother, Carlos,” said the tall African-American man, smiling widely.
Thank goodness she was still in her Lily Ng costume, and not as plain Amanda, as she did not want to be recognized.
“Lily,” she replied in perfect English without any Mandarin accent, then asked, “Is it OK if I stay here until the storm dies down a bit?”
“Of course it is,” replied Henry.
“Thanks!” she replied, and she walked a bit forward.
“Stop!” said Henry, so she did, and he walked up to her.
Before she could react, she felt his lips on hers, his arms wrapped around her body; they certainly weren’t wasting time with small talk. Amanda suspected them of being too used to getting women and quickly pushed him away, infuriated at both his arrogance and lack of respect for personal space.
“Hey! What the hell were you doing?” she asked.
“You were standing underneath a mistletoe,” replied Henry, pointing above her.
“You should have asked first,” responded Amanda.
“You are right. Nothing less than enthusiastic consent,” apologized Henry.
“That’s better. Now you may kiss me.”
With that, their mouths joined, and the dancing of tongues commenced. Amanda was so focused on playing with Henry’s tongue that she didn’t even realize that Carlos had quietly walked up behind her until he whispered into her ear.
“May I join in?” he asked.
She just nodded as she unbuttoned Henry’s shirt and removed it, then began running her hands over his smooth, muscular chest. Opening her eyes, she admired the contrast of her light yellowish Chinese complexion against the youthful, vigorous, dark chocolate flesh of Henry, and found the difference very erotic. As she explored the musculature of his arms with her hands, she felt Henry’s hardness poking into her abdomen, while Carlos’ hands slipped into her waistband and pulled her yoga pants off.
Henry took off his pants and boxers so that he was completely naked in front of her, narcissistically paused for a minute so that Amanda could admire his chiseled physique and perfect skin, and then knelt at her feet. He stuck his tongue out and licked his way up the front of both of her legs, his hands holding her waist while his thumbs rubbed the front of her panty.
Similarly, behind her Carlos licked his way up the back of her legs, hands feeling the sides until they reached the top, where they gently spread her legs a little to open up some space between them. He then licked the crotch of her panty, pressed two fingers onto it, and rubbed hard; Amanda could feel the fingertips stimulating her labia lips and became very aroused.
As she groaned in delight, Henry stood up, then lifted her sweater off of her, so that she had nothing on except her undergarments. He kissed her shoulder, then down her chest, and when Carlos removed her bra, sucked a nipple into his mouth, upon which she moaned in appreciation. He then licked down her torso, grabbed her panty, and slowly pulled it off. Afterward, Carlos pressed himself against her, and she realized as she took some of his body heat that all three were completely naked now.
“Wait!” shouted Amanda as she pushed out from between them, picked up her purse from the floor, put it over her shoulder, and took out two condoms, handing one to each man.
Without question, the men immediately broke the packages open and rolled the thin rubber over their erections. She then took out the lubricant from her purse, squeezed some onto each condom, wrapped a fist around each erection, and pumped their phalluses to spread the lubricant over. Her hands now smeared with it, she rubbed it thoroughly over her labia, while Henry took some lubricant and rubbed it into the crack between her butt cheeks, and some even into her anus; Amanda was a little worried as she had never done anal before.
As she anticipated, she felt the lubricated rubber of Henry’s condom slip between her butt cheeks, slowly and gently thrusting its way toward her anus, and she let out a nervous gasp as he eased himself into her behind. After some more careful and gentle thrusts by an obvious expert, she felt the tip of rubber make its way inside of her.
Once Henry was comfortably buried in Amanda’s anus, Carlos lifted one of her legs and wrapped it around his waist, exposing her slit, where she soon felt the tip of his lubricated rubber sliding against it. Like Henry, he slowly rubbed his glans against her slit, gently easing it between her labia lips, rubbing against her inner labia as it slowly snaked its way into her vagina. Amanda groaned in satisfaction as both men’s condoms slid in and out of her vagina and anus, providing an erotic stimulation she had never experienced before.
Both men maintained a steady and moderate pace, likely to ensure no injury to her butthole, which provided her with enough satisfying stimulation that she began to moan and groan loudly. At first, she tried to gyrate her hips in harmony with the two thrusting men, but since she had one leg wrapped around Carlos’ waist she did not have balance and could not. However, Carlos seemed to sense what she wanted and wrapped her other leg around his waist, so that she was completely suspended in the air, relying on the two men’s consistent thrusting to keep her from falling.
The two men focused totally on satisfying her, continuing to pump in and out of her at a manageable pace, while keeping her off the floor, which allowed deeper penetration by both into her. The extra sensations had a sublime effect, and Amanda found herself completely focused on the pleasure generated by the two condoms sliding in and out of the two holes beneath her waist.
To stabilize her further, the men grabbed each other and thrust deeper into her, and she moaned aloud in pleasure. After some maneuvering, the men aligned their motions such that when one thrust up, the other withdrew, ensuring that Amanda was constantly being pumped upwards so she would not drop.
While keeping this carnal rhythm, their groans of pleasure reached a crescendo, drowning out the wet slapping sounds of double penetration. Amanda could only moan in sensual satisfaction while breathing heavily; the men grunted with each thrust while breathing heavily from the intense erotic exertion.
Suddenly both men thrust hard into her, and she felt their condoms expand within her, and heard them both let out powerful triumphant moans as they ejaculated. Amanda had enjoyed the experience as well but did not enjoy the anal penetration; she instead sighed in relief as the coitus reached a satisfying conclusion for them.
The men gently put her down, then turned her around so that she was facing Henry, who started kissing her while Carlos kissed her back.
“Stop! I’m exhausted and need to get back home,” she exclaimed, turned her face away from them, and gently pushed them away.
“Sorry,” Henry said earnestly, as both he and Carlos picked up their clothes and began dressing.
“It’s OK…let’s exchange phone numbers so we can pick this up again another day,” suggested Amanda, as she quickly put on her clothes.
With that, they all quickly dressed, and Amanda got their phone numbers while she gave them the number of her pay-per-use phone that she got with her Lily Ng cover identity.
“Merry Christmas!” she said as she left.
“Hope you have as merry a Christmas as we just did!” responded Carlos.
When Amanda stepped outside, the snowfall had stopped, so she got into her rental car and sped off toward home in San Francisco.
Meanwhile, not far behind, Malcolm had his miserable silent soliloquy about not having a significant other interrupted when he finally noticed the snow had stopped. Anxious to return to his apartment in San Francisco, he jumped into his car and sped off down the freeway. He was driving much faster than he should and hoped he would not attract attention from the California Highway Patrol. As he turned around a bend, he caught sight of an SUV, with a single driver within, rocketing down the highway far ahead of him. He decided to take a risk and speed up to catch the license plate.
Checking her rearview mirror carefully, Amanda noticed a car far off behind her speeding up, which she found too odd to ignore; she suspected someone was following her and trying to get her license plate. She looked ahead and saw a station wagon ahead of her filled with passengers, and skis attached to the top. She sped up, and despite this being only a single lane per direction freeway, she cut in front of the car, eliciting an angry honk from the oncoming car on the opposite side.
Upon seeing the dangerous maneuver of the SUV ahead of him, he suspected the driver was the MSS agent and knew he was tailing him, so he slammed on the gas in an attempt to pass the station wagon as soon as the other lane was clear, to give chase. However, he did not anticipate the agent’s next move.
Suddenly, Amanda slammed on her brakes and honked her horn, which shocked the station wagon behind her into slamming onto its brakes; as the road was slippery, the station wagon began to slide in different directions on the road. Amanda however had been trained by the MSS to drive in such conditions and just sped on.
Luckily Malcolm had seen the brake lights on the station wagon and had hit his brakes, pulled the hand brake, then shifted his car into neutral to slow down, while focusing on the steering to keep himself from sliding out of control. As he approached the station wagon, which spun off the road into a ditch, he executed a similar move to avoid a collision. He looked at the opposite lane and behind them, and thankfully no cars were approaching, so he got out of his car and ran over to the station wagon.
“Everybody OK?” he asked, looking in through the driver’s window, where he saw four Caucasians, two men, and two women, all dressed warmly in winter. Although he could not be sure, they all seemed to be in their early to mid-twenties and shared similar facial features, but he had no time to discern if they were all related or not, as the driver rolled down his window.
“Yeah. We had to hit the brakes because the driver ahead of us slammed on theirs for no reason, and then he sped off. Fucking prick! I should have just hit him!” exclaimed the driver, and he got out to inspect his car.
“At least you’re all OK. We’ll need a tow truck to get your car out,” said Malcolm, who was so focused on comforting him that he didn’t notice the passenger come up behind him until she tapped his shoulder.
“Malcolm?” she asked.
Malcolm turned and at first stared at the pretty Italian face in front of him, which was wrapped in long curly brown hair. She was about two inches taller than him and wore a red Santa hat, a long black goose feather winter coat, snow pants, and flat winter boots. After a moment, he regained his composure and recognized her.
“Giovanna?” asked Malcolm.
“Hi! Why are you out here?”
“Visiting Lake Tahoe.”
“By yourself?”
“Umm…yeah, because, everyone else was busy. Uhh…why are you here?”
“I wanted to go skiing, and everyone was busy, so my brothers and sister decided to come with me,” she explained while motioning to her siblings who had gotten out of the car to stretch their legs.
After some small talk, where Malcolm begrudgingly gave them his cover story about being an office worker in the Chinese consulate who was also taking first-year medical school courses at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) campus, where he met Giovanna as they both enjoyed afternoon swims in the athletic center; he was careful to avoid mentioning how he was mesmerized by the beautiful woman with a lean and fit athletic figure kicking her sexy long legs to out-swim him in playful competition. She mentioned that he seemed to be training for the Olympics, but he explained his grueling exercise regimen on a need to keep his blood sugar down, hoping they would not realize he was trying to stay in SEAL shape; regardless, he managed to develop a very friendly rapport with Giovanna’s family, though he hated lying to the Francinis.
Meanwhile, Amanda had made it to the Golden Gate Bridge, and admired its giant red structure as she drove over the bridge and into San Francisco city itself, then returned the rental car to the center, changed out of her Lily Ng disguise in her secret Chinatown garage, and took public transit back home. She impatiently waited as the bus finally dropped her off near her home, as it was already dark outside and she had to get home quickly before her husband Brad returned to pay off and send away the babysitter.
After a long wait, the tow truck arrived and pulled the Francini’s car out of the ditch, but the damage made it impossible to drive. To impress Giovanna, Malcolm paid the tow truck the fee to take the car to a body shop near their home in Cupertino in Silicon Valley, and offered to drive them home; he was thrilled when Giovanna immediately said yes. He enthusiastically helped them load their things into his trunk and smiled when the lovely Giovanna sat in the passenger seat next to the driver’s as he started his car and drove off.
As Amanda made her way down the street, she walked by a house that had a Christmas party with young adult guests going on and kept her head low as she did not want to be seen. However, as she quickly passed, she heard a familiar voice shout out:
She spun around to see Declan, the young twenty-something biracial son of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives jogging up towards her. Concerned as she did not want to alert people she was out now, she looked sternly at him and put her finger to her lips.
“Declan, who is it?” asked a voice from the house holding the party.
“Uhh…nothing. Thought it was someone I knew. Go back inside…I got to get something from my car,” replied Declan, who went to his car outside the house.
Grateful, Amanda quickly walked around a corner and began the last leg home when she heard a pair of footsteps running behind her. Unsurprised, she turned around to see Declan jog right up to her, a wide boyish smile on his handsome face.
“Why are you out now and don’t want anyone to know?” he asked suggestively, thought a bit, then asked, “Are you sneaking around on your husband?”
Although Declan was attempting to look cocky, she noticed him fidgeting uncomfortably as the erection in his pants grew larger.
“No!” she replied angrily, and added, “I just want a little privacy.”
“I won’t tell anyone…if you come with me behind the Palace of Fine Arts,” he said.
“This is blackmail!” she replied, but knew she had to comply, else her cover could be blown, besides which, Declan was quite good-looking and she figured she would enjoy it anyway.
“Come on,” Declan insisted.
“Fine, but I’m not having sex with you! You have fifteen minutes,” Amanda whispered angrily while setting the alarm on her smartphone.
With that, he took her hand and led her to a quiet hidden corner in the Palace of Fine Arts area where nobody could see them, sat her on a bench, pressed his mouth against hers, slipped his tongue in, and squeezed her breasts. Mindful of his time limit, he grabbed her yoga pants, pulled them off, then unzipped his slacks and lowered them.
“I told you we’re not having sex!” Amanda insisted.
“Can I just grind it against you please?” he asked desperately.
His pants open and down, he lifted her legs, put them over his shoulders, then lay on her, the erection in his boxers pressed firmly against the crotch of her panty. He then began thrusting against her, so his hardness went up and down along her panty, rubbing the cotton against her labia lips. He pumped vigorously, determined to get as much rubbing done as possible in the few minutes left, and panted and groaned frequently.
Amanda closed her eyes as she enjoyed the rubbing along her crotch area, and started to moan in appreciation.
Meanwhile, Malcolm had just arrived at the Francini’s home in Cupertino. It was a large house with a two-car garage, two stories, and he counted seven windows in front, so guessed there must have been at least five bedrooms within, and that the home was likely worth at least six million now. He was grateful the long drive to Cupertino had been pleasant, with a lot of camaraderie built with Giovanna’s siblings, and was confident he made a good impression on them. He wished them all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, waving, and was about to ask Giovanna for her phone number as she had not stepped away from his car yet when she turned to her family and said:
“Tell Mom and Dad I’m going to take Malcolm out for a coffee as thank you for paying the tow truck and driving us home. I’ll be back later,” she said, and she got back into his car, to his delight.
Malcolm then hopped back into his car with her, waved bye to her siblings one last time for the evening, then drove off.
“Where do you want to go?” asked Malcolm.
“There’s a Starbucks nearby. I’ll show you the way,” said Giovanna, who somehow managed to remove her snow pants and toss them into the back seat, revealing she was wearing a loose black cotton miniskirt and black nylons that covered her beautiful legs; Malcolm noted the evening was getting even better already.
Declan groaned and grunted, then thrust hard and fast against the crotch of Amanda’s panty as he ejaculated; she could feel some wetness in her underwear, but luckily the phone alarm went off. She pushed Declan off of her and put her yoga pants back on, then turned to him and said:
“Don’t tell anyone about this!”
With that, she quickly jogged the path back to her home, and let herself in quietly. She listened and did not hear a sound, so she knew immediately that she had luckily beat her husband home, paid off the babysitter and saw her off, then went up to the master ensuite to take a long warm bubble bath to get the stench of four men off of her.
Despite having had many conversations with Giovanna at UCSF, as well as the drive to Cupertino, he was still a bit nervous while they shared a coffee at a quiet corner in the local Starbucks, as this time she was asking very serious questions. She grilled him about his plans in life, whether he wanted to start a family, and other very serious questions, which he answered honestly, but avoided too many details to not blow his cover. However, he reaffirmed to her his intention to stay in the United States, which was true as he wanted to be a SEAL for a while after this undercover mission and complete medical school. He then asked her the same questions, plus some about her childhood, and they both soon discovered they were very compatible, so he relaxed and let the conversation flow naturally, but decided not to tell her that he was here undercover for the CIA as of yet.
While they talked, they looked into each others’ eyes, smiling, and her hand soon made its way to his thigh. Malcolm decided to take a risk and gently placed a hand on her knee, feeling the warm flesh through her thin nylon stockings; she did not attempt to remove it. As they continued speaking, his hand started to caress her knee and thigh, and Giovanna let out a soft moan of arousal.
“Come on. I want to show you something,” she said, and taking his hand, led him out of the coffee shop.
Amanda checked on her children, who were impatiently awaiting her return so they could get the next trinket from their advent calendars. She helped her youngest, her son, grab his gift first, then took a picture of him smiling as he played with it. When he accidentally dropped it, she knew it was time and placed him comfortably into his crib, and he quickly fell asleep.
When she made her way to her daughter’s room, she heard a car, likely a taxi, pull up onto her driveway. Then she heard the familiar voice of her husband wishing the taxi driver ‘Merry Christmas’, followed by incoming footsteps, and finally the front door deadbolt opening.
Amanda’s husband entered quietly, locked the door, and silently made his way up the stairs; she waited outside their daughter’s room until he saw her, at which point she put a finger to her lips and pointed to their sleeping son’s room. They then entered their daughter’s room, who hugged her father, then took a gift from her Advent calendar before passing out in bed.
“Hurry up and get washed,” Amanda told her husband, then added, “I have a surprise for you.”
Further south, in the secluded hills of Los Altos, Malcolm parked his car in a quiet area off the road, as Giovanna had instructed him to. As he pulled up the hand brake, she quickly turned off the ignition, pulled out the keys, jumped out of the car, and hopped into the back seat; Malcolm could not believe how tired he was, even after a coffee, that he could not intercept her in progress. His internal shaming was interrupted when he felt a gentle kick into the back of the driver’s seat.
“Hurry up and get back here,” Giovanna said.
Obediently, he got out of the car, checked around to make sure nobody was around, and then hopped into the back seat as she commanded, whereupon she locked the car doors. Not knowing what to expect, Malcolm turned to her, confused, and she leaned closer to him, their lips just about two inches apart.
“Stop being such a good boy with me,” Giovanna whispered to him.
With that, their lips met, and Malcolm kissed a woman for the very first time. As he opened his mouth, her tongue slipped inside and played with his, and he felt an erection begin to form as he became more aroused. Excited, he placed a hand on her lower leg, and then slid it up over her knee; she let out a gasp of delight, reached over, unzipped his jacket, lifted his sweater and undershirt, and felt his smooth chest and abdominals, noticing how her creamy white Italian flesh contrasted with his light golden Chinese complexion.
Back north, Amanda Xu had changed into a sexy Santa dress with a matching hat, and laid on her marital bed, one leg crossed over the other, awaiting her husband in the hope of impressing him. As he stepped out of the master ensuite, wearing only his boxers, she noted how much weight he had lost as she forced him to accompany her on her exercise regimen; he was looking healthier and more acceptable as a sex partner. She smiled as his eyes lit up when he finally noticed her lying in bed for him.
“Happy holidays,” she whispered, careful to not wake their sleeping children, and smiling seductively at her husband, beckoned him with her finger.
He wasted no time and removed his underwear, then joined her in bed, climbed atop her, and kissed her shoulder. His hands slipped around her back, found the zipper to her dress, and unzipped it, then pulled it down below her breasts. Her breasts freed, he squeezed them and sucked on her nipples, just like she taught her, and she moaned in delight.
Meanwhile, in the hills of Los Altos, while seated in the back seat of his car, Malcolm’s hand had found its way underneath Giovanna’s sweater and was busy fondling her breasts. Their kissing had evolved into dancing their tongues against each other, with mouths wrapped tightly together, only occasionally stopping to catch a breath. While they kissed, he felt her hands fumble with his belt, quickly unbuckled it, then opened up his trousers, and freed his hard phallus from the confines of his boxers. Her hands then wrapped around his shaft and pumped it vigorously, and Malcolm groaned in delight.
After a brief struggle, in which Amanda giggled, her husband wrestled her sexy dress off, and she lay naked except for her Santa hat. After circling her other nipple with his tongue, he ran his tongue down her torso, into her pubic hair, over her clitoris, down over her labia, and down her sexy legs; she moaned as she liked that her husband enjoyed licking her.
Next, he got between her legs, lowered his face, and ran his tongue up and down her labia lips and the slit in between; she responded to his stimulation by bucking her hips, attempting to force his tongue into her slit. Unsatisfied with the lubrication provided by his saliva, he reached into a drawer and took out a bottle of lubricant, squeezed some into his hand, and lathered his erect glans and phallus with it. He then squeezed some onto her labia, and rubbed it thoroughly with the gel, arousing his wife more, and on occasion slipped a finger into her slit. Now comfortable with the amount of lubrication, he placed his glans on her slit and gently began thrusting himself into her.
Several miles south of San Francisco, an excited Malcolm reached underneath Giovanna’s miniskirt, feeling up her thigh until he felt the warmth of her loins. He reached with his fingers until he touched the crotch area of her black nylons, whereupon he realized she was not wearing panties, then rubbed the crotch between her legs roughly, felt and found where her slit was, and focused on rubbing that part. Giovanna grunted like an animal, and instinctively wrapped her legs around Malcolm and pulled her loins against his fingers. With his erection hard and twitching in her hand, he reached both hands under her skirt and started to pull her nylons off, but Giovanna placed her hand firmly on his, and whispered into his ear:
“No. I’m not ready for sex yet.”
Malcolm just nodded, and still breathing like an animal, kissed her lovingly, which caused her to smile. He thought for a while about what to do and was unsure of what move he should make, as he did not want to risk violating any of her boundaries, so he took his hands off of her and sat back a bit.
“I still want to do something with you, but not intercourse,” she said quietly, then after some thought, whispered, “Wait. I have an idea.”
She then grabbed his glans and pressed them against his abdominal muscles, pinning his erection against the bottom of his eight-pack. To Malcolm’s delight, she then climbed onto his pelvis, straddling him, wrapped her legs around his back, and pressed the crotch of her nylon stockings against the underside of his shaft; she paused for a moment as she felt the warmth of his erection through her nylons against her labia, and grunted primally once more. She wrapped her arms around his head, her mouth around his, initiated another tongue dance with his tongue, and slowly began to slide her slit up and down along the bottom of his phallus, which caused him to moan with delight.
In the Marina district of San Francisco, Amanda’s husband was now thrusting in and out of her vigorously, each time trying to deepen the penetration. To penetrate deeper, he lifted her legs over his shoulders and pumped as hard and fast into her as he possibly could, as she ground her loins against his for as much sensation as she could generate. As they had gotten used to having coitus together, they quickly fell into an erotic rhythm, where their thrusting motions aligned, and their breathing and groaning also synchronized, and instinct overtook conscious effort.
Meanwhile, being their first time together, Malcolm and Giovanna fumbled about a bit, but by giving each other verbal cues about what felt best, eventually found a cooperative rhythm of grinding motion that was mutually enjoyable for both. It didn’t take long then for both of them to synchronize their crotch grinding, breathing, and grunting into a natural carnal symphony, and they both let nature take over their bodies while they enjoyed the sensations emanating from their loins.
Up in San Francisco, Amanda and her husband ground and thrust against each other in a blissful trance, oblivious to their surroundings; luckily Amanda remembered to lock the door to their bedroom in case they woke the children. She was enjoying the pleasurable sensations his Caucasian penis was generating when the glans rubbed against her Chinese clitoris and vaginal walls, and moaned in joy throughout their coitus; luckily he had applied plenty of lubrication beforehand as she would have felt discomfort long before now, as she already had intercourse twice earlier today, and had just dry humped the son of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
Amanda felt her husband slam his glans hard and deep into her, and she felt a tiny drop of semen shot into her vagina. Her body responded by convulsing along her spinal cord in a single shockwave, and she cried out triumphantly and then clenched her toes as her orgasm flowed through her. Soon after, he slammed his penis into her again, grunted, and she felt a trickle of semen hit her vagina; her body spasmed in response, and she grunted in ecstasy. This cycle of ejaculation and orgasm continued five more times until nothing leaked from her husband’s member, upon which he rolled off her and collapsed beside her, panting for breath, while she lay very still, hoping that his sperm would make their way into her uterus.
“It’s not even Christmas Eve yet,” murmured her husband.
“I’ll think of something special. Don’t worry,” responded Amanda.
The holidays were also getting better for Giovanna and Malcolm, as they enthusiastically ground against each other at a fast and furious pace, grunting and breathing together in carnal harmony. Malcolm found himself in a bit of a trance-like state, where in addition to the stimulation in his groin, he felt a deep emotional intimacy with Giovanna now; she felt the same by the way she was so relaxed and enjoying herself. He was so happy to have finally achieved this intimacy with her, after all those months of lusting after her during his swimming laps, attempting to get to know her better, and fantasizing about her while masturbating, he did not want this moment of ecstasy to end.
Suddenly, without warning, he felt Giovanna shudder in his arms, and she let out a loud triumphant sigh before collapsing against him, exhausted. He was still hard and wanted to continue grinding against her crotch, but decided against it as he didn’t want to hurt her, so instead held her lovingly and kissed her lips tenderly while they relaxed and caught their breaths.
“Did you enjoy it?” she asked, as she came down from her orgasmic high.
“Of course,” he gasped between breaths.
“Good, but I was hoping to get you off too.”
“You did.”
Giovanna just reached down and took his still hard and purple member in her hand, ran her thumb over top his glans, and just smiled at him; he was glad that she wanted him to ejaculate, but he was just elated at his first time being intimate with a woman, especially with a woman he had a huge crush on.
“Look, you don’t have to go skiing alone anymore. Just call me,” Giovanna insisted, before she paused and asked, “Are you going away for the holidays?”
Malcolm could not, as he did not want to blow his cover, though he planned on sending holiday greetings to his family, friends, and SEAL teammates, as well as his CIA handler, but decided against telling her this yet. Plus he still wanted to see if he could find that Chinese MSS agent who almost ran Giovanna off the highway earlier; the sooner he caught him, the sooner he could end his mission and tell Giovanna everything.
“No. I’m still trying to get those med school textbooks used and cheaper before classes start in January,” he said, which was almost true, except that he could afford to buy the textbooks brand new.
“Good. Then come over on Christmas Day. First thing in the morning. I want you to meet my parents,” said Giovanna, who kissed him on the lips, then added, “You better take me home. It’s been almost two hours already and my parents will be getting suspicious.”
With that, they quickly fixed their clothes and she put her snow pants back on, and they drove off, both smiling all the way. This was his best Christmas ever, Malcolm thought to himself.